As soon as the 'interview' was over, I downloaded the book into my Kindle. Well written and makes very good points concerning Jesus as man. It's good to read a book about Jesus without all the religious mumbo jumbo.
This is the point at the first place. Bigotry, racism which lives right at heart. it at all makes you self reflect yourself and change the world as "Be the change you want to see in the world" -Gandhi. Didn't you get it...?
Reza is right. The US as a country has to decide what it wants in terms of immigration. So much of these immigration debates are fueled by a perspective that the country is going change fundamentally, and some of that perspective is fueled by racism and xenophobia..... but if it's anyone's fault as to why immigrants aren't assimilated, it is those who doubt that a person from, say, Mexico (or Iran) could be an American citizen, just as American as they are. There is no reason why Americans can't be as ready (or even more ready) to accept new immigrants from Mexico and other countries today as they were 100 years ago. We had an Ellis Island back then that proactively put immigrants into the country. We could have that now, too, if people were willing to change their minds about these issues.
Motionedout why don't people stay in their own country and fight for change...if they don't want to do that then they should he grateful to their host country...instead they come in and call the government racist and the people are fat and ignorant...they use up the benefits so that hard working americans can't get what they need...come on folks...when the europeans and asians first started coming to america they were in love with the american ideals...the new immigrant hates us and want to bring the same backwards thinking into america that turned their country into a shit storm...and no liberal has the balls to say it to someone like reza whom is just a sophisticated immigrant you can't stand his host country
Great Awakening I'd argue that the story of hard working, grateful immigrants is not too far off from Reza and his family. Look how well he has done, in one generation he has a Phd, has written books and is on CNN and HBO regularly. But what I'd also argue his point is, is that he's not making the stuff about racism and discrimination up. Asians like the Chinese and Europeans like the Irish, the Germans, and the Polish faced all kinds of discrimination when they came here in the 19th and 20th centuries. That is why I say we as a country have to ask ourselves how to approach immigration, because as anecdotal as it is to say these groups worked hard and succeeded, it doesn't erase the fact that there was discrimination and prejudice (sometimes to the point of injury, sickness, or death) on the part of the country that supposedly accepted them as citizens. That is the hypocrisy that bothers them about their experience, and if we are to view America as exceptional, we might want to reconsider how we approach immigration law and what exactly we want for both immigrants and for our country.
Ok..well if Reza's family had stayed in their country and fought for human rights then maybe the world wouldn't be in the trouble with Iran that it is today. It would have been much better for him to do that then to get some useless degree in religious scholarship that does nothing for the world..or write ridiculous books about historical figures that have no historical basis...but to run away from a horrible situation in Iran and then sit on TV constantly talking about the policies of the country that saved his family is the very essence of silliness
Great Awakening You may have a point, though he is a child of an immigrant family and probably had little to do with the actual decision to immigrate here. Even so, if you aee tired of hearing the complaints of recent immigrants in this country we as Americans have the opportunity and obligation to decide what we want when it comes to immigration. Does it matter what countries we get our immigrants from? Why? Do we want immigrants from Iran, China, or Mexico? If so, what are the conditions they need to fulfill? Can we view them as full Americans once they are here? Can we accept them as average citizens or even below average citizens once they are here? Can we treat them rhe same as the poorest of native-born citizens? How the immigrants are treated here is dependent on how well we as Americans can answer these questions. It's our responsibility to answer them as clear as we can. Again, chances are Reza is doing much better than your neighbor down the street, but he still has to earn respect and not ask why things are the way they are. My point is that judging by the reaction on that panel we don't even know ourselves.
I am an immigrant girl from Middle East to Europe, well educated and highly skilled but not felt welcomed everywhere but I wish someday my kids will become as true as Reza to themselves and I'd proud and happy that I took this journey.
Reza Aslan is an Academic and has tons of knowledge of no effect. He is very clever and cunning on how he answers the questions or his debates. He comes off as very political and bias in his view as clearly he is a muslim but no shape form or manner a Theologian from a spiritual perspective. Again I can go on and on as he can but do not want to waste more of my time.
My point here is simple. I don't see any spirituality in his conduct or in his debates. This is just my opinion and you can judge for yourself as to how he should come across. This is a free country for all to say and practice what they believe whether in the Quran or the Bible
Salman you already wasted your time. you don't need to find spirituality with him or it is not required but it is always required to find it with in our self.
