It's not. The only people with motivation is the bully. Everyone else just hides in their homes. We have smart people here. But they're a minority. And they're not allowed to be successful. Which is why our country is behind in a lot of things besides Religion and Conspiracies. It's all been designed this way. Because rude, greedy people want more power.
@mikeb5664 it's very anti-Christian. It is the greatest commandment to "Love your neighbor as yourself" anyone claiming to be Christian but acting as these people do, are working for the enemy of God, as false flags.
And a lot of people who refuse to sort these issues out. The priority isn't fixing stuff. It's whatever personal ambitions and bias they have. Regardless of who has to pay for it.
Wow. These people are filled with hate. To say that to someone who lost their son. She should definitely have been charged for following it with that letter.
That woman who made that comment doesn’t realize it, but she has put herself in the same place in spirit that the lawyer who died from that church that condemns gays (Westboro Baptist Church) whose name is Fred Phelps remains writhing in agony for what he caused so many on the earth plane.
Here's my thought..regardless of your views, to say that to someone is pure hatred and just mean. She will also face final judgement one day and her actions may haunt her.
@@LoriL010 that final judgement is when one has their life-review upon death or transition. It is then that the person feels everything they dished out to everyone around them. That in itself can be the horror they have to face, but then the person finds out what the vibration/frequency is that they caused themselves (no judgement from others) and they slip into the corresponding frequency in spiritual realms. This is well taught in the writings of Swedenborg who considered himself Christian but was a great seer of all spiritual realms and lived to tell about it. He predicted his own death and it was verified by those close to him.
These twisted people who hate have manipulated their religion to suit their sick ways. It is because of people like these haters that people are waking up, leaving ALL religions and embracing the only TRUE WAY AGNOSTIC BUDISM !
Because America, that's why. This country, in the whole, is garbage, full stop. The last remaining humans here can't be expected to outnumber the knuckle-draggers and do-nothings. Shut. It. Down.
Bigotry at its finest. Rejoicing at the death of a love one and saying spiteful things out of malice all the while believing in your heart that you are in the side of justice and everything good in the world.
Gullibility at its finest. Replying to something with no evidence other than a single testimony, told by a network with a political agenda and a LONG history of telling so many lies that it would take me over 6 hours just to write the ones I know about.
They claim to preach for a "higher power" yet will tear down everyone different than them & act like their country is "chosen" to be blessed while all the rest shd ~grovel to be treated equally or killed for thinking they could find peace & comfort here.. 😓
Exactly. If they hadn't explained the backstory about that artwork, I would never have made any association between those murals and the LGBTQ community.
Based Carrie calling out evil. When you “make love” you create life. What do two men who “love” each other do? They insert themselves into a place where the only thing that’s created is decay, rot, death, waste, even what some may call “sewage”, all while trying to simulate the very love God made for the Man and the Woman, an abomination of His creation. AIDS, monkeypox, “for they shall receive their error within themselves.” “If one should seek these things, they will be given every opportunity to do so, but they will not enter the kingdom of heaven.”
Only because groups like the "human rights campaign' have tied them together. I( see christian churches all over the place with rainbow flags welcoming EVERYONE.
If there was a way to tally up the good, that many decent Christians have contributed to humanity, and the destruction that the bad ones have done, I think the latter wouldn’t outweigh the former. What is or isn’t a good person is up for speculation.
@@MrRidleyDog What part of being told we're demonic abominations makes you think we enjoy having to keep fighting? It's not a debate. My life and existence is not a debate, I should not have to see how much I'm hated every single day of my life. Every. Single. Day. I'm tired. We're all tired. We're being killed. But sure, lets call it sniping. Grow up.
@@writerconsidered That seems to be the opinion of the far-right conservative/Christian groups. Theirs is the only way to look at things. Anyone with different ideas and outlooks is a demonic creature. It's really a hateful, bigoted, nasty bunch of people who seem to make enough noise that they get their way, even when they are only a small number of the total population.
No it's not social media. It's part of zionism. Several sects of Christianity teach hate but pretend it's out of love. It's sick and twisted and rampant. Was before social media for centuries
@@justincredible2042 Gendreau won her 2022 election by just 2,257 votes at 54.7% of the votes cast. Now consider the fact only about 60% of registered voters participated in that election out of the district's roughly 57,000. So the answer to your question is likely the remaining 22,800 voters who didn't participate in that election.
Man, this brought tears to my eyes. I can't imagine being so full of hate you would knowingly harass a grieving parent and still believe you are a good person and God would want you to behave this way. She seriously needs to have a come to Jesus meeting and learn to love her neighbors. But then again, the full quote is "Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself" (Matthew 22:39) so maybe “As the water reflects the face, so the heart reflects the person” (Proverbs 27:19) so she must not have a lot of love for herself in the first place with the way she acts. It's so sad.
also the thing that gets me is at one point all these hateful ppl were innocent children, & the hate they grow into is like a legacy of ~brainwashing, passed on frm their closedminded relatives or just toxic communities, which compells them to go on cruelly spreading the apathy like a virus of its own.. 😓
@@SpinfoilHat- it's all I can think about when ppl talk of things like "freedom of religion" & "the right to ~parent however they want" & "parents shd decide what kids can read etc" because keeping them in the dark abt things is essentially how so many are groomed for hate, but it's all just under the guise of "freedom" blah blahh it's only bad when other ppl do it for "love-is-love" & racial equality & actual history & "one world" mindset (because they gotta make sure their kids kno that only "America" is the chosen blessed country of their holy icon, all others be damned, especially "filthy dangerous migrants" & LGBTQ+ ppl) 😩
@@neilmurray6943 Yeah, I remember that and the "Satanic Panic" in the early 90's. Literal witch hunts fueled by greedy evil people who literally just wanted to condemn their neighbor. This extreme view isn't Christian, I grew up in the South and I didn't hear the kind of vile rhetoric I hear nowadays. It's something else entirely and it is very very hateful and evil and it disgusts me that we're seeing such an abhorrently large wave of this absolutely vile behavior.
It's always a big red flag when you meet people. It's one thing to have your own beliefs. But it's another thing when you barge into someone else's neighborhood. And tell them they have "no right" to paint a flower. Like the Stazi in East Germany.
Im more offended on a daily basis by MAGA enthusiasts banners alongside the main route from my town in Maine such as God Guns and Trump.. or even more offensive and deliberately provocative slogans. Even a confederate flag onone house which i had to tell them thats not a real flag and was invented in the 1930s also get youre dirty mitts off my Scottish Saltire. That flag is the flag or scotland and they bastardized it.
