Raiden never really stood a chance tbh, he might be a greater character and a lot more iconic but the problem is mostly no one know much about Warframe so not many know how crazy their character are also knowing DE (Warframe dev) they most likely do not care about the outcome and might even shitpost about it and you should play Warframe it is free and it is free to play friendly, the start of the game is rough though without people guiding you
Warframes are a little busted. Also the funny thing is in some more recent patches Warframe had a hilarious reference to MGS. There was a section were the Tenno needed to infiltrate an infested (see: space zombies) orokin lab. But in order to survive they needed to transfer into a machine called a Necromech. Slower and not as ninja-y but tankier. The character that gives it to you lovingly called it "Snake" and whenever you die in the mission he calls out the classic "Snake? Snake?! Snaaaaaake!"
The funny thing is they only used Base Excalibur. There is still Excalibur Prime and Excalibur Umbra who is even better than prime and has a mind of his own and a history which would have added even more experience as Umbra was pretty much a war hero before becoming a Warframe. Hell Umbra in the quest he was introduced showed a better speed feet. Our Tenno and Umbra were separated as our Tenno was about to be shot by several lasers at an even closer range then Excalibur was to that one guy that shot the laser at him. Umbra was able to jump to the Tenno grab him and jump to safety before the Tenno could be shot. He also has his own katana made from his flesh that is way stronger than Excaliburs Skana. They also actually got the thing about the Tenno going away wrong. They were not hiding from the Orokin. Quite the opposite. They were so pissed off for how the Orokin treated them as well as killing their first adoptive mother as the Lotus is mom number 2 actually. THEY WIPED OUT THE ENTIRE OROKIN EMPIRE! A empire which mind you controlled the entire Solar system. They left because there was nothing left for them to do. They caused the downfall of a entire race! Raiden had no chance
@@SamuelMatthews-s2w Bruh replied to a 1 year old comment lmao Also no, apart from Warframes having surpassed what Arm strong has by a few thousand years. +adaptation a mod specifically mimicing the ability of the sentient enemy race to adapt to damage even further. on top of other mods which is canon that's how they explained stronger enemies. This is on top of Excaliburs Exalted Blade, which has Chromatic blade as an augment which switches its base element from being a jut Void Metal to Electric, which is further amplified if it adds Radiation/Blast. Excal has basically an invulnerable body on top of an Unblockable sword which if it hits any place of raidens body would instantly cause an EMP like effect or just fry him from the inside. To further makes this a stomp to high heaven, certain weapons fire out Black Holes, Void infused Energy and if we adding Helminth. Excal has access to Void damage. Some of these weaposn rival the sun because they can burn the body of enemies down to dust or just completely erase them The same void damage that tore everything apart. On top of all of that. Any speed raiden has can be reduced to .5% of the original speed with Gloom and Cold. Which also makes him vulnerable to Blind or Howl that straights up would disable him. This is also on top of the fact that Dax soldiers are on par with Jetstream Sam, because Dax have way more advanced cybernetics and exo skeletons. Oh and theres even more on the durability sides to hammer home how busted the Tenno shields are. The same shields can give Excal invulnerability like he needs even more things to make him immortal. He can replenish those shields in an instant the moment he casts anything, Which is even mroe alarming when his Slash Dash tracks anything while making him invulnerable for the full duration which cannon because his sword is in-front of him, making him glide through the void.
I mean warframes we’re gonna win anyway Excalibur is one of the weakest warframes and that was one of his weakest forms not to mention if he dies he’s just gonna be revived as the Tenno are basically immortal gods
@@Im.Etheric zephyr?! weak?! bruh shes one of the strongest and safest frames for stuff like steel path endurance and other high end content right now and has been for a while. i also see no mention of actual weak frames like grendel and yareli in your comment either.
If people are still skeptical that Warframe paid Death Battle for Exalibur to win, Red Hood died to Winter Solider. And this was only a few episodes after DB were sponsored by DC themselves for their Fandome event.
it was not paid for Excalibur to win it's just Excalibur was better equip and over all more powerful than Raiden like i love metal gear as much as the next guy but i also don't think anything that says Raiden loses is paid and understand that other characters can be more powerful like i have seen a few people that are not paid by warframe do the scaling and even than Excalibur is more powerful and wins this fight so sure not everything in the battle is completely accurate but the end result is correct.
