Honestly, even though I fully believe that Ryan and Kelsi were just besties and each other's beards, I still want a full version of "All I Wanna Do" with just the two of them. They sounds so good and neither really gets many chances to shine in these movies
Ryan was confirmed to be intended as gay but the producers wouldn't let Kenny Ortega and the writers to make it clear. Lucas Grabeel and Kenny both confirmed it was implied but not shown.
I agree. Ryan and Kelsi went to prom as besties. Maybe Ryan wanted to ask her to prom to make up for the crap that him and Sharpay put her through. Sure their versions were more of a bop but it is unfair to Kelsi
I don’t think Gabriella was concerned just about leaving Troy. She moved constantly growing up and this is the first time she really got to stay somewhere and make connections. that’s pretty much her whole thing in the first two movies. Now she’s supposed to leave early for college, miss the end of high school and all these milestones with her friends. I think it’s a perfectly reasonable dilemma for her 🤷♀️
For me this is the best song of the movie! Next to “Just wanna be with you” (Idk if that’s the actual name) with both versions of Gabriella & Troy and Ryan & Kelsey
I think they wanted to put it for the Oscars it was going to be nominated but I think that the Fact that it was a Disney channel movie it didn't make the cut or something like that
Smiling as wide as possible yet my balling my eyes out at this scene every time. I remember watching a behind the scenes and everyone was really choked up because they grew up through those movies together and spent so much time together and it was sad for them when they were filming that last scene.
The song is “Like Whoa”. And yes, it IS and Aly & Aj song 😁. Also, “I Want It All” and “A Night to Remember” are THE MOST Broadway song in the entire movie.
How did she not show her reaction to Troy singing while trying on suits saying the tux is "too tight, it makes me look weird." That's my favorite part of the entire series
OMG I KNOW- i was waiting for that part, thats the one point of the song where i would always stand up and start yelling his lines bc my guy is just thrusting his hips out in this suit and its actually hilarious 💀 literally so iconic
I feel like Gabriella's conflict does make sense for her character. Putting aside the "I want to stay with Troy" angle, a decent part of her character has been that she spent years moving around from school to school, being the "Freaky Math Girl", and not fitting in. Then she lands at East High and makes good friends, has a boyfriend, and finally fits in. Leaving that behind isn't easy, especially when from a certain perspective, going to an early honors program is only going to re-ignite the old "Freaky Math Girl" insecurities. Meanwhile, Troy's dealing with the same conflict he deals with in literally all 3 movies. He's torn between expectations and trying to figure out how to follow his heart.
The little shimmy troy does in the boys are back is so iconic. I always do it with him. To me it was the most in character move zac could've ever freestyled for that point
Same! I also always *attempt* to do his moonwalk in Breaking Free (I still can’t do it😂) and then always do the little “self hug” he does right after. Classic Troy!
The quality, stage design and costumes. You can clearly see they had a big budget for that. I also love the idea of almost every song being a song from their senior show. Like they can relate to this but they also rehearse in some way. Idk if this makes sense. I think this is the best and the most iconic franchise ending movie. Everything is just on top
It's kinda rare that the sequels top the original movies for me but this one, oh my god it's by FAR my favorite. I almost cried watching this video, I feel like my childhood ended when these curtains closed 🥲
HSM3 feels so relatable to me. When graduating highschool it IS an extremely hard decision to go long distance with your partner, especially when you feel you are going to last. Yes, Gabriella shouldn't have considered passing on Stanford (because she really wanted to go there) for Troy, but it's also really understandable that she did. She's meant to be like 17 at the time, of course it's hard. And with her background (always moving, never belonging anywhere) it makes even more sense that she'd want to stay where she finally felt at home.
I actually think The Boys Are Back number is a great number, and the reason they put it in is for Chad and Troy to reflect on their childhood memories because adulting is starting to creep up on them fast. For me, that's super relatable, especially when I was a senior in high school because I didn't know what I wanted to do just like Troy and it was very stressful. It was a coping mechanism to reminisce on the past and not accept that I was growing up. So I'm glad they dedicated a whole musical number to encapsulate that idea :)
I think it’s a scene meant specifically for the boys. I watched it growing up and I loved it, my friends and I attempted to recreate it all the time. Meanwhile I kinda disliked “I Want It All” which is clearly a more feminine track, so I can see why Hannah connected with it. Also Chad and Troy had zero duets throughout the trilogy despite being best friends from the beginning, “The Boys Are Back” was their one track together.
@@panashe5268 I agree with you on some level. The way it's filmed, the outfits, being at a car junk yard, the choreography and the overall grungy look is definitely more traditionally masculine, but not exclusive to boys I would say, and I think girls can totally relate to the same feelings as well of becoming grown ups. Also, I actually love I Want it All, it's one of my favorite numbers. It's very well-choreographed and fun that they had the entire main cast participate in some way and I like the broadway/pop feel that it has. And you're right, it IS the only duet they ever sing together, so I'm glad they got at least one :)
omg why did the "hey teenagers, you don't have to have your whole life figured out" actually make me feel super relieved- I'm going into my sophomore year and my dad is pressuring me to figure out what I want to do with my life so that was a nice breath of air 😭💕
The average college student changes their major 5 times so whatever you choose sophomore year likely won’t even make it to graduation let alone any schooling. That’s too young to expect to know what you want!
im about to turn 21 and let me tell you things and you change so much so fast, try not to let the pressure get to you and go with the flow. decide when you want to. her 'speech' is something i think most people your age should hear. i went to school right after i graduated and i dont exactly regret it but it wouldve been a lot better if i waited until i was more ready. anyway good luck!!! i wish you the best !!!
