@Justice254-v7t I don't play music but I know that Yoko Ono sucks at singing because I have ears. The same way I know John Romita Jr's art is bad because I have eyes.
TLDW: "I personally don't like this style of art, therefor it must be objectively bad." This is the WORST kind of art criticism. Examples are cherry-picked, minor details are targeted for hate while avoiding the over all composition, the entire body of work is pissed on--or worse, not even looked at--so the reviewer can personally rant because the artist doesn't certain draw things exactly the way the reviewer thinks they should be drawn. I am not a fan of everything JRjr has done, but he's done enough good runs on enough good comics to earn a lot of my respect. He's had runs on Spider-man, the Punisher, Thor, and others which were stellar. This isn't insightful criticism, this is a narcisstic fanboy whining.
>"when his art, *objectively*, is subpar."..."(in my opinion)"...."(in my opinion)" You understand how words work, right? The only thing that can OBJECTIVELY be stated here is that you seem to have the SUBJECTIVE OPINION of disliking JRjr's art. Your opinions, your experiences, your tastes, are not universal constants. In fact, they don't exist anywhere in any form outside your own head. You'd think a critic would start out understanding this, but apparently not. JRjr follows very strongly in the artistic tradition of Jack Kirby, who also received many of the criticisms in his careers that you now hurl against Romita.. While his character work can vary wildly from project to project, with some great and some meh, his real strength lies in dynamic composition and narrative flow. The action flows smoothly and dynamically from panel to panel in a way many artists can't match, and even within panels a lot of the time. He's an action-storyteller's artist, much like Kirby was, and what (you mistakenly think, imho) he may lack in polish he more than makes up in creating and telling stories in visually dynamic ways. That's why he gets all the work he does, and he deserves it.
Romita is great, he is a master of narrative and drawns brawls like no one in industry these days. Somtimes he screws up, sometimes he just doesn't care for what he is doing, since he had so much work for his last years, but saying he's objectively BAD is objectively dumb and proves you just don't understand anithing about art in general. Even worst is the acusations of nepotism. A tip: control you're tongue and learn that not liking the aesthetics of someone's art does not makes it objectively bad.
JR Jr's art is objectively bad based on the fact that everything he draws is made out of blocks and no one even looks human. His shading is also a terrible mess. He used to be good. Up until about the mid 90s he was fine. And he can still pull off select titles that are meant to be gritty like Punisher and Batman. He is certainly not versatile by any means.
@@plucas1 i know this is years old but i just wanna say i don't think his art is great nor do i think he's great at action scenes (this is MY opinion tho). What i look at is how dynamic his poses are, it's not dynamic and most of his poses are stiff af (ex is superman) his hatchings and shadings are waaaayyyy off. Shadows aren't meant to be there sometimes his proportions are distorted but not in a good way atleast i don't think so.... Just look at his action scenes it doesn't flow atleast i don't think so. I will admit his work on daredevil is alright tho
He keeps getting work because he's one of the best storytellers with a pencil. What he lacks in beautiful curves and grace, he makes up for it with page layout and powerful action.
Romita Jr. is an awesome artist. There is veteran experience in a lot of what he does that comes through. There is a lot a non comic artist (like this guy talking) will never understand, which is the interpretation of the written word. There is a brilliance in that which he does, by turning a written plot (often rife with complications) into clear storytelling, with maximum"Kirby-esque" impact. He utilizes a deadline style, and draws in the traditional American comic way, which utilizes the Inker as a strong collaborator. In addition, he is fast! This in very important in the business aspect of producing comics. He is a work-horse that is reliable. I think JR JR could improve on bringing each character to life a bit more, but what do I know? I have always liked his work, and some particular projects the Dare Devil he did with Miller are just top shelf.
His art style is very unique and differs from standard comic art. The most prominent visual standout is the way he draws the faces and jaws of his characters - it's a very distinct way of doing so and serves as an identifying signature. I like his art, to be honest. It's very different. EDIT: also look at his shading and line techniques. Very recognizable. They're pretty cool.
His art definitely isn't for everyone. I really liked what he did on Daredevil "Man Without Fear" with Frank Miller. I also liked him on Iron Man. That being said, I haven't really liked any of his modern work. Just not my cup of tea.