Does Reza Aslan have a say in Iran's immigration laws? No. I suspect that if you asked for his opinion on Iran's policies he would be just as critical as you or anyone else. He is ONE person who has been in the U.S. since he was about 7yrs old, how the hell is it fair to judge him for the actions of a country in which he hasn't lived for decades? Guillermo del Toro was born in Mexico, are we going to blame him for the torture, mutilation, and killing that is going on down there? Stop trolling.
Reza seems to think that religion has very little impact upon peoples behaviour; a very strange belief from a religious "scholar". There are obviously multi-factorial causes behind any person's behaviour, but religion can be a very strong motivator, and not all religions are the same. If a religion divides people into believers and non-belivers and assigns some moral value to each, then this is more likely to lead to violence. If a religion teaches a doctrine of Jihad and paradise, then it increases the likelihood of extreme behaviour.If it teaches that men are superior to women in some respects, it will tend to oppress women. If it teaches that gays and lesbians are threats, it will tend to oppress these people. If it teaches that it is a sin to leave the religion, then apostates will tend to be oppressed. It may not be the sole cause, but it is a factor, and it will take counter ideas to reverse the trends.
Before the 1920's. There was a ton of Jewish Immigration. All over the world. Other than the Wealthy Jewish. I'm not sure why others would have wanted to leave their lands. I guess the real questions are: Did they have the funds to leave their lands? Did they have the desire to leave their families? Did they have the desire to distance themselves from their faith? Today, it's understandable why someone would want to leave. But back then? Where is the motivation? I don't see it.
He's actually not very religious, but he does believe in God. If you'd like to know his spiritual/religious views, I recommend watching his recent interview on Aljazeera English. It can be viewed on this site and is the best interview of his I've seen yet
Buy and read his book, as he has many good points to learn by reading his book. The fact that Fox tried to devalue his academic background only bolstered my desire to read it more, as they, meaning Fox, is not a station that believes in giving true journalism.
I have seen the clip too, and your right. He is talking about how interpretations of the koran and I believe he mentions the bible too, he was saying how entire passages with exact texts can be interpreted in completely different ways. It's more interesting to me how people can misinterpret ideas or statements (lets say by a you-tube video of Reza Aslan discussing conceptual ideas) and can bend them to agree/disagree with the prejudged notions of what they believe...tsk tsk xensor.
Another wonderful, brilliant graduate of Santa Clara University (along with Janet Napolitano, Secty of Homeland Security - -who did a lot of things as gov of AZ to support immigration reforms and who is on the record as supporting the "dream act" -- )
All this leaves me to wonder why there hasn't been more Islamic - Muslim scholar's being heard from these last 12 years. Then again, knowing who's agenda is being supported in this war against them pretty much answers that. Asian here I don't believe is a good one to be heard from, being that his theological theory about Jesus, and Christianity is left open for debate. A debate that causes more problems than solutions meant to be as such. With the goal of creating more of a divide and chaos here
let me ask u a question. why is Cyprus considered part of Europe even though it is clearly in the middle east. its because of cultural difference. u can't call it my problem considering the fact that ur arguing to me about the topic. maybe u shud read my very first comment on this before replying back. i was stating the historical truth
Todos quisiéramos que todos los inmigrantes fueran preparados como Reza Aslan, y que los gringos no fueran tan ignorantes como Bill Maher, pero la vida real no es así.
u don't get it. the only thing I'm implying is that America was not founded on freedom for everyone as it says in the declaration of independence. over the years America has become much better but its foundation was not built upon freedom for everyone.
did u not read the first comment that @kiirkip wrote which i replied to. we were talking bout the "FOUNDATION" on which America was built on. please if ur gonna argue with me at least know wat the argument is about. FYI I'm an American/Canadian, that doesn't mean i only look at the good past of these countries and forget the bad history like it never happened. the truth is America was founded for only the white Caucasians, it may have changed overtime but it still doesn't change the facts
What do you do when some one tries to bomb your home? By your stupid logic, you give him more ammo and enjoy yourself the final moment? There is a limit I thought to stupidity, But the kind of you reach much more deeper than stupidest!
