asgard sanchez the name of the most powerful projectile firing canon that is too dangerous to operate, and has the most destructive power to make the earth break.
"Supporting the community *with content* post launch" You forgot to add in that bit, which actually changes the meaning of that sentence quite a bit. And by "content" he means DLC, which is indeed true. They do put out a good amount of DLC post launch w/ every Cod
I'm sick and tired of the people who keep crying going "waahh new cod sucks old cod was much better" firstly you probably have never played cod 4 secondly if you don't like call of duty. Don't then go onto Call of Dutys Channel and then spam comments with hate. I like ghosts because I find it a fun game to pass the time and have fun with. And the developers put alot of effort into their game its not always the same shit. Yeah in some points they used the same code but ghosts is prob the most diff game of them all. Using the same gamemodes and having some similar guns isn't the same fucking game. If you hate it that bad go play and moan about a different game.
Amen to that. Games are supposed to be fun. People are taking things way too seriously! Play the god damn game and if you don't like it, get another one!
For those who say Michael Myers never used an axe, he actually uses one in Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers very similar to the one he uses in CoD Ghosts, plus Michael never always used a knife to kill his victims.
TacticaI Moose LOL your right. just like morons like u who dont even like cod still click on the cod gameplays even tho u hate the game every single year. SMDH.
you know what really grinds my gears? when i see people that have MW2 and 3, but they dont have cod 4. and when people get mad at you for "hard scoping" when that is the purpose of sniping
Because people hated the multiplayer and the storyline didn’t make sense if you know what I mean and the only extinction map that I like is nightfall because the map takes place in Alaska and I like in Alaska Fairbanks
I'd love to see a bonus DLC thrown in. The Modern Warfare Weapon Pack. a DLC which includes one weapon in each class from all 3 Modern Warfare games. It would include: AR: The G36C (MW3 variant) or M4A1 (MW2 variant) SMG: The P90 (The MW2 variant, it's up for debate but I feel it fits the art style.) Sniper: The M40A3 The WA2000 as a Marksman Rifle LMG: The AUG HBAR Shotgun: The M1014 Handgun: The Desert Eagle (MW2 variant. Fixed Iron sights, and stats of CoD4's variant.) 7 weapons, all completely different from the stock weapons in game. Any thoughts anyone? Balancing issues? Integrated attachments?
Naitsaber Ovadroc Like I Said in the Comment. I wanted all the DLC weapons to be different from the Stock weapons in game. We already have enough clip fed bolt actions. The Intervention would just be a reskin of the USR. And on top of that, the USR is Just a modified adaptation of the R700. I think the M40A3 changes it up because it's a tube mag, which allows you to be more aggressive if you choose to. Instead of waiting 5 secs for a reload you wait 1.5 secs for 1 round.
About16midgets Damn dude chill out bro its a joke. Next time i wont make a comment like that and bare in mind how seriously everything must be taken on youtube. hope you get through this depression you must be in if a comment like that pissed you off that much.
+A m a z e d Gxing Its actually been confirmed it will be made by treyarch, the new cod title sledgehammer game will probably be an off shoot and not a cod title
alphadev Nuked the fridge is another way of saying Jumped the Shark. Which basically means, they put a stupid Gimmick in the game to try to keep us interested.
2:52 His snipe shot doesn't even line up (it's over the guys shoulder) & he gets the kill. Proof that the snipers are broken & that this game is a joke! Fix your broken crappy game IW! Your spawns are garbage, you let hackers & children play with no penalties & your matching is the biggest joke ever! This game is clearly made BY children, FOR children! You don't care about the community at all, only those stupid faze & optic clans who are garbage! I will never buy a COD game again. #DeadToMe
People are still hating and I don't blame them, but at least the developers are trying their best to add more variety to a limit where it doesn't change the franchise.
It's so funny to how, to me, Ghosts killed the great close range COD pace (maps), gives us laughable killstreaks, and does a number on the insane spawns. Thus killing my COD passion. But, then, IW says "We're producing 4 small to medium maps". Really IW?! U wanna get back to what makes COD great, AFTER release? Wow man. Anyway, the new Field Orders rewards looks awesome though. This will probably be the best COD dlc to date. This is what I'll do, buy only this first set of maps, and play them until............TitanFall! Let's gooo.
Am I the only one here who departed from Ghosts to discover other great games or perhaps to go back and finish whatever progress was to be finished with the previous titles?