Daredevil: Man Without Fear was really good, maybe thanks to Al Williamson's inks, or due to the fact that the book publishing schedule allowed John Romita Jr. to spend more time on the art, or whatever else reason. Keep in mind though that the guy is shameless about focusing more on deadlines than on artistry; in an interview back in 2003 (DVD extras from that god awful DD movie): "I call my style the deadline style. Whatever comes out on time, that's my style."
The reason he keeps getting work, is that most people disagree with you. You're just restating your opinion over and over without a critical point of view. I was interested in hearing one, but you spent 12 minutes not expressing one, so you've wasted all our time.
I do think there IS an argument to be made that the quality of his work has been dropping in recent time, but yes, almost the entire video is just "It's not good. It's just bad. It's so bad." There's no actual critical analysis as to *why* he thinks it's bad. John Romita Jnr's art is pristine goodness. There, I said it. I will gladly pick up stuff just because his name on it. His success has absolutely nothing to do with nepotism. It might have gotten him in the door, but it hasn't kept him in the business for this long. His own hard work has.
What would you say is a good example of his 'pristine goodness' work? I'm curious, I'm not familiar with his art and would like to see some stuff people who like his style enjoy.
I was enjoying John Romita Jr's art before I even knew who John Romita senior even was... He was one of the first artists I ever had the pleasure of being able to see in action during the early 2000's, sure there are artists who are technically better than him and many others from that era, but damn does his style have such a sweet and visceral aspect to it. When his characters get beat up, they get soaked in blood like there's no tomorrow, their clothes tear apart, the environment is ripped apart like paper in a cartoony, sketchy style, that''s why his stuff rules so much, not because he is jr sr's son! hell no!
Yeah, I mean, in a lot of ways I actually prefer John Romita jr.'s Spiderman, actually. Romita jr.'s really defined the look of adult Peter Parker, I guess in the same way that Romita sr. gave us the look of early college Peter. But I never found Romita sr's action scenes as striking as Romita jr. Mileage may vary for this, but so many panels that Romita jr. drew during his classic Amazing Spiderman run are just burned into my memory. When he sent Hobgoblin flying with a punch, when Kingpin loomed over Hobgoblin after rescuing Spiderman...Spiderman desperately clinging to the Juggernaut as they sunk into concrete...unforgettable stuff...
I find it difficult, that you seem to confuse drawing a comic book and having a realistic representation of the world and how it looks. I know his faces don't look like any face you'll see in the street, but that's not the point at least for me to like or dislike an artist. His style is intense and for me he shows a world which believably has superheroes or characters like in Kick-Ass in it. So as some have said before I like his art. He's helping to tell stories in a compelling way that to me is visually satisfying.
You really don't get why JRJR is "Legendary"?? He has a carreer that spawns at least 3 decades. He worked on Spider-man, X-men, Punisher, Batman. etc. Heck he worked on X-men when it was the BEST selling comics in the industry. And you wonder why he is "Legendary"?? really?? And the family things... he seems to do that. When he came here in 98.... he was there with his family. And as any decent man would.... when you got your comics signed he would introduce you to his family and you could even chat with them for a bit. JRJR and a good decent man. He does not deserve all the trash talk he gets in this video.
A good decent man and an AWESOME artist. This kid doesn't even mention his Spiderman or X-Men run, which just establishes that he knows nothing about the legend he's chosen to spit on. His X-Men run was amazing, for instance, the two issues featuring Kulan Gath's return and all the Marvel heroes reimagined as Hyborian Age characters but his run with Roger Stern on Amazing Spiderman can't be forgotten either. So many people hold that run up as one Spiderman's greatest. And Romita Jr.'s artwork was no small part of that.
This is my first and last vid from your channel, and already I need an "opposite of subscribe" button. It took me awhile to appreciate JRJ's style, & like any artist, not all of his work is good. But some of his work has been amazing. There is more to producing art than just simply being amazing; you have to be reliable & get work done on a strict time-frame. That is one of the reasons JRJ gets constant work. Also, inkers & colorists have a lot to do with the finished product. Some may just not be compatible with his style. While I don't believe you need to be an artist to critique art; as an artist with a degree in fine art, a comix reader of over 30 years, and a person who has helped produce comix; I can tell you know jack shit about comix and what it takes to illustrate them. This video has little critique, and more an opinion regarding style. Worse, you come out of the gate try-harding edgy, calling nepotism on an artist who has paid his dues. You come off as just another hipster conflating sarcasm for wisdom.