@@lainiecalhoun-bouchey9561 very true! i thought id go into business when i was in grade 11 and the thought of me in business school now is laughable, definitely not my area rn lol
I was eight when HSM3 came out, and my aunt took me to see it in theaters for my birthday. The showing we went to was also a double feature, where they played HSM2 first. It was awesome.
I was eight as well! I went with my mom and two of my friends to go see it in theatres. I still remember my mom yelling “Go Troy” when the first scene of him came on! Still my favourite movie of all time!
I feel like they all must have had so much fun filming the “I want it all” scene! it was just so big and all of them got to have fun character changes!
I kinda forgot how you could literally see the quality difference between "made for cinema" and the "made for TV". Alone for that, the 3rd Movie was/is the best. If i had to rank the movies, i would choose first place: third movie, second place: first one and on third place would be the second movie for me.
11:49 In “I Want it All” as Ryan and Sharpay are standing there with their arms raised, I had a flashback to the first movie when they just finished performing “What I’ve Been Looking For” and I am just so impressed with how far they’ve come (the characters, the actors were always great)!
This movie played such a big part of my senior year! We watched it at senior dinner, I listened to A Night To Remember as I was getting ready for my prom, and my show choir performed High School Musical at our end of the year show. Complete with the seniors taking a bow at the end of the song. Needless to say, I cried a lot during my senior year of high school
all the gabriella slander in this has me crying 😭 girl spent her whole life moving, she's just struggling to say goodbye to a home she's finally made...
i love how hanna introduced this video by saying she'ts a fan of the movie and watched it on theaters and five minutes into the movie she looks genuinely surprised they won the game
I remember being so upset during their final musical because they literally ruined Sharpay's chances for the scholarship. I do think Ryan and Kelsi deserve the slots 💯, but it was still frustrating knowing how Sharpay dreamt of Juliard yet her spotlight was turned into a comedic act all bc the male lead bailed last minute.
This will forever be my favorite of the 3, no shame. Scream and the reprise of We're All In This Together gets me every time. I made sure I went and saw this in theaters, nothing was stopping me haha.
Fun fact; I graduated on the 10th anniversary of HSM3 (2018), so we picked the same gown and stole color as they had at graduation (red robe and white stole).
Yes, Kenny Ortega did AMAZING with the choreography!!! 👏 😍 especially when you go back and watch the Camp Rock 2 "waddle walking", "we can't back down power arms" 🤣🤣🤣
"That was so adorable I'm malfunctioning!". Why didn't I discover this line sooner, it describes how I feel about so many things-especially this movie!
The first movie's soundtrack is still my favorite overall, but truthfully the Troy and Gabriella duets in the sequels went way harder than they needed to. "You Are the Music in Me," "Everyday," "Can I Have This Dance," "Right Here, Right Now" are all absolute bangers and I will hear no other arguments. EDIT - Can't believe I forgot "Gotta Go My Own Way" and "Just Wanna Be With You" on the original list. I'm so ashamed.
Okay let's be honest.. Sharpay is an absolute icon! She looked fabulous in every outfit and just owns who she is. Also I love Lucas Grabeel's voice just sounds so flawless.
Can't believe I've never notice Aly and AJ song till know. That's definitely "Like whoa" playing at the party a 5:55! I had the disney radio CD with that song on it!
The nostalgia. I remember jamming hard to this album... but skipping all of Troy and Gabriella's duets bc they start to sound the same after a while and why are there SO MANY in this movie? Despite that, still probably my favorite of the trilogy for how perfectly bittersweet that graduation ending is
I listen to 'I Want It All' going into singing/theatre auditions these days cos it amps me up SO. MUCH. It's an utter masterpiece and such a song for performers. UGH.
Wow that pep talk Hannah gave after “scream” made me tear up. I feel so much pressure to get my life together now that I’m done high school and I needed that message. 😭❤️
Not related to HSM3 at all... but Hannah you helped me realize that it's not that I can't sing- it's that I'm an Alto. I can actually sing quite well... but not above F4. I didn't really know anything about vocal types before watching your channel. I just knew that I liked to sing but for some reason couldn't. Now I know I can.
My favorite part in the prom number is when they go “ should I Wear classic, or vintage, or plaid, where is the mirror? I think this tux it’s too baggy to tight” and then when Troy went “and makes me look weird” the move he did omg I fell in love all over again.
My brother and I MEMORIZED not only the entire song but also the entire dance for The Boys Are Back and we would pretend our couch cushions were the cars they dance on. Literally still some of my favorite childhood memories.
She does. She gets so much unnecessary hate. She was sometimes whiny, but she was a girlboss. I wish I had her courage when it came to boys. She knew her worth and when to walk away. She could sing, dance, got into Stanford, and got and kept the guy.
seriously Gabriella has to be one of the straight up nicest, most unproblematic characters and people defend Sharpay stepping all over people and diss her 😂
@@katherinemurphy6136 ik. Everyone is acting like she's Sam Larusso from Cobra Kai(whom I love but she is super problematic) or Serena from Gossip Girl. I also saw some ppl on TikTok comparing her to Rachel Berry. Like wtf??? She's actually more like Sunshine from Glee. I love Rachel Berry, but she's based off of Sharpay and was so problematic as well. They say that she stole everything from Sharpay. That is just b****. She and Troy were just singing and Ms. Darbus thought they were better. And when Sharpay excluded her own brother from performing with her, Gabriella included him and she can't help that Troy like likes her. They also hate on her for breaking up with him in the second movie when he was trying to get his scholarship. She was upset that he was making promises he couldn't keep. They also say that all Gabriella does is cry and run away from Troy.
