True but we see he’s well fed and watered but FEI reining makes them do all of this the rodeo no but he loves his horse and his horse may love it’s job
Reining horses are meant to have their head low. Yes mouth opened is by pulling too hard. I do agree that he should maybe pull less. What is a tucked tail? I’m newer to the equestrian world, and I don’t know rverything
I think you can have success with a happy and healthy horse too ! you mustn´t break his legs to have success ! you must be fair !! a horse isn´t a mashine . it isn´t a motorbike or a car !! it has got a heart and a soul !!
tom thumbs are actually more severe. The tom thumb not only has the jointed mouthpiece that puts pressure on the tongue and roof of the mouth, but it also has the leverage of the shank. Your best bet is either a snaffle, or training bit (has the shank, but the mouthpiece does not split)
Amen to that. People who don't understand the suppleness required for these events - cutting, dressage, reining, barrels (although most barrel racers are idiots when it comes to suppleness and calmness in horses), and trail - have never ridden a truly round horse, which is the best feeling a horse can offer.
Notice, the guy asked the horse to stop way before the wall happened. The horse did not stop so he had to use more force on the bit. It is a strong bit, but that is why its being used, there are 3 points of pressure. It makes the work almost effortless and it is barely ever actually used. That is why the horse had his mouth open. After he nearly ran into the wall, the man spun the horse to show him that he did wrong. When the horse relaxed, the man rewarded him and tried again to make it right. There is no sign of abuse anywhere. And the horses tail is not tucked, the horse is sitting on its ass and using it. If the horse was pissed, or in pain it would be swishing like crazy. The horses head was low and vertical. He was only behind the bit when corrected, because it is a lot of pressure. When the horse listened, the guy released the pressure.
Das Problem ist, dass der Reiter nicht anders kann, als diese Trainingsmethoden zu benutzen, wenn er im Profisport erfolgreich bleiben will. M. Mühlstätter ist nun einmal jemand der vom Showen seiner aber vor allem der Pferde von Kunden lebt. Ein erster Lösungsansatz müsste von der FEI kommen - ganz einfach: Rollkur verbieten, das Alter für Junior Pferde hochsetzen. The problem is that the rider is forced to train the horse like this if he wants to stay in the professional business. M. Muehlstaetter lives by showing his and the horses of his clients, he has no other choices. The FEI needs to do something about this slight abuse: stop ldr completely (let the ring stewards do something about this!) and set the age of junior horses higher.
When you show reining there are three markers and in most patters you have to stop past the third marker, you aren't very well going to have a good rundown into a stop if your horse is terrified of getting within 15 feet of the fence.
The trainer made the horse go faster. In reining the best stops come when you go fast aka why people gallop into slides. The reason he put pressure on after the stop was because you can clearly see the horse heavy on the forehand and stopping less with his hind end. Backing up right after that mistake of the horses will set the weight back on the haunches. You back up until you feel them in correct position and light on the forehand.
Do you see the horse running off? This is in an enclosed arena and there is no reason the keep yanking over and over again, even if he is 'running off'
You don't just go put a set of sliders on the horse. You TEACH them to get up under themselves and get round and handle their weight and yours in that exercise. I use a "modified" slider on my RCH mare to give her just enough slide for a good stop, but also enough traction to perform those wall runs and cow turns at great speed.
Western horses aren't supposed to hold their head to their chest like in English. It should be natural, but hung low, their neck should be pretty much horizontal to the ground.
The question is not always how good the horses are but WHY they're that good? Or that nice? Not every quarter horse is a nice horse from the first ride on. It's not always easy for them. But are dressage people different? Or the people who are into the racing sport? I don't think so. But why are people like this? You can do a correction if a horse made a mistake. But not that hard and please, before correcting ask yourself if it wasn't your OWN mistake? So long ...
I know reining has all the ports and what not, but I just bought a reining horse, and he was the worst wound up animal you could ride, We took the port out of his mouth and used just a tom thumb, now he does it all cutting reining, gaming! He is amazing
That's a really great answer and I agree with the theory BUT the rider does NOT need the horse's head pulled to his chest to accomplish this. He has gone overboard in correction here.