Right? It's nothing big. That's why I don't see a big deal when an educator puts a litle something lgbtquia or just a LITTLE swastika artwork on public buildings. Sure, maybe for a private or religious school to not have such murals I understand but what is wrong with a "little" symbol?
So sorry to hear about your son. He is proud of you. It's hard to believe one bigoted person's opinion can impact an entire community. I hope you sue them for the photo they sent you. Even if you don't win, it will make them reconsider the next time they spew their bias at others. How sad!
Man, I'm actually outraged that by the end of this report I didn't hear that the woman who said that about his son and SENT A PACKAGE THROUGH THE MAIL insulting him has been arrested. I hope he's suing her, although in such a conservative place I don't know if I'd trust law enforcement. Truly heartbreaking. I'm glad he quit, I don't see it as some sort of defeat or anything. I wouldn't have the mental health for that either, especially whilst grieving a son.
She could be charged with hate speech in Canada. Hate speech is not protected there or in a number of other countries. Just as outlets that brand themselves as news are not allowed to knowingly broadcast false statements. No Fox, NewsMax or OAN in Canada.
Why is it that so many people who call themselves Christians go around doing the exact opposite of what Jesus teaches in the gospels, love and “judge not?”
Christians are actually called to judge sinners, so that they may repent of their sin, and thus receive salvation. Did Christ allow the tax collectors, prostitutes, etc to continue to sin? Of course not, He condemned them absolutely.
@@TheAnagnostisSexual orientation's INBORN and NOT a choice so God won't condemn or judge LGBTQ people for being born the way He made them. Have a nice day.
Someone needs to firmly, thoroughly explain to her that this is America. It isnt just she that is free to believe what she wants, we are ALL free to believe what we want. No one owns anothers beliefs.
God created the world and he calls there life style abomination. THIS is America and its falling because of stories life this that turning the world away from God.When things get dark and there comi.g God will turn his face away from you because your just as guilty in accepting the abomation life style. Man created the women for the man period
Yeah. Don't bend over backwards for these guys. They don't care about the community. That's why they're so quick with the aggression. The same way you put a kid in Time-Out. When they hit or curse at their siblings.
That was my thought too. We need people who are willing to stand up against these vocal bullies of the far right/Christian variety and make it clear that other people have rights and beliefs that are just as valid as those they hold. We lose when we allow those people to drive good people from office.
Completely unacceptable what was said to this gentleman about his son. But "a town full of these people"? Taking extreme sides is what got us where we are today IMO.
so youre one of those believe what I do or your evil kind of fascist huh, you a kid sniffer too. I ask cause I dont belive either side was in the right but hey I ACTUALLY believe in freedom. being sent to prison taught me the value of it. I bet youve never even been grounded. This country was founded on the Idea of people not decisding what others can and cant do/say, let me guess your family immigrated over hear from Germany after WW2...
@@babs_babs I took the term these people, to mean these "narrow minded people." Does the term 'these people" have some nefarious meaning that I'm missing?
@@TestTheSpiritsIfTheyAreOfYAHthere’s no such thing as everlasting suffering. Are you implying God is cruel and Tortures ppl forever? What kind of false religion is that?
Jesus was someone who hung out with those the "snooty sorts" refused to acknowledge. Those who claim to be Christian need to remember that. There is room for everyone on this planet- we were given free will- the hope was that it would be used for good- not bullying and shaming.
@@Lauren-vd4qe Edited because I COMPLETELY missed what you meant because of the "shd" my brain didn't fill in the letters right. i 180'd in the opposite direction, my bad (edit 2 electric boogaloo) exactly, no one should be hating on anyone. i'm getting spikier and spiker all the time because i see so many people basically trying to say god and jesus believe x and y so we should be hateful and harmful. gotta remember this myself sometimes because all this hate is making me so angry. there's so many better things we could all be doing and accomplishing together!
If he knows who sent that photo with the writing, he has the right to sue for harassment and should rightfully do so. This is sick and gives such a bad name to NH.
To think these politicians are behind so much badness. You think they don’t scheme against ppl? They sure do. Even in secret. No different that the Pharisees of Jesus time
Colors are woke! By showing more than two colors together at once you are grooming children into becoming bisexual transgender polygamarxists doomed to eternal darnation in Heck.
My daughter was born in Littleton I had a motel in Whitefield most of the people I knew there were not crazy obviously I never met this lady she's not playing with a full deck
Thanks for explaining the crazy homophobe lady is not representative of the town or area. She gives Christianity a bad name, driving people away, thats for sure.
@@tfredrick01 You can find advantages and disadvantages in anything. The ultra-conservative Bible Belt is not without problems. For example much of the Bible Belt ranks lowest in education, ranks lowest in life expectancy, ranks highest in both infant and maternal mortality, and ranks highest for dependency on public assistance. Heck, a lot of folks in Mississippi and Alabama couldn't make change for a dime. While I'll be the last to deny that the cities you named have a myriad of problems, so too do other parts of the country, albeit different ones.
Imagine how delusional you have to be to say such horrendous things to a man's face about his dead son. Then still have the audacity to believe you are a better person than they are. People just can't help but be atrocious, can they? Just can't behave.
Here is your sign. She was voted in by the majority. Let that sink in. The vast majority of Americans do not want to support the 5% rainbow group in their towns. Let the people speak
@@justincredible2042you underestimate our numbers, and you also ignore the fact that LGBT people still have heteronormative families who will take their side. The tide turns
@@justincredible2042 It's not about supporting or not supporting. It is about basic human rights, equality under the law, and the right to exist without being assaulted. People in the LGBT community experience twice the violent crime rates that straight people do. And those are only the ones that are actually reported. I know couples that left their estate to their partner after passing only to have their family come in contest the will and the court grant the estate to the same family that threw them out of their house when they were just 15 years old. This is about being treated as a basic human being with equal rights period. I don't care who does or doesn't support me, but if you think you have the right to take away my basic human rights we are going to have a huge problem.
I'm glad they explained the meaning of the murals to me. To me, they just look like pretty pictures. How pampered is our society that people can waste so much time and effort getting upset over things that really don't matter?
Okay if you really try you can see the muted pride colors in the first painting,but I have no idea what the supposed problem is with the second and third.
