@@krystalthesquirrel4973 lilsimsie made her sim break up with her boyfriend because he had the aspiration to be a heartbreaker and she didn't wanna have all his money just as she started the legacy
The sims playing musical cribs with the babies is definitely in the top 5 most frustrating things about The Sims 3, and it gets soooo much worse when you have multiple storeys and they decide they have to take the kids all the way down the stairs to feed them or whatever 😭
Excuse ne but nobody is talking about Snap, the way she sleeps, face onto her bed like, hiding idk (I’m French and having a hard time describing it 😭) SO FREAKING CUTE 18:22
every time i try to play ts3 generations, my imaginary friends glitch out. one time, my teen sim met his adult sister's inaginary friend at the prom. the if was never made real. afterwards, he couldn't get her over to ask to be friends. so he met a woman after grad and got married. they had five kids together. then his wife divorced him. for dancing someone at the prom. before they met. a person neither knew existed. a person he just danced with
Don't stress over the people that don't pay attention or read. Just play and people can watch or not, comment or not. I can't follow the twitch, id love to, but that chat drives me bonkers and is too fast
hey just so u know u can hide the chat on twitch with an option in the upper right corner- i always found chat so distracting til someone showed me that!
@@Lefunbags These streamers have a skill for sure. Being able to play, respond to chat and stay calm while remaining entertaining would absolutely kill the enjoyment for me as a player. Props to Simsie!
Simsie, if you have the WooHooer add on for NRaas you can set it when women can get other women pregnant, men can get other men pregnant, same-sex dogs/cats being able to have puppies/kittens. You can also add autonomy for try for a baby too. It's basically like Deaderpool's MCCC Woohoo add-on.
Watching Simsie struggle with sims constantly picking up babies and moving them to a different crib(if you had more than one) is why I was never upset that the babies in ts4 are objects. That was so annoying!
I loved ts3, it's what got me into the Sims. I wished they'd brought the textures changes to ts4. I'm hoping for the best that they bring it to ts5 for the nostalgia feels.
@@beachgirl445 I haven't played ts1 or ts2. I I basically a newborn when they came out so I didn't get to get them and had to start with ts3. Which I am on the look out for copies of every Sims game because I want them very much (including online, bustin out, and other spin offs if they're out there.) I do plan on getting medieval on Origin once I'm able to afford it.
People are so stupid man if they accuse you of clickbait tell them to look at the freaking title! And or to get their eyes checked! It’s like when your playing a guessing game and the person who’s turn it is says that the word doesn’t start with a p and then after a few guesses someone says penguin! Like really!
I don’t understand why she didn’t want to answer the question at 2:36:13.. Can someone please explain it? I did some quick searches but nothing seemed weird or suspicious (I inferred from her facial expressions and her not answering that it was from something suspicious).
Don't want people to ask about The Sims 4 when you're playing another Sims game because it's "off topic"? Simple solution: Don't play Sims or don't stream lmfao. Why are you complaining about people engaging with you ask asking you questions about a franchise you are your community like? Look up LowTierGod, you remind me of him lmfao.
i did not turn on your vods while i game for ONCE and my game crashed and i just finished a whole term with A+ GPA and on my last day for my last term. i flipped and abandoned the save because i have had enough. and then i realize usually it was kaylas's chat that always remind me to save🫠
The one time i didn't save before letting my dad check something on the pc was the one time he accidentally shut off power. I didn't lose TOO much progress, but I was really upset lol I guess that was only mildly related to what you said- though I never save in any game as much as I do in the sims because of the chat freaking when simsie doesn't for a while
the person asking what Twilight was just aged me by about a decade. but I love watching your stream vods, thanks for uploading them!!
plenty of people were alive around twilight and didnt know what it was either
Don't feel old, almost everyone knows twilight despite when they were born. theres just a select few who are missing out
“Get rid of your husband and paint your house pink” ok… are you a spy? Cause that’s exactly my life.
Umm, why did they break up again?
@@krystalthesquirrel4973 lilsimsie made her sim break up with her boyfriend because he had the aspiration to be a heartbreaker and she didn't wanna have all his money just as she started the legacy
Cat cam is the best. Look at Snap sitting there and cleaning her little paws. So adorable!
I love your ts3 series please do this challange more often on twitch
The sims playing musical cribs with the babies is definitely in the top 5 most frustrating things about The Sims 3, and it gets soooo much worse when you have multiple storeys and they decide they have to take the kids all the way down the stairs to feed them or whatever 😭
“Musical Cribs” got me crying tho 😭
Kayla forgetting the year again with the title!!
Omg I didn't even notice 😂
Yeah she noticed in previous video's but now she timetravelled again 😅
After I read this she says, I knew I forgot something, 🤣🤣🤣🤣.
i can’t even be mad, i wrote down 1/26/21 today
kayla being this stressed is making me stressed lmao
I can’t believe Kayla didn’t tell us she was playing sims 3 💀
Okay but the part where her ex husband missed her and she took a picture of it immediately made me chuckle
Excuse ne but nobody is talking about Snap, the way she sleeps, face onto her bed like, hiding idk (I’m French and having a hard time describing it 😭) SO FREAKING CUTE 18:22
every time i try to play ts3 generations, my imaginary friends glitch out.
one time, my teen sim met his adult sister's inaginary friend at the prom. the if was never made real.
afterwards, he couldn't get her over to ask to be friends.
so he met a woman after grad and got married.
they had five kids together.
then his wife divorced him. for dancing someone at the prom. before they met. a person neither knew existed. a person he just danced with
Don't stress over the people that don't pay attention or read. Just play and people can watch or not, comment or not. I can't follow the twitch, id love to, but that chat drives me bonkers and is too fast
hey just so u know u can hide the chat on twitch with an option in the upper right corner- i always found chat so distracting til someone showed me that!