"..This is my first and last vid from your channel, and already I need an "opposite of subscribe" button.." agreed 100% .. this is the worst video I have ever seen
Most comic artists today will literally trace photographs, call it their art, and get paid. Tracing a Victoria's Secret model or a bodybuilder in a vapid pose and putting a costume on them is as shitty as it gets. The late, great John Buscema said 'If it looks like a photograph, I do not want to see it. Anyone can copy a fucking photograph.' JRJR's stuff is pure hand skill and imagination and the essence of what comic art is. Yeah, they don't look like photographs, but you know it's made from his heart and his hands, not photoshop.
Dude I know I'm 4 years late but you literally spoke the truth. Thats why I hate when people praise "realistic" art work in comics because most of it is traced and put down talented artists that are unique and use their imagination. I love sam Kieth's art because of the fact it's not "realistic".
WOW.........I don't know what to say......I would put jrjr on my top ten in the business today. he is not trying to be a realistic artist, nor a pristine polished style. mostly because he's fast. also if you look at the movement in his art it's almost KIRBY level. and that's what he's great at. I'll also say this. I LOVE his sketchy line work....I respect your opinion but I have to defend an artist I respect quite a lot.
There are only 1 or two artists that I refuse to buy or even look at a comic if they drew it. Romita Jr is one of them. It's shockingly bad. I can't understand how he gets work.
John Romita jr. is one of the best of all-time. Have you read his Amazing Spiderman run? Absolutely incredible. I mean, he's indisputably a huge part of why the Hobgoblin went on to be an iconic Spiderman villain. Spiderman 250, Spiderman against the Juggernaut...he illustrated so many classic Spiderman episodes. His depiction of action, his ability to create a brooding, almost noir-like atmosphere at times...he's exactly what a great superhero comic artist ought to be in my book.
He's an illustrator, and has a style. I used to hate him. Thought his stuff was too sketchy and blocky. But then I learned to appreciate it. And theres probably enough of us to keep getting him hired. I can see you posting a similar video about Mike Mignola and not getting why people like him.
TwEE-N-Toast I agree with your first statement but I haven’t grown to appreciate his style Mike Mignola’s style lends more to his story telling while Romita Jr’s struggles at times to covey the story convincingly..just my opinion ...I can understand why some people might like it tho and think the video is a bit overboard
Tell me you don't know anything about art, without telling me you don't know anything about art. Jr Jr keeps getting work because he's got a great style that resonates with a lot of people. Simple as that. Just because it's not your cup of tea doesn't mean its objectively bad. The guys pencils and character design are personally some of my favorites of all the comic artists out there. Plus his use of texture and body structure is just phenomenal in my opinion. Basically what I'll end with is this, I guarantee you even if you spent 10 years working on making your own art, you won't even come close to matching his quality or stylization. The guys a legend and this video just sounds like the whining of a child who didn't get what he wanted at walmart
I know a lot about art and lemme tell you theres a fine line between body hair and hatch shading and romita jr lives right between that line. Every single character he draws looks like they have whiskers and sideburns. Not to mention having swollen misshapen faces and forearms that are as thick as the thighs on top of overall terrible anatomy
Have you seen JRJR's early art? Check out his first Iron Man run in the late 70's (which includes the classic Demon in a Bottle story). He can draw like his dad if he wants to. He adopted his current style in the 80's and people liked it because it worked in certain contexts and he just kept doing it. It only really worked for me in Daredevil.
You don't read the classics do you? Read some of his EARLY work, Daredevil, Punisher,,, Then go to straczynski and his run on spiderman. its an acquired taste for sure, HOWEVER, are you really saying that the most STYLISTIC comic boom ARTIST EVER has no style? thats weird
Right but he was specifically talking about the art. Reading a comic book is also about visuals, if they're unappealing why would I want to keep reading? Next time listen.
@@mikerotch6068 then dont read them...whos forcing you to? Your just one of the few tasteless morons and we dont need you litering around good art....you like immature rob liefeld art shit
@@arjayfritzponcardasart I'm not saying I agree with the guy that jr. is a bad artist (I like his style usually) but the whole "dont interact with it if you dont like it" is a load of crap. Negative opinions have just as much potential merit as positive. Its up to the individual to then justify it in an argument.
