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Life Inside Secret US Military Facility Built Deep Under a Mountain
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 6 ก.พ. 2025
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That means they have a new and more sophisticated place, because usually the United States will reveal the secret after fifty years and already have something new.
They have a network of deep underground military bases across North America, and they have hollowed out the Diego Garcia mountains.
BINGO!!!! We have advan-tech that shows us not what city say...Putin is in, but what room!
Read the books written by DR Richard Sauder; the world's premier researcher, into underground bases.
God Bless America!
Cool It looks great and I look love it. God Bless America❤❤❤❤❤❤🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸👍👍👍👍👍🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸😍😍😍😍😍😍
No mention of the Stargate program?
The star gate program has become part of the HAARP program
Supposedly, there is a broom closet with a Stargate Command tag on the door to trip up tourists.
Kurt Russell doing the narration would have been a nice touch.
Hahaha what I was thinking
Lol, i was just thinking the same thing, sgc, xd
It's a secret to simple people like us, the superpowers already know about each other 😂
هل تريد ان نلعب كول او ف ديوتي
I love the great America.
makes my day brighter content like these
I can imagine how mighty the US army is 🇺🇸
Hoa Kỳ Rất Đẳng Cấp 🎉🎉🎉❤❤❤
🇺🇸 🙏 🇺🇸 🙏 🇺🇸 🙏
It's disclosed intentionally to inform the world that what USA had in 1966. So imagine about 2024 and beyond.
@@M456-r4l... Te comunicás desde una cueva con tecnología estadounidense, cabeza de pañal viola cabras.
@carloshernandez9126 لوكانت ملك أمريكا نتحدى أمريكا ان تقطعها
@carloshernandez9126 نتحدى أمريكا ان تدخل في حرب مباشرة معنا
@carloshernandez9126 أمريكا الشيطان الأكبر
God bless US army .
Sangat menarik sekali 👍👍👍👍👍👍💸💸💸💸
Security is good and in Good hands
Oh man 👍👍👍👍💐💐💐💐
The music on this is really good. All of it is good. I AM not used to documentaries have this good if music in the background
Great America
If you're worried about the secret being out about this hidden base, don't worry. It's no longer used the way it used to be. A new facility was built for DoD personnel, and this one only has security folks to keep "Stargate SG1" fans out, and maintenance people for upkeep.
Wrong it's still used for what it was designed for. Sac still operates it
@@samw2768 SAC no longer exists. Rewatch the video and rewatch it again until you get it.
@@samw2768 Wrong, the original functions were moved to Peterson Air Force Base. Cheyenne is mostly an Air Force training area these days, because the cost to maintain and sustain a large force inside the mountain got to a level where the SAC/HAC refused to appropriate enough funding.
As long as the Coke-a-Cola delivery man keeps that pop machine full, all will be well in the Mountain!
Lol, sg1 runed it.
Home to the White Hats. God speed..💫👍🙏
USA Supplier is very thank you from south korea.
I think that secret places should be kept secret from media coverage.
Nothing in US stays hidden....u remember Biden being in position of classified state documents and misplaced them in a parking lot...and still Trump being tried/sued for obtaining and keeping military documents in his home area.....
Imagine the hundreds of other secret places NOT revealed.
its just one they revealed
You so true
if they’re showing this its obvious they’re not keeping it secret anymore. they have plenty of other secret hideouts. some hiding aliens and ufos
I was a Delta Recon Seal Ranger (DRSR) for many years. Part of our job was to try to infiltrate underground military bases (UMB's) to exploit weak points. We always targeted ventilation shafts. That is the weak point. That and the laundry service. The German Shepherd guard dogs were especially vulnerable to blowing raspberries on their tummies. Of course, the trick is getting close enough to do it. Yes, it usually resulted in some stitches and antibiotics but the end result was worff it. Kinda miff my upper lip though.
@@Steve_Farwalker kinda sounds like b.s. to me
@@stanmans total BS.
@@stanmans you think?
@@dpringlegunsmith see the next guy. No one can take a joke anymore. Jeeze
@@Steve_Farwalker a walking combo of a Navy Seal, Recon Marine and an Army Ranger. Mix them all together and you come up with a disrespectful snowflake named steve farwalker (probably an alias). You forgot to add the AFSOC, Air Force Special Operations Command.
We on an island with the 🇺🇸 waved high ❤
Our security and protection. ❤❤❤❤❤
iran has too :D
I use to drive past and see those lights from Cheyenne mountain everyday on my way to Fort Carson! 4th ID rules
Hell yeah . 1/8 3 Bct 4 th I’d in the house
We love US taxpayers for paying for military powers that are used to protect every other western country.
We don't have to pay so much for our military because the US taxpayers pay for them for us.
The US taxpayers don't even have a proper healthcare system, so their sacrifice is huge 👍
For killing innocent people in the east ofc
For that talking trump
7:38 Sergeant Glover demonstrates the new PT standards in the biden-harris Air Force and sets a fine example for the airmen under her.
This is no secret that’s why they were allowed here. I’m military
It would be interesting to watch a video pertaining to the construction and cost of the complex, unless it’s top secret. Further, how are communications conducted with the outside world? That could be top-secret also. If the enemy could destroy the cables, antennas, etc., that may be necessary for communications, the center would essentially be blind.
