That is so sad, and so ironic. People like him actually create a new antisemitism agains innocent Jews, because people generalize! Israel is barbaric now.
She is very polite. It would be difficult to deal with these blatant lies. Israel investigated themselves and found themselves not guilty. Lol. No one believes anything they say anymore. As they shouldn’t. Thank goodness for social media.
For years we had films and documentary about the holocaust. I felt connected and sorry. But now I cry for their barbaric burial behaviour. The mask is off and a true face of evil is behind
Well done to the BBC girl Jane, for being tough and well-briefed and not getting thrown off topic...This buffoon should go back to MENSA or get another job....
@@snuffle2269 She should be reprimanded. She lost the plot with her unbalanced, unobjective, anti-Israeli, aggressive interview. Has she interviewed any Hamas official spokesmen/ has she fck. She and her bosses know it would be a waste of time, and the public would see right through the rhetoric these apologists for murder come out with. She needs to keep her personal biases under wraps if she's a professional.
Who would have thought I would give positive feedback to a BBC item. I applaud this one. I congratulate the BBC of finally having a real journalist. Great.
@@jacobcohen9205 of course you’re putting on the fake “outrage”. Typical. Spokesman or not,the lies,and the crimes are what Israel is,and what it’s built upon. The whole world knows… Though governments that are responsible and are benefiting from Israel are not admitting it,most of the people are now wide awake. It is high time that you woke up.
Ashkenazi Jews have a mutation in chromosome 3 that changes protocadherin , a protein that influences brain processes. The mutation may cause a number of mental problems, including epilepsy, but, most inportantly, it causes religious fantasies and psychopatic trends, such as we see in Zionism, that believes that God has given Jews the dominion on the earth, and that they may dispose of thousands of slaves and kill all other humans. That would explain the present madness of Netanyahu. The disease is fully described in PubMed!
@@jacobcohen9205 He said the only reason western war journalists weren’t allowed to cover the war on the ground was for safety reasons. We know this is a lie because every war has had war correspondents crawling all over the place - except this one. Israel needs to control the narrative, and they’re losing that objective.
@@inspectortanzi He's never said that. He might have felt it, as did many others. Not just Jews, either. Thankfully, the British people, in our wisdom, rejected this hypocrite and antisemite. Have another go. Hopefully, it's on topic. I'll wait.
Sadly, never going to happen, as these monsters are protected by the monsters in the UK govt and similar monsters in the zio owned (I mean *legally* owned and not a figure of speech!) Corporation, registered under the name _United States_ and fraudulently posing as the former country of _United States of America!_ The zio owners of the Corporation, incidently, pay the English Crown! Welcome down the rabbit hole.
@@wiv2631 you right. They're all together in this. ONU UK EU USA and Israel. Very sad. We're about to become slaves and no one notices.of you can't force them to act, they know already if they take our freedom we are not united to fight back. We are fucked
I wonder how many of the "hostages" that this hmmm "fellow" claims to want to bring "home" have bombed whilst "targeting" individuals they claim to be hmmm .... I'll leave the rest of this statement for readers to complete.....
I wonder how many of the "hostages" that this hmmm "fellow" claims to want to bring "home" have bombed whilst "targeting" individuals they claim to be hmmm .... I'll leave the rest of this statement for readers to complete.....
Wonder if Keir Stalin, aka, Kid Starver, will add his two shekelsworth to the discussion, confirming, as everyone knows, he's zio, through and through.
I recently read one of them quoting an author of theirs(Cohn) We own the gold, we own the media, we own everything! They omitted God, can't be bought like Western nation's governments!
They already had a journalist sacked on LBC Sangeeta. She was interviewing an Israeli mouthpiece and pressing him on the number of women and children killed, perfectly normal questions, but he couldn’t answer her without lying. The next thing is she is missing from LBC, there was no good reason for her to be fired. It was disgusting. Looks like James O Brien has been more fortunate.
The BBC are not explaining its Israel preventing journalists from entering Gaza. I know its Sky. Just saying. With all due respect.. Mencer is a disgusting liar.
@swissparis8057 not gonna happen! 1. The truth is too horrific and if reported on properly by domestic news agencies would not allow the west to pretend it doesn't know what is happening; 2. Israel has no control on its largely brainwashed army who do things like hitting the world kitchen convoy, or executing innocent civs. Isreal has already broken records on deaths of journalists, if more of those journalists were from the west... see point 1.
@@ItsNotRealLife stop lying! Only Palestinians who are already there are allowed into Gaza. And they're targeted specifically for termination. More reporters have been on a live than in any other conflict in modern times. Intentionally unalived. Only CNN or other outlets that are accompanied by Israel only to the spots they want to take them to are allowed in occasionally and then their news reports are vetted by Israel before releasing. They don't want the Jen o Cide to be reported
The BBC presenter is to be congratulated on keeping her cool and conduct the interview with professionalism, as for David Mence, he comes across as arrogant, aggressive and utterly untrustworthy.
Hasnt he got an appropriate surname "Mence" =. menace ha ha That guy is English through and through Us Scottish commoners would call him a .####### pompous ass Its said we are not smart but we see right through this persons character Scots history we lost our independence 400 years ago so we know about oppression Today we are equal but we do not forget the past and empathy goes out to others suffering in this modern era Personally I am so sad that so many people in the World continue to suffer from displacement through wars extreme poverty and modern day slave labour Somehow I dont have much hope in governments 2030 World agenda in achieving their goals especially when a SMALL country continues to encouage war and disharmony among people Maybe they should have another look at the old and new testaments MOSES JESUS These guys just wished for peoples health and happiness and to be free from oppression and cruelty I do not promote any religions but I grew up learning from Moses and Jesus and their deeds influenced my character so much Be kind to others How come the Israeli government cant do same Too pigheaded and supported by money = GREED POWER these are not qualities that GOD wished to encourage throughout the human race GOD to me is powerful and is everything in the Universe Thats another in depth discussion about GOD
May God bless her, we need more like her: cool and able to keep a professional demeanor despite blatent lies, and a condescending, arrogant attitude from Mence. It was great watching him "getting rattled" and constantly going back to the same, tired, old pathetic "we are the victims" and "you are pro-Palestinian so you're childish" narratives the more he was cornered..
There’s two sides here and one side is democracy, freedom of speech and religion, and the other is a tribal warfare system without individual’s rights. One side is killing rampantly without concern to civilians and in fact trying to get civilians dead, and the other side does not. Do you need help in identifying which side supports terror and evil and which side supports democracy and justice?
@Dr_Popeye325 Thanks for sharing your opinion、oh "Israel can do no wrong fantasy land" resident?😂🤣 Tell me, when did you jump head-first down this rabbit-hole? 😂🙄
I think we all know who is the terrorist and has been since before 1948. 20:56 Fortunately, the world is at least beginning to see what is really happening in spite of a million $$$ propaganda machine. But come on...raping prisoners with impunity and then pretending that this is acceptable??? Israel is like no other "democracy" on earth. 20:56
Haven't you heard people: the others are "murderous terrorists", he and his friends are nice guys, fighting for truth and justice .... and democracy, almost forgot.