@@adennoah8367 thanks!
I can feel her stress when she responds to the chat stress lollol
@@Lefunbags These streamers have a skill for sure. Being able to play, respond to chat and stay calm while remaining entertaining would absolutely kill the enjoyment for me as a player. Props to Simsie!
@@jessjess23brooks89 absolutely!
i just love looking at Snappy
Simsie, if you have the WooHooer add on for NRaas you can set it when women can get other women pregnant, men can get other men pregnant, same-sex dogs/cats being able to have puppies/kittens. You can also add autonomy for try for a baby too. It's basically like Deaderpool's MCCC Woohoo add-on.
Watching Simsie struggle with sims constantly picking up babies and moving them to a different crib(if you had more than one) is why I was never upset that the babies in ts4 are objects. That was so annoying!
That and them lying on the floor in Sims 2 😭
I loved ts3, it's what got me into the Sims. I wished they'd brought the textures changes to ts4. I'm hoping for the best that they bring it to ts5 for the nostalgia feels.
And the sims 2 gameplay!!
@@beachgirl445 I haven't played ts1 or ts2. I I basically a newborn when they came out so I didn't get to get them and had to start with ts3. Which I am on the look out for copies of every Sims game because I want them very much (including online, bustin out, and other spin offs if they're out there.) I do plan on getting medieval on Origin once I'm able to afford it.
Notice how the ex husband only invited girls to all the parties. Including the first one we went to.
Twilight IS the greatest movie ever made. Thank you for recognizing that, Kayla.
you can engineer a baby in the sims 3, I think it came with into the future.
We need to play this again on stream ❤
I wish we had one or two more pregnancy game play options in sims4
PLEASE name each generation after a bad movie. PLEASE. After next- we all know how bad that movie is. PLEASE
Snap is so precious.
Good golly I miss the color wheel from sims 3 so very much.
Why’s the cat sleeping with their face against the chair? 😂
all of kaylas sims 3 series makes me forget abt reality
Some people are just stupid that’s why they think it’s the sims 4 haha
i love how snap just shoves her face into the chair 😭
ivy be like 4 under 2 🤪✌🏻
Kayla boo this isn't animal crossing you're time traveling backwards lol
i THINK in Sims4 you can hire a nanny, but for me, my ONE nanny somehow turned into FOUR for just ONE kiddo! lol
loved it when lilsimsie decided to start some drama by talking up some ladies at her ex husbands costume party
I miss making the bed in sims 3
1:43 Spam the 3 like THE SIMS 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 GENERATIONS so that way they have more than one chance to see it.
People are so stupid man if they accuse you of clickbait tell them to look at the freaking title! And or to get their eyes checked! It’s like when your playing a guessing game and the person who’s turn it is says that the word doesn’t start with a p and then after a few guesses someone says penguin! Like really!
“2:46:41 is he the horse one or the regular one?” 😂😂
Would you recommend I get this :) I really want it and it seems super fun but my friends say it’s really bad and super slow
yes. 100% recommend
Some people are incapable of processing simple information. It's small stuff. Not worth getting stressed about.
Sims 3 is so much better especially with open world
Simsie, I use cheats constantly on babies especially in this game! It’s part of the fun IMO 😂❤🎉 love this play through!
I don’t understand why she didn’t want to answer the question at 2:36:13.. Can someone please explain it? I did some quick searches but nothing seemed weird or suspicious (I inferred from her facial expressions and her not answering that it was from something suspicious).
I think cuz there is a way to get it for free and it may not be legit. I looked up to and there is a way to get Stotr content w/o buying it
Honestly I feel like needs are just more exhausting in the sims 3, I could never keep up with them so I just had them permanently off
I keep forgetting I'm not live with you and i keep wanting to give you name suggestions. Haha
4:44 yeah I love it I wish I lived there! ✨WOW✨
benjamin throwing parties in hope he will see his ex-wife again
The sims 3? Is that the name of the new pack?? (/j)
"You're sleeping, and TWO!" gives off the same energy as "I'm gay, AND YOUR BROTHER!"
I miss dog houses lol
Sims 3 😍
Love this family😍😍😍
Snap is so cute🥺
You're amazing and seem so sweeeet 🥺(and funny!)
im watching this 2 hours after
I suggested the banner 🤣🤣
I mean raising 4 very young children alone and having your dog be your main source of income sounds rough.
Can they add horses to the sims 4! I’d love to have a horse 😢
Helloo! Love your vid btw
It 1/21/24
Don't want people to ask about The Sims 4 when you're playing another Sims game because it's "off topic"? Simple solution: Don't play Sims or don't stream lmfao. Why are you complaining about people engaging with you ask asking you questions about a franchise you are your community like? Look up LowTierGod, you remind me of him lmfao.
i did not turn on your vods while i game for ONCE and my game crashed and i just finished a whole term with A+ GPA and on my last day for my last term. i flipped and abandoned the save because i have had enough. and then i realize usually it was kaylas's chat that always remind me to save🫠
The one time i didn't save before letting my dad check something on the pc was the one time he accidentally shut off power. I didn't lose TOO much progress, but I was really upset lol
I guess that was only mildly related to what you said- though I never save in any game as much as I do in the sims because of the chat freaking when simsie doesn't for a while