Did you see the same clip we all did and actually PAY ATTENTION to what he said? He said the reason that immigration laws are the way they are is because of racism...he didn't say all the in the U.S. are racist. So, you ask, isn't that generalizing? No, it is not...if you open your eyes and ears you'll realize that he is saying that there are certain people in office that are racist.
I know Aslan appeared very intelligent in the fox interview (who wouldn't look intelligent comparred to fox?), he is actually somewhat of a fool. If you don't believe me, just watch the debate he had with Sam Harris.
I watched the debate and thought he got the better of Harris. I am an atheist by the way. Harris showed an incredibly ignorance of the situation in the middle east.
Who the hell is talking about Iran? We are talking about the U.S. and people like Bachmann, Steve King, Don Young, Boehner, Hannity, Limbaugh, etc., etc., who don't let the rest of the country have a true discussion about immigration. As for Iran...why don't we focus on what WE are doing wrong before criticizing others? If you do just a little bit of research on Iran's history you'd realize that the root of its religious fundamentalist government is U.S. political involvement in the past.
i don't think you can stop blacks from hiring blacks only. persians from hiring persians only... the problem is people tend to attach to other people of the same background. but in my opinion the person who is best qualified should get the job. maybe they should make job applications anonymous and only show the merits
You do understand it wasn't as simple as jumping on a Plane back in 1920 or before? When you think about Turks, Persians, Arabs, Indians, etc before the 1920's. There was a ruling class, nobility, and then peasant. There really isn't much in between. Where would someone go? Is it legal? Most live in or are surrounded by the Desert. That's what they know. Their roots are deep. While your facts are probably correct. Your understanding of why things were the way they were may be way off.
I've just learned of this Reza Aslan, and would say he came across quite well on this video. Have also learned he is a member of the CFR which concerns me. Also saw the Fox News interview of which the interviewer did an awful job, and made herself look like an idiot !
Why do not you give reference to his purported agreement on Osama's interpretation being legitimate? Your legitimacy is doubtful because you do not give reference. I am not aware Aslan seeking money for Iran from USA either. Please give reference. Otherwise, all this is a drummed up propaganda to discredit Aslan. But any way, it is good for Aslan's popularity and exposing the lies you are trying to spread. People would dig out truth and the kinds of you would be dug out of your Fox hole.
To be completely honest I don't know enough about Reza Aslan to opine on all his views, I have seen the clip where he talks about Bin Laden and I think you are misrepresenting what he said, which is a conceptual argument about who has the authority to interpret religious texts. I can only talk about what he said in this clip and I think it is unfair to hold him responsible for supposed racism in Iran...again, he's lived in the U.S. his whole life so blaming him for Iran's 'racism' is ridiculous.
See, that's the problem. No where in the Quran, I repeat no where, does it say anything about 72 virgins. How do I know? Because I have read the Quran, plain and simple. One as curious as I was after reading this text asked where this idea of 72 virgins came up, did some independent research, and didn't have to go far to learn that 72 virgins has no basis in the Quran. Do some research before saying something so definitively. And it's not good to bash others beliefs whether you agree or not.
ok u wanna talk about mass immigration, then lets do it. from the independence of USA to the 1920s almost all if not all of the immigrants were white Caucasian. i say white Caucasian because in those times Persian, Indians, Arabs, even Turks were considered Caucasian but not white, and in the modern times we know that except for Indians, all the other i stated are considered white. they were treated less than white. so there is a difference between white Caucasian and non white Caucasian
Damn.... All these comments about Aslan and Maher being idiots, pigs, and so on. these guys are just individuals giving their point of view. Islam isn't the problem in the world. It is hate. Sure, hate exists in Islam. Sure, hate exists in Christianity. Sure, hate exists in Judaism. And guess what, hate exists in these comments. This needs to stop.
What a crybaby! Has he seen the treatment of minorities in Iran and other middle eastern countries At least he got citizenship, many over there don’t get one for generations despite being born in those countries
This guy says that he was an illegal alien in America "because the laws were stacked against him." Yeah, like the law that says you have to get a legal entry visa from the state dept instead of sneaking into the country as an illegal alien. If you don't want to be on the wrong side of the law, then obey the law and get a visa before entering our borders. Is this so hard to comprehend?
because he is immigrant from iran. and this is a doublestandard. if he is to complain about usa why not complain about iran too for not letting everyone live there. let everyone live everywhere? be consistent please. not only west have to set an example. oh and don't forget to mention the racist black panthers (in usa).