Raiden is a powerful character but warframes are on a whole other level to be honest it was never gonna be a fair fight and they shouldn't have made them go toe to toe. Even if it was against the weakest warframe. And even if Exclaibur did lose warframes have canon self revives and the tenno opperator is not only immortal and unkillable but far more powerful then the warframes and they each all of their own abilities and powers based on their chosen school of warframe. And there was gear that they didn't give the tenno in order to even out the fight like their warframes. And they gave excalibur weapons on par with his starting gear. His starting pistol one of the weakest weapons you can get blows volleyball sized holes in cybernetic super soldiers wearing I think it was calculated around a ton (2,500lbs) of armor. Like there is a warframe that can punch peoples souls out and there is another that can open a portal to the surface of the sun and shoot a beam of solar plasma straight from the sun itself at people. The stuff they can do is absurd and basically magic.
Saryn the literal plague bringer. Ember. Who can summon meteors from the sky. Frost. Who can call in the Ice Age. Atlas the literal Earthbender. Mag who is Magneto. Volt and Gyre. The Electros. Valkyr. Who has Scorpion’s hook and Wolverines claws and a weaker healing factor but can be invincible when she is angry. Inaros. The literal Mummy from the mummy movies. Protea. Literally Torbjorn with Tracer’s time powers. Wisp who can buff herself out the wazzoo. Is a ghost. And can open a portal to the sun and channel it’s plasma to burn anyone to a crisp.. And we have a Literal Sun Wu Kong named Wukong for short.
@@Mutigeralma I mean from the video it seems like they were including the Tenno inside the Warframe if that’s the case, raiden can’t literally kill or destroy the warframes or Tenno, because the tenno can repair it by transferring in & out, or making themselves immune to any damage in void prone, another thing is that they didn’t even mention other gadgets within their gear, like the the Spectra that’s an exact replica or copies of other Warframes that have the same or greater power levels, with tfull abilities an chosen weapons also the Tennos can summon mech suits an use their ships for recovery & call down turrets, or use other ships they can also summon other supports like lichees that have powers of their own, traps, etc but to be honest they can have infinite ammo by using ammo, pads, Energy pads, health pads, Arch guns, The quantity of war frames is to great.
@@Mutigeralma to be honest even the “weakest warframes” is hax Hydroid can literally sink raiden under water until he suffocate to death, but even if they have trash abilities war frames have access to other abilities now that can be changed to better equip the warfraframe to be more useful
They're talking about in the plot, Excalibur is one of the strongest but in actual gameplay he is ass compared to most Warframes. For instance superman in the plot for injustice is way better than Batman in power but in gameplay Batman is alot more versatile and overall better. They're talking about the lore, not just gameplay. In lore Excalibur is one of the top tier Warframes.
Hello! long time Warframe player here! I think every other comment made it clear what kind power level Warframes operate on regarding the fight, but to shed a bit of light on the game itself, It's definitely worth trying, all of it's content is free, and everything with a price tag attached is earnable for Free, that being said is a difficult game to grasp upon. Not due to it's gameplay but it's game systems so having someone experienced explain them is all you really need (the community is EXTREMELY willing to help new players out on this) If you end up liking it's universe, you wont be running out of stuff to do in the game anytime soon. Cheers!
A couple of issues Excal's exalted blade is made of void energy not light. The blade is more of a range weapon these days as it sends out energy waves with each slash of his blade. Second the Tenno could just make the Warframe unlikable and the Tenno can be untouchable as well. If they used limbo insteàd the other guy wouldn't have been able to attack at all as he wouldn't be able to move as time would have more or less stopped for him as nothing can move in his rift unless he wills it. Mag(a much better frame than Excal) would have just crushed him where he stood or ripped him apart from range.