He is a war criminal and terrorist simple as that. There are so many evidences that it is overwhelming, if anyone do not want to see them this is on them, not only morally but also they betray their critical mind and intelligence to become simple morons.
I'm very impressed with her questioning style. Refreshing to see, particularly coming from a BBC reporter. It's helpful to be unbiased and fair in the reporting style. Well done Jane.
The BBC reporter remained so soft-spoken, she didnt get agitated, she was simply mercilessly insistent that her questions be not evaded but answered. Excellent job. Very un-BBC.
@Truthtoberevealedi hope, wish and request all the people of the world get united and defeat the tiny minority of this ruthless, heartless criminals in politics, economy and in the food industry who are COMPLETELY DEPRIVED OF CONSCIENCE and have become Blood sucking Zombies 🧟♂️ 🧟♀️🧟 for their limitless Lust for Money and Power…… PLEASE 🙏 Please 🙏 please 🙏
Everyone should be watching Al Jazeera UK, there's no Israeli gaslighting that can spin the truth of what's happening in Gaza and now the West Bank. It truly is genocide, what they're not achieving with bullets, bombs and shells is being finished with starvation and disease, it's horrific and whether they like it or not this is the end of Israel as it stands, do they not realise that going down the path of the nazis will end at the same cul de sac, when they find themselves there their problem is all those burning bridges behind them. It's like watching a modern day Einsatzgruppen at work with all the horror that entails, the world, when everyone gets to see all the facts, like the nazis, they will never be forgiven or forgotten. Their war crimes will come back to haunt them forever, people will take their sympathy cards and those that don't tear them to shreds will set them on fire. To do what they're doing with the world watching is as stupid as it is incomprehensible, even the nazis realised what they were doing would horrify the world and that made them make an attempt to cover up their crimes, these guys are so arrogant and believe themselves to be so untouchable that they can't even be bothered to try to hide their multitude of war crimes. I really hope to live long enough to see them pay for their crimes against humanity. And for those that slip through to net, well I hope Satan is a waitin.
@@SAhmed-ih6fk I have done so. Quite a bit, in fact... The current illegal occupiers of israHELL are the descendants of khazars/ashkenazis, from Eastern Europe, who *converted* to judaism in the *9th century!* Just over a decade ago a great many of them underwent testing by a team of geneticists, at which point it was discovered they have *no* genetic link to the line of Abraham, are *not* semites, ergo, have *no* legitimate claim to the land _illegally_ given to them by the UK & US! Further, the geneticists tested their Palestinian neighbours and found them to be the *only* semites of the two groups, but also the descendants of the *Canannites!* Upon hearing the results of the tests the knesset _immediately_ banned and criminalised DNA testing. The entire team of geneticists are jews, incidently. Bottom line? The zio *converts* to judaism are slaughtering the *chosen* people of their *adopted* god! The zios are those written of in both Hebrew and christian bibles, the ones their god spoke of and intends punishing for all eternity for their wickedness. I'd hate to be in their shoes.
@@SAhmed-ih6fkwhat the West Bank isn’t occupied? You would be the only one to believe that! Oh and by the way everyone including the UN have stated formally that the Israeli control over the Gaza Strip amounts to Occupation because isra el. Controls airspace water fuel and everything and everyone that goes in or out! Won’t even let Palestinians fish off their coast!
In an op-ed in the Guardian on November 1, 2017, Palestinian Authority (PA) President Mahmoud Abbas stated..."Palestinians" were the Jews who lived, along with Muslims and Christians on land called Palestine, which was under British administration from 1917 to 1948. All people born there during the time of the British Mandate had "Palestine" stamped on their passports. But the Arabs were offended when they were called Palestinians. They complained: "We are not Palestinians, we are Arabs. The Palestinians are the Jews"...............
They are real nazism played as victim but never told anyone what they did to others that is the reason forbiding anyone to have research on War World 2 holocoust
Having been born in apartheid South Africa, I can assure everyone that what Israel is doing, is absolutely disgusting... They enforce a system that is distinctly racist. The USA should be ashamed assisting this sort of government!
The US is a Terrorist State, Democracy, Freedom and Justice are illusions... The Scale of US Crimes in Ukraine for its $12Trillion Resources, now US Corporations are Lining up for Contracts to Rebuild what they Destroyed. in Palestine $500Billion of Gas alone is what isreal & AIPAC really WANT + the Seafront for Jared Kushner' resorts. The US, UK, EU, Canada, Australia + are Complicit in the Devastating, InHumain, Sadistic Evil isreall has inflicted on the Palestinian People, instead of reigning in isreal, Sanctioning and placing Embargos on isreal Who has CROSSED Every RED LINES, They allow it to continue with IMPUNITY. They have relegated the nazis to 2nd place. The Blood of Innocence that now floods the very Heart and Soul of America, is a STAIN on it and its Morally Bankrupt congress that will go Down in History for ALL Time. It will be a Curse that will bring about its Demise by the very People it has supported Unconditionally for 76years. The USA has Trampled Human Rights & International Law, it has Made a Mockery of The Rules Based System. a Pariah state, that has Sucked the Wealth and Life of Nations around the World... Long may we say God Save the People of the United States for NOTHING will save its government...
Well done to the journalist, Jane for asking the hard, critical questions to a point where Mencer starts fluffing around at his attempt to answer and cover up Israeli atrocities.
@@krysarak People do but Israel's atrocities dwarf that of hamas. The IDF kills far more innocent people; seven thousand dead Palestinians under Netanyahu before Oct 7th, see UN website detailing that.. tens of thousands of innocent Palestinians dead since .. That's something like 40 to 1, probably a lot more. I could go on....
@@krysarak The IDF kills far more innocent people; seven thousand dead Palestinians under Netanyahu before Oct 7th, and tens of thousands of innocent Palestinians dead since .. I could go on....
This guy is a LIAR!!! I'm so impressed with the way he can say the EXACT opposite that is happening in Palestine! Ya Allah, punish all the oppressors and help the oppressed!
Both sides are just as evil. The Jews were given the land Israel so even Muslims should respect that.. but as history shows Muslims don’t respect ANYONEs land so it’s hard to listen to them crying when they get kicked out of land they had previously taken over by force.