I don't understand your point? If every country is racist, how does that make it right for the US to be racist. The USA is the only hegemon left. Being what it is, America has an obligation to be a roll model for the world. He has an obligation, as all Americans do, to speak out for what his country is doing wrong.
+Mohammad Aamin When you have people that are racist ,it is very difficult for a government that represent the people not to be racist . it mirrors the population . I mean you don't here any one saying I am a Frenchman so I will go and live in USA amongst the Irish community . The English have a saying " Birds of a feather folk together ".
+Lerquian If you want to interpret it that way , be my guest . We are all racist it is a natural instinct we all prefer to be and dwell with our own kind ,up to a point . Just ask yourself this question . Do i prefer the company of people who speak a different tongue and culture that I can't fathom ? I speak French ,and I like French people in general , but I will never really understand them. i have been studying there culture for 30 odd years .Go on carry on kidding yourself you are class free culture free ,if it makes you happy .
+hud4094 That is an easy question . for example you have a free market economy like most of the west , so they think they can become rich , English is the easiest language to learn . A lot are fleeing for their lives ,it is better to risk death than to face certain death if they stay in their own country . USA still has a lot to offer foreign people that are not happy in their country of birth . The biggest problem as I see it in America for foreigners is the class culture USA is riddled with class just like it's original country England . It is easy to confuse class with race some races are a class in their own right . Or wrong depending on your politics. Plus and it is a big one you can make a life in America amongst your own peoples , this is what most do in fact .
So Reza went with his own family to america, and he is complaining that he it was hard to become a citizen? Well I guess that his opinion is that america should accept every illegal imigrant that goes there
Reza always wins
no... no he doesn't
Reza is a boss, seriously
He didn’t here
Yanks hate reza because he is just so much smarter than all of them and he speaks facts.
TB OR that made me lol
Reza is a legend and a National treasure.
a bit of a disrespectful ending from Bill Maher
genius alert]
+harry sivri true
well, what do you expect? He's a muslim hating bigot piece of shit.
no surprises there...
harry sivri he is pothead old dude what do you expect 😂
As soon as the 'interview' was over, I downloaded the book into my Kindle. Well written and makes very good points concerning Jesus as man. It's good to read a book about Jesus without all the religious mumbo jumbo.
Love Reza
the youngest but still the smartest 😃
I love when reza aslan say " and the youngest " in 0:46
his face looks funny :D
Deniz akça his face looks funny because he's a compete fraud who's in love with himself...that's the way they look
This is a good performance from Aslan. He is better off pointing out examples of American bigotry than defending Islamic ones.
+Adam Leckius has he ever defended Islam?
This is the point at the first place. Bigotry, racism which lives right at heart. it at all makes you self reflect yourself and change the world as "Be the change you want to see in the world" -Gandhi.
Didn't you get it...?
Doesn't matter where the bigotry comes from, he doesn't ever defend it.
They are ALL immigrants at that table not just Reza.
Pretty sure he's the only one that wasn't born in the US. So no not ALL are immigrants. Their ancestors - sure.
Y Gui nigga what
No they aren't .They are American born citizens .Their bloodlines are either from settlers,immigrants,or the native people.
Reza Aslan is just amazing
Call a spade a spade ... A true honest academic with an unbiased view point.
Reza is right. The US as a country has to decide what it wants in terms of immigration. So much of these immigration debates are fueled by a perspective that the country is going change fundamentally, and some of that perspective is fueled by racism and xenophobia..... but if it's anyone's fault as to why immigrants aren't assimilated, it is those who doubt that a person from, say, Mexico (or Iran) could be an American citizen, just as American as they are.
There is no reason why Americans can't be as ready (or even more ready) to accept new immigrants from Mexico and other countries today as they were 100 years ago. We had an Ellis Island back then that proactively put immigrants into the country. We could have that now, too, if people were willing to change their minds about these issues.
