it'd be good if you make another video to explain the new zombies int this update also the ultimate plants feels... much less powerful than the previous one, the ultimate pult feels like the infernosquashtorch + ultimate cherry gatling but weaker, and from other sources it seems that it takes 2 ultimate cob shots to kill a gargantuar which means that it'd take like lots of cob shots just to dealt with the black all stars zombie
@@Androgam3 i mean its power, at least it should've dealt like 10k+ damage per cob for it to be on par with other ultimate plants Well maybe in travel/challenge mode it got buffed ig
@@reyzavialisoelistya9678 masih beta, jadi masih banyak yang perlu dibenahi, bahkan klo bahasa di HP selain bahasa Inggris (USA) sama china, cooldown tanaman jadi ngebug jadi lama cooldown nya. Mungkin nunggu next update baru diberesin.
Happy watching 😊
There is new fusion update with wall-nut its called hypno nut
@Hi_im_soup1 I'm sorry, I forgot about that
@Androgam3 can you try to play suvival travel as update 2.1.4
@Hi_im_soup1 I'll try it as soon as I can
@@Androgam3 but obsidian tall nut no longer start at the game its complete impossible
Maaf bang mau nanya, itu fusion jagung segede gaban nembaknya manual ya? Harus di arahin sama kita gitu gk otomatis nembak kah bang?
@@hitutgede iya itu manual, kecuali yg ultimate, dia punya side cannon yg nembak zombie otomatis. Tapi senjata utamanya tetep manual.
@@Androgam3 oke bang thanks ingfonya, dah aku lek dan sukreb ya bang
@hitutgede sama-sama, makasih.
it'd be good if you make another video to explain the new zombies int this update
also the ultimate plants feels... much less powerful than the previous one, the ultimate pult feels like the infernosquashtorch + ultimate cherry gatling but weaker, and from other sources it seems that it takes 2 ultimate cob shots to kill a gargantuar which means that it'd take like lots of cob shots just to dealt with the black all stars zombie
@@Name-non-exist... That's my plan, thankyou
@@Androgam3 after some test i think i'd take back my words on the ultimate pult, but still keep it on the ultimate cob cannon
@@Name-non-exist... Cob Cannon is the most interesting part of the new update
@@Androgam3 i mean its power, at least it should've dealt like 10k+ damage per cob for it to be on par with other ultimate plants
Well maybe in travel/challenge mode it got buffed ig
@@Name-non-exist... When you play in challenge-travel mode, plants get buff.
Why cooldown of plants like sunflower and peashooter become so long in this version?
Change your phone language to english or china. Its work for me
@HerosAlwaysReady thanks bro, it worked
Ultimate garlic pult is kinda bad ngl😅
@@Miranda-pi6ye I agree with you when it's compared with other ultimate plants in backyard. But in rooftop Maybe pult plants is better
can you do guide for launching the update, because when i launch it's just logos then black screen
@@kekbanana try to change your region to USA or Chinese then reinstall the app
bang bahas fungsi semua fushion pot sama yang kayak pohon kelap itu bang
@@KisnaaaAaAA klo sempet ya, masuk malem soalnya jadi agak susah bikin konten kaya gt
Bang update yg baru kok super plant jadi gabisa dipake di adventure sama mini game yah?
@@reyzavialisoelistya9678 masih beta, jadi masih banyak yang perlu dibenahi, bahkan klo bahasa di HP selain bahasa Inggris (USA) sama china, cooldown tanaman jadi ngebug jadi lama cooldown nya. Mungkin nunggu next update baru diberesin.
Ada pot yang bisa ditumpuk itu maksudnya apa bang? Ada fungsi nya kah?
Di versi yang ini saya coba ga bisa, atau mungkin saya yang ga tau caranya. Jarang main pake pot soalnya
@Androgam3 gw tau ini dari mainin stage genteng bang, caranya pot+kubis+kubis+kubis bukannya jadi tanaman bagus malah jadi 2 pot ijo yang numpuk
@werty-0000 gw coba yang versi 2.1.4 ga bisa, mungkin itu bug
@@Androgam3 bug🤔?
Tapi gw punya buktinya bang dari channel nya drefecer di menit 8:35
@@Androgam3 bug🤔?
Tapi gw punya buktinya bang
Kok yang jagung emas lu gak pake serangan lain nya bang?.
@@febriharlek4942 itu serangan otomatis nya sih bang, klo serangan lainnya harus di tap dulu tanamannya kan
@Androgam3 yup
@@febriharlek4942 itu aja masih ada yg kelupaan wallnut-hypnoshroom sama golden garlic.
@@Androgam3 mungkin mereka gak tahu. 🤣🤣
@@febriharlek4942 ada yang tau n ngasih tau tapi, walaupun baru 1 orang 😅
@@yuffieyuffie7047 superhybrid dot online dot ganti symbol tanpa spasi
Link dw nya dong bang di Android
@@ok.-_-. Superhybrid dot online
Ganti dot pake symbol n jangan di spasi
@@Androgam3 bang gimana bahasa english
@@sallehhamid7323 cari di google aja dah banyak om, bahkan ada yang bahasa Indonesia.
@@Curiosity_Ship superhybrid dot online
Change dot with symbol and no space