I don't believe the people from (old) Bungie would want to go back to Microsoft, especially after the last Marty O'Donnell interview which revealed that Bungie never recovered from the poison. One can only imagine that the problems have gotten much worse than they were back in those days.
if it makes you feel better. I am making mods for halo MCC that add in dinosaurs and other cool things 343 refuses to do. Plus I gave the female spartans their dumptrucks back
It's been clear since mcc that 343 wanted to divorce halo from bungie so they could resell it in their image/legacy. Makes alot of sense why they had a no former bungie hiring rule
Microsoft gets blamed more than they should for Halo Infinite because the gaming community has a mentality of "blame the management". Yes, it is true that the management put the subordinates there. But that doesn't make the subordinates innocent in their incompetence (assuming they aren't being made to do something wildly outside of what they were hired for). Of course, this isn't to say that Microsoft is blameless, as they did let 343's incompetence fester for over a decade. Also, I wouldn't mind the switch to Unreal Engine 5 so much if it wasn't for the fact that, out of the box, Unreal Engine 5 has a stuttering problem that few development studios try to rectify.
Wrong. Your main job as “management” is to make sure the subordinates are up to the task, and are doing the damn job. If the subordinates fail, it is because you failed as a manager. Period.
I SEE U and love u. its crazy you are watchin these videos but the people working at 343 arent, who is hiring all these people that dont care about halo, i have so many questions
Time Machine? Do you not see whats happened this year? Trump won the popular vote. 312, The majority of people are against this woke shit now. Thats the big thing. Its not the era of breadtube and tumblr anymore. the era of 2020 is over. The edgy content is coming back and theres nothing that will be done to stop it cause their ideas only could of existed under censorship anyways.
And the current Election and political sphere, Trump just had a surprise victory against the potential first female president and I don't know what year it is anymore
Sure are a lot of issues with the multiplayer of Infinite, loading loops and mismatching team player counts. Halo Studios must be too busy at their pride parades.
@rapatacush3 1.watch the full video. 2. Fire wokies and hire back gamers. 3. No Dei, woke , LGBTQ hire. We're looking for hardcore sci Fi gamer nerds that like steak and hot babes.
@@blindvalkyrie9352 that's the thing about the word woke to these morons. They misuse the word and think everything with different types of people in it is woke. These guys honestly don't know what woke means.
There's an issue happening in the industry where in order to minimize crunch and other such things, more management is hired - producers, HR - and this ends up being predominantly women, who actively seek to change the culture of the workplace to what they deem healthier. Which is not always condusive to (mainly men) creatives sweating, stressing and obsessing to create industry defining content etc. A bit of it is good, and often needed imo, but at large studios it seems to become inundated with such folk, whilst the talent leaks.
how would hiring more management minimize crunch? if you want to minimize crunch you need to plan better from the start and listen to the engineers when they tell you something is going to take a certain amount of time to do and plan for delays
I don't understand why microsoft is allowing this to happen. Instead of wasting 500 million on halo infinite they should spend money acquiring all of the old bungie devs and whoever those devs want to hire and giving them full control. I know this idea is pretty simple and has some flaws but imagine the community's reaction and imagine the games they would be able to make.
Honestly that's just not realistic. The best possible outcome is that Microsoft hires competent devs, maybe some ex-Bungie, but ultimately there'll never be anything like the original Bungie games because those games were, in my opinion, exceptional. Watch the ViDocs and Dev commentaries to see how much was held back during development, the crunch, the stress, the controversies, yet they still made some of the best FPS games of their time. Where Bungie had unprecedented success, 343 had unprecedented failure.
A couple other things I'd like to add. They completely got rid of the spiked geometry on the elites armor such as the helmets, completely rounding out the geometry getting rid of their intimidating aesthetic from CE-Reach Another point is how they completely butchered the Mark V B in infinite. The armor isn't well fitting anymore it looks too bulky which makes a Spartan your look like he's wearing cosplay. 2 more points of contention for me on the Mark V B is that they completely shortened the gasket between the chest and the arms, on the original model the gasket was there for protection as you can see it extended out to the point where the shoulder pad would be. The second point of contention. The abb plate that was originally separated on the reach model is now directly connected with the upper plate carrier. Now how is your spartan supposed to bend over if the armor is cutting into his gut? Another thing is that they released the Mark V armor kit even though the reach helmet is in the game. Since Bungie redesigned the Mark V in reach, Why would you put an entire kit based off CE with the reachish inspired artsyle when you literally have the reach helmet right there why not just put the reach variant of Mark V in the game? In fact the design was already made for you back when Bungie made Reach, concept artist Isaac Hannaford had already redesigned the Mark V. Originally in reach you were supposed to play at Spartan II's so they redesigned Mark V but since it was changed to Spartan III's they slightly redesigned the already redesigned Mark V to Mark V B You can even find images of the redesigned Mark V in the original reach menu and Issac Hannaford's artstation.
