2:52 ... so yeah, the sound of her voice, vocal inflection, diction, tone and overall delivery sounds great but she seems like she's rush reading. Make sure you take a breath between statements; this is based on her Mercedes breakdown. She did much better on the Bronco...
This is possibly the most well thought comment any of my videos have ever received! In her defense I will state that the portion of the video you are referring to was created by Liz for SUVs.com 2 minute reviews. These videos by their very nature are quite short and have to cram a lot of information into a small amount of time. If you visit her channel you will see that most of her videos are not as rushed.
Cool video tom!!
Thanks Cash!!
2:52 ... so yeah, the sound of her voice, vocal inflection, diction, tone and overall delivery sounds great but she seems like she's rush reading. Make sure you take a breath between statements; this is based on her Mercedes breakdown. She did much better on the Bronco...
This is possibly the most well thought comment any of my videos have ever received! In her defense I will state that the portion of the video you are referring to was created by Liz for SUVs.com 2 minute reviews. These videos by their very nature are quite short and have to cram a lot of information into a small amount of time. If you visit her channel you will see that most of her videos are not as rushed.