Ok,u guys have no idea what u are talking about, sorry. the reins are never 'taught' and its not tourture!this horse is sooo soft,one slight pull of the rein and he slides to stop! he runs on because its asked,he asks by moving his hands forwards.Speaking of dressage, i just came back from a show and watched dressage warm ups, and those horses have constantly got pressure on their mouth, they play up because they dont know what you are asking for, holding reins tight and asking to move forwards?
I really didn't think this video was that bad.... He had a rough correction (a little too rough for my taste), but a very nice release for the horse. He didn't bug the horse when it did what he asked and corrected him where he saw fit. A few of the other videos are really bad, but this one is...ok in my opinion...
Well, then I pity your horse is you choose to have this man train it. The horse is evading the bit. Simple as that. Horses either evade or brace against the bit to get away from the pain.
@Appaloosapinto what the hell does it matter wtf a horse does a horse in an athletic animal no matter, my western pleasure horse did everything from barrels to trail rides tin Colorado Rockies and still went to worlds as a pleasrr horse. It's all I training. I use to board at a reining barn. The trainer would do as above video showed to get the horse to really tuck under and stop. No harm done to the horse none were ever injured. It was just a reminder to the horse to stop when asked.
@jenny50ify the horse turned because he crashed into a wall... if u are being spured into a wall and ur about to wack ur head into the wall i'd like to think u are smart enough to turn away.
I do NOT see what the problem is here. Do any of you even rein? One very practiced method of learning sliding stops is to run them into a wall and stop. In my lessons we are always working straight lines to the wall because the horse needs to listen and trust the rider. When the horse in this video decided to go left after the straight line without the riders consent, he did a turn on the haunches to the right, exactly how I was taught. PLEASE check your facts people.
Please provide proof as to your statement that Western Riders "expect a little more from the horse". Barrel racers, reiners, cutters, and pleasure horses are SUPERB athletes, BUT I would love to see them try and fly over a 5 foot fence, collect for one stride, fly over another and repeat through a whole course OR complete an FEI level dressage test and achieve a perfect/near perfect score. Both types are incredibly athletic in their own separate ways, neither are more talented.
@hotshotpepto that's the thing.... if they are so awesome - where is the self carriage? He has actually forced that mare into such an un-natural stop. Notice how she jams her front end and literally almost runs into herself with her hind end. Uh so, can you say blown hocks AND blown shoulders... sad... the look on that poor horse's face at the end of the video is so sad...
Beginners in equestrian disciplines are not able to distinguish between correct and incorrect riding. They have no other means than the imitation of the stars in equestrian sports, but unfortunately at this level they find a majority of horse tormentors. My concern is to make a difference between these horse tormentors and horse friendly riding, no matter the riding style.
I love how people crack on this, but not on english riding having constant pull on the bit, behind the vertical constantly or have their neck tucked in tightly. Jumping them constantly high in the air and having them land on two hooves with the weight of themselves and rider. Having them foam at the mouth like theyre rabbid. With a tight flash to keep them from escaping the pain of the bit. Western is more natural to the horse. Head low, slack in reins, spinning, backing, rollbacks, sliding. I ride both dicipline and western is FAR less strict on the horse. You ride with your seat and legs first, reins for the shoulder. You should rarely have to even touch the bit. For those who think this is unnatural have never observed a horse herd for days... Ive never seen a horse jump in the pasture, but I have seen them spin, back up, slide, etc. Horses are grounded animals, we only created certain breeds to jump. Horses dont jump unless they have to from a predator.
What a great horse. Not rearing up, bucking, trying to get away from that IDIOT rider up on his back. Some of these reining trainers make me sick. Make their horses fly into walls. Just amazes me. This horse deserves MUUCH better.
Omfg this is not rollkur or abuse people. He is preparing his horse to show in a world event! As you can clearly see the horse is given a lot of slack in the reins a lot of the time. How do you honestly expect to train and tune your horse to its highest level of competition without taking its face and asking it to move its body around!? Seriously get your heads out of your asses and attempt to teach your horses half of the things this horse is doing.
I hate the way reining and western and even some hunt seat riding has brought the noses down and apparently behind the bit. I've seen quarter horses with their noses almost dragging on the ground. Not only is it not a normal head carriage, it's not pretty and it can't be comfortable.