@@LuisGustavoSO they both get hated on for similar reasons like all they did was cry and run away yet they get the guys and the so called cooler characters like tory/sharpay don't, but the hate for sam is far worse. Some ppl go so far as to send the actress for Sam hate mail, commenting mean things on her videos, and shaming her appearance. I love Sam and she is overhated, but she is really problematic. Gabriella, on the other hand, did nothing wrong.
I cried so much when I got home from the theatre and my brother asked who has died and I just bawled "High School Musical ended 😭😭" before collapsing onto his neck and he was like "oh good lord are you serious?" but he let me cry anyway and consoled me while probably hiding his laughter 🤣 Yeah, i was a fan. And that third movie was SO epic. I found it so sweet and romantic when Troy drove to Stanford and when he decided to ditch his readily laid plans to be close to Gabriella - my dream boy back then lol 😂 These reactions are brutal to my innocent childhood lol - but so on point 🤣 I hate growing up just to realize stuff underneath all the fluff and cuteness 🤣 Btw, in all the fanfics I've written, Troy and Gabriella DEFINETELY lasted 😂
I knew HSM 3 was gonna be your favorite! Out of all three, their vocals are the best, and the sets just screams musical or theatre. You can clearly tell that the budget in here was amazing. HSM 3 was the best
Omg, PLEASE do a reaction to the video of Ashley and Vanessa singing Ex’s and Oh’s! They sound so good together and we were definitely robbed of a duet between them in HSM!
I was even tearing up at the end that ending just hits hard. For next reactions I'm thinking either the televised Fox version of Rocky Horror (because ya know Ryan McCartan) or the Zombies DCOM trilogy because it's a mix bag of fun & a mess (imo)
I remember not really caring for the 3rd one but the past couple of times that I've rewatched it a while ago. I honestly actually like it more than I originally did. It's so good! Would love to see you react to The Sound of Music! Love your videos! You do an amazing job!
Lucas Grabeel (Ryan) was a voice actor on my daughter’s favorite children’s show. He definitely sings with a southern twang, but the songs are still iconic and live in my head rent-free
Patiently waiting for you to finally react to The Cheetah Girls 2. It's so much better than the first one (and my personal favourite DCOM). Just a great movie.
As a person who is now in senior year (also going through a lot of stuff similar to the movie) and who had a teacher tell me I'm going to fail because I don't know what I want to major in or where I want to go to college, or what career I want to pursue, it was really comforting to hear you say that a person does not need to have it figured it all out at 17 or 18. Thank you Hannah, you bring more comfort and joy to people than you'll ever know ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Younger me's mind was blown away when we went to see this at the cinema. I think Scream's my favourite song, but High School Musical (the last song lmao) has given me chills after hearing it again through this video 😩💜
OMG. 😂 During some scenes (like during Sharpay's entrance and her "A Night to Remember" number, Hannah's face was priceless. She looked like she just saw Elvis and Jesus sharing a burrito together, on the moon!🤣
Absolutely an Aly & AJ song. Also, the junkyard scene reminds me of Kevin Bacon's dancing in the warehouse scene from Footloose. I find it wild that Kenny Ortega directed Hocus Pocus and this masterpiece of a trilogy.
For more Lucas/Ryan i always go to their version of "I can't take my eyes off of you" is a deleted song from HSM1 with him, Vanessa, Ashley and Drew, he is by far amazing in that song😍 And HSM2 is still my fav out of the three, the most fun and dramatic haha Love the video!
It's always so crazy to me when people say "Oh I remember this song." Cuz I always listen to songs from my childhood😅 There was never any forgetting HSM songs or Hannah Montana, etc. I, at my big age of 24, have a playlist dedicated to songs from my childhood. Then I start thinking, wow...I'm embarrassing. Other people don't do this???
I literally have them ordered by "genre" (e.g. Disney, Disney Channel, anime openings) in different playlists, and so do many of my friends, you're definitely not alone 😊❤️
I don't know why but I rewatch HSM3 now as an adult, and I can't watch most of the film without tearing up. Like literally reliving and rewatching your favorite childhood movie and having to experience that at one point and relate to that. I miss the innocent days.
So lucky to have grown up with this franchise. I remember when this one came out I was also nearing high school graduation so it was crazy to be graduating with the cast, so to speak. Anyways, love you Hannah!
"the boys are back" is actually great visualization about boys. I still playing my robot toy and maybe a car and also pretended to be a ninja with a fake sword until middle High school. There are words saying "boys always be boys"
I love this reaction! HSM3 has the best soundtrack of all three. Also, you should react to let it shine. It is such a good movie and again amazing soundtrack :)
I'm completely CRAZY for "Scream", seriously I LOVE this song with all my being, so much I can't even explain it She's SO dramatic, oh god I love it so much, I keep listening on the street walking around imagining myself as Troy
If you need ideas for reactions. The Greatest Showman would be amazing!! The whole cast is incredible ( love Hugh Jackman and Zendaya) but especially zac Efron! He shines in it! It's his best singing and acting! He is so good in it! Also I couldn't find anyone to watch this in theaters with me but I do remember loving it the first time I watched it
I just realised that Kenny Ortega’s choreography in the world of High School Musical and, specifically, in the play of this movie, is considered to be Ryan’s. No wonder he got into Julliard
Honestly, even though I fully believe that Ryan and Kelsi were just besties and each other's beards, I still want a full version of "All I Wanna Do" with just the two of them. They sounds so good and neither really gets many chances to shine in these movies
Agreed 100%
Like they definitely recorded a version of just them back then, would be dope to hear that. But what he better is them reuniting and singing it again
It’s actually called Just Wanna Be With You. But totally agree about Ryan and Kelsi.
