Actually if not in use, ppl shld leave it in their cpf as after 55, they can withdraw anytime so long they have BRS (with property) and FRS (without property) and up to 6% interest. If take out, can you ensure bank give the same rate which I don't think so...and I think govt has did a great job to help us save for our future, with more discipline, dun anyhow spend else when old there wun be any $ left..
Not the plan suitable for everyone.especially those Singaporean with medical grounds permanentky reaches 55 year,unable to work any ore ,how to contribute money into their accounts.The Sg gov or the CPF board under one roof ,refuse to return money back to the owner for their daily expenses.transportation.n medical fees at all.Ww don't need the board to babysit our funds,that is our hard earned money,we are all adults grown ups,we do not own the CPF board anything ,why do I need them to monitor my life,n my medical health.if I do not even had my own money transfer into my bank account for my daily bread n butter.
Really depend what you need when u reach 55, many not agree and want to draw out all the money but when u cannot control the spending then spend off all the money in a short period of time within 5 years, and depend on the average life span of Singaporean, u still have another 20 years to live without money....then cpf need to do something to get help majority to have enough cash till their old age like 85 to 90
@@tankib That were my previous plans. 如今的计划,接下来一,两年内我们会存入ERS的数额,在65岁时应该会加入Escalating plan。 虽然初期每月年金比较少, 但我们已经买几份保险公司的年金, 也是从60~65岁开始每月提钱,长达10~20年,足够让我两在65岁时总共有4~5千的年金月入。直到其中一人“离开”为止才会减少。
Do you know when you put your money in Cpf what will Cpf do to your money? Well for a start most of the money in Cpf oa will go into your property lease through monthly mortgage payments and once the lease is up your house value will become zero and taken back by the state while the actual money in Cpf oa go to the developers themselves. Just save yourselves the grief and put the money in private annuity plans instead. At least you can still see it in full with interests and bonus when the time limit is up rather than trap in Cpf forever due to minimum sum regulation.
Ya lor after retirement we wan to pamper ourself for some good food or holiday. We can't live upto 80.. medical also expensive only 200 to deduct a year balance and medication needs CASH to pay. How? Even we die our Cpf$ also pass on to children and they get to enjoy our $ so y not we are the ones to enjoy our own hard earned $ instead. Very upset 😔
I believe sinkies are more worried that pap government will kick in the law not to allow withdrawal as and when we like.... Once bitten for full withdrawal at 55 was a painful unreasonable thing to do to their people... Just becos few men used their cpf on women becomes the yardstick pap used as a reason... Did these people ask pap for help? Did these people spent away alot? These people's cpf might not be alot compared to those who really need and want to withdraw full cpf!! Given your people their choice to choose
Sinkies are worried pap will change their rules as and when they want... wondering why sinkies are happy with just the $5k when pap PROMISED full return at 55.. aside to only a handful of man who pap claimed they spent on women but what about women who spent on men?? Have they been reported and if either gender does that, how many really go to pap for help?? So don't use that as an excuse not to return our full CPF at 55
Actually if not in use, ppl shld leave it in their cpf as after 55, they can withdraw anytime so long they have BRS (with property) and FRS (without property) and up to 6% interest. If take out, can you ensure bank give the same rate which I don't think so...and I think govt has did a great job to help us save for our future, with more discipline, dun anyhow spend else when old there wun be any $ left..
内子和我的公积金户口(OA+SA)都已经有超过FRS的数额,我们在55岁后不会把剩余的钱都一次过提出来,将会留在CPF慢慢花。至于拨去RA的钱,内子将保留FRS数额选standard plan, 我则会保留ERS数额,可能选standard plan或escalating plan。
Not the plan suitable for everyone.especially those Singaporean with medical grounds permanentky reaches 55 year,unable to work any ore ,how to contribute money into their accounts.The Sg gov or the CPF board under one roof ,refuse to return money back to the owner for their daily expenses.transportation.n medical fees at all.Ww don't need the board to babysit our funds,that is our hard earned money,we are all adults grown ups,we do not own the CPF board anything ,why do I need them to monitor my life,n my medical health.if I do not even had my own money transfer into my bank account for my daily bread n butter.
Really depend what you need when u reach 55, many not agree and want to draw out all the money but when u cannot control the spending then spend off all the money in a short period of time within 5 years, and depend on the average life span of Singaporean, u still have another 20 years to live without money....then cpf need to do something to get help majority to have enough cash till their old age like 85 to 90
@@tankib That were my previous plans. 如今的计划,接下来一,两年内我们会存入ERS的数额,在65岁时应该会加入Escalating plan。 虽然初期每月年金比较少, 但我们已经买几份保险公司的年金, 也是从60~65岁开始每月提钱,长达10~20年,足够让我两在65岁时总共有4~5千的年金月入。直到其中一人“离开”为止才会减少。
我会在55岁时往退休户口放入ERS数额, 也许之后每年会存入更多款项进退休户口, 视自己的健康情况而定。
(单靠退休户口的利息,不足够填满每年ERS的增幅数额。为了让自己65岁时能拿到更多年金, 量力而为的cpf储蓄还是需要的。)
对于个体而言,确实在工作了一辈子后,能够支配自己挣来的钱是一种自由与权利。觉得到了这个阶段,不必过多忧虑未来,追求当下的满足感。 从政府的角度,问题更复杂。政府不仅关心个人自由,还需要考虑社会稳定性和公共资源分配问题。
6% interest no joke............i will leave it in the CPF account....But why only the first 30K????.....
新加坡公积金是强制的 不可提出直到55岁 也没有15年限制。
The board has rights to interfere the management of funds after one reaches 55. A promise is a promise, just return the money to its rightful owner.