I do have problems with the way Mark V looked in Infinite, but I disagree with some of your assertions here. I don't think Reach's Mark V is good to go off of since that game does change the art style from the previous games. Mark V always looked bulky and was always meant to be that way. We know this because Marcus Lehto, the creator of Mark V, actually remastered the suit recently. It is probably the most faithful version of that armor that will ever be made due to how 1:1 it is, along with it being completely in line with what was behind the original design. When I think of Mark V, classic Halo, I think of both of Marcus Lehto's versions. The Reach and Infinite ones do capture some of the same essence, but they are different things.
@xx_amongus_xx6987 disclaimer I think you're thinking of Mk V B still with the MK V helmet and shoulder pads. Which is not the MK V even though it looks similar to the MK V B it's still different and it does maintain the bulk. You can tell it apart by the intakes. If you have a social ill do you an image.
@@Jayven45 I don't have one unfortunately. I tried searching through the art station page you mentioned and might have found what you are talking about but a lot of Reach armor looks to be inspired by Mark V so I can't be too sure. I do think the Reach Mark V B helmet isn't completely faithful to the original helmet, if it's trying to be. The proportions are different.
@Sahlan_Ahamed Except 4 unless you count it using Halo Reach's Engine, and also they got the separate Halo Wars 1 rerelease on stores which is ensemble, but yes I agree.
Been playing Halo since 2001. Ive bought every game and every Xbox and most of the Halo books. I might be done with Xbox and Halo. I have a nice PC, so I'll probably stick with that.
Evil is not able to create anything new, it can only distort and destroy what has been invented or made by the forces of good. And with evil I mean the makers of Halo: FINITE. I'm just waiting for transactions like rainbow skins on Miss Chief in Halo 1 to Halo: Reach.
Its actually depressing seeing how hard Halo has fallen. Halo Infinite was celebrated because it was less than mediocre, and less than mediocre is miles better than the trash that is 4 and 5. Knowing Halo used to be as massive as it is and seeing it now, its just so pathetic
3:04 I'd like to correct you on the "artistic standpoint". because they don't even have it down. I think Latenightgaming made a vid on how it doesn't have the iconic ce arttstyle. its just an asset flip like a terrible mod. 343 haas no idea what they're doing
343 Industries/Halo Studios badly wants to gaslight the Halo community into believing that Microsoft is solely responsible for the last decade of disappointment. Because if they do, it takes the heat off of them and lets them get away with more of turning the series into lazy and uninspired slop. Halo as a series means a lot to me, it was time and memories I spent with my closest friends that I still have today, it was bonding time with my father as we played split-screen through every campaign together, and it was my first ever real experience with online gaming. I HATE that this is where one of the greatest FPS franchises of all time has gone. Halo Studios needs to be dissolved completely, and Microsoft needs to hand over development to Certain Affinity. They're the real spiritual successor to the old Bungie that made the Halo games we remember fondly, because they were also a part of those games.
It's honestly time to move on and accept that this franchise will never be what it was, as long as Halo Studios (They're still pretty much 343) is the head. And no it's not because of whatever political shit. It's because the Games have just been... Bad. Complete disregard for the prior lore, rampant retcons that basically.. rewrote the entire Franchise's lore, modern 343 Halo lore and Bungie might as well be an entirely different Series. Because it is. Ignore all that the games themselves have been medicore to just outright not good. It's okay to like Halo 4 and Halo 5 but for the most part they're straight up Inferior in gameplay to the Bungie games from their very core design principles and execution. I have no hope for Halo Studios/343 EVER making anything good, and I have zero interest in this ""new"" Company or their future games. They haven't made a single good game for the entirety of their hold on the franchise. I have the Old games to cherish and that's all I need.
Yes it is because of the politics. DEI inherently hires people of low quality which leads to low quality of work. The woke ideology itself prevents good work or story's from being done. Yes this stuff is inherently a bad factor into things.
@@rapatacush3 well yeah, but 343 (yes I still call them that) want us to believe he was always "like a machine" and is now reconnecting with his human side. More proof that halo really did end.
@thetower8553 if you only play the games he was like a robocop who only talked when he had to. So yeah, and that machine part came from halo 3 i think?
When the original chief actually said something the fans loved it because it was rare. And more people can connect to the character in a game story when they are a blank slate.
I’m not going to waste my time watching the video when I see that viral picture of the female employees at 343 being used as a reason “why Halo is bad” and they are no male employees, even though thats factually incorrect with anyone that can use Google.
"STOP NOTICING THINGS!" No, Its not dying out. Trump won the election. Your DEI is getting defunded. You lost. Their is rightward movement everywhere. get out of your echo chamber and see that everyone is fed up with Marxists like you.
