I went to Oolagah yesterday. 45 minutes in the water and my electronics died. Well, the batteries did. Trolled around for about an hour with no luck so I packed it in and came home so I could get my batteries sent back to Monster Marine. Those guys are pretty helpful over in Hot Springs. I'm going to have to make my way down to your neck of the woods and try my luck there. It's been awhile since I've fished there. I appreciate your videos. Keep up the good work!
Every time I watch these videos in the winter, I tell myself the same thing every year... I need a dang boat.
Winter is the best time to crappie fish to me.
Great fishing, glass water days can be tough
That day was good. The water is muddy.
Looks like a good day to fish.
It a very good day to fish.
I went to Oolagah yesterday. 45 minutes in the water and my electronics died. Well, the batteries did. Trolled around for about an hour with no luck so I packed it in and came home so I could get my batteries sent back to Monster Marine. Those guys are pretty helpful over in Hot Springs. I'm going to have to make my way down to your neck of the woods and try my luck there. It's been awhile since I've fished there. I appreciate your videos. Keep up the good work!
Thank you for your comment.
Good day, I enjoy your videos. Sure curious about your boat, looks like a lot of space . What size and brand is it?
It is a 24 foot Sea Ark Big Daddy. It has a 30 and 60 gallon holding tank and a 30 gallon bait tank.
Been good eating
Like the front livewell. What boat are you fishing from?
SeaArk Big Daddy.
Glad you are having a great time,,,what rods are you using
Todd Huckabee.
@@maandpasadventures5147what length?
11 foot 6in