I have to say, for the people who don't like CoD, why are you here? You're not being forced to watch this video, and it is not misleading in any way. This is an informal video explaining what the DLC is, so people can decide if they want to buy it, not a forum for try-hards to complain about how a bead of sweat fell down their soldier's face the wrong way and messed up their sniper shot. Your inquiries probably won't be taken seriously here, because there are over a billion CoD players and an amount of them may not agree with your opinion, you make up problems or overly exaggerate them to say they are "game-breaking" (meaning they make the game unplayable) or more, you insult the fan-base for disagreeing with your opinion, and your comment can't be validated by likes, because many of them could be by people from the CoD hater circle-jerk, who go to CoD videos and like any negative comment about the game, true or not. These comments can range from valid problems with the game, "The maps are too big." or "The health is too low." to idiotic hate comments, for example, "CoD fans are fagets." or "CoD sucks, because it does. OMG, lol". There is no way to tell if the likes are by CoD fans without checking their accounts to see if their behavior seems like that of a CoD fan, which is an unreliable waste of time. If you want them to take you seriously, go to, make an account, post your opinion on the forums, and discuss it, instead of posting attention-whore comments on TH-cam.
Exactly!! I am entirely dumbfounded by why people complain in the comments section about something they hate, especially when they don't like the franchise. As you said, it's not like they are being forced to watch these videos so complaining when your negative opinion can be flagged by people who misunderstand what you mean, or a moron who comments and makes a completely unnecessary claim or some hate-rant. It's beginning to get on my nerves to see something I enjoy and then see hate messages lingering in the comments. Everyone has their haters and everyone knows it, so jerks don't have to leave their hate everywhere. Just keep it to themselves and other people who actually agree with them and their negative attitude towards something.
Madgegames I will re-post my last comment, because you seem to have forgotten it, and are continuing to spew your BS: EA has lied many times, and taken quotes out of context to smear CoD. Here is one example: Activision is honest with their advertising, and is respectful to EA and other developers: They lied once about creating a new engine, but it was a significant overhaul, and most game companies, including EA, have done the same. EA's lie about destruction is more serious, because it was their main selling point. Graphics were not Ghosts' main selling point.
Your point has changed since the comment I responded to though. In your comment you were talking about how you are annoyed with the people who keep commented hatred and calling people who play Call of Duty "CoD fagets" and stupid overreactions. You are telling me to reread your comment when I think you need to read it again yourself.
we just want the dedicated servers already!!!!!! Screw the fucking map packs, give us the dedicated servers you said were going to be available at least for those of us on next gen consoles
The bullet at 2:53 went past the guys right shoulder, missing him completely, and yet it still killed him? The hitbox of a 500 pound slob as ELPRESADOR would say
This cod wasn’t that well received but I reached max prestige in both multiplayer and extinction. I still play extinction to this day! Favourite game mode
Very underrated, wish they would give us a Ghosts 2 even though they probably won’t. Loved the field orders idea too for Multiplayer. I got scared shitless by Michael Myers so many times
@@DrPapaC-Dog *I gathered all Rorke's Files just to know what happened to Logan. A shame There wasn't a word about his future. I am still waiting for the Part 2, but the chances are.. Low.*
***** Honestly who cares about textures. We don't play maps to look at them we play them to play them. Like look at the CoD 4 maps, they look terrible but they're all so much better than every map in Ghost. But thats more of an opinion. And the thing I'm worried about is when they did a "remake" on Dome (Strikzone) it ended up not being too similar at all. Son unless this new scrapyard map is exactly the same layout as the old one I'm not going to enjoy it.
I wasn't a big fan of Ghosts because of some flaws.But the new DLC coming out looks amazing,and I definitely will be playing it.New Extinction stuff:I'll be anxious to try it.New guns:Will try it.And new cool looking maps with awesome looking field orders?Will be trying that out most definitely!I am actually happy to get a COD DLC for once.
It helps they're actually giving us what we want remakes of good maps from the past and smaller maps. Now if they'd just fix the health so you'd actually have to win a gunfight with someone to kill them rather than the insta-death saw you first laser eyes we have now.
Who the fuck would actually want more weapons? 2 is WAY too much, there shouldn't even be any weapons DLC at all, its unfair for the other players who are smart enough to not buy their crap.
the living would have no weapon and run from micheal myers(chosen random) until the last one alive they will receive one(like in bo2 with combat knife). idk that how I would imagine it but any thoughts on my idea?
"I am so excited to start this season where we slowly take all your money with content that we didn't put in the original game on purpose." That's all I heard.
I really hope that in the future map packs, there will be a space multiplayer map cause that'll be soo cool and fun when everything is in zero gravity and floats
You haven't stayed close enough to the community to understand what it is. Everyone who has played for years knows the Mike Myers private matches on X360.
we already have a knife and michael myers' knife is just a plain boring kitchen knife. an Axe is way more awesome as we never used one in any Cod games before (aside from throwing one in Black ops 2's campaign)
He usually uses a knife, but he has used an axe before, as well as lots of other things. There are eight films in the original series, then two Rob Zombie Halloween films, so ten in total. You can't say he only uses a knife. How about you do your homework.