Ryan was confirmed to be intended as gay but the producers wouldn't let Kenny Ortega and the writers to make it clear. Lucas Grabeel and Kenny both confirmed it was implied but not shown.
I agree. Ryan and Kelsi went to prom as besties. Maybe Ryan wanted to ask her to prom to make up for the crap that him and Sharpay put her through. Sure their versions were more of a bop but it is unfair to Kelsi
Honestly the biggest mood of this whole movie is Ms. Darbus going "Jason Cross. You did it, you graduated."
Like yeah... felt that LMAO
I don’t think Gabriella was concerned just about leaving Troy. She moved constantly growing up and this is the first time she really got to stay somewhere and make connections. that’s pretty much her whole thing in the first two movies. Now she’s supposed to leave early for college, miss the end of high school and all these milestones with her friends. I think it’s a perfectly reasonable dilemma for her 🤷♀️
Yeah, that's how I always understood it
Thats basicly Gina Porter now
Personally I see EJ and Gina are more like Troy and Gabriella
Yeah yeah "I want it all" is a true masterpiece: lyrics, vocals, choreo, costumes, decors EVERYTHING is just chef kiss
Don’t forget Ryan
@@urielespinoza1899 oh yeah sorry abt that aha and Ryan obviously as always tho
For me this is the best song of the movie! Next to “Just wanna be with you” (Idk if that’s the actual name) with both versions of Gabriella & Troy and Ryan & Kelsey
I think they wanted to put it for the Oscars it was going to be nominated but I think that the Fact that it was a Disney channel movie it didn't make the cut or something like that
@@andreagarciamedrano4228 this one wasn't a disney channel movie
The fact that Hannah skipped the actual last minute of the movie where they close up on their faces, as they're all on the verge of tears
Breaks me every time
I literally cry every time I watch that part
Yesss!!! Literally bawl
Smiling as wide as possible yet my balling my eyes out at this scene every time. I remember watching a behind the scenes and everyone was really choked up because they grew up through those movies together and spent so much time together and it was sad for them when they were filming that last scene.
@@Jessica_vdnsame I cry every time 😭
The song is “Like Whoa”. And yes, it IS and Aly & Aj song 😁.
Also, “I Want It All” and “A Night to Remember” are THE MOST Broadway song in the entire movie.
Aly and AJ really made some bangers like Rush
Yes! And Aly and Aj's "Like Whoah" was also featured in the forgotten Disney movie "Minutemen"!!
@@jaiofficialmusic Jason Dolly's big break
@@jaiofficialmusic I was just about to comment does anyone remember the iconic movie Minute Men!!! Thank you so much for being that person
Yesss! A Night to remember is so underrated. That song is amazing! Defs my favourite.
I honestly don’t care what you’re reacting to anymore I just love seeing your amazing personality.
this !
Same! I like before I watch it haha
How did she not show her reaction to Troy singing while trying on suits saying the tux is "too tight, it makes me look weird." That's my favorite part of the entire series
I about pissed myself in the theater at that part
OMG I KNOW- i was waiting for that part, thats the one point of the song where i would always stand up and start yelling his lines bc my guy is just thrusting his hips out in this suit and its actually hilarious 💀 literally so iconic
I feel like Gabriella's conflict does make sense for her character. Putting aside the "I want to stay with Troy" angle, a decent part of her character has been that she spent years moving around from school to school, being the "Freaky Math Girl", and not fitting in. Then she lands at East High and makes good friends, has a boyfriend, and finally fits in. Leaving that behind isn't easy, especially when from a certain perspective, going to an early honors program is only going to re-ignite the old "Freaky Math Girl" insecurities. Meanwhile, Troy's dealing with the same conflict he deals with in literally all 3 movies. He's torn between expectations and trying to figure out how to follow his heart.
Ryan asking Kelsi with the piano playing right after is the SMOOTHEST thing EVER my goodness
“Everyone knows suits are lingerie for men”
Glad someone finally said it!!!
The little shimmy troy does in the boys are back is so iconic. I always do it with him. To me it was the most in character move zac could've ever freestyled for that point
Same! I also always *attempt* to do his moonwalk in Breaking Free (I still can’t do it😂) and then always do the little “self hug” he does right after. Classic Troy!
The quality, stage design and costumes. You can clearly see they had a big budget for that.
I also love the idea of almost every song being a song from their senior show. Like they can relate to this but they also rehearse in some way. Idk if this makes sense.
I think this is the best and the most iconic franchise ending movie. Everything is just on top
i totally agree, and your pfp is also fabulous 💀
It's kinda rare that the sequels top the original movies for me but this one, oh my god it's by FAR my favorite. I almost cried watching this video, I feel like my childhood ended when these curtains closed 🥲
Helps to have a theatrical budget but it's so Good 🤩
This was the best of the 3 I went to the theater to see it!! A real musical
YES it’s the best for sure, so well done. And the ending gets me every time.