@@Dan_Jado It would be the same for gears if that was the case, like its just takes a video of hating the lgtb instead of looking into the real issues. People is just full of negativity
at some point you think it would cross their mind to just start behaving like a company that's trying to make money and hire people who are actually qualified to make and designed games instead of shohorning in dei consultants at every key position in the company and expecting it to work out. i would really love to know what goes on in the empty head of whoever is making these decisions, its honestly insane how that haven't found the dei/lgbt people are he common denominator as to why these games are all dumpster fires.
Frankly i wished they wouldnt touch the og trilogy but if they are going to do it anyway atleast they should use the idtech engine used in doom eternal or the version in doom the dark ages a much more stable and better performing engine for fps
You mean to tell me that Halo, who’s second game’s story is about Arbiter finding out the covenant religion is a lie and being used by the prophets to maintain their theocratic race-based hierarchy and to justify their extermination of humanity became progressive?!? Where was this video back in 2016, we really could’ve used it back then!
The message of halo 2 applies to how the modern left acts, The ultimate end goal is self destruction by reaching an impossible utopia, They infight with their own all the time, shun people who disagree as heretics to the religion, Offer no forgiveness to those who make a mistake and they have an race-based hierarchy. Halo 2 really was ahead of its time. The modern left do act very religious even if they deny it.
He's right you know. Im currently playing halo 3 on a second hand 360 and have picked up odst and reach from cex, to play for the first time. Jealous lads ? I couldn't even play the new ones even if i wanted cos ive only got this old 360. Sometimes it pays off bein skint haha So glad i found your channel i love your attitude your channels going to blow up massive soon bro. Your voice sounds a lot like grade a under a , btw haha 👍
The word clamber is a woke progression term😂 that's a new one. You're either a clever troll or words that are new to you legitimately scary to you. I didn't know bibliophobia was real😅
I recently played through halo 2 anniversary on mcc but couldn't get through the trash updated sounds so I just stuck with the old graphics for playing and switched to new graphics to look at stuff and in game when cortona is in high charity displayed in game they made her face fat and ugly
i get when games push agendes things like that but i honestly think you're tripping since politics has nothing to do with halo not making the best games. you're acting as if some games are specially bad because of some political bias you have when in reality halo is bad because of bad management, Microsoft answering to investors and rushing games. there are tons of games with this same issue that arent even PC, but are just bad games since companies rush these games. a good example of a FULL game with a lengthy dev time is Sparking zero
Issue is xbox and their dei hiring practices. Look at the new team lead for 343. She has degrees but they do not involve game design. It’s psychology or some shizz. Why put her in charge of a game when she has no idea how to design games? Hrc is killing not just the video game industry, but every industry that is a part of HRC.
it sickens me to see how everyone is beliving they will just see cut now-finished content on the game they are trying to make am like you sweet summer child you shoulda learn with halo 4 by halo studios (aka 343 industries)
Halo Infinite is a great game. It's just awful management by Microsoft. 3 years, still no 8v8 Ranked.. just like H2 had 8v8 Ranked.. game is failing bc 4v4 Ranked is expected to carry everything, and the 8v8 Ranked isn't here to compete against CoD. ☝🏽 by far #1 problem.. then rest comes after
You can map halos story beats onto literally anything, but when it came to the narrative/themes of halo it was very Christian, afterall it was the false religion that weaponized strife in their empire to create a schism, and humanity who's many allegories of history and the bible pointed towards real events in the forerunners and how humanity was deeply tied to them, a truth the false religion of the covenant tried to destroy with humanity
What?!? The game whose first ever sequel is a story about a race war and a religious theocracy that lies to maintain an oppressive social order is political?!?
@@WooporYou live in dishonesty, don't you? You can't differentiate between types and methods of using politics in the story. The game is not based on just one message, all of this may be true, but the point made by the author of the video about Halo being made for men, with a main character who is the pure juice of a stoic male hero, and themes of brotherhood that are strongly present in Halo CE are not invalidated. The fact that the first 3 games were made by studios composed entirely of men, or one of the quotes from one of the heads of Bungie at the time who said that he made Halo thinking of it being a game that targeted men like him are also not invalidated points. If Halo has politics, does that mean that all types of ideologies and philosophies can be included in the story? Or which sides would the game take? What message would it have to convey? Yes, all games are political, but some philosophies are simply incompatible with what a work wants to be or was initially. And if you want to talk about the covenant and religion, it's a more complex debate, but no, the covenant being a critique of extremist theocratic regimes is not the same as progressivism, since religion in general is present in a very symbolic way in halo, with some positive analogies even being possible. Like the fact that the master chief is named after a proverb in the Bible. Or that the Arbiter represents Saint Paul. Or that Christianity itself still exists in humanity in halo and is not treated negatively.
