// TRUTH MUST BE TOLD!!! ISRAELITES, WE are THE PEOPLE of the bible... Here's how... Shalom "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people!!! Who we are is important! Yah's "Chosen" people are the "Israelites," not the "Hebrews," not "Hebrew Israelites," not "Black Hebrew Israelites," nor anyone else outside of the "Children of Israel." Either you are born an "Israelite" or you are not. [ Deuteronomy 7:6 KJV ] For thou [Israelites] art an holy people unto the LORD thy God: the LORD thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth. We all need to know the following truths… With respect, we have to stop allowing false “labels” to be placed upon Yah’s "Chosen" people. We have to stop feeding the “confusion” that the “world” intentionally places upon us. Remember, “God is not the author of confusion,” nor should we participate in the confusing folly of the enemy. We have to make the “truth” plain (clear) to those that don’t know and also to those that are confused by all of the false and misleading labels that have been placed upon us Israelites. HERE’S THE TRUTH: We are “Israelites,” by blood, it’s a bloodline. We are NOT “Hebrew Israelites,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israelites,” and definitely NOT “Christians.” Period! Our promise (as being the “Chosen” people of Yah) from Yah, came through the bloodline of our forefathers “Abraham”, “Isaac,” and “Jacob.” Yah changed “Jacob’s” name to Israel (see below), NOT “Hebrew Israel,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israel,” just “Israel.” Israel had 12 sons, aka the 12 Tribes of Israel, aka the “Israelites;” and that is who we are. That is our “Nationality.” Yes, we are a melanated people, and society calls us "black people," but as far as “labels” go, we are not “black,” not “Afro/African American, not African,” none of those disparaging and ridiculous labels. We are "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people. Genesis 35:10 And God said unto him, Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel. There is no such thing as a “Spiritual Israelite,” nor are there any “Spiritual Israelite Tribes.” There is no such thing as the “12 Spiritual Tribes of Israel.” This is all nonsense. We as a people, at times, are referred to as the “Nation of Israel” (the people of Israel, the man), NOT to be confused with the people for whom the “State of Israel” was created. Allowing anyone to refer to us outside of our rightful Yah given name is actually helping our enemies, and the enemies of Yah fulfill the Psalms 83 agreement, which was created to destroy the Israelites. [Psalms 83:4] “Come, let us erase them as a nation; may the name of Israel be remembered no more." BACKGROUND: We descend from Noah's son "Shem," aka the Shemites, not from "Ham," aka the Hamites (the so-called Africans). Read the definition of "Ham" in Zondervan's Compact Bible Dictionary: Ham: "The youngest son of Noah...He became the progenitor of the dark races, not the Negros..." WHERE IS OUR HOMELAND: We Israelites are NOT from Africa. Our homeland is the biblical "Land of Israel" (the Promised Land) (a portion of the "Land of Shem"), which encompasses numerous countries in the modern-day "so-called" Middle East. Our western boundary is the Mediterranean Sea, and our eastern boundary is short of the Euphrates River. Ham’s son Canaan stole and illegally occupied a portion of our “Promised Land” from Shem, and then named it “The Land of Canaan.” A curse was placed on Canaan and his future generations forever because of that. Noah prophesied Canaan would receive a curse in the future (Gen 9:15, 'Cursed be Canaan...'), for Noah foresaw Canaan's theft and illegal occupation of Shem's land. Read about it in the "Book of Jubilees" Chapter 10 verse 28 to 34. Today, there are still heathen trespassers that are illegally occupying a portion of our "Promised Land." [ Luke 21:24, Jeremiah 30:10, Jeremiah 32:37 ] HOW DID WE END UP ON "SLAVE SHIPS" (the Transatlantic Slave Trade) in West Africa, WHEN OUR HOMELAND was in ISRAEL? In 70 A.D., the Romans set out to slaughter as many Israelites as they could in Jerusalem. So, millions of us fled from Israel into all parts of Africa (our next-door neighbor) to hide amongst the dark-skinned Africans [The same way Joseph, Mary, and the young Messiah fled into Egypt and blended in with the dark-skinned Egyptians, hiding from Herod] [ Matthew 2:13 ]. We hid amongst them for many years, avoiding the Romans, who were actively hunting us. [ Matthew 2:13 ] ...the angel of the Lord appeareth to Joseph...saying...take the young child and his mother, and flee into Egypt...for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him. In those days, the Suez Canal (which currently separates Africa from the Middle East) did not exist. We were able to walk into Africa on foot. In Africa, the Romans couldn't tell the difference between us Israelites and the dark-skinned Hamites (Africans). Ultimately, the Africans, who hated us Israelites and hated us living in their land, agreed to help the Romans identify us, round us up, place us in shackles, and eventually put us on slave ships to be shipped all across the earth and sold as slaves. WE Israelites, Yah's "Chosen" People, HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of us, were the slaves on those slave ships that you read about in history books today, NOT the Africans. THAT IS HOW WE ENDED UP IN AFRICA and WERE SHIPPED as SLAVES from the WEST COAST OF AFRICA. As you can see now, ONCE AGAIN, it was the AFRICANS that were directly involved in enslaving us Israelites. AGAIN? WHEN ELSE? Remember, we (Israelites) were the slaves in Egypt (Mizraim) [Mizraim - African son of Ham] in the days of Moses that "Pharaoh refused to let go." We were enslaved in Egypt for approximately 210 years. When Moses (from the Tribe of Levi) led us out of Egypt, it was us Israelites that Yah parted the Red Sea for, on our way to the "Promised Land." That 1956 movie "The Ten Commandments" with Charlton Heston, which claims to depict God's people enslaved in Egypt and led out by Moses, is a lie. In that movie, nearly everyone is "so-called" white people, even the Africans. What a joke. That is utterly ridiculous and a bold-faced lie. They also intentionally do not call the Israelite slaves "Israelites," they call them "Hebrews," to mislead and deceive you. The world does not want anyone to know that the "Israelites" are Yah's "Chosen" people, still to this day. In reality, regarding that captivity, the "enslavers" (Egyptians / Mizraimites) were dark-skinned Africans, and we slaves (Israelites) were dark-skinned. THERE WERE NO "so-called" WHITE PEOPLE THERE during our captivity in Egypt. This is the history the "world" doesn't want you to know. They want you to continue believing the lie that "so-called" black people are Africans. They don't want you to connect the dots that help identify the "so-called" black people as being the "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people; it is these same connected dots that exposes a certain group of people of today that are falsely claiming themselves to be God's chosen people, and are not. They don't want you to know that every prophecy listed in Deuteronomy 28:15 to Deuteronomy 28:68 that Yah said would happen only to His "Chosen" people, the Israelites, happened exactly the way He said it would (to "so-called" black people), and these things were prophesied thousands of years ago. For example, they don't want you connecting the dots in the Deuteronomy 28:68 prophecy, stating that Yah's chosen people would be enslaved again just like they were in Egypt, but this time, instead of walking into Egypt (slavery), they would be sent into slavery by way of "slave ships." [ Deuteronomy 28:68 ] And the LORD shall bring thee [Israelites] into Egypt [slavery/bondage - see Exodus 20:2 below] again [you will be slaves again just like you were in Egypt] with ships [you will be sent into slavery on slave ships - The Transatlantic Slave Trade], by the way whereof I spake unto thee, Thou shalt see it no more again: and there ye shall be sold [Negro Slave auctions] unto your enemies for bondmen [slave men] and bondwomen [slave women], and no man shall buy you [no man will pay for, redeem, nor buy your way out of slavery]. [ Exodus 20:2 ] I am the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage [slavery]. I, myself, am an “Israelite” from the Tribe of “Judah,” a disciple of Christ (Yahusha), and a soldier of the Most High (Yahuah / Yah), and a life-long member of the “Body of Christ.” I humbly ask that you provide these “truths” to others, thus clarifying any confusion regarding us Israelites. [ Zech 2:8, apple of his eye ] LET THEM KNOW WHO WE TRULY ARE, which destroys the lies about us, and the evil labels upon us. ALSO: The 144,000 will be Israelites. [ Rev 7:3-8 ] The 12 Gates of the Kingdom to come will bare the names of the 12 Tribes of Israel. [ Rev 21:10-12 ] Now that you know the truth, you have a very important decision to make. Will you refer to Yah's "Chosen" people by our rightful Yah-given name "Israelites," aka the descendants of Israel, the man, and will you also correct others that refer to us incorrectly, or will you willingly allow the “author of confusion” Satan, and other’s, false, deceptive, and malicious labeling of Yah's "Chosen" people to continue? Choose wisely. Yah is watching. KNOW THIS... The Israelites are waking up!!! ...and yes, "it matters." Shalom, and Hallelu YAH
May no weapons formed against us prosper against us in the name of Jesus Christ for eternity. And so it is. Peace, love, and light. Blessed be. 🙏🏻 💕 ✨️
Before i was saved Baptized and delivered, i had from childhood recurring nightmare of two large constrictor snakes, one white and one rainbow colored shimmering, in the midst of a house filled with snakes wherever house i was sleeping in. Eventually i learned to overcome the fear with faith and power through these snakes instead of trying to fight them one by one. I had at one point a daytime vision moments before receiving news of my close grandmother's sudden passing, this time 7-8ft tall cobras on either side of the road and driveway as i pulled up to the house. They had red eyes. The most surreal moment i had and thank God he delivers us from such attacks and deceptions. These things led me to question the spiritual meaning and go down new age teachings which made things worse by opening more doors and taking me further from the truth of Gods word and the power of the holy spirit and name and blood of Jesus Christ when we surrender fully and proclaim his power not our power, his power. I pray for all my brothers and sisters time is short we never know but what time we are given today.
God protect me and my family Genesis 3:15 Matthew 4:10-11 Hebrews 2:14-15 Colossians 2:14-15 Romans 16:20 1 John 3:8 Revelation 12 :10-11 Luke 10 : 18-19 2 Corinthian 10:3-5 Ephesians 6:10-18 Isaiah 10:14-15 Phillipper 2:9-11 By the power of this bible verses in the name of Jesus Christ.Amen
I often dream about snakes from my childhood until now 47 yrs, i am so upset after seeing these. But one thing I am sure is that I always walk in between them and reach the otherside. Colourful snakes, and so on it is so scary, hard to breath, sweating and all. May jesus pull out all that snake from my body and life that causes me pain, diseases, delays, blocks, relationship problems, financial problems with Holyspirit fire🙏
I love the passion and I love the enthusiasm for knowledge and clarity in the text. I also feel sorrow for the masses of people that subscribe to the messianic Jewish view of the Bible. The laws of Moses no longer bind us. Galatians 3:10 ¶ For all who rely on works of the law are under a curse; for it is written, “Cursed be everyone who does not abide by all things written in the Book of the Law, and do them.” 11 Now it is evident that no one is justified before God by the law, for “The righteous shall live by faith.” Colossians 2:16 Therefore let no one pass judgment on you in questions of food and drink, or with regard to a festival or a new moon or a Sabbath. 17 These are a shadow of the things to come, but the substance belongs to Christ. And the vision of Peter in Acts 10 it’s been made clear that Law and its dietary requirements and requirements of works have been full-filled in Jesus. God no longer requires this of us and it’s clear. So the movement of Messianic Jews and their interpretation is anti biblical. And in Galatians, Paul not only warns us but calls them “bewitched”. We ignore that at our peril. If the law of the OT and the wisdom of the prophets is all we need then we don’t need Jesus and I refuse to accept that.
=.,TRUTH MUST BE TOLD!!! ISRAELITES, WE are THE PEOPLE of the bible... Here's how... Shalom "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people!!! Who we are is important! Yah's "Chosen" people are the "Israelites," not the "Hebrews," not "Hebrew Israelites," not "Black Hebrew Israelites," nor anyone else outside of the "Children of Israel." Either you are born an "Israelite" or you are not. [ Deuteronomy 7:6 KJV ] For thou [Israelites] art an holy people unto the LORD thy God: the LORD thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth. We all need to know the following truths… With respect, we have to stop allowing false “labels” to be placed upon Yah’s "Chosen" people. We have to stop feeding the “confusion” that the “world” intentionally places upon us. Remember, “God is not the author of confusion,” nor should we participate in the confusing folly of the enemy. We have to make the “truth” plain (clear) to those that don’t know and also to those that are confused by all of the false and misleading labels that have been placed upon us Israelites. HERE’S THE TRUTH: We are “Israelites,” by blood, it’s a bloodline. We are NOT “Hebrew Israelites,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israelites,” and definitely NOT “Christians.” Period! Our promise (as being the “Chosen” people of Yah) from Yah, came through the bloodline of our forefathers “Abraham”, “Isaac,” and “Jacob.” Yah changed “Jacob’s” name to Israel (see below), NOT “Hebrew Israel,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israel,” just “Israel.” Israel had 12 sons, aka the 12 Tribes of Israel, aka the “Israelites;” and that is who we are. That is our “Nationality.” Yes, we are a melanated people, and society calls us "black people," but as far as “labels” go, we are not “black,” not “Afro/African American, not African,” none of those disparaging and ridiculous labels. We are "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people. Genesis 35:10 And God said unto him, Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel. There is no such thing as a “Spiritual Israelite,” nor are there any “Spiritual Israelite Tribes.” There is no such thing as the “12 Spiritual Tribes of Israel.” This is all nonsense. We as a people, at times, are referred to as the “Nation of Israel” (the people of Israel, the man), NOT to be confused with the people for whom the “State of Israel” was created. Allowing anyone to refer to us outside of our rightful Yah given name is actually helping our enemies, and the enemies of Yah fulfill the Psalms 83 agreement, which was created to destroy the Israelites. [Psalms 83:4] “Come, let us erase them as a nation; may the name of Israel be remembered no more." BACKGROUND: We descend from Noah's son "Shem," aka the Shemites, not from "Ham," aka the Hamites (the so-called Africans). Read the definition of "Ham" in Zondervan's Compact Bible Dictionary: Ham: "The youngest son of Noah...He became the progenitor of the dark races, not the Negros..." WHERE IS OUR HOMELAND: We Israelites are NOT from Africa. Our homeland is the biblical "Land of Israel" (the Promised Land) (a portion of the "Land of Shem"), which encompasses numerous countries in the modern-day "so-called" Middle East. Our western boundary is the Mediterranean Sea, and our eastern boundary is short of the Euphrates River. Ham’s son Canaan stole and illegally occupied a portion of our “Promised Land” from Shem, and then named it “The Land of Canaan.” A curse was placed on Canaan and his future generations forever because of that. Noah prophesied Canaan would receive a curse in the future (Gen 9:15, 'Cursed be Canaan...'), for Noah foresaw Canaan's theft and illegal occupation of Shem's land. Read about it in the "Book of Jubilees" Chapter 10 verse 28 to 34. Today, there are still heathen trespassers that are illegally occupying a portion of our "Promised Land." [ Luke 21:24, Jeremiah 30:10, Jeremiah 32:37 ] HOW DID WE END UP ON "SLAVE SHIPS" (the Transatlantic Slave Trade) in West Africa, WHEN OUR HOMELAND was in ISRAEL? In 70 A.D., the Romans set out to slaughter as many Israelites as they could in Jerusalem. So, millions of us fled from Israel into all parts of Africa (our next-door neighbor) to hide amongst the dark-skinned Africans [The same way Joseph, Mary, and the young Messiah fled into Egypt and blended in with the dark-skinned Egyptians, hiding from Herod] [ Matthew 2:13 ]. We hid amongst them for many years, avoiding the Romans, who were actively hunting us. [ Matthew 2:13 ] ...the angel of the Lord appeareth to Joseph...saying...take the young child and his mother, and flee into Egypt...for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him. In those days, the Suez Canal (which currently separates Africa from the Middle East) did not exist. We were able to walk into Africa on foot. In Africa, the Romans couldn't tell the difference between us Israelites and the dark-skinned Hamites (Africans). Ultimately, the Africans, who hated us Israelites and hated us living in their land, agreed to help the Romans identify us, round us up, place us in shackles, and eventually put us on slave ships to be shipped all across the earth and sold as slaves. WE Israelites, Yah's "Chosen" People, HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of us, were the slaves on those slave ships that you read about in history books today, NOT the Africans. THAT IS HOW WE ENDED UP IN AFRICA and WERE SHIPPED as SLAVES from the WEST COAST OF AFRICA. As you can see now, ONCE AGAIN, it was the AFRICANS that were directly involved in enslaving us Israelites. AGAIN? WHEN ELSE? Remember, we (Israelites) were the slaves in Egypt (Mizraim) [Mizraim - African son of Ham] in the days of Moses that "Pharaoh refused to let go." We were enslaved in Egypt for approximately 210 years. When Moses (from the Tribe of Levi) led us out of Egypt, it was us Israelites that Yah parted the Red Sea for, on our way to the "Promised Land." That 1956 movie "The Ten Commandments" with Charlton Heston, which claims to depict God's people enslaved in Egypt and led out by Moses, is a lie. In that movie, nearly everyone is "so-called" white people, even the Africans. What a joke. That is utterly ridiculous and a bold-faced lie. They also intentionally do not call the Israelite slaves "Israelites," they call them "Hebrews," to mislead and deceive you. The world does not want anyone to know that the "Israelites" are Yah's "Chosen" people, still to this day. In reality, regarding that captivity, the "enslavers" (Egyptians / Mizraimites) were dark-skinned Africans, and we slaves (Israelites) were dark-skinned. THERE WERE NO "so-called" WHITE PEOPLE THERE during our captivity in Egypt. This is the history the "world" doesn't want you to know. They want you to continue believing the lie that "so-called" black people are Africans. They don't want you to connect the dots that help identify the "so-called" black people as being the "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people; it is these same connected dots that exposes a certain group of people of today that are falsely claiming themselves to be God's chosen people, and are not. They don't want you to know that every prophecy listed in Deuteronomy 28:15 to Deuteronomy 28:68 that Yah said would happen only to His "Chosen" people, the Israelites, happened exactly the way He said it would (to "so-called" black people), and these things were prophesied thousands of years ago. For example, they don't want you connecting the dots in the Deuteronomy 28:68 prophecy, stating that Yah's chosen people would be enslaved again just like they were in Egypt, but this time, instead of walking into Egypt (slavery), they would be sent into slavery by way of "slave ships." [ Deuteronomy 28:68 ] And the LORD shall bring thee [Israelites] into Egypt [slavery/bondage - see Exodus 20:2 below] again [you will be slaves again just like you were in Egypt] with ships [you will be sent into slavery on slave ships - The Transatlantic Slave Trade], by the way whereof I spake unto thee, Thou shalt see it no more again: and there ye shall be sold [Negro Slave auctions] unto your enemies for bondmen [slave men] and bondwomen [slave women], and no man shall buy you [no man will pay for, redeem, nor buy your way out of slavery]. [ Exodus 20:2 ] I am the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage [slavery]. I, myself, am an “Israelite” from the Tribe of “Judah,” a disciple of Christ (Yahusha), and a soldier of the Most High (Yahuah / Yah), and a life-long member of the “Body of Christ.” I humbly ask that you provide these “truths” to others, thus clarifying any confusion regarding us Israelites. [ Zech 2:8, apple of his eye ] LET THEM KNOW WHO WE TRULY ARE, which destroys the lies about us, and the evil labels upon us. ALSO: The 144,000 will be Israelites. [ Rev 7:3-8 ] The 12 Gates of the Kingdom to come will bare the names of the 12 Tribes of Israel. [ Rev 21:10-12 ] Now that you know the truth, you have a very important decision to make. Will you refer to Yah's "Chosen" people by our rightful Yah-given name "Israelites," aka the descendants of Israel, the man, and will you also correct others that refer to us incorrectly, or will you willingly allow the “author of confusion” Satan, and other’s, false, deceptive, and malicious labeling of Yah's "Chosen" people to continue? Choose wisely. Yah is watching. KNOW THIS... The Israelites are waking up!!! ...and yes, "it matters." Shalom, and Hallelu YAH
,=TRUTH MUST BE TOLD!!! ISRAELITES, WE are THE PEOPLE of the bible... Here's how... Shalom "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people!!! Who we are is important! Yah's "Chosen" people are the "Israelites," not the "Hebrews," not "Hebrew Israelites," not "Black Hebrew Israelites," nor anyone else outside of the "Children of Israel." Either you are born an "Israelite" or you are not. [ Deuteronomy 7:6 KJV ] For thou [Israelites] art an holy people unto the LORD thy God: the LORD thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth. We all need to know the following truths… With respect, we have to stop allowing false “labels” to be placed upon Yah’s "Chosen" people. We have to stop feeding the “confusion” that the “world” intentionally places upon us. Remember, “God is not the author of confusion,” nor should we participate in the confusing folly of the enemy. We have to make the “truth” plain (clear) to those that don’t know and also to those that are confused by all of the false and misleading labels that have been placed upon us Israelites. HERE’S THE TRUTH: We are “Israelites,” by blood, it’s a bloodline. We are NOT “Hebrew Israelites,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israelites,” and definitely NOT “Christians.” Period! Our promise (as being the “Chosen” people of Yah) from Yah, came through the bloodline of our forefathers “Abraham”, “Isaac,” and “Jacob.” Yah changed “Jacob’s” name to Israel (see below), NOT “Hebrew Israel,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israel,” just “Israel.” Israel had 12 sons, aka the 12 Tribes of Israel, aka the “Israelites;” and that is who we are. That is our “Nationality.” Yes, we are a melanated people, and society calls us "black people," but as far as “labels” go, we are not “black,” not “Afro/African American, not African,” none of those disparaging and ridiculous labels. We are "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people. Genesis 35:10 And God said unto him, Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel. There is no such thing as a “Spiritual Israelite,” nor are there any “Spiritual Israelite Tribes.” There is no such thing as the “12 Spiritual Tribes of Israel.” This is all nonsense. We as a people, at times, are referred to as the “Nation of Israel” (the people of Israel, the man), NOT to be confused with the people for whom the “State of Israel” was created. Allowing anyone to refer to us outside of our rightful Yah given name is actually helping our enemies, and the enemies of Yah fulfill the Psalms 83 agreement, which was created to destroy the Israelites. [Psalms 83:4] “Come, let us erase them as a nation; may the name of Israel be remembered no more." BACKGROUND: We descend from Noah's son "Shem," aka the Shemites, not from "Ham," aka the Hamites (the so-called Africans). Read the definition of "Ham" in Zondervan's Compact Bible Dictionary: Ham: "The youngest son of Noah...He became the progenitor of the dark races, not the Negros..." WHERE IS OUR HOMELAND: We Israelites are NOT from Africa. Our homeland is the biblical "Land of Israel" (the Promised Land) (a portion of the "Land of Shem"), which encompasses numerous countries in the modern-day "so-called" Middle East. Our western boundary is the Mediterranean Sea, and our eastern boundary is short of the Euphrates River. Ham’s son Canaan stole and illegally occupied a portion of our “Promised Land” from Shem, and then named it “The Land of Canaan.” A curse was placed on Canaan and his future generations forever because of that. Noah prophesied Canaan would receive a curse in the future (Gen 9:15, 'Cursed be Canaan...'), for Noah foresaw Canaan's theft and illegal occupation of Shem's land. Read about it in the "Book of Jubilees" Chapter 10 verse 28 to 34. Today, there are still heathen trespassers that are illegally occupying a portion of our "Promised Land." [ Luke 21:24, Jeremiah 30:10, Jeremiah 32:37 ] HOW DID WE END UP ON "SLAVE SHIPS" (the Transatlantic Slave Trade) in West Africa, WHEN OUR HOMELAND was in ISRAEL? In 70 A.D., the Romans set out to slaughter as many Israelites as they could in Jerusalem. So, millions of us fled from Israel into all parts of Africa (our next-door neighbor) to hide amongst the dark-skinned Africans [The same way Joseph, Mary, and the young Messiah fled into Egypt and blended in with the dark-skinned Egyptians, hiding from Herod] [ Matthew 2:13 ]. We hid amongst them for many years, avoiding the Romans, who were actively hunting us. [ Matthew 2:13 ] ...the angel of the Lord appeareth to Joseph...saying...take the young child and his mother, and flee into Egypt...for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him. In those days, the Suez Canal (which currently separates Africa from the Middle East) did not exist. We were able to walk into Africa on foot. In Africa, the Romans couldn't tell the difference between us Israelites and the dark-skinned Hamites (Africans). Ultimately, the Africans, who hated us Israelites and hated us living in their land, agreed to help the Romans identify us, round us up, place us in shackles, and eventually put us on slave ships to be shipped all across the earth and sold as slaves. WE Israelites, Yah's "Chosen" People, HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of us, were the slaves on those slave ships that you read about in history books today, NOT the Africans. THAT IS HOW WE ENDED UP IN AFRICA and WERE SHIPPED as SLAVES from the WEST COAST OF AFRICA. As you can see now, ONCE AGAIN, it was the AFRICANS that were directly involved in enslaving us Israelites. AGAIN? WHEN ELSE? Remember, we (Israelites) were the slaves in Egypt (Mizraim) [Mizraim - African son of Ham] in the days of Moses that "Pharaoh refused to let go." We were enslaved in Egypt for approximately 210 years. When Moses (from the Tribe of Levi) led us out of Egypt, it was us Israelites that Yah parted the Red Sea for, on our way to the "Promised Land." That 1956 movie "The Ten Commandments" with Charlton Heston, which claims to depict God's people enslaved in Egypt and led out by Moses, is a lie. In that movie, nearly everyone is "so-called" white people, even the Africans. What a joke. That is utterly ridiculous and a bold-faced lie. They also intentionally do not call the Israelite slaves "Israelites," they call them "Hebrews," to mislead and deceive you. The world does not want anyone to know that the "Israelites" are Yah's "Chosen" people, still to this day. In reality, regarding that captivity, the "enslavers" (Egyptians / Mizraimites) were dark-skinned Africans, and we slaves (Israelites) were dark-skinned. THERE WERE NO "so-called" WHITE PEOPLE THERE during our captivity in Egypt. This is the history the "world" doesn't want you to know. They want you to continue believing the lie that "so-called" black people are Africans. They don't want you to connect the dots that help identify the "so-called" black people as being the "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people; it is these same connected dots that exposes a certain group of people of today that are falsely claiming themselves to be God's chosen people, and are not. They don't want you to know that every prophecy listed in Deuteronomy 28:15 to Deuteronomy 28:68 that Yah said would happen only to His "Chosen" people, the Israelites, happened exactly the way He said it would (to "so-called" black people), and these things were prophesied thousands of years ago. For example, they don't want you connecting the dots in the Deuteronomy 28:68 prophecy, stating that Yah's chosen people would be enslaved again just like they were in Egypt, but this time, instead of walking into Egypt (slavery), they would be sent into slavery by way of "slave ships." [ Deuteronomy 28:68 ] And the LORD shall bring thee [Israelites] into Egypt [slavery/bondage - see Exodus 20:2 below] again [you will be slaves again just like you were in Egypt] with ships [you will be sent into slavery on slave ships - The Transatlantic Slave Trade], by the way whereof I spake unto thee, Thou shalt see it no more again: and there ye shall be sold [Negro Slave auctions] unto your enemies for bondmen [slave men] and bondwomen [slave women], and no man shall buy you [no man will pay for, redeem, nor buy your way out of slavery]. [ Exodus 20:2 ] I am the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage [slavery]. I, myself, am an “Israelite” from the Tribe of “Judah,” a disciple of Christ (Yahusha), and a soldier of the Most High (Yahuah / Yah), and a life-long member of the “Body of Christ.” I humbly ask that you provide these “truths” to others, thus clarifying any confusion regarding us Israelites. [ Zech 2:8, apple of his eye ] LET THEM KNOW WHO WE TRULY ARE, which destroys the lies about us, and the evil labels upon us. ALSO: The 144,000 will be Israelites. [ Rev 7:3-8 ] The 12 Gates of the Kingdom to come will bare the names of the 12 Tribes of Israel. [ Rev 21:10-12 ] Now that you know the truth, you have a very important decision to make. Will you refer to Yah's "Chosen" people by our rightful Yah-given name "Israelites," aka the descendants of Israel, the man, and will you also correct others that refer to us incorrectly, or will you willingly allow the “author of confusion” Satan, and other’s, false, deceptive, and malicious labeling of Yah's "Chosen" people to continue? Choose wisely. Yah is watching. KNOW THIS... The Israelites are waking up!!! ...and yes, "it matters." Shalom, and Hallelu YAH
If you only knew the spooky experiences I've had with the serpent, you'd likely be intrigued to say the least. These anecdotes have been so specific that it forces the hair on the back of the neck to raise. The preternatural is very real. If I could talk to somebody, I believe that I might just blow their mind with these serpent experiences.