Gabriella's outfits in this movie are TOP NOTCH and white looks SO good on her
HSM3 feels so relatable to me. When graduating highschool it IS an extremely hard decision to go long distance with your partner, especially when you feel you are going to last. Yes, Gabriella shouldn't have considered passing on Stanford (because she really wanted to go there) for Troy, but it's also really understandable that she did. She's meant to be like 17 at the time, of course it's hard. And with her background (always moving, never belonging anywhere) it makes even more sense that she'd want to stay where she finally felt at home.
I would love to see you react to “The Greatest Showman” to see Zac’s evolution in a musical, loved this reaction
I actually think The Boys Are Back number is a great number, and the reason they put it in is for Chad and Troy to reflect on their childhood memories because adulting is starting to creep up on them fast. For me, that's super relatable, especially when I was a senior in high school because I didn't know what I wanted to do just like Troy and it was very stressful. It was a coping mechanism to reminisce on the past and not accept that I was growing up. So I'm glad they dedicated a whole musical number to encapsulate that idea :)
I think it’s a scene meant specifically for the boys. I watched it growing up and I loved it, my friends and I attempted to recreate it all the time. Meanwhile I kinda disliked “I Want It All” which is clearly a more feminine track, so I can see why Hannah connected with it. Also Chad and Troy had zero duets throughout the trilogy despite being best friends from the beginning, “The Boys Are Back” was their one track together.
I felt exactly the same when I looked it last year after my last year on college! Think it's a scene maybe only boys can understand
@@panashe5268 Im a female and learnt the choreography to boys are back when I was a kid 😎my 2nd fav song of the movie! Scream is my number 1
@@panashe5268 I agree with you on some level. The way it's filmed, the outfits, being at a car junk yard, the choreography and the overall grungy look is definitely more traditionally masculine, but not exclusive to boys I would say, and I think girls can totally relate to the same feelings as well of becoming grown ups. Also, I actually love I Want it All, it's one of my favorite numbers. It's very well-choreographed and fun that they had the entire main cast participate in some way and I like the broadway/pop feel that it has. And you're right, it IS the only duet they ever sing together, so I'm glad they got at least one :)
@@elanaemmanouilidis9467 That's awesome! It has great choreography. Scream is really good too :)
I’ve said it many times and I’ll say it again LUCAS( Ryan) VOCALS ARE SO UNDERRATED!!!!!his range is like wow 😳
omg why did the "hey teenagers, you don't have to have your whole life figured out" actually make me feel super relieved- I'm going into my sophomore year and my dad is pressuring me to figure out what I want to do with my life so that was a nice breath of air 😭💕
I’m 27 and I still haven’t figured it out. but I’ve gotten to do so many awesome things trying to figure it out. You always have time!
The average college student changes their major 5 times so whatever you choose sophomore year likely won’t even make it to graduation let alone any schooling. That’s too young to expect to know what you want!
im about to turn 21 and let me tell you things and you change so much so fast, try not to let the pressure get to you and go with the flow. decide when you want to. her 'speech' is something i think most people your age should hear. i went to school right after i graduated and i dont exactly regret it but it wouldve been a lot better if i waited until i was more ready. anyway good luck!!! i wish you the best !!!
@@lainiecalhoun-bouchey9561 very true! i thought id go into business when i was in grade 11 and the thought of me in business school now is laughable, definitely not my area rn lol
26:14 The character arc that's never talked about; nerdy girl who was afraid to admit that she likes to dance becoming a cheerleader.
We stan that girl
I was eight when HSM3 came out, and my aunt took me to see it in theaters for my birthday. The showing we went to was also a double feature, where they played HSM2 first. It was awesome.
Dude, that is pretty epic! I also saw it in theaters but I WISHED they did a double feature omg
I was 3
I was eight as well! I went with my mom and two of my friends to go see it in theatres. I still remember my mom yelling “Go Troy” when the first scene of him came on! Still my favourite movie of all time!
I was 9 when I saw it in theaters 😭
SHE LOVES SHARPAY SO MUCH. she needs to watch Sharpay's fabulous adventure. we stan
She has to watch this !
I was specifically looking for this comment to see if anyone had told her about this movie yet! A MUST for her for SURE!
I feel like they all must have had so much fun filming the “I want it all” scene! it was just so big and all of them got to have fun character changes!
Hannah, since Sharpay's your favourite character, you should probably give her solo movie, _Sharpay's Fabulous Adventure,_ a go!
I had no idea that was a thing lol I gotta check that out because her character is everything
I second this! I adored that movie
I kinda forgot how you could literally see the quality difference between "made for cinema" and the "made for TV". Alone for that, the 3rd Movie was/is the best. If i had to rank the movies, i would choose first place: third movie, second place: first one and on third place would be the second movie for me.
I agree sorta, but when I rewatch the other movies, I start to love them more, my mind changes so much
Yeeees, the only correct ranking. Tho 1 and 3 can be switched but still.
I love the first one, it is really good, but for me the third one is just the best!
Where my HSM2 stans at? Please we need to stand up for the best movie out of the three 😩😩😩😩 so unfairly underrated
@@annakabibe615 I don't say that the second one is a bad Movie =). I just like the other two more =D.