I think the British government's plan to keep the people of England deaf dumb and blind is slowly but surely failing. The same is happening to the rest of the world's government's who've controlled it's population sice the creation of Israel or is it real? By claiming the Zionists Jews are the victims of Palestinians or Islam The explicit protection for Zionists through the BBC & MSM MUST END. . FREE YOURSELF FREEDOM FOR ALL FREE PALESTINE FREE THE WORLD ❤
Palestine has been ruled by one conquering power after another throughout time. The British Empire assisted the Palestinians to raise up and fight the ruling Ottoman Empire, only for them to become the new rulers and to initiate the process of “allowing”/promoting the emigration of Radical Zionist Ashkenazi Jewish from Europe, publicly presented as the romanticized narrative of “The Jewish People finally being allowed to return to their Ancestral Biblical Homeland” but with the true geopolitical goal of creating a Zionist-Run European Exclave, controlling the Middle Eastern Mediterranean Coast. The only way to create, carve, expand and “consolidate” an European Exclave in the Middle East is with a Zionist-Israel Long-Term Policy of Genocide, Ethnic Cleansing and Apartheid towards the Native Palestinian Population, which is only achievable with the Long-Term, Bedrock-State Policy Support of Western European Powers and the US.
9 000 is an underestimate. It's more likely over 90 000. Then also count all those who get sick and indirect ones. It's a Holocaust Palestinians are actual Semitic people
So you're relying on the the propaganda from HAMASsacre concerning casualties???? Even the UN were forced (and they ARE rather compromised these days) to significantly scale the numbers down 😡
The so-called "occupier' does have the right to self defence when his own people are savagely murdered. And you made up that bit of supposed "international law". It doesn't exist. Typical of pro-palestinians, all instant experts on int'l law.
I genuinely can’t fathom the stuff they come out with. There is a vast amount of justified proof of the atrocities committed and the number of civilians, minimum, confirmed dead. Who are they trying to gaslight? Don’t they know the world is onto them?
They believe they can turn it around, or at least _Milekowsky,_ aka Satanyahu, does, knowing that if he can't, then he and his partner in crime, aka his wife, face long jail sentences for their crimes, the court cases held in abeyance, while he's holding power, but which will take place the moment he is kicked out of office.
when they can't even think of any remote justification, or even a lame excuse, all they can come of is blatant gaslighting... they wont just admit being wrong (AND EVIL)
They can't bear any kind of criticism. They always throw their toys out of their pram and stamp on the floor. They have to blame their victims because they have no defence.
@@Harry-Storm right and it was all pepetuated by the occupier to justify genocide well before like the 9/11 war mongers...and palistine history is being wiped out by euro settlers
That's certainly true of nuttiyawho and his government. These poor people and their families are worth nothing to him. Nor the lives lost in his insane quest to keep power.
Many of those murdered by Hamas were sympathetic to Palestinians. It was reported that at least one would drive a Gaza resident to hospital for treatment. Kibbutzniks tend to be left-wing. They loathe Butcher Bibi and his divisive racist thug supporters as much as anyone else with shred of humanity does. To self-serving Netanyahu, they were dispensible - and their rescue of secondary interest. I wouldn't be surprised if this (war) criminal knew what was going to happen on or around Oct. 7 2023. Israel, after all, has one of the world's most powerful intelligence services (how else would they be able to identify - with such accuracy! - all of the hospitals, schools and mosques that apparently harbour Hamas fighters?) It gave Bibi and his racist coalition partners the excuse they wanted to level Gaza (and elsewhere) in preparation for more settlements - in which throughly-unpleasant Zionists and other racist scum will live. Of course with Trump about to take charge of the nation claiming to be Israel's biggest supporter, things will get worse for anyone living in Gaza, West Bank, Syria, Lebanon et al. Even under 'Sleepy Joe' the USA continued to supply arms to Israeli in support of genocide (the UN's words), lebensraum, kristalljahr, collective punishment, torture and everything else (Don't want to be compared to Nazis, Israel? Then don't behave like them! Talk to the remaining Holocaust survivors and feel shanda). As a corrupt and greedy narcissist, it wouldn't surprise me if the President Elect - a property developer happy to compromise what he should be doing, if personal business interests can benefit - tries to make money out of this. Expect more death, more destruction...and more acts of terrorism. I despair of the world, and the morons in charge.
Amazing how you know there is no frontline, there is no clear area called the battlefield, yet you choose to ignore that fact to hold onto the consequences of that fact..
@MrFergusferret Labour Friends of Israel. Important to keep in mind the strong connection between The Labour Party and Israel. Something that has been reported on before and must not be forgotten. They caused the end of Corbyn for sure.
@@bridgetveldhuis4473 Agreed but their connection is no less strong with the Conservatives as we've witnessed over the past 10 months. Same with all western governments and opposition parties.
While that is also true he and his Labour Party insider friends saw off Corbyn based on his supposed anti-semitism when Corbyn's socialism was the real reason, oh and his being pro-Palestine.
Indeed,!! He did in fact hold high office in the Labour party, and was director of the "friends of Israel" within it. Which doesn't say much for the Labour party's values. especially with Stalmer at the helm.
It is not a 'British' accent, as no such accent exists. It is an Oxbridge (Oxford and Cambridge universities) accent or King's English, as it is otherwise known.
@@DONOSTIA45 Kier Stalin, aka Kid Starver, has long been known as a filthy zio cheerleader, which is why he stabbed Corbyn, a staunch Palestinian supporter, in the back, then ousted any supporters of Palestine, including jews, along with any socialists from the LIEbour party.
💯💪👏 Unlike French journalists who are muzzled by Boloré, our local media magnate. For the last year, we’ve rarely had any contradictory debates on the atrocities perpetrated in Gaza. Guests who dare criticising Israël are been scolded by the hosts and not invited back.
Incorrect. The Hamas health dept. only has the names of the people who got to hospital and died there. According to The Lancet, far more almost certainly were trapped and died in the blown up buildings, as well as many more who died from their wounds, or starvation, because of Israel's destruction of hospitals, blockade of food and medical supplies. Their estimate for the total number of deaths since 7th October was 186,000 and climbing, a couple of weeks ago.
Theyre great at showing their true colours.The arrogance and ignorance is plain to see.I bet its just how those germans were way back then.Horrible discourse.
“The Nazis made me afraid to be a Jew and the Israelis made me ashamed to be a Jew.”
..Dr Israel Shahak
Well put !
And now the Israelis are Nazis. It’s went full circle.
That is so sad, and so ironic. People like him actually create a new antisemitism agains innocent Jews, because people generalize! Israel is barbaric now.
And the Jewish history of intellectual and artistic achievement has been such a great contribution to humanity.
Another smug polítician lying through his teeth.
My goodness me, she just wiped the floor with him. Thank you Jane, from the bottom of my heart.
She is very polite. It would be difficult to deal with these blatant lies. Israel investigated themselves and found themselves not guilty. Lol. No one believes anything they say anymore. As they shouldn’t. Thank goodness for social media.
Thank you Jane 😢 we appreciate you for telling the truth and give a voice to people are not heard. 😔 thank you ❤
Oh yeh cos bbc always tell the truth 🙄 😂
OMG I am laughing myself to death 🤣 He says we keeping the independent Journalist out for their safety 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Yes and how many journalists have been killed in Gaza? Soooo many, just shocking.