You are running behind iw and you're throwing your money in their big greedy throat for a big new mod costing 60€ every year. You are the people that buy the crappy dlcs for every cod, where one is worse than the other. CoD would be balanced and everyone would play it even in ten years. look at cod4, its never getting boring with that much mods and custom maps. I've deinstalled this shit called ghosts after 12 hours of playing, worst cod ever until bo3 comes out. Think about your life and try wastig your money for another thing, that makes more sense. Call of Duty: Ghost I loved BO1, MW3 and CoD4 but the franchise will fade away in the next 5 to 10 years because you are just filling your pockets with the money of us silly gamers, and if the money is correct you dont care about the community. We want no driving trains where you cant place sentry-guns in it so you are the boss ant can't be killed anymore. We want skill-based gaming like in cod4 and good maps with good gameplay like CoD4: Crash, Overgrown, Vacant, Crossfire, Backlot BO1: Nuketown, Array, Grid, Firingrange MW3: Dome, Hardhat, Lockdown, Bootleg, Arkaden, Interchange. I dont want to die because a random rocket shoots me somewhere out of the sky, a creepy axe murderer kills me when im about to getting a kem-strike, i dont want to die in lava when im trying to get a swarm because i dont look exactly what is on the ground in front of me (Magma BO2), I want to get back the old but gold call of duty how i loved it and not such crap like "Loki", "Guarddog" or such way to big maps like overlord or whiteout. Why the F*ck is the best sniper in CoD Ghosts semi-automatic? It should have to be bolt-action. You are doing this game for the noobs, because you are selling it more this way, but this will not work in the future any more. The franchise will die out soon, as you can see in the count of sales of ghosts. I'm sorry for my bad english, im from germany and i'll get hated for this, but just think about what i wrote if the next cod comes out.
Attention all BF4 Fanboys, keyboard warriors, and miscellaneous trolls. You have absolutely ZERO facts to back up your arguments. First off, the health in this game is no lower than previous games, and the guns aren`t more powerful, the hit detection is simply GORGEOUS, something the haters complained about for years. Second, stop bitching about how much the game costs. Every single big title game now is 60 USD, and the DLC`s are usually anywhere from 10 - 20 USD. Third, the maps aren`t too big, your just terrible at the game. You actually have come up with a strategy instead just running and gunning. 4th and finally, SHUT THE FUCK UP about campers. Heres how it is. If theres a corner, people can camp. Unless the map is an empty field, there will always be campers. Good day trolls. Have fun with Errorfield 4, jerking off to the "FROSTBITE ENGINE", I and the rest of the COD Community will be kicking back, and playing an AWESOME game.
Im a fan of both battlefield and cod but I just dislike the fact that everyone talks shit to each other. Both are great games in there own ways but that doesn't mean you can go on another game and start shit with people just because they have a different interest in FPS's I would really appreciate the fact if this can be shared with everyone. Please keep negative comments to yourself, have fun and get along :)
My gut just busted with this awesome DLC preview even the campaign sucked at least I have something to look forward to. Cant wait to slash up some faces playing as Michel Myers.
6314680 Ghosts isnt. And if you thought black ops 2 was a bad game you must have been one of the butt hurt noobs that got mad they couldnt camp anymore with the new Ghost perk they had. And you must not like small fast paced games in BO2 but like big maps with slow paced campers in Ghosts. Understandable
I'm still waiting for IW to fix the severe optimization issues on PC; nearly constant framerate stutters ruin gameplay experience which prevents me from wanting to play Ghosts. I will not trust IW in the future. I consider Black Ops II as best COD (or WAW); Treyarch learned their lesson about bad optimization from Black Ops and they did quite a bit of addition to the campaign mode, zombies and introducing the pick-10 create-a-class system which was quite well done.
I only plan on buying this for Extinction really. Also I cannot understand why people subscribe to CALLOFDUTY *purely* to dislike and hate on their videos. I mean they're actually doing new shit in their games like everyone asked, and yet people still complain lol.
All this complaining by people who don't like the game is rather silly. Personally, I like ghost! If you don't, don't play it! I don't want all the maps to be small like nuke town in black ops 2. It's a fun map, but gets old after awhile. Can't tell me that map didn't have some terrible spawn points, and people that play it a lot and are pretty good have learned how to control the map, it size makes it easier to do! That's not a good thing. I like medium sized maps personally.
I like the game but it has a lot of problems and glitches that need to be fixed. Also they need to do something about the spawning points but other than that I completely agree with you.
No matter what you think of Ghosts, you can't deny how great its DLCs were. I've never seen so many great maps that I want to be remade from one game.
I agree
exactly same comment!
CRAZYPHEONIX117 you are right but i think Ghost is also without dlc a good game
shut up nobody cares about your input ghosts was a horrible game period the dlcs didnt save it and it had the worst slide next to aw iw and bo4
@@kookiemonster3126 this comment section was 3 years ago you are technically talking to yourself like an idiot
So the music plays for everyone. I think itd be scarier if only the people near him hear the music. Thatd be awesome.
That's like the dog growling alerting you to the player's position. BAD IDEA.
Everyone hearing it is way better.
Jim Vincent I still think itd be cool
THAT ! would be a good idea.