It would have underground communication cables that plug it into other US military 📡 radars, etc, far from the mountain as a backup. ( just like your TV antenna 📡 doesn't have to be on your roof if you have very long cable you can have it in another city if u wanted to ( its the military they can run cables anywhere they want )
There are many videos about its construction. There is inside footage, it even covers the internal fault found inside the mountain. This fault was so severe it could have canceled the project. These videos cover the repair to the mountain.
I was cleaning under my bed once and felt some cables. I traced one end right to the Mountain. I'm still trying to find the end of the other.
Why this reporter give away the name of the mountain and location.
How is secret when you just told us the location? 😂
Less than 5% occupancy is insane
According to a documentary i saw called SG1, you can bypass the main entrance and all the security by climbing down a ventilation duct found on the surface.
At 4:17 it mentions how secure it is & no visitors lol, the sci-fi community has dreaming of this place & SG-1
What a fortress!
May there be no nuclear war, o God 🙏
Yes just tell everyone our secrets
الطاقة الذرية كاشف عن تفاهة وسخافة البشر
Cuba has the right to defend itself, just like everyone in the world.
What about the star gate
UFO at 1:08?
Nope, that's a ship.
Oh my god I saw something too. 😅
4:01 That doesn't look like the U.S.
🤣😂😅and what it looks like...its russian??????😅😂🤣😅😂🤣
You "forgot" to mention Stargate Command, we know it's down there, we are not fooled.
secret but on youtube
@@klebervieira4234 i’ll bet our adversaries known as much about it as our military services know.
Secret 😢😢 after revealed 😂😂
Doesn’t look so Secret when you have it on TH-cam. Now everyone knows.
The Russian knows everything about the US because they are very intelligent people nothing is secret.
The Santa tracking unit of NORAD is top top secret. That's why it's not mentioned in the video at all.
Hamas menirukan ini, US terowongan dibawah gunung artinya kalau diatas takut kena serangan bom dari lawannya.
Plot twist: It’s actually, somewhere else 🇺🇸🗽
When the united reviews mean they're adapted
I thought this place was abandoned, well that Terminator 3 ( the one with the fine but deadly chic) movie had me believing it.
Thank you 🙏 for sharing and ☝️secret ☝️probably world 🌎 knows now fifty years ago 👋☮️
Stargate anyone?😉
Why are we discussing our military and location have we forgotten we have counties who hate the USA
You're right, we have counties that hate us, and countries.
I'm so confused why showing 🤦????
This is old and no longer a secret or operational @@James-rw8ou
They now just operate in plain sight
The US military has a lot of this....
Space Force is coming home to Huntsville Alabama. Welcome
Fasilitas Militer Amerika Serikat sangat canggih dan semakin modern disertai teknologi kualitas tinggi.
Namun sayangnya tidak mampu melindungi Hak Asasi Manusia yang memiliki jiwa normal tidak ada rasa iri hati, namun kekuatan iri hati (iri hati) itu yang selalu menindas dengan berbagai cara seperti di ruang lingkup lingkungan hidup saya semenjak lahir, hanya mampu bertahan dan berusaha hidup di bumi ini.
I have been here
Do they still have the alien stargate there?
Some stuff shouldn't be on the Internet 😡
The stargate is inside
“Secret US Military Facility”. And in the first 25 seconds of video it is no longer secrete. 😂
أمريكا قوتها في اعلامية 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Silencio, cabeza de pañal coge cabras.
so THIS is where rogan films his show... nice
Rogan film's in p Diddy's basement. You didn't know his wife was a Diddy ex!
What a waste of money. This wouldnt protect citizens
We are gonna see the Stargate, right? 😂
The current President is in his basement sleeping or eating ice cream.
Kim Jong un know now 😂
This is where the Stargate Command.
Stargate SG-1
What does the word “secret “ mean to whoever uploaded this?
Just know when the military show u secret stuff more then likely they moving to the next facility
I wonder what will happen if the air supply pipes are blocked or compromised, people inside will suffocate and die
Kkkkkk . Era secreto né ?
entonces ya no es secreta si esta expuesta en los medios
الآن الكثير من الناس بدأ يشعر أن CIA ترك الإعلام يقول عكس ما يعمل CIA في الخفاء
It's not even used anymore
Now I know where all the TH-cam Moderatorss are stationed! 😂
While the rest of us die
Thank u ... Nikola Tesla....PATENT'S DONT LIE... . Colorado Springs
Hebattt beda jauh sama pangkalan militer negara saya
Secret no more, I'm gonna tell the aliens, they pay in cryptonite
@@Michael-ud5og nothing to tell the aliens. They probably built it for us. seriously, if you watch the video there was a lot that went into it. Not an easy task add millions or billions of dollars
It's not really used anymore anyway. As they said, it's just a training center and backup site now.
If they can disclose this then just imagine what they have to replace it we don't know about??? Classified cities underground. Denver International???
It's no longer a secret!
I was stationed there between 1979 and 1982 security police
This location is not a secret. Don't worry about that. I live in Colorado Springs. Everyone knows this is here.
Yet this Facility has been referenced in Many Movies and TV shows... Like War Games and Stargate...
Missiles still in turkey
@@newyorkcity76 Be very careful when you cut the Thanksgiving turkey. Kaboom.
Katanya rahasià ko di èxpost 😂😂😂