And they have killed a couple of hundred journalists already - oh that's right they aren't western journalists.
"keeping them out for their safety from our indiscriminate bombings and shooting" - Zionist
When hundreds have been tortured and murdered alongside healthcare workers. Sickening.
Thank you for supporting humanity against humiliation & genocide.
Long overdue
WTF is wrong with you people....there is no genocide in've been duped by radical Marxist propaganda
@@worldview730Well said! 👍💯
1. There is no genocide
2. Word humanity and hamas in one centence is an oxymoron 😂
@@iamlightsunshine6628 ‘sentence’ u c u next tuesday
NO more Victim..YOU are done
For years we had films and documentary about the holocaust. I felt connected and sorry. But now I cry for their barbaric burial behaviour. The mask is off and a true face of evil is behind
Well done to the BBC girl Jane, for being tough and well-briefed and not getting thrown off topic...This buffoon should go back to MENSA or get another job....
Wow your a true ignorante, like that channel owner...
To fix your ignorance type in google "british mandate"...
I’m delighted that the international community is finally sick of this country’s behaviour.
The lady is fuming. Her intelligence is being insulted. She handled it very well.
But unfortunately she will get reprimanded. I hope she know that in our hearts and minds, SHE WON THE GOLD MEDAL.
@@snuffle2269 She should be reprimanded. She lost the plot with her unbalanced, unobjective, anti-Israeli, aggressive interview.
Has she interviewed any Hamas official spokesmen/ has she fck.
She and her bosses know it would be a waste of time, and the public would see right through the rhetoric these apologists for murder come out with.
She needs to keep her personal biases under wraps if she's a professional.
She made him sweat. Poor little man
Fuming lol.. she done very well
@@snuffle2269 Who is 'our?
Well done Jane. You are a proper journalist. Bravo Jane! Make him squirm!
About time someone has the courage to ask straight questions. How can he explain the thousands of innocent people.
Well done Jane. What a backbone 🙏♥
There's another Blonde BBC reporter who hates Palestinians..She always sides with Israel..
Can't remember her name
Who would have thought I would give positive feedback to a BBC item. I applaud this one. I congratulate the BBC of finally having a real journalist. Great.
@@kiwikeith7633 not the bbc!
Sky News
Bibi Broadcasting Channel
It’s not the BBC it’s Sky News.
poor woman will lose her job...
just for telling the truth....
No nation with a spokesman like this will ever deserve my support, sympathy or respect.
you wont have a nation if you dont act in the same way.. what happens is someone else or another group takes that nation..
@@jfern6673sounds like Jacob the illegal settler.
So, it'll depend on the spokesmen for you,/ not the facts on the ground.
to think you people walk amongst us, phew!
@@jacobcohen9205 of course you’re putting on the fake “outrage”. Typical.
Spokesman or not,the lies,and the crimes are what Israel is,and what it’s built upon.
The whole world knows…
Though governments that are responsible and are benefiting from Israel are not admitting it,most of the people are now wide awake.
It is high time that you woke up.
Spot on @Sylvia 😉 If I don’t take it someone else will.
Go girl. Great interview ❤❤❤❤
We need far more presenters brave enough to challenge these liars !
Precisely! 💯👌
Netanyahu is not liked by most Jews throughout the world.
Good on her. He is constantly deflecting , and bringing excuses. Unfortunately, the truth is hard to hide this time.
We need more BBC presenters like Jane. Bravo Jane! 🙏🫡
We do, but Jane is on Sky. Which in some ways is even more suprising.
@@kennycube5126Noted! 👍Thank you.
It's sky news..BBC is a whitewasher of Israeli crimes in occupied Palestine for decades.. most of the top jobs are held by Zionists
Michelle is the BBC presenter on the Radio show.
Jane ur a classic
It's about time we had some real honest journalists asking the real questions.
For too long the BBC has been explicit - glad they are finally waking up.
These were just the same lazy BS accusations dressed up as "journalism"
victim card EXPIRED!!
Ain’t that the truth.
Israel (along with US ) funded h amas for years, and now they are playing a victim . That was their intent all along 😢.
People are not blind , they believe that they are God’s chosen but that’s not true .
As a Christian I stand with Palestine 🇵🇸.
antisemitism is dead
The Interviewer, is brilliant at persistently pinning down this evasive obfuscating spokesman. Excellent journalism.
Why do they know where every terrorist is, but not the hostages 🤔
They can't see that their lies don't work anymore. If they only knew how much the world despises them, they would be shocked.
Beyond gaslighting! No words! Stunning! Does he bekieve any of this?
He's shouting because he's being called out for his BS
Ashkenazi Jews have a mutation in
chromosome 3 that changes protocadherin , a protein that influences brain processes. The mutation may cause a number of mental problems, including epilepsy, but, most inportantly, it causes religious fantasies and psychopatic trends, such as we see in Zionism, that believes that God has given Jews the dominion on the earth, and that they may dispose of thousands of slaves and kill all other humans. That would explain the present madness of Netanyahu. The disease is fully described in PubMed!
This man makes my blood boil with his lies
@@joannenunez7402 He's a habitual liar and spin rethoric merchant.
I had to stop watching CNN because their coverage is always Israeli spokesmen whose lies make my blood boil.
This lady is fair and can handle liers, well done interview
Name a lie this guy told/
just one.
@@jacobcohen9205 He said the only reason western war journalists weren’t allowed to cover the war on the ground was for safety reasons. We know this is a lie because every war has had war correspondents crawling all over the place - except this one. Israel needs to control the narrative, and they’re losing that objective.
@@jacobcohen9205 watch it again while you wait.
@@jacobcohen9205 Him 'having to leave the UK because of Jeremy Corbyn'.
There's one.
@@inspectortanzi He's never said that.
He might have felt it, as did many others.
Not just Jews, either.
Thankfully, the British people, in our wisdom, rejected this hypocrite and antisemite.
Have another go. Hopefully, it's on topic.
I'll wait.
This guy is the Liar. He gets angry when you confront him with TRUTH and FACTS.
They all do. They always say thats offensive or anti semitic when you ask sincere questions about palestine deaths
@@jenniferkamerer8320 absolutely 💯
Mencer replaced Israeli " spokesperson " Elon Levy who was dismissed because he got caught out telling Porkie Pies about aid trucks entering Gaza !
@@jenniferkamerer8320 everything he doesn't like is offensive
Facts matter and we now know them and who is lying…. 10:56 he says “this is a pr war…no it’s a genocide!
Thank-you Jane and Mishal.
This guy should be detained once he leave Israel
By whom? Note that Netanyahu was not arrested in the United States! This despite being recognized as a war criminal.
Sadly, never going to happen, as these monsters are protected by the monsters in the UK govt and similar monsters in the zio owned (I mean *legally* owned and not a figure of speech!) Corporation, registered under the name _United States_ and fraudulently posing as the former country of _United States of America!_
The zio owners of the Corporation, incidently, pay the English Crown!