Make it fade from quite to loud depending on how close he is HAHAHAH
Scotty Chapman Someone gets it.
in that case you would know that he is in range and that makes it weak again
asgard sanchez the name of the most powerful projectile firing canon that is too dangerous to operate, and has the most destructive power to make the earth break.
OMG :0
Illuminati confirmed
Big brain Jimmy Neutron brain blast
Probably the Best DLC series there ever was.
3:57 "Supporting the community, post launch" as a PC player I don't know what to say...the DLC however looks awesome..
10k players left on PC ... gets less every day. God I really like the game, but their PC support ...
"Supporting the community *with content* post launch" You forgot to add in that bit, which actually changes the meaning of that sentence quite a bit. And by "content" he means DLC, which is indeed true. They do put out a good amount of DLC post launch w/ every Cod
Just uninstall bro...Game is dead on pc :(
***** Yes you are right I noticed that, but the suport for PC is truly terrible...actually it doesn't even exist
I'm sick and tired of the people who keep crying going "waahh new cod sucks old cod was much better" firstly you probably have never played cod 4 secondly if you don't like call of duty. Don't then go onto Call of Dutys Channel and then spam comments with hate. I like ghosts because I find it a fun game to pass the time and have fun with. And the developers put alot of effort into their game its not always the same shit. Yeah in some points they used the same code but ghosts is prob the most diff game of them all. Using the same gamemodes and having some similar guns isn't the same fucking game. If you hate it that bad go play and moan about a different game.
Amen to that. Games are supposed to be fun. People are taking things way too seriously! Play the god damn game and if you don't like it, get another one!
Agreed! It's so stupid, the game is fun, if you don't like it TOO BAD :)
I agree it was my first Cod game
This actually looks like an AMAZING DLC drop. IW is the savior of the series in my eyes.
It's barely the real Infinity Ward anymore...
No your wrong ... zombies will keep the series going
are you even serious?
Sebastian Billmann Infinity Ward made the worst Call of Duties, besides Cod 4.
I'm a battlefield fan, but honestly, after watching this, I'm impressed.
For those who say Michael Myers never used an axe, he actually uses one in Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers very similar to the one he uses in CoD Ghosts, plus Michael never always used a knife to kill his victims.
Hopefully these smaller maps will save ghosts
You idiots say this every year, shut the fuck up
Exactly. IW's plan was to make huge maps so more people will be forced to buy the DLC.
At this point, I don't believe anything can save Ghosts
TacticaI Moose LOL your right. just like morons like u who dont even like cod still click on the cod gameplays even tho u hate the game every single year. SMDH.
People are trying to put the game down just because its COD, what they are doing with extinction and the field orders is really creative.
If you're not a CoD fan, WHY ARE YOU EVEN HERE?
cause for once this shit looks good
Its cool that you can *become* Michael Myers on the map, but *WE WANT THE GAMEMODE!*
So agreed!
I agree but they will probably let us tweak infected game mode for the party option
They should definitely do that it would be fun
Make it yourself? ._.
yes through the private party menu
Fog is epic looking and I really am excited to see where the Extinction story will go.
you know what really grinds my gears? when i see people that have MW2 and 3, but they dont have cod 4. and when people get mad at you for "hard scoping" when that is the purpose of sniping
This looks like the best cod dlc in years. Glad they brought a mw2 map back. Plus the Michael Meyers thing is awesome.
Dustin Daniel no we didnt lol
'And it's not like one new weapon, it's TWO weapons'... rly..
I love ghosts! PLEASE DO COD:GHOSTS 2 ***** And continue with extinction way more fun than booring zombies. This game is so fun!
Klavs Celmins That's just your opinion.
thellama gamingc ''It is way more fun. Zombies just suck.'' [copy-2015y_4aug.- Klavs Celmins;'message]
yes ghosts is my favorite cod they are cool for trying out aomething new aliens AWESOME!
Go play BF4 and tell me that again
+name surname Extinction is obsolete.
Gotta admit the maps in Call Of Duty are way more detailed than In Battlefield 4.
your right. but still battlefield maps are bigger which needs more performance, and also everything is destructable
I miss this so much! The best DLC's ever
You got dlc for PS3
DLC is still playable in 2024 on PlayStation4/5 we get season pass lobby’s on infected and SnD
Oh man why didn't they make cod ghost 2
maybe next year I hope
@@PKB2k2000 i think that will never happen.. :(
Because people hated the multiplayer and the storyline didn’t make sense if you know what I mean and the only extinction map that I like is nightfall because the map takes place in Alaska and I like in Alaska Fairbanks
Why tf did they make Cold War
@@chickenchaser8822 because people wanted another black ops game that was a black ops game and not what bo3 and bo4 wete
I'd love to see a bonus DLC thrown in. The Modern Warfare Weapon Pack. a DLC which includes one weapon in each class from all 3 Modern Warfare games. It would include:
AR: The G36C (MW3 variant) or M4A1 (MW2 variant)
SMG: The P90 (The MW2 variant, it's up for debate but I feel it fits the art style.)
