음악을 사용하실 때, 아래 문구를 표기해주세요 (^ _ ^) To use this song, Please give credit in the description as follows 🎵Music provided by Twilight Sonata Band (트와일라잇 소나타 밴드) 🎵Track : 캐논 변주곡 리메이크 (Variations On The Canon By Pachelbel remake) - th-cam.com/video/1_Yu5qc5lTM/w-d-xo.html
음악을 사용하실 때, 아래 문구를 표기해주세요 (^ _ ^)
To use this song, Please give credit in the description as follows
🎵Music provided by Twilight Sonata Band (트와일라잇 소나타 밴드)
🎵Track : 캐논 변주곡 리메이크 (Variations On The Canon By Pachelbel
remake) - th-cam.com/video/1_Yu5qc5lTM/w-d-xo.html