@@Lobotomy_cat 8 months old but here i go, It's straight up Void. If it was made of light it wouldn't look solid. Description which is unreliable since that is old as dirt where Void is kind of ambiguous but through other Exalted weapon it is Void Energy or using it in terms of other exalteds like the giant gun that can shoot space ships out of orbit. Further backing on why it's void is the way it's summoned and the way it's negated. Nullifiers are an enemy type that disables warframe abilities. It does this via nullifying the Void energy used. This is also inline with how Void behaves with Chromatic blade an augment mod for the weapon, light cant penetrate through 20 meters of solid metal, Void can. Also Excals blade was made out of Pure Light before January 11 2018 but changed after the update, this goes in line with every Exalted weapons. So yeah it's outdated.
A year ago, but canonically, all the base Warframes are about even with each other. Same goes for the Prime variants. They may have different variations of their speed, strength, and tech, but as far as power scaling goes, it's roughly even. At least in lore. Maybe not in-game.
@@point-five-oh6249 That would be the case if lore didn't state, inaros covered mars in a sandstorm for years, Chroma is said to outlive everyone and everything, Grendel having a pocket universe, Atlas breaking an earth shattering asteroid, Nova having infinite access to Dark matter which is said to be that 15 grams of it is enough to do something akin to a nuclear bomb. What their even at is single target destruction, and physical makeup. You say even but state their differences which makes them not even. Since some can easily destroy a planet by wiping everything off of it or blowing it up, and others are like Kullervo. Like how are they even when their power fluctuates from Assassin to Dimensional Wizard.
Not sure if you guys will read this but they didn’t use any of excals in lore feats otherwise this fight wouldn’t last a minute, in lore he killed a whole fleet of the very thing that killed atlas, he stood on the sun, cut time and space in half in outer space too and this was base Excalibur there’s still Excalibur prime and Umbra. Also Hakumen from Blazblue would’ve negged the verse
If you think of it, Raiden would probably*flip* if he saw what the Tenno themselves actually are. That's probably why they didn't have the Operators show up and use those nifty void powers, necramechs, specters... Basically all sorts of ways to make the fight in the Tenno's favor (even if it does take quite a lot). Or for that matter the Umbra version of Excalibur, which is basically a self-aware warframe that you basically have to convince to work with you even after rebuilding him. Nah, they gave him beginner gear and an archwing launcher to give Raiden the best chance, and Raiden still lost.
KEEP IN MIND! theres excalibur umbra! and if umbra had even like 10 minutes of prep time and the knowlage of raiden, he could make a mod setup spacifically designed to beat raiden to a pulp!
I’m fine with the outcome cause not only did it make sense but now Raiden has 2 Badass death Battles and he won his first one against Wolverine. But yea honestly imagine the sponsorship was Overwatch 2 and Raiden would’ve fought Genji Instead, would’ve been a completely different and more one sided battle for Raiden.
@@dubstepbruh6449 I honestly can’t think of a good match up for genji that isn’t a stomp and ironically the only ones that come to mind are still Metal gear characters being Jet Stream Sam (who would absolutely stomp) and Gray Fox (who is probably the closest to a fair fight)
@@G0LD0GG09 I wouldn't bet on Gray Fox being a fair fight considering he survived and was able to hold back attacks from Metal Gear REX and it could be inferred that his sword is a prototype high frequency blade.