What kind of monster does someone have to be to say something so evil to a parent who loses a child? And then have the nerve to pretend to be a Christian. Disgusting.
I'm sorry for what you've gone through, but quitting is not the answer. You must stand up to these hateful people. By resigning from your position, you're giving them what they want. The person who replaces you may not be cut from the same quality of character that you are.
He doesn't need to subject himself to harassment. These people are so crazy that they researched him and found his family and his home address. Christians and conservatives have a strong record of violence.
Gut wrenching and horrible! I am in tears for this man. His son sounds like a beautiful person, like his father. That woman however is evil personified.
Those murals are so beautiful!!!! I don’t understand the hatred. That poor man who lost his son should never have been told something so horrible!!! What that lady did is evil! I’m Christian and Christian loves everyone! I have no doubt his son is in Heaven. I’m so sorry he was put through all of that.
I'm surprised to see this story. My mother lived across the river from Littleton in Waterford, VT for many years, and I generally found people in that area to be of the "live and let live" and "what you do in your own life is none of my business" variety. I would hope that the town came out overwhelmingly in support of Mr. Gleason. As for the vile Ms. Gendreau, I understand she's now announced she won't seek reelection - clearly no great loss to the state of NH.
In NH that changed the moment the state went red, Immediately the CPAC play- and rulebook was executed, regardless whether it makes sense for NH or not. Now they get the whole CPAC cruelties but many do not complain because - hey, they abolished the sales tax!
What an amazing man … a true representation of what it is to be human, caring, to love unconditionally without judgement. These “so called” Christians are a blight on what it means to be a true Christian and follow the teachings of Jesus Christ. Shame on them! You will meet your maker some day and he will close the gates on you and your hypocrisy.
Anyone who loves freedom of speech or expression needs to support this guy. It is thus important to maintain the separation of religious beliefs/ideology/personal opinions from the government at any level. Failure to do so will lead to a slippery slope eroding freedoms of individuals.
When I practice my freedom of speech I A get my comment removed and B receive a telling of at work or by friends as I shouldn’t have an opinion like that. Seems ok if it’s only one way right?
@@911HRW The First Amendment doesn't protect your comments from the rules of the platform you're on, nor does it protect you from the criticism of others for expressing disdainful, cruell or hurtful opinions about others.
@@911HRW Retype it. Use symbols and numbers. Misspell things. Let's see the CONTENT of your comment. Go ahead. We're waiting. Example: I can call you a cupid stunt, and everyone knows what I'm saying. I can use an asterisk, too, and the TOS won't realize I'm saying the word c*nt. I can type p3d0, and that makes it through. I can type $uicid3, and Tiktok probably wouldn't even flag it.
I'll disagree with Mr. Gleason on one thing, in cases like this you aren't making a statement by resigning. You're just opening a postion where someone like that woman he described can come in and she'll have a voice, but good people won't! If he needs to resign for his mental health because he just can't take it any more I get that, but it's not a statement.
Funny that colors offend conservatives, but everyone else is the little "snowflake" sir... ma'am... look at YOUR meltdown.. go stand in the corner for an hour, and you better not lean! Acting childish
When I was a kid in sunday school the chrisitian teachers used to sing about Rainbows all the time.. now Rainbows are considered offensive.. Sorry kids, no more raibows, everything has to be black and white.
If you bring religion to public office- you should be automatically terminated from holding a public position. Wow whod thought nh was so full of small minded people?
It’s so sad that people have lost compassion and kindness towards others. If someone believes something based on their religion, that religion belongs in your heart, home and place of worship. You have to be mature enough to realize not everyone is going to have the same beliefs and opinions. Who people love, mature adults, have no bearing on your life. I thought the artwork was lovely. I don’t know the context behind it, or what it was saying, just that it was nicely done. To say hurtful things to a man whose son died, is reprehensible. That woman has a small shrivelled soul. 🇨🇦
"Imagine the people who believe such things and who are not ashamed to ignore, totally, all the patient findings of thinking minds through all the centuries since the Bible was written. And it is these ignorant people, the most uneducated, the most unimaginative, the most unthinking among us, who would make themselves the guides and leaders of us all; who would force their feeble and childish beliefs on us; who would invade our schools and libraries and homes. I personally resent it bitterly." - Isaac Asimov
This makes my heart so sad. This country really needs to get it together or we're going to find ourselves back in the 50s again, where segregation and discrimination are normal.
Genesis 9: 13 I do set my bow in the cloud, and it shall be for a token of a covenant between me and the earth. The "bow" is a rainbow. So many so horribly taught. 16 And the bow shall be in the cloud; and I will look upon it, that I may remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of all flesh that is upon the earth.
@@humboldthammerThe rainbow's also a symbol of God's UNCONDITIONAL love AND acceptance for all, including the ones He made LGBTQ (yes, it's NOT a choice). Have a nice day.
@@DotMcFarlane That's what the verses I cited say. Did you read them? Matthew 19: 12 For there are some eunuchs, which were so born from their mother's womb: and there are some eunuchs, which were made eunuchs of men: and there be eunuchs, which have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven's sake. He that is able to receive it, let him receive it. So MANY so horribly taught. So MANY so nearly deaf and blind spiritually.
Well thats what is great about this country. You can be how you want to be. And who cares what anyone thinks. Whoever you choose to love is your business.
Love and inclusion will always prevail, but you have to fight for it consistently because people like Carrie Gendreau will always exist in the world. More people that are for inclusion need to run for office to keep these people out.
It's getting increasingly difficult to consider America a modern and advanced society.
what does that even mean? And if it means what I think it does, the rest of the world must look prehistoric to you.
It's not. The only people with motivation is the bully. Everyone else just hides in their homes.
We have smart people here. But they're a minority. And they're not allowed to be successful. Which is why our country is behind in a lot of things besides Religion and Conspiracies.
It's all been designed this way. Because rude, greedy people want more power.
It's not. A lot of shady people who like to fight their own neighbors.
And we're not allowed to question it.
The sodomy will stop
America is crime and hubris.
I didn’t even think about LGBTQ when I saw that photo. Literally just saw a plant and light. Wild. It’s wild how we have taken symbolism so far.
I wouldn't have even clocked it as LGBTQ+... and I'm part of that community! People really have nothing better to do!
Yes, I saw the visible light spectrum.
I saw a stolen rainbow 🌈 of Almighty for rebellion perversions
I didn't either.