They appear on your dreams , as well as sent from an evil alter Pray and fast for these serpentine spirits to evaporate from our lives , they destroy your destiny with debilitating symptoms, like the spirit of delay , misfortune, stagnancy ,misery and devours your savings and the fruitsof your labour ,, they turn you into a hermit , and it later stages depression and suicide 😢
-/ TRUTH MUST BE TOLD!!! ISRAELITES, WE are THE PEOPLE of the bible... Here's how... Shalom "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people!!! Who we are is important! Yah's "Chosen" people are the "Israelites," not the "Hebrews," not "Hebrew Israelites," not "Black Hebrew Israelites," nor anyone else outside of the "Children of Israel." Either you are born an "Israelite" or you are not. [ Deuteronomy 7:6 KJV ] For thou [Israelites] art an holy people unto the LORD thy God: the LORD thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth. We all need to know the following truths… With respect, we have to stop allowing false “labels” to be placed upon Yah’s "Chosen" people. We have to stop feeding the “confusion” that the “world” intentionally places upon us. Remember, “God is not the author of confusion,” nor should we participate in the confusing folly of the enemy. We have to make the “truth” plain (clear) to those that don’t know and also to those that are confused by all of the false and misleading labels that have been placed upon us Israelites. HERE’S THE TRUTH: We are “Israelites,” by blood, it’s a bloodline. We are NOT “Hebrew Israelites,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israelites,” and definitely NOT “Christians.” Period! Our promise (as being the “Chosen” people of Yah) from Yah, came through the bloodline of our forefathers “Abraham”, “Isaac,” and “Jacob.” Yah changed “Jacob’s” name to Israel (see below), NOT “Hebrew Israel,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israel,” just “Israel.” Israel had 12 sons, aka the 12 Tribes of Israel, aka the “Israelites;” and that is who we are. That is our “Nationality.” Yes, we are a melanated people, and society calls us "black people," but as far as “labels” go, we are not “black,” not “Afro/African American, not African,” none of those disparaging and ridiculous labels. We are "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people. Genesis 35:10 And God said unto him, Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel. There is no such thing as a “Spiritual Israelite,” nor are there any “Spiritual Israelite Tribes.” There is no such thing as the “12 Spiritual Tribes of Israel.” This is all nonsense. We as a people, at times, are referred to as the “Nation of Israel” (the people of Israel, the man), NOT to be confused with the people for whom the “State of Israel” was created. Allowing anyone to refer to us outside of our rightful Yah given name is actually helping our enemies, and the enemies of Yah fulfill the Psalms 83 agreement, which was created to destroy the Israelites. [Psalms 83:4] “Come, let us erase them as a nation; may the name of Israel be remembered no more." BACKGROUND: We descend from Noah's son "Shem," aka the Shemites, not from "Ham," aka the Hamites (the so-called Africans). Read the definition of "Ham" in Zondervan's Compact Bible Dictionary: Ham: "The youngest son of Noah...He became the progenitor of the dark races, not the Negros..." WHERE IS OUR HOMELAND: We Israelites are NOT from Africa. Our homeland is the biblical "Land of Israel" (the Promised Land) (a portion of the "Land of Shem"), which encompasses numerous countries in the modern-day "so-called" Middle East. Our western boundary is the Mediterranean Sea, and our eastern boundary is short of the Euphrates River. Ham’s son Canaan stole and illegally occupied a portion of our “Promised Land” from Shem, and then named it “The Land of Canaan.” A curse was placed on Canaan and his future generations forever because of that. Noah prophesied Canaan would receive a curse in the future (Gen 9:15, 'Cursed be Canaan...'), for Noah foresaw Canaan's theft and illegal occupation of Shem's land. Read about it in the "Book of Jubilees" Chapter 10 verse 28 to 34. Today, there are still heathen trespassers that are illegally occupying a portion of our "Promised Land." [ Luke 21:24, Jeremiah 30:10, Jeremiah 32:37 ] HOW DID WE END UP ON "SLAVE SHIPS" (the Transatlantic Slave Trade) in West Africa, WHEN OUR HOMELAND was in ISRAEL? In 70 A.D., the Romans set out to slaughter as many Israelites as they could in Jerusalem. So, millions of us fled from Israel into all parts of Africa (our next-door neighbor) to hide amongst the dark-skinned Africans [The same way Joseph, Mary, and the young Messiah fled into Egypt and blended in with the dark-skinned Egyptians, hiding from Herod] [ Matthew 2:13 ]. We hid amongst them for many years, avoiding the Romans, who were actively hunting us. [ Matthew 2:13 ] ...the angel of the Lord appeareth to Joseph...saying...take the young child and his mother, and flee into Egypt...for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him. In those days, the Suez Canal (which currently separates Africa from the Middle East) did not exist. We were able to walk into Africa on foot. In Africa, the Romans couldn't tell the difference between us Israelites and the dark-skinned Hamites (Africans). Ultimately, the Africans, who hated us Israelites and hated us living in their land, agreed to help the Romans identify us, round us up, place us in shackles, and eventually put us on slave ships to be shipped all across the earth and sold as slaves. WE Israelites, Yah's "Chosen" People, HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of us, were the slaves on those slave ships that you read about in history books today, NOT the Africans. THAT IS HOW WE ENDED UP IN AFRICA and WERE SHIPPED as SLAVES from the WEST COAST OF AFRICA. As you can see now, ONCE AGAIN, it was the AFRICANS that were directly involved in enslaving us Israelites. AGAIN? WHEN ELSE? Remember, we (Israelites) were the slaves in Egypt (Mizraim) [Mizraim - African son of Ham] in the days of Moses that "Pharaoh refused to let go." We were enslaved in Egypt for approximately 210 years. When Moses (from the Tribe of Levi) led us out of Egypt, it was us Israelites that Yah parted the Red Sea for, on our way to the "Promised Land." That 1956 movie "The Ten Commandments" with Charlton Heston, which claims to depict God's people enslaved in Egypt and led out by Moses, is a lie. In that movie, nearly everyone is "so-called" white people, even the Africans. What a joke. That is utterly ridiculous and a bold-faced lie. They also intentionally do not call the Israelite slaves "Israelites," they call them "Hebrews," to mislead and deceive you. The world does not want anyone to know that the "Israelites" are Yah's "Chosen" people, still to this day. In reality, regarding that captivity, the "enslavers" (Egyptians / Mizraimites) were dark-skinned Africans, and we slaves (Israelites) were dark-skinned. THERE WERE NO "so-called" WHITE PEOPLE THERE during our captivity in Egypt. This is the history the "world" doesn't want you to know. They want you to continue believing the lie that "so-called" black people are Africans. They don't want you to connect the dots that help identify the "so-called" black people as being the "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people; it is these same connected dots that exposes a certain group of people of today that are falsely claiming themselves to be God's chosen people, and are not. They don't want you to know that every prophecy listed in Deuteronomy 28:15 to Deuteronomy 28:68 that Yah said would happen only to His "Chosen" people, the Israelites, happened exactly the way He said it would (to "so-called" black people), and these things were prophesied thousands of years ago. For example, they don't want you connecting the dots in the Deuteronomy 28:68 prophecy, stating that Yah's chosen people would be enslaved again just like they were in Egypt, but this time, instead of walking into Egypt (slavery), they would be sent into slavery by way of "slave ships." [ Deuteronomy 28:68 ] And the LORD shall bring thee [Israelites] into Egypt [slavery/bondage - see Exodus 20:2 below] again [you will be slaves again just like you were in Egypt] with ships [you will be sent into slavery on slave ships - The Transatlantic Slave Trade], by the way whereof I spake unto thee, Thou shalt see it no more again: and there ye shall be sold [Negro Slave auctions] unto your enemies for bondmen [slave men] and bondwomen [slave women], and no man shall buy you [no man will pay for, redeem, nor buy your way out of slavery]. [ Exodus 20:2 ] I am the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage [slavery]. I, myself, am an “Israelite” from the Tribe of “Judah,” a disciple of Christ (Yahusha), and a soldier of the Most High (Yahuah / Yah), and a life-long member of the “Body of Christ.” I humbly ask that you provide these “truths” to others, thus clarifying any confusion regarding us Israelites. [ Zech 2:8, apple of his eye ] LET THEM KNOW WHO WE TRULY ARE, which destroys the lies about us, and the evil labels upon us. ALSO: The 144,000 will be Israelites. [ Rev 7:3-8 ] The 12 Gates of the Kingdom to come will bare the names of the 12 Tribes of Israel. [ Rev 21:10-12 ] Now that you know the truth, you have a very important decision to make. Will you refer to Yah's "Chosen" people by our rightful Yah-given name "Israelites," aka the descendants of Israel, the man, and will you also correct others that refer to us incorrectly, or will you willingly allow the “author of confusion” Satan, and other’s, false, deceptive, and malicious labeling of Yah's "Chosen" people to continue? Choose wisely. Yah is watching. KNOW THIS... The Israelites are waking up!!! ...and yes, "it matters." Shalom, and Hallelu YAH
,,TRUTH MUST BE TOLD!!! ISRAELITES, WE are THE PEOPLE of the bible... Here's how... Shalom "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people!!! Who we are is important! Yah's "Chosen" people are the "Israelites," not the "Hebrews," not "Hebrew Israelites," not "Black Hebrew Israelites," nor anyone else outside of the "Children of Israel." Either you are born an "Israelite" or you are not. [ Deuteronomy 7:6 KJV ] For thou [Israelites] art an holy people unto the LORD thy God: the LORD thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth. We all need to know the following truths… With respect, we have to stop allowing false “labels” to be placed upon Yah’s "Chosen" people. We have to stop feeding the “confusion” that the “world” intentionally places upon us. Remember, “God is not the author of confusion,” nor should we participate in the confusing folly of the enemy. We have to make the “truth” plain (clear) to those that don’t know and also to those that are confused by all of the false and misleading labels that have been placed upon us Israelites. HERE’S THE TRUTH: We are “Israelites,” by blood, it’s a bloodline. We are NOT “Hebrew Israelites,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israelites,” and definitely NOT “Christians.” Period! Our promise (as being the “Chosen” people of Yah) from Yah, came through the bloodline of our forefathers “Abraham”, “Isaac,” and “Jacob.” Yah changed “Jacob’s” name to Israel (see below), NOT “Hebrew Israel,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israel,” just “Israel.” Israel had 12 sons, aka the 12 Tribes of Israel, aka the “Israelites;” and that is who we are. That is our “Nationality.” Yes, we are a melanated people, and society calls us "black people," but as far as “labels” go, we are not “black,” not “Afro/African American, not African,” none of those disparaging and ridiculous labels. We are "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people. Genesis 35:10 And God said unto him, Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel. There is no such thing as a “Spiritual Israelite,” nor are there any “Spiritual Israelite Tribes.” There is no such thing as the “12 Spiritual Tribes of Israel.” This is all nonsense. We as a people, at times, are referred to as the “Nation of Israel” (the people of Israel, the man), NOT to be confused with the people for whom the “State of Israel” was created. Allowing anyone to refer to us outside of our rightful Yah given name is actually helping our enemies, and the enemies of Yah fulfill the Psalms 83 agreement, which was created to destroy the Israelites. [Psalms 83:4] “Come, let us erase them as a nation; may the name of Israel be remembered no more." BACKGROUND: We descend from Noah's son "Shem," aka the Shemites, not from "Ham," aka the Hamites (the so-called Africans). Read the definition of "Ham" in Zondervan's Compact Bible Dictionary: Ham: "The youngest son of Noah...He became the progenitor of the dark races, not the Negros..." WHERE IS OUR HOMELAND: We Israelites are NOT from Africa. Our homeland is the biblical "Land of Israel" (the Promised Land) (a portion of the "Land of Shem"), which encompasses numerous countries in the modern-day "so-called" Middle East. Our western boundary is the Mediterranean Sea, and our eastern boundary is short of the Euphrates River. Ham’s son Canaan stole and illegally occupied a portion of our “Promised Land” from Shem, and then named it “The Land of Canaan.” A curse was placed on Canaan and his future generations forever because of that. Noah prophesied Canaan would receive a curse in the future (Gen 9:15, 'Cursed be Canaan...'), for Noah foresaw Canaan's theft and illegal occupation of Shem's land. Read about it in the "Book of Jubilees" Chapter 10 verse 28 to 34. Today, there are still heathen trespassers that are illegally occupying a portion of our "Promised Land." [ Luke 21:24, Jeremiah 30:10, Jeremiah 32:37 ] HOW DID WE END UP ON "SLAVE SHIPS" (the Transatlantic Slave Trade) in West Africa, WHEN OUR HOMELAND was in ISRAEL? In 70 A.D., the Romans set out to slaughter as many Israelites as they could in Jerusalem. So, millions of us fled from Israel into all parts of Africa (our next-door neighbor) to hide amongst the dark-skinned Africans [The same way Joseph, Mary, and the young Messiah fled into Egypt and blended in with the dark-skinned Egyptians, hiding from Herod] [ Matthew 2:13 ]. We hid amongst them for many years, avoiding the Romans, who were actively hunting us. [ Matthew 2:13 ] ...the angel of the Lord appeareth to Joseph...saying...take the young child and his mother, and flee into Egypt...for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him. In those days, the Suez Canal (which currently separates Africa from the Middle East) did not exist. We were able to walk into Africa on foot. In Africa, the Romans couldn't tell the difference between us Israelites and the dark-skinned Hamites (Africans). Ultimately, the Africans, who hated us Israelites and hated us living in their land, agreed to help the Romans identify us, round us up, place us in shackles, and eventually put us on slave ships to be shipped all across the earth and sold as slaves. WE Israelites, Yah's "Chosen" People, HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of us, were the slaves on those slave ships that you read about in history books today, NOT the Africans. THAT IS HOW WE ENDED UP IN AFRICA and WERE SHIPPED as SLAVES from the WEST COAST OF AFRICA. As you can see now, ONCE AGAIN, it was the AFRICANS that were directly involved in enslaving us Israelites. AGAIN? WHEN ELSE? Remember, we (Israelites) were the slaves in Egypt (Mizraim) [Mizraim - African son of Ham] in the days of Moses that "Pharaoh refused to let go." We were enslaved in Egypt for approximately 210 years. When Moses (from the Tribe of Levi) led us out of Egypt, it was us Israelites that Yah parted the Red Sea for, on our way to the "Promised Land." That 1956 movie "The Ten Commandments" with Charlton Heston, which claims to depict God's people enslaved in Egypt and led out by Moses, is a lie. In that movie, nearly everyone is "so-called" white people, even the Africans. What a joke. That is utterly ridiculous and a bold-faced lie. They also intentionally do not call the Israelite slaves "Israelites," they call them "Hebrews," to mislead and deceive you. The world does not want anyone to know that the "Israelites" are Yah's "Chosen" people, still to this day. In reality, regarding that captivity, the "enslavers" (Egyptians / Mizraimites) were dark-skinned Africans, and we slaves (Israelites) were dark-skinned. THERE WERE NO "so-called" WHITE PEOPLE THERE during our captivity in Egypt. This is the history the "world" doesn't want you to know. They want you to continue believing the lie that "so-called" black people are Africans. They don't want you to connect the dots that help identify the "so-called" black people as being the "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people; it is these same connected dots that exposes a certain group of people of today that are falsely claiming themselves to be God's chosen people, and are not. They don't want you to know that every prophecy listed in Deuteronomy 28:15 to Deuteronomy 28:68 that Yah said would happen only to His "Chosen" people, the Israelites, happened exactly the way He said it would (to "so-called" black people), and these things were prophesied thousands of years ago. For example, they don't want you connecting the dots in the Deuteronomy 28:68 prophecy, stating that Yah's chosen people would be enslaved again just like they were in Egypt, but this time, instead of walking into Egypt (slavery), they would be sent into slavery by way of "slave ships." [ Deuteronomy 28:68 ] And the LORD shall bring thee [Israelites] into Egypt [slavery/bondage - see Exodus 20:2 below] again [you will be slaves again just like you were in Egypt] with ships [you will be sent into slavery on slave ships - The Transatlantic Slave Trade], by the way whereof I spake unto thee, Thou shalt see it no more again: and there ye shall be sold [Negro Slave auctions] unto your enemies for bondmen [slave men] and bondwomen [slave women], and no man shall buy you [no man will pay for, redeem, nor buy your way out of slavery]. [ Exodus 20:2 ] I am the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage [slavery]. I, myself, am an “Israelite” from the Tribe of “Judah,” a disciple of Christ (Yahusha), and a soldier of the Most High (Yahuah / Yah), and a life-long member of the “Body of Christ.” I humbly ask that you provide these “truths” to others, thus clarifying any confusion regarding us Israelites. [ Zech 2:8, apple of his eye ] LET THEM KNOW WHO WE TRULY ARE, which destroys the lies about us, and the evil labels upon us. ALSO: The 144,000 will be Israelites. [ Rev 7:3-8 ] The 12 Gates of the Kingdom to come will bare the names of the 12 Tribes of Israel. [ Rev 21:10-12 ] Now that you know the truth, you have a very important decision to make. Will you refer to Yah's "Chosen" people by our rightful Yah-given name "Israelites," aka the descendants of Israel, the man, and will you also correct others that refer to us incorrectly, or will you willingly allow the “author of confusion” Satan, and other’s, false, deceptive, and malicious labeling of Yah's "Chosen" people to continue? Choose wisely. Yah is watching. KNOW THIS... The Israelites are waking up!!! ...and yes, "it matters." Shalom, and Hallelu YAH
Please tell me what is the fire song that you saying to get rid of your breast tumor? Thank y oh so much for this revelation!! Praise God in the Highest!!!
What is the fire song? How do you get in the presence of God's fire? I'm new to all of this, never been to church in my life until this year. Please explain it like you would to a child. I deal with an autistic spirit, so it's hard to understand things sometimes. I have so many witchcraft serpent spirits against, as well as a mind controlling octopus spirit, and like I said, a witchcraft autism spirit. There's witchcraft in my ancestral line, and I was born with witchcraft against me.