You mean to tell me that one of the reasons that the author mentioned of why halo is a bad franchise because they stopped making master chief your run of the mill badass character who barely talks and they decided to expand his character in deeper detailed than leaving him like an average action hero with no emotions towards everyone else? My brother in christ, chief isn't a full machine, there's always gotta be some humanity shown, and if giving out a speech to give hope to a pilot who's literally on the verge of a breakdown makes halo a bad franchise, then so be it
@@DefinitelyUnfunny8 I remember the Finish the Fight commercial, where it was written: "A hero needs no words, for when he is gone, the world will speak for him." It is not difficult to see the philosophy that Bungie used for the Master Chief as a character; he is a representative of a hero, both for the player's self-insert and for his own universe. The mysticism surrounding the character, his attitude, personality and mysteriousness were what made him such a unique and memorable character. I am not saying that there are no other classic masculinity archetypes; there are several, because masculinity is a complex concept even in the traditional sense. But the Master Chief was in a very unique corner, because he demonstrated himself solely through actions; you determined who he was by what he did. Now, humanizing him is wrong, because the character was not made to be relatable, nor to be normal, as Gravemind said: "This is nerve and machine, and has a complete mind." The Master Chief is a character with a pre-completed arc; he has been the hero at the end of the journey since his first appearance. As they also said in an interview: "You don't know who's inside the armor, it could be a guy, it could be a ghost." The mystery of the character and the legends surrounding him made him who he is; some characters are simply better without our sense of humanization.
Imagine being so starved for attention on TH-cam that you start going political on video games 😂😂😂 take off your tin foil hat, buddy. Find something important to be concerned about.
Ikr. It's actually annoying how this video has genuine points against modern Halo but it's coated in uncalled for racism, homophobia, sexism, rude and personal insults and getting this affected by a video game
Big mad lol what they did with MCC was good and I wanted more updates but we would need microtransactions and added new armor is always cool but you people always find something to complain about.
@rapatacush3 or the fact that they portrayed strong independent woman and have a very inclusive set of background characters, poltics are always a big part of an artiatic project therea just good and bad writing when it comes to politics in media, now a days they scream at you that they added an inclusivity force the plot around said inclusivity, however when its well done it blends in very easily
@rapatacush3 i mean, have you sean any movie or action show from the era of the first halo trilogy that includes woman? Its either they do not exist or they are just a trophy/sexualized object for the protagonist, halo from the bungie era does not only portraits strong independent womans but also does not sexualize them i mean you can see the diffrence between og cortana and halo 4 cortana
1k likes & I’ll get started on the next one right now !
Ps. Pause the video and read - If you cant do that then your dumb af
You should, this was fantastic, what you said is true and you delivered it eloquently.
I don't believe the people from (old) Bungie would want to go back to Microsoft, especially after the last Marty O'Donnell interview which revealed that Bungie never recovered from the poison.
One can only imagine that the problems have gotten much worse than they were back in those days.
As a Halo fan, Halo is another casualty in this streak of leftist culture war crimes.
what 💀 yall fuckin cry about everything what’s woke about infinite
if it makes you feel better. I am making mods for halo MCC that add in dinosaurs and other cool things 343 refuses to do. Plus I gave the female spartans their dumptrucks back
And you have 343 shills who try to cope this bullshit like this is just funny to see this clownery 🤡💀🗿
@@jurassicarkjordanisgreat1778 lol based.
Just please don't turn into a coomer haha
It's been clear since mcc that 343 wanted to divorce halo from bungie so they could resell it in their image/legacy. Makes alot of sense why they had a no former bungie hiring rule
Microsoft gets blamed more than they should for Halo Infinite because the gaming community has a mentality of "blame the management". Yes, it is true that the management put the subordinates there. But that doesn't make the subordinates innocent in their incompetence (assuming they aren't being made to do something wildly outside of what they were hired for). Of course, this isn't to say that Microsoft is blameless, as they did let 343's incompetence fester for over a decade.
Also, I wouldn't mind the switch to Unreal Engine 5 so much if it wasn't for the fact that, out of the box, Unreal Engine 5 has a stuttering problem that few development studios try to rectify.
Your main job as “management” is to make sure the subordinates are up to the task, and are doing the damn job.
If the subordinates fail, it is because you failed as a manager.
Microsoft are 343
@@Pwnag3Inc I literally said that
…I’m watching…
I SEE U and love u. its crazy you are watchin these videos but the people working at 343 arent, who is hiring all these people that dont care about halo, i have so many questions
Absolute legend 👏
Once a legend, now just an old fool lmao.
Who needs a time machine to 2016 when you have this channel
Even content “creators” have become sterile and just fence sit
Time Machine? Do you not see whats happened this year? Trump won the popular vote. 312, The majority of people are against this woke shit now. Thats the big thing. Its not the era of breadtube and tumblr anymore. the era of 2020 is over. The edgy content is coming back and theres nothing that will be done to stop it cause their ideas only could of existed under censorship anyways.