In “I Want it All” as Ryan and Sharpay are standing there with their arms raised, I had a flashback to the first movie when they just finished performing “What I’ve Been Looking For” and I am just so impressed with how far they’ve come (the characters, the actors were always great)!
Sharpay: “I told you not to do the Jazz Squares”.
Ryan: “It’s a crowd favorite. Everybody loves a good Jazz Square”.
This movie played such a big part of my senior year! We watched it at senior dinner, I listened to A Night To Remember as I was getting ready for my prom, and my show choir performed High School Musical at our end of the year show. Complete with the seniors taking a bow at the end of the song. Needless to say, I cried a lot during my senior year of high school
omg your senior year is like my dream haha
This is what I'm doing this year. Me and my girlfriend are doing can I have this dance I've been practicing since forever
all the gabriella slander in this has me crying 😭 girl spent her whole life moving, she's just struggling to say goodbye to a home she's finally made...
I have to separate Gabriella from Vanessa Hudgens because her slandering Gabriella is me taking it as she hates Vanessa Hudgens.
i feel like a lot of people (sharpay stans) slander gabriella and I still don’t understand why after all these years. it’s giving toxic imo
i love how hanna introduced this video by saying she'ts a fan of the movie and watched it on theaters and five minutes into the movie she looks genuinely surprised they won the game
If we ever get HSM: THE REUNION, I really want Chad and Taylor getting their DESERVED Duet!
High School Musical: Class Reunion
Ik that Corbin Bleu is in high school musical the musical the series season 3 I can't wait to see it
I would love the reunion but Vanessa Hudgens doesn't want to do another movie
and Ryan BETTER have a boyfriend!
Hannah: “Sharpay should just be a pop star. She should just get a record deal”
Me: So, you’ve never heard about Sharpay’s Fabulous Adventure?
She needs to watch it! Especially since she does love Sharpay. I think she will love the redemption arc
Exactly what I was thinking!!
This movie is barely talking about, it's almost like it never existed which sucks ngl
most underrated movie in the hsm franchise, so hannah better watch it
East High's Drama Department budget for the first movie: home-made arts and crafts, shiny moon.
The department's budget for the third movie: Broadway.
I remember being so upset during their final musical because they literally ruined Sharpay's chances for the scholarship. I do think Ryan and Kelsi deserve the slots 💯, but it was still frustrating knowing how Sharpay dreamt of Juliard yet her spotlight was turned into a comedic act all bc the male lead bailed last minute.
No agreed
I think she can afford to go to juilard with her own money
This will forever be my favorite of the 3, no shame. Scream and the reprise of We're All In This Together gets me every time. I made sure I went and saw this in theaters, nothing was stopping me haha.
24:36 as a 17 year old that relates so much to the song "Scream" I can't thank you enough for your advice. It made me tear up a bit honestly thank you
Fun fact; I graduated on the 10th anniversary of HSM3 (2018), so we picked the same gown and stole color as they had at graduation (red robe and white stole).
I also graduated in 2018! If we would do the whole gown thing in my country I totally would have done the same. ✌🏻
I graduated in 2018 and I wish that was how my graduation went
Yes, Kenny Ortega did AMAZING with the choreography!!! 👏 😍 especially when you go back and watch the Camp Rock 2 "waddle walking", "we can't back down power arms" 🤣🤣🤣
Waddle walking 🤣 I'm dead
"That was so adorable I'm malfunctioning!". Why didn't I discover this line sooner, it describes how I feel about so many things-especially this movie!
In my opinion, Kelsi and Ryan were going to get in because they wrote and choreographed an entire show.
The first movie's soundtrack is still my favorite overall, but truthfully the Troy and Gabriella duets in the sequels went way harder than they needed to. "You Are the Music in Me," "Everyday," "Can I Have This Dance," "Right Here, Right Now" are all absolute bangers and I will hear no other arguments.
EDIT - Can't believe I forgot "Gotta Go My Own Way" and "Just Wanna Be With You" on the original list. I'm so ashamed.
Just Wanna Be With You too, they definitely tried harder on the Troy and Gabriella duets even more, and I thank them for that🙃it got better and better
Can I Have This Dance was my childhood theme song and it still is years later 😭
Can I have this dance has been my shower song for years lol
When Hannah said "did you hear that note?" about Ryan my brain went "oh yeah this is supposed to be vocal coach reacts" and I laughed at myself
Okay let's be honest.. Sharpay is an absolute icon! She looked fabulous in every outfit and just owns who she is. Also I love Lucas Grabeel's voice just sounds so flawless.
I feel like 3/4 of the entire film budget went into the 'I want it all' scene, and im totally here for it LMAO
Your videos just made me realize how good of a singer Ryan is. The notes. wow, just wow.
Can't believe I've never notice Aly and AJ song till know. That's definitely "Like whoa" playing at the party a 5:55! I had the disney radio CD with that song on it!
Yeah, it also plays in the dcom MinuteMen
The nostalgia. I remember jamming hard to this album... but skipping all of Troy and Gabriella's duets bc they start to sound the same after a while and why are there SO MANY in this movie? Despite that, still probably my favorite of the trilogy for how perfectly bittersweet that graduation ending is
The roof top dancing inspired the perfect harmony dance in Julie and the phantoms lol.
Kenny Ortega directed that too!
I listen to 'I Want It All' going into singing/theatre auditions these days cos it amps me up SO. MUCH. It's an utter masterpiece and such a song for performers. UGH.