But then again, we don't have those behavioral issues of Irritability and Possessiveness.
I agree! Wonder what those same people think when they see a rainbow after the rain or a prism of light???
So hurtful. Especially attacking his dead son.
Very Christian like, apparently.
I know, that woman was a sad excuse for a human being. I do not blame that dad for leaving.
@mikeb5664 it's very anti-Christian. It is the greatest commandment to "Love your neighbor as yourself" anyone claiming to be Christian but acting as these people do, are working for the enemy of God, as false flags.
Tbh it was a bad idea for him to step down, stepping down is another way of saying "you won" to the little shet who couldn't keep her mouth shut
Yes, that was cruel. It’s coming from a person who feels threatened & fearful.
Much of the USA is a hot mess.
And a lot of people who refuse to sort these issues out.
The priority isn't fixing stuff. It's whatever personal ambitions and bias they have. Regardless of who has to pay for it.
Waited all Fall months to see who will complain about the colors of the changing leaves. 😊 maybe some one will this year 😂
Its the way the media wants it portrayed, making everyone a victim
Much? All.
The entire world is a "hot mess".
At this point, town manager Gleason needs to sue these people for harassment. He is a true American patriot.
This issue has nothing to do with patriotism. You’re not a good American.
Unfortunately being av bigot and a hate Monterey isn’t a crime. Even idiots like these have freedom of speech.
@@antoniocasias5545 Get a life.
Wait until these people hear about what happens to light when you put it through a prism.
Prisms are a tool of the devil!
Cancel woke prisms now!
It's public property, paint your own yard rainbows all you want.
Wait until this shilling guy hears about what it’s like to have a high school diploma.
They'll think 'oh, pink floyd' ok.
May your sweet son rest in peace. I’m so sorry you are experiencing this. Know that you’re not alone; Im thankful for you and your voice.
just goes how people are good at dishing out trauma but also lack compassion.
Fart sound
@@Peasant_in_a_treeyou can be LGBT and Christian 👨❤️👨
@ddrse oxymoron
Wow. These people are filled with hate. To say that to someone who lost their son. She should definitely have been charged for following it with that letter.
That woman who made that comment doesn’t realize it, but she has put herself in the same place in spirit that the lawyer who died from that church that condemns gays (Westboro Baptist Church) whose name is Fred Phelps remains writhing in agony for what he caused so many on the earth plane.
Here's my thought..regardless of your views, to say that to someone is pure hatred and just mean. She will also face final judgement one day and her actions may haunt her.
@@LoriL010 that final judgement is when one has their life-review upon death or transition. It is then that the person feels everything they dished out to everyone around them. That in itself can be the horror they have to face, but then the person finds out what the vibration/frequency is that they caused themselves (no judgement from others) and they slip into the corresponding frequency in spiritual realms. This is well taught in the writings of Swedenborg who considered himself Christian but was a great seer of all spiritual realms and lived to tell about it. He predicted his own death and it was verified by those close to him.
Please read comment I just added.@@LoriL010
These twisted people who hate have manipulated their religion to suit their sick ways. It is because of people like these haters that people are waking up, leaving ALL religions and embracing the only TRUE WAY AGNOSTIC BUDISM !
My God. Why does hate get to scream while love has to whisper? 😶 I’ll never understand it.
Because they'd rather see men holding guns than holding hands.
Love is patient, love is kind.
Because America, that's why.
This country, in the whole, is garbage, full stop. The last remaining humans here can't be expected to outnumber the knuckle-draggers and do-nothings.
Shut. It. Down.
@@benevolencia4203Yeah, and the Bible also uses the word abomination to describe homosexual acts.
Bigotry at its finest. Rejoicing at the death of a love one and saying spiteful things out of malice all the while believing in your heart that you are in the side of justice and everything good in the world.
Gullibility at its finest. Replying to something with no evidence other than a single testimony, told by a network with a political agenda and a LONG history of telling so many lies that it would take me over 6 hours just to write the ones I know about.
They claim to preach for a "higher power" yet will tear down everyone different than them & act like their country is "chosen" to be blessed while all the rest shd ~grovel to be treated equally or killed for thinking they could find peace & comfort here.. 😓
She suffers from the same affliction as all the patriots on January 6th!
The central tenet of the MAGA cult and its dear leader.
Please read comment I just added
The murals are so small and so pretty! It takes a really dark and malicious soul to object to those murals, let alone harass a grieving parent.
These bigots must not win!
@neilmurray6943 no one is a bigot! We are just tired of you idiots cramming it down everyones throat!
It's not about him being a grieving parent though
Trees and plants are demonic? Huh?
Exactly. If they hadn't explained the backstory about that artwork, I would never have made any association between those murals and the LGBTQ community.
Love is demonic. Art is satanic. 😂
Things are only evil when you are religious and indoctrinated.
Based Carrie calling out evil. When you “make love” you create life. What do two men who “love” each other do? They insert themselves into a place where the only thing that’s created is decay, rot, death, waste, even what some may call “sewage”, all while trying to simulate the very love God made for the Man and the Woman, an abomination of His creation. AIDS, monkeypox, “for they shall receive their error within themselves.” “If one should seek these things, they will be given every opportunity to do so, but they will not enter the kingdom of heaven.”
Karen has a nasty imagination.
Sounds like that poor guy was trying to manage a town full of monsters.
I mean, it is NH
I watched it, wasn't the problem just two people?
@@mikearchibald744 seems like it?
@@sideofirish2 That is correct. No place is meaner than New Hampshire to my knowledge.
The word ‘Christian’ for me has become synonymous with hatred, aggressive ignorance and just simple meanness.
Only because groups like the "human rights campaign' have tied them together. I( see christian churches all over the place with rainbow flags welcoming EVERYONE.
exactly!! I was just thinking the same thing
Aggressive ignorance is a great way to put it
If there was a way to tally up the good, that many decent Christians have contributed to humanity, and the destruction that the bad ones have done, I think the latter wouldn’t outweigh the former. What is or isn’t a good person is up for speculation.
@@tjwash2 you could say this about any religion, you just aren't afraid to say it about christians.
I have one question. are the murals on a private building? If so they can all go pound sand.
It's a restaurant, so it's safe to assume it's a private business.
@@MrRidleyDog Thank you. So no one has a say but them.
@@writerconsidered agreed, but both sides of this debate are eager to keep sniping each other...