And the current Election and political sphere, Trump just had a surprise victory against the potential first female president and I don't know what year it is anymore
Sad to see that they’ll probably add all the retcons they added to the lore with 4-6 will now be added to the original story.
Good thing 343 halo will never be considered canon anyway, they will never amount to the legacy that bungie once had
Damn, I'm racist, but I like this enward.
Sure are a lot of issues with the multiplayer of Infinite, loading loops and mismatching team player counts. Halo Studios must be too busy at their pride parades.
Bro W post!
new sub earned man , HALO needs to come back , its low population and its player base have no idea how GREAT the game used to be.
Call president trump. Tell Elon about halo. Buy halo studios. Fix halo.
and how it will get fixed?
@rapatacush3 1.watch the full video.
2. Fire wokies and hire back gamers.
3. No Dei, woke , LGBTQ hire. We're looking for hardcore sci Fi gamer nerds that like steak and hot babes.
He would have to buy Microsoft which is far too big.
Maybe he can buy Games Workshop and save Warhammer 40,000?
@Marinealver Lmao what's woke about Warhammer? you've lost it
@@blindvalkyrie9352 that's the thing about the word woke to these morons. They misuse the word and think everything with different types of people in it is woke. These guys honestly don't know what woke means.
There's an issue happening in the industry where in order to minimize crunch and other such things, more management is hired - producers, HR - and this ends up being predominantly women, who actively seek to change the culture of the workplace to what they deem healthier. Which is not always condusive to (mainly men) creatives sweating, stressing and obsessing to create industry defining content etc. A bit of it is good, and often needed imo, but at large studios it seems to become inundated with such folk, whilst the talent leaks.
how would hiring more management minimize crunch? if you want to minimize crunch you need to plan better from the start and listen to the engineers when they tell you something is going to take a certain amount of time to do and plan for delays
@@doltBmB Totally!
I don't understand why microsoft is allowing this to happen. Instead of wasting 500 million on halo infinite they should spend money acquiring all of the old bungie devs and whoever those devs want to hire and giving them full control. I know this idea is pretty simple and has some flaws but imagine the community's reaction and imagine the games they would be able to make.
I see no flaws in what you said
Honestly that's just not realistic. The best possible outcome is that Microsoft hires competent devs, maybe some ex-Bungie, but ultimately there'll never be anything like the original Bungie games because those games were, in my opinion, exceptional. Watch the ViDocs and Dev commentaries to see how much was held back during development, the crunch, the stress, the controversies, yet they still made some of the best FPS games of their time. Where Bungie had unprecedented success, 343 had unprecedented failure.
i think they have might got corrupted.
Take a look at Bill Gate's politics.
Microsoft wants woke leftist, old bungie was filled with a lot of conservative Christian men which seems to be frowned upon in today’s society
I can't wait for
The Legend of Cortona
A couple other things I'd like to add. They completely got rid of the spiked geometry on the elites armor such as the helmets, completely rounding out the geometry getting rid of their intimidating aesthetic from CE-Reach
Another point is how they completely butchered the Mark V B in infinite. The armor isn't well fitting anymore it looks too bulky which makes a Spartan your look like he's wearing cosplay.
2 more points of contention for me on the Mark V B is that they completely shortened the gasket between the chest and the arms, on the original model the gasket was there for protection as you can see it extended out to the point where the shoulder pad would be.
The second point of contention. The abb plate that was originally separated on the reach model is now directly connected with the upper plate carrier. Now how is your spartan supposed to bend over if the armor is cutting into his gut?
Another thing is that they released the Mark V armor kit even though the reach helmet is in the game. Since Bungie redesigned the Mark V in reach, Why would you put an entire kit based off CE with the reachish inspired artsyle when you literally have the reach helmet right there why not just put the reach variant of Mark V in the game?
In fact the design was already made for you back when Bungie made Reach, concept artist Isaac Hannaford had already redesigned the Mark V.
Originally in reach you were supposed to play at Spartan II's so they redesigned Mark V but since it was changed to Spartan III's they slightly redesigned the already redesigned Mark V to Mark V B You can even find images of the redesigned Mark V in the original reach menu and Issac Hannaford's artstation.
@@Jayven45 There’s hundreds of things they get wrong. It’s why they need to be shut down.
@itsdw2323 agreed
I do have problems with the way Mark V looked in Infinite, but I disagree with some of your assertions here. I don't think Reach's Mark V is good to go off of since that game does change the art style from the previous games. Mark V always looked bulky and was always meant to be that way. We know this because Marcus Lehto, the creator of Mark V, actually remastered the suit recently. It is probably the most faithful version of that armor that will ever be made due to how 1:1 it is, along with it being completely in line with what was behind the original design. When I think of Mark V, classic Halo, I think of both of Marcus Lehto's versions. The Reach and Infinite ones do capture some of the same essence, but they are different things.