The lower carriage in western disciplines isnt unnatural or uncomfortable at all. BTV & rollkur/LDR are what is uncomfortable for the horse. A well trained QH will carry its head lower - it's just a different form of collection.
The rider in this video does exactly the same like LDR/Rollkur - the way the rider tugs the horses head down is without question very painful for the horse, and the way he actually deliberatly times the stopping too late for the horse to avoid hitting the barrier is really cruel abuse - that horse does all it can to please the rider but it stillhas to suffer!!! THIS IS ANIMAL ABUSE!!!
There is a lower head set then there is just ugly and unnatural. Horses do not move around for a long period of time with their nose dragging on the ground. Keeping their necks with a slight lift and even with the toppling is a lower head set. A horse needs to have a supple back with fluid movement, a crimp at the end of their neck does not allow for proper movement. Can they move? Yes. Does it look beautiful and graceful? No.
I understand where you are coming from, but the majority of people commenting on this video are aiming their insults towards each other, and it needs to stop.
I don't think it's right to practice reining up by running the horse into a wall, it means if either the horse or rider makes a mistake, the horse is going to get hurt in some way.
No, I'm sorry, but I don't think this is very fair. He just maybe use more leg and less rein, his horse would be much much happier. Or, I could be wrong I'm just going by the way his mouth is open and his head stuck to his chest. In dressage, I take contact but then release. I know some people don't but, "you can't hurt a horse by holding you can only hurt by not releasing." I'm new to the western world, (I'm an eventer and forever will be) so plz don't blame me on what I c.
Excuse me? He is in no way collecting on his own. He is trying to get away from the pain by drawing his head back. And just because they do that for training it is right? No it is not justifiable to slam a horse into a wall to "train it". I see no words uttered by the 'rider' just brutal commands. Also, it's funny that you assume I'm a jumper because I am not.
how is this mean? he only uses pressure on the bit or spurs when needed or when the horse disobeys. 90% of the ride was done with no bit pressure. Something that you probably couldn't do.
1.) You haven't ridden a soft horse for a very long time, so plz don't say this horse is as soft as possible. 2.) There are some VERY highly trained dressage horses, that don't ever get loads of pressure and that DO know what they want. Im sorry u saw some bad things at a dressage show but I guarantee not all is like this. Im trying to be nice here, but just saying the guy was under some pressure, if this is how u warm up in western then let it be!
thats more western pleasure which itself is unnatural for the horse. The best position in reining is more tucked in than the pleasure headset, but not as tucked in as english. it is the most natural spot for the horses spine.
You obviously know very little about bits a bit like this guy is using means that every 1 pound of presure he puts on the reins the horse feels 10 pounds it is a very well know fact and I suggest you learn about it for your horses good before you get back on him/her. Also I'm not sure is you can see this but when the man pulls on the riegns the horse is gaping its mouth and sticking out its tongue indacating extreem pain. Pluss you can just see it in the way he moves that he is being hurt.
Funny how you say "your english ass". Humor me and take a guess at what disciples I ride/have ridden :) I'm curious as to how I come off THEN I'll tell you what I ride/have ridden.
It just makes me sick to see a horse this sad screaming for help with is eyes, doing EVERYTHING his rider is asking him to, just to get beat in the mouth, you can tell he is in sooo much pain.
If he is collecting on his own, then why are the reins so taught? Trust me, I know collection as I do dressage not jumpers, so get your facts straight.
I guess you don't know much about bits. If the horse is an aged horse (over 4 years old) he can't be shown in a two-rein bridle such as a hackamore or snaffle. Many of the performance events for western horses require a curb with roller and 6" shank; horses are referred to as being "in the bridle" when they graduate to a spade bit. The horse is actually a lot more comfortable in a spade bit that offers tongue relief, which a snaffle does not.
If you knew a thing about reining you would know that he is 'fencing' the horse, the goal is not to get the horse to hit the wall, we want them to run long and true. Most horses shy away when running toward a fence, we run them to the fence, the stop and we walk them back up to the fence, make them put their heads down and relax right up on the fence.