@@MrRidleyDog What part of being told we're demonic abominations makes you think we enjoy having to keep fighting? It's not a debate. My life and existence is not a debate, I should not have to see how much I'm hated every single day of my life. Every. Single. Day. I'm tired. We're all tired. We're being killed. But sure, lets call it sniping. Grow up.
@@writerconsidered That seems to be the opinion of the far-right conservative/Christian groups. Theirs is the only way to look at things. Anyone with different ideas and outlooks is a demonic creature. It's really a hateful, bigoted, nasty bunch of people who seem to make enough noise that they get their way, even when they are only a small number of the total population.
If you didn't tell me I would never know what it stood for
Please name the woman who said that about the town manager's deceased son. What an evil person she is.
the senator Carrie Gendreau is a sea hunt also
@@copyprint-fz2hbwe’re all getting sick of ignorant, hateful people
@@copyprint-fz2hb As an Army veteran that had to learn dozens of useless acronyms, I wholeheartedly agree!
@@copyprint-fz2hb you better get used it.
@@copyprint-fz2hb We're sick of illiterate bigots who don't know the difference between "were" and "we're"...
mass psychosis from social media did this
I don't think the cause is important at this point.
What's important is the fact that they're targeting anyone who isn't crazy or mean. Like they are.
Group psychosis started with religion that had nothing to do with social media
@@eksbocks9438 The cause is important, the population needs a vaccine for hysteria. oH, the most hysterical of them won't take it.
No it's not social media. It's part of zionism. Several sects of Christianity teach hate but pretend it's out of love. It's sick and twisted and rampant. Was before social media for centuries
People were bigots BEFORE social media and the lgbt had less rights before social media.
Vote the State Senator out. Feel bad for that community having to deal with her.
The State Senator was voted in by the MAJORITY. Who do you want to vote her out?
@@justincredible2042 Gendreau won her 2022 election by just 2,257 votes at 54.7% of the votes cast. Now consider the fact only about 60% of registered voters participated in that election out of the district's roughly 57,000.
So the answer to your question is likely the remaining 22,800 voters who didn't participate in that election.
@@NINtendo72 I didnt ask a question. but Thanks
You literally did...@@justincredible2042
I'm voting her in
The primary color wheel is demonic now? Ok grandma... 😂😂😂
Man, this brought tears to my eyes. I can't imagine being so full of hate you would knowingly harass a grieving parent and still believe you are a good person and God would want you to behave this way. She seriously needs to have a come to Jesus meeting and learn to love her neighbors.
But then again, the full quote is "Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself" (Matthew 22:39) so maybe “As the water reflects the face, so the heart reflects the person” (Proverbs 27:19) so she must not have a lot of love for herself in the first place with the way she acts. It's so sad.
also the thing that gets me is at one point all these hateful ppl were innocent children, & the hate they grow into is like a legacy of ~brainwashing, passed on frm their closedminded relatives or just toxic communities, which compells them to go on cruelly spreading the apathy like a virus of its own.. 😓
@@SimbiAni Yeah, exactly!
@@SpinfoilHat- it's all I can think about when ppl talk of things like "freedom of religion" & "the right to ~parent however they want" & "parents shd decide what kids can read etc" because keeping them in the dark abt things is essentially how so many are groomed for hate, but it's all just under the guise of "freedom" blah blahh it's only bad when other ppl do it for "love-is-love" & racial equality & actual history & "one world" mindset (because they gotta make sure their kids kno that only "America" is the chosen blessed country of their holy icon, all others be damned, especially "filthy dangerous migrants" & LGBTQ+ ppl) 😩
This sort of thing happened often in the 80's when so many were dying from AIDS.
@@neilmurray6943 Yeah, I remember that and the "Satanic Panic" in the early 90's. Literal witch hunts fueled by greedy evil people who literally just wanted to condemn their neighbor. This extreme view isn't Christian, I grew up in the South and I didn't hear the kind of vile rhetoric I hear nowadays. It's something else entirely and it is very very hateful and evil and it disgusts me that we're seeing such an abhorrently large wave of this absolutely vile behavior.
This woman is sick.
@@Twister1980She’s a racist & homophobic white Christian national. Jesus would be so proud. Right? FYI, Jesus was Asian!
The woman terrorizing him or the Maga congresswoman? They're both unconscionable.
She is horrible
@@Twister1980 Yup. Just like you.
That mural isn’t even that big or disruptive. Imagine crying about that.
It's always a big red flag when you meet people.
It's one thing to have your own beliefs. But it's another thing when you barge into someone else's neighborhood. And tell them they have "no right" to paint a flower.
Like the Stazi in East Germany.
Im more offended on a daily basis by MAGA enthusiasts banners alongside the main route from my town in Maine such as God Guns and Trump.. or even more offensive and deliberately provocative slogans. Even a confederate flag onone house which i had to tell them thats not a real flag and was invented in the 1930s also get youre dirty mitts off my Scottish Saltire. That flag is the flag or scotland and they bastardized it.
Land of the free and home of the brave….. unless you’re ANYTHING other than a White Man!🙄
Right? It's nothing big. That's why I don't see a big deal when an educator puts a litle something lgbtquia or just a LITTLE swastika artwork on public buildings. Sure, maybe for a private or religious school to not have such murals I understand but what is wrong with a "little" symbol?
@@Merry-Go-Round123 Zappa said it best. "Flower Power Sucks".
So sorry to hear about your son. He is proud of you. It's hard to believe one bigoted person's opinion can impact an entire community. I hope you sue them for the photo they sent you. Even if you don't win, it will make them reconsider the next time they spew their bias at others. How sad!
I'm very proud of people who stand up against bigotry and hate.
Why is that woman not being charged with a hate crime? What she did is clearly harassment.
It's because she's a republikhunt that's why.
@vulcan2882 better than a pedocrat
@@schilling2438Matt Gaetz is a repub
Yeah she's a Terrorist and should be charged with Acts of Terrorism.
I don't believe in hate crimes. A crime is a crime regardless of the motivation. She should be charged with harassment though.
What a good dad. Nothing more to say.
All good parents outlive their offspring, that's the primary criteria actually. Fortunately some aspire to be great parents.
@@canavanibus Are you stupid or cruel?
Parents of lgbt are failed parents.
U are the virus.