Sniper: The M40A3
The WA2000 as a Marksman Rifle
Shotgun: The M1014
Handgun: The Desert Eagle (MW2 variant. Fixed Iron sights, and stats of CoD4's variant.)
7 weapons, all completely different from the stock weapons in game.
Any thoughts anyone? Balancing issues? Integrated attachments?
Why aren't we funding this?
Naitsaber Ovadroc Like I Said in the Comment. I wanted all the DLC weapons to be different from the Stock weapons in game. We already have enough clip fed bolt actions. The Intervention would just be a reskin of the USR. And on top of that, the USR is Just a modified adaptation of the R700. I think the M40A3 changes it up because it's a tube mag, which allows you to be more aggressive if you choose to. Instead of waiting 5 secs for a reload you wait 1.5 secs for 1 round.
Thank you so much for this dlc.
Hope to see more work like this in the future.
Michael myres is krieg from borderlands lmao
get the fuck out.
like seriously, do you not even know how much older michael myers is than krieg. my god
About16midgets Damn dude chill out bro its a joke. Next time i wont make a comment like that and bare in mind how seriously everything must be taken on youtube. hope you get through this depression you must be in if a comment like that pissed you off that much.
they are finally making good shit, cant wait to see what treyarch will do
treyarch wont do shit just like with BO2 out side of the remakes of the 4 BO1 maps the game was shit
They honestly need to just close IW they've been garbage since MW2. Anyone who still thinks IW is the better studio needs there head examined.
+A m a z e d Gxing Its actually been confirmed it will be made by treyarch, the new cod title sledgehammer game will probably be an off shoot and not a cod title
Ali-A re-upload inbound lads!
What do you mean'
Hahah soo true... everyone dislike it! :D
I love Cod Ghosts, so hooked on the multiplayer, best one since MW2 and im really excited about the new DLC coming out.
aliens vs dogs, this is COD
Michael Myers in a multiplayer level. IW has officially nuked the fridge.
Whatted the what?
Ya Lol
Nuked the fridge is another way of saying Jumped the Shark. Which basically means, they put a stupid Gimmick in the game to try to keep us interested.
Oh, that's a new one on me. Thanks for the explanation.
Never heard that either Lol
Man. This is the type of content that I miss from COD.
Hope we can play Michael Myers in private match or local on every map
not gonna be able to, just like the KEM strike only changes strikezone.
no only on fog
if that happens then its going to be awesome!!!!!
Is it just me or does that new sniper looks like one of the snipers in borderlands 2? Hahahah.. can't wait btw!
it more looks like I could see it in that game
Yeah it kinda looks like a Vladof Sniper
2:52 His snipe shot doesn't even line up (it's over the guys shoulder) & he gets the kill. Proof that the snipers are broken & that this game is a joke! Fix your broken crappy game IW! Your spawns are garbage, you let hackers & children play with no penalties & your matching is the biggest joke ever! This game is clearly made BY children, FOR children! You don't care about the community at all, only those stupid faze & optic clans who are garbage! I will never buy a COD game again. #DeadToMe
So have you bought any cod games at all? Just curious
Games have mistakes
been enjoying cod ghosts more than at launch recently. Looking forward to getting this
Well, they cant possibly do DLC any worse than they did it in MW3, can they?
Well, here you pay for a remake of a map!
Don't forget MW2.
Don't tempt them, I'm sure they could. Hahahaha
I think they can, but let's wait and see...
With those alien weapons and this alien gamemode... yes they can.
This DLC will be AWESOME !
Gotta admit, as much as I hate Ghosts and how stupid the concept is but Mike Myers looks hilarious
4:01 "This years no different" proof
in terms of launching the dlc not the game in general learn to listen
good catch
You took that WAY out of context.
Spectrum Bravo Hes trying to be funny bt he failed miserably
Eric Stacy no he didn't
"With DLC, we really like to have fun"...
and "forgot how game is broken on pc"...
@@Sponks. the DLC in the game is actually really good
That Michael Myers thing is gonna be more annoying than the KEM on Strikezone...
actualy not, he's not a maniac, you can kill him easily, sry, i'm brazilian, i dunno if i wright it correctly
I loved the Michael Meyers Part :D so epic
this comes out the day i have off from exams ;D sweeet
stay in school kid
looks sick
Looks awesome, but if I buy it on PC, I'll have very slim chance of finding any lobbies after couple months with DLCs enabled. Such a shame.
0:58 my boy is coming this years call of duty the haunting 2024!
People are still hating and I don't blame them, but at least the developers are trying their best to add more variety to a limit where it doesn't change the franchise.
They should focus on making this game more playable and stuff, not little features..