I don’t feel the need, but I feel the obligation to denounce cruel riding practices in professional equestrian sport because horses are routinely subjected to relentless pressure from inconsistently applied aids, forced into extreme frames and pushed beyond their physical and mental capacity. On the other hand I feel the obligation to praise good horsemanship and horse friendly riding!
If the horse does not stop when he gets to the fence, that's his problem. He's a big boy, he can be responsible for his own feet. You can see the rider relaxing his body language and asking him to stop well before he gets to the fence. Don't forget that we've been placed in control of animals, not the other way around.
I believe animals should be treated with respect but honestly this is not cruelty. With reining trainers a lot of guys teach there horses to stop using a fence. Just cos this horse slid a bit extra than was expected that's hardly reason to be jumping on the rider. And for those upset with the horses frame, to rein properly your horse needs to be nicely soft and rounded through the back and body, it ensures they don't get hurt
Lauren Louw Running your poor, obedient horse (which obviously has given up!!) into a wall on purpose, and then yanking him round and around, dragging heavily on the bit (yep, I saw how he held his arm!!) ... you mean that is NOT abuse? Seriously?!!
AND, any reiner or rider would know that you do not spur your horse way up halfway on the barrel. LOL. For collection and lateral work you are always working from under. Therefore those are not "spur holes". Frankly this horse and rider combo are amazing!
Ein vollkommen erschöpftes pferd, ohne willen. Dieses Pferd würde stumpf gegen eine wand rennen so stark ist es scho abgerichtet. Ein Tier blind gehalten von LDR :(
But the horse is doing everything he;s asked!?!?!?! he's not fuckin bolting or running off this is fuck screwed up I hate seeing horses like this... this horse is broken not trained and my mom has an ex reining horse and he's extremly soft but go on and jerk on him like this, that'd be a good way to get hospitalized. I think thats why they got reid of him cuz he's friendly and nice and fun but he dont take shit from anyone. My barrel horse is the same way and i thank god for that.
Head low, mouth opend, tail tucked. All signs of horse abuse
True but we see he’s well fed and watered but FEI reining makes them do all of this the rodeo no but he loves his horse and his horse may love it’s job
Reining horses are meant to have their head low. Yes mouth opened is by pulling too hard. I do agree that he should maybe pull less. What is a tucked tail? I’m newer to the equestrian world, and I don’t know rverything
I think you can have success with a happy and healthy horse too ! you mustn´t break his legs to have success ! you must be fair !! a horse isn´t a mashine . it isn´t a motorbike or a car !! it has got a heart and a soul !!
That stallion is such a sweetie...he'd probably run THROUGH a wall if his rider told him to.
tom thumbs are actually more severe. The tom thumb not only has the jointed mouthpiece that puts pressure on the tongue and roof of the mouth, but it also has the leverage of the shank. Your best bet is either a snaffle, or training bit (has the shank, but the mouthpiece does not split)
Amen to that. People who don't understand the suppleness required for these events - cutting, dressage, reining, barrels (although most barrel racers are idiots when it comes to suppleness and calmness in horses), and trail - have never ridden a truly round horse, which is the best feeling a horse can offer.
Notice, the guy asked the horse to stop way before the wall happened. The horse did not stop so he had to use more force on the bit. It is a strong bit, but that is why its being used, there are 3 points of pressure. It makes the work almost effortless and it is barely ever actually used. That is why the horse had his mouth open. After he nearly ran into the wall, the man spun the horse to show him that he did wrong. When the horse relaxed, the man rewarded him and tried again to make it right. There is no sign of abuse anywhere. And the horses tail is not tucked, the horse is sitting on its ass and using it. If the horse was pissed, or in pain it would be swishing like crazy. The horses head was low and vertical. He was only behind the bit when corrected, because it is a lot of pressure. When the horse listened, the guy released the pressure.
Haha 'pressure' you mean pain. This horse obviously was stressed and uncomfortable. There is no need ever for these types of extremely strong bits.
@@elsedenboer126 Or you just know nothing and that is why you can't back yourself up. :/ Have a nice day.