Motionedout why don't people stay in their own country and fight for change...if they don't want to do that then they should he grateful to their host country...instead they come in and call the government racist and the people are fat and ignorant...they use up the benefits so that hard working americans can't get what they need...come on folks...when the europeans and asians first started coming to america they were in love with the american ideals...the new immigrant hates us and want to bring the same backwards thinking into america that turned their country into a shit storm...and no liberal has the balls to say it to someone like reza whom is just a sophisticated immigrant you can't stand his host country
Great Awakening I'd argue that the story of hard working, grateful immigrants is not too far off from Reza and his family. Look how well he has done, in one generation he has a Phd, has written books and is on CNN and HBO regularly. But what I'd also argue his point is, is that he's not making the stuff about racism and discrimination up. Asians like the Chinese and Europeans like the Irish, the Germans, and the Polish faced all kinds of discrimination when they came here in the 19th and 20th centuries. That is why I say we as a country have to ask ourselves how to approach immigration, because as anecdotal as it is to say these groups worked hard and succeeded, it doesn't erase the fact that there was discrimination and prejudice (sometimes to the point of injury, sickness, or death) on the part of the country that supposedly accepted them as citizens. That is the hypocrisy that bothers them about their experience, and if we are to view America as exceptional, we might want to reconsider how we approach immigration law and what exactly we want for both immigrants and for our country.
Ok..well if Reza's family had stayed in their country and fought for human rights then maybe the world wouldn't be in the trouble with Iran that it is today. It would have been much better for him to do that then to get some useless degree in religious scholarship that does nothing for the world..or write ridiculous books about historical figures that have no historical basis...but to run away from a horrible situation in Iran and then sit on TV constantly talking about the policies of the country that saved his family is the very essence of silliness
Great Awakening You may have a point, though he is a child of an immigrant family and probably had little to do with the actual decision to immigrate here. Even so, if you aee tired of hearing the complaints of recent immigrants in this country we as Americans have the opportunity and obligation to decide what we want when it comes to immigration. Does it matter what countries we get our immigrants from? Why? Do we want immigrants from Iran, China, or Mexico? If so, what are the conditions they need to fulfill? Can we view them as full Americans once they are here? Can we accept them as average citizens or even below average citizens once they are here? Can we treat them rhe same as the poorest of native-born citizens? How the immigrants are treated here is dependent on how well we as Americans can answer these questions. It's our responsibility to answer them as clear as we can. Again, chances are Reza is doing much better than your neighbor down the street, but he still has to earn respect and not ask why things are the way they are. My point is that judging by the reaction on that panel we don't even know ourselves.
+Motionedout +great awakening
great read guys
I am an immigrant girl from Middle East to Europe, well educated and highly skilled but not felt welcomed everywhere but I wish someday my kids will become as true as Reza to themselves and I'd proud and happy that I took this journey.
And the handsom one 👏
I love Reza Aslan, he's brilliant and clever and funny.
@@anaarkadievna lmaaaaooooo offended by the truth
@@longjunior7638 what truth?
And the Youngest. Damn 🔥🔥🔥👌🏻
Reza Aslan is an Academic and has tons of knowledge of no effect. He is very clever and cunning on how he answers the questions or his debates. He comes off as very political and bias in his view as clearly he is a muslim but no shape form or manner a Theologian from a spiritual perspective. Again I can go on and on as he can but do not want to waste more of my time.
I don't understand... does he need to come off more as a theologian because he happens to be Muslim and believe in the Quran?
My point here is simple. I don't see any spirituality in his conduct or in his debates. This is just my opinion and you can judge for yourself as to how he should come across. This is a free country for all to say and practice what they believe whether in the Quran or the Bible
Salman you already wasted your time. you don't need to find spirituality with him or it is not required but it is always required to find it with in our self.
I'm Reza Aslan's newest fan!
" and I sold pot in college" What a person he disgust me and his audience makes it worse
they laugh at anything he says.
You cannot deny that Islam as a religion/ ideology is deplorable. However, that doesn’t mean discrimination against Muslims as people is ok.
Well done being fair.
its very clear at 0.30 to 0.33 some explanations are missing.... I wonder what was it...
