@D_money aside from the fact that everyone is trying to use vogue and anything lgtbq-ish to make money...... I don't think it matters if she dances every moment or a majority of moments. The people paid for a show and to see her singing live. She provided exactly that IMO. She has to get a breather and change clothes, these are intermission type moments. If she wouldn't have gone on tour people would complain about that.
How does it genuinely get better than this? HONEY BALENCIAGA SAID LET ME SPIN THIS DIP INTO THE SKYYYYY can we talk about that HEIGHT before she SLAMMED THAT DIPPPPP
Drag and ballroom have a lot in common. I would say drag is anything with dressing up in exaggerated gendered costumes and doing entertainment (could be hosting, standup comedy, etc.), and ballroom is more this specific style of dance. A lot of cross pollination tbh
@@TheOrangeneckEverything drag has in common with ballroom actually came from ballroom first. This is ballroom culture, and appreciation, at its finest
This will be one of her most personal and best concerts. The part with all the cameras on stage look like the same Rosalia does in her concerts . I like that more artist are willing to try this kind of production .
I was at Sunderland and honestly I loved the whole show but this section was by far my favourite part! I love that she gave the dancers their own moment for this and it was just so fun to see them express themselves through dance!
Carlos and Honey!!!!! im so incredibly emotional for their success🙏🙏🙏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ we watched their debut and rise in the ballroom scene and to see them at the pinnacle 🎉🎉
OMG that walk! Someone has been studying the fierce Miss Naomi Campbell on the catwalk. Love love love the ballroom dance scene! Beyonce is bringing it and delivering in this tour.
I love that ballroom theme of the show!!! Thank you Thomas!!!! B better be releasing this tour as an audio/visual album. I need this. THIS IS WHAT I WANNA SEEEE
I love seeing Jonte, Aliya, Carlos and Honey there…would’ve loved to see Makayla and Brooklyn up there right with them 🫶🏽 if Mama blesses us with the DVD my life will be complete 😂😊 also love to Kevin Prodigy, big tings baby
You would think they would do this while beyonce is taking a break or changing or something… in all the shows.. why would she take this out? It’s awesome
@@lillycastoff5683 The drag legislations have been struck down but they would have affected anyone who is wearing something considered to be of the opposite gender they were assigned. So a trans woman walking from her car to her job in women's clothing could have been arrested under that too.
Beyonce hiring actual ballroom dancers for her tour is everything.
It would be deplorable if she didn’t
should have gotten BETTER ones...the only one that ate was honey!
@@LEIBALOVETV ....the SEX SIREN has the best TECHNIQUE....everyone else is representing the ballroom culture....
@@LEIBALOVETVgirl easy for you to say, multiple absolutely served tho
@@LEIBALOVETV from the videos I've seen, everyone has delivered. Honey does what they do exceptionally, and not everyone's there to do the same.
Ate the house down
Ellos son los de legendary ❤, 🇨🇴🇨🇴
Do you know who’s doing the catwlK?
were either of them the last one?? BODIED
@@tribecalledmaya the one at the end is Honey Balenciaga. Carlos Basquiat is the one in white at the beginning
Someone know whos doing the femme ?
the ballroom segment is one of my favorite parts from the tour. i get chills every time lol
The amount of appreciation Beyoncé is giving to Vogue culture is incredible 🥰
@D_money aside from the fact that everyone is trying to use vogue and anything lgtbq-ish to make money...... I don't think it matters if she dances every moment or a majority of moments. The people paid for a show and to see her singing live. She provided exactly that IMO. She has to get a breather and change clothes, these are intermission type moments. If she wouldn't have gone on tour people would complain about that.
@@Dideeeee do you really give a fuck about Beyonce.
Madonna did it FIRST 👸
@MM55MM MM55MM you wish lol. Vogue is legendary song. "Queen mother Madonna" by Knowles. Bye 😂😂
How does it genuinely get better than this? HONEY BALENCIAGA SAID LET ME SPIN THIS DIP INTO THE SKYYYYY can we talk about that HEIGHT before she SLAMMED THAT DIPPPPP
I still can’t believe I’m going to see bey and honey LIVE TOGETHER!