No place in world-class competitions for ABUSE. = has to end. #forthehorse
Das Problem ist, dass der Reiter nicht anders kann, als diese Trainingsmethoden zu benutzen, wenn er im Profisport erfolgreich bleiben will. M. Mühlstätter ist nun einmal jemand der vom Showen seiner aber vor allem der Pferde von Kunden lebt. Ein erster Lösungsansatz müsste von der FEI kommen - ganz einfach: Rollkur verbieten, das Alter für Junior Pferde hochsetzen.
The problem is that the rider is forced to train the horse like this if he wants to stay in the professional business. M. Muehlstaetter lives by showing his and the horses of his clients, he has no other choices. The FEI needs to do something about this slight abuse: stop ldr completely (let the ring stewards do something about this!) and set the age of junior horses higher.
Well everyone has a choise, the wellfare of the animal should be no1 priority.
Look how that horse tucks his tail. He's scared!
Some of them are also "Blocked". They like their tails held tight to the butt and low. :/
All of these horses are tense and in pain
When you show reining there are three markers and in most patters you have to stop past the third marker, you aren't very well going to have a good rundown into a stop if your horse is terrified of getting within 15 feet of the fence.
The trainer made the horse go faster. In reining the best stops come when you go fast aka why people gallop into slides. The reason he put pressure on after the stop was because you can clearly see the horse heavy on the forehand and stopping less with his hind end. Backing up right after that mistake of the horses will set the weight back on the haunches. You back up until you feel them in correct position and light on the forehand.
2:06 that face just screms Leave me alone!
sliding plates are just like shoes, but wider. My horse had sliding plates on for a month before we could actually even slide.
Do you see the horse running off? This is in an enclosed arena and there is no reason the keep yanking over and over again, even if he is 'running off'
that is SICK! What does rollkur got to do with the real cowboys back in far far back old days and their ridingstyle??!
I do not like how he makes the horse tuck so much or run into the wall just my opinion though not my way to train......
You don't just go put a set of sliders on the horse. You TEACH them to get up under themselves and get round and handle their weight and yours in that exercise. I use a "modified" slider on my RCH mare to give her just enough slide for a good stop, but also enough traction to perform those wall runs and cow turns at great speed.
Can you fibally tell me whats wrong? I only don't like the fence,but other was great i think..
it hurts to look at that …
Western horses aren't supposed to hold their head to their chest like in English. It should be natural, but hung low, their neck should be pretty much horizontal to the ground.
:(( you see the eyes of the horse, they say : HELP ME :'(
Der Typ gehört vom Pferd runtergeholt und Ihm kräftig ins Genick geschlagen!
that is one unhappy horse x bless him x
The question is not always how good the horses are but WHY they're that good? Or that nice? Not every quarter horse is a nice horse from the first ride on. It's not always easy for them. But are dressage people different? Or the people who are into the racing sport? I don't think so. But why are people like this? You can do a correction if a horse made a mistake. But not that hard and please, before correcting ask yourself if it wasn't your OWN mistake?
So long ...
I know reining has all the ports and what not, but I just bought a reining horse, and he was the worst wound up animal you could ride, We took the port out of his mouth and used just a tom thumb, now he does it all cutting reining, gaming! He is amazing
That's a really great answer and I agree with the theory BUT the rider does NOT need the horse's head pulled to his chest to accomplish this. He has gone overboard in correction here.
Ok,u guys have no idea what u are talking about, sorry. the reins are never 'taught' and its not tourture!this horse is sooo soft,one slight pull of the rein and he slides to stop! he runs on because its asked,he asks by moving his hands forwards.Speaking of dressage, i just came back from a show and watched dressage warm ups, and those horses have constantly got pressure on their mouth, they play up because they dont know what you are asking for, holding reins tight and asking to move forwards?
I really didn't think this video was that bad.... He had a rough correction (a little too rough for my taste), but a very nice release for the horse. He didn't bug the horse when it did what he asked and corrected him where he saw fit. A few of the other videos are really bad, but this one is...ok in my opinion...
He's using a bit and spurs too, so what's your point?
Well, then I pity your horse is you choose to have this man train it. The horse is evading the bit. Simple as that. Horses either evade or brace against the bit to get away from the pain.