Best call of duty ever. After seeing this I'm going to buy that season pass
You got cod ghosts for ps3 add me Ghostlandh3
It's so funny to how, to me, Ghosts killed the great close range COD pace (maps), gives us laughable killstreaks, and does a number on the insane spawns. Thus killing my COD passion. But, then, IW says "We're producing 4 small to medium maps". Really IW?! U wanna get back to what makes COD great, AFTER release? Wow man. Anyway, the new Field Orders rewards looks awesome though. This will probably be the best COD dlc to date. This is what I'll do, buy only this first set of maps, and play them until............TitanFall! Let's gooo.
The lols i got from your ending!
Am I the only one here who departed from Ghosts to discover other great games or perhaps to go back and finish whatever progress was to be finished with the previous titles?
Went back to Black ops 1
Never bought it. Still playing Fallout NV and some indie games. Its just the same game over and over with a few new guns.
Yeah, Fallout NV is one of the best games out there! :D
I have to say, for the people who don't like CoD, why are you here? You're not being forced to watch this video, and it is not misleading in any way. This is an informal video explaining what the DLC is, so people can decide if they want to buy it, not a forum for try-hards to complain about how a bead of sweat fell down their soldier's face the wrong way and messed up their sniper shot.
Your inquiries probably won't be taken seriously here, because there are over a billion CoD players and an amount of them may not agree with your opinion, you make up problems or overly exaggerate them to say they are "game-breaking" (meaning they make the game unplayable) or more, you insult the fan-base for disagreeing with your opinion, and your comment can't be validated by likes, because many of them could be by people from the CoD hater circle-jerk, who go to CoD videos and like any negative comment about the game, true or not. These comments can range from valid problems with the game, "The maps are too big." or "The health is too low." to idiotic hate comments, for example, "CoD fans are fagets." or "CoD sucks, because it does. OMG, lol".
There is no way to tell if the likes are by CoD fans without checking their accounts to see if their behavior seems like that of a CoD fan, which is an unreliable waste of time. If you want them to take you seriously, go to, make an account, post your opinion on the forums, and discuss it, instead of posting attention-whore comments on TH-cam.
Exactly!! I am entirely dumbfounded by why people complain in the comments section about something they hate, especially when they don't like the franchise. As you said, it's not like they are being forced to watch these videos so complaining when your negative opinion can be flagged by people who misunderstand what you mean, or a moron who comments and makes a completely unnecessary claim or some hate-rant. It's beginning to get on my nerves to see something I enjoy and then see hate messages lingering in the comments. Everyone has their haters and everyone knows it, so jerks don't have to leave their hate everywhere. Just keep it to themselves and other people who actually agree with them and their negative attitude towards something.
Madgegames I will re-post my last comment, because you seem to have forgotten it, and are continuing to spew your BS: EA has lied many times, and taken quotes out of context to smear CoD. Here is one example:
Activision is honest with their advertising, and is respectful to EA and other developers:
They lied once about creating a new engine, but it was a significant overhaul, and most game companies, including EA, have done the same. EA's lie about destruction is more serious, because it was their main selling point. Graphics were not Ghosts' main selling point.
Your point has changed since the comment I responded to though. In your comment you were talking about how you are annoyed with the people who keep commented hatred and calling people who play Call of Duty "CoD fagets" and stupid overreactions. You are telling me to reread your comment when I think you need to read it again yourself.
baileybunny22 It is a different comment from a discussion I had with that person.
Jonathan Barkley Oh alright, I apologize for the misunderstanding then.
we just want the dedicated servers already!!!!!! Screw the fucking map packs, give us the dedicated servers you said were going to be available at least for those of us on next gen consoles
The bullet at 2:53 went past the guys right shoulder, missing him completely, and yet it still killed him? The hitbox of a 500 pound slob as ELPRESADOR would say
Dude, that's the new DLC BS attachment! It's EPIC!!!!
congratulations at pointing that out wow............Unnecessary
Pres *IS* a 500 lb. slob.
If you slow it down at 25% the speed, you can kind of see that the scope goes to the end of his arm at the last frame.
next time see with your eyes
This cod wasn’t that well received but I reached max prestige in both multiplayer and extinction. I still play extinction to this day! Favourite game mode
Hey you play it on ps3 add me Ghostlandh3
Very underrated, wish they would give us a Ghosts 2 even though they probably won’t. Loved the field orders idea too for Multiplayer. I got scared shitless by Michael Myers so many times
@@DrPapaC-Dog *I gathered all Rorke's Files just to know what happened to Logan. A shame There wasn't a word about his future. I am still waiting for the Part 2, but the chances are.. Low.*
srsly make cod ghost 2
I would've really liked the original scrapyard to return with next gen graphics.
***** Honestly who cares about textures. We don't play maps to look at them we play them to play them. Like look at the CoD 4 maps, they look terrible but they're all so much better than every map in Ghost. But thats more of an opinion. And the thing I'm worried about is when they did a "remake" on Dome (Strikzone) it ended up not being too similar at all. Son unless this new scrapyard map is exactly the same layout as the old one I'm not going to enjoy it.