- _TRUTH MUST BE TOLD!!! ISRAELITES, WE are THE PEOPLE of the bible... Here's how... Shalom "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people!!! Who we are is important! Yah's "Chosen" people are the "Israelites," not the "Hebrews," not "Hebrew Israelites," not "Black Hebrew Israelites," nor anyone else outside of the "Children of Israel." Either you are born an "Israelite" or you are not. [ Deuteronomy 7:6 KJV ] For thou [Israelites] art an holy people unto the LORD thy God: the LORD thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth. We all need to know the following truths… With respect, we have to stop allowing false “labels” to be placed upon Yah’s "Chosen" people. We have to stop feeding the “confusion” that the “world” intentionally places upon us. Remember, “God is not the author of confusion,” nor should we participate in the confusing folly of the enemy. We have to make the “truth” plain (clear) to those that don’t know and also to those that are confused by all of the false and misleading labels that have been placed upon us Israelites. HERE’S THE TRUTH: We are “Israelites,” by blood, it’s a bloodline. We are NOT “Hebrew Israelites,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israelites,” and definitely NOT “Christians.” Period! Our promise (as being the “Chosen” people of Yah) from Yah, came through the bloodline of our forefathers “Abraham”, “Isaac,” and “Jacob.” Yah changed “Jacob’s” name to Israel (see below), NOT “Hebrew Israel,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israel,” just “Israel.” Israel had 12 sons, aka the 12 Tribes of Israel, aka the “Israelites;” and that is who we are. That is our “Nationality.” Yes, we are a melanated people, and society calls us "black people," but as far as “labels” go, we are not “black,” not “Afro/African American, not African,” none of those disparaging and ridiculous labels. We are "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people. Genesis 35:10 And God said unto him, Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel. There is no such thing as a “Spiritual Israelite,” nor are there any “Spiritual Israelite Tribes.” There is no such thing as the “12 Spiritual Tribes of Israel.” This is all nonsense. We as a people, at times, are referred to as the “Nation of Israel” (the people of Israel, the man), NOT to be confused with the people for whom the “State of Israel” was created. Allowing anyone to refer to us outside of our rightful Yah given name is actually helping our enemies, and the enemies of Yah fulfill the Psalms 83 agreement, which was created to destroy the Israelites. [Psalms 83:4] “Come, let us erase them as a nation; may the name of Israel be remembered no more." BACKGROUND: We descend from Noah's son "Shem," aka the Shemites, not from "Ham," aka the Hamites (the so-called Africans). Read the definition of "Ham" in Zondervan's Compact Bible Dictionary: Ham: "The youngest son of Noah...He became the progenitor of the dark races, not the Negros..." WHERE IS OUR HOMELAND: We Israelites are NOT from Africa. Our homeland is the biblical "Land of Israel" (the Promised Land) (a portion of the "Land of Shem"), which encompasses numerous countries in the modern-day "so-called" Middle East. Our western boundary is the Mediterranean Sea, and our eastern boundary is short of the Euphrates River. Ham’s son Canaan stole and illegally occupied a portion of our “Promised Land” from Shem, and then named it “The Land of Canaan.” A curse was placed on Canaan and his future generations forever because of that. Noah prophesied Canaan would receive a curse in the future (Gen 9:15, 'Cursed be Canaan...'), for Noah foresaw Canaan's theft and illegal occupation of Shem's land. Read about it in the "Book of Jubilees" Chapter 10 verse 28 to 34. Today, there are still heathen trespassers that are illegally occupying a portion of our "Promised Land." [ Luke 21:24, Jeremiah 30:10, Jeremiah 32:37 ] HOW DID WE END UP ON "SLAVE SHIPS" (the Transatlantic Slave Trade) in West Africa, WHEN OUR HOMELAND was in ISRAEL? In 70 A.D., the Romans set out to slaughter as many Israelites as they could in Jerusalem. So, millions of us fled from Israel into all parts of Africa (our next-door neighbor) to hide amongst the dark-skinned Africans [The same way Joseph, Mary, and the young Messiah fled into Egypt and blended in with the dark-skinned Egyptians, hiding from Herod] [ Matthew 2:13 ]. We hid amongst them for many years, avoiding the Romans, who were actively hunting us. [ Matthew 2:13 ] ...the angel of the Lord appeareth to Joseph...saying...take the young child and his mother, and flee into Egypt...for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him. In those days, the Suez Canal (which currently separates Africa from the Middle East) did not exist. We were able to walk into Africa on foot. In Africa, the Romans couldn't tell the difference between us Israelites and the dark-skinned Hamites (Africans). Ultimately, the Africans, who hated us Israelites and hated us living in their land, agreed to help the Romans identify us, round us up, place us in shackles, and eventually put us on slave ships to be shipped all across the earth and sold as slaves. WE Israelites, Yah's "Chosen" People, HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of us, were the slaves on those slave ships that you read about in history books today, NOT the Africans. THAT IS HOW WE ENDED UP IN AFRICA and WERE SHIPPED as SLAVES from the WEST COAST OF AFRICA. As you can see now, ONCE AGAIN, it was the AFRICANS that were directly involved in enslaving us Israelites. AGAIN? WHEN ELSE? Remember, we (Israelites) were the slaves in Egypt (Mizraim) [Mizraim - African son of Ham] in the days of Moses that "Pharaoh refused to let go." We were enslaved in Egypt for approximately 210 years. When Moses (from the Tribe of Levi) led us out of Egypt, it was us Israelites that Yah parted the Red Sea for, on our way to the "Promised Land." That 1956 movie "The Ten Commandments" with Charlton Heston, which claims to depict God's people enslaved in Egypt and led out by Moses, is a lie. In that movie, nearly everyone is "so-called" white people, even the Africans. What a joke. That is utterly ridiculous and a bold-faced lie. They also intentionally do not call the Israelite slaves "Israelites," they call them "Hebrews," to mislead and deceive you. The world does not want anyone to know that the "Israelites" are Yah's "Chosen" people, still to this day. In reality, regarding that captivity, the "enslavers" (Egyptians / Mizraimites) were dark-skinned Africans, and we slaves (Israelites) were dark-skinned. THERE WERE NO "so-called" WHITE PEOPLE THERE during our captivity in Egypt. This is the history the "world" doesn't want you to know. They want you to continue believing the lie that "so-called" black people are Africans. They don't want you to connect the dots that help identify the "so-called" black people as being the "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people; it is these same connected dots that exposes a certain group of people of today that are falsely claiming themselves to be God's chosen people, and are not. They don't want you to know that every prophecy listed in Deuteronomy 28:15 to Deuteronomy 28:68 that Yah said would happen only to His "Chosen" people, the Israelites, happened exactly the way He said it would (to "so-called" black people), and these things were prophesied thousands of years ago. For example, they don't want you connecting the dots in the Deuteronomy 28:68 prophecy, stating that Yah's chosen people would be enslaved again just like they were in Egypt, but this time, instead of walking into Egypt (slavery), they would be sent into slavery by way of "slave ships." [ Deuteronomy 28:68 ] And the LORD shall bring thee [Israelites] into Egypt [slavery/bondage - see Exodus 20:2 below] again [you will be slaves again just like you were in Egypt] with ships [you will be sent into slavery on slave ships - The Transatlantic Slave Trade], by the way whereof I spake unto thee, Thou shalt see it no more again: and there ye shall be sold [Negro Slave auctions] unto your enemies for bondmen [slave men] and bondwomen [slave women], and no man shall buy you [no man will pay for, redeem, nor buy your way out of slavery]. [ Exodus 20:2 ] I am the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage [slavery]. I, myself, am an “Israelite” from the Tribe of “Judah,” a disciple of Christ (Yahusha), and a soldier of the Most High (Yahuah / Yah), and a life-long member of the “Body of Christ.” I humbly ask that you provide these “truths” to others, thus clarifying any confusion regarding us Israelites. [ Zech 2:8, apple of his eye ] LET THEM KNOW WHO WE TRULY ARE, which destroys the lies about us, and the evil labels upon us. ALSO: The 144,000 will be Israelites. [ Rev 7:3-8 ] The 12 Gates of the Kingdom to come will bare the names of the 12 Tribes of Israel. [ Rev 21:10-12 ] Now that you know the truth, you have a very important decision to make. Will you refer to Yah's "Chosen" people by our rightful Yah-given name "Israelites," aka the descendants of Israel, the man, and will you also correct others that refer to us incorrectly, or will you willingly allow the “author of confusion” Satan, and other’s, false, deceptive, and malicious labeling of Yah's "Chosen" people to continue? Choose wisely. Yah is watching. KNOW THIS... The Israelites are waking up!!! ...and yes, "it matters." Shalom, and Hallelu YAH
My names Brandy this is my friends phone' shes letting me use it but i had a dream last week I dark color snake kept striking at me' after I got away' in the dream all seemed okay only to look and see a white snake with pink pretty floral patterns on it wrapped around my right arm and I couldn't shake it off cause I had to hold the head of it cause it kept striking very very close to my face and I woke up' please keep me in ur prayers
👇🏽 Right now, I release all trauma from my mind, body, memories, cells, and mitochondria across all timelines, dimensions, planes, and realms in spirit and in flesh. Thank you, thank you, thank you. It is done.
Hey Charisma Media, YT doesn’t adjust your views, thumbs up or how long ago a video posted🤔 For 8 minutes it said 23 minutes ago (posted), 57 views and 12 👍🏼 never increased…
So what does serpent spirit mean, do,operate? I had a dream of a king cobra all black snake biting my wrist. I start to bleed profusely and in the dream I felt very dizzy and weak
@@sabrinajolie2465 girl you need to fast and pray. You are in warfare. Watch evangelist Joshua, Abendego Lufile, Noah Hines and Derek Prince. You may need deliverance.
.\-TRUTH MUST BE TOLD!!! ISRAELITES, WE are THE PEOPLE of the bible... Here's how... Shalom "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people!!! Who we are is important! Yah's "Chosen" people are the "Israelites," not the "Hebrews," not "Hebrew Israelites," not "Black Hebrew Israelites," nor anyone else outside of the "Children of Israel." Either you are born an "Israelite" or you are not. [ Deuteronomy 7:6 KJV ] For thou [Israelites] art an holy people unto the LORD thy God: the LORD thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth. We all need to know the following truths… With respect, we have to stop allowing false “labels” to be placed upon Yah’s "Chosen" people. We have to stop feeding the “confusion” that the “world” intentionally places upon us. Remember, “God is not the author of confusion,” nor should we participate in the confusing folly of the enemy. We have to make the “truth” plain (clear) to those that don’t know and also to those that are confused by all of the false and misleading labels that have been placed upon us Israelites. HERE’S THE TRUTH: We are “Israelites,” by blood, it’s a bloodline. We are NOT “Hebrew Israelites,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israelites,” and definitely NOT “Christians.” Period! Our promise (as being the “Chosen” people of Yah) from Yah, came through the bloodline of our forefathers “Abraham”, “Isaac,” and “Jacob.” Yah changed “Jacob’s” name to Israel (see below), NOT “Hebrew Israel,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israel,” just “Israel.” Israel had 12 sons, aka the 12 Tribes of Israel, aka the “Israelites;” and that is who we are. That is our “Nationality.” Yes, we are a melanated people, and society calls us "black people," but as far as “labels” go, we are not “black,” not “Afro/African American, not African,” none of those disparaging and ridiculous labels. We are "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people. Genesis 35:10 And God said unto him, Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel. There is no such thing as a “Spiritual Israelite,” nor are there any “Spiritual Israelite Tribes.” There is no such thing as the “12 Spiritual Tribes of Israel.” This is all nonsense. We as a people, at times, are referred to as the “Nation of Israel” (the people of Israel, the man), NOT to be confused with the people for whom the “State of Israel” was created. Allowing anyone to refer to us outside of our rightful Yah given name is actually helping our enemies, and the enemies of Yah fulfill the Psalms 83 agreement, which was created to destroy the Israelites. [Psalms 83:4] “Come, let us erase them as a nation; may the name of Israel be remembered no more." BACKGROUND: We descend from Noah's son "Shem," aka the Shemites, not from "Ham," aka the Hamites (the so-called Africans). Read the definition of "Ham" in Zondervan's Compact Bible Dictionary: Ham: "The youngest son of Noah...He became the progenitor of the dark races, not the Negros..." WHERE IS OUR HOMELAND: We Israelites are NOT from Africa. Our homeland is the biblical "Land of Israel" (the Promised Land) (a portion of the "Land of Shem"), which encompasses numerous countries in the modern-day "so-called" Middle East. Our western boundary is the Mediterranean Sea, and our eastern boundary is short of the Euphrates River. Ham’s son Canaan stole and illegally occupied a portion of our “Promised Land” from Shem, and then named it “The Land of Canaan.” A curse was placed on Canaan and his future generations forever because of that. Noah prophesied Canaan would receive a curse in the future (Gen 9:15, 'Cursed be Canaan...'), for Noah foresaw Canaan's theft and illegal occupation of Shem's land. Read about it in the "Book of Jubilees" Chapter 10 verse 28 to 34. Today, there are still heathen trespassers that are illegally occupying a portion of our "Promised Land." [ Luke 21:24, Jeremiah 30:10, Jeremiah 32:37 ] HOW DID WE END UP ON "SLAVE SHIPS" (the Transatlantic Slave Trade) in West Africa, WHEN OUR HOMELAND was in ISRAEL? In 70 A.D., the Romans set out to slaughter as many Israelites as they could in Jerusalem. So, millions of us fled from Israel into all parts of Africa (our next-door neighbor) to hide amongst the dark-skinned Africans [The same way Joseph, Mary, and the young Messiah fled into Egypt and blended in with the dark-skinned Egyptians, hiding from Herod] [ Matthew 2:13 ]. We hid amongst them for many years, avoiding the Romans, who were actively hunting us. [ Matthew 2:13 ] ...the angel of the Lord appeareth to Joseph...saying...take the young child and his mother, and flee into Egypt...for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him. In those days, the Suez Canal (which currently separates Africa from the Middle East) did not exist. We were able to walk into Africa on foot. In Africa, the Romans couldn't tell the difference between us Israelites and the dark-skinned Hamites (Africans). Ultimately, the Africans, who hated us Israelites and hated us living in their land, agreed to help the Romans identify us, round us up, place us in shackles, and eventually put us on slave ships to be shipped all across the earth and sold as slaves. WE Israelites, Yah's "Chosen" People, HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of us, were the slaves on those slave ships that you read about in history books today, NOT the Africans. THAT IS HOW WE ENDED UP IN AFRICA and WERE SHIPPED as SLAVES from the WEST COAST OF AFRICA. As you can see now, ONCE AGAIN, it was the AFRICANS that were directly involved in enslaving us Israelites. AGAIN? WHEN ELSE? Remember, we (Israelites) were the slaves in Egypt (Mizraim) [Mizraim - African son of Ham] in the days of Moses that "Pharaoh refused to let go." We were enslaved in Egypt for approximately 210 years. When Moses (from the Tribe of Levi) led us out of Egypt, it was us Israelites that Yah parted the Red Sea for, on our way to the "Promised Land." That 1956 movie "The Ten Commandments" with Charlton Heston, which claims to depict God's people enslaved in Egypt and led out by Moses, is a lie. In that movie, nearly everyone is "so-called" white people, even the Africans. What a joke. That is utterly ridiculous and a bold-faced lie. They also intentionally do not call the Israelite slaves "Israelites," they call them "Hebrews," to mislead and deceive you. The world does not want anyone to know that the "Israelites" are Yah's "Chosen" people, still to this day. In reality, regarding that captivity, the "enslavers" (Egyptians / Mizraimites) were dark-skinned Africans, and we slaves (Israelites) were dark-skinned. THERE WERE NO "so-called" WHITE PEOPLE THERE during our captivity in Egypt. This is the history the "world" doesn't want you to know. They want you to continue believing the lie that "so-called" black people are Africans. They don't want you to connect the dots that help identify the "so-called" black people as being the "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people; it is these same connected dots that exposes a certain group of people of today that are falsely claiming themselves to be God's chosen people, and are not. They don't want you to know that every prophecy listed in Deuteronomy 28:15 to Deuteronomy 28:68 that Yah said would happen only to His "Chosen" people, the Israelites, happened exactly the way He said it would (to "so-called" black people), and these things were prophesied thousands of years ago. For example, they don't want you connecting the dots in the Deuteronomy 28:68 prophecy, stating that Yah's chosen people would be enslaved again just like they were in Egypt, but this time, instead of walking into Egypt (slavery), they would be sent into slavery by way of "slave ships." [ Deuteronomy 28:68 ] And the LORD shall bring thee [Israelites] into Egypt [slavery/bondage - see Exodus 20:2 below] again [you will be slaves again just like you were in Egypt] with ships [you will be sent into slavery on slave ships - The Transatlantic Slave Trade], by the way whereof I spake unto thee, Thou shalt see it no more again: and there ye shall be sold [Negro Slave auctions] unto your enemies for bondmen [slave men] and bondwomen [slave women], and no man shall buy you [no man will pay for, redeem, nor buy your way out of slavery]. [ Exodus 20:2 ] I am the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage [slavery]. I, myself, am an “Israelite” from the Tribe of “Judah,” a disciple of Christ (Yahusha), and a soldier of the Most High (Yahuah / Yah), and a life-long member of the “Body of Christ.” I humbly ask that you provide these “truths” to others, thus clarifying any confusion regarding us Israelites. [ Zech 2:8, apple of his eye ] LET THEM KNOW WHO WE TRULY ARE, which destroys the lies about us, and the evil labels upon us. ALSO: The 144,000 will be Israelites. [ Rev 7:3-8 ] The 12 Gates of the Kingdom to come will bare the names of the 12 Tribes of Israel. [ Rev 21:10-12 ] Now that you know the truth, you have a very important decision to make. Will you refer to Yah's "Chosen" people by our rightful Yah-given name "Israelites," aka the descendants of Israel, the man, and will you also correct others that refer to us incorrectly, or will you willingly allow the “author of confusion” Satan, and other’s, false, deceptive, and malicious labeling of Yah's "Chosen" people to continue? Choose wisely. Yah is watching. KNOW THIS... The Israelites are waking up!!! ...and yes, "it matters." Shalom, and Hallelu YAH
..TRUTH MUST BE TOLD!!! ISRAELITES, WE are THE PEOPLE of the bible... Here's how... Shalom "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people!!! Who we are is important! Yah's "Chosen" people are the "Israelites," not the "Hebrews," not "Hebrew Israelites," not "Black Hebrew Israelites," nor anyone else outside of the "Children of Israel." Either you are born an "Israelite" or you are not. [ Deuteronomy 7:6 KJV ] For thou [Israelites] art an holy people unto the LORD thy God: the LORD thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth. We all need to know the following truths… With respect, we have to stop allowing false “labels” to be placed upon Yah’s "Chosen" people. We have to stop feeding the “confusion” that the “world” intentionally places upon us. Remember, “God is not the author of confusion,” nor should we participate in the confusing folly of the enemy. We have to make the “truth” plain (clear) to those that don’t know and also to those that are confused by all of the false and misleading labels that have been placed upon us Israelites. HERE’S THE TRUTH: We are “Israelites,” by blood, it’s a bloodline. We are NOT “Hebrew Israelites,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israelites,” and definitely NOT “Christians.” Period! Our promise (as being the “Chosen” people of Yah) from Yah, came through the bloodline of our forefathers “Abraham”, “Isaac,” and “Jacob.” Yah changed “Jacob’s” name to Israel (see below), NOT “Hebrew Israel,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israel,” just “Israel.” Israel had 12 sons, aka the 12 Tribes of Israel, aka the “Israelites;” and that is who we are. That is our “Nationality.” Yes, we are a melanated people, and society calls us "black people," but as far as “labels” go, we are not “black,” not “Afro/African American, not African,” none of those disparaging and ridiculous labels. We are "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people. Genesis 35:10 And God said unto him, Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel. There is no such thing as a “Spiritual Israelite,” nor are there any “Spiritual Israelite Tribes.” There is no such thing as the “12 Spiritual Tribes of Israel.” This is all nonsense. We as a people, at times, are referred to as the “Nation of Israel” (the people of Israel, the man), NOT to be confused with the people for whom the “State of Israel” was created. Allowing anyone to refer to us outside of our rightful Yah given name is actually helping our enemies, and the enemies of Yah fulfill the Psalms 83 agreement, which was created to destroy the Israelites. [Psalms 83:4] “Come, let us erase them as a nation; may the name of Israel be remembered no more." BACKGROUND: We descend from Noah's son "Shem," aka the Shemites, not from "Ham," aka the Hamites (the so-called Africans). Read the definition of "Ham" in Zondervan's Compact Bible Dictionary: Ham: "The youngest son of Noah...He became the progenitor of the dark races, not the Negros..." WHERE IS OUR HOMELAND: We Israelites are NOT from Africa. Our homeland is the biblical "Land of Israel" (the Promised Land) (a portion of the "Land of Shem"), which encompasses numerous countries in the modern-day "so-called" Middle East. Our western boundary is the Mediterranean Sea, and our eastern boundary is short of the Euphrates River. Ham’s son Canaan stole and illegally occupied a portion of our “Promised Land” from Shem, and then named it “The Land of Canaan.” A curse was placed on Canaan and his future generations forever because of that. Noah prophesied Canaan would receive a curse in the future (Gen 9:15, 'Cursed be Canaan...'), for Noah foresaw Canaan's theft and illegal occupation of Shem's land. Read about it in the "Book of Jubilees" Chapter 10 verse 28 to 34. Today, there are still heathen trespassers that are illegally occupying a portion of our "Promised Land." [ Luke 21:24, Jeremiah 30:10, Jeremiah 32:37 ] HOW DID WE END UP ON "SLAVE SHIPS" (the Transatlantic Slave Trade) in West Africa, WHEN OUR HOMELAND was in ISRAEL? In 70 A.D., the Romans set out to slaughter as many Israelites as they could in Jerusalem. So, millions of us fled from Israel into all parts of Africa (our next-door neighbor) to hide amongst the dark-skinned Africans [The same way Joseph, Mary, and the young Messiah fled into Egypt and blended in with the dark-skinned Egyptians, hiding from Herod] [ Matthew 2:13 ]. We hid amongst them for many years, avoiding the Romans, who were actively hunting us. [ Matthew 2:13 ] ...the angel of the Lord appeareth to Joseph...saying...take the young child and his mother, and flee into Egypt...for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him. In those days, the Suez Canal (which currently separates Africa from the Middle East) did not exist. We were able to walk into Africa on foot. In Africa, the Romans couldn't tell the difference between us Israelites and the dark-skinned Hamites (Africans). Ultimately, the Africans, who hated us Israelites and hated us living in their land, agreed to help the Romans identify us, round us up, place us in shackles, and eventually put us on slave ships to be shipped all across the earth and sold as slaves. WE Israelites, Yah's "Chosen" People, HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of us, were the slaves on those slave ships that you read about in history books today, NOT the Africans. THAT IS HOW WE ENDED UP IN AFRICA and WERE SHIPPED as SLAVES from the WEST COAST OF AFRICA. As you can see now, ONCE AGAIN, it was the AFRICANS that were directly involved in enslaving us Israelites. AGAIN? WHEN ELSE? Remember, we (Israelites) were the slaves in Egypt (Mizraim) [Mizraim - African son of Ham] in the days of Moses that "Pharaoh refused to let go." We were enslaved in Egypt for approximately 210 years. When Moses (from the Tribe of Levi) led us out of Egypt, it was us Israelites that Yah parted the Red Sea for, on our way to the "Promised Land." That 1956 movie "The Ten Commandments" with Charlton Heston, which claims to depict God's people enslaved in Egypt and led out by Moses, is a lie. In that movie, nearly everyone is "so-called" white people, even the Africans. What a joke. That is utterly ridiculous and a bold-faced lie. They also intentionally do not call the Israelite slaves "Israelites," they call them "Hebrews," to mislead and deceive you. The world does not want anyone to know that the "Israelites" are Yah's "Chosen" people, still to this day. In reality, regarding that captivity, the "enslavers" (Egyptians / Mizraimites) were dark-skinned Africans, and we slaves (Israelites) were dark-skinned. THERE WERE NO "so-called" WHITE PEOPLE THERE during our captivity in Egypt. This is the history the "world" doesn't want you to know. They want you to continue believing the lie that "so-called" black people are Africans. They don't want you to connect the dots that help identify the "so-called" black people as being the "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people; it is these same connected dots that exposes a certain group of people of today that are falsely claiming themselves to be God's chosen people, and are not. They don't want you to know that every prophecy listed in Deuteronomy 28:15 to Deuteronomy 28:68 that Yah said would happen only to His "Chosen" people, the Israelites, happened exactly the way He said it would (to "so-called" black people), and these things were prophesied thousands of years ago. For example, they don't want you connecting the dots in the Deuteronomy 28:68 prophecy, stating that Yah's chosen people would be enslaved again just like they were in Egypt, but this time, instead of walking into Egypt (slavery), they would be sent into slavery by way of "slave ships." [ Deuteronomy 28:68 ] And the LORD shall bring thee [Israelites] into Egypt [slavery/bondage - see Exodus 20:2 below] again [you will be slaves again just like you were in Egypt] with ships [you will be sent into slavery on slave ships - The Transatlantic Slave Trade], by the way whereof I spake unto thee, Thou shalt see it no more again: and there ye shall be sold [Negro Slave auctions] unto your enemies for bondmen [slave men] and bondwomen [slave women], and no man shall buy you [no man will pay for, redeem, nor buy your way out of slavery]. [ Exodus 20:2 ] I am the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage [slavery]. I, myself, am an “Israelite” from the Tribe of “Judah,” a disciple of Christ (Yahusha), and a soldier of the Most High (Yahuah / Yah), and a life-long member of the “Body of Christ.” I humbly ask that you provide these “truths” to others, thus clarifying any confusion regarding us Israelites. [ Zech 2:8, apple of his eye ] LET THEM KNOW WHO WE TRULY ARE, which destroys the lies about us, and the evil labels upon us. ALSO: The 144,000 will be Israelites. [ Rev 7:3-8 ] The 12 Gates of the Kingdom to come will bare the names of the 12 Tribes of Israel. [ Rev 21:10-12 ] Now that you know the truth, you have a very important decision to make. Will you refer to Yah's "Chosen" people by our rightful Yah-given name "Israelites," aka the descendants of Israel, the man, and will you also correct others that refer to us incorrectly, or will you willingly allow the “author of confusion” Satan, and other’s, false, deceptive, and malicious labeling of Yah's "Chosen" people to continue? Choose wisely. Yah is watching. KNOW THIS... The Israelites are waking up!!! ...and yes, "it matters." Shalom, and Hallelu YAH