This is liberating, this is fun, this is EVERYTHING! Thank you Beyoncé for supporting the drag culture
You are so welcome
Drag and ballroom have a lot in common. I would say drag is anything with dressing up in exaggerated gendered costumes and doing entertainment (could be hosting, standup comedy, etc.), and ballroom is more this specific style of dance. A lot of cross pollination tbh
how tf are you gonna watch this and fr say drag culture??
@@TheOrangeneckEverything drag has in common with ballroom actually came from ballroom first. This is ballroom culture, and appreciation, at its finest
This will be one of her most personal and best concerts. The part with all the cameras on stage look like the same Rosalia does in her concerts . I like that more artist are willing to try this kind of production .
@@Dideeeee shes healing and is dancing
@@Dideeeee your comment shows you haven't been to the renaissance tour lol
Comparar a Beyoncé con la rosi que ni se la entiende cantar tendría q estar penado con cárcel
@@tosepasa Nadie está comparando aprenda a interpretar.
Look at my baby Carlos eating old way! I am GAGGING! So proud of the ballroom gurls and new dancers!! Honey and Darius, I see you too babies!🥹
Darius is from which house?
@@NyashaShepherd Darius is a West. Amazing dancer. 🖤
I was at Sunderland and honestly I loved the whole show but this section was by far my favourite part! I love that she gave the dancers their own moment for this and it was just so fun to see them express themselves through dance!
I didn’t realize the ballroom section was actually shortened. I like it better like this.
This literally brought tears to my eyes
Sasha Velour was looking for it 😍
They saved the best for last, the energy honey brings is like no other.
2:35 love the energy so much
Carlos and Honey!!!!! im so incredibly emotional for their success🙏🙏🙏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ we watched their debut and rise in the ballroom scene and to see them at the pinnacle 🎉🎉
This! I am in tears. This has to mean so much for all the ballroom performers. And Beyonce using her spotlight to give them shine is outstanding. ❤❤❤
This is everything I had hoped for and so much more. I cannot WAIT for Chicago!!!
6/23 for me!!! 🎉
@@deidralatrice3925see you there
@@deidralatrice3925so near!!
Getting so emotional watching this like??? Tearing up. We are witnessing HERSTORY. This was such an iconic moment in ballroom
1:10 Hipnotizado com a consciência e controle corporal! Surreal. Plena do início ao fim.
She should have added this to the movie I’m so mad she left it out this was a very important part and the whole reason why we love ballroom
It is partially in the movie with the Kevin Prodigy part of the documentary though
@@treload I’ve seen the movie she should have had the FULL scene not just a 10 second clip honestly
This is sooo FIERCE and Liberating!! This tour feels SOO authentic and personal!!😝😂🥹❤️💅🏾!!
Bro that cat walk she gave was FLAMINNGGGGGG!!!!!! the best catwalk of existence!!!!!
I love this segment of the tour bey is so cool for showcasing this part of the culture
OMG that walk! Someone has been studying the fierce Miss Naomi Campbell on the catwalk. Love love love the ballroom dance scene! Beyonce is bringing it and delivering in this tour.
I can’t stop watching this vidddddd!!
This is what I wanna seeee!!!!
Im still watching this over and over! Queen bee is doing it right! That ballroom show is giving life!
Louca pra viver essa experiência um dia 😢😍😍😍😍
BALLROOM IS HERE!!!!!!!! OMG🥹😭❤️🔥🌟
i would DEAD for the jawline of the woman in the black spike outfit!!!!!!!! she was giving face endlessly
No sorry because I'm back to watch this for the 27th time??????? IMPECCABLE MANNERS AT THE DINNER TABLE, ATE!
this still brings me so much joy 🥹❤️
THANK YOU!!!!! Been looking for a recording of the ball!!!
i still watch this all the time 😭
the amount of joy this brings to me is infitinte
The ballroom interlude is in my top 3 fav parts of the show fs
Thank you so much for this video!! I saw her live and when this part came on I was loosing my freaking mind!!!!! THE ENERGY IS INCREDIBLE!
I love that ballroom theme of the show!!! Thank you Thomas!!!! B better be releasing this tour as an audio/visual album. I need this. THIS IS WHAT I WANNA SEEEE
Prometeu nada e entregou tudo 🇧🇷🐝👑❤️
I'm so happy seeing some of my favorite dancers and public figures sharing the stage. Grateful for these videos. Thank you!
the face girlies had me breathless
They was a CHOP in Ballroom standards!!! #noshade
@@Smoothoperator89 yeah i figured but they looked stunning still
gaggggeddddd this made me so emotional
Need a studio version of this!!!!!!!
me too
Same!!!!!! I’ve been looking and I can’t find it anywhere.