I wasn't a big fan of Ghosts because of some flaws.But the new DLC coming out looks amazing,and I definitely will be playing it.New Extinction stuff:I'll be anxious to try it.New guns:Will try it.And new cool looking maps with awesome looking field orders?Will be trying that out most definitely!I am actually happy to get a COD DLC for once.
For the first time in my life I find myself slightly excited for an Infinity Ward DLC.
It helps they're actually giving us what we want remakes of good maps from the past and smaller maps. Now if they'd just fix the health so you'd actually have to win a gunfight with someone to kill them rather than the insta-death saw you first laser eyes we have now.
0:47 "Tall grass area"? Waiting for some Pokemon jokes to come in
These maps don't look half bad. The guns look sweet :)
2 weapons? Is it really that hard to add more? What year are we in? 2005?
It actually is, considering they need to get legal rights to use the weapons in-game.
Treyarch only added 1 gun to the whole game, i don't see you complaining about that.
Who the fuck would actually want more weapons? 2 is WAY too much, there shouldn't even be any weapons DLC at all, its unfair for the other players who are smart enough to not buy their crap.
Possibly because of current gen hardware.
I think adding more weapons would bring more balance problems.
I'm a sentry gun user.. and that trolly will pimp it out for me!
This was a fantastic map pack, maps like this and Strikezone, Freight, Warhawk and Tremor are examples of how Infinity Ward should make their maps
I can't wait for the next DLC. play as sharkiesha smacking kids literally
It'd be sweet to have a Michael Myers game mode, considering that we now have the perfect map to put it on.
the living would have no weapon and run from micheal myers(chosen random) until the last one alive they will receive one(like in bo2 with combat knife). idk that how I would imagine it but any thoughts on my idea?
Activision should really hire us.
Haha right!
Michael Myers with an axe in a cabin in the woods? Get your shit together, guys!
"I am so excited to start this season where we slowly take all your money with content that we didn't put in the original game on purpose."
That's all I heard.
This is what i heard: "Blah Blah Blah "BOOM" Blah. MONEY, YOUR MONEY, IS NOW MY MONEY, Blah.
Name a good game that doesn't have DLC, Super Mario?
infinityward yall should make a camo thar you can only get if your 10th prestige give people an insintive to go for max
I really hope that in the future map packs, there will be a space multiplayer map cause that'll be soo cool and fun when everything is in zero gravity and floats
3:45 That one Alien sound is from the Flood in Halo lol
Michael myers..? This isnt even call of duty anymore
Who cares its gonna be fun just wait
You haven't stayed close enough to the community to understand what it is.
Everyone who has played for years knows the Mike Myers private matches on X360.
Please describe Call of Duty to me.
Micheal Myers has been in CoD for years xD
So....Robert Englund (Freddy), Danny Trejo (Machete), Sarah Michelle Gellar (Buffy), and Michael Rooker (Merle Dixon) were?
Michael Myers baby!!!! Memories and dreams coming true!
"Strong in supporting the community" MY ASS!
Incase you didn't do your home work IW Michael Myers doesn't use a axe, he uses a knife....could have made a bad ass knife
we already have a knife and michael myers' knife is just a plain boring kitchen knife. an Axe is way more awesome as we never used one in any Cod games before (aside from throwing one in Black ops 2's campaign)
I think on halloween 5 he used an axe
He usually uses a knife, but he has used an axe before, as well as lots of other things. There are eight films in the original series, then two Rob Zombie Halloween films, so ten in total. You can't say he only uses a knife. How about you do your homework.
He kinda uses what ever he can get his hands on, the knife is just more recognizable.
This dlc has very good maps
Why the hell don't they release the new maps for all platforms on the same day?
Call of Duty - Best ever made
Little did we know, Infinity Ward went to boots in the air in Infinite Warfare
no you want mod tools
You are running behind iw and you're throwing your money in their big greedy throat for a big new mod costing 60€ every year. You are the people that buy the crappy dlcs for every cod, where one is worse than the other. CoD would be balanced and everyone would play it even in ten years. look at cod4, its never getting boring with that much mods and custom maps. I've deinstalled this shit called ghosts after 12 hours of playing, worst cod ever until bo3 comes out. Think about your life and try wastig your money for another thing, that makes more sense. Call of Duty: Ghost I loved BO1, MW3 and CoD4 but the franchise will fade away in the next 5 to 10 years because you are just filling your pockets with the money of us silly gamers, and if the money is correct you dont care about the community. We want no driving trains where you cant place sentry-guns in it so you are the boss ant can't be killed anymore. We want skill-based gaming like in cod4 and good maps with good gameplay like CoD4: Crash, Overgrown, Vacant, Crossfire, Backlot BO1: Nuketown, Array, Grid, Firingrange MW3: Dome, Hardhat, Lockdown, Bootleg, Arkaden, Interchange. I dont want to die because a random rocket shoots me somewhere out of the sky, a creepy axe murderer kills me when im about to getting a kem-strike, i dont want to die in lava when im trying to get a swarm because i dont look exactly what is on the ground in front of me (Magma BO2), I want to get back the old but gold call of duty how i loved it and not such crap like "Loki", "Guarddog" or such way to big maps like overlord or whiteout. Why the F*ck is the best sniper in CoD Ghosts semi-automatic? It should have to be bolt-action. You are doing this game for the noobs, because you are selling it more this way, but this will not work in the future any more. The franchise will die out soon, as you can see in the count of sales of ghosts. I'm sorry for my bad english, im from germany and i'll get hated for this, but just think about what i wrote if the next cod comes out.