/.TRUTH MUST BE TOLD!!! ISRAELITES, WE are THE PEOPLE of the bible... Here's how... Shalom "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people!!! Who we are is important! Yah's "Chosen" people are the "Israelites," not the "Hebrews," not "Hebrew Israelites," not "Black Hebrew Israelites," nor anyone else outside of the "Children of Israel." Either you are born an "Israelite" or you are not. [ Deuteronomy 7:6 KJV ] For thou [Israelites] art an holy people unto the LORD thy God: the LORD thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth. We all need to know the following truths… With respect, we have to stop allowing false “labels” to be placed upon Yah’s "Chosen" people. We have to stop feeding the “confusion” that the “world” intentionally places upon us. Remember, “God is not the author of confusion,” nor should we participate in the confusing folly of the enemy. We have to make the “truth” plain (clear) to those that don’t know and also to those that are confused by all of the false and misleading labels that have been placed upon us Israelites. HERE’S THE TRUTH: We are “Israelites,” by blood, it’s a bloodline. We are NOT “Hebrew Israelites,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israelites,” and definitely NOT “Christians.” Period! Our promise (as being the “Chosen” people of Yah) from Yah, came through the bloodline of our forefathers “Abraham”, “Isaac,” and “Jacob.” Yah changed “Jacob’s” name to Israel (see below), NOT “Hebrew Israel,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israel,” just “Israel.” Israel had 12 sons, aka the 12 Tribes of Israel, aka the “Israelites;” and that is who we are. That is our “Nationality.” Yes, we are a melanated people, and society calls us "black people," but as far as “labels” go, we are not “black,” not “Afro/African American, not African,” none of those disparaging and ridiculous labels. We are "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people. Genesis 35:10 And God said unto him, Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel. There is no such thing as a “Spiritual Israelite,” nor are there any “Spiritual Israelite Tribes.” There is no such thing as the “12 Spiritual Tribes of Israel.” This is all nonsense. We as a people, at times, are referred to as the “Nation of Israel” (the people of Israel, the man), NOT to be confused with the people for whom the “State of Israel” was created. Allowing anyone to refer to us outside of our rightful Yah given name is actually helping our enemies, and the enemies of Yah fulfill the Psalms 83 agreement, which was created to destroy the Israelites. [Psalms 83:4] “Come, let us erase them as a nation; may the name of Israel be remembered no more." BACKGROUND: We descend from Noah's son "Shem," aka the Shemites, not from "Ham," aka the Hamites (the so-called Africans). Read the definition of "Ham" in Zondervan's Compact Bible Dictionary: Ham: "The youngest son of Noah...He became the progenitor of the dark races, not the Negros..." WHERE IS OUR HOMELAND: We Israelites are NOT from Africa. Our homeland is the biblical "Land of Israel" (the Promised Land) (a portion of the "Land of Shem"), which encompasses numerous countries in the modern-day "so-called" Middle East. Our western boundary is the Mediterranean Sea, and our eastern boundary is short of the Euphrates River. Ham’s son Canaan stole and illegally occupied a portion of our “Promised Land” from Shem, and then named it “The Land of Canaan.” A curse was placed on Canaan and his future generations forever because of that. Noah prophesied Canaan would receive a curse in the future (Gen 9:15, 'Cursed be Canaan...'), for Noah foresaw Canaan's theft and illegal occupation of Shem's land. Read about it in the "Book of Jubilees" Chapter 10 verse 28 to 34. Today, there are still heathen trespassers that are illegally occupying a portion of our "Promised Land." [ Luke 21:24, Jeremiah 30:10, Jeremiah 32:37 ] HOW DID WE END UP ON "SLAVE SHIPS" (the Transatlantic Slave Trade) in West Africa, WHEN OUR HOMELAND was in ISRAEL? In 70 A.D., the Romans set out to slaughter as many Israelites as they could in Jerusalem. So, millions of us fled from Israel into all parts of Africa (our next-door neighbor) to hide amongst the dark-skinned Africans [The same way Joseph, Mary, and the young Messiah fled into Egypt and blended in with the dark-skinned Egyptians, hiding from Herod] [ Matthew 2:13 ]. We hid amongst them for many years, avoiding the Romans, who were actively hunting us. [ Matthew 2:13 ] ...the angel of the Lord appeareth to Joseph...saying...take the young child and his mother, and flee into Egypt...for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him. In those days, the Suez Canal (which currently separates Africa from the Middle East) did not exist. We were able to walk into Africa on foot. In Africa, the Romans couldn't tell the difference between us Israelites and the dark-skinned Hamites (Africans). Ultimately, the Africans, who hated us Israelites and hated us living in their land, agreed to help the Romans identify us, round us up, place us in shackles, and eventually put us on slave ships to be shipped all across the earth and sold as slaves. WE Israelites, Yah's "Chosen" People, HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of us, were the slaves on those slave ships that you read about in history books today, NOT the Africans. THAT IS HOW WE ENDED UP IN AFRICA and WERE SHIPPED as SLAVES from the WEST COAST OF AFRICA. As you can see now, ONCE AGAIN, it was the AFRICANS that were directly involved in enslaving us Israelites. AGAIN? WHEN ELSE? Remember, we (Israelites) were the slaves in Egypt (Mizraim) [Mizraim - African son of Ham] in the days of Moses that "Pharaoh refused to let go." We were enslaved in Egypt for approximately 210 years. When Moses (from the Tribe of Levi) led us out of Egypt, it was us Israelites that Yah parted the Red Sea for, on our way to the "Promised Land." That 1956 movie "The Ten Commandments" with Charlton Heston, which claims to depict God's people enslaved in Egypt and led out by Moses, is a lie. In that movie, nearly everyone is "so-called" white people, even the Africans. What a joke. That is utterly ridiculous and a bold-faced lie. They also intentionally do not call the Israelite slaves "Israelites," they call them "Hebrews," to mislead and deceive you. The world does not want anyone to know that the "Israelites" are Yah's "Chosen" people, still to this day. In reality, regarding that captivity, the "enslavers" (Egyptians / Mizraimites) were dark-skinned Africans, and we slaves (Israelites) were dark-skinned. THERE WERE NO "so-called" WHITE PEOPLE THERE during our captivity in Egypt. This is the history the "world" doesn't want you to know. They want you to continue believing the lie that "so-called" black people are Africans. They don't want you to connect the dots that help identify the "so-called" black people as being the "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people; it is these same connected dots that exposes a certain group of people of today that are falsely claiming themselves to be God's chosen people, and are not. They don't want you to know that every prophecy listed in Deuteronomy 28:15 to Deuteronomy 28:68 that Yah said would happen only to His "Chosen" people, the Israelites, happened exactly the way He said it would (to "so-called" black people), and these things were prophesied thousands of years ago. For example, they don't want you connecting the dots in the Deuteronomy 28:68 prophecy, stating that Yah's chosen people would be enslaved again just like they were in Egypt, but this time, instead of walking into Egypt (slavery), they would be sent into slavery by way of "slave ships." [ Deuteronomy 28:68 ] And the LORD shall bring thee [Israelites] into Egypt [slavery/bondage - see Exodus 20:2 below] again [you will be slaves again just like you were in Egypt] with ships [you will be sent into slavery on slave ships - The Transatlantic Slave Trade], by the way whereof I spake unto thee, Thou shalt see it no more again: and there ye shall be sold [Negro Slave auctions] unto your enemies for bondmen [slave men] and bondwomen [slave women], and no man shall buy you [no man will pay for, redeem, nor buy your way out of slavery]. [ Exodus 20:2 ] I am the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage [slavery]. I, myself, am an “Israelite” from the Tribe of “Judah,” a disciple of Christ (Yahusha), and a soldier of the Most High (Yahuah / Yah), and a life-long member of the “Body of Christ.” I humbly ask that you provide these “truths” to others, thus clarifying any confusion regarding us Israelites. [ Zech 2:8, apple of his eye ] LET THEM KNOW WHO WE TRULY ARE, which destroys the lies about us, and the evil labels upon us. ALSO: The 144,000 will be Israelites. [ Rev 7:3-8 ] The 12 Gates of the Kingdom to come will bare the names of the 12 Tribes of Israel. [ Rev 21:10-12 ] Now that you know the truth, you have a very important decision to make. Will you refer to Yah's "Chosen" people by our rightful Yah-given name "Israelites," aka the descendants of Israel, the man, and will you also correct others that refer to us incorrectly, or will you willingly allow the “author of confusion” Satan, and other’s, false, deceptive, and malicious labeling of Yah's "Chosen" people to continue? Choose wisely. Yah is watching. KNOW THIS... The Israelites are waking up!!! ...and yes, "it matters." Shalom, and Hallelu YAH
-TRUTH MUST BE TOLD!!! ISRAELITES, WE are THE PEOPLE of the bible... Here's how... Shalom "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people!!! Who we are is important! Yah's "Chosen" people are the "Israelites," not the "Hebrews," not "Hebrew Israelites," not "Black Hebrew Israelites," nor anyone else outside of the "Children of Israel." Either you are born an "Israelite" or you are not. [ Deuteronomy 7:6 KJV ] For thou [Israelites] art an holy people unto the LORD thy God: the LORD thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth. We all need to know the following truths… With respect, we have to stop allowing false “labels” to be placed upon Yah’s "Chosen" people. We have to stop feeding the “confusion” that the “world” intentionally places upon us. Remember, “God is not the author of confusion,” nor should we participate in the confusing folly of the enemy. We have to make the “truth” plain (clear) to those that don’t know and also to those that are confused by all of the false and misleading labels that have been placed upon us Israelites. HERE’S THE TRUTH: We are “Israelites,” by blood, it’s a bloodline. We are NOT “Hebrew Israelites,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israelites,” and definitely NOT “Christians.” Period! Our promise (as being the “Chosen” people of Yah) from Yah, came through the bloodline of our forefathers “Abraham”, “Isaac,” and “Jacob.” Yah changed “Jacob’s” name to Israel (see below), NOT “Hebrew Israel,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israel,” just “Israel.” Israel had 12 sons, aka the 12 Tribes of Israel, aka the “Israelites;” and that is who we are. That is our “Nationality.” Yes, we are a melanated people, and society calls us "black people," but as far as “labels” go, we are not “black,” not “Afro/African American, not African,” none of those disparaging and ridiculous labels. We are "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people. Genesis 35:10 And God said unto him, Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel. There is no such thing as a “Spiritual Israelite,” nor are there any “Spiritual Israelite Tribes.” There is no such thing as the “12 Spiritual Tribes of Israel.” This is all nonsense. We as a people, at times, are referred to as the “Nation of Israel” (the people of Israel, the man), NOT to be confused with the people for whom the “State of Israel” was created. Allowing anyone to refer to us outside of our rightful Yah given name is actually helping our enemies, and the enemies of Yah fulfill the Psalms 83 agreement, which was created to destroy the Israelites. [Psalms 83:4] “Come, let us erase them as a nation; may the name of Israel be remembered no more." BACKGROUND: We descend from Noah's son "Shem," aka the Shemites, not from "Ham," aka the Hamites (the so-called Africans). Read the definition of "Ham" in Zondervan's Compact Bible Dictionary: Ham: "The youngest son of Noah...He became the progenitor of the dark races, not the Negros..." WHERE IS OUR HOMELAND: We Israelites are NOT from Africa. Our homeland is the biblical "Land of Israel" (the Promised Land) (a portion of the "Land of Shem"), which encompasses numerous countries in the modern-day "so-called" Middle East. Our western boundary is the Mediterranean Sea, and our eastern boundary is short of the Euphrates River. Ham’s son Canaan stole and illegally occupied a portion of our “Promised Land” from Shem, and then named it “The Land of Canaan.” A curse was placed on Canaan and his future generations forever because of that. Noah prophesied Canaan would receive a curse in the future (Gen 9:15, 'Cursed be Canaan...'), for Noah foresaw Canaan's theft and illegal occupation of Shem's land. Read about it in the "Book of Jubilees" Chapter 10 verse 28 to 34. Today, there are still heathen trespassers that are illegally occupying a portion of our "Promised Land." [ Luke 21:24, Jeremiah 30:10, Jeremiah 32:37 ] HOW DID WE END UP ON "SLAVE SHIPS" (the Transatlantic Slave Trade) in West Africa, WHEN OUR HOMELAND was in ISRAEL? In 70 A.D., the Romans set out to slaughter as many Israelites as they could in Jerusalem. So, millions of us fled from Israel into all parts of Africa (our next-door neighbor) to hide amongst the dark-skinned Africans [The same way Joseph, Mary, and the young Messiah fled into Egypt and blended in with the dark-skinned Egyptians, hiding from Herod] [ Matthew 2:13 ]. We hid amongst them for many years, avoiding the Romans, who were actively hunting us. [ Matthew 2:13 ] ...the angel of the Lord appeareth to Joseph...saying...take the young child and his mother, and flee into Egypt...for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him. In those days, the Suez Canal (which currently separates Africa from the Middle East) did not exist. We were able to walk into Africa on foot. In Africa, the Romans couldn't tell the difference between us Israelites and the dark-skinned Hamites (Africans). Ultimately, the Africans, who hated us Israelites and hated us living in their land, agreed to help the Romans identify us, round us up, place us in shackles, and eventually put us on slave ships to be shipped all across the earth and sold as slaves. WE Israelites, Yah's "Chosen" People, HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of us, were the slaves on those slave ships that you read about in history books today, NOT the Africans. THAT IS HOW WE ENDED UP IN AFRICA and WERE SHIPPED as SLAVES from the WEST COAST OF AFRICA. As you can see now, ONCE AGAIN, it was the AFRICANS that were directly involved in enslaving us Israelites. AGAIN? WHEN ELSE? Remember, we (Israelites) were the slaves in Egypt (Mizraim) [Mizraim - African son of Ham] in the days of Moses that "Pharaoh refused to let go." We were enslaved in Egypt for approximately 210 years. When Moses (from the Tribe of Levi) led us out of Egypt, it was us Israelites that Yah parted the Red Sea for, on our way to the "Promised Land." That 1956 movie "The Ten Commandments" with Charlton Heston, which claims to depict God's people enslaved in Egypt and led out by Moses, is a lie. In that movie, nearly everyone is "so-called" white people, even the Africans. What a joke. That is utterly ridiculous and a bold-faced lie. They also intentionally do not call the Israelite slaves "Israelites," they call them "Hebrews," to mislead and deceive you. The world does not want anyone to know that the "Israelites" are Yah's "Chosen" people, still to this day. In reality, regarding that captivity, the "enslavers" (Egyptians / Mizraimites) were dark-skinned Africans, and we slaves (Israelites) were dark-skinned. THERE WERE NO "so-called" WHITE PEOPLE THERE during our captivity in Egypt. This is the history the "world" doesn't want you to know. They want you to continue believing the lie that "so-called" black people are Africans. They don't want you to connect the dots that help identify the "so-called" black people as being the "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people; it is these same connected dots that exposes a certain group of people of today that are falsely claiming themselves to be God's chosen people, and are not. They don't want you to know that every prophecy listed in Deuteronomy 28:15 to Deuteronomy 28:68 that Yah said would happen only to His "Chosen" people, the Israelites, happened exactly the way He said it would (to "so-called" black people), and these things were prophesied thousands of years ago. For example, they don't want you connecting the dots in the Deuteronomy 28:68 prophecy, stating that Yah's chosen people would be enslaved again just like they were in Egypt, but this time, instead of walking into Egypt (slavery), they would be sent into slavery by way of "slave ships." [ Deuteronomy 28:68 ] And the LORD shall bring thee [Israelites] into Egypt [slavery/bondage - see Exodus 20:2 below] again [you will be slaves again just like you were in Egypt] with ships [you will be sent into slavery on slave ships - The Transatlantic Slave Trade], by the way whereof I spake unto thee, Thou shalt see it no more again: and there ye shall be sold [Negro Slave auctions] unto your enemies for bondmen [slave men] and bondwomen [slave women], and no man shall buy you [no man will pay for, redeem, nor buy your way out of slavery]. [ Exodus 20:2 ] I am the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage [slavery]. I, myself, am an “Israelite” from the Tribe of “Judah,” a disciple of Christ (Yahusha), and a soldier of the Most High (Yahuah / Yah), and a life-long member of the “Body of Christ.” I humbly ask that you provide these “truths” to others, thus clarifying any confusion regarding us Israelites. [ Zech 2:8, apple of his eye ] LET THEM KNOW WHO WE TRULY ARE, which destroys the lies about us, and the evil labels upon us. ALSO: The 144,000 will be Israelites. [ Rev 7:3-8 ] The 12 Gates of the Kingdom to come will bare the names of the 12 Tribes of Israel. [ Rev 21:10-12 ] Now that you know the truth, you have a very important decision to make. Will you refer to Yah's "Chosen" people by our rightful Yah-given name "Israelites," aka the descendants of Israel, the man, and will you also correct others that refer to us incorrectly, or will you willingly allow the “author of confusion” Satan, and other’s, false, deceptive, and malicious labeling of Yah's "Chosen" people to continue? Choose wisely. Yah is watching. KNOW THIS... The Israelites are waking up!!! ...and yes, "it matters." Shalom, and Hallelu YAH
{-,TRUTH MUST BE TOLD!!! ISRAELITES, WE are THE PEOPLE of the bible... Here's how... Shalom "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people!!! Who we are is important! Yah's "Chosen" people are the "Israelites," not the "Hebrews," not "Hebrew Israelites," not "Black Hebrew Israelites," nor anyone else outside of the "Children of Israel." Either you are born an "Israelite" or you are not. [ Deuteronomy 7:6 KJV ] For thou [Israelites] art an holy people unto the LORD thy God: the LORD thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth. We all need to know the following truths… With respect, we have to stop allowing false “labels” to be placed upon Yah’s "Chosen" people. We have to stop feeding the “confusion” that the “world” intentionally places upon us. Remember, “God is not the author of confusion,” nor should we participate in the confusing folly of the enemy. We have to make the “truth” plain (clear) to those that don’t know and also to those that are confused by all of the false and misleading labels that have been placed upon us Israelites. HERE’S THE TRUTH: We are “Israelites,” by blood, it’s a bloodline. We are NOT “Hebrew Israelites,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israelites,” and definitely NOT “Christians.” Period! Our promise (as being the “Chosen” people of Yah) from Yah, came through the bloodline of our forefathers “Abraham”, “Isaac,” and “Jacob.” Yah changed “Jacob’s” name to Israel (see below), NOT “Hebrew Israel,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israel,” just “Israel.” Israel had 12 sons, aka the 12 Tribes of Israel, aka the “Israelites;” and that is who we are. That is our “Nationality.” Yes, we are a melanated people, and society calls us "black people," but as far as “labels” go, we are not “black,” not “Afro/African American, not African,” none of those disparaging and ridiculous labels. We are "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people. Genesis 35:10 And God said unto him, Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel. There is no such thing as a “Spiritual Israelite,” nor are there any “Spiritual Israelite Tribes.” There is no such thing as the “12 Spiritual Tribes of Israel.” This is all nonsense. We as a people, at times, are referred to as the “Nation of Israel” (the people of Israel, the man), NOT to be confused with the people for whom the “State of Israel” was created. Allowing anyone to refer to us outside of our rightful Yah given name is actually helping our enemies, and the enemies of Yah fulfill the Psalms 83 agreement, which was created to destroy the Israelites. [Psalms 83:4] “Come, let us erase them as a nation; may the name of Israel be remembered no more." BACKGROUND: We descend from Noah's son "Shem," aka the Shemites, not from "Ham," aka the Hamites (the so-called Africans). Read the definition of "Ham" in Zondervan's Compact Bible Dictionary: Ham: "The youngest son of Noah...He became the progenitor of the dark races, not the Negros..." WHERE IS OUR HOMELAND: We Israelites are NOT from Africa. Our homeland is the biblical "Land of Israel" (the Promised Land) (a portion of the "Land of Shem"), which encompasses numerous countries in the modern-day "so-called" Middle East. Our western boundary is the Mediterranean Sea, and our eastern boundary is short of the Euphrates River. Ham’s son Canaan stole and illegally occupied a portion of our “Promised Land” from Shem, and then named it “The Land of Canaan.” A curse was placed on Canaan and his future generations forever because of that. Noah prophesied Canaan would receive a curse in the future (Gen 9:15, 'Cursed be Canaan...'), for Noah foresaw Canaan's theft and illegal occupation of Shem's land. Read about it in the "Book of Jubilees" Chapter 10 verse 28 to 34. Today, there are still heathen trespassers that are illegally occupying a portion of our "Promised Land." [ Luke 21:24, Jeremiah 30:10, Jeremiah 32:37 ] HOW DID WE END UP ON "SLAVE SHIPS" (the Transatlantic Slave Trade) in West Africa, WHEN OUR HOMELAND was in ISRAEL? In 70 A.D., the Romans set out to slaughter as many Israelites as they could in Jerusalem. So, millions of us fled from Israel into all parts of Africa (our next-door neighbor) to hide amongst the dark-skinned Africans [The same way Joseph, Mary, and the young Messiah fled into Egypt and blended in with the dark-skinned Egyptians, hiding from Herod] [ Matthew 2:13 ]. We hid amongst them for many years, avoiding the Romans, who were actively hunting us. [ Matthew 2:13 ] ...the angel of the Lord appeareth to Joseph...saying...take the young child and his mother, and flee into Egypt...for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him. In those days, the Suez Canal (which currently separates Africa from the Middle East) did not exist. We were able to walk into Africa on foot. In Africa, the Romans couldn't tell the difference between us Israelites and the dark-skinned Hamites (Africans). Ultimately, the Africans, who hated us Israelites and hated us living in their land, agreed to help the Romans identify us, round us up, place us in shackles, and eventually put us on slave ships to be shipped all across the earth and sold as slaves. WE Israelites, Yah's "Chosen" People, HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of us, were the slaves on those slave ships that you read about in history books today, NOT the Africans. THAT IS HOW WE ENDED UP IN AFRICA and WERE SHIPPED as SLAVES from the WEST COAST OF AFRICA. As you can see now, ONCE AGAIN, it was the AFRICANS that were directly involved in enslaving us Israelites. AGAIN? WHEN ELSE? Remember, we (Israelites) were the slaves in Egypt (Mizraim) [Mizraim - African son of Ham] in the days of Moses that "Pharaoh refused to let go." We were enslaved in Egypt for approximately 210 years. When Moses (from the Tribe of Levi) led us out of Egypt, it was us Israelites that Yah parted the Red Sea for, on our way to the "Promised Land." That 1956 movie "The Ten Commandments" with Charlton Heston, which claims to depict God's people enslaved in Egypt and led out by Moses, is a lie. In that movie, nearly everyone is "so-called" white people, even the Africans. What a joke. That is utterly ridiculous and a bold-faced lie. They also intentionally do not call the Israelite slaves "Israelites," they call them "Hebrews," to mislead and deceive you. The world does not want anyone to know that the "Israelites" are Yah's "Chosen" people, still to this day. In reality, regarding that captivity, the "enslavers" (Egyptians / Mizraimites) were dark-skinned Africans, and we slaves (Israelites) were dark-skinned. THERE WERE NO "so-called" WHITE PEOPLE THERE during our captivity in Egypt. This is the history the "world" doesn't want you to know. They want you to continue believing the lie that "so-called" black people are Africans. They don't want you to connect the dots that help identify the "so-called" black people as being the "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people; it is these same connected dots that exposes a certain group of people of today that are falsely claiming themselves to be God's chosen people, and are not. They don't want you to know that every prophecy listed in Deuteronomy 28:15 to Deuteronomy 28:68 that Yah said would happen only to His "Chosen" people, the Israelites, happened exactly the way He said it would (to "so-called" black people), and these things were prophesied thousands of years ago. For example, they don't want you connecting the dots in the Deuteronomy 28:68 prophecy, stating that Yah's chosen people would be enslaved again just like they were in Egypt, but this time, instead of walking into Egypt (slavery), they would be sent into slavery by way of "slave ships." [ Deuteronomy 28:68 ] And the LORD shall bring thee [Israelites] into Egypt [slavery/bondage - see Exodus 20:2 below] again [you will be slaves again just like you were in Egypt] with ships [you will be sent into slavery on slave ships - The Transatlantic Slave Trade], by the way whereof I spake unto thee, Thou shalt see it no more again: and there ye shall be sold [Negro Slave auctions] unto your enemies for bondmen [slave men] and bondwomen [slave women], and no man shall buy you [no man will pay for, redeem, nor buy your way out of slavery]. [ Exodus 20:2 ] I am the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage [slavery]. I, myself, am an “Israelite” from the Tribe of “Judah,” a disciple of Christ (Yahusha), and a soldier of the Most High (Yahuah / Yah), and a life-long member of the “Body of Christ.” I humbly ask that you provide these “truths” to others, thus clarifying any confusion regarding us Israelites. [ Zech 2:8, apple of his eye ] LET THEM KNOW WHO WE TRULY ARE, which destroys the lies about us, and the evil labels upon us. ALSO: The 144,000 will be Israelites. [ Rev 7:3-8 ] The 12 Gates of the Kingdom to come will bare the names of the 12 Tribes of Israel. [ Rev 21:10-12 ] Now that you know the truth, you have a very important decision to make. Will you refer to Yah's "Chosen" people by our rightful Yah-given name "Israelites," aka the descendants of Israel, the man, and will you also correct others that refer to us incorrectly, or will you willingly allow the “author of confusion” Satan, and other’s, false, deceptive, and malicious labeling of Yah's "Chosen" people to continue? Choose wisely. Yah is watching. KNOW THIS... The Israelites are waking up!!! ...and yes, "it matters." Shalom, and Hallelu YAH
Praise God for revelation and deliverance from every snake by the blood and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Thank you for this powerful word ❤
// TRUTH MUST BE TOLD!!! ISRAELITES, WE are THE PEOPLE of the bible... Here's how... Shalom "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people!!!
Who we are is important!
