Bush Talks: Biomass Export Brings Back Benefits Ep2

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 4 ธ.ค. 2024
  • Standards, how they drive development and can raise the bar as well as raise the value of products. This is what is shared in this episode of the Bush Talks series. Here experts are taking a look at how both local and international standards are ensuring that the biomass sector also focuses on socio-economic and environmental factors.
    This is part of the Bush Talks series, that brings together different participants of the biomass sector to exchange knowledge, share best practices and coordinate efforts for sustainable and economically viable use of bush biomass.
    #bushtalk #bcbu #biomass #namibia #bushcontrolandbiomassutilisation #ministryofenvironmentforestryandtourism #meft #deutschegesellschaftfürinternationalezusammenarbeit #giz #namibianchamberofenvironment #nce #namibianaturefoundation #nnf #lovenambialovenature

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