Soldier 1 has a heavy flamer. The chains are in honor of Sigismund the first captain of the Imperial Fists Legion. Who then became the the founder/chapter master of the Black Templars Chapter during the Secound Founding. Joytoy is doing great sticking to the lore, mad respect.
Love all the joy toy Warhammer 40k figures,as I been collecting them I noticed as newer ones come out there are getting more expensive.Gray knights cost are $79.99 and up each.
Grey Knights are a larger mold so the price in expected. Try to stay away from large distributors like Entertainment Earth and BigBadToyStore as their mark up on them are over 35% on top of Chinese Distributors prices.
Ok so to make sure,in tabletop games and its miniature box,the boss are guarded with 2 victrix guards right?and joytoy only release 1 model of it?So i guess i just need to order 2 of them,thx for the info brother!
Correct, the domestic Chinese market was offered a set of two as a buying option, which is why the figure sold out so fast. Joy Toy promoting this as a fleet of two was smart, as almost all collectors wanted two. He sold out quickly on all websites. If you see one pop up, buy it.
Soldier 1 has a heavy flamer. The chains are in honor of Sigismund the first captain of the Imperial Fists Legion. Who then became the the founder/chapter master of the Black Templars Chapter during the Secound Founding. Joytoy is doing great sticking to the lore, mad respect.
Another little tidbit. The whole chaining weapons thing was started by the World Earters, Sigismond picked it up from Kharne.
Ah ok. Thank you for that info.
Thanks for the overview. Very thorough and informative 👍🏾🤘🏾
Love all the joy toy Warhammer 40k figures,as I been collecting them I noticed as newer ones come out there are getting more expensive.Gray knights cost are $79.99 and up each.
Grey Knights are a larger mold so the price in expected. Try to stay away from large distributors like Entertainment Earth and BigBadToyStore as their mark up on them are over 35% on top of Chinese Distributors prices.
i would like to know the prices
I am waiting for prices to be listed. None as of now have been mentioned.
Ok so to make sure,in tabletop games and its miniature box,the boss are guarded with 2 victrix guards right?and joytoy only release 1 model of it?So i guess i just need to order 2 of them,thx for the info brother!
I heard that they will release a two figure pack at some point with all the parts to make the two victrix variants.
Correct, the domestic Chinese market was offered a set of two as a buying option, which is why the figure sold out so fast. Joy Toy promoting this as a fleet of two was smart, as almost all collectors wanted two. He sold out quickly on all websites. If you see one pop up, buy it.
Another great release...weapon is an auto bolter
Thank you. I was close right?
Congratulations on 1000. Great preview. Cheers.
Thank you so much. The Discord community is the greatest!