Homies Honestly didn't read your comment but i know its full of you bitching like a little kid.
You didnt read it, so, how do you want to know, little fanboy?
When is the next title update coming?
cod ghost is the best, love the campaign and the maps, now it has better Levelution events then 2042.
Best map pack ever
wow it actually looks really good
I'd pay lots of money for a DLC that adds a corgi attack dog
Its would be impossible to kill because its so small :D
Attention all BF4 Fanboys, keyboard warriors, and miscellaneous trolls. You have absolutely ZERO facts to back up your arguments. First off, the health in this game is no lower than previous games, and the guns aren`t more powerful, the hit detection is simply GORGEOUS, something the haters complained about for years. Second, stop bitching about how much the game costs. Every single big title game now is 60 USD, and the DLC`s are usually anywhere from 10 - 20 USD. Third, the maps aren`t too big, your just terrible at the game. You actually have come up with a strategy instead just running and gunning. 4th and finally, SHUT THE FUCK UP about campers. Heres how it is. If theres a corner, people can camp. Unless the map is an empty field, there will always be campers. Good day trolls. Have fun with Errorfield 4, jerking off to the "FROSTBITE ENGINE", I and the rest of the COD Community will be kicking back, and playing an AWESOME game.
exactly support u all the way!!
+1 thumbs up
you sir... deserve a cookie
Im a fan of both battlefield and cod but I just dislike the fact that everyone talks shit to each other. Both are great games in there own ways but that doesn't mean you can go on another game and start shit with people just because they have a different interest in FPS's I would really appreciate the fact if this can be shared with everyone. Please keep negative comments to yourself, have fun and get along :)
i would buy it if old gen had dedicated servers like you promised
remember ghost uses a mix of dedicated servers and pier based servers like other cods.
flamesword300 no, it actually doesn't use dedicated servers on previous gen consoles, despite their claims.
My gut just busted with this awesome DLC preview even the campaign sucked at least I have something to look forward to. Cant wait to slash up some faces playing as Michel Myers.
6314680 Ghosts isnt. And if you thought black ops 2 was a bad game you must have been one of the butt hurt noobs that got mad they couldnt camp anymore with the new Ghost perk they had. And you must not like small fast paced games in BO2 but like big maps with slow paced campers in Ghosts. Understandable
DoctorFALSE Giveaway True.
that made my day. lol good one
Hayden McCarry ikr
I'm still waiting for IW to fix the severe optimization issues on PC; nearly constant framerate stutters ruin gameplay experience which prevents me from wanting to play Ghosts. I will not trust IW in the future.
I consider Black Ops II as best COD (or WAW); Treyarch learned their lesson about bad optimization from Black Ops and they did quite a bit of addition to the campaign mode, zombies and introducing the pick-10 create-a-class system which was quite well done.
World At War* back when they didn't care if 10 year olds played the game and actually had gore and language
I loved WAW for having such a dark atmosphere; even the main menu theme is quite eerie.
looks cool
How I miss the days of grinding Ghosts with my homies....
Ha wtf, what does Michael Meyers have to do with Call of Duty?
I'm so hyped. Gunna be awesome.
2:39 EXTINCTION in IGNITION end of corridor!?!?!
extinction will never be better than zombies
Of course not because so far not 1 orignal idea
But it will always be better than MW3 survival.
Zombies is boring!
This will make some serious Michael Myers games in private matches
Bought season pass since day1! Can't Wait 4 This Mp
I only plan on buying this for Extinction really.
Also I cannot understand why people subscribe to CALLOFDUTY *purely* to dislike and hate on their videos. I mean they're actually doing new shit in their games like everyone asked, and yet people still complain lol.
True story bro
AND if you complete a field order diarrhea will rain from the sky and kill every enemy in the area
All this complaining by people who don't like the game is rather silly. Personally, I like ghost! If you don't, don't play it! I don't want all the maps to be small like nuke town in black ops 2. It's a fun map, but gets old after awhile. Can't tell me that map didn't have some terrible spawn points, and people that play it a lot and are pretty good have learned how to control the map, it size makes it easier to do! That's not a good thing. I like medium sized maps personally.
I like the game but it has a lot of problems and glitches that need to be fixed. Also they need to do something about the spawning points but other than that I completely agree with you.
whyisthereyou Finally people who appreciate a good game
"Great low price" = more than I paid for the game.