Welcome down the rabbit hole.
@@wiv2631 you right. They're all together in this. ONU UK EU USA and Israel. Very sad. We're about to become slaves and no one notices.of you can't force them to act, they know already if they take our freedom we are not united to fight back. We are fucked
I wonder how many of the "hostages" that this hmmm "fellow" claims to want to bring "home" have bombed whilst "targeting" individuals they claim to be hmmm .... I'll leave the rest of this statement for readers to complete.....
I wonder how many of the "hostages" that this hmmm "fellow" claims to want to bring "home" have bombed whilst "targeting" individuals they claim to be hmmm .... I'll leave the rest of this statement for readers to complete.....
This man is disgusting. He will probably push for her sacking.
Absolutely! The self anointed chosen ones will try to Corbyn her.
Wonder if Keir Stalin, aka, Kid Starver, will add his two shekelsworth to the discussion, confirming, as everyone knows, he's zio, through and through.
We will push for her to stay and applaud her strength to report the truth and ask the uncomfortable questions.
I recently read one of them quoting an author of theirs(Cohn) We own the gold, we own the media, we own everything! They omitted God, can't be bought like Western nation's governments!
They already had a journalist sacked on LBC Sangeeta. She was interviewing an Israeli mouthpiece and pressing him on the number of women and children killed, perfectly normal questions, but he couldn’t answer her without lying. The next thing is she is missing from LBC, there was no good reason for her to be fired. It was disgusting. Looks like James O Brien has been more fortunate.
Journalists should be allowed in Gaza to see the truth
The BBC are not explaining its Israel preventing journalists from entering Gaza.
I know its Sky. Just saying.
With all due respect.. Mencer is a disgusting liar.
@swissparis8057 not gonna happen! 1. The truth is too horrific and if reported on properly by domestic news agencies would not allow the west to pretend it doesn't know what is happening; 2. Israel has no control on its largely brainwashed army who do things like hitting the world kitchen convoy, or executing innocent civs. Isreal has already broken records on deaths of journalists, if more of those journalists were from the west... see point 1.
Then they would unalive them just like the World Food group giving aid. No truth and no food allowed.
They are
@@ItsNotRealLife stop lying! Only Palestinians who are already there are allowed into Gaza. And they're targeted specifically for termination. More reporters have been on a live than in any other conflict in modern times. Intentionally unalived. Only CNN or other outlets that are accompanied by Israel only to the spots they want to take them to are allowed in occasionally and then their news reports are vetted by Israel before releasing. They don't want the Jen o Cide to be reported
The BBC presenter is to be congratulated on keeping her cool and conduct the interview with professionalism, as for David Mence, he comes across as arrogant, aggressive and utterly untrustworthy.
Hasnt he got an appropriate surname "Mence" =. menace ha ha That guy is English through and through
Us Scottish commoners would call him a .####### pompous ass Its said we are not smart but we see right through this persons character
Scots history we lost our independence 400 years ago so we know about oppression Today we are equal but we do not forget the past and empathy goes out to others suffering in this modern era
Personally I am so sad that so many people in the World continue to suffer from displacement through wars extreme poverty and modern day slave labour
Somehow I dont have much hope in governments 2030 World agenda in achieving their goals especially when a SMALL country continues to encouage war and disharmony among people
Maybe they should have another look at the old and new testaments MOSES JESUS
These guys just wished for peoples health and happiness and to be free from oppression and cruelty
I do not promote any religions but I grew up learning from Moses and Jesus and their deeds influenced my character so much
Be kind to others
How come the Israeli government cant do same
Too pigheaded and supported by money = GREED POWER these are not qualities that GOD wished to encourage throughout the human race
GOD to me is powerful and is everything in the Universe
Thats another in depth discussion about GOD
May God bless her, we need more like her: cool and able to keep a professional demeanor despite blatent lies, and a condescending, arrogant attitude from Mence. It was great watching him "getting rattled" and constantly going back to the same, tired, old pathetic "we are the victims" and "you are pro-Palestinian so you're childish" narratives the more he was cornered..
There’s two sides here and one side is democracy, freedom of speech and religion, and the other is a tribal warfare system without individual’s rights. One side is killing rampantly without concern to civilians and in fact trying to get civilians dead, and the other side does not. Do you need help in identifying which side supports terror and evil and which side supports democracy and justice?
@Dr_Popeye325 Thanks for sharing your opinion、oh "Israel can do no wrong fantasy land" resident?😂🤣 Tell me, when did you jump head-first down this rabbit-hole? 😂🙄
I think we all know who is the terrorist and has been since before 1948. 20:56 Fortunately, the world is at least beginning to see what is really happening in spite of a million $$$ propaganda machine. But come on...raping prisoners with impunity and then pretending that this is acceptable??? Israel is like no other "democracy" on earth. 20:56
Excellent journalism, well done Jane.
American taxpayers are funding this
Well said.
Not by my choice! Free the USA and Palestine from the Zionist.
Not by my choice! Free the USA and Palestine. This guy should gag on his bullshit!
America is a big country! I don't believe the American people support the Zionist state.
Takeamericaback the money is counterfit printed by the Federal Reserve not the American people.
This guy is a paid professional liar!
Paid? He's been spouting this kind of nonsense for years in Britain.... Where he's from.
REALLY? You do not say!
@HTownCharlieBrown Probably from Europe somewhere making claims to the land that belongs to the Palestinians ...just like the rest of the crooks
Yes the Israeli spokesman. Lying right before our eyes
Well done❤❤
He is not a human being but a monster who is apologising for blatant murder. He is the liar.
That's the problem, Michael, he _isn't_ apologising, as psychos never do, because they do not see the monsters they are!
I didn't hear an apology
Increíble apologizing for crimes against humanity 😢
He is a murderer
@SoulSearcher-z2m Who is WE >?
Jane, you are a legend. Very well prepared, calm, sharp. Lovely!
Agree 💯👍
So 4 day old twins, their mother and grandmother are terrorists? What a load of BS from this man.
He’s offended? Finally a journalist who’s up to the task! You go get him girl. PR battle? 2 funny!
Haven't you heard people: the others are "murderous terrorists", he and his friends are nice guys, fighting for truth and justice .... and democracy, almost forgot.
@@tommytwogloves16yes it's a PR battle for him and for Israel, which they are loosing.
They are Arabs, so it makes no difference if they live or die, because they are not the "God's chosen people".
He is a war criminal and terrorist simple as that. There are so many evidences that it is overwhelming, if anyone do not want to see them this is on them, not only morally but also they betray their critical mind and intelligence to become simple morons.
I'm very impressed with her questioning style. Refreshing to see, particularly coming from a BBC reporter. It's helpful to be unbiased and fair in the reporting style. Well done Jane.