@Appaloosapinto what the hell does it matter wtf a horse does a horse in an athletic animal no matter, my western pleasure horse did everything from barrels to trail rides tin Colorado Rockies and still went to worlds as a pleasrr horse. It's all I training. I use to board at a reining barn. The trainer would do as above video showed to get the horse to really tuck under and stop. No harm done to the horse none were ever injured. It was just a reminder to the horse to stop when asked.
@jenny50ify the horse turned because he crashed into a wall... if u are being spured into a wall and ur about to wack ur head into the wall i'd like to think u are smart enough to turn away.
I do NOT see what the problem is here. Do any of you even rein? One very practiced method of learning sliding stops is to run them into a wall and stop. In my lessons we are always working straight lines to the wall because the horse needs to listen and trust the rider. When the horse in this video decided to go left after the straight line without the riders consent, he did a turn on the haunches to the right, exactly how I was taught. PLEASE check your facts people.
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Please provide proof as to your statement that Western Riders "expect a little more from the horse". Barrel racers, reiners, cutters, and pleasure horses are SUPERB athletes, BUT I would love to see them try and fly over a 5 foot fence, collect for one stride, fly over another and repeat through a whole course OR complete an FEI level dressage test and achieve a perfect/near perfect score. Both types are incredibly athletic in their own separate ways, neither are more talented.
@hotshotpepto that's the thing.... if they are so awesome - where is the self carriage? He has actually forced that mare into such an un-natural stop. Notice how she jams her front end and literally almost runs into herself with her hind end. Uh so, can you say blown hocks AND blown shoulders... sad... the look on that poor horse's face at the end of the video is so sad...
OMG. Where is the FEI in this warm-up arena? This looks a little like Rolkur as well. This is not horsemanship it is abuse!
this is NOT rollkur. Want me to show you a picture of rollkur? god.
Beginners in equestrian disciplines are not able to distinguish between correct and incorrect riding. They have no other means than the imitation of the stars in equestrian sports, but unfortunately at this level they find a majority of horse tormentors. My concern is to make a difference between these horse tormentors and horse friendly riding, no matter the riding style.
thats how you train to slide. straight line to a wall. Have you ever tried training a horse to do a sliding stop by force and pain?? doesn't work.
Yes it is now go ask your horse if his neck is okay.
I love how people crack on this, but not on english riding having constant pull on the bit, behind the vertical constantly or have their neck tucked in tightly. Jumping them constantly high in the air and having them land on two hooves with the weight of themselves and rider. Having them foam at the mouth like theyre rabbid. With a tight flash to keep them from escaping the pain of the bit.
Western is more natural to the horse. Head low, slack in reins, spinning, backing, rollbacks, sliding.
I ride both dicipline and western is FAR less strict on the horse. You ride with your seat and legs first, reins for the shoulder. You should rarely have to even touch the bit.
For those who think this is unnatural have never observed a horse herd for days...
Ive never seen a horse jump in the pasture, but I have seen them spin, back up, slide, etc.
Horses are grounded animals, we only created certain breeds to jump. Horses dont jump unless they have to from a predator.
All the bending he does in start is just moving the hips the other way of shoulders with the head. he does almost NO pressure on bit. learn to ride.
You know why? Because of leverage
That mans hands are way to harsh to be using such long shanks, the horse is obviously in distress.
reinwithbrain, where did Martin loose his brain...? A horse is always a horse, but a rider is not always a rider...some reinwithoutbrain!
What a great horse. Not rearing up, bucking, trying to get away from that IDIOT rider up on his back. Some of these reining trainers make me sick. Make their horses fly into walls. Just amazes me. This horse deserves MUUCH better.
Omfg this is not rollkur or abuse people. He is preparing his horse to show in a world event! As you can clearly see the horse is given a lot of slack in the reins a lot of the time. How do you honestly expect to train and tune your horse to its highest level of competition without taking its face and asking it to move its body around!? Seriously get your heads out of your asses and attempt to teach your horses half of the things this horse is doing.
I hate the way reining and western and even some hunt seat riding has brought the noses down and apparently behind the bit. I've seen quarter horses with their noses almost dragging on the ground. Not only is it not a normal head carriage, it's not pretty and it can't be comfortable.