This was a weirdly well-matched but not-well-matched fight. Excalibur (with Tenno) and Raiden are both child-soldiers, and ninjas. But the Warframes are the product of Technocyte (aka: NANO-MACHINES, SON!) from centuries into the future, so the Warframe itself is a bit more like Senator Armstrong (though the senator didn't have a forcefield to boost his defense, unlike Excalibur), except starting with an elite warrior as the baseline instead of a random US senator... The Tenno were taken advantage of by the political elites of the Orokin Empire, so the Tenno themselves match poorly with Senator Armstrong, and instead match excellently with Raiden, since Raiden was recruited and taken advantage of by the Patriots... before eventually rebelling against them. For lore reasons these two biomechanical ninjas that operate off memes match amazingly well, even though power scaling make them a mismatch. EDIT: The twin pistols (The Twin Vipers) that the Warframe used are memetically easy to run out of ammo, since they have an absurdly-high rate of fire, and a very fast reload time. When I was a baby Tenno I used those twin machine pistols to beat down certain enemies force-bubbles (nullifiers) because a billion pin-prick hits would collapse their energy bubble *nearly instantly*
Whether or not you should play Warframe entirely depends on the type of person you are it takes a certain kind of person to like Warframe but if you're that person it's truly special it doesn't usually take people long to internalize the controls and the law is well there's no real way to describe it other than amazing and vast That and it is free so it's not even a risk trying it
Honestly if they did raiden vs Excalibur before doing wolverine vs raiden yea I would have liked it but we know when they bring in old fighters they gonna lose 90% of the time. Raiden vs Excalibur wasn’t really interesting Excalibur had better opponents
@@jadeparrishh you know people say they that for every franchise and I hope you know that things like Misinterpretation and Contradictions and Context exist if not a bunch of series like Bleach or Naruto would be Outerversal and no one in the vs community buy Cosmic WarFrame you can like your franchise but you don’t have to make the characters so strong that you think they can be anyone
Should have fought Zer0 from Borderlands. But I guess he will fight Genji from Overwatch. Bro I just want a Borderlands character even if Zer0 bodies most of his opponents.
The funny part is Excalibur is still mid tier in terms of power i the game and low tier in terms of power in lore. I mean hell you have revenant that eternally has to fight an unkillable metal gear size robot everynight to the point that the creatures blood altered his being Even the weakest frames are basically walking genocide machines Also the robot kryptonite would work but warframe aren’t robots 😂 Their essentially mutated people who’s skin turned into armor
Sorry my dudes but hakumen from blazblue is canonically even more busted than tenno. That nigga is able to cut the concept of time and erase you from existence and that even him at his peak and his armor is canonically indestructible
well limbo has pocket dimensions he creates casually, he also makes it so anything inside of it cant move and he can go in and out making it so nothing can hurt him unless its in the pocket dimension with him which will instantly also be frozen
That’s just not correct. Even if he destroyed the weakest version of excal that was shown here, the tenno would just one shot him. The void defies all logic and even can negate invincibility (shown when you fight a Edilon) ether way, raiden gets stomped
@@Lobotomy_cat 8 months late, but that's a massive IF, Since excal has Armstrongs Nanomachine on several amounts of drugs, which can be further enhanced by Adaptation which is just isnt fair. Not onyl does he surpass Armstrong in Durabiltity, Umbral mods + adaptation would crank that durability making Raiden do 0 damage.
Raiden never really stood a chance tbh, he might be a greater character and a lot more iconic but
the problem is mostly no one know much about Warframe so not many know how crazy their character are
also knowing DE (Warframe dev) they most likely do not care about the outcome and might even shitpost about it
and you should play Warframe it is free and it is free to play friendly, the start of the game is rough though without people guiding you
Warframes are a little busted. Also the funny thing is in some more recent patches Warframe had a hilarious reference to MGS. There was a section were the Tenno needed to infiltrate an infested (see: space zombies) orokin lab. But in order to survive they needed to transfer into a machine called a Necromech. Slower and not as ninja-y but tankier.
The character that gives it to you lovingly called it "Snake" and whenever you die in the mission he calls out the classic "Snake? Snake?! Snaaaaaake!"
Stop caping they gave excal feats from other frames and he still sould have lost the just wanked excal 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
@@SamuelMatthews-s2wwhy u replying to every comment saying raiden loses cope lil bro
@@SamuelMatthews-s2w they said even if excal was 1% as strong as atlas he'd be a LOT stronger then raiden(i dont remember the exact number lol)
The funny thing is they only used Base Excalibur. There is still Excalibur Prime and Excalibur Umbra who is even better than prime and has a mind of his own and a history which would have added even more experience as Umbra was pretty much a war hero before becoming a Warframe. Hell Umbra in the quest he was introduced showed a better speed feet. Our Tenno and Umbra were separated as our Tenno was about to be shot by several lasers at an even closer range then Excalibur was to that one guy that shot the laser at him. Umbra was able to jump to the Tenno grab him and jump to safety before the Tenno could be shot. He also has his own katana made from his flesh that is way stronger than Excaliburs Skana. They also actually got the thing about the Tenno going away wrong. They were not hiding from the Orokin. Quite the opposite. They were so pissed off for how the Orokin treated them as well as killing their first adoptive mother as the Lotus is mom number 2 actually. THEY WIPED OUT THE ENTIRE OROKIN EMPIRE! A empire which mind you controlled the entire Solar system. They left because there was nothing left for them to do. They caused the downfall of a entire race! Raiden had no chance
Raiden 1 taps
@@SamuelMatthews-s2w Bruh replied to a 1 year old comment lmao
Also no, apart from Warframes having surpassed what Arm strong has by a few thousand years. +adaptation a mod specifically mimicing the ability of the sentient enemy race to adapt to damage even further.
