At 25.15 minut, drago player can special summon pisty with black dragon collapserpent and with magnamut and romulus special summon tripla burst; actived effect pisty reborn tracer active effect tracer, special summon recharger; special summon borrelend, active effect borrelend negate tracer reborn recharger; special summon savage and special summon druiswurm. Ho battle and otk
At 25.15 minut, drago player can special summon pisty with black dragon collapserpent and with magnamut and romulus special summon tripla burst; actived effect pisty reborn tracer active effect tracer, special summon recharger; special summon borrelend, active effect borrelend negate tracer reborn recharger; special summon savage and special summon druiswurm. Ho battle and otk