The lower carriage in western disciplines isnt unnatural or uncomfortable at all. BTV & rollkur/LDR are what is uncomfortable for the horse. A well trained QH will carry its head lower - it's just a different form of collection.
The rider in this video does exactly the same like LDR/Rollkur - the way the rider tugs the horses head down is without question very painful for the horse, and the way he actually deliberatly times the stopping too late for the horse to avoid hitting the barrier is really cruel abuse - that horse does all it can to please the rider but it stillhas to suffer!!! THIS IS ANIMAL ABUSE!!!
The fact that they all do it does NOT make it ok!
There is a lower head set then there is just ugly and unnatural. Horses do not move around for a long period of time with their nose dragging on the ground. Keeping their necks with a slight lift and even with the toppling is a lower head set. A horse needs to have a supple back with fluid movement, a crimp at the end of their neck does not allow for proper movement. Can they move? Yes. Does it look beautiful and graceful? No.
It's not thought, because he started like 100 fights on here lol so, again I really am sorry
I understand where you are coming from, but the majority of people commenting on this video are aiming their insults towards each other, and it needs to stop.
I don't think it's right to practice reining up by running the horse into a wall, it means if either the horse or rider makes a mistake, the horse is going to get hurt in some way.
No, I'm sorry, but I don't think this is very fair. He just maybe use more leg and less rein, his horse would be much much happier. Or, I could be wrong I'm just going by the way his mouth is open and his head stuck to his chest. In dressage, I take contact but then release. I know some people don't but, "you can't hurt a horse by holding you can only hurt by not releasing." I'm new to the western world, (I'm an eventer and forever will be) so plz don't blame me on what I c.
well what would u do if ur horse doesnt stop and goes running off? pet it ? that wouldnt bring u anywhere .........
u have no idea,
Excuse me? He is in no way collecting on his own. He is trying to get away from the pain by drawing his head back. And just because they do that for training it is right? No it is not justifiable to slam a horse into a wall to "train it". I see no words uttered by the 'rider' just brutal commands. Also, it's funny that you assume I'm a jumper because I am not.
That is so gross.
Reining needs to give up on the over collection.
that was pretty much my point.... (that he's hurting the horses mouth and just bein an ass when the horse is doing what he asked him to.)
Everyone's saying "Oh he's so mean" , but the majority of them are doing the same thing
Uh, do I see Rolkur in use, or is it just me? This horse does not seem to be enjoying this!
how is this mean? he only uses pressure on the bit or spurs when needed or when the horse disobeys. 90% of the ride was done with no bit pressure. Something that you probably couldn't do.
1.) You haven't ridden a soft horse for a very long time, so plz don't say this horse is as soft as possible.
2.) There are some VERY highly trained dressage horses, that don't ever get loads of pressure and that DO know what they want. Im sorry u saw some bad things at a dressage show but I guarantee not all is like this. Im trying to be nice here, but just saying the guy was under some pressure, if this is how u warm up in western then let it be!
All western horses i come across are always very grumpy in the stalls.. i know why..
What the hell is that mess supposed to be ?
Wicked person
thats more western pleasure which itself is unnatural for the horse. The best position in reining is more tucked in than the pleasure headset, but not as tucked in as english. it is the most natural spot for the horses spine.
wenn man mal auf die spuren im sand achtet sieht man dass dasuper viele ihre pferde einfach so gegen die wand reiten sog fencen..:/ echt traurig sowas
You obviously know very little about bits a bit like this guy is using means that every 1 pound of presure he puts on the reins the horse feels 10 pounds it is a very well know fact and I suggest you learn about it for your horses good before you get back on him/her. Also I'm not sure is you can see this but when the man pulls on the riegns the horse is gaping its mouth and sticking out its tongue indacating extreem pain. Pluss you can just see it in the way he moves that he is being hurt.
The guy is trying to make the horse hit the wall >:( I hate when people do that
supper..!!! Sie stoppt richtig sauber und gut...;) warum so schlechte Komentare? Ich fand es sehr gut
Funny how you say "your english ass". Humor me and take a guess at what disciples I ride/have ridden :) I'm curious as to how I come off THEN I'll tell you what I ride/have ridden.
Damn... give him his head a little.
ok, everyones an expert right?