Yah's "Chosen" people are the "Israelites," not the "Hebrews," not "Hebrew Israelites," not "Black Hebrew Israelites," nor anyone else outside of the "Children of Israel."
Either you are born an "Israelite" or you are not.
[ Deuteronomy 7:6 KJV ]
For thou [Israelites] art an holy people unto the LORD thy God: the LORD thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth.
We all need to know the following truths…
With respect, we have to stop allowing false “labels” to be placed upon Yah’s "Chosen" people. We have to stop feeding the “confusion” that the “world” intentionally places upon us. Remember, “God is not the author of confusion,” nor should we participate in the confusing folly of the enemy.
We have to make the “truth” plain (clear) to those that don’t know and also to those that are confused by all of the false and misleading labels that have been placed upon us Israelites.
We are “Israelites,” by blood, it’s a bloodline. We are NOT “Hebrew Israelites,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israelites,” and definitely NOT “Christians.” Period!
Our promise (as being the “Chosen” people of Yah) from Yah, came through the bloodline of our forefathers “Abraham”, “Isaac,” and “Jacob.”
Yah changed “Jacob’s” name to Israel (see below), NOT “Hebrew Israel,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israel,” just “Israel.” Israel had 12 sons, aka the 12 Tribes of Israel, aka the “Israelites;” and that is who we are. That is our “Nationality.” Yes, we are a melanated people, and society calls us "black people," but as far as “labels” go, we are not “black,” not “Afro/African American, not African,” none of those disparaging and ridiculous labels. We are "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people.
Genesis 35:10
And God said unto him, Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel.
There is no such thing as a “Spiritual Israelite,” nor are there any “Spiritual Israelite Tribes.”
There is no such thing as the “12 Spiritual Tribes of Israel.” This is all nonsense.
We as a people, at times, are referred to as the “Nation of Israel” (the people of Israel, the man), NOT to be confused with the people for whom the “State of Israel” was created.
Allowing anyone to refer to us outside of our rightful Yah given name is actually helping our enemies, and the enemies of Yah fulfill the Psalms 83 agreement, which was created to destroy the Israelites.
[Psalms 83:4] “Come, let us erase them as a nation; may the name of Israel be remembered no more."
We descend from Noah's son "Shem," aka the Shemites, not from "Ham," aka the Hamites (the so-called Africans). Read the definition of "Ham" in Zondervan's Compact Bible Dictionary:
Ham: "The youngest son of Noah...He became the progenitor of the dark races, not the Negros..."
We Israelites are NOT from Africa. Our homeland is the biblical "Land of Israel" (the Promised Land) (a portion of the "Land of Shem"), which encompasses numerous countries in the modern-day "so-called" Middle East. Our western boundary is the Mediterranean Sea, and our eastern boundary is short of the Euphrates River.
Ham’s son Canaan stole and illegally occupied a portion of our “Promised Land” from Shem, and then named it “The Land of Canaan.” A curse was placed on Canaan and his future generations forever because of that.
Noah prophesied Canaan would receive a curse in the future (Gen 9:15, 'Cursed be Canaan...'), for Noah foresaw Canaan's theft and illegal occupation of Shem's land. Read about it in the "Book of Jubilees" Chapter 10 verse 28 to 34.
Today, there are still heathen trespassers that are illegally occupying a portion of our "Promised Land." [ Luke 21:24, Jeremiah 30:10, Jeremiah 32:37 ]
HOW DID WE END UP ON "SLAVE SHIPS" (the Transatlantic Slave Trade) in West Africa, WHEN OUR HOMELAND was in ISRAEL?
In 70 A.D., the Romans set out to slaughter as many Israelites as they could in Jerusalem. So, millions of us fled from Israel into all parts of Africa (our next-door neighbor) to hide amongst the dark-skinned Africans [The same way Joseph, Mary, and the young Messiah fled into Egypt and blended in with the dark-skinned Egyptians, hiding from Herod] [ Matthew 2:13 ]. We hid amongst them for many years, avoiding the Romans, who were actively hunting us.
[ Matthew 2:13 ] ...the angel of the Lord appeareth to Joseph...saying...take the young child and his mother, and flee into Egypt...for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him.
In those days, the Suez Canal (which currently separates Africa from the Middle East) did not exist. We were able to walk into Africa on foot.
In Africa, the Romans couldn't tell the difference between us Israelites and the dark-skinned Hamites (Africans). Ultimately, the Africans, who hated us Israelites and hated us living in their land, agreed to help the Romans identify us, round us up, place us in shackles, and eventually put us on slave ships to be shipped all across the earth and sold as slaves.
WE Israelites, Yah's "Chosen" People, HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of us, were the slaves on those slave ships that you read about in history books today, NOT the Africans.
As you can see now, ONCE AGAIN, it was the AFRICANS that were directly involved in enslaving us Israelites.
AGAIN? WHEN ELSE? Remember, we (Israelites) were the slaves in Egypt (Mizraim) [Mizraim - African son of Ham] in the days of Moses that "Pharaoh refused to let go." We were enslaved in Egypt for approximately 210 years. When Moses (from the Tribe of Levi) led us out of Egypt, it was us Israelites that Yah parted the Red Sea for, on our way to the "Promised Land."
That 1956 movie "The Ten Commandments" with Charlton Heston, which claims to depict God's people enslaved in Egypt and led out by Moses, is a lie. In that movie, nearly everyone is "so-called" white people, even the Africans. What a joke. That is utterly ridiculous and a bold-faced lie.
They also intentionally do not call the Israelite slaves "Israelites," they call them "Hebrews," to mislead and deceive you. The world does not want anyone to know that the "Israelites" are Yah's "Chosen" people, still to this day.
In reality, regarding that captivity, the "enslavers" (Egyptians / Mizraimites) were dark-skinned Africans, and we slaves (Israelites) were dark-skinned. THERE WERE NO "so-called" WHITE PEOPLE THERE during our captivity in Egypt.
This is the history the "world" doesn't want you to know. They want you to continue believing the lie that "so-called" black people are Africans.
They don't want you to connect the dots that help identify the "so-called" black people as being the "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people; it is these same connected dots that exposes a certain group of people of today that are falsely claiming themselves to be God's chosen people, and are not.
They don't want you to know that every prophecy listed in Deuteronomy 28:15 to Deuteronomy 28:68 that Yah said would happen only to His "Chosen" people, the Israelites, happened exactly the way He said it would (to "so-called" black people), and these things were prophesied thousands of years ago.
For example, they don't want you connecting the dots in the Deuteronomy 28:68 prophecy, stating that Yah's chosen people would be enslaved again just like they were in Egypt, but this time, instead of walking into Egypt (slavery), they would be sent into slavery by way of "slave ships."
[ Deuteronomy 28:68 ]
And the LORD shall bring thee [Israelites] into Egypt [slavery/bondage - see Exodus 20:2 below] again [you will be slaves again just like you were in Egypt] with ships [you will be sent into slavery on slave ships - The Transatlantic Slave Trade], by the way whereof I spake unto thee, Thou shalt see it no more again: and there ye shall be sold [Negro Slave auctions] unto your enemies for bondmen [slave men] and bondwomen [slave women], and no man shall buy you [no man will pay for, redeem, nor buy your way out of slavery].
[ Exodus 20:2 ]
I am the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage [slavery].
I, myself, am an “Israelite” from the Tribe of “Judah,” a disciple of Christ (Yahusha), and a soldier of the Most High (Yahuah / Yah), and a life-long member of the “Body of Christ.”
I humbly ask that you provide these “truths” to others, thus clarifying any confusion regarding us Israelites. [ Zech 2:8, apple of his eye ]
LET THEM KNOW WHO WE TRULY ARE, which destroys the lies about us, and the evil labels upon us.
The 144,000 will be Israelites. [ Rev 7:3-8 ]
The 12 Gates of the Kingdom to come will bare the names of the 12 Tribes of Israel. [ Rev 21:10-12 ]
Now that you know the truth, you have a very important decision to make.
Will you refer to Yah's "Chosen" people by our rightful Yah-given name "Israelites," aka the descendants of Israel, the man, and will you also correct others that refer to us incorrectly, or will you willingly allow the “author of confusion” Satan, and other’s, false, deceptive, and malicious labeling of Yah's "Chosen" people to continue?
Choose wisely. Yah is watching.
The Israelites are waking up!!!
...and yes, "it matters."
Shalom, and Hallelu YAH
May no weapons formed against us prosper against us in the name of Jesus Christ for eternity.
And so it is.
Peace, love, and light.
Blessed be.
🙏🏻 💕 ✨️
I'm witnessing these daily
Very powerful preaching, may God bless you Sr Katie keep it up in exposing the kingdom of darkness.
Before i was saved Baptized and delivered, i had from childhood recurring nightmare of two large constrictor snakes, one white and one rainbow colored shimmering, in the midst of a house filled with snakes wherever house i was sleeping in. Eventually i learned to overcome the fear with faith and power through these snakes instead of trying to fight them one by one. I had at one point a daytime vision moments before receiving news of my close grandmother's sudden passing, this time 7-8ft tall cobras on either side of the road and driveway as i pulled up to the house. They had red eyes. The most surreal moment i had and thank God he delivers us from such attacks and deceptions. These things led me to question the spiritual meaning and go down new age teachings which made things worse by opening more doors and taking me further from the truth of Gods word and the power of the holy spirit and name and blood of Jesus Christ when we surrender fully and proclaim his power not our power, his power. I pray for all my brothers and sisters time is short we never know but what time we are given today.
I concur. I've seen them in the Spirit realm realm, yes, they are able to be removed thru prayer and taking our authority in Christ .
Oh yes, it's really. Thank you for this message. We need to hear more preachers and teachers bringing this out.
God protect me and my family
Genesis 3:15
Matthew 4:10-11
Hebrews 2:14-15
Colossians 2:14-15
Romans 16:20
1 John 3:8
Revelation 12 :10-11
Luke 10 : 18-19
2 Corinthian 10:3-5
Ephesians 6:10-18
Isaiah 10:14-15
Phillipper 2:9-11
By the power of this bible verses in the name of Jesus Christ.Amen
This is sooo powerful!! Thank You! 🔥🔥🔥
I often dream about snakes from my childhood until now 47 yrs, i am so upset after seeing these. But one thing I am sure is that I always walk in between them and reach the otherside. Colourful snakes, and so on it is so scary, hard to breath, sweating and all. May jesus pull out all that snake from my body and life that causes me pain, diseases, delays, blocks, relationship problems, financial problems with Holyspirit fire🙏
I'm here for it, my edu bank!
Thank you, Bless you both!
I love the passion and I love the enthusiasm for knowledge and clarity in the text. I also feel sorrow for the masses of people that subscribe to the messianic Jewish view of the Bible. The laws of Moses no longer bind us. Galatians 3:10 ¶ For all who rely on works of the law are under a curse; for it is written, “Cursed be everyone who does not abide by all things written in the Book of the Law, and do them.”
11 Now it is evident that no one is justified before God by the law, for “The righteous shall live by faith.”
Colossians 2:16 Therefore let no one pass judgment on you in questions of food and drink, or with regard to a festival or a new moon or a Sabbath.
17 These are a shadow of the things to come, but the substance belongs to Christ.
And the vision of Peter in Acts 10 it’s been made clear that Law and its dietary requirements and requirements of works have been full-filled in Jesus. God no longer requires this of us and it’s clear. So the movement of Messianic Jews and their interpretation is anti biblical. And in Galatians, Paul not only warns us but calls them “bewitched”. We ignore that at our peril. If the law of the OT and the wisdom of the prophets is all we need then we don’t need Jesus and I refuse to accept that.
=.,TRUTH MUST BE TOLD!!! ISRAELITES, WE are THE PEOPLE of the bible... Here's how... Shalom "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people!!!
Who we are is important!
Yah's "Chosen" people are the "Israelites," not the "Hebrews," not "Hebrew Israelites," not "Black Hebrew Israelites," nor anyone else outside of the "Children of Israel."
Either you are born an "Israelite" or you are not.
[ Deuteronomy 7:6 KJV ]
For thou [Israelites] art an holy people unto the LORD thy God: the LORD thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth.
We all need to know the following truths…
With respect, we have to stop allowing false “labels” to be placed upon Yah’s "Chosen" people. We have to stop feeding the “confusion” that the “world” intentionally places upon us. Remember, “God is not the author of confusion,” nor should we participate in the confusing folly of the enemy.
We have to make the “truth” plain (clear) to those that don’t know and also to those that are confused by all of the false and misleading labels that have been placed upon us Israelites.
We are “Israelites,” by blood, it’s a bloodline. We are NOT “Hebrew Israelites,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israelites,” and definitely NOT “Christians.” Period!
Our promise (as being the “Chosen” people of Yah) from Yah, came through the bloodline of our forefathers “Abraham”, “Isaac,” and “Jacob.”
Yah changed “Jacob’s” name to Israel (see below), NOT “Hebrew Israel,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israel,” just “Israel.” Israel had 12 sons, aka the 12 Tribes of Israel, aka the “Israelites;” and that is who we are. That is our “Nationality.” Yes, we are a melanated people, and society calls us "black people," but as far as “labels” go, we are not “black,” not “Afro/African American, not African,” none of those disparaging and ridiculous labels. We are "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people.
Genesis 35:10
And God said unto him, Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel.
There is no such thing as a “Spiritual Israelite,” nor are there any “Spiritual Israelite Tribes.”
There is no such thing as the “12 Spiritual Tribes of Israel.” This is all nonsense.
We as a people, at times, are referred to as the “Nation of Israel” (the people of Israel, the man), NOT to be confused with the people for whom the “State of Israel” was created.
Allowing anyone to refer to us outside of our rightful Yah given name is actually helping our enemies, and the enemies of Yah fulfill the Psalms 83 agreement, which was created to destroy the Israelites.
[Psalms 83:4] “Come, let us erase them as a nation; may the name of Israel be remembered no more."
We descend from Noah's son "Shem," aka the Shemites, not from "Ham," aka the Hamites (the so-called Africans). Read the definition of "Ham" in Zondervan's Compact Bible Dictionary:
Ham: "The youngest son of Noah...He became the progenitor of the dark races, not the Negros..."
We Israelites are NOT from Africa. Our homeland is the biblical "Land of Israel" (the Promised Land) (a portion of the "Land of Shem"), which encompasses numerous countries in the modern-day "so-called" Middle East. Our western boundary is the Mediterranean Sea, and our eastern boundary is short of the Euphrates River.
Ham’s son Canaan stole and illegally occupied a portion of our “Promised Land” from Shem, and then named it “The Land of Canaan.” A curse was placed on Canaan and his future generations forever because of that.
Noah prophesied Canaan would receive a curse in the future (Gen 9:15, 'Cursed be Canaan...'), for Noah foresaw Canaan's theft and illegal occupation of Shem's land. Read about it in the "Book of Jubilees" Chapter 10 verse 28 to 34.
Today, there are still heathen trespassers that are illegally occupying a portion of our "Promised Land." [ Luke 21:24, Jeremiah 30:10, Jeremiah 32:37 ]
HOW DID WE END UP ON "SLAVE SHIPS" (the Transatlantic Slave Trade) in West Africa, WHEN OUR HOMELAND was in ISRAEL?
In 70 A.D., the Romans set out to slaughter as many Israelites as they could in Jerusalem. So, millions of us fled from Israel into all parts of Africa (our next-door neighbor) to hide amongst the dark-skinned Africans [The same way Joseph, Mary, and the young Messiah fled into Egypt and blended in with the dark-skinned Egyptians, hiding from Herod] [ Matthew 2:13 ]. We hid amongst them for many years, avoiding the Romans, who were actively hunting us.
[ Matthew 2:13 ] ...the angel of the Lord appeareth to Joseph...saying...take the young child and his mother, and flee into Egypt...for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him.
In those days, the Suez Canal (which currently separates Africa from the Middle East) did not exist. We were able to walk into Africa on foot.
In Africa, the Romans couldn't tell the difference between us Israelites and the dark-skinned Hamites (Africans). Ultimately, the Africans, who hated us Israelites and hated us living in their land, agreed to help the Romans identify us, round us up, place us in shackles, and eventually put us on slave ships to be shipped all across the earth and sold as slaves.
WE Israelites, Yah's "Chosen" People, HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of us, were the slaves on those slave ships that you read about in history books today, NOT the Africans.
As you can see now, ONCE AGAIN, it was the AFRICANS that were directly involved in enslaving us Israelites.
AGAIN? WHEN ELSE? Remember, we (Israelites) were the slaves in Egypt (Mizraim) [Mizraim - African son of Ham] in the days of Moses that "Pharaoh refused to let go." We were enslaved in Egypt for approximately 210 years. When Moses (from the Tribe of Levi) led us out of Egypt, it was us Israelites that Yah parted the Red Sea for, on our way to the "Promised Land."
That 1956 movie "The Ten Commandments" with Charlton Heston, which claims to depict God's people enslaved in Egypt and led out by Moses, is a lie. In that movie, nearly everyone is "so-called" white people, even the Africans. What a joke. That is utterly ridiculous and a bold-faced lie.
They also intentionally do not call the Israelite slaves "Israelites," they call them "Hebrews," to mislead and deceive you. The world does not want anyone to know that the "Israelites" are Yah's "Chosen" people, still to this day.
In reality, regarding that captivity, the "enslavers" (Egyptians / Mizraimites) were dark-skinned Africans, and we slaves (Israelites) were dark-skinned. THERE WERE NO "so-called" WHITE PEOPLE THERE during our captivity in Egypt.
This is the history the "world" doesn't want you to know. They want you to continue believing the lie that "so-called" black people are Africans.
They don't want you to connect the dots that help identify the "so-called" black people as being the "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people; it is these same connected dots that exposes a certain group of people of today that are falsely claiming themselves to be God's chosen people, and are not.
They don't want you to know that every prophecy listed in Deuteronomy 28:15 to Deuteronomy 28:68 that Yah said would happen only to His "Chosen" people, the Israelites, happened exactly the way He said it would (to "so-called" black people), and these things were prophesied thousands of years ago.
For example, they don't want you connecting the dots in the Deuteronomy 28:68 prophecy, stating that Yah's chosen people would be enslaved again just like they were in Egypt, but this time, instead of walking into Egypt (slavery), they would be sent into slavery by way of "slave ships."
[ Deuteronomy 28:68 ]
And the LORD shall bring thee [Israelites] into Egypt [slavery/bondage - see Exodus 20:2 below] again [you will be slaves again just like you were in Egypt] with ships [you will be sent into slavery on slave ships - The Transatlantic Slave Trade], by the way whereof I spake unto thee, Thou shalt see it no more again: and there ye shall be sold [Negro Slave auctions] unto your enemies for bondmen [slave men] and bondwomen [slave women], and no man shall buy you [no man will pay for, redeem, nor buy your way out of slavery].
[ Exodus 20:2 ]
I am the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage [slavery].
I, myself, am an “Israelite” from the Tribe of “Judah,” a disciple of Christ (Yahusha), and a soldier of the Most High (Yahuah / Yah), and a life-long member of the “Body of Christ.”
I humbly ask that you provide these “truths” to others, thus clarifying any confusion regarding us Israelites. [ Zech 2:8, apple of his eye ]
LET THEM KNOW WHO WE TRULY ARE, which destroys the lies about us, and the evil labels upon us.
The 144,000 will be Israelites. [ Rev 7:3-8 ]
The 12 Gates of the Kingdom to come will bare the names of the 12 Tribes of Israel. [ Rev 21:10-12 ]
Now that you know the truth, you have a very important decision to make.
Will you refer to Yah's "Chosen" people by our rightful Yah-given name "Israelites," aka the descendants of Israel, the man, and will you also correct others that refer to us incorrectly, or will you willingly allow the “author of confusion” Satan, and other’s, false, deceptive, and malicious labeling of Yah's "Chosen" people to continue?
Choose wisely. Yah is watching.
The Israelites are waking up!!!
...and yes, "it matters."
Shalom, and Hallelu YAH
Wow so much revelation 🙏🔥
Love Katie!!
,=TRUTH MUST BE TOLD!!! ISRAELITES, WE are THE PEOPLE of the bible... Here's how... Shalom "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people!!!
Who we are is important!
Yah's "Chosen" people are the "Israelites," not the "Hebrews," not "Hebrew Israelites," not "Black Hebrew Israelites," nor anyone else outside of the "Children of Israel."
Either you are born an "Israelite" or you are not.
[ Deuteronomy 7:6 KJV ]
For thou [Israelites] art an holy people unto the LORD thy God: the LORD thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth.
We all need to know the following truths…
With respect, we have to stop allowing false “labels” to be placed upon Yah’s "Chosen" people. We have to stop feeding the “confusion” that the “world” intentionally places upon us. Remember, “God is not the author of confusion,” nor should we participate in the confusing folly of the enemy.
We have to make the “truth” plain (clear) to those that don’t know and also to those that are confused by all of the false and misleading labels that have been placed upon us Israelites.
We are “Israelites,” by blood, it’s a bloodline. We are NOT “Hebrew Israelites,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israelites,” and definitely NOT “Christians.” Period!
Our promise (as being the “Chosen” people of Yah) from Yah, came through the bloodline of our forefathers “Abraham”, “Isaac,” and “Jacob.”
Yah changed “Jacob’s” name to Israel (see below), NOT “Hebrew Israel,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israel,” just “Israel.” Israel had 12 sons, aka the 12 Tribes of Israel, aka the “Israelites;” and that is who we are. That is our “Nationality.” Yes, we are a melanated people, and society calls us "black people," but as far as “labels” go, we are not “black,” not “Afro/African American, not African,” none of those disparaging and ridiculous labels. We are "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people.
Genesis 35:10
And God said unto him, Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel.
There is no such thing as a “Spiritual Israelite,” nor are there any “Spiritual Israelite Tribes.”
There is no such thing as the “12 Spiritual Tribes of Israel.” This is all nonsense.
We as a people, at times, are referred to as the “Nation of Israel” (the people of Israel, the man), NOT to be confused with the people for whom the “State of Israel” was created.
Allowing anyone to refer to us outside of our rightful Yah given name is actually helping our enemies, and the enemies of Yah fulfill the Psalms 83 agreement, which was created to destroy the Israelites.
[Psalms 83:4] “Come, let us erase them as a nation; may the name of Israel be remembered no more."
We descend from Noah's son "Shem," aka the Shemites, not from "Ham," aka the Hamites (the so-called Africans). Read the definition of "Ham" in Zondervan's Compact Bible Dictionary:
Ham: "The youngest son of Noah...He became the progenitor of the dark races, not the Negros..."
We Israelites are NOT from Africa. Our homeland is the biblical "Land of Israel" (the Promised Land) (a portion of the "Land of Shem"), which encompasses numerous countries in the modern-day "so-called" Middle East. Our western boundary is the Mediterranean Sea, and our eastern boundary is short of the Euphrates River.
Ham’s son Canaan stole and illegally occupied a portion of our “Promised Land” from Shem, and then named it “The Land of Canaan.” A curse was placed on Canaan and his future generations forever because of that.
Noah prophesied Canaan would receive a curse in the future (Gen 9:15, 'Cursed be Canaan...'), for Noah foresaw Canaan's theft and illegal occupation of Shem's land. Read about it in the "Book of Jubilees" Chapter 10 verse 28 to 34.
Today, there are still heathen trespassers that are illegally occupying a portion of our "Promised Land." [ Luke 21:24, Jeremiah 30:10, Jeremiah 32:37 ]
HOW DID WE END UP ON "SLAVE SHIPS" (the Transatlantic Slave Trade) in West Africa, WHEN OUR HOMELAND was in ISRAEL?
In 70 A.D., the Romans set out to slaughter as many Israelites as they could in Jerusalem. So, millions of us fled from Israel into all parts of Africa (our next-door neighbor) to hide amongst the dark-skinned Africans [The same way Joseph, Mary, and the young Messiah fled into Egypt and blended in with the dark-skinned Egyptians, hiding from Herod] [ Matthew 2:13 ]. We hid amongst them for many years, avoiding the Romans, who were actively hunting us.
[ Matthew 2:13 ] ...the angel of the Lord appeareth to Joseph...saying...take the young child and his mother, and flee into Egypt...for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him.
In those days, the Suez Canal (which currently separates Africa from the Middle East) did not exist. We were able to walk into Africa on foot.
In Africa, the Romans couldn't tell the difference between us Israelites and the dark-skinned Hamites (Africans). Ultimately, the Africans, who hated us Israelites and hated us living in their land, agreed to help the Romans identify us, round us up, place us in shackles, and eventually put us on slave ships to be shipped all across the earth and sold as slaves.
WE Israelites, Yah's "Chosen" People, HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of us, were the slaves on those slave ships that you read about in history books today, NOT the Africans.
As you can see now, ONCE AGAIN, it was the AFRICANS that were directly involved in enslaving us Israelites.
