IMAGO 2018 - Strategy in Leadership and Regeneration by Paulus Bambang

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 8 ส.ค. 2018
  • Kita hidup di digital world
    D : disruption is inevitable
    I : industry revolution 5.0 is on the way
    G lobal connectivity everything, everywhere
    In click away to live your life
    T echnology eats the world ; IoT, 3D printing, self driving vehicles, collaborate robote, drone
    All shared economy, blockchain
    L oyalty to solution not product and or brand
    Worker in the digital area
    D riven by seftactualization
    I n hand power of world
    G lobal connectivity
    I n a constant battle of peer pressure
    T he “me” generation
    A mbitious and confident
    L ook different
    Improvement doing the same things a bit better
    Innovation is doing new thing
    Disruption create new thing
    Semua orang bisa jadi creators bahkan hape dan kendaraan nanti bisa di create sendiri
    How to be a leader in Digital area?
    1. karyawan harus ditantang untuk new innovation, drive empowerment/trust vs being in control. Gereja harus berani juga kasih space untuk anak muda agar bisa berkarya
    2. Inspire thru purpose/values ; integritas dan jangan mudah menyerah.
    3. Kasih value yang bagus untuk anak buah. Kekristenan atau leader harus mengandalkan Tuhan
    4. Grow champion/co-founder attitude
    5. Tell no “what”, questioned how and why
    6. Accelerate process
    Lead to exponential result : culture, team, business model
    Doa adalah kunci untuk leadership.

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