I’ve watched your channel since I was a lube tech. As a main line tech now, I can thank you for your info for the new comers as I know you have their best interests in mind and provide great advise
I worked for big o in Wichita KS. I was at my grandma's funeral and got a call to come get my toolbox because we shut the store down and you have to get your tools before 5 o'clock because we're locking up and going home to Kansas City. No warning, nothing. Which led to the worst job I've ever had for 2 years then quit there, now I'm at Kansasland, best job I ever had. I get my own service truck to take home and make triple what the last job pays
Hey Justin I will say im in the same boat. But talking about starting out as a new tech, back in our day HFT tools weren't as good as they are now. For example the pic set. Yes they suck but they got the job done same with the wrenches. At the end of the day the new techs needs to ignore the shit talk of HFT vs SnapOn/ other trucks. HFT have started some amazing Mechanics/ Techs. Shit I started my mechanic career in the army using snapon and when i got out I got a job at HFT and wound up as a Mananger. I new it wasnt for me and became a mechanic for a dealerships and mom and pops. Which I then wound up with all the tool truck brands. I ended up running my own snapon truck and one thing I struggled with was selling SnapOn to the new guys starting out because at the end of the day tools are way to expensive, the HFT or other cheap brands will get the job done just as good, and most techs dont stay in the business. I 100% agree with this video. One more thing. New guys buy the cheap stuff, if you use it enough to brake it then you should upgrade and if you borrow a tool more than 3 times maybe you should consider buying it.
I work for Les Schwab. I’d say most techs get started off with the same maybe some more stuff. If the manager likes you, they will do get you more stuff. If you’re their best guy, they will do what they can to help accommodate you more. I also get bonuses, full benefits and retirement(15% value earnings add to your retirement). Better employees get raises quicker. I’m at $26. LS also wants guys to promote to management.
I work at a shop that did lift kits and tires and we had to have are own tool but the guy who owns it provided the specialty tools I like it there 16 hr i miss that place i think about going back
hmm unsure. Might I recommend talking to your senior tech at the shop. I myself haven't done enough alignments to know if that's what you need my friend.
Ive been a professional in the motorsports field for about 3 years now, and obviously there are differences, something ive come to realize is i can use marketplace and pawn shops to find tool truck brands for less than new, and it doesn't bother me to warranty it. When you work for a smaller nascar team like i have and you take on multiple jobs as you progress you get custom tools and move stuff around etc that you realize you need, its mor similar in the tool aspect to regular shops than i think i realized, but its what i enjoy and for the position i have as an interior guy that does multiple jobs, a 6 drawer full bank serves me well and im at the point where if i break a cheap tool when a tool truck runs i replace it
Another good video glad ur back regularly another shop video tour would be nice, do they take inventory of the tools they let u use ? If any go missing they take out of pay check ?
Craftsman has a screwdriver like that. When Kmart was closing I bought like 20 various screwdrivers for 50 cents each. That one has been my favorite and they have them for $5 at Lowe's
Love the videos I’m a B level tech at a tire and general repair shop.keep doing you bro fuck all these dudes hating on you and trying to be your life coach’s shits hilariously painful to read lol 😂love from Ohio
Law enforcement is a young man’s game, and nowadays, a total crap professional. That applies even more in a state like yours. You’ll be severely disappointed, take it from a 20 year vet about to retire from a very prestigious position. Can’t wait to leave and so will you about a year in. This profession is unfortunately dead and wont come back any time soon. You’ll be wishing to be back in a bay. Also you’ll quickly realize that it ain’t the army. So whatever good you remember from the army, you wont find in law enforcement
The Goodyear franchise I used to work at made the customer sign a waiver anytime we did a tranmission service or flush. The waiver said the shop wasn't responsible for the tranmission slipping, failing etc after the service
I used to work for Big O. I didn’t get any of that. I got 16 percent of all mechanic work but only 1.00 per tire for any tire work, 1.00 per oil change and free alignment checks with all tire purchases and all equipment was broken. Place was a joke.
If you listen to his other videos, he is no no longer setup to be a full spectrum tech and be as efficient/effective as he once was due to limited tools. In additions, he’s just trying to keep the family moving forward while chasing his dream in law enforcement. His heart is not in it to win it yet, so he willing to do the job as it is now to provide like he needs to. Some may disagree, but few in this world won’t swallow their pride and step down to try and step up in another career. Kudos to him for this perseverance against the odds.