Does Reza Aslan have a say in Iran's immigration laws? No. I suspect that if you asked for his opinion on Iran's policies he would be just as critical as you or anyone else. He is ONE person who has been in the U.S. since he was about 7yrs old, how the hell is it fair to judge him for the actions of a country in which he hasn't lived for decades? Guillermo del Toro was born in Mexico, are we going to blame him for the torture, mutilation, and killing that is going on down there? Stop trolling.
like you reza aslan
Reza seems to think that religion has very little impact upon peoples behaviour; a very strange belief from a religious "scholar". There are obviously multi-factorial causes behind any person's behaviour, but religion can be a very strong motivator, and not all religions are the same. If a religion divides people into believers and non-belivers and assigns some moral value to each, then this is more likely to lead to violence. If a religion teaches a doctrine of Jihad and paradise, then it increases the likelihood of extreme behaviour.If it teaches that men are superior to women in some respects, it will tend to oppress women. If it teaches that gays and lesbians are threats, it will tend to oppress these people. If it teaches that it is a sin to leave the religion, then apostates will tend to be oppressed. It may not be the sole cause, but it is a factor, and it will take counter ideas to reverse the trends.
Which episode (season and episode) was that?
Before the 1920's.
There was a ton of Jewish Immigration. All over the world.
Other than the Wealthy Jewish. I'm not sure why others would have wanted to leave their lands.
I guess the real questions are:
Did they have the funds to leave their lands?
Did they have the desire to leave their families?
Did they have the desire to distance themselves from their faith?
Today, it's understandable why someone would want to leave. But back then? Where is the motivation?
I don't see it.
😂 lmao 0:46
and was founded on freedom for everyone..... unless you're black, native american, asian or even non white Caucasian. lets not forget that
He's actually not very religious, but he does believe in God. If you'd like to know his spiritual/religious views, I recommend watching his recent interview on Aljazeera English. It can be viewed on this site and is the best interview of his I've seen yet
Bill is so disrespectful like always! But I really like how his plastic face changes every time some guest criticize Israel
Buy and read his book, as he has many good points to learn by reading his book. The fact that Fox tried to devalue his academic background only bolstered my desire to read it more, as they, meaning Fox, is not a station that believes in giving true journalism.
As long as they dont constanly complain and they at least try to contribute to America
I have seen the clip too, and your right. He is talking about how interpretations of the koran and I believe he mentions the bible too, he was saying how entire passages with exact texts can be interpreted in completely different ways. It's more interesting to me how people can misinterpret ideas or statements (lets say by a you-tube video of Reza Aslan discussing conceptual ideas) and can bend them to agree/disagree with the prejudged notions of what they believe...tsk tsk xensor.
This is off topic. Reza is hot.
Another wonderful, brilliant graduate of Santa Clara University (along with Janet Napolitano, Secty of Homeland Security - -who did a lot of things as gov of AZ to support immigration reforms and who is on the record as supporting the "dream act" -- )
no im the newsestes fan of him .
me too
wrong show for Reza Aslan,
When you share stories of your interesting life with a guy who jokingly says that he sold pot in college, sure it's the wrong show.
Why's that?
Maher's islamophobia spews threw every encounter he has with a muslim... it's just funny to watch at this point.
All this leaves me to wonder why there hasn't been more Islamic - Muslim scholar's being heard from these last 12 years. Then again, knowing who's agenda is being supported in this war against them pretty much answers that. Asian here I don't believe is a good one to be heard from, being that his theological theory about Jesus, and Christianity is left open for debate. A debate that causes more problems than solutions meant to be as such. With the goal of creating more of a divide and chaos here
let me ask u a question. why is Cyprus considered part of Europe even though it is clearly in the middle east. its because of cultural difference. u can't call it my problem considering the fact that ur arguing to me about the topic. maybe u shud read my very first comment on this before replying back. i was stating the historical truth
It's strange to think of how Weiner has sat at that very table.
He is bitter and resentful thats what comes across to me when he speaks.
Todos quisiéramos que todos los inmigrantes fueran preparados como Reza Aslan, y que los gringos no fueran tan ignorantes como Bill Maher, pero la vida real no es así.
u don't get it. the only thing I'm implying is that America was not founded on freedom for everyone as it says in the declaration of independence. over the years America has become much better but its foundation was not built upon freedom for everyone.
America was founded on freedom of religion ya know
What has Reza Aslan's prencese has been a gain for America?
@Al Thr-America's foundation was built upon freedom for everyone WHO WAS FREE AT THAT TIME; rich, white, land owning, strait, male, attorney's.
