wel janet along with being a bigger woman than toni-marie she puts a lot of ummmfffff into her down swing where mrs. toni -marie focuses on more steady speed and being more acurate but that didnt work today but in the end two absolute great women bowlers who have both earned their spots in the hall of fame always a pleasure to watch these women icons of the sport love always C.H.
This match aired on 17 September 1988.
Dr 10-17-24
I always found it odd that despite a big backswing, Toni-Marie generates just average speed on her ball. It's quite noticeable vs Janet.
wel janet along with being a bigger woman than toni-marie she puts a lot of ummmfffff into her down swing where mrs. toni -marie focuses on more steady speed and being more acurate but that didnt work today but in the end two absolute great women bowlers who have both earned their spots in the hall of fame always a pleasure to watch these women icons of the sport love always C.H.
Janet's first appearance on ch.5. 386 ain't bad.
Toni Marie bowled much better with big hair.
Two really good lady bowlers.