@xx_amongus_xx6987 disclaimer I think you're thinking of Mk V B still with the MK V helmet and shoulder pads. Which is not the MK V even though it looks similar to the MK V B it's still different and it does maintain the bulk. You can tell it apart by the intakes. If you have a social ill do you an image.
@@Jayven45 I don't have one unfortunately. I tried searching through the art station page you mentioned and might have found what you are talking about but a lot of Reach armor looks to be inspired by Mark V so I can't be too sure. I do think the Reach Mark V B helmet isn't completely faithful to the original helmet, if it's trying to be. The proportions are different.
I'd recommend exclusively pirating the halo 1 and 2 ports and MCC and just never buying anything 343 made. 😂
Halo 1 and 2 were made by Bungie. MCC consists all the games made by Bungie.
@Sahlan_Ahamed Except 4 unless you count it using Halo Reach's Engine, and also they got the separate Halo Wars 1 rerelease on stores which is ensemble, but yes I agree.
Been playing Halo since 2001. Ive bought every game and every Xbox and most of the Halo books. I might be done with Xbox and Halo. I have a nice PC, so I'll probably stick with that.
Evil is not able to create anything new, it can only distort and destroy what has been invented or made by the forces of good.
And with evil I mean the makers of Halo: FINITE. I'm just waiting for transactions like rainbow skins on Miss Chief in Halo 1 to Halo: Reach.
I think the plot of Halo 2 went over your head
Its actually depressing seeing how hard Halo has fallen. Halo Infinite was celebrated because it was less than mediocre, and less than mediocre is miles better than the trash that is 4 and 5. Knowing Halo used to be as massive as it is and seeing it now, its just so pathetic
"So they will be adding things"... I will not be adding my money to their wallet in that case.
great job on this video!
DEI = Didn’t Earn It
Share this video make it viral
@@thamutha would be great !
We are overtaken by cunning alien 👾 force! Human in sight, monster in side!
3:04 I'd like to correct you on the "artistic standpoint". because they don't even have it down. I think Latenightgaming made a vid on how it doesn't have the iconic ce arttstyle. its just an asset flip like a terrible mod. 343 haas no idea what they're doing
Chief is still in cryo...
343 Industries/Halo Studios badly wants to gaslight the Halo community into believing that Microsoft is solely responsible for the last decade of disappointment. Because if they do, it takes the heat off of them and lets them get away with more of turning the series into lazy and uninspired slop.
Halo as a series means a lot to me, it was time and memories I spent with my closest friends that I still have today, it was bonding time with my father as we played split-screen through every campaign together, and it was my first ever real experience with online gaming. I HATE that this is where one of the greatest FPS franchises of all time has gone.
Halo Studios needs to be dissolved completely, and Microsoft needs to hand over development to Certain Affinity. They're the real spiritual successor to the old Bungie that made the Halo games we remember fondly, because they were also a part of those games.
make halo based again
It's honestly time to move on and accept that this franchise will never be what it was, as long as Halo Studios (They're still pretty much 343) is the head. And no it's not because of whatever political shit. It's because the Games have just been... Bad. Complete disregard for the prior lore, rampant retcons that basically.. rewrote the entire Franchise's lore, modern 343 Halo lore and Bungie might as well be an entirely different Series. Because it is. Ignore all that the games themselves have been medicore to just outright not good. It's okay to like Halo 4 and Halo 5 but for the most part they're straight up Inferior in gameplay to the Bungie games from their very core design principles and execution. I have no hope for Halo Studios/343 EVER making anything good, and I have zero interest in this ""new"" Company or their future games. They haven't made a single good game for the entirety of their hold on the franchise. I have the Old games to cherish and that's all I need.
Yes it is because of the politics. DEI inherently hires people of low quality which leads to low quality of work. The woke ideology itself prevents good work or story's from being done. Yes this stuff is inherently a bad factor into things.
@@YAGPG403-nr6dd No it's because the game and the developer is horseshit and is being kept alive by nepotism
@@YAGPG403-nr6dd It doesn't they just didn't understand halo
Get ready for more amazing characters like the cry baby pilot from infinite and master chief's soft side
master chief has always have a softer side. just not in the games. i remember he was trying to talk with the first human based flood he met.
@@rapatacush3 well yeah, but 343 (yes I still call them that) want us to believe he was always "like a machine" and is now reconnecting with his human side. More proof that halo really did end.
@thetower8553 if you only play the games he was like a robocop who only talked when he had to. So yeah, and that machine part came from halo 3 i think?
When the original chief actually said something the fans loved it because it was rare. And more people can connect to the character in a game story when they are a blank slate.