The BBC reporter remained so soft-spoken, she didnt get agitated, she was simply mercilessly insistent that her questions be not evaded but answered. Excellent job. Very un-BBC.
It was Sky News !!!
This man's whole attitude is PRECISELY what feeds actual antisemitism.
@Truthtoberevealedi hope, wish and request all the people of the world get united and defeat the tiny minority of this ruthless, heartless criminals in politics, economy and in the food industry who are COMPLETELY DEPRIVED OF CONSCIENCE and have become Blood sucking Zombies 🧟♂️ 🧟♀️🧟 for their limitless Lust for Money and Power…… PLEASE 🙏 Please 🙏 please 🙏
YES! So sick
You’re not alone!
Sick as can be
When even BBC starts roasting Israelis spokespersons,
You know there is a problem
Only if you are totally ignorant of the BBC policies.
Everyone should be watching Al Jazeera UK, there's no Israeli gaslighting that can spin the truth of what's happening in Gaza and now the West Bank. It truly is genocide, what they're not achieving with bullets, bombs and shells is being finished with starvation and disease, it's horrific and whether they like it or not this is the end of Israel as it stands, do they not realise that going down the path of the nazis will end at the same cul de sac, when they find themselves there their problem is all those burning bridges behind them. It's like watching a modern day
Einsatzgruppen at work with all the horror that entails, the world, when everyone gets to see all the facts, like the nazis, they will never be forgiven or forgotten. Their war crimes will come back to haunt them forever, people will take their sympathy cards and those that don't tear them to shreds will set them on fire. To do what they're doing with the world watching is as stupid as it is incomprehensible, even the nazis realised what they were doing would horrify the world and that made them make an attempt to cover up their crimes, these guys are so arrogant and believe themselves to be so untouchable that they can't even be bothered to try to hide their multitude of war crimes. I really hope to live long enough to see them pay for their crimes against humanity. And for those that slip through to net, well I hope Satan is a waitin.
the video was badly put together even worse than the israeli spokesmans nervously constructed sentences
Sky news.?
@@jimseltzer2002 PMSL which you obviously are
Can you see his face turns red….
It’s about time BBC……
Thank you Ms.Jane…..
This guy is a shameless, cruel and heartless individual
And a liar.
@@azumehr And totally ignorant of Zionism and the Nakba.
You say individual. I say BASTARD!
He’s always a bloody Liar
😅gosh he doesn't look very Middle Eastern doeshr.
Shame on this man. Evil at its height.
@@hatbarn3532 Paid puppet! with no morals or conscience!!
Holly shit he pretty much didnt utter one true word
He's a Zionist Jew what else do you expect?
All zios are allergic to the truth.
@@sarahcarroll4254 Yep ...Zionism is based on lies
He would make Trump proud...
Sarah it's a technical thing , his lips moved.
Thank you Jane for the Truth your brave❤❤❤❤❤❤
Criminals that occupied land, claiming they got invaded,shameless people
Not occupiers…Gaza elected their own Gov-Hamas, West Bank has the PA
Read some history
The *ICJ* have ruled the zios are an illegal, occupying force!
I have done so.
Quite a bit, in fact...
The current illegal occupiers of israHELL are the descendants of khazars/ashkenazis, from Eastern Europe, who *converted* to judaism in the *9th century!*
Just over a decade ago a great many of them underwent testing by a team of geneticists, at which point it was discovered they have *no* genetic link to the line of Abraham, are *not* semites, ergo, have *no* legitimate claim to the land _illegally_ given to them by the UK & US!
Further, the geneticists tested their Palestinian neighbours and found them to be the *only* semites of the two groups, but also the descendants of the *Canannites!*
Upon hearing the results of the tests the knesset _immediately_ banned and criminalised DNA testing.
The entire team of geneticists are jews, incidently.
Bottom line?
The zio *converts* to judaism are slaughtering the *chosen* people of their *adopted* god!
The zios are those written of in both Hebrew and christian bibles, the ones their god spoke of and intends punishing for all eternity for their wickedness.
I'd hate to be in their shoes.
@@SAhmed-ih6fkwhat the West Bank isn’t occupied? You would be the only one to believe that! Oh and by the way everyone including the UN have stated formally that the Israeli control over the Gaza Strip amounts to Occupation because isra el. Controls airspace water fuel and everything and everyone that goes in or out! Won’t even let Palestinians fish off their coast!
Free Palistine from evil
#FreePalestine 🇵🇸
In an op-ed in the Guardian on November 1, 2017, Palestinian Authority (PA) President Mahmoud Abbas stated..."Palestinians" were the Jews who lived, along with Muslims and Christians on land called Palestine, which was under British administration from 1917 to 1948.
All people born there during the time of the British Mandate had "Palestine" stamped on their passports. But the Arabs were offended when they were called Palestinians. They complained: "We are not Palestinians, we are Arabs. The Palestinians are the Jews"...............
Palestine is fighting on behalf of the World .
... you mean : Free the THE WORLD from Evil .....
@@sarwarali1488 will by Hilo of God
Once a liar always a lia
Born liars you mean !!!!!
Reminds one of British colonial policies in Ireland
“We were invaded” ha!! Invaded by an open air prison that Jseael has full control of
INDEED! Shameless garb...
It's not really a open air prison because prisoners have been judged and sentenced for committing a crime. Gaza is a concentration camp.
Invaded by parachutists and 4x4's
@@revskull Of which they knew well of the preparations by Hammas but allowed it to happen.
@@bigdee1216No they have not.
Thank you for finally understanding the truth.
Since when is a 2000lb with kill radius of 360 meters a precision weapon when dropped in a highly populated area.
Well said 🙏
They don't like the truth.
They are real nazism played as victim but never told anyone what they did to others that is the reason forbiding anyone to have research on War World 2 holocoust
You're right! Israelis = every accusation is a confession
They are allergic to the truth.
And that's why the BBC refuse to report it.
Not that they don’t like the truth, they get offended by the truth. How ridiculous & Pathetic is that?
Yes he is a professional liar
By the way, it took quite a bit until the world starts realizing how unbearable the situation has been for palestinians since 1948, and before…
Yup, 78% of Palestine was given, given to Israel in 1948. But they still want more! Unbelievable
I remember Yasser Arafat tried fighting for Palestine but clearly he went to the wrong place to get help
100 Years of war against Palestine,
I have known for a very very long time because I do not listen to our media
Having been born in apartheid South Africa, I can assure everyone that what Israel is doing, is absolutely disgusting... They enforce a system that is distinctly racist. The USA should be ashamed assisting this sort of government!
"Most Zionists don't believe that God exists but they do believe that he promised them Palestine." - Ilan Pappe
So true!!!
@@Rehook2 They have broken virtually every one of gods 10 commandments. How can they be the chosen ones?
@@dal6984 It’s a country of narcissists.
Israel is thinking about the safety of journalists! What a joke! They’ve killed more journalists than anyone!