It just makes me sick to see a horse this sad screaming for help with is eyes, doing EVERYTHING his rider is asking him to, just to get beat in the mouth, you can tell he is in sooo much pain.
i dont know anything about reinin but this horse looks so uncomfortable
If he is collecting on his own, then why are the reins so taught? Trust me, I know collection as I do dressage not jumpers, so get your facts straight.
that's exactly what i think...
you can't say 'poor horsi, can you please stop for me?'
see, it' won't make sense...
and leave them trainers alone...
omg... what a poor horse :( ...
This is not riding ... this is torture ...
Im totally sorry for the horse :(
I guess you don't know much about bits. If the horse is an aged horse (over 4 years old) he can't be shown in a two-rein bridle such as a hackamore or snaffle. Many of the performance events for western horses require a curb with roller and 6" shank; horses are referred to as being "in the bridle" when they graduate to a spade bit. The horse is actually a lot more comfortable in a spade bit that offers tongue relief, which a snaffle does not.
His neck..poor reining horses.
hannah grace it’s not all reining horses! My trainer has a Reining horse and she never has her chin to her neck!
reining horses are so-pose to keep there head flexed. not to the point of touching his chest with his chin
The Craig Schmersal one is really bad :(
If you knew a thing about reining you would know that he is 'fencing' the horse, the goal is not to get the horse to hit the wall, we want them to run long and true. Most horses shy away when running toward a fence, we run them to the fence, the stop and we walk them back up to the fence, make them put their heads down and relax right up on the fence.
The rider is unbalanced and has nothing to do with the horse if he has a problem with himself.
I hope he only had a bad day.
I don’t feel the need, but I feel the obligation to denounce cruel riding practices in professional equestrian sport because horses are routinely subjected to relentless pressure from inconsistently applied aids, forced into extreme frames and pushed beyond their physical and mental capacity.
On the other hand I feel the obligation to praise good horsemanship and horse friendly riding!
If the horse does not stop when he gets to the fence, that's his problem. He's a big boy, he can be responsible for his own feet. You can see the rider relaxing his body language and asking him to stop well before he gets to the fence. Don't forget that we've been placed in control of animals, not the other way around.
Sorry u mean not instead of bot
And i bet u dislikers of profesional riding have horses with head position 1 meter above the sky with ribs grown togather and alot of back pain.
SpinforWin you completely misunderstood this video this is straight up horse abuse
Hey, I am sorry about that, my account was hacked, again, sorry for the inconvenience he/she made for you.
Poor horse
I believe animals should be treated with respect but honestly this is not cruelty. With reining trainers a lot of guys teach there horses to stop using a fence. Just cos this horse slid a bit extra than was expected that's hardly reason to be jumping on the rider. And for those upset with the horses frame, to rein properly your horse needs to be nicely soft and rounded through the back and body, it ensures they don't get hurt
Lauren Louw Running your poor, obedient horse (which obviously has given up!!) into a wall on purpose, and then yanking him round and around, dragging heavily on the bit (yep, I saw how he held his arm!!) ... you mean that is NOT abuse? Seriously?!!
Cannot find the real words, just poor poor horses !!
Horses the most beautifull animals on this planet
are you fuckung kidding me couwboy ...
he ride rolkur
einfach nur zum schämen...
AND, any reiner or rider would know that you do not spur your horse way up halfway on the barrel. LOL. For collection and lateral work you are always working from under. Therefore those are not "spur holes".
Frankly this horse and rider combo are amazing!
Ein vollkommen erschöpftes pferd, ohne willen. Dieses Pferd würde stumpf gegen eine wand rennen so stark ist es scho abgerichtet. Ein Tier blind gehalten von LDR :(
good for you - the whole fake tail stuff is silly.
I tell you what is wrong with this, just everything, and don't you blame the other because they are wrong to
But the horse is doing everything he;s asked!?!?!?! he's not fuckin bolting or running off this is fuck screwed up I hate seeing horses like this... this horse is broken not trained and my mom has an ex reining horse and he's extremly soft but go on and jerk on him like this, that'd be a good way to get hospitalized. I think thats why they got reid of him cuz he's friendly and nice and fun but he dont take shit from anyone. My barrel horse is the same way and i thank god for that.