Self managing a trust is within the grasp of most people. Land tax, sure that's a con, but the threshold in Victoria, for instance, is so low relative to the value of property, it's neither here nor there in the context of flexible tax outcomes years down the track. As for negative gearing, it's still possible with the right type of trust or structure involving a company. Just get the right advice initially is the key.
Didn’t cover the most important pro is that it protects your borrowing power
Dosent it also protect your personal borrowing capacity, provided that its positively geared?
Self managing a trust is within the grasp of most people. Land tax, sure that's a con, but the threshold in Victoria, for instance, is so low relative to the value of property, it's neither here nor there in the context of flexible tax outcomes years down the track. As for negative gearing, it's still possible with the right type of trust or structure involving a company. Just get the right advice initially is the key.
Totally lack of knowledge ..
Aussies put props in trust just to preserve borrowing power ..
🙂 Promo-SM