on top of other mods which is canon that's how they explained stronger enemies.
This is on top of Excaliburs Exalted Blade, which has Chromatic blade as an augment which switches its base element from being a jut Void Metal to Electric, which is further amplified if it adds Radiation/Blast.
Excal has basically an invulnerable body on top of an Unblockable sword which if it hits any place of raidens body would instantly cause an EMP like effect or just fry him from the inside.
To further makes this a stomp to high heaven, certain weapons fire out Black Holes, Void infused Energy and if we adding Helminth. Excal has access to Void damage.
Some of these weaposn rival the sun because they can burn the body of enemies down to dust or just completely erase them
The same void damage that tore everything apart.
On top of all of that.
Any speed raiden has can be reduced to .5% of the original speed with Gloom and Cold. Which also makes him vulnerable to Blind or Howl that straights up would disable him.
This is also on top of the fact that Dax soldiers are on par with Jetstream Sam, because Dax have way more advanced cybernetics and exo skeletons.
Oh and theres even more on the durability sides to hammer home how busted the Tenno shields are. The same shields can give Excal invulnerability like he needs even more things to make him immortal.
He can replenish those shields in an instant the moment he casts anything, Which is even mroe alarming when his Slash Dash tracks anything while making him invulnerable for the full duration which cannon because his sword is in-front of him, making him glide through the void.
I mean warframes we’re gonna win anyway Excalibur is one of the weakest warframes and that was one of his weakest forms not to mention if he dies he’s just gonna be revived as the Tenno are basically immortal gods
Not to mention the actual warframes themselves have canon self revives so even if you did kill the warframe it'd just revive.
Excalibur it’s the weakest it would be hydroid, zephyr & banshee I honestly find Nyx more useful then them
In actual lore Excalibur isn't one of the weakest but in gameplay he isn't the first pick of alot of players because he isn't versatile enought.
@@Im.Etheric zephyr?! weak?! bruh shes one of the strongest and safest frames for stuff like steel path endurance and other high end content right now and has been for a while. i also see no mention of actual weak frames like grendel and yareli in your comment either.
@@darnellfelix8114 hell even grendel got a buff and he’s really strong. Yareli on the other hand......
If people are still skeptical that Warframe paid Death Battle for Exalibur to win, Red Hood died to Winter Solider.
And this was only a few episodes after DB were sponsored by DC themselves for their Fandome event.
it was not paid for Excalibur to win it's just Excalibur was better equip and over all more powerful than Raiden like i love metal gear as much as the next guy but i also don't think anything that says Raiden loses is paid and understand that other characters can be more powerful like i have seen a few people that are not paid by warframe do the scaling and even than Excalibur is more powerful and wins this fight so sure not everything in the battle is completely accurate but the end result is correct.
Raiden is a powerful character but warframes are on a whole other level to be honest it was never gonna be a fair fight and they shouldn't have made them go toe to toe. Even if it was against the weakest warframe.
And even if Exclaibur did lose warframes have canon self revives and the tenno opperator is not only immortal and unkillable but far more powerful then the warframes and they each all of their own abilities and powers based on their chosen school of warframe. And there was gear that they didn't give the tenno in order to even out the fight like their warframes.
And they gave excalibur weapons on par with his starting gear. His starting pistol one of the weakest weapons you can get blows volleyball sized holes in cybernetic super soldiers wearing I think it was calculated around a ton (2,500lbs) of armor.
