Tom slick, George of the Jungle, Super Chicken & other cartoons l watched at my grandma's house when l was in the 3rd grade. Thanks for posting these, great memories.
"It's not first time my wife has lost her head over a pretty face." I never got that when I first watched it 30+ years ago. I just bursted out laughing so much realizing how layered that way.
ABC re-aired decades-old episodes of this 1967 program on their Saturday Morning Cartoon lineup in 1997, in anticipation of Disney's live-action movie adaptation starring Brendan Fraser, which won a new worldwide generation of fans to that tree-huggiing twit.
Tom slick, George of the Jungle, Super Chicken & other cartoons l watched at my grandma's house when l was in the 3rd grade. Thanks for posting these, great memories.
I loved George of the Jungle and Super Chicken. Brings back happy memories from my childhood. Thanks.
I bet this episode of Tom slick was aired around Halloween in 1967
My grandmother has 3 vhs tapes of this show and I watched them all the time at her cabin, I'm 20 now and I still love them😊
"They're neck and neck! Neck and neck!"
"Please, don't say "neck"! It's makes me so hungry." 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Paul Frees was awesome.
Fred the Lion is awesome!
"It's not first time my wife has lost her head over a pretty face."
I never got that when I first watched it 30+ years ago. I just bursted out laughing so much realizing how layered that way.
I Want G of J on DVD.
ABC re-aired decades-old episodes of this 1967 program on their Saturday Morning Cartoon lineup in 1997, in anticipation of Disney's live-action movie adaptation starring Brendan Fraser, which won a new worldwide generation of fans to that tree-huggiing twit.
FYI, Tic Toc Tech is a rival of Bullwinkle's alma mater Wassamatta U.
Thanks for the post!!!
Maybe they should have featured this in Rocky and Bullwinkle.
The doctor could have also taken Ursula's leopard skin.
Wasn't Ursula, originally called "Jane" in the pilot episode?
@@marynovak5800 Yes, but they changed her name to avoid legal trouble with the estate of Edgar Rice Burroughs.
And face a lawsuit from Ursula Andress
Tom Slick kinda reminds me of the Great Leslie and Otto reminds me of Prof. Fate while his sidekick reminds me of Max
The Mascot Super chicken 🐔
DAMN, that's brutal! 15:21
How many mountains must a warrior take or build
I am a mountain of a man from birth
Climbing me isn’t always hard
“Four years of Johns Hopkins for this.”
3:47 George just lucky I guess.
Good dog, Shep! Fetch!
okay that's scary 13:50
5:35 😂
Ever notice how these heroes always seem to have health issues when using their calls
What happened to the opening, and the intro song, (that came out of the commercial breaks,) to this cartoon show?...This is the second episode
I don't know.
If he is rich why did he turn too theft too stay rich incredible
Ahk Ahk Eek Eek Tuki Tuki
1:35 I don't get it.
Too bad YouPuke.won't let you play the theme song