Man, I'm actually outraged that by the end of this report I didn't hear that the woman who said that about his son and SENT A PACKAGE THROUGH THE MAIL insulting him has been arrested. I hope he's suing her, although in such a conservative place I don't know if I'd trust law enforcement. Truly heartbreaking. I'm glad he quit, I don't see it as some sort of defeat or anything. I wouldn't have the mental health for that either, especially whilst grieving a son.
First amendment remember
Sorry, you can say whatever you want but there are consequences like hate speech@@davidperez2273
@@davidperez2273harassment isn’t protected under the first amendment, nice try-not really….
She could be charged with hate speech in Canada. Hate speech is not protected there or in a number of other countries. Just as outlets that brand themselves as news are not allowed to knowingly broadcast false statements. No Fox, NewsMax or OAN in Canada.
Freedom of speech to spew delusional hate filled rants. The only thing I think she could be charged with is probably harassment.
I hope he sues her for every penny she has! ❤🧡💛💚💙💜🤎🖤🤍
Why is it that so many people who call themselves Christians go around doing the exact opposite of what Jesus teaches in the gospels, love and “judge not?”
Christians are actually called to judge sinners, so that they may repent of their sin, and thus receive salvation. Did Christ allow the tax collectors, prostitutes, etc to continue to sin? Of course not, He condemned them absolutely.
@@TheAnagnostis you should probably give the gospels another read thru bud.
@@TheAnagnostisSexual orientation's INBORN and NOT a choice so God won't condemn or judge LGBTQ people for being born the way He made them. Have a nice day.
male and female is inborn, glad you said it! Everything else is a choice!@@DotMcFarlane
Someone needs to firmly, thoroughly explain to her that this is America. It isnt just she that is free to believe what she wants, we are ALL free to believe what we want. No one owns anothers beliefs.
Hardcore Christians cannot be reasoned with, they literally have chosen to give up rational thinking
The republicans in the back can't hear you.
God created the world and he calls there life style abomination. THIS is America and its falling because of stories life this that turning the world away from God.When things get dark and there comi.g God will turn his face away from you because your just as guilty in accepting the abomation life style. Man created the women for the man period
I bet these people still want folks to recite the pledge of allegiance especially the part about “Liberty and Justice for all.”
These people? You sound like a racist.
What about the part about the slaves? Don’t forget the real pledge
Does that include freedom of speech which Democrats want abolished? Also does it include the 2nd amendment rights which liberals want revoked as well?
@@blacksilverchair3315uh……wrong pledge of allegiance bro.
I understand him quitting but I'd dig in and fight that kind of hate.....its disgusting
Yeah. Don't bend over backwards for these guys.
They don't care about the community. That's why they're so quick with the aggression.
The same way you put a kid in Time-Out. When they hit or curse at their siblings.
It's demonic! Open your eyes.
I'd be tired too if i were his age, still dealing with this hate in 2024.
refusing to take a hint can be tiresome.@@ZogTheStartrucker
That was my thought too. We need people who are willing to stand up against these vocal bullies of the far right/Christian variety and make it clear that other people have rights and beliefs that are just as valid as those they hold. We lose when we allow those people to drive good people from office.
Little MINDS in Littleton, NH
I think it is not only in the USA, it is also happening in central Europe. Sad reality.
Are things getting any better in German-speaking Europe, to your knowledge?
@@Rupert.MolochI'm not any sure but in my area. You can not express that much.
@@Rupert.Molochtaking into account that the AfD and their cronies are facing serious backlash? Yes.
this story breaks my heart. thats a great father, and would have been a great leader if his town was not full of such narrow minded people.
Completely unacceptable what was said to this gentleman about his son. But "a town full of these people"? Taking extreme sides is what got us where we are today IMO.
so youre one of those believe what I do or your evil kind of fascist huh, you a kid sniffer too. I ask cause I dont belive either side was in the right but hey I ACTUALLY believe in freedom. being sent to prison taught me the value of it. I bet youve never even been grounded. This country was founded on the Idea of people not decisding what others can and cant do/say, let me guess your family immigrated over hear from Germany after WW2...
@@theRickestRick333they never said the phrase “these people”. you’re putting words in his mouth and chastising him for it.
@@babs_babs I took the term these people, to mean these "narrow minded people." Does the term 'these people" have some nefarious meaning that I'm missing?
@@kwils6685 yeah
Wow!!!! What a horrible thing to say to a father!!!!
Pretty standard play for hardcore Christians, they're a pretty intolerant hateful group
Yea saying truth hurts I know but it may save ya from everlasting suffering
@@TestTheSpiritsIfTheyAreOfYAH "truth" LOL. It's pretty obvious this woman had spiteful and malicious intentions to bring that up fyi
Ya, maybe grow up and be an adult like the rest of us??
@@TestTheSpiritsIfTheyAreOfYAHthere’s no such thing as everlasting suffering. Are you implying God is cruel and Tortures ppl forever? What kind of false religion is that?
I am a Veteran and Republican, I would stand by this man's side anyway of the week. All lives matter.
Except Trumpers and Jan.6ers lives.
Lol a veteran saying all lives matter. Now that's rich. Thank you for your service as a war criminal.
If they were so important why we're they so willing to get shot Babbitt? @@adamenstrom
@@user-ze1em2ib6zsuicide by cop.
Besides, that mob had murder in mind
Would have gone to jail had she said that to me. Unbelievable. Also, that mail is against the law… file charges against her!
What a shame that being compassionate is seen as a bad thing. Speaks volumes about that town. I would avoid it like the plague it has become.
Do you have compassion for Donald Trump? Do you love Donald Trump?
I pitty him for what ever made him that cruel and evil.
@@sheryld1957 And that's how many good people feel about those gripped in a destructive lifestyle.
@@candorsspot2775 well just leave them alone then 😂
@@candorsspot2775 What is destructive about living someone? Jesus said love one another. He didn't leave people out when he said that
Jesus was someone who hung out with those the "snooty sorts" refused to acknowledge. Those who claim to be Christian need to remember that. There is room for everyone on this planet- we were given free will- the hope was that it would be used for good- not bullying and shaming.
This needs to be said more often. It's abhorrent to see people behave like that snake of a woman.
Jesus reminded us that the Pharisees were worse than the Sodomites.
Well said !!
Jesus and the Bible does state what God thinks of this subject, no the lady shd not be hating on people, no one shd.