Oh My Yonce! This was everrrything and then some!
I was there at Sunderland and this was everything! Beyoncé is something els for putting the Ballroom scene front and centre!!!
Love the “Honey” vocals when miss Honey comes out
They ate.
This brings me so much joy T.T
How often have you watched this? Yes.
The way they move in these heels with grace and elegance and dance from their souls at the same time is incredible, I could never
This is the best interlude i have seen so far everyone did so good😭😭
this gags me every single time i come back to it. i’ve seen it at least 400 times at this point 😭
I know ppl ppl going to be upset but she she stole some of these from Janet tour
Wowwwww! I am in for such a treat! I appreciate Bey for shining light on the Vogue culture. I'm really loving it. So much fabulousness!
That quality omg
I am so obsessed with this like where was I during the whole renaissance tour😭
This Is wonderful,they are so so so good
They all ate!!!! DARIUSSSS YOU LOOKED GUD BOO!!! Ms. JANELLLLLLLLL GURRLLL GET IT The lsst performance kilttt it!
OMG!!!!! So proud of you Ms Aliyah Janell!😭😭❤
Omg Honey killed it as always. Carlos always a sweet spot in my heart!!! #oldway . Everyone carried yassss
I love seeing Jonte, Aliya, Carlos and Honey there…would’ve loved to see Makayla and Brooklyn up there right with them 🫶🏽 if Mama blesses us with the DVD my life will be complete 😂😊 also love to Kevin Prodigy, big tings baby
Beyoncé is EVERYTHING !!!!
Baby....This video gave EVERYTHING it was supposed to give!!!!
Que maravilhoso, é de arrepiar!
Honey B👏🏽A👏🏽L👏🏽E👏🏽N👏🏽C👏🏽I👏🏽A👏🏽G👏🏽A!!!!!!! ❤❤❤❤
I cannot stop watching this!! This was SOO good!
I was about to say 'not having Honey in this section was criminal', but they saved her for the end!! ❤❤❤
Thanks for capturing this, The CHILDREN will forever be grateful. BALLROOM IS HERE TO STAY!! HBO is going to be very sorry for canceling legendary
it was cancelled?
@@okamiartifex8813unfortunately yes
thank god this hasn’t been deleted 😭 this is one of the only times the full version of the ballroom battle was performed before getting cut down
This is the best Interlude performance from the tour; everyone equally serves.
Timing is right, equally done, truly reflect and beautiful.
The runway dancer is very good. She brought it!
Yasssssss!!!!thiss!!Reinassance!!!I cant❤❤❤❤❤
Poderia assistir cada performance ainda sim não teria palavras 🎉🎉🎉😮
Finally we get to see the full version of this! I don't think she's doing this part for all of her shows.
You would think they would do this while beyonce is taking a break or changing or something… in all the shows.. why would she take this out? It’s awesome
@@TravelwithEbby Concern over the drag ban in legislation, maybe? It's unfortunate.
@@AndreaVidaMandathis isn’t drag tho, it’s ballroom. Which there’s a hugeeee difference in 🩷
@@lillycastoff5683 The drag legislations have been struck down but they would have affected anyone who is wearing something considered to be of the opposite gender they were assigned. So a trans woman walking from her car to her job in women's clothing could have been arrested under that too.
@@icemeoutlikeelsashe still has the part in the show just shortened down
When she comes to the US she needs to get Leomi up there, she could KILL!
That Part!!!!!!👍👍👍👍👍👍💪😎❤️
People let me just say Beyoncé did a great job hiring new dances
The costumes are just amazing.
The entry of Honey Balenciaga and that Rawr ❤
i fucking love thiss just watching makes me so happy😭
The way Honey came through 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Aliya oh my goodness, I’m so happy for you🥰🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🙌🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
my throat would be SORE the day after this
Amari Monsters body is insane
Yassss Honey Balenciaga ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Thank you for posting this 🎉
Honey hits it EVERYTIME
Holy shit. The leg work? The core strength?! MY THIGHS COULD NEVER