Like there is a warframe that can punch peoples souls out and there is another that can open a portal to the surface of the sun and shoot a beam of solar plasma straight from the sun itself at people. The stuff they can do is absurd and basically magic.
Saryn the literal plague bringer. Ember. Who can summon meteors from the sky. Frost. Who can call in the Ice Age. Atlas the literal Earthbender. Mag who is Magneto. Volt and Gyre. The Electros. Valkyr. Who has Scorpion’s hook and Wolverines claws and a weaker healing factor but can be invincible when she is angry. Inaros. The literal Mummy from the mummy movies. Protea. Literally Torbjorn with Tracer’s time powers. Wisp who can buff herself out the wazzoo. Is a ghost. And can open a portal to the sun and channel it’s plasma to burn anyone to a crisp.. And we have a Literal Sun Wu Kong named Wukong for short.
@@andrewseet4408 . . . What about Yuriel?
@@Taygon45 you mean Yareli?
@@andrewseet4408 I've only had her for a few days so I trusted google spelling
@@Taygon45 as for Yareli. I mean. Have you seen Katara from Avatar the Last Airbender. Yareli is her but stronger.
Y'all should play warframe it's free. But excalibur isn't even the strongest tho
Wulong is best bae
I deadass started a conversation in the Warframe discord server on which frame can beat or be beaten by raiden
@@Mutigeralma I mean from the video it seems like they were including the Tenno inside the Warframe if that’s the case, raiden can’t literally kill or destroy the warframes or Tenno, because the tenno can repair it by transferring in & out, or making themselves immune to any damage in void prone, another thing is that they didn’t even mention other gadgets within their gear, like the the Spectra that’s an exact replica or copies of other Warframes that have the same or greater power levels, with tfull abilities an chosen weapons also the Tennos can summon mech suits an use their ships for recovery & call down turrets, or use other ships they can also summon other supports like lichees that have powers of their own, traps, etc but to be honest they can have infinite ammo by using ammo, pads, Energy pads, health pads, Arch guns, The quantity of war frames is to great.
@@Mutigeralma to be honest even the “weakest warframes” is hax Hydroid can literally sink raiden under water until he suffocate to death, but even if they have trash abilities war frames have access to other abilities now that can be changed to better equip the warfraframe to be more useful
They're talking about in the plot, Excalibur is one of the strongest but in actual gameplay he is ass compared to most Warframes. For instance superman in the plot for injustice is way better than Batman in power but in gameplay Batman is alot more versatile and overall better. They're talking about the lore, not just gameplay. In lore Excalibur is one of the top tier Warframes.
Hello! long time Warframe player here!
I think every other comment made it clear what kind power level Warframes operate on regarding the fight, but to shed a bit of light on the game itself, It's definitely worth trying, all of it's content is free, and everything with a price tag attached is earnable for Free, that being said is a difficult game to grasp upon.
Not due to it's gameplay but it's game systems so having someone experienced explain them is all you really need (the community is EXTREMELY willing to help new players out on this)
If you end up liking it's universe, you wont be running out of stuff to do in the game anytime soon. Cheers!
A couple of issues
Excal's exalted blade is made of void energy not light.
The blade is more of a range weapon these days as it sends out energy waves with each slash of his blade.
Second the Tenno could just make the Warframe unlikable and the Tenno can be untouchable as well.
If they used limbo insteàd the other guy wouldn't have been able to attack at all as he wouldn't be able to move as time would have more or less stopped for him as nothing can move in his rift unless he wills it.
Mag(a much better frame than Excal) would have just crushed him where he stood or ripped him apart from range.
The description says summon a blade of light
@@Lobotomy_cat 8 months old but here i go, It's straight up Void. If it was made of light it wouldn't look solid.
Description which is unreliable since that is old as dirt where Void is kind of ambiguous but through other Exalted weapon it is Void Energy or using it in terms of other exalteds like the giant gun that can shoot space ships out of orbit. Further backing on why it's void is the way it's summoned and the way it's negated.
Nullifiers are an enemy type that disables warframe abilities. It does this via nullifying the Void energy used.