AGAIN? WHEN ELSE? Remember, we (Israelites) were the slaves in Egypt (Mizraim) [Mizraim - African son of Ham] in the days of Moses that "Pharaoh refused to let go." We were enslaved in Egypt for approximately 210 years. When Moses (from the Tribe of Levi) led us out of Egypt, it was us Israelites that Yah parted the Red Sea for, on our way to the "Promised Land."
That 1956 movie "The Ten Commandments" with Charlton Heston, which claims to depict God's people enslaved in Egypt and led out by Moses, is a lie. In that movie, nearly everyone is "so-called" white people, even the Africans. What a joke. That is utterly ridiculous and a bold-faced lie.
They also intentionally do not call the Israelite slaves "Israelites," they call them "Hebrews," to mislead and deceive you. The world does not want anyone to know that the "Israelites" are Yah's "Chosen" people, still to this day.
In reality, regarding that captivity, the "enslavers" (Egyptians / Mizraimites) were dark-skinned Africans, and we slaves (Israelites) were dark-skinned. THERE WERE NO "so-called" WHITE PEOPLE THERE during our captivity in Egypt.
This is the history the "world" doesn't want you to know. They want you to continue believing the lie that "so-called" black people are Africans.
They don't want you to connect the dots that help identify the "so-called" black people as being the "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people; it is these same connected dots that exposes a certain group of people of today that are falsely claiming themselves to be God's chosen people, and are not.
They don't want you to know that every prophecy listed in Deuteronomy 28:15 to Deuteronomy 28:68 that Yah said would happen only to His "Chosen" people, the Israelites, happened exactly the way He said it would (to "so-called" black people), and these things were prophesied thousands of years ago.
For example, they don't want you connecting the dots in the Deuteronomy 28:68 prophecy, stating that Yah's chosen people would be enslaved again just like they were in Egypt, but this time, instead of walking into Egypt (slavery), they would be sent into slavery by way of "slave ships."
[ Deuteronomy 28:68 ]
And the LORD shall bring thee [Israelites] into Egypt [slavery/bondage - see Exodus 20:2 below] again [you will be slaves again just like you were in Egypt] with ships [you will be sent into slavery on slave ships - The Transatlantic Slave Trade], by the way whereof I spake unto thee, Thou shalt see it no more again: and there ye shall be sold [Negro Slave auctions] unto your enemies for bondmen [slave men] and bondwomen [slave women], and no man shall buy you [no man will pay for, redeem, nor buy your way out of slavery].
[ Exodus 20:2 ]
I am the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage [slavery].
I, myself, am an “Israelite” from the Tribe of “Judah,” a disciple of Christ (Yahusha), and a soldier of the Most High (Yahuah / Yah), and a life-long member of the “Body of Christ.”
I humbly ask that you provide these “truths” to others, thus clarifying any confusion regarding us Israelites. [ Zech 2:8, apple of his eye ]
LET THEM KNOW WHO WE TRULY ARE, which destroys the lies about us, and the evil labels upon us.
The 144,000 will be Israelites. [ Rev 7:3-8 ]
The 12 Gates of the Kingdom to come will bare the names of the 12 Tribes of Israel. [ Rev 21:10-12 ]
Now that you know the truth, you have a very important decision to make.
Will you refer to Yah's "Chosen" people by our rightful Yah-given name "Israelites," aka the descendants of Israel, the man, and will you also correct others that refer to us incorrectly, or will you willingly allow the “author of confusion” Satan, and other’s, false, deceptive, and malicious labeling of Yah's "Chosen" people to continue?
Choose wisely. Yah is watching.
The Israelites are waking up!!!
...and yes, "it matters."
Shalom, and Hallelu YAH
If you only knew the spooky experiences I've had with the serpent, you'd likely be intrigued to say the least. These anecdotes have been so specific that it forces the hair on the back of the neck to raise. The preternatural is very real. If I could talk to somebody, I believe that I might just blow their mind with these serpent experiences.
Thank God,I got rid of a 2-legged 🐍 many moons ago🎉
Lord give me sight to see ears to her mind that discerns and aldo your heart Lord Jesus s d your wisdom and understanding
I believe I know and do understand I agree with her
They appear on your dreams , as well as sent from an evil alter
Pray and fast for these serpentine spirits to evaporate from our lives , they destroy your destiny with debilitating symptoms, like the spirit of delay , misfortune, stagnancy ,misery and devours your savings and the fruitsof your labour ,, they turn you into a hermit , and it later stages depression and suicide 😢
You have just described my attack since 2017, everything you said 😢
-/ TRUTH MUST BE TOLD!!! ISRAELITES, WE are THE PEOPLE of the bible... Here's how... Shalom "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people!!!
Who we are is important!
Yah's "Chosen" people are the "Israelites," not the "Hebrews," not "Hebrew Israelites," not "Black Hebrew Israelites," nor anyone else outside of the "Children of Israel."
Either you are born an "Israelite" or you are not.
[ Deuteronomy 7:6 KJV ]
For thou [Israelites] art an holy people unto the LORD thy God: the LORD thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth.
We all need to know the following truths…
With respect, we have to stop allowing false “labels” to be placed upon Yah’s "Chosen" people. We have to stop feeding the “confusion” that the “world” intentionally places upon us. Remember, “God is not the author of confusion,” nor should we participate in the confusing folly of the enemy.
We have to make the “truth” plain (clear) to those that don’t know and also to those that are confused by all of the false and misleading labels that have been placed upon us Israelites.
We are “Israelites,” by blood, it’s a bloodline. We are NOT “Hebrew Israelites,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israelites,” and definitely NOT “Christians.” Period!
Our promise (as being the “Chosen” people of Yah) from Yah, came through the bloodline of our forefathers “Abraham”, “Isaac,” and “Jacob.”
Yah changed “Jacob’s” name to Israel (see below), NOT “Hebrew Israel,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israel,” just “Israel.” Israel had 12 sons, aka the 12 Tribes of Israel, aka the “Israelites;” and that is who we are. That is our “Nationality.” Yes, we are a melanated people, and society calls us "black people," but as far as “labels” go, we are not “black,” not “Afro/African American, not African,” none of those disparaging and ridiculous labels. We are "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people.
Genesis 35:10
And God said unto him, Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel.
There is no such thing as a “Spiritual Israelite,” nor are there any “Spiritual Israelite Tribes.”
There is no such thing as the “12 Spiritual Tribes of Israel.” This is all nonsense.
We as a people, at times, are referred to as the “Nation of Israel” (the people of Israel, the man), NOT to be confused with the people for whom the “State of Israel” was created.
Allowing anyone to refer to us outside of our rightful Yah given name is actually helping our enemies, and the enemies of Yah fulfill the Psalms 83 agreement, which was created to destroy the Israelites.
[Psalms 83:4] “Come, let us erase them as a nation; may the name of Israel be remembered no more."
We descend from Noah's son "Shem," aka the Shemites, not from "Ham," aka the Hamites (the so-called Africans). Read the definition of "Ham" in Zondervan's Compact Bible Dictionary:
Ham: "The youngest son of Noah...He became the progenitor of the dark races, not the Negros..."
We Israelites are NOT from Africa. Our homeland is the biblical "Land of Israel" (the Promised Land) (a portion of the "Land of Shem"), which encompasses numerous countries in the modern-day "so-called" Middle East. Our western boundary is the Mediterranean Sea, and our eastern boundary is short of the Euphrates River.
Ham’s son Canaan stole and illegally occupied a portion of our “Promised Land” from Shem, and then named it “The Land of Canaan.” A curse was placed on Canaan and his future generations forever because of that.
Noah prophesied Canaan would receive a curse in the future (Gen 9:15, 'Cursed be Canaan...'), for Noah foresaw Canaan's theft and illegal occupation of Shem's land. Read about it in the "Book of Jubilees" Chapter 10 verse 28 to 34.
Today, there are still heathen trespassers that are illegally occupying a portion of our "Promised Land." [ Luke 21:24, Jeremiah 30:10, Jeremiah 32:37 ]
HOW DID WE END UP ON "SLAVE SHIPS" (the Transatlantic Slave Trade) in West Africa, WHEN OUR HOMELAND was in ISRAEL?
In 70 A.D., the Romans set out to slaughter as many Israelites as they could in Jerusalem. So, millions of us fled from Israel into all parts of Africa (our next-door neighbor) to hide amongst the dark-skinned Africans [The same way Joseph, Mary, and the young Messiah fled into Egypt and blended in with the dark-skinned Egyptians, hiding from Herod] [ Matthew 2:13 ]. We hid amongst them for many years, avoiding the Romans, who were actively hunting us.
[ Matthew 2:13 ] ...the angel of the Lord appeareth to Joseph...saying...take the young child and his mother, and flee into Egypt...for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him.
In those days, the Suez Canal (which currently separates Africa from the Middle East) did not exist. We were able to walk into Africa on foot.
In Africa, the Romans couldn't tell the difference between us Israelites and the dark-skinned Hamites (Africans). Ultimately, the Africans, who hated us Israelites and hated us living in their land, agreed to help the Romans identify us, round us up, place us in shackles, and eventually put us on slave ships to be shipped all across the earth and sold as slaves.
WE Israelites, Yah's "Chosen" People, HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of us, were the slaves on those slave ships that you read about in history books today, NOT the Africans.
As you can see now, ONCE AGAIN, it was the AFRICANS that were directly involved in enslaving us Israelites.
AGAIN? WHEN ELSE? Remember, we (Israelites) were the slaves in Egypt (Mizraim) [Mizraim - African son of Ham] in the days of Moses that "Pharaoh refused to let go." We were enslaved in Egypt for approximately 210 years. When Moses (from the Tribe of Levi) led us out of Egypt, it was us Israelites that Yah parted the Red Sea for, on our way to the "Promised Land."
That 1956 movie "The Ten Commandments" with Charlton Heston, which claims to depict God's people enslaved in Egypt and led out by Moses, is a lie. In that movie, nearly everyone is "so-called" white people, even the Africans. What a joke. That is utterly ridiculous and a bold-faced lie.
They also intentionally do not call the Israelite slaves "Israelites," they call them "Hebrews," to mislead and deceive you. The world does not want anyone to know that the "Israelites" are Yah's "Chosen" people, still to this day.
In reality, regarding that captivity, the "enslavers" (Egyptians / Mizraimites) were dark-skinned Africans, and we slaves (Israelites) were dark-skinned. THERE WERE NO "so-called" WHITE PEOPLE THERE during our captivity in Egypt.
This is the history the "world" doesn't want you to know. They want you to continue believing the lie that "so-called" black people are Africans.
They don't want you to connect the dots that help identify the "so-called" black people as being the "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people; it is these same connected dots that exposes a certain group of people of today that are falsely claiming themselves to be God's chosen people, and are not.
They don't want you to know that every prophecy listed in Deuteronomy 28:15 to Deuteronomy 28:68 that Yah said would happen only to His "Chosen" people, the Israelites, happened exactly the way He said it would (to "so-called" black people), and these things were prophesied thousands of years ago.
For example, they don't want you connecting the dots in the Deuteronomy 28:68 prophecy, stating that Yah's chosen people would be enslaved again just like they were in Egypt, but this time, instead of walking into Egypt (slavery), they would be sent into slavery by way of "slave ships."
[ Deuteronomy 28:68 ]
And the LORD shall bring thee [Israelites] into Egypt [slavery/bondage - see Exodus 20:2 below] again [you will be slaves again just like you were in Egypt] with ships [you will be sent into slavery on slave ships - The Transatlantic Slave Trade], by the way whereof I spake unto thee, Thou shalt see it no more again: and there ye shall be sold [Negro Slave auctions] unto your enemies for bondmen [slave men] and bondwomen [slave women], and no man shall buy you [no man will pay for, redeem, nor buy your way out of slavery].
[ Exodus 20:2 ]
I am the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage [slavery].
I, myself, am an “Israelite” from the Tribe of “Judah,” a disciple of Christ (Yahusha), and a soldier of the Most High (Yahuah / Yah), and a life-long member of the “Body of Christ.”
I humbly ask that you provide these “truths” to others, thus clarifying any confusion regarding us Israelites. [ Zech 2:8, apple of his eye ]
LET THEM KNOW WHO WE TRULY ARE, which destroys the lies about us, and the evil labels upon us.
The 144,000 will be Israelites. [ Rev 7:3-8 ]
The 12 Gates of the Kingdom to come will bare the names of the 12 Tribes of Israel. [ Rev 21:10-12 ]
Now that you know the truth, you have a very important decision to make.
Will you refer to Yah's "Chosen" people by our rightful Yah-given name "Israelites," aka the descendants of Israel, the man, and will you also correct others that refer to us incorrectly, or will you willingly allow the “author of confusion” Satan, and other’s, false, deceptive, and malicious labeling of Yah's "Chosen" people to continue?
Choose wisely. Yah is watching.
The Israelites are waking up!!!
...and yes, "it matters."
Shalom, and Hallelu YAH
Yeah definitely something I have been going through
Hi Katie, God Bless you and your ministry... I met ya at Glad Tidings church with Dave n Cheryl .. awesome stuff
Praise God
Be Blessed beautiful ❤
,,TRUTH MUST BE TOLD!!! ISRAELITES, WE are THE PEOPLE of the bible... Here's how... Shalom "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people!!!
Who we are is important!
Yah's "Chosen" people are the "Israelites," not the "Hebrews," not "Hebrew Israelites," not "Black Hebrew Israelites," nor anyone else outside of the "Children of Israel."
Either you are born an "Israelite" or you are not.
[ Deuteronomy 7:6 KJV ]
For thou [Israelites] art an holy people unto the LORD thy God: the LORD thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth.
We all need to know the following truths…
With respect, we have to stop allowing false “labels” to be placed upon Yah’s "Chosen" people. We have to stop feeding the “confusion” that the “world” intentionally places upon us. Remember, “God is not the author of confusion,” nor should we participate in the confusing folly of the enemy.
We have to make the “truth” plain (clear) to those that don’t know and also to those that are confused by all of the false and misleading labels that have been placed upon us Israelites.
We are “Israelites,” by blood, it’s a bloodline. We are NOT “Hebrew Israelites,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israelites,” and definitely NOT “Christians.” Period!
Our promise (as being the “Chosen” people of Yah) from Yah, came through the bloodline of our forefathers “Abraham”, “Isaac,” and “Jacob.”
Yah changed “Jacob’s” name to Israel (see below), NOT “Hebrew Israel,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israel,” just “Israel.” Israel had 12 sons, aka the 12 Tribes of Israel, aka the “Israelites;” and that is who we are. That is our “Nationality.” Yes, we are a melanated people, and society calls us "black people," but as far as “labels” go, we are not “black,” not “Afro/African American, not African,” none of those disparaging and ridiculous labels. We are "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people.
Genesis 35:10
And God said unto him, Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel.
There is no such thing as a “Spiritual Israelite,” nor are there any “Spiritual Israelite Tribes.”
There is no such thing as the “12 Spiritual Tribes of Israel.” This is all nonsense.
We as a people, at times, are referred to as the “Nation of Israel” (the people of Israel, the man), NOT to be confused with the people for whom the “State of Israel” was created.
Allowing anyone to refer to us outside of our rightful Yah given name is actually helping our enemies, and the enemies of Yah fulfill the Psalms 83 agreement, which was created to destroy the Israelites.
[Psalms 83:4] “Come, let us erase them as a nation; may the name of Israel be remembered no more."
We descend from Noah's son "Shem," aka the Shemites, not from "Ham," aka the Hamites (the so-called Africans). Read the definition of "Ham" in Zondervan's Compact Bible Dictionary:
Ham: "The youngest son of Noah...He became the progenitor of the dark races, not the Negros..."
We Israelites are NOT from Africa. Our homeland is the biblical "Land of Israel" (the Promised Land) (a portion of the "Land of Shem"), which encompasses numerous countries in the modern-day "so-called" Middle East. Our western boundary is the Mediterranean Sea, and our eastern boundary is short of the Euphrates River.
Ham’s son Canaan stole and illegally occupied a portion of our “Promised Land” from Shem, and then named it “The Land of Canaan.” A curse was placed on Canaan and his future generations forever because of that.
Noah prophesied Canaan would receive a curse in the future (Gen 9:15, 'Cursed be Canaan...'), for Noah foresaw Canaan's theft and illegal occupation of Shem's land. Read about it in the "Book of Jubilees" Chapter 10 verse 28 to 34.
Today, there are still heathen trespassers that are illegally occupying a portion of our "Promised Land." [ Luke 21:24, Jeremiah 30:10, Jeremiah 32:37 ]
HOW DID WE END UP ON "SLAVE SHIPS" (the Transatlantic Slave Trade) in West Africa, WHEN OUR HOMELAND was in ISRAEL?
In 70 A.D., the Romans set out to slaughter as many Israelites as they could in Jerusalem. So, millions of us fled from Israel into all parts of Africa (our next-door neighbor) to hide amongst the dark-skinned Africans [The same way Joseph, Mary, and the young Messiah fled into Egypt and blended in with the dark-skinned Egyptians, hiding from Herod] [ Matthew 2:13 ]. We hid amongst them for many years, avoiding the Romans, who were actively hunting us.
[ Matthew 2:13 ] ...the angel of the Lord appeareth to Joseph...saying...take the young child and his mother, and flee into Egypt...for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him.
In those days, the Suez Canal (which currently separates Africa from the Middle East) did not exist. We were able to walk into Africa on foot.
In Africa, the Romans couldn't tell the difference between us Israelites and the dark-skinned Hamites (Africans). Ultimately, the Africans, who hated us Israelites and hated us living in their land, agreed to help the Romans identify us, round us up, place us in shackles, and eventually put us on slave ships to be shipped all across the earth and sold as slaves.
WE Israelites, Yah's "Chosen" People, HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of us, were the slaves on those slave ships that you read about in history books today, NOT the Africans.
As you can see now, ONCE AGAIN, it was the AFRICANS that were directly involved in enslaving us Israelites.
AGAIN? WHEN ELSE? Remember, we (Israelites) were the slaves in Egypt (Mizraim) [Mizraim - African son of Ham] in the days of Moses that "Pharaoh refused to let go." We were enslaved in Egypt for approximately 210 years. When Moses (from the Tribe of Levi) led us out of Egypt, it was us Israelites that Yah parted the Red Sea for, on our way to the "Promised Land."
That 1956 movie "The Ten Commandments" with Charlton Heston, which claims to depict God's people enslaved in Egypt and led out by Moses, is a lie. In that movie, nearly everyone is "so-called" white people, even the Africans. What a joke. That is utterly ridiculous and a bold-faced lie.
They also intentionally do not call the Israelite slaves "Israelites," they call them "Hebrews," to mislead and deceive you. The world does not want anyone to know that the "Israelites" are Yah's "Chosen" people, still to this day.
In reality, regarding that captivity, the "enslavers" (Egyptians / Mizraimites) were dark-skinned Africans, and we slaves (Israelites) were dark-skinned. THERE WERE NO "so-called" WHITE PEOPLE THERE during our captivity in Egypt.
This is the history the "world" doesn't want you to know. They want you to continue believing the lie that "so-called" black people are Africans.
They don't want you to connect the dots that help identify the "so-called" black people as being the "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people; it is these same connected dots that exposes a certain group of people of today that are falsely claiming themselves to be God's chosen people, and are not.
They don't want you to know that every prophecy listed in Deuteronomy 28:15 to Deuteronomy 28:68 that Yah said would happen only to His "Chosen" people, the Israelites, happened exactly the way He said it would (to "so-called" black people), and these things were prophesied thousands of years ago.
For example, they don't want you connecting the dots in the Deuteronomy 28:68 prophecy, stating that Yah's chosen people would be enslaved again just like they were in Egypt, but this time, instead of walking into Egypt (slavery), they would be sent into slavery by way of "slave ships."
[ Deuteronomy 28:68 ]
And the LORD shall bring thee [Israelites] into Egypt [slavery/bondage - see Exodus 20:2 below] again [you will be slaves again just like you were in Egypt] with ships [you will be sent into slavery on slave ships - The Transatlantic Slave Trade], by the way whereof I spake unto thee, Thou shalt see it no more again: and there ye shall be sold [Negro Slave auctions] unto your enemies for bondmen [slave men] and bondwomen [slave women], and no man shall buy you [no man will pay for, redeem, nor buy your way out of slavery].
[ Exodus 20:2 ]
I am the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage [slavery].
I, myself, am an “Israelite” from the Tribe of “Judah,” a disciple of Christ (Yahusha), and a soldier of the Most High (Yahuah / Yah), and a life-long member of the “Body of Christ.”
I humbly ask that you provide these “truths” to others, thus clarifying any confusion regarding us Israelites. [ Zech 2:8, apple of his eye ]
LET THEM KNOW WHO WE TRULY ARE, which destroys the lies about us, and the evil labels upon us.
The 144,000 will be Israelites. [ Rev 7:3-8 ]
The 12 Gates of the Kingdom to come will bare the names of the 12 Tribes of Israel. [ Rev 21:10-12 ]
Now that you know the truth, you have a very important decision to make.
Will you refer to Yah's "Chosen" people by our rightful Yah-given name "Israelites," aka the descendants of Israel, the man, and will you also correct others that refer to us incorrectly, or will you willingly allow the “author of confusion” Satan, and other’s, false, deceptive, and malicious labeling of Yah's "Chosen" people to continue?
Choose wisely. Yah is watching.
The Israelites are waking up!!!
...and yes, "it matters."
Shalom, and Hallelu YAH
I need prayers for my spine and head hemorrhage
❤ bless 🙏🏾
WALK IN THe Spirit and you
What is fire song and worship that you mentioned?
Please tell me what is the fire song that you saying to get rid of your breast tumor? Thank y oh so much for this revelation!! Praise God in the Highest!!!
What is the fire song? How do you get in the presence of God's fire? I'm new to all of this, never been to church in my life until this year. Please explain it like you would to a child. I deal with an autistic spirit, so it's hard to understand things sometimes. I have so many witchcraft serpent spirits against, as well as a mind controlling octopus spirit, and like I said, a witchcraft autism spirit. There's witchcraft in my ancestral line, and I was born with witchcraft against me.
- _TRUTH MUST BE TOLD!!! ISRAELITES, WE are THE PEOPLE of the bible... Here's how... Shalom "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people!!!
Who we are is important!
Yah's "Chosen" people are the "Israelites," not the "Hebrews," not "Hebrew Israelites," not "Black Hebrew Israelites," nor anyone else outside of the "Children of Israel."
Either you are born an "Israelite" or you are not.
[ Deuteronomy 7:6 KJV ]
For thou [Israelites] art an holy people unto the LORD thy God: the LORD thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth.
We all need to know the following truths…
With respect, we have to stop allowing false “labels” to be placed upon Yah’s "Chosen" people. We have to stop feeding the “confusion” that the “world” intentionally places upon us. Remember, “God is not the author of confusion,” nor should we participate in the confusing folly of the enemy.
We have to make the “truth” plain (clear) to those that don’t know and also to those that are confused by all of the false and misleading labels that have been placed upon us Israelites.
We are “Israelites,” by blood, it’s a bloodline. We are NOT “Hebrew Israelites,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israelites,” and definitely NOT “Christians.” Period!
Our promise (as being the “Chosen” people of Yah) from Yah, came through the bloodline of our forefathers “Abraham”, “Isaac,” and “Jacob.”
Yah changed “Jacob’s” name to Israel (see below), NOT “Hebrew Israel,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israel,” just “Israel.” Israel had 12 sons, aka the 12 Tribes of Israel, aka the “Israelites;” and that is who we are. That is our “Nationality.” Yes, we are a melanated people, and society calls us "black people," but as far as “labels” go, we are not “black,” not “Afro/African American, not African,” none of those disparaging and ridiculous labels. We are "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people.
Genesis 35:10
And God said unto him, Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel.
There is no such thing as a “Spiritual Israelite,” nor are there any “Spiritual Israelite Tribes.”
There is no such thing as the “12 Spiritual Tribes of Israel.” This is all nonsense.
We as a people, at times, are referred to as the “Nation of Israel” (the people of Israel, the man), NOT to be confused with the people for whom the “State of Israel” was created.
Allowing anyone to refer to us outside of our rightful Yah given name is actually helping our enemies, and the enemies of Yah fulfill the Psalms 83 agreement, which was created to destroy the Israelites.
[Psalms 83:4] “Come, let us erase them as a nation; may the name of Israel be remembered no more."
We descend from Noah's son "Shem," aka the Shemites, not from "Ham," aka the Hamites (the so-called Africans). Read the definition of "Ham" in Zondervan's Compact Bible Dictionary:
Ham: "The youngest son of Noah...He became the progenitor of the dark races, not the Negros..."
We Israelites are NOT from Africa. Our homeland is the biblical "Land of Israel" (the Promised Land) (a portion of the "Land of Shem"), which encompasses numerous countries in the modern-day "so-called" Middle East. Our western boundary is the Mediterranean Sea, and our eastern boundary is short of the Euphrates River.
