海芝浦のアナウンス、これあったら面白かったかも 「海芝浦駅は、企業関係者以外、駅の外に出ることができませんので、ご注意下さい。企業関係者以外のお客様で、切符の方は、駅構内で帰りの切符をお求め下さい。ICカードの方は、一回出場の簡易改札機にタッチの後、入場の簡易改札機にタッチしてください。折り返し電車の待ち合わせは、『海芝公園』をご利用ください。」 「Please note that Umi-Shibaura Station does not allow anyone other than company-related personnel to go out of the station. If you are not a corporate customer and you have a ticket, please purchase a return ticket inside the station. If you have an IC card, please touch the simple ticket gate for entry once, then touch the simple ticket gate for entry. Please use "Umishiba Park" to meet up for the return train.」
「Please note that Umi-Shibaura Station does not allow anyone other than company-related personnel to go out of the station. If you are not a corporate customer and you have a ticket, please purchase a return ticket inside the station. If you have an IC card, please touch the simple ticket gate for entry once, then touch the simple ticket gate for entry. Please use "Umishiba Park" to meet up for the return train.」