Please refer to him as Dr. Reza Aslan, His Excellency. And remember to genuflect.
did u not read the first comment that @kiirkip wrote which i replied to. we were talking bout the "FOUNDATION" on which America was built on. please if ur gonna argue with me at least know wat the argument is about. FYI I'm an American/Canadian, that doesn't mean i only look at the good past of these countries and forget the bad history like it never happened. the truth is America was founded for only the white Caucasians, it may have changed overtime but it still doesn't change the facts
What do you do when some one tries to bomb your home? By your stupid logic, you give him more ammo and enjoy yourself the final moment? There is a limit I thought to stupidity, But the kind of you reach much more deeper than stupidest!
Did you see the same clip we all did and actually PAY ATTENTION to what he said? He said the reason that immigration laws are the way they are is because of racism...he didn't say all the in the U.S. are racist. So, you ask, isn't that generalizing? No, it is not...if you open your eyes and ears you'll realize that he is saying that there are certain people in office that are racist.
What does that have to do with anything?
And the youngest!!! Hahahahaha
I know Aslan appeared very intelligent in the fox interview (who wouldn't look intelligent comparred to fox?), he is actually somewhat of a fool. If you don't believe me, just watch the debate he had with Sam Harris.
I watched the debate and thought he got the better of Harris. I am an atheist by the way. Harris showed an incredibly ignorance of the situation in the middle east.
Who the hell is talking about Iran? We are talking about the U.S. and people like Bachmann, Steve King, Don Young, Boehner, Hannity, Limbaugh, etc., etc., who don't let the rest of the country have a true discussion about immigration. As for Iran...why don't we focus on what WE are doing wrong before criticizing others? If you do just a little bit of research on Iran's history you'd realize that the root of its religious fundamentalist government is U.S. political involvement in the past.
i don't think you can stop blacks from hiring blacks only. persians from hiring persians only... the problem is people tend to attach to other people of the same background. but in my opinion the person who is best qualified should get the job. maybe they should make job applications anonymous and only show the merits
You do understand it wasn't as simple as jumping on a Plane back in 1920 or before?
When you think about Turks, Persians, Arabs, Indians, etc before the 1920's.
There was a ruling class, nobility, and then peasant. There really isn't much in between. Where would someone go? Is it legal?
Most live in or are surrounded by the Desert. That's what they know. Their roots are deep.
While your facts are probably correct. Your understanding of why things were the way they were may be way off.
I've just learned of this Reza Aslan, and would say he came across quite well on this video. Have also learned he is a member of the CFR which concerns me. Also saw the Fox News interview of which the interviewer did an awful job, and made herself look like an idiot !
Saw that long time back, and no, I still don't believe you
Why do not you give reference to his purported agreement on Osama's interpretation being legitimate? Your legitimacy is doubtful because you do not give reference. I am not aware Aslan seeking money for Iran from USA either. Please give reference. Otherwise, all this is a drummed up propaganda to discredit Aslan. But any way, it is good for Aslan's popularity and exposing the lies you are trying to spread. People would dig out truth and the kinds of you would be dug out of your Fox hole.
you obviously have done you homework on the guy
He could not come up with good arguments so he tried redefining god into something that was clearly not the accepted definition of god.
To be completely honest I don't know enough about Reza Aslan to opine on all his views, I have seen the clip where he talks about Bin Laden and I think you are misrepresenting what he said, which is a conceptual argument about who has the authority to interpret religious texts. I can only talk about what he said in this clip and I think it is unfair to hold him responsible for supposed racism in Iran...again, he's lived in the U.S. his whole life so blaming him for Iran's 'racism' is ridiculous.
agree racism is bad.
but the point is you or reza are not victims more than anyone else.
If Reza found out that becoming citizen is so hard why he din't go elsewhere ?
+bruno stasi because he came in as a refugee with nothing!
+bruno stasi he came to the country when he was 9 years old???
Because Reza has maybe FOUR TIMES the education as you. And I bet that's generous. That's why he's up there speaking, and not you.
See, that's the problem. No where in the Quran, I repeat no where, does it say anything about 72 virgins. How do I know? Because I have read the Quran, plain and simple. One as curious as I was after reading this text asked where this idea of 72 virgins came up, did some independent research, and didn't have to go far to learn that 72 virgins has no basis in the Quran. Do some research before saying something so definitively. And it's not good to bash others beliefs whether you agree or not.