This is also inline with how Void behaves with Chromatic blade an augment mod for the weapon, light cant penetrate through 20 meters of solid metal, Void can.
Also Excals blade was made out of Pure Light before January 11 2018 but changed after the update, this goes in line with every Exalted weapons. So yeah it's outdated.
A year ago, but canonically, all the base Warframes are about even with each other. Same goes for the Prime variants. They may have different variations of their speed, strength, and tech, but as far as power scaling goes, it's roughly even. At least in lore. Maybe not in-game.
@@point-five-oh6249 That would be the case if lore didn't state, inaros covered mars in a sandstorm for years, Chroma is said to outlive everyone and everything, Grendel having a pocket universe, Atlas breaking an earth shattering asteroid, Nova having infinite access to Dark matter which is said to be that 15 grams of it is enough to do something akin to a nuclear bomb.
What their even at is single target destruction, and physical makeup.
You say even but state their differences which makes them not even.
Since some can easily destroy a planet by wiping everything off of it or blowing it up, and others are like Kullervo.
Like how are they even when their power fluctuates from Assassin to Dimensional Wizard.
The Excalibur is a death machine from so far in the future you might as well consider it alien.
Not sure if you guys will read this but they didn’t use any of excals in lore feats otherwise this fight wouldn’t last a minute, in lore he killed a whole fleet of the very thing that killed atlas, he stood on the sun, cut time and space in half in outer space too and this was base Excalibur there’s still Excalibur prime and Umbra. Also Hakumen from Blazblue would’ve negged the verse
If you think of it, Raiden would probably*flip* if he saw what the Tenno themselves actually are.
That's probably why they didn't have the Operators show up and use those nifty void powers, necramechs, specters... Basically all sorts of ways to make the fight in the Tenno's favor (even if it does take quite a lot). Or for that matter the Umbra version of Excalibur, which is basically a self-aware warframe that you basically have to convince to work with you even after rebuilding him. Nah, they gave him beginner gear and an archwing launcher to give Raiden the best chance, and Raiden still lost.
They avoided anything from Warframe that would be a story spoiler about the Tenno and Warframes really. Well almost everything at least.
KEEP IN MIND! theres excalibur umbra! and if umbra had even like 10 minutes of prep time and the knowlage of raiden, he could make a mod setup spacifically designed to beat raiden to a pulp!
Bruh, warframes and tenno are literal DEMONS i dont think much can compete other then, well.. other tenno xD
This made me download warfame again
Raiden may have infinite bullets but Tenno has infinite swords to deflect said bullets
I’m fine with the outcome cause not only did it make sense but now Raiden has 2 Badass death Battles and he won his first one against Wolverine. But yea honestly imagine the sponsorship was Overwatch 2 and Raiden would’ve fought Genji Instead, would’ve been a completely different and more one sided battle for Raiden.
The lesser Shimada wouldn't stand a chance. The better Shimada wouldn't stand a chance either.
@@dubstepbruh6449 I honestly can’t think of a good match up for genji that isn’t a stomp and ironically the only ones that come to mind are still Metal gear characters being Jet Stream Sam (who would absolutely stomp) and Gray Fox (who is probably the closest to a fair fight)
@@G0LD0GG09 I wouldn't bet on Gray Fox being a fair fight considering he survived and was able to hold back attacks from Metal Gear REX and it could be inferred that his sword is a prototype high frequency blade.
@@lukasruston8618 I did say Closest not that it would be a close one.
This was a weirdly well-matched but not-well-matched fight. Excalibur (with Tenno) and Raiden are both child-soldiers, and ninjas. But the Warframes are the product of Technocyte (aka: NANO-MACHINES, SON!) from centuries into the future, so the Warframe itself is a bit more like Senator Armstrong (though the senator didn't have a forcefield to boost his defense, unlike Excalibur), except starting with an elite warrior as the baseline instead of a random US senator...
The Tenno were taken advantage of by the political elites of the Orokin Empire, so the Tenno themselves match poorly with Senator Armstrong, and instead match excellently with Raiden, since Raiden was recruited and taken advantage of by the Patriots... before eventually rebelling against them.