Ham’s son Canaan stole and illegally occupied a portion of our “Promised Land” from Shem, and then named it “The Land of Canaan.” A curse was placed on Canaan and his future generations forever because of that.
Noah prophesied Canaan would receive a curse in the future (Gen 9:15, 'Cursed be Canaan...'), for Noah foresaw Canaan's theft and illegal occupation of Shem's land. Read about it in the "Book of Jubilees" Chapter 10 verse 28 to 34.
Today, there are still heathen trespassers that are illegally occupying a portion of our "Promised Land." [ Luke 21:24, Jeremiah 30:10, Jeremiah 32:37 ]
HOW DID WE END UP ON "SLAVE SHIPS" (the Transatlantic Slave Trade) in West Africa, WHEN OUR HOMELAND was in ISRAEL?
In 70 A.D., the Romans set out to slaughter as many Israelites as they could in Jerusalem. So, millions of us fled from Israel into all parts of Africa (our next-door neighbor) to hide amongst the dark-skinned Africans [The same way Joseph, Mary, and the young Messiah fled into Egypt and blended in with the dark-skinned Egyptians, hiding from Herod] [ Matthew 2:13 ]. We hid amongst them for many years, avoiding the Romans, who were actively hunting us.
[ Matthew 2:13 ] ...the angel of the Lord appeareth to Joseph...saying...take the young child and his mother, and flee into Egypt...for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him.
In those days, the Suez Canal (which currently separates Africa from the Middle East) did not exist. We were able to walk into Africa on foot.
In Africa, the Romans couldn't tell the difference between us Israelites and the dark-skinned Hamites (Africans). Ultimately, the Africans, who hated us Israelites and hated us living in their land, agreed to help the Romans identify us, round us up, place us in shackles, and eventually put us on slave ships to be shipped all across the earth and sold as slaves.
WE Israelites, Yah's "Chosen" People, HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of us, were the slaves on those slave ships that you read about in history books today, NOT the Africans.
As you can see now, ONCE AGAIN, it was the AFRICANS that were directly involved in enslaving us Israelites.
AGAIN? WHEN ELSE? Remember, we (Israelites) were the slaves in Egypt (Mizraim) [Mizraim - African son of Ham] in the days of Moses that "Pharaoh refused to let go." We were enslaved in Egypt for approximately 210 years. When Moses (from the Tribe of Levi) led us out of Egypt, it was us Israelites that Yah parted the Red Sea for, on our way to the "Promised Land."
That 1956 movie "The Ten Commandments" with Charlton Heston, which claims to depict God's people enslaved in Egypt and led out by Moses, is a lie. In that movie, nearly everyone is "so-called" white people, even the Africans. What a joke. That is utterly ridiculous and a bold-faced lie.
They also intentionally do not call the Israelite slaves "Israelites," they call them "Hebrews," to mislead and deceive you. The world does not want anyone to know that the "Israelites" are Yah's "Chosen" people, still to this day.
In reality, regarding that captivity, the "enslavers" (Egyptians / Mizraimites) were dark-skinned Africans, and we slaves (Israelites) were dark-skinned. THERE WERE NO "so-called" WHITE PEOPLE THERE during our captivity in Egypt.
This is the history the "world" doesn't want you to know. They want you to continue believing the lie that "so-called" black people are Africans.
They don't want you to connect the dots that help identify the "so-called" black people as being the "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people; it is these same connected dots that exposes a certain group of people of today that are falsely claiming themselves to be God's chosen people, and are not.
They don't want you to know that every prophecy listed in Deuteronomy 28:15 to Deuteronomy 28:68 that Yah said would happen only to His "Chosen" people, the Israelites, happened exactly the way He said it would (to "so-called" black people), and these things were prophesied thousands of years ago.
For example, they don't want you connecting the dots in the Deuteronomy 28:68 prophecy, stating that Yah's chosen people would be enslaved again just like they were in Egypt, but this time, instead of walking into Egypt (slavery), they would be sent into slavery by way of "slave ships."
[ Deuteronomy 28:68 ]
And the LORD shall bring thee [Israelites] into Egypt [slavery/bondage - see Exodus 20:2 below] again [you will be slaves again just like you were in Egypt] with ships [you will be sent into slavery on slave ships - The Transatlantic Slave Trade], by the way whereof I spake unto thee, Thou shalt see it no more again: and there ye shall be sold [Negro Slave auctions] unto your enemies for bondmen [slave men] and bondwomen [slave women], and no man shall buy you [no man will pay for, redeem, nor buy your way out of slavery].
[ Exodus 20:2 ]
I am the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage [slavery].
I, myself, am an “Israelite” from the Tribe of “Judah,” a disciple of Christ (Yahusha), and a soldier of the Most High (Yahuah / Yah), and a life-long member of the “Body of Christ.”
I humbly ask that you provide these “truths” to others, thus clarifying any confusion regarding us Israelites. [ Zech 2:8, apple of his eye ]
LET THEM KNOW WHO WE TRULY ARE, which destroys the lies about us, and the evil labels upon us.
The 144,000 will be Israelites. [ Rev 7:3-8 ]
The 12 Gates of the Kingdom to come will bare the names of the 12 Tribes of Israel. [ Rev 21:10-12 ]
Now that you know the truth, you have a very important decision to make.
Will you refer to Yah's "Chosen" people by our rightful Yah-given name "Israelites," aka the descendants of Israel, the man, and will you also correct others that refer to us incorrectly, or will you willingly allow the “author of confusion” Satan, and other’s, false, deceptive, and malicious labeling of Yah's "Chosen" people to continue?
Choose wisely. Yah is watching.
The Israelites are waking up!!!
...and yes, "it matters."
Shalom, and Hallelu YAH
Psalm 91
I need help with doubt
My names Brandy this is my friends phone' shes letting me use it but i had a dream last week I dark color snake kept striking at me' after I got away' in the dream all seemed okay only to look and see a white snake with pink pretty floral patterns on it wrapped around my right arm and I couldn't shake it off cause I had to hold the head of it cause it kept striking very very close to my face and I woke up' please keep me in ur prayers
To the lady @CharismaMedia, please show me where in the Bible does it say we are given authority to trample on serpents and scorpions.
@@ChildofPromise144k Luke :10:19
👇🏽 Right now, I release all trauma from my mind, body, memories, cells, and mitochondria across all timelines, dimensions, planes, and realms in spirit and in flesh. Thank you, thank you, thank you. It is done.
Hey Charisma Media, YT doesn’t adjust your views, thumbs up or how long ago a video posted🤔 For 8 minutes it said 23 minutes ago (posted), 57 views and 12 👍🏼 never increased…
Thanks for the info!
Hi. I need answers.?? Plz. ?? Is E. M.F. or D.E.W. spiritual warfare ???? V2K.Too. ???
So what does serpent spirit mean, do,operate? I had a dream of a king cobra all black snake biting my wrist. I start to bleed profusely and in the dream I felt very dizzy and weak
@@sabrinajolie2465 girl you need to fast and pray. You are in warfare. Watch evangelist Joshua, Abendego Lufile, Noah Hines and Derek Prince. You may need deliverance.
Nagas are known worldwide but most people dont know they are evil
.\-TRUTH MUST BE TOLD!!! ISRAELITES, WE are THE PEOPLE of the bible... Here's how... Shalom "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people!!!
Who we are is important!
Yah's "Chosen" people are the "Israelites," not the "Hebrews," not "Hebrew Israelites," not "Black Hebrew Israelites," nor anyone else outside of the "Children of Israel."
Either you are born an "Israelite" or you are not.
[ Deuteronomy 7:6 KJV ]
For thou [Israelites] art an holy people unto the LORD thy God: the LORD thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth.
We all need to know the following truths…
With respect, we have to stop allowing false “labels” to be placed upon Yah’s "Chosen" people. We have to stop feeding the “confusion” that the “world” intentionally places upon us. Remember, “God is not the author of confusion,” nor should we participate in the confusing folly of the enemy.
We have to make the “truth” plain (clear) to those that don’t know and also to those that are confused by all of the false and misleading labels that have been placed upon us Israelites.
We are “Israelites,” by blood, it’s a bloodline. We are NOT “Hebrew Israelites,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israelites,” and definitely NOT “Christians.” Period!
Our promise (as being the “Chosen” people of Yah) from Yah, came through the bloodline of our forefathers “Abraham”, “Isaac,” and “Jacob.”
Yah changed “Jacob’s” name to Israel (see below), NOT “Hebrew Israel,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israel,” just “Israel.” Israel had 12 sons, aka the 12 Tribes of Israel, aka the “Israelites;” and that is who we are. That is our “Nationality.” Yes, we are a melanated people, and society calls us "black people," but as far as “labels” go, we are not “black,” not “Afro/African American, not African,” none of those disparaging and ridiculous labels. We are "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people.
Genesis 35:10
And God said unto him, Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel.
There is no such thing as a “Spiritual Israelite,” nor are there any “Spiritual Israelite Tribes.”
There is no such thing as the “12 Spiritual Tribes of Israel.” This is all nonsense.
We as a people, at times, are referred to as the “Nation of Israel” (the people of Israel, the man), NOT to be confused with the people for whom the “State of Israel” was created.
Allowing anyone to refer to us outside of our rightful Yah given name is actually helping our enemies, and the enemies of Yah fulfill the Psalms 83 agreement, which was created to destroy the Israelites.
[Psalms 83:4] “Come, let us erase them as a nation; may the name of Israel be remembered no more."
We descend from Noah's son "Shem," aka the Shemites, not from "Ham," aka the Hamites (the so-called Africans). Read the definition of "Ham" in Zondervan's Compact Bible Dictionary:
Ham: "The youngest son of Noah...He became the progenitor of the dark races, not the Negros..."
We Israelites are NOT from Africa. Our homeland is the biblical "Land of Israel" (the Promised Land) (a portion of the "Land of Shem"), which encompasses numerous countries in the modern-day "so-called" Middle East. Our western boundary is the Mediterranean Sea, and our eastern boundary is short of the Euphrates River.
Ham’s son Canaan stole and illegally occupied a portion of our “Promised Land” from Shem, and then named it “The Land of Canaan.” A curse was placed on Canaan and his future generations forever because of that.
Noah prophesied Canaan would receive a curse in the future (Gen 9:15, 'Cursed be Canaan...'), for Noah foresaw Canaan's theft and illegal occupation of Shem's land. Read about it in the "Book of Jubilees" Chapter 10 verse 28 to 34.
Today, there are still heathen trespassers that are illegally occupying a portion of our "Promised Land." [ Luke 21:24, Jeremiah 30:10, Jeremiah 32:37 ]
HOW DID WE END UP ON "SLAVE SHIPS" (the Transatlantic Slave Trade) in West Africa, WHEN OUR HOMELAND was in ISRAEL?
In 70 A.D., the Romans set out to slaughter as many Israelites as they could in Jerusalem. So, millions of us fled from Israel into all parts of Africa (our next-door neighbor) to hide amongst the dark-skinned Africans [The same way Joseph, Mary, and the young Messiah fled into Egypt and blended in with the dark-skinned Egyptians, hiding from Herod] [ Matthew 2:13 ]. We hid amongst them for many years, avoiding the Romans, who were actively hunting us.
[ Matthew 2:13 ] ...the angel of the Lord appeareth to Joseph...saying...take the young child and his mother, and flee into Egypt...for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him.
In those days, the Suez Canal (which currently separates Africa from the Middle East) did not exist. We were able to walk into Africa on foot.
In Africa, the Romans couldn't tell the difference between us Israelites and the dark-skinned Hamites (Africans). Ultimately, the Africans, who hated us Israelites and hated us living in their land, agreed to help the Romans identify us, round us up, place us in shackles, and eventually put us on slave ships to be shipped all across the earth and sold as slaves.
WE Israelites, Yah's "Chosen" People, HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of us, were the slaves on those slave ships that you read about in history books today, NOT the Africans.
As you can see now, ONCE AGAIN, it was the AFRICANS that were directly involved in enslaving us Israelites.
AGAIN? WHEN ELSE? Remember, we (Israelites) were the slaves in Egypt (Mizraim) [Mizraim - African son of Ham] in the days of Moses that "Pharaoh refused to let go." We were enslaved in Egypt for approximately 210 years. When Moses (from the Tribe of Levi) led us out of Egypt, it was us Israelites that Yah parted the Red Sea for, on our way to the "Promised Land."
That 1956 movie "The Ten Commandments" with Charlton Heston, which claims to depict God's people enslaved in Egypt and led out by Moses, is a lie. In that movie, nearly everyone is "so-called" white people, even the Africans. What a joke. That is utterly ridiculous and a bold-faced lie.
They also intentionally do not call the Israelite slaves "Israelites," they call them "Hebrews," to mislead and deceive you. The world does not want anyone to know that the "Israelites" are Yah's "Chosen" people, still to this day.
In reality, regarding that captivity, the "enslavers" (Egyptians / Mizraimites) were dark-skinned Africans, and we slaves (Israelites) were dark-skinned. THERE WERE NO "so-called" WHITE PEOPLE THERE during our captivity in Egypt.
This is the history the "world" doesn't want you to know. They want you to continue believing the lie that "so-called" black people are Africans.
They don't want you to connect the dots that help identify the "so-called" black people as being the "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people; it is these same connected dots that exposes a certain group of people of today that are falsely claiming themselves to be God's chosen people, and are not.
They don't want you to know that every prophecy listed in Deuteronomy 28:15 to Deuteronomy 28:68 that Yah said would happen only to His "Chosen" people, the Israelites, happened exactly the way He said it would (to "so-called" black people), and these things were prophesied thousands of years ago.
For example, they don't want you connecting the dots in the Deuteronomy 28:68 prophecy, stating that Yah's chosen people would be enslaved again just like they were in Egypt, but this time, instead of walking into Egypt (slavery), they would be sent into slavery by way of "slave ships."
[ Deuteronomy 28:68 ]
And the LORD shall bring thee [Israelites] into Egypt [slavery/bondage - see Exodus 20:2 below] again [you will be slaves again just like you were in Egypt] with ships [you will be sent into slavery on slave ships - The Transatlantic Slave Trade], by the way whereof I spake unto thee, Thou shalt see it no more again: and there ye shall be sold [Negro Slave auctions] unto your enemies for bondmen [slave men] and bondwomen [slave women], and no man shall buy you [no man will pay for, redeem, nor buy your way out of slavery].
[ Exodus 20:2 ]
I am the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage [slavery].
I, myself, am an “Israelite” from the Tribe of “Judah,” a disciple of Christ (Yahusha), and a soldier of the Most High (Yahuah / Yah), and a life-long member of the “Body of Christ.”
I humbly ask that you provide these “truths” to others, thus clarifying any confusion regarding us Israelites. [ Zech 2:8, apple of his eye ]
LET THEM KNOW WHO WE TRULY ARE, which destroys the lies about us, and the evil labels upon us.
The 144,000 will be Israelites. [ Rev 7:3-8 ]
The 12 Gates of the Kingdom to come will bare the names of the 12 Tribes of Israel. [ Rev 21:10-12 ]
Now that you know the truth, you have a very important decision to make.
Will you refer to Yah's "Chosen" people by our rightful Yah-given name "Israelites," aka the descendants of Israel, the man, and will you also correct others that refer to us incorrectly, or will you willingly allow the “author of confusion” Satan, and other’s, false, deceptive, and malicious labeling of Yah's "Chosen" people to continue?
Choose wisely. Yah is watching.
The Israelites are waking up!!!
...and yes, "it matters."
Shalom, and Hallelu YAH
I believe they are evil but snakes themselves are animals deserving respect not burnt alive 😢
Aaron’s rod bloomed though.
Movie realize that you aren't doing anything it's Jesus Christ who is doing it through you
Moses made an idol of these things . He healed people with it. Christians do not want to hear about it.
..TRUTH MUST BE TOLD!!! ISRAELITES, WE are THE PEOPLE of the bible... Here's how... Shalom "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people!!!
Who we are is important!
Yah's "Chosen" people are the "Israelites," not the "Hebrews," not "Hebrew Israelites," not "Black Hebrew Israelites," nor anyone else outside of the "Children of Israel."
Either you are born an "Israelite" or you are not.
[ Deuteronomy 7:6 KJV ]
For thou [Israelites] art an holy people unto the LORD thy God: the LORD thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth.
We all need to know the following truths…
With respect, we have to stop allowing false “labels” to be placed upon Yah’s "Chosen" people. We have to stop feeding the “confusion” that the “world” intentionally places upon us. Remember, “God is not the author of confusion,” nor should we participate in the confusing folly of the enemy.
We have to make the “truth” plain (clear) to those that don’t know and also to those that are confused by all of the false and misleading labels that have been placed upon us Israelites.
We are “Israelites,” by blood, it’s a bloodline. We are NOT “Hebrew Israelites,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israelites,” and definitely NOT “Christians.” Period!
Our promise (as being the “Chosen” people of Yah) from Yah, came through the bloodline of our forefathers “Abraham”, “Isaac,” and “Jacob.”
Yah changed “Jacob’s” name to Israel (see below), NOT “Hebrew Israel,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israel,” just “Israel.” Israel had 12 sons, aka the 12 Tribes of Israel, aka the “Israelites;” and that is who we are. That is our “Nationality.” Yes, we are a melanated people, and society calls us "black people," but as far as “labels” go, we are not “black,” not “Afro/African American, not African,” none of those disparaging and ridiculous labels. We are "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people.
Genesis 35:10
And God said unto him, Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel.
There is no such thing as a “Spiritual Israelite,” nor are there any “Spiritual Israelite Tribes.”
There is no such thing as the “12 Spiritual Tribes of Israel.” This is all nonsense.
We as a people, at times, are referred to as the “Nation of Israel” (the people of Israel, the man), NOT to be confused with the people for whom the “State of Israel” was created.
Allowing anyone to refer to us outside of our rightful Yah given name is actually helping our enemies, and the enemies of Yah fulfill the Psalms 83 agreement, which was created to destroy the Israelites.
[Psalms 83:4] “Come, let us erase them as a nation; may the name of Israel be remembered no more."
We descend from Noah's son "Shem," aka the Shemites, not from "Ham," aka the Hamites (the so-called Africans). Read the definition of "Ham" in Zondervan's Compact Bible Dictionary:
Ham: "The youngest son of Noah...He became the progenitor of the dark races, not the Negros..."
We Israelites are NOT from Africa. Our homeland is the biblical "Land of Israel" (the Promised Land) (a portion of the "Land of Shem"), which encompasses numerous countries in the modern-day "so-called" Middle East. Our western boundary is the Mediterranean Sea, and our eastern boundary is short of the Euphrates River.
Ham’s son Canaan stole and illegally occupied a portion of our “Promised Land” from Shem, and then named it “The Land of Canaan.” A curse was placed on Canaan and his future generations forever because of that.
Noah prophesied Canaan would receive a curse in the future (Gen 9:15, 'Cursed be Canaan...'), for Noah foresaw Canaan's theft and illegal occupation of Shem's land. Read about it in the "Book of Jubilees" Chapter 10 verse 28 to 34.
Today, there are still heathen trespassers that are illegally occupying a portion of our "Promised Land." [ Luke 21:24, Jeremiah 30:10, Jeremiah 32:37 ]
HOW DID WE END UP ON "SLAVE SHIPS" (the Transatlantic Slave Trade) in West Africa, WHEN OUR HOMELAND was in ISRAEL?
In 70 A.D., the Romans set out to slaughter as many Israelites as they could in Jerusalem. So, millions of us fled from Israel into all parts of Africa (our next-door neighbor) to hide amongst the dark-skinned Africans [The same way Joseph, Mary, and the young Messiah fled into Egypt and blended in with the dark-skinned Egyptians, hiding from Herod] [ Matthew 2:13 ]. We hid amongst them for many years, avoiding the Romans, who were actively hunting us.
[ Matthew 2:13 ] ...the angel of the Lord appeareth to Joseph...saying...take the young child and his mother, and flee into Egypt...for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him.
In those days, the Suez Canal (which currently separates Africa from the Middle East) did not exist. We were able to walk into Africa on foot.
In Africa, the Romans couldn't tell the difference between us Israelites and the dark-skinned Hamites (Africans). Ultimately, the Africans, who hated us Israelites and hated us living in their land, agreed to help the Romans identify us, round us up, place us in shackles, and eventually put us on slave ships to be shipped all across the earth and sold as slaves.
WE Israelites, Yah's "Chosen" People, HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of us, were the slaves on those slave ships that you read about in history books today, NOT the Africans.
As you can see now, ONCE AGAIN, it was the AFRICANS that were directly involved in enslaving us Israelites.
AGAIN? WHEN ELSE? Remember, we (Israelites) were the slaves in Egypt (Mizraim) [Mizraim - African son of Ham] in the days of Moses that "Pharaoh refused to let go." We were enslaved in Egypt for approximately 210 years. When Moses (from the Tribe of Levi) led us out of Egypt, it was us Israelites that Yah parted the Red Sea for, on our way to the "Promised Land."
That 1956 movie "The Ten Commandments" with Charlton Heston, which claims to depict God's people enslaved in Egypt and led out by Moses, is a lie. In that movie, nearly everyone is "so-called" white people, even the Africans. What a joke. That is utterly ridiculous and a bold-faced lie.
They also intentionally do not call the Israelite slaves "Israelites," they call them "Hebrews," to mislead and deceive you. The world does not want anyone to know that the "Israelites" are Yah's "Chosen" people, still to this day.
In reality, regarding that captivity, the "enslavers" (Egyptians / Mizraimites) were dark-skinned Africans, and we slaves (Israelites) were dark-skinned. THERE WERE NO "so-called" WHITE PEOPLE THERE during our captivity in Egypt.
This is the history the "world" doesn't want you to know. They want you to continue believing the lie that "so-called" black people are Africans.
They don't want you to connect the dots that help identify the "so-called" black people as being the "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people; it is these same connected dots that exposes a certain group of people of today that are falsely claiming themselves to be God's chosen people, and are not.
They don't want you to know that every prophecy listed in Deuteronomy 28:15 to Deuteronomy 28:68 that Yah said would happen only to His "Chosen" people, the Israelites, happened exactly the way He said it would (to "so-called" black people), and these things were prophesied thousands of years ago.
For example, they don't want you connecting the dots in the Deuteronomy 28:68 prophecy, stating that Yah's chosen people would be enslaved again just like they were in Egypt, but this time, instead of walking into Egypt (slavery), they would be sent into slavery by way of "slave ships."
[ Deuteronomy 28:68 ]
And the LORD shall bring thee [Israelites] into Egypt [slavery/bondage - see Exodus 20:2 below] again [you will be slaves again just like you were in Egypt] with ships [you will be sent into slavery on slave ships - The Transatlantic Slave Trade], by the way whereof I spake unto thee, Thou shalt see it no more again: and there ye shall be sold [Negro Slave auctions] unto your enemies for bondmen [slave men] and bondwomen [slave women], and no man shall buy you [no man will pay for, redeem, nor buy your way out of slavery].
[ Exodus 20:2 ]
I am the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage [slavery].
I, myself, am an “Israelite” from the Tribe of “Judah,” a disciple of Christ (Yahusha), and a soldier of the Most High (Yahuah / Yah), and a life-long member of the “Body of Christ.”
I humbly ask that you provide these “truths” to others, thus clarifying any confusion regarding us Israelites. [ Zech 2:8, apple of his eye ]
LET THEM KNOW WHO WE TRULY ARE, which destroys the lies about us, and the evil labels upon us.
The 144,000 will be Israelites. [ Rev 7:3-8 ]
The 12 Gates of the Kingdom to come will bare the names of the 12 Tribes of Israel. [ Rev 21:10-12 ]
Now that you know the truth, you have a very important decision to make.
Will you refer to Yah's "Chosen" people by our rightful Yah-given name "Israelites," aka the descendants of Israel, the man, and will you also correct others that refer to us incorrectly, or will you willingly allow the “author of confusion” Satan, and other’s, false, deceptive, and malicious labeling of Yah's "Chosen" people to continue?
Choose wisely. Yah is watching.
The Israelites are waking up!!!
...and yes, "it matters."
Shalom, and Hallelu YAH
I pray you don’t end up like Paula white and start selling out God’s miracles
/.TRUTH MUST BE TOLD!!! ISRAELITES, WE are THE PEOPLE of the bible... Here's how... Shalom "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people!!!
Who we are is important!
Yah's "Chosen" people are the "Israelites," not the "Hebrews," not "Hebrew Israelites," not "Black Hebrew Israelites," nor anyone else outside of the "Children of Israel."
Either you are born an "Israelite" or you are not.
[ Deuteronomy 7:6 KJV ]
For thou [Israelites] art an holy people unto the LORD thy God: the LORD thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth.