Fox new: Go and fox yourself!
Ah! Then you definition of true journalism is protecting the public from the truth.
Meaning NBC, CBS, and ABC
Tahereh - your comment is disturbing! Read your comment every now and then to slowly realize the depth of bias and lack of education in your mind!
and i sold pot in college? really bill
There Are other ways to say you are gay u know that that right ?
ok u wanna talk about mass immigration, then lets do it. from the independence of USA to the 1920s almost all if not all of the immigrants were white Caucasian. i say white Caucasian because in those times Persian, Indians, Arabs, even Turks were considered Caucasian but not white, and in the modern times we know that except for Indians, all the other i stated are considered white. they were treated less than white. so there is a difference between white Caucasian and non white Caucasian
Damn.... All these comments about Aslan and Maher being idiots, pigs, and so on. these guys are just individuals giving their point of view. Islam isn't the problem in the world. It is hate. Sure, hate exists in Islam. Sure, hate exists in Christianity. Sure, hate exists in Judaism. And guess what, hate exists in these comments. This needs to stop.
Amro Amin But where there is action, hate shines through, and lately all the action ive been seeing is islami.
Don't forget how the USA was created.
i said ur not a victim nor is aslan.
laws.. but still not as racist, homophobic and misogynistic as his homelands laws.
er .. his country is the USA :-/
Can you be gay in Iran?
What a crybaby! Has he seen the treatment of minorities in Iran and other middle eastern countries
At least he got citizenship, many over there don’t get one for generations despite being born in those countries
Cry me a river.
I'm guessing it's because of extreme hypocricy.
Aslan is a fool
This guy says that he was an illegal alien in America "because the laws were stacked against him." Yeah, like the law that says you have to get a legal entry visa from the state dept instead of sneaking into the country as an illegal alien. If you don't want to be on the wrong side of the law, then obey the law and get a visa before entering our borders. Is this so hard to comprehend?
I see Resa was race grifter in the 80’s.
lol pure ignorance isn't something to boast around
because he is immigrant from iran. and this is a doublestandard. if he is to complain about usa why not complain about iran too for not letting everyone live there. let everyone live everywhere? be consistent please. not only west have to set an example. oh and don't forget to mention the racist black panthers (in usa).
I have news for you Reza every culture every country in the world is racist. He talks like a child
I don't understand your point? If every country is racist, how does that make it right for the US to be racist. The USA is the only hegemon left. Being what it is, America has an obligation to be a roll model for the world. He has an obligation, as all Americans do, to speak out for what his country is doing wrong.
+Mohammad Aamin When you have people that are racist ,it is very difficult for a government that represent the people not to be racist . it mirrors the population . I mean you don't here any one saying I am a Frenchman so I will go and live in USA amongst the Irish community . The English have a saying " Birds of a feather folk together ".
+Roland Hawken why you say every country is racist? (actually that's racist)
+Lerquian If you want to interpret it that way , be my guest . We are all racist it is a natural instinct we all prefer to be and dwell with our own kind ,up to a point . Just ask yourself this question . Do i prefer the company of people who speak a different tongue and culture that I can't fathom ? I speak French ,and I like French people in general , but I will never really understand them. i have been studying there culture for 30 odd years .Go on carry on kidding yourself you are class free culture free ,if it makes you happy .
+hud4094 That is an easy question . for example you have a free market economy like most of the west , so they think they can become rich , English is the easiest language to learn . A lot are fleeing for their lives ,it is better to risk death than to face certain death if they stay in their own country . USA still has a lot to offer foreign people that are not happy in their country of birth . The biggest problem as I see it in America for foreigners is the class culture USA is riddled with class just like it's original country England . It is easy to confuse class with race some races are a class in their own right . Or wrong depending on your politics. Plus and it is a big one you can make a life in America amongst your own peoples , this is what most do in fact .
10 years being an illegal immigrant? Boo-Hoo! Shame on him...
I didn't want to listen to this Jim Carrey wannabe ramble on for 8 minutes
So Reza went with his own family to america, and he is complaining that he it was hard to become a citizen? Well I guess that his opinion is that america should accept every illegal imigrant that goes there
The Law is so prohibitive in this country b/c of racisim,