You are a troll and a pos. Why would you post this comment, and don't say it's because you care about Justin. If you cared about him, you would have reached out privately. If you don't have his private contact information, you should have given him your contact information, and then ask him to contact you. Then say what you wanted to say. People like you are why creators stop uploading content. You are a joke that nobody in our TH-cam community respects.
.... Selling your TOOLS and coming back in as a lube and tire tech is like doing a PRESTIGE in real life. It's when you accomplish everything in a shooting game, then CHOOSE to start all over again with the skill and experience you have from achieving everything weapon in the game.. then STARTING ALL OVER FOR THE DOPAMINE or WHATEVER you call that. A PURPOSE, iDK! But you're good at hitting PRESTIGE in the automotive game i guess! this is like an experiment tbh!survival and cleverness is all this man knows!
WHY do that to yourself? Change an other mans engine oil & rotate his tires? Fukn self brutalization. Werent you a CSM in the Army? Don't, please don't....My CWO2 Army co worker agrees. Security for "AdultFilm" work pays arpox $50-$75 per hour, ex military preferred! As much of a work "load" as you can handle too!
I’ve watched your channel since I was a lube tech. As a main line tech now, I can thank you for your info for the new comers as I know you have their best interests in mind and provide great advise
I worked for big o in Wichita KS. I was at my grandma's funeral and got a call to come get my toolbox because we shut the store down and you have to get your tools before 5 o'clock because we're locking up and going home to Kansas City. No warning, nothing. Which led to the worst job I've ever had for 2 years then quit there, now I'm at Kansasland, best job I ever had. I get my own service truck to take home and make triple what the last job pays
You got a talent to cut through all the crap and condense it to what you need.
You can explain anything.
Thank you for your time.
Hey Justin I will say im in the same boat. But talking about starting out as a new tech, back in our day HFT tools weren't as good as they are now. For example the pic set. Yes they suck but they got the job done same with the wrenches. At the end of the day the new techs needs to ignore the shit talk of HFT vs SnapOn/ other trucks. HFT have started some amazing Mechanics/ Techs. Shit I started my mechanic career in the army using snapon and when i got out I got a job at HFT and wound up as a Mananger. I new it wasnt for me and became a mechanic for a dealerships and mom and pops. Which I then wound up with all the tool truck brands. I ended up running my own snapon truck and one thing I struggled with was selling SnapOn to the new guys starting out because at the end of the day tools are way to expensive, the HFT or other cheap brands will get the job done just as good, and most techs dont stay in the business. I 100% agree with this video. One more thing. New guys buy the cheap stuff, if you use it enough to brake it then you should upgrade and if you borrow a tool more than 3 times maybe you should consider buying it.
T2 diabetic, so joining you with my Diet Dew.
Glad to see the new content & keep your eye on the LE prize!
I work for Les Schwab. I’d say most techs get started off with the same maybe some more stuff. If the manager likes you, they will do get you more stuff. If you’re their best guy, they will do what they can to help accommodate you more. I also get bonuses, full benefits and retirement(15% value earnings add to your retirement). Better employees get raises quicker. I’m at $26. LS also wants guys to promote to management.
$26 at LS?? Damn wish they'd open one near me😂
@@gary_lav could be making more at other shops, but it’s less stress and the benefits are real nice.
I work at a shop that did lift kits and tires and we had to have are own tool but the guy who owns it provided the specialty tools I like it there 16 hr i miss that place i think about going back
Any chance youll upgrade the box to a basic tool bag?
Wish you the best one tech too another...i understand your pain my friend
I recently moved over to alignments and realized I don’t have everything. Some rear adjustments are in tight spaces do I need stubby wrenches?
hmm unsure. Might I recommend talking to your senior tech at the shop. I myself haven't done enough alignments to know if that's what you need my friend.
Knipex Cobra’s are the best tool ever made in my opinion
Ive been a professional in the motorsports field for about 3 years now, and obviously there are differences, something ive come to realize is i can use marketplace and pawn shops to find tool truck brands for less than new, and it doesn't bother me to warranty it. When you work for a smaller nascar team like i have and you take on multiple jobs as you progress you get custom tools and move stuff around etc that you realize you need, its mor similar in the tool aspect to regular shops than i think i realized, but its what i enjoy and for the position i have as an interior guy that does multiple jobs, a 6 drawer full bank serves me well and im at the point where if i break a cheap tool when a tool truck runs i replace it
Glad your back, great video!
Lol so many people need to catch up with what youre doing 😎 others shouldn't worry all too much... Oh and the hair is growing back in 😁
Good to see u back at it man i qute that sceen iam back to doing jack hammering with my 90pounder
Another good video glad ur back regularly another shop video tour would be nice, do they take inventory of the tools they let u use ? If any go missing they take out of pay check ?