We all need to know the following truths…
With respect, we have to stop allowing false “labels” to be placed upon Yah’s "Chosen" people. We have to stop feeding the “confusion” that the “world” intentionally places upon us. Remember, “God is not the author of confusion,” nor should we participate in the confusing folly of the enemy.
We have to make the “truth” plain (clear) to those that don’t know and also to those that are confused by all of the false and misleading labels that have been placed upon us Israelites.
We are “Israelites,” by blood, it’s a bloodline. We are NOT “Hebrew Israelites,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israelites,” and definitely NOT “Christians.” Period!
Our promise (as being the “Chosen” people of Yah) from Yah, came through the bloodline of our forefathers “Abraham”, “Isaac,” and “Jacob.”
Yah changed “Jacob’s” name to Israel (see below), NOT “Hebrew Israel,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israel,” just “Israel.” Israel had 12 sons, aka the 12 Tribes of Israel, aka the “Israelites;” and that is who we are. That is our “Nationality.” Yes, we are a melanated people, and society calls us "black people," but as far as “labels” go, we are not “black,” not “Afro/African American, not African,” none of those disparaging and ridiculous labels. We are "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people.
Genesis 35:10
And God said unto him, Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel.
There is no such thing as a “Spiritual Israelite,” nor are there any “Spiritual Israelite Tribes.”
There is no such thing as the “12 Spiritual Tribes of Israel.” This is all nonsense.
We as a people, at times, are referred to as the “Nation of Israel” (the people of Israel, the man), NOT to be confused with the people for whom the “State of Israel” was created.
Allowing anyone to refer to us outside of our rightful Yah given name is actually helping our enemies, and the enemies of Yah fulfill the Psalms 83 agreement, which was created to destroy the Israelites.
[Psalms 83:4] “Come, let us erase them as a nation; may the name of Israel be remembered no more."
We descend from Noah's son "Shem," aka the Shemites, not from "Ham," aka the Hamites (the so-called Africans). Read the definition of "Ham" in Zondervan's Compact Bible Dictionary:
Ham: "The youngest son of Noah...He became the progenitor of the dark races, not the Negros..."
We Israelites are NOT from Africa. Our homeland is the biblical "Land of Israel" (the Promised Land) (a portion of the "Land of Shem"), which encompasses numerous countries in the modern-day "so-called" Middle East. Our western boundary is the Mediterranean Sea, and our eastern boundary is short of the Euphrates River.
Ham’s son Canaan stole and illegally occupied a portion of our “Promised Land” from Shem, and then named it “The Land of Canaan.” A curse was placed on Canaan and his future generations forever because of that.
Noah prophesied Canaan would receive a curse in the future (Gen 9:15, 'Cursed be Canaan...'), for Noah foresaw Canaan's theft and illegal occupation of Shem's land. Read about it in the "Book of Jubilees" Chapter 10 verse 28 to 34.
Today, there are still heathen trespassers that are illegally occupying a portion of our "Promised Land." [ Luke 21:24, Jeremiah 30:10, Jeremiah 32:37 ]
HOW DID WE END UP ON "SLAVE SHIPS" (the Transatlantic Slave Trade) in West Africa, WHEN OUR HOMELAND was in ISRAEL?
In 70 A.D., the Romans set out to slaughter as many Israelites as they could in Jerusalem. So, millions of us fled from Israel into all parts of Africa (our next-door neighbor) to hide amongst the dark-skinned Africans [The same way Joseph, Mary, and the young Messiah fled into Egypt and blended in with the dark-skinned Egyptians, hiding from Herod] [ Matthew 2:13 ]. We hid amongst them for many years, avoiding the Romans, who were actively hunting us.
[ Matthew 2:13 ] ...the angel of the Lord appeareth to Joseph...saying...take the young child and his mother, and flee into Egypt...for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him.
In those days, the Suez Canal (which currently separates Africa from the Middle East) did not exist. We were able to walk into Africa on foot.
In Africa, the Romans couldn't tell the difference between us Israelites and the dark-skinned Hamites (Africans). Ultimately, the Africans, who hated us Israelites and hated us living in their land, agreed to help the Romans identify us, round us up, place us in shackles, and eventually put us on slave ships to be shipped all across the earth and sold as slaves.
WE Israelites, Yah's "Chosen" People, HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of us, were the slaves on those slave ships that you read about in history books today, NOT the Africans.
As you can see now, ONCE AGAIN, it was the AFRICANS that were directly involved in enslaving us Israelites.
AGAIN? WHEN ELSE? Remember, we (Israelites) were the slaves in Egypt (Mizraim) [Mizraim - African son of Ham] in the days of Moses that "Pharaoh refused to let go." We were enslaved in Egypt for approximately 210 years. When Moses (from the Tribe of Levi) led us out of Egypt, it was us Israelites that Yah parted the Red Sea for, on our way to the "Promised Land."
That 1956 movie "The Ten Commandments" with Charlton Heston, which claims to depict God's people enslaved in Egypt and led out by Moses, is a lie. In that movie, nearly everyone is "so-called" white people, even the Africans. What a joke. That is utterly ridiculous and a bold-faced lie.
They also intentionally do not call the Israelite slaves "Israelites," they call them "Hebrews," to mislead and deceive you. The world does not want anyone to know that the "Israelites" are Yah's "Chosen" people, still to this day.
In reality, regarding that captivity, the "enslavers" (Egyptians / Mizraimites) were dark-skinned Africans, and we slaves (Israelites) were dark-skinned. THERE WERE NO "so-called" WHITE PEOPLE THERE during our captivity in Egypt.
This is the history the "world" doesn't want you to know. They want you to continue believing the lie that "so-called" black people are Africans.
They don't want you to connect the dots that help identify the "so-called" black people as being the "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people; it is these same connected dots that exposes a certain group of people of today that are falsely claiming themselves to be God's chosen people, and are not.
They don't want you to know that every prophecy listed in Deuteronomy 28:15 to Deuteronomy 28:68 that Yah said would happen only to His "Chosen" people, the Israelites, happened exactly the way He said it would (to "so-called" black people), and these things were prophesied thousands of years ago.
For example, they don't want you connecting the dots in the Deuteronomy 28:68 prophecy, stating that Yah's chosen people would be enslaved again just like they were in Egypt, but this time, instead of walking into Egypt (slavery), they would be sent into slavery by way of "slave ships."
[ Deuteronomy 28:68 ]
And the LORD shall bring thee [Israelites] into Egypt [slavery/bondage - see Exodus 20:2 below] again [you will be slaves again just like you were in Egypt] with ships [you will be sent into slavery on slave ships - The Transatlantic Slave Trade], by the way whereof I spake unto thee, Thou shalt see it no more again: and there ye shall be sold [Negro Slave auctions] unto your enemies for bondmen [slave men] and bondwomen [slave women], and no man shall buy you [no man will pay for, redeem, nor buy your way out of slavery].
[ Exodus 20:2 ]
I am the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage [slavery].
I, myself, am an “Israelite” from the Tribe of “Judah,” a disciple of Christ (Yahusha), and a soldier of the Most High (Yahuah / Yah), and a life-long member of the “Body of Christ.”
I humbly ask that you provide these “truths” to others, thus clarifying any confusion regarding us Israelites. [ Zech 2:8, apple of his eye ]
LET THEM KNOW WHO WE TRULY ARE, which destroys the lies about us, and the evil labels upon us.
The 144,000 will be Israelites. [ Rev 7:3-8 ]
The 12 Gates of the Kingdom to come will bare the names of the 12 Tribes of Israel. [ Rev 21:10-12 ]
Now that you know the truth, you have a very important decision to make.
Will you refer to Yah's "Chosen" people by our rightful Yah-given name "Israelites," aka the descendants of Israel, the man, and will you also correct others that refer to us incorrectly, or will you willingly allow the “author of confusion” Satan, and other’s, false, deceptive, and malicious labeling of Yah's "Chosen" people to continue?
Choose wisely. Yah is watching.
The Israelites are waking up!!!
...and yes, "it matters."
Shalom, and Hallelu YAH
Yeah, Tounges.....forget about it. I'm out.
@@ep9360 👋🏼
-TRUTH MUST BE TOLD!!! ISRAELITES, WE are THE PEOPLE of the bible... Here's how... Shalom "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people!!!
Who we are is important!
Yah's "Chosen" people are the "Israelites," not the "Hebrews," not "Hebrew Israelites," not "Black Hebrew Israelites," nor anyone else outside of the "Children of Israel."
Either you are born an "Israelite" or you are not.
[ Deuteronomy 7:6 KJV ]
For thou [Israelites] art an holy people unto the LORD thy God: the LORD thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth.
We all need to know the following truths…
With respect, we have to stop allowing false “labels” to be placed upon Yah’s "Chosen" people. We have to stop feeding the “confusion” that the “world” intentionally places upon us. Remember, “God is not the author of confusion,” nor should we participate in the confusing folly of the enemy.
We have to make the “truth” plain (clear) to those that don’t know and also to those that are confused by all of the false and misleading labels that have been placed upon us Israelites.
We are “Israelites,” by blood, it’s a bloodline. We are NOT “Hebrew Israelites,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israelites,” and definitely NOT “Christians.” Period!
Our promise (as being the “Chosen” people of Yah) from Yah, came through the bloodline of our forefathers “Abraham”, “Isaac,” and “Jacob.”
Yah changed “Jacob’s” name to Israel (see below), NOT “Hebrew Israel,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israel,” just “Israel.” Israel had 12 sons, aka the 12 Tribes of Israel, aka the “Israelites;” and that is who we are. That is our “Nationality.” Yes, we are a melanated people, and society calls us "black people," but as far as “labels” go, we are not “black,” not “Afro/African American, not African,” none of those disparaging and ridiculous labels. We are "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people.
Genesis 35:10
And God said unto him, Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel.
There is no such thing as a “Spiritual Israelite,” nor are there any “Spiritual Israelite Tribes.”
There is no such thing as the “12 Spiritual Tribes of Israel.” This is all nonsense.
We as a people, at times, are referred to as the “Nation of Israel” (the people of Israel, the man), NOT to be confused with the people for whom the “State of Israel” was created.
Allowing anyone to refer to us outside of our rightful Yah given name is actually helping our enemies, and the enemies of Yah fulfill the Psalms 83 agreement, which was created to destroy the Israelites.
[Psalms 83:4] “Come, let us erase them as a nation; may the name of Israel be remembered no more."
We descend from Noah's son "Shem," aka the Shemites, not from "Ham," aka the Hamites (the so-called Africans). Read the definition of "Ham" in Zondervan's Compact Bible Dictionary:
Ham: "The youngest son of Noah...He became the progenitor of the dark races, not the Negros..."
We Israelites are NOT from Africa. Our homeland is the biblical "Land of Israel" (the Promised Land) (a portion of the "Land of Shem"), which encompasses numerous countries in the modern-day "so-called" Middle East. Our western boundary is the Mediterranean Sea, and our eastern boundary is short of the Euphrates River.
Ham’s son Canaan stole and illegally occupied a portion of our “Promised Land” from Shem, and then named it “The Land of Canaan.” A curse was placed on Canaan and his future generations forever because of that.
Noah prophesied Canaan would receive a curse in the future (Gen 9:15, 'Cursed be Canaan...'), for Noah foresaw Canaan's theft and illegal occupation of Shem's land. Read about it in the "Book of Jubilees" Chapter 10 verse 28 to 34.
Today, there are still heathen trespassers that are illegally occupying a portion of our "Promised Land." [ Luke 21:24, Jeremiah 30:10, Jeremiah 32:37 ]
HOW DID WE END UP ON "SLAVE SHIPS" (the Transatlantic Slave Trade) in West Africa, WHEN OUR HOMELAND was in ISRAEL?
In 70 A.D., the Romans set out to slaughter as many Israelites as they could in Jerusalem. So, millions of us fled from Israel into all parts of Africa (our next-door neighbor) to hide amongst the dark-skinned Africans [The same way Joseph, Mary, and the young Messiah fled into Egypt and blended in with the dark-skinned Egyptians, hiding from Herod] [ Matthew 2:13 ]. We hid amongst them for many years, avoiding the Romans, who were actively hunting us.
[ Matthew 2:13 ] ...the angel of the Lord appeareth to Joseph...saying...take the young child and his mother, and flee into Egypt...for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him.
In those days, the Suez Canal (which currently separates Africa from the Middle East) did not exist. We were able to walk into Africa on foot.
In Africa, the Romans couldn't tell the difference between us Israelites and the dark-skinned Hamites (Africans). Ultimately, the Africans, who hated us Israelites and hated us living in their land, agreed to help the Romans identify us, round us up, place us in shackles, and eventually put us on slave ships to be shipped all across the earth and sold as slaves.
WE Israelites, Yah's "Chosen" People, HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of us, were the slaves on those slave ships that you read about in history books today, NOT the Africans.
As you can see now, ONCE AGAIN, it was the AFRICANS that were directly involved in enslaving us Israelites.
AGAIN? WHEN ELSE? Remember, we (Israelites) were the slaves in Egypt (Mizraim) [Mizraim - African son of Ham] in the days of Moses that "Pharaoh refused to let go." We were enslaved in Egypt for approximately 210 years. When Moses (from the Tribe of Levi) led us out of Egypt, it was us Israelites that Yah parted the Red Sea for, on our way to the "Promised Land."
That 1956 movie "The Ten Commandments" with Charlton Heston, which claims to depict God's people enslaved in Egypt and led out by Moses, is a lie. In that movie, nearly everyone is "so-called" white people, even the Africans. What a joke. That is utterly ridiculous and a bold-faced lie.
They also intentionally do not call the Israelite slaves "Israelites," they call them "Hebrews," to mislead and deceive you. The world does not want anyone to know that the "Israelites" are Yah's "Chosen" people, still to this day.
In reality, regarding that captivity, the "enslavers" (Egyptians / Mizraimites) were dark-skinned Africans, and we slaves (Israelites) were dark-skinned. THERE WERE NO "so-called" WHITE PEOPLE THERE during our captivity in Egypt.
This is the history the "world" doesn't want you to know. They want you to continue believing the lie that "so-called" black people are Africans.
They don't want you to connect the dots that help identify the "so-called" black people as being the "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people; it is these same connected dots that exposes a certain group of people of today that are falsely claiming themselves to be God's chosen people, and are not.
They don't want you to know that every prophecy listed in Deuteronomy 28:15 to Deuteronomy 28:68 that Yah said would happen only to His "Chosen" people, the Israelites, happened exactly the way He said it would (to "so-called" black people), and these things were prophesied thousands of years ago.
For example, they don't want you connecting the dots in the Deuteronomy 28:68 prophecy, stating that Yah's chosen people would be enslaved again just like they were in Egypt, but this time, instead of walking into Egypt (slavery), they would be sent into slavery by way of "slave ships."
[ Deuteronomy 28:68 ]
And the LORD shall bring thee [Israelites] into Egypt [slavery/bondage - see Exodus 20:2 below] again [you will be slaves again just like you were in Egypt] with ships [you will be sent into slavery on slave ships - The Transatlantic Slave Trade], by the way whereof I spake unto thee, Thou shalt see it no more again: and there ye shall be sold [Negro Slave auctions] unto your enemies for bondmen [slave men] and bondwomen [slave women], and no man shall buy you [no man will pay for, redeem, nor buy your way out of slavery].
[ Exodus 20:2 ]
I am the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage [slavery].
I, myself, am an “Israelite” from the Tribe of “Judah,” a disciple of Christ (Yahusha), and a soldier of the Most High (Yahuah / Yah), and a life-long member of the “Body of Christ.”
I humbly ask that you provide these “truths” to others, thus clarifying any confusion regarding us Israelites. [ Zech 2:8, apple of his eye ]
LET THEM KNOW WHO WE TRULY ARE, which destroys the lies about us, and the evil labels upon us.
The 144,000 will be Israelites. [ Rev 7:3-8 ]
The 12 Gates of the Kingdom to come will bare the names of the 12 Tribes of Israel. [ Rev 21:10-12 ]
Now that you know the truth, you have a very important decision to make.
Will you refer to Yah's "Chosen" people by our rightful Yah-given name "Israelites," aka the descendants of Israel, the man, and will you also correct others that refer to us incorrectly, or will you willingly allow the “author of confusion” Satan, and other’s, false, deceptive, and malicious labeling of Yah's "Chosen" people to continue?
Choose wisely. Yah is watching.
The Israelites are waking up!!!
...and yes, "it matters."
Shalom, and Hallelu YAH
Very powerful preaching, may God bless you Sr Katie keep it up in exposing the kingdom of darkness.
{-,TRUTH MUST BE TOLD!!! ISRAELITES, WE are THE PEOPLE of the bible... Here's how... Shalom "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people!!!
Who we are is important!
Yah's "Chosen" people are the "Israelites," not the "Hebrews," not "Hebrew Israelites," not "Black Hebrew Israelites," nor anyone else outside of the "Children of Israel."
Either you are born an "Israelite" or you are not.
[ Deuteronomy 7:6 KJV ]
For thou [Israelites] art an holy people unto the LORD thy God: the LORD thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth.
We all need to know the following truths…
With respect, we have to stop allowing false “labels” to be placed upon Yah’s "Chosen" people. We have to stop feeding the “confusion” that the “world” intentionally places upon us. Remember, “God is not the author of confusion,” nor should we participate in the confusing folly of the enemy.
We have to make the “truth” plain (clear) to those that don’t know and also to those that are confused by all of the false and misleading labels that have been placed upon us Israelites.
We are “Israelites,” by blood, it’s a bloodline. We are NOT “Hebrew Israelites,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israelites,” and definitely NOT “Christians.” Period!
Our promise (as being the “Chosen” people of Yah) from Yah, came through the bloodline of our forefathers “Abraham”, “Isaac,” and “Jacob.”
Yah changed “Jacob’s” name to Israel (see below), NOT “Hebrew Israel,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israel,” just “Israel.” Israel had 12 sons, aka the 12 Tribes of Israel, aka the “Israelites;” and that is who we are. That is our “Nationality.” Yes, we are a melanated people, and society calls us "black people," but as far as “labels” go, we are not “black,” not “Afro/African American, not African,” none of those disparaging and ridiculous labels. We are "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people.
Genesis 35:10
And God said unto him, Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel.
There is no such thing as a “Spiritual Israelite,” nor are there any “Spiritual Israelite Tribes.”
There is no such thing as the “12 Spiritual Tribes of Israel.” This is all nonsense.
We as a people, at times, are referred to as the “Nation of Israel” (the people of Israel, the man), NOT to be confused with the people for whom the “State of Israel” was created.
Allowing anyone to refer to us outside of our rightful Yah given name is actually helping our enemies, and the enemies of Yah fulfill the Psalms 83 agreement, which was created to destroy the Israelites.
[Psalms 83:4] “Come, let us erase them as a nation; may the name of Israel be remembered no more."
We descend from Noah's son "Shem," aka the Shemites, not from "Ham," aka the Hamites (the so-called Africans). Read the definition of "Ham" in Zondervan's Compact Bible Dictionary:
Ham: "The youngest son of Noah...He became the progenitor of the dark races, not the Negros..."
We Israelites are NOT from Africa. Our homeland is the biblical "Land of Israel" (the Promised Land) (a portion of the "Land of Shem"), which encompasses numerous countries in the modern-day "so-called" Middle East. Our western boundary is the Mediterranean Sea, and our eastern boundary is short of the Euphrates River.
Ham’s son Canaan stole and illegally occupied a portion of our “Promised Land” from Shem, and then named it “The Land of Canaan.” A curse was placed on Canaan and his future generations forever because of that.
Noah prophesied Canaan would receive a curse in the future (Gen 9:15, 'Cursed be Canaan...'), for Noah foresaw Canaan's theft and illegal occupation of Shem's land. Read about it in the "Book of Jubilees" Chapter 10 verse 28 to 34.
Today, there are still heathen trespassers that are illegally occupying a portion of our "Promised Land." [ Luke 21:24, Jeremiah 30:10, Jeremiah 32:37 ]
HOW DID WE END UP ON "SLAVE SHIPS" (the Transatlantic Slave Trade) in West Africa, WHEN OUR HOMELAND was in ISRAEL?
In 70 A.D., the Romans set out to slaughter as many Israelites as they could in Jerusalem. So, millions of us fled from Israel into all parts of Africa (our next-door neighbor) to hide amongst the dark-skinned Africans [The same way Joseph, Mary, and the young Messiah fled into Egypt and blended in with the dark-skinned Egyptians, hiding from Herod] [ Matthew 2:13 ]. We hid amongst them for many years, avoiding the Romans, who were actively hunting us.
[ Matthew 2:13 ] ...the angel of the Lord appeareth to Joseph...saying...take the young child and his mother, and flee into Egypt...for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him.
In those days, the Suez Canal (which currently separates Africa from the Middle East) did not exist. We were able to walk into Africa on foot.
In Africa, the Romans couldn't tell the difference between us Israelites and the dark-skinned Hamites (Africans). Ultimately, the Africans, who hated us Israelites and hated us living in their land, agreed to help the Romans identify us, round us up, place us in shackles, and eventually put us on slave ships to be shipped all across the earth and sold as slaves.
WE Israelites, Yah's "Chosen" People, HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of us, were the slaves on those slave ships that you read about in history books today, NOT the Africans.
As you can see now, ONCE AGAIN, it was the AFRICANS that were directly involved in enslaving us Israelites.
AGAIN? WHEN ELSE? Remember, we (Israelites) were the slaves in Egypt (Mizraim) [Mizraim - African son of Ham] in the days of Moses that "Pharaoh refused to let go." We were enslaved in Egypt for approximately 210 years. When Moses (from the Tribe of Levi) led us out of Egypt, it was us Israelites that Yah parted the Red Sea for, on our way to the "Promised Land."
That 1956 movie "The Ten Commandments" with Charlton Heston, which claims to depict God's people enslaved in Egypt and led out by Moses, is a lie. In that movie, nearly everyone is "so-called" white people, even the Africans. What a joke. That is utterly ridiculous and a bold-faced lie.
They also intentionally do not call the Israelite slaves "Israelites," they call them "Hebrews," to mislead and deceive you. The world does not want anyone to know that the "Israelites" are Yah's "Chosen" people, still to this day.
In reality, regarding that captivity, the "enslavers" (Egyptians / Mizraimites) were dark-skinned Africans, and we slaves (Israelites) were dark-skinned. THERE WERE NO "so-called" WHITE PEOPLE THERE during our captivity in Egypt.
This is the history the "world" doesn't want you to know. They want you to continue believing the lie that "so-called" black people are Africans.
They don't want you to connect the dots that help identify the "so-called" black people as being the "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people; it is these same connected dots that exposes a certain group of people of today that are falsely claiming themselves to be God's chosen people, and are not.
They don't want you to know that every prophecy listed in Deuteronomy 28:15 to Deuteronomy 28:68 that Yah said would happen only to His "Chosen" people, the Israelites, happened exactly the way He said it would (to "so-called" black people), and these things were prophesied thousands of years ago.
For example, they don't want you connecting the dots in the Deuteronomy 28:68 prophecy, stating that Yah's chosen people would be enslaved again just like they were in Egypt, but this time, instead of walking into Egypt (slavery), they would be sent into slavery by way of "slave ships."
[ Deuteronomy 28:68 ]
And the LORD shall bring thee [Israelites] into Egypt [slavery/bondage - see Exodus 20:2 below] again [you will be slaves again just like you were in Egypt] with ships [you will be sent into slavery on slave ships - The Transatlantic Slave Trade], by the way whereof I spake unto thee, Thou shalt see it no more again: and there ye shall be sold [Negro Slave auctions] unto your enemies for bondmen [slave men] and bondwomen [slave women], and no man shall buy you [no man will pay for, redeem, nor buy your way out of slavery].
[ Exodus 20:2 ]
I am the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage [slavery].
I, myself, am an “Israelite” from the Tribe of “Judah,” a disciple of Christ (Yahusha), and a soldier of the Most High (Yahuah / Yah), and a life-long member of the “Body of Christ.”
I humbly ask that you provide these “truths” to others, thus clarifying any confusion regarding us Israelites. [ Zech 2:8, apple of his eye ]
LET THEM KNOW WHO WE TRULY ARE, which destroys the lies about us, and the evil labels upon us.
The 144,000 will be Israelites. [ Rev 7:3-8 ]
The 12 Gates of the Kingdom to come will bare the names of the 12 Tribes of Israel. [ Rev 21:10-12 ]
Now that you know the truth, you have a very important decision to make.
Will you refer to Yah's "Chosen" people by our rightful Yah-given name "Israelites," aka the descendants of Israel, the man, and will you also correct others that refer to us incorrectly, or will you willingly allow the “author of confusion” Satan, and other’s, false, deceptive, and malicious labeling of Yah's "Chosen" people to continue?
Choose wisely. Yah is watching.
The Israelites are waking up!!!
...and yes, "it matters."
Shalom, and Hallelu YAH