@@Lauren-vd4qe Edited because I COMPLETELY missed what you meant because of the "shd" my brain didn't fill in the letters right. i 180'd in the opposite direction, my bad
(edit 2 electric boogaloo)
exactly, no one should be hating on anyone. i'm getting spikier and spiker all the time because i see so many people basically trying to say god and jesus believe x and y so we should be hateful and harmful. gotta remember this myself sometimes because all this hate is making me so angry. there's so many better things we could all be doing and accomplishing together!
Proverbs 27:19 “As the water reflects the face, so the heart reflects the person”
By saying what she said she’s showing who she really is.
By shoving a flag in my face and acting like you rule all normality, sure reflects in a person. So STOP PROJECTING!
@@huh4233 awwww did someone shove a flag in your face?? Poor thing.
A person whom is allowed to have their own beliefs!
@@huh4233Nobody "shoved a flag in your face", Karen.
@@turbojon8117they had your stolen rainbow all over banks businesses malls even schools
If he knows who sent that photo with the writing, he has the right to sue for harassment and should rightfully do so. This is sick and gives such a bad name to NH.
Not surprising she didn't get back to you. These people are all cowards.
To think these politicians are behind so much badness. You think they don’t scheme against ppl? They sure do. Even in secret. No different that the Pharisees of Jesus time
New Hampshire is such an embarrassment to New England, I wish the whole state could move to the south.
So are they gonna go after churches with stained glass windows because of colors?
I think some would like to go after churches that hold liberal and moderate views that differ from those beliefs they hold.
@@balesjo Do you mean what Jesus was supposedly teaching?
Colors are woke! By showing more than two colors together at once you are grooming children into becoming bisexual transgender polygamarxists doomed to eternal darnation in Heck.
Is colors illegal now or something? Do these bigots hate color now?
That lady needs to get a grip.
She is very dangerous.
I believe the lack of doing so is one of the reasons for her pent up anger.! 😂
she's no lady.
@@James-bd3eiPlease read my comment I just added.
Please read comment I just added.
My daughter was born in Littleton I had a motel in Whitefield most of the people I knew there were not crazy obviously I never met this lady she's not playing with a full deck
Thanks for explaining the crazy homophobe lady is not representative of the town or area. She gives Christianity a bad name, driving people away, thats for sure.
But she got elected, which indicates a much wider problem
That state senator needs to be voted out of office.
This is sad to see my hometown like this. Live and let live
sounds like this town is stuck in the 1800s
Well, large swaths of New England are incredibly insular and rigid.
If Portland, LA, San Francisco and other liberal cities are the future, leave me in the past.
Pretty much everyone who lives out east is, in a way.
@@tfredrick01 You can find advantages and disadvantages in anything. The ultra-conservative Bible Belt is not without problems. For example much of the Bible Belt ranks lowest in education, ranks lowest in life expectancy, ranks highest in both infant and maternal mortality, and ranks highest for dependency on public assistance. Heck, a lot of folks in Mississippi and Alabama couldn't make change for a dime. While I'll be the last to deny that the cities you named have a myriad of problems, so too do other parts of the country, albeit different ones.
@@tfredrick01There's a way out.
Imagine how delusional you have to be to say such horrendous things to a man's face about his dead son. Then still have the audacity to believe you are a better person than they are.
People just can't help but be atrocious, can they? Just can't behave.
They understand nothing. Judge NOT -- for with the same measure by which you judge others, so shall you be judged.
About as bad as every single democrat wanting Trump and all his supporters to die.
@@humboldthammerPlease read my comment just added.
please read comment I just added.
@@donaldewert2332 Why didn't you add it right here? I can't find it.
Trying to take away someones Freedom is Anti-American
Very sorry for your loss.
As far as these hypocrites go,
"Judge not, lest you be judged" 🙏
No hate like “Christian Love”
That woman smells like fish. I can tell through the screen. Rotten fish.
I think the only "DEMON" is that sick old lady.
No women ever wants to be near you
How does this happen in 2024 this is a joke and she's a senator who the heck voted her in
13,112 voters in New Hampshire State Senate, District 1 voted her in in 2022.
Here is your sign. She was voted in by the majority. Let that sink in. The vast majority of Americans do not want to support the 5% rainbow group in their towns. Let the people speak
@@justincredible2042you underestimate our numbers, and you also ignore the fact that LGBT people still have heteronormative families who will take their side.
The tide turns
@@justincredible2042 It's not about supporting or not supporting. It is about basic human rights, equality under the law, and the right to exist without being assaulted. People in the LGBT community experience twice the violent crime rates that straight people do. And those are only the ones that are actually reported. I know couples that left their estate to their partner after passing only to have their family come in contest the will and the court grant the estate to the same family that threw them out of their house when they were just 15 years old. This is about being treated as a basic human being with equal rights period. I don't care who does or doesn't support me, but if you think you have the right to take away my basic human rights we are going to have a huge problem.
@@eclectricgay i assure you that we will never have a huge problem.
I’m disgusted. This so-called “Senator” should move to Texas.
I'm glad they explained the meaning of the murals to me. To me, they just look like pretty pictures. How pampered is our society that people can waste so much time and effort getting upset over things that really don't matter?
They have been conditioned to see everything as an attack against them and their religion.
. Who are "they"
@@kwils6685 Which they are you referring to? There are two of them!
I was expecting something maybe garish, these are actually quite nice.
Okay if you really try you can see the muted pride colors in the first painting,but I have no idea what the supposed problem is with the second and third.
This made me actually cry. How can you “believe in Jesus” but then be so hateful in his messaging? The hypocrisy and audacity of people 😪💔
Just proud to know you, Jim!
Such a cruel thing to say, it's downright demonic. Lots of love to this man and his beloved son.
What kind of monster does someone have to be to say something so evil to a parent who loses a child? And then have the nerve to pretend to be a Christian. Disgusting.
Such intolerance!!! So very fear based.
I'm sorry for what you've gone through, but quitting is not the answer. You must stand up to these hateful people. By resigning from your position, you're giving them what they want. The person who replaces you may not be cut from the same quality of character that you are.
He doesn't need to subject himself to harassment. These people are so crazy that they researched him and found his family and his home address. Christians and conservatives have a strong record of violence.
Well put, and I agree.
Gut wrenching and horrible! I am in tears for this man. His son sounds like a beautiful person, like his father. That woman however is evil personified.
Those murals are so beautiful!!!! I don’t understand the hatred. That poor man who lost his son should never have been told something so horrible!!! What that lady did is evil! I’m Christian and Christian loves everyone! I have no doubt his son is in Heaven. I’m so sorry he was put through all of that.