我是马来西亚华人今年56岁,回去马来西亚30年,1986年在新加坡注册了cpf户口,请问我要如何操作呢? 请问有关部门的联系方式是什么?谢谢
I was surprised that Alfred chia has such good command of Mandarin, 赞👍
phchang555 有
phchang555 什么钱在自己口袋? 你拿出来放进银行或投资其他也意义上不在你口袋。哈哈。。
Spend money wisely cpf invest oversea 15 year cpf high interest continue working earn more money more cpf
要等到93 才可以拿吗 ?
哪里都有不会理财的人。 新加坡政府太负责 太操心,扮演一个大家长的角色。
@@sunnychen9949 人老了就该居住在环境安全,亲朋戚友环绕,医疗设施先进,衣食住行都方便的地方。离乡背景跑到陌生环境生活,不是跟自己过不去吗?现在还瘟疫肆虐哪。
@@sunnychen9949 政府也没管控,他们就担心老人家,为他们指引,教育国民,提供选择。不好吗?你的国家有从你年轻就为你做长远的规划吗?
@@sunnychen9949 去寮国吧!那里不错,民生纯辅!
Do you know when you put your money in Cpf what will Cpf do to your money? Well for a start most of the money in Cpf oa will go into your property lease through monthly mortgage payments and once the lease is up your house value will become zero and taken back by the state while the actual money in Cpf oa go to the developers themselves. Just save yourselves the grief and put the money in private annuity plans instead. At least you can still see it in full with interests and bonus when the time limit is up rather than trap in Cpf forever due to minimum sum regulation.
怕老男人被女人骗,怕来老女人被男人骗,怕在网上电话诈骗,怕骗去投资回报几倍,怕去赌场输掉了,怕买股票亏掉, 所以。。。
55岁就可以从ordinary account提出来了,只要退休存款(retirement fund)足够,剩下的可以全部提出来的。那些不能从ordinary acc (OA)提出来的,也许是因为退休存款(retirement fund)不够,必须从OA转过去,剩下的才可以提出来。 退休存款里的钱是在65岁时,每个月拨一部分钱给会员。
让你全提出,你还没老,钱不是用光就是被人骗光。如果新加坡和大马一样,两国的兑换率就不会·从1.5到3.0. 哈哈,你好幼稚。
Ya lor after retirement we wan to pamper ourself for some good food or holiday. We can't live upto 80.. medical also expensive only 200 to deduct a year balance and medication needs CASH to pay. How? Even we die our Cpf$ also pass on to children and they get to enjoy our $ so y not we are the ones to enjoy our own hard earned $ instead. Very upset 😔
Suggest return to those who owns a flat this way govt should not worry tat they are homeless when no$ pls consider tku
I believe sinkies are more worried that pap government will kick in the law not to allow withdrawal as and when we like.... Once bitten for full withdrawal at 55 was a painful unreasonable thing to do to their people... Just becos few men used their cpf on women becomes the yardstick pap used as a reason... Did these people ask pap for help? Did these people spent away alot? These people's cpf might not be alot compared to those who really need and want to withdraw full cpf!! Given your people their choice to choose
不需要了我们也不是小孩子, 你们高薪当然不会怎样有存钱对吗,对于普通的人民来说这笔钱是很重要的,对吗!我们的生死也不是你來控制的!对吗!是生是死总算 劳碌一辈子,拿到这笔钱,死了也对自己有个交代,对吗!安息吧!
乱乱花, 没钱了就来找政府部门。
最后还不是用我们的tax money like 养你们
流国龙, 我的建议最好是去人寿保险,保险期有时间规定,如十五年或二十年,保险金由我们定,如五十万,每个月就来计算该交多少期限越久每月就交少,期限到了我们可以全部拿出来,如果期限还没到,投保人不幸死亡,继承人可以领取保险金五十万,而且投保人在保险期间生病驻医院,医疗费用全由保险公司来还,我个人认为最好还是保险人寿保险,还有如果保险期还没到需要用到钱是可以领回所交的保险金,并且扣除手续费就可了,在两种的投保还是人寿保险比较好,不知大家的看法如何!
@@lt5912 政府在改变政策之前总会多方考量。到目前为止 ,我觉得新加坡的公积金制度很好,我可以用里面的钱买房子,买保险和投资。
@@lt5912 请问,在这世上有谁可以保证任何事情都不会改变?
@@lt5912 ??
55岁把钱提出来 转去银行户口
把年龄提高到60, 65 or 70 etc
新加坡人到了55岁,只要退休户口(retirement acc) 达到政府规定的 minimum sum (以后这户头里的钱会在65岁时,每个月发出某数目,因人而异) 就可以随时把普通户口(ordinary acc )里的每一分钱提出来,也可以选择任何时候提出部分的钱,也可以留在里面赚利息。
Sinkies are worried pap will change their rules as and when they want... wondering why sinkies are happy with just the $5k when pap PROMISED full return at 55.. aside to only a handful of man who pap claimed they spent on women but what about women who spent on men?? Have they been reported and if either gender does that, how many really go to pap for help?? So don't use that as an excuse not to return our full CPF at 55
到了54岁时留个4万在SP 剩下的把钱放入保险公司的投资户口 过了55岁才除消保险投资户口 取消户口的钱回CPF 不会去退休户口 到时候钱可以慢慢随时提出
@@plouffle 会的 这方法是避免太多钱进去basic retirement fund 前提是用charge 的方式
为何不能一次过提取公积全数550k 。只能拿5k回到我国家养老。为何立法要我取消安我永久公民先。分期付款给於我。有点欺騙人哦。
550,000 - medisave - 198,800 = Amount withdrawal at 55 yrs old not 5k only.
放在那里很容易 ,有事要提出比登天难 !人死了没有空提种种原因,里面的钱会不会过期 ?