Dry needling is actually acupuncture. It’s a term they came up with the physical therapists and such could needle without getting an acupuncture license. It doesn’t have all the theory of acupuncture - it’s more based just on trigger points etc. Acupuncture has many techniques and goes to various depths. In acupuncture we needle muscles and also energetically work spots to help the body heal itself
Is this risky cause of windpipe and nerves nearby?
wanted to ask can this help if you feel discomfort wearing a shirt
I've never seen someone leave the needles in like that. Usually it's insertion, manipulation and immediate removal.
external jugular... not external carotid...
He fixed that later in video- but good to note ! I was curious about that at first too
Who is this guy i have really bad scalenes tightness to but no acupuncture person around gold coast ive seen will help.
I habe same
@@jss2889 do you have pain in head mit scalenus?
@@Travel-l2f not so much headache pain its like this werid tightness though. I am sure if it goes on long enough head aches will come along to.
@@jss2889 im also have tightness...feel you after akupunktur better? I read many over TCM... I hope the doctors can help me
It’s Acupuncture.
Nope…acupuncture is sub-cutaneous ..in this here the needle is in the muscle
Dry needling is actually acupuncture. It’s a term they came up with the physical therapists and such could needle without getting an acupuncture license.
It doesn’t have all the theory of acupuncture - it’s more based just on trigger points etc.
Acupuncture has many techniques and goes to various depths. In acupuncture we needle muscles and also energetically work spots to help the body heal itself
OMG speak up please