The pilot's emotions were real, he wasn't a spartan I believe is a good character
More woke-spotting. Honestly thought this kind of shit was dying out
Fr dude this video sucks 0:02
It's evolving! Lol
I’m not going to waste my time watching the video when I see that viral picture of the female employees at 343 being used as a reason “why Halo is bad” and they are no male employees, even though thats factually incorrect with anyone that can use Google.
Never hated clicking on a video more than this
No, Its not dying out. Trump won the election. Your DEI is getting defunded. You lost. Their is rightward movement everywhere. get out of your echo chamber and see that everyone is fed up with Marxists like you.
I had a glipse of hope for Halo, now all seems lost. I hope Gears is okay...
gears is lost.
@rapatacush3 Let me take copium
Don't let this nerd rot your mind
@@Dan_Jado It would be the same for gears if that was the case, like its just takes a video of hating the lgtb instead of looking into the real issues. People is just full of negativity
at some point you think it would cross their mind to just start behaving like a company that's trying to make money and hire people who are actually qualified to make and designed games instead of shohorning in dei consultants at every key position in the company and expecting it to work out. i would really love to know what goes on in the empty head of whoever is making these decisions, its honestly insane how that haven't found the dei/lgbt people are he common denominator as to why these games are all dumpster fires.
The buck stops with Microsoft. They either created this or allowed it to go on
Its Both
Frankly i wished they wouldnt touch the og trilogy but if they are going to do it anyway atleast they should use the idtech engine used in doom eternal or the version in doom the dark ages a much more stable and better performing engine for fps
Fire gamers for misogyny. Hire wokies to meet dei requirements who have idea how to make games.
You mean to tell me that Halo, who’s second game’s story is about Arbiter finding out the covenant religion is a lie and being used by the prophets to maintain their theocratic race-based hierarchy and to justify their extermination of humanity became progressive?!? Where was this video back in 2016, we really could’ve used it back then!
Back in 2012, it was needed before Halo 4.
The message of halo 2 applies to how the modern left acts, The ultimate end goal is self destruction by reaching an impossible utopia, They infight with their own all the time, shun people who disagree as heretics to the religion, Offer no forgiveness to those who make a mistake and they have an race-based hierarchy. Halo 2 really was ahead of its time. The modern left do act very religious even if they deny it.
He's right you know.
Im currently playing halo 3 on a second hand 360 and have picked up odst and reach from cex, to play for the first time.
Jealous lads ?
I couldn't even play the new ones even if i wanted cos ive only got this old 360.
Sometimes it pays off bein skint haha
So glad i found your channel i love your attitude your channels going to blow up massive soon bro.
Your voice sounds a lot like grade a under a , btw haha 👍
The word clamber is a woke progression term😂 that's a new one.
You're either a clever troll or words that are new to you legitimately scary to you. I didn't know bibliophobia was real😅
Master chief will now be a poofter!
I recently played through halo 2 anniversary on mcc but couldn't get through the trash updated sounds so I just stuck with the old graphics for playing and switched to new graphics to look at stuff and in game when cortona is in high charity displayed in game they made her face fat and ugly
Stop giving Microsoft any money. It’s the only feedback they understand.
I like and support your video
i get when games push agendes things like that but i honestly think you're tripping since politics has nothing to do with halo not making the best games. you're acting as if some games are specially bad because of some political bias you have when in reality halo is bad because of bad management, Microsoft answering to investors and rushing games. there are tons of games with this same issue that arent even PC, but are just bad games since companies rush these games. a good example of a FULL game with a lengthy dev time is Sparking zero
Issue is xbox and their dei hiring practices.
Look at the new team lead for 343.
She has degrees but they do not involve game design.
It’s psychology or some shizz.
Why put her in charge of a game when she has no idea how to design games?
Hrc is killing not just the video game industry, but every industry that is a part of HRC.
@@Pwnag3IncContinue being triggered by the sight of a black woman, it's really entertaining to watch
it sickens me to see how everyone is beliving they will just see cut now-finished content on the game they are trying to make am like you sweet summer child you shoulda learn with halo 4 by halo studios (aka 343 industries)
I dislike the CEA remaster relative to the original
Preach bro.
Great video 👍🏻
Halo Infinite is a great game. It's just awful management by Microsoft.
3 years, still no 8v8 Ranked.. just like H2 had 8v8 Ranked.. game is failing bc 4v4 Ranked is expected to carry everything, and the 8v8 Ranked isn't here to compete against CoD.
☝🏽 by far #1 problem.. then rest comes after
Let's not forget Halo was radical in the 2000's The story of rising up against Religious Facism isn't very right wing
You can map halos story beats onto literally anything, but when it came to the narrative/themes of halo it was very Christian, afterall it was the false religion that weaponized strife in their empire to create a schism, and humanity who's many allegories of history and the bible pointed towards real events in the forerunners and how humanity was deeply tied to them, a truth the false religion of the covenant tried to destroy with humanity
Master Chief defeated the covenant in the name of The Son.
that is so dishonest and you know it
I believe Bro Culture made gaming fun. Just look at every Studio that got rid of Bro Culture, their games suck arse!