Shame on that senator.
I'm surprised to see this story. My mother lived across the river from Littleton in Waterford, VT for many years, and I generally found people in that area to be of the "live and let live" and "what you do in your own life is none of my business" variety. I would hope that the town came out overwhelmingly in support of Mr. Gleason. As for the vile Ms. Gendreau, I understand she's now announced she won't seek reelection - clearly no great loss to the state of NH.
In NH that changed the moment the state went red, Immediately the CPAC play- and rulebook was executed, regardless whether it makes sense for NH or not. Now they get the whole CPAC cruelties but many do not complain because - hey, they abolished the sales tax!
@@CaribouEno Interesting. And really sad.
What an amazing man … a true representation of what it is to be human, caring, to love unconditionally without judgement. These “so called” Christians are a blight on what it means to be a true Christian and follow the teachings of Jesus Christ. Shame on them! You will meet your maker some day and he will close the gates on you and your hypocrisy.
Then you can go live in the gutter with the other fake Christians like Jerry Falwell.
Anyone who loves freedom of speech or expression needs to support this guy. It is thus important to maintain the separation of religious beliefs/ideology/personal opinions from the government at any level. Failure to do so will lead to a slippery slope eroding freedoms of individuals.
When I practice my freedom of speech I A get my comment removed and B receive a telling of at work or by friends as I shouldn’t have an opinion like that. Seems ok if it’s only one way right?
@@911HRW The First Amendment doesn't protect your comments from the rules of the platform you're on, nor does it protect you from the criticism of others for expressing disdainful, cruell or hurtful opinions about others.
Retype it. Use symbols and numbers. Misspell things. Let's see the CONTENT of your comment. Go ahead. We're waiting.
Example: I can call you a cupid stunt, and everyone knows what I'm saying.
I can use an asterisk, too, and the TOS won't realize I'm saying the word c*nt.
I can type p3d0, and that makes it through. I can type $uicid3, and Tiktok probably wouldn't even flag it.
Bruh, they’re trees and flowers… 😵💫 Why are you mad?
I feel for the dad 😔
I'll disagree with Mr. Gleason on one thing, in cases like this you aren't making a statement by resigning. You're just opening a postion where someone like that woman he described can come in and she'll have a voice, but good people won't!
If he needs to resign for his mental health because he just can't take it any more I get that, but it's not a statement.
Funny that colors offend conservatives, but everyone else is the little "snowflake" sir... ma'am... look at YOUR meltdown.. go stand in the corner for an hour, and you better not lean! Acting childish
When I was a kid in sunday school the chrisitian teachers used to sing about Rainbows all the time.. now Rainbows are considered offensive..
Sorry kids, no more raibows, everything has to be black and white.
Hate is destroying our country 😢
If you bring religion to public office- you should be automatically terminated from holding a public position. Wow whod thought nh was so full of small minded people?
Those are beautiful paintings
Judge not, or you'll be judged. Love our neighbors as we love ourselves. WOW!!!
But sin isn't accepted though never forget that.
It’s so sad that people have lost compassion and kindness towards others. If someone believes something based on their religion, that religion belongs in your heart, home and place of worship. You have to be mature enough to realize not everyone is going to have the same beliefs and opinions. Who people love, mature adults, have no bearing on your life. I thought the artwork was lovely. I don’t know the context behind it, or what it was saying, just that it was nicely done. To say hurtful things to a man whose son died, is reprehensible. That woman has a small shrivelled soul. 🇨🇦
America continues to regress and it's truly frightening
America is what America does.
This IS America!!
What on earth happened to the US?😢
Trump's GOP together with the worldwide coordination meetings named CPAC.
"Imagine the people who believe such things and who are not ashamed to ignore, totally, all the patient findings of thinking minds through all the centuries since the Bible was written. And it is these ignorant people, the most uneducated, the most unimaginative, the most unthinking among us, who would make themselves the guides and leaders of us all; who would force their feeble and childish beliefs on us; who would invade our schools and libraries and homes. I personally resent it bitterly." - Isaac Asimov
A quick google search finds a newspaper article identifying the woman by her name. Ironically, her initials are J.C.
Jimmy Carter is a Christian with J.C. initials. That women has no idea what a Christian is. She is evil.
Say her name!!! We should know her evil name!
This makes my heart so sad. This country really needs to get it together or we're going to find ourselves back in the 50s again, where segregation and discrimination are normal.
Oh once again religious zealots showing how their particular religion is all about loving thy neighbor. Hypocrisy at its finest.
Man, I just like colors yo! It's not for pride or any political agenda. I just like a variety of bright colors is all.
You're clearly naive if you think it's not for an agenda. It's everywhere now.
Evil just evil place 😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮
Heaven forbid we assume that "liberty and justice for all" means ALL.
I guess these people don't really believe in the 1st Amendment. Freedom of Expression
When it comes to THEIR religous beliefs, they care about it. When it comes to OTHERS beliefs it doesn't, appearantly.
It’s no more freedom ,expression when you start putting that on my children or others keep it in your pants in your rooms out of sight
Seriously if I didn’t know what this artwork was about I would’ve never thought that. It seems very benign.
Genesis 9: 13 I do set my bow in the cloud, and it shall be for a token of a covenant between me and the earth.
The "bow" is a rainbow. So many so horribly taught. 16 And the bow shall be in the cloud; and I will look upon it, that I may remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of all flesh that is upon the earth.
@@humboldthammerThe rainbow's also a symbol of God's UNCONDITIONAL love AND acceptance for all, including the ones He made LGBTQ (yes, it's NOT a choice). Have a nice day.
@@DotMcFarlane That's what the verses I cited say. Did you read them?
Matthew 19: 12 For there are some eunuchs, which were so born from their mother's womb: and there are some eunuchs, which were made eunuchs of men: and there be eunuchs, which have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven's sake. He that is able to receive it, let him receive it.
So MANY so horribly taught. So MANY so nearly deaf and blind spiritually.
Well thats what is great about this country. You can be how you want to be. And who cares what anyone thinks. Whoever you choose to love is your business.
That awful woman should have had to resign!!!
Ignorance is rampant in the USA.
Your son would be very proud of you ❤
Love and inclusion will always prevail, but you have to fight for it consistently because people like Carrie Gendreau will always exist in the world. More people that are for inclusion need to run for office to keep these people out.