Wow that pep talk Hannah gave after “scream” made me tear up. I feel so much pressure to get my life together now that I’m done high school and I needed that message. 😭❤️
Not related to HSM3 at all... but Hannah you helped me realize that it's not that I can't sing- it's that I'm an Alto. I can actually sing quite well... but not above F4. I didn't really know anything about vocal types before watching your channel. I just knew that I liked to sing but for some reason couldn't. Now I know I can.
The fact, that Zack and Vanessa during every MOVIE, is soo iconic. These movies will go down as iconic tbh. 10/10 franchise if you ask me. 🤣😍😍
1000% saw this in theatres as a senior in high school and said “it’s like we are graduating too” (because we were). Love you Hannah!
My favorite part in the prom number is when they go “ should I Wear classic, or vintage, or plaid, where is the mirror? I think this tux it’s too baggy to tight” and then when Troy went “and makes me look weird” the move he did omg I fell in love all over again.
My brother and I MEMORIZED not only the entire song but also the entire dance for The Boys Are Back and we would pretend our couch cushions were the cars they dance on. Literally still some of my favorite childhood memories.
The boys are back was a way for them to reflect on childhood. But I feel like Gabriella deserves a lot more credit than she was given in this video
She does. She gets so much unnecessary hate. She was sometimes whiny, but she was a girlboss. I wish I had her courage when it came to boys. She knew her worth and when to walk away. She could sing, dance, got into Stanford, and got and kept the guy.
seriously Gabriella has to be one of the straight up nicest, most unproblematic characters and people defend Sharpay stepping all over people and diss her 😂
@@katherinemurphy6136 ik. Everyone is acting like she's Sam Larusso from Cobra Kai(whom I love but she is super problematic) or Serena from Gossip Girl. I also saw some ppl on TikTok comparing her to Rachel Berry. Like wtf??? She's actually more like Sunshine from Glee. I love Rachel Berry, but she's based off of Sharpay and was so problematic as well. They say that she stole everything from Sharpay. That is just b****. She and Troy were just singing and Ms. Darbus thought they were better. And when Sharpay excluded her own brother from performing with her, Gabriella included him and she can't help that Troy like likes her. They also hate on her for breaking up with him in the second movie when he was trying to get his scholarship. She was upset that he was making promises he couldn't keep. They also say that all Gabriella does is cry and run away from Troy.
@@kaveenasingsandcosplays3441 Sam is getting the same hate as Gabriella though. Girl did nothing but get bullied for most of the show.
@@LuisGustavoSO they both get hated on for similar reasons like all they did was cry and run away yet they get the guys and the so called cooler characters like tory/sharpay don't, but the hate for sam is far worse. Some ppl go so far as to send the actress for Sam hate mail, commenting mean things on her videos, and shaming her appearance. I love Sam and she is overhated, but she is really problematic. Gabriella, on the other hand, did nothing wrong.
I cried so much when I got home from the theatre and my brother asked who has died and I just bawled "High School Musical ended 😭😭" before collapsing onto his neck and he was like "oh good lord are you serious?" but he let me cry anyway and consoled me while probably hiding his laughter 🤣 Yeah, i was a fan. And that third movie was SO epic. I found it so sweet and romantic when Troy drove to Stanford and when he decided to ditch his readily laid plans to be close to Gabriella - my dream boy back then lol 😂 These reactions are brutal to my innocent childhood lol - but so on point 🤣 I hate growing up just to realize stuff underneath all the fluff and cuteness 🤣 Btw, in all the fanfics I've written, Troy and Gabriella DEFINETELY lasted 😂
I knew HSM 3 was gonna be your favorite! Out of all three, their vocals are the best, and the sets just screams musical or theatre. You can clearly tell that the budget in here was amazing. HSM 3 was the best
I just love that it’s HSM canon that Troy and Gabriella get absolutely lost in the sauce whenever they sing together
Omg, PLEASE do a reaction to the video of Ashley and Vanessa singing Ex’s and Oh’s! They sound so good together and we were definitely robbed of a duet between them in HSM!
I was even tearing up at the end that ending just hits hard. For next reactions I'm thinking either the televised Fox version of Rocky Horror (because ya know Ryan McCartan) or the Zombies DCOM trilogy because it's a mix bag of fun & a mess (imo)
agreed, I think her reacting to the Zombies trilogy would be great because it is indeed a bag of fun and a mess and that is why I love it so much haha
@@BaileeNoel I was thinking about ZOMBIES too. The songs are really cool.
"Right Here Right Now" is such an underrated song. It is my favorite from the whole series. So good!!!!!
i like how i started watching hannah bc i cared about a vocal coach's opinions and now i watch because i just wanna see hannah's reactions
I'm SO happy you like the High School Musical song. It's the most underrated song in the whole hsm franchise.
Zeke's voice at 16:30... beautiful.
It's the savage comment for me " Aww that's so cute, even though I don't think, they're gonna last." 🤣
Please Please PLEASE react to some of the Victorious songs, the cast is SO TALENTED and the music is so good, in my opinion at least.
I remember not really caring for the 3rd one but the past couple of times that I've rewatched it a while ago. I honestly actually like it more than I originally did. It's so good! Would love to see you react to The Sound of Music! Love your videos! You do an amazing job!
Lucas's vocals give me LIFE! He's doing a concert on Thursday and I can't see it cause I'm in a performance :(
Hannah needs to do the greatest showman. Would be the best reaction.