Quoting historians who have been quoted as saying they don't think facts are important. And gullible maroons like you think he's clever.
Oh, my God Iran , Iran again and again. What about America supporting them.
Gold standard 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
United States backing This terrorist Government for genocide and continuing sending weapons to them, how can ceasefire restore?
Iran has more credibility than Israel America Germany and EU could ever have. The world isn't blind anymore thanks to 7 Oct
The US is a Terrorist State, Democracy, Freedom and Justice are illusions... The Scale of US Crimes in Ukraine for its $12Trillion Resources, now US Corporations are Lining up for Contracts to Rebuild what they Destroyed. in Palestine $500Billion of Gas alone is what isreal & AIPAC really WANT + the Seafront for Jared Kushner' resorts. The US, UK, EU, Canada, Australia + are Complicit in the Devastating, InHumain, Sadistic Evil isreall has inflicted on the Palestinian People, instead of reigning in isreal, Sanctioning and placing Embargos on isreal Who has CROSSED Every RED LINES, They allow it to continue with IMPUNITY. They have relegated the nazis to 2nd place. The Blood of Innocence that now floods the very Heart and Soul of America, is a STAIN on it and its Morally Bankrupt congress that will go Down in History for ALL Time. It will be a Curse that will bring about its Demise by the very People it has supported Unconditionally for 76years. The USA has Trampled Human Rights & International Law, it has Made a Mockery of The Rules Based System. a Pariah state, that has Sucked the Wealth and Life of Nations around the World... Long may we say God Save the People of the United States for NOTHING will save its government...
Well done to the journalist, Jane for asking the hard, critical questions to a point where Mencer starts fluffing around at his attempt to answer and cover up Israeli atrocities.
You don't care for the hamas' atrocities?
@@krysarak People do but Israel's atrocities dwarf that of hamas. The IDF kills far more innocent people; seven thousand dead Palestinians under Netanyahu before Oct 7th, see UN website detailing that.. tens of thousands of innocent Palestinians dead since .. That's something like 40 to 1, probably a lot more. I could go on....
@@krysarak People do but Israel's atrocities dwarf that of hamas. Something like 40 to 1 under Netanyahu.
@@krysarak The IDF kills far more innocent people; seven thousand dead Palestinians under Netanyahu before Oct 7th, and tens of thousands of innocent Palestinians dead since .. I could go on....
@@sOnIcBo0mBoY I don't know any "Israel's atrocities" except trying to protect it's people. Has Israelis tortured, raped or burned anyone?
This individual ought to face trial for crimes against humanity.
This guy is a LIAR!!! I'm so impressed with the way he can say the EXACT opposite that is happening in Palestine! Ya Allah, punish all the oppressors and help the oppressed!
Allaho hum amine ya rab alalameen
Such a liar.
Israel projection. They are Masters.
Both sides are just as evil.
The Jews were given the land Israel so even Muslims should respect that.. but as history shows Muslims don’t respect ANYONEs land so it’s hard to listen to them crying when they get kicked out of land they had previously taken over by force.
All the countries in the world should be aware of what this people are capable of.
@@arturomartinez9785 what’s are their capabilities
They are that's what so horrific
@@Uyiiouuoiuiiuyi They can do the same thing to any Country in the World.
I think the British government's plan to keep the people of England deaf dumb and blind is slowly but surely failing.
The same is happening to the rest of the world's government's who've controlled it's population sice the creation of Israel or is it real?
By claiming the Zionists Jews are the victims of Palestinians or Islam
The explicit protection for Zionists through the BBC & MSM
They are the Spawn of Satan. Pure evil!
A very good journalist vs a very bad spokesman. The world is opening their eyes.
This journalist is one in a thousand quadrillion! Good work! I can’t believe I’m prizing a journalist in this time and age!
I sure wouldn't call anyone working for the BBC a journalist.
@@TomM60 Excellent,pithy comment.
Wow........... she is brilliant
Who invaded who? Who has been occupying Palestinian land increasingly since 1947?
This started in 1917.
Palestine has been ruled by one conquering power after another throughout time.
The British Empire assisted the Palestinians to raise up and fight the ruling Ottoman Empire, only for them to become the new rulers and to initiate the process of “allowing”/promoting the emigration of Radical Zionist Ashkenazi Jewish from Europe, publicly presented as the romanticized narrative of “The Jewish People finally being allowed to return to their Ancestral Biblical Homeland” but with the true geopolitical goal of creating a Zionist-Run European Exclave, controlling the Middle Eastern Mediterranean Coast.
The only way to create, carve, expand and “consolidate” an European Exclave in the Middle East is with a Zionist-Israel Long-Term Policy of Genocide, Ethnic Cleansing and Apartheid towards the Native Palestinian Population, which is only achievable with the Long-Term, Bedrock-State Policy Support of Western European Powers and the US.
@@sOnIcBo0mBoY The Ottoman Turks still had it then, and those meanie imperialist sultans grabbed the whole lot back in 1517.
Wow your a true ignorante...
To fix your ignorance type in google "british mandate"...
Irish Broadcasters on RTE interviewing Israeli spokes people is the stuff of legend.
The spoilt child of exceptionisim is deeply disturbed
Makes me sick listening to him
Turn to another channel.
Yes. They‘re always lying. The zees are maniacs.
Shamefull and disgusting.
@@Sylvia-ps8tg What,precisely makes you say this/
Do you know? Please share if you do/
@@jacobcohen9205 isteal is on trial for gncd. Found guilty of apartheid and illegal settlements/ occupation. Who in their right mind supports that.
How many of the 9 000 slaughtered children were Hamas terrorists Sir? He's more concerned about " appaling accusations" than appalling genocide.
It’s called prevention.
9 000 is an underestimate. It's more likely over 90 000. Then also count all those who get sick and indirect ones. It's a Holocaust Palestinians are actual Semitic people
@@MassimoAngotzi Yeah... prevention of the truth getting out!
So you're relying on the the propaganda from HAMASsacre concerning casualties????
Even the UN were forced (and they ARE rather compromised these days) to significantly scale the numbers down 😡
19 000 rather.
Evil to the core.
the occupied have a right to self defense, the occupier does not. Guess who the occupied is and who the occupier is?? is rather elementary.
You cannot compare violence of the oppressed for freedom with violence of the oppressor for revenge.
Plain English, please, rather than zio subhuman doublespeak.
Thanks everso.
It seems quite clear to me. Where is the double speak?
The so-called "occupier' does have the right to self defence when his own people are savagely murdered. And you made up that bit of supposed "international law". It doesn't exist. Typical of pro-palestinians, all instant experts on int'l law.
I genuinely can’t fathom the stuff they come out with. There is a vast amount of justified proof of the atrocities committed and the number of civilians, minimum, confirmed dead. Who are they trying to gaslight? Don’t they know the world is onto them?