As a democrat - I really hate how woke culture is ruining games. BLOOD SHALL RETURN TO HALO
gamers when political game is political😱
this video wouldve done wild numbers in 2016
What?!? The game whose first ever sequel is a story about a race war and a religious theocracy that lies to maintain an oppressive social order is political?!?
@ nah bro its those pesky liberals ruining everything💔
@@WooporYou live in dishonesty, don't you? You can't differentiate between types and methods of using politics in the story.
The game is not based on just one message, all of this may be true, but the point made by the author of the video about Halo being made for men, with a main character who is the pure juice of a stoic male hero, and themes of brotherhood that are strongly present in Halo CE are not invalidated.
The fact that the first 3 games were made by studios composed entirely of men, or one of the quotes from one of the heads of Bungie at the time who said that he made Halo thinking of it being a game that targeted men like him are also not invalidated points.
If Halo has politics, does that mean that all types of ideologies and philosophies can be included in the story? Or which sides would the game take? What message would it have to convey? Yes, all games are political, but some philosophies are simply incompatible with what a work wants to be or was initially.
And if you want to talk about the covenant and religion, it's a more complex debate, but no, the covenant being a critique of extremist theocratic regimes is not the same as progressivism, since religion in general is present in a very symbolic way in halo, with some positive analogies even being possible.
Like the fact that the master chief is named after a proverb in the Bible.
Or that the Arbiter represents Saint Paul.
Or that Christianity itself still exists in humanity in halo and is not treated negatively.
You mean to tell me that one of the reasons that the author mentioned of why halo is a bad franchise because they stopped making master chief your run of the mill badass character who barely talks and they decided to expand his character in deeper detailed than leaving him like an average action hero with no emotions towards everyone else?
My brother in christ, chief isn't a full machine, there's always gotta be some humanity shown, and if giving out a speech to give hope to a pilot who's literally on the verge of a breakdown makes halo a bad franchise, then so be it
@@DefinitelyUnfunny8 I remember the Finish the Fight commercial, where it was written: "A hero needs no words, for when he is gone, the world will speak for him." It is not difficult to see the philosophy that Bungie used for the Master Chief as a character; he is a representative of a hero, both for the player's self-insert and for his own universe. The mysticism surrounding the character, his attitude, personality and mysteriousness were what made him such a unique and memorable character. I am not saying that there are no other classic masculinity archetypes; there are several, because masculinity is a complex concept even in the traditional sense. But the Master Chief was in a very unique corner, because he demonstrated himself solely through actions; you determined who he was by what he did. Now, humanizing him is wrong, because the character was not made to be relatable, nor to be normal, as Gravemind said: "This is nerve and machine, and has a complete mind." The Master Chief is a character with a pre-completed arc; he has been the hero at the end of the journey since his first appearance.
As they also said in an interview: "You don't know who's inside the armor, it could be a guy, it could be a ghost."
The mystery of the character and the legends surrounding him made him who he is; some characters are simply better without our sense of humanization.
📠 no 🧢
Imagine being so starved for attention on TH-cam that you start going political on video games 😂😂😂 take off your tin foil hat, buddy. Find something important to be concerned about.
Ikr. It's actually annoying how this video has genuine points against modern Halo but it's coated in uncalled for racism, homophobia, sexism, rude and personal insults and getting this affected by a video game
@Amazaurs000 typical for people following either side, especially right 💀
What lack of pussy does to a mf
i was playing halo while you were swimming on your daddy´s package and he is right. wokeism will ruin halo.
@rapatacush3 not with people like you running the circus now. You ironically sound pretty young.
Big mad lol what they did with MCC was good and I wanted more updates but we would need microtransactions and added new armor is always cool but you people always find something to complain about.
MCC is broken and left in a bad state. You only defend it for left wing reasons.
You're unironically advocating for mtx?
Halo was already woke from the beginning
i dont remember a single political message on it the 23 years i´ve benn playing it.
@rapatacush3 maybe the anti religious fanatism thing that surrounda the entire first trilogy
@rapatacush3 or the fact that they portrayed strong independent woman and have a very inclusive set of background characters, poltics are always a big part of an artiatic project therea just good and bad writing when it comes to politics in media, now a days they scream at you that they added an inclusivity force the plot around said inclusivity, however when its well done it blends in very easily
@rapatacush3 i mean, have you sean any movie or action show from the era of the first halo trilogy that includes woman? Its either they do not exist or they are just a trophy/sexualized object for the protagonist, halo from the bungie era does not only portraits strong independent womans but also does not sexualize them i mean you can see the diffrence between og cortana and halo 4 cortana
@trip_draw1492 mate adding blacks and women to games don't make them political or progressive
📠 no 🧢