Dang that’s a strong card board soup box to hold all them tools
Your coming back, see that orange pocket screwdriver its snap-on .
Craftsman has a screwdriver like that. When Kmart was closing I bought like 20 various screwdrivers for 50 cents each. That one has been my favorite and they have them for $5 at Lowe's
Love the videos I’m a B level tech at a tire and general repair shop.keep doing you bro fuck all these dudes hating on you and trying to be your life coach’s shits hilariously painful to read lol 😂love from Ohio
Wow you mentioned so many uses for the screw driver I never even thought of
The new/ latest grind. Keep on hustlin brother
As I watch this video, I can't help but agree with another comment: you should definitely consider being an automotive instructor 🎉
Nicely done!
Law enforcement is a young man’s game, and nowadays, a total crap professional. That applies even more in a state like yours. You’ll be severely disappointed, take it from a 20 year vet about to retire from a very prestigious position. Can’t wait to leave and so will you about a year in. This profession is unfortunately dead and wont come back any time soon. You’ll be wishing to be back in a bay. Also you’ll quickly realize that it ain’t the army. So whatever good you remember from the army, you wont find in law enforcement
The Goodyear franchise I used to work at made the customer sign a waiver anytime we did a tranmission service or flush. The waiver said the shop wasn't responsible for the tranmission slipping, failing etc after the service
There's several ways you can look at that and they all sound bad
I have the knipex battery cable cutters they are like butter
You will need a 1/4 drive bit set with a short and long handle rachet for actuator and stuff like that
I used to work for Big O. I didn’t get any of that. I got 16 percent of all mechanic work but only 1.00 per tire for any tire work, 1.00 per oil change and free alignment checks with all tire purchases and all equipment was broken. Place was a joke.
Doesn't matter who you work for if the Management sucks the place is going to suck. It all comes down to how it is operated.
wow, so if a car came in for an oil change and four tires you would make $5? That's freaking robbery man
Bro, you should be giving classes at a local auto tech school! 🧰🛠️👍🏽
Damn ain’t heard that phrase in a minute. Cheers to who has your beers
great video Justin 🛠🔧🇨🇦👍
The big o tire in San tan valley Arizona didn't give any of this stuff lol
Why start completely over after being a tech for 14 years? You could be way ahead if you would just stick to it
If you listen to his other videos, he is no no longer setup to be a full spectrum tech and be as efficient/effective as he once was due to limited tools. In additions, he’s just trying to keep the family moving forward while chasing his dream in law enforcement. His heart is not in it to win it yet, so he willing to do the job as it is now to provide like he needs to.
Some may disagree, but few in this world won’t swallow their pride and step down to try and step up in another career. Kudos to him for this perseverance against the odds.
Yea his time has past, I mean at this point just stop bro, no shame in it.
Because a 2" gash has his head in a tizzy.
@@markpeterson6836 That’s a pretty shit thing to say. Do you, but don’t ding a man’s family. Besides, you only know anecdotal things.
So many DBag commenters, no wonder so many creators get burnt out dealing with so much scum.
Ever thought of being an advisor or service manager?
I have a Big Gulp, no beer 😂
🍻 cheers
Justin Dow.. Wait.. I thought you quit smoking and drinking. Be careful with the drinking brother. Isn't that why you split up?
I think we've seen this episode before.
You are a troll and a pos. Why would you post this comment, and don't say it's because you care about Justin. If you cared about him, you would have reached out privately. If you don't have his private contact information, you should have given him your contact information, and then ask him to contact you. Then say what you wanted to say. People like you are why creators stop uploading content. You are a joke that nobody in our TH-cam community respects.
you still working on getting into law enforcement?
.... Selling your TOOLS and coming back in as a lube and tire tech is like doing a PRESTIGE in real life. It's when you accomplish everything in a shooting game, then CHOOSE to start all over again with the skill and experience you have from achieving everything weapon in the game.. then STARTING ALL OVER FOR THE DOPAMINE or WHATEVER you call that. A PURPOSE, iDK! But you're good at hitting PRESTIGE in the automotive game i guess! this is like an experiment tbh!survival and cleverness is all this man knows!
I see a call of duty fan!
WHY do that to yourself? Change an other mans engine oil & rotate his tires? Fukn self brutalization. Werent you a CSM in the Army? Don't, please don't....My CWO2 Army co worker agrees. Security for "AdultFilm" work pays arpox $50-$75 per hour, ex military preferred! As much of a work "load" as you can handle too!