Lucas Grabeel (Ryan) was a voice actor on my daughter’s favorite children’s show. He definitely sings with a southern twang, but the songs are still iconic and live in my head rent-free
The feature film budget (as opposed to TV movie) really brought the production value up exponentially. SO GOOD
I don’t care, every song in this soundtrack is a bop 😭
Patiently waiting for you to finally react to The Cheetah Girls 2. It's so much better than the first one (and my personal favourite DCOM). Just a great movie.
They WENT OFF with the music and choreo!!! 👌🏽🥳💛 I mean starting with “The Party’s Just Begun”?! 👏🏽🤩
Yes!!!!! Cheetah Girls 2 is the best!!
The end of High School Musical 3 always make me cry, the childhood nostalgia is too much!
As a person who is now in senior year (also going through a lot of stuff similar to the movie) and who had a teacher tell me I'm going to fail because I don't know what I want to major in or where I want to go to college, or what career I want to pursue, it was really comforting to hear you say that a person does not need to have it figured it all out at 17 or 18. Thank you Hannah, you bring more comfort and joy to people than you'll ever know ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Younger me's mind was blown away when we went to see this at the cinema.
I think Scream's my favourite song, but High School Musical (the last song lmao) has given me chills after hearing it again through this video 😩💜
OMG. 😂 During some scenes (like during Sharpay's entrance and her "A Night to Remember" number, Hannah's face was priceless. She looked like she just saw Elvis and Jesus sharing a burrito together, on the moon!🤣
“Those look like a bunch of weeds” 😆 I’m dead. You’re hilarious Hannah!
Absolutely an Aly & AJ song. Also, the junkyard scene reminds me of Kevin Bacon's dancing in the warehouse scene from Footloose. I find it wild that Kenny Ortega directed Hocus Pocus and this masterpiece of a trilogy.
For more Lucas/Ryan i always go to their version of "I can't take my eyes off of you" is a deleted song from HSM1 with him, Vanessa, Ashley and Drew, he is by far amazing in that song😍
And HSM2 is still my fav out of the three, the most fun and dramatic haha
Love the video!
It's always so crazy to me when people say "Oh I remember this song." Cuz I always listen to songs from my childhood😅 There was never any forgetting HSM songs or Hannah Montana, etc. I, at my big age of 24, have a playlist dedicated to songs from my childhood. Then I start thinking, wow...I'm embarrassing. Other people don't do this???
I don't have a playlist but sometimes I listen to songs from my childhood.
I literally have them ordered by "genre" (e.g. Disney, Disney Channel, anime openings) in different playlists, and so do many of my friends, you're definitely not alone 😊❤️
Don’t worry I definitely have a playlist from my fave songs from Disney channel tv n movies 😇😅
HSM3 is my favorite of the three, it has the best songs, we can see the budget was bigger and it makes the movie better!
Like Whoa is an Aly & AJ song!
The budget and the production of this movie were next level. So iconic
HSM3 was so good from the music to the choreography to the production value and sets, it’s utter perfection 🤌🏻 they truly outdid themselves!
I think since you love Sharpay, you might honestly love Sharpay's Fabulous Adventure. I feel like it's her true redemption arc and it's amazing.
I don't know why but I rewatch HSM3 now as an adult, and I can't watch most of the film without tearing up. Like literally reliving and rewatching your favorite childhood movie and having to experience that at one point and relate to that. I miss the innocent days.
So lucky to have grown up with this franchise. I remember when this one came out I was also nearing high school graduation so it was crazy to be graduating with the cast, so to speak. Anyways, love you Hannah!
"the boys are back" is actually great visualization about boys. I still playing my robot toy and maybe a car and also pretended to be a ninja with a fake sword until middle High school. There are words saying "boys always be boys"
‘You don’t expire at thirty’ literally every video i come for the songs and laughs and leave with freakin wisdom
I loved that disney understood to who give ALL the budget money for them singing pieces 😂❤
Hi Hannah. Love you sm and yes it’s Aly & Aj “Like Woah” song at the beginning. Making this movie even more nostalgic ✨
HSM3 is my fav in the trilogy! You should check out Let It Shine! Coco Jones has such an amazing voice!
I love this reaction! HSM3 has the best soundtrack of all three. Also, you should react to let it shine. It is such a good movie and again amazing soundtrack :)
I’ll never forget seeing this movie in theaters. My mom took me and my best friend and we cried for the last 5 min.
I'm completely CRAZY for "Scream", seriously I LOVE this song with all my being, so much I can't even explain it
She's SO dramatic, oh god I love it so much, I keep listening on the street walking around imagining myself as Troy
Kenny Ortega directed The Cheetah Girls 2 and that "Amigas Cheetahs" finale is everything. It's probably even bigger than this ending number
I kind of want to see you react to SNL's "High School Musical 4" where Troy comes back to talk about how musicals ruined his life. It's so funny.
The songs may not be the best things but they're ICONIC
So iconic that I chose "Can I have this dance" for my XVs party
The memories :')
If you need ideas for reactions. The Greatest Showman would be amazing!! The whole cast is incredible ( love Hugh Jackman and Zendaya) but especially zac Efron! He shines in it! It's his best singing and acting! He is so good in it!
Also I couldn't find anyone to watch this in theaters with me but I do remember loving it the first time I watched it
I just realised that Kenny Ortega’s choreography in the world of High School Musical and, specifically, in the play of this movie, is considered to be Ryan’s. No wonder he got into Julliard