They believe they can turn it around, or at least _Milekowsky,_ aka Satanyahu, does, knowing that if he can't, then he and his partner in crime, aka his wife, face long jail sentences for their crimes, the court cases held in abeyance, while he's holding power, but which will take place the moment he is kicked out of office.
No they don't. They think we are all stupid and only they are the smart ones.
when they can't even think of any remote justification, or even a lame excuse, all they can come of is blatant gaslighting... they wont just admit being wrong (AND EVIL)
They can't bear any kind of criticism. They always throw their toys out of their pram and stamp on the floor. They have to blame their victims because they have no defence.
They don't care. They know they can continue to do whatever they wish in this world without criticism.
Nice to hear actual journalism for once.
He is so full of crap. Excusing murder so his side can look good.
@@artpimpn don't refer to him as " He". Refer him as " Animal" 😄😄😄👍👍
Right. Oct. 7 didn't happen. It was all a bad dream. Got it.
@@Harry-Stormhow can you invade your own country, it's Palestine, it's been stolen by European non semetic invaders.
@@Harry-Storm right and it was all pepetuated by the occupier to justify genocide well before like the 9/11 war mongers...and palistine history is being wiped out by euro settlers
israel couldnt care less of the hostages
That's certainly true of nuttiyawho and his government. These poor people and their families are worth nothing to him. Nor the lives lost in his insane quest to keep power.
Nor could Hamas who don't care about the palestinians
The Hostages were RESPECTED!
They're not allowed to talk.
@Waitingformart Wait because he would be in jail.
Many of those murdered by Hamas were sympathetic to Palestinians. It was reported that at least one would drive a Gaza resident to hospital for treatment. Kibbutzniks tend to be left-wing. They loathe Butcher Bibi and his divisive racist thug supporters as much as anyone else with shred of humanity does. To self-serving Netanyahu, they were dispensible - and their rescue of secondary interest. I wouldn't be surprised if this (war) criminal knew what was going to happen on or around Oct. 7 2023. Israel, after all, has one of the world's most powerful intelligence services (how else would they be able to identify - with such accuracy! - all of the hospitals, schools and mosques that apparently harbour Hamas fighters?) It gave Bibi and his racist coalition partners the excuse they wanted to level Gaza (and elsewhere) in preparation for more settlements - in which throughly-unpleasant Zionists and other racist scum will live. Of course with Trump about to take charge of the nation claiming to be Israel's biggest supporter, things will get worse for anyone living in Gaza, West Bank, Syria, Lebanon et al. Even under 'Sleepy Joe' the USA continued to supply arms to Israeli in support of genocide (the UN's words), lebensraum, kristalljahr, collective punishment, torture and everything else (Don't want to be compared to Nazis, Israel? Then don't behave like them! Talk to the remaining Holocaust survivors and feel shanda). As a corrupt and greedy narcissist, it wouldn't surprise me if the President Elect - a property developer happy to compromise what he should be doing, if personal business interests can benefit - tries to make money out of this. Expect more death, more destruction...and more acts of terrorism. I despair of the world, and the morons in charge.
Is Jane from SKY News. Loved her presentation.
It's endemic
this bloke should be charged with crimes against humanity
Netanyahu was charged but the US ridiculed those charges.
@trevornorman7563 don't be silly
He's just a well paid liar and nothing more
He is Hawhaw reincarnated and we all know what happened to Haw haw
He's gone very red , that's what lying does to you his blood pressure is sky high!
This is how real journalism looks like.
And still it goes on...WHY ?
He is as indigenous to Palestine as the Palestinians are indigenous to England
What a joke he is
Not even indigenous to Israel.
The Occupied Palestine keep those in awe of it, reject those ignorant of it.
From the river to the sea Palestine will be free.
This guy is a paid professional liar! Super professional ! #1 in the Olympics Gold Medal 😂😂😂😂
The same garbage that the zionists have been tutoring the Zionist paid politicians in the USA, Britain and Europe.
There are plenty more where he lies for.
But yet we still stand by Israel in the UK 🇬🇧 and defend its position 🤦🏼
She is so brave, not only her job but future at stake.
Every accusation is a confession. He is shame to humanity.
Amazing how you know there is no frontline, there is no clear area called the battlefield, yet you choose to ignore that fact to hold onto the consequences of that fact..
You are assuming he's human!
This guy was the face of friends of Israel in the UK
@MrFergusferret Labour Friends of Israel. Important to keep in mind the strong connection between The Labour Party and Israel. Something that has been reported on before and must not be forgotten. They caused the end of Corbyn for sure.
@@bridgetveldhuis4473 Agreed but their connection is no less strong with the Conservatives as we've witnessed over the past 10 months. Same with all western governments and opposition parties.
While that is also true he and his Labour Party insider friends saw off Corbyn based on his supposed anti-semitism when Corbyn's socialism was the real reason, oh and his being pro-Palestine.
They're a disgusting organisation so that checks out
Yes and apparently a friend of Starmer
Thank god for Al Jazeera. Last proper strong hold of journalism. 💪
It is exhausting to listen to the same lies again and again from the perpetrators
And let’s not overlook the British accent this guy gas
He did in fact hold high office in the Labour party, and was director of the "friends of Israel" within it.
Which doesn't say much for the Labour party's values. especially with Stalmer at the helm.
It is not a 'British' accent, as no such accent exists.
It is an Oxbridge (Oxford and Cambridge universities) accent or King's English, as it is otherwise known.
Kier Stalin, aka Kid Starver, has long been known as a filthy zio cheerleader, which is why he stabbed Corbyn, a staunch Palestinian supporter, in the back, then ousted any supporters of Palestine, including jews, along with any socialists from the LIEbour party.
He's English/British. Full stop. Period.
He would have to have a UK passport to hold office in the Labour party
RP Recieved Pronunciation
Finaly a bbc presenter that's that's realising the truth.
Unlike French journalists who are muzzled by Boloré, our local media magnate. For the last year, we’ve rarely had any contradictory debates on the atrocities perpetrated in Gaza. Guests who dare criticising Israël are been scolded by the hosts and not invited back.
Very well done lady, good job in facing this lier
Here here
I couldn't stay that calm.
@@cornelia666 i know, very hard to control your tamper
The Hamas Health Department has all the names and ID numbers of all the murdered
@@lsophialapartheid Israel
@@lsophialFascists, only a minute fraction of the 40,099 so far have been fighters.
@@lsophialIsraelis in the guise of the IDF. You blind fool.
Incorrect. The Hamas health dept. only has the names of the people who got to hospital and died there. According to The Lancet, far more almost certainly were trapped and died in the blown up buildings, as well as many more who died from their wounds, or starvation, because of Israel's destruction of hospitals, blockade of food and medical supplies. Their estimate for the total number of deaths since 7th October was 186,000 and climbing, a couple of weeks ago.
Theyre great at showing their true colours.The arrogance and ignorance is plain to see.I bet its just how those germans were way back then.Horrible discourse.
Possibly they saw the same, who knows.