For lore reasons these two biomechanical ninjas that operate off memes match amazingly well, even though power scaling make them a mismatch.
EDIT: The twin pistols (The Twin Vipers) that the Warframe used are memetically easy to run out of ammo, since they have an absurdly-high rate of fire, and a very fast reload time. When I was a baby Tenno I used those twin machine pistols to beat down certain enemies force-bubbles (nullifiers) because a billion pin-prick hits would collapse their energy bubble *nearly instantly*
Warframe 1999 Jetstream Sam
Welcome to the Mid-Season Finale.
Galactus vs Unicron
@@ricardodasilvabernardo5282 is that the next one that will come after the break?
Whether or not you should play Warframe entirely depends on the type of person you are it takes a certain kind of person to like Warframe but if you're that person it's truly special it doesn't usually take people long to internalize the controls and the law is well there's no real way to describe it other than amazing and vast
That and it is free so it's not even a risk trying it
im pretty sure there are dlcs for metal gear revengence that allows you to play a jetstream same and the robot wolf with the chainsaw on its back
Well, this was. Bonus Episode.
Honestly if they did raiden vs Excalibur before doing wolverine vs raiden yea I would have liked it but we know when they bring in old fighters they gonna lose 90% of the time.
Raiden vs Excalibur wasn’t really interesting Excalibur had better opponents
Yeah Raiden shouldn't have been in that fight. Warframes and Tenno are basically on god level, Raiden stood no chance.
Not really they beat Raiden but they aren’t god level, the entire Persona 4 cast could solo Warframe
@@MinatotheGreenLantern correction they are god level
@@jadeparrishh no they aren’t and god level varies Aizen and Yhwach have godly power but they only planetary lol
@@MinatotheGreenLantern have you even played and read the Warframe lore..
@@jadeparrishh you know people say they that for every franchise and I hope you know that things like Misinterpretation and Contradictions and Context exist if not a bunch of series like Bleach or Naruto would be Outerversal and no one in the vs community buy Cosmic WarFrame you can like your franchise but you don’t have to make the characters so strong that you think they can be anyone
Hm, say, will you watch the Desk of Death Battle?
Maybe 🤔
Also I think Warframe is a good game. Been playing for 7 years will be 8 years come
PLAY WARFRAME you guys will love it. Get to 2nd dream quest.
Should have fought Zer0 from Borderlands. But I guess he will fight Genji from Overwatch. Bro I just want a Borderlands character even if Zer0 bodies most of his opponents.
The funny part is Excalibur is still mid tier in terms of power i the game and low tier in terms of power in lore.
I mean hell you have revenant that eternally has to fight an unkillable metal gear size robot everynight to the point that the creatures blood altered his being
Even the weakest frames are basically walking genocide machines
Also the robot kryptonite would work but warframe aren’t robots 😂
Their essentially mutated people who’s skin turned into armor
Sorry my dudes but hakumen from blazblue is canonically even more busted than tenno. That nigga is able to cut the concept of time and erase you from existence and that even him at his peak and his armor is canonically indestructible
well limbo has pocket dimensions he creates casually, he also makes it so anything inside of it cant move and he can go in and out making it so nothing can hurt him unless its in the pocket dimension with him which will instantly also be frozen
What about the Man in the Wall? The entity that literally gave us the powers.
@@andrewseet4408 That this is a real god!
*laughs in Protea creating a time-locked pocket dimension*
Play it
C'mon Raiden, my choice at the winner.
I am Raiden all the way. That was a load of bull Raiden had it in the bag
That’s just not correct. Even if he destroyed the weakest version of excal that was shown here, the tenno would just one shot him. The void defies all logic and even can negate invincibility (shown when you fight a Edilon) ether way, raiden gets stomped
Wrong lol, Excalibur just stomps.
@@Lobotomy_cat 8 months late, but that's a massive IF, Since excal has Armstrongs Nanomachine on several amounts of drugs, which can be further enhanced by Adaptation which is just isnt fair. Not onyl does he surpass Armstrong in Durabiltity, Umbral mods + adaptation would crank that durability making Raiden do 0 damage.
Sponser bias
Just play warframe an find out for yourself