I could be wrong but I heard in an interview of his father that his father wouldn't even hire him to work in marvel so didn't he make it into the industry on his own? Thanks
He did. He commented on the kids of so many others just hopping on because of their parents and then failing because their art didn't sell, so he flat out refused to hire him. JrJr got where he did on his own.
oh thank god, i thought i was the only one who hated his art, i keep hearing people praise it and all i can think was "Really?" i mean sometimes they look good but alot of them was just ugly
look at his 80's art, i guess this is where the praise comes from, it dpesnt explain why he get a job now, or maybe it does, maybe no one questions such a veteran artist and people are afraid to say he is bad because he is a veteran and has a concensus as a good artist
I disagree with some points you made in your video. First off, Romita JR was well known for his Daredevil run with Frank Miller, and was known for stuff like Kick-Ass and the JMS Spider-Man run ( which you forgot to mention, but maybe it was because you didn't read them). I believe this is why he ends up getting work. I will give you some things that I felt you missed that could have given better support to your criticism. The lines issue is something that is annoying. However, The Real issue with his work is not that its horrible, its just that his work is too simple. Take for example his posing. He doesn't really give complex posing, and most of his characters are drawn standing up or just too basic. The common complaint is that his art work is too squared, but then again look at Humberto Ramos who is also said to be one of the worst artist. I think this stuff would have been good things to add to the video. Otherwise I think your video was ok, though I dont agree.
.........it *is* and opinion video my fren. sometimes people just want to scream about people whose work they hate for fifteen minutes and if you have a decently popular youtube channel it just gives you a better platform for it than a random forum post (......or youtube comment. cough cough)
He’s definitely better than Liefeld. Loved his runs on Spider-Man, Thor, and actually first really got into him with Captain America. Now Greg Land I cannot stand.
Jakov Popović yeah I just happened to be getting into comics while he was drawing for Spider-Man. my first comic was on of their issues actually, so I guess I have a certain nostalgia for it.
I disagree. He is a great artist and many of his artwork also depends on the inker he is working with. You mention that nobody likes his style but notice in your comment section how many disagree with you.
I'm all for differing opinions, but this opinion piece is just toxic and seems borderline narcissistic. A bit of constructive criticism, if you ever see this comment: it would be good to look up how to have a negative opinion toward something in a healthy way. It would be both helpful to others and help you seem less... entitled might be the best word.
He's a got VERY specific style. You know something's drawn by him immediately, but i wouldn't say it's bad. I actually really love the motion and power he is able to convey in action scenes. His daredevil work was really great. Some newer stuff, eh not so much....
It's okay to like it or not, but by no means he is so famous thanks to his father. He earned his place working in Iron Man with Michelinie and Layton and Uncanny X-Men with Chris Claremont. I recomend you to check those titles, his style has changed since then (As any artist changes through time). Today he isn't as good as before, but accusing him of nepotism is highly unfair
His work has been great, phenomenal even on some of his Spiderman, Wolverine and Daredevil work (Kiss-Ass was great as well). I'll give you that some of the work is here and there, even was back in the day. As an artist in a cut throat buisness that basically churns out monthly issues in 2 weeks effort. If you give someone the likes of batman or superman you take it. Passion or Money, whatever the motivation you get to put your stamp on it for a couple of months or pay your bills. who would give a $#&% other than you? the buisnessman certainly wouldnt give two @#$&'s about art as long as sales keep high. To call him a bad artist im gonna disagree. I think he's perfected a style enough to pave his own way, regardless of his family connections. Created a niche enough that people do like his style enough to regard him (and ill also agree to understand the backlash from some of the recent DC work, yet i love all star batman). If you dont like him thats fine, we all have our own opinions of course. But to constanly refer to it as not good. when there have certainly been worse artists attached to a book i can happily name a few... But to constantly swear and act like theres not one redeeming quality or he's "shit" overall. i think is a little disrespectful. Thats why trying to get anything out of your opinion is a little hard to take, and why the hateful backlash from commenters is strong as well. Throwing myself into the furnace here. I havent really enjoyed any of Frank Millers recent art in a long time yet it gets put out. The man Can draw so damn well. yet his been trying to break "conventions" and i feel its getting sloppier everytime.
I think his art looks better on the old newsprint. The modern coloring doesn’t suit his style. Haven’t read too much of his All-Star Batman but it looked pretty good to me in the first photo shown.
I'm really not a fan of Romita Jr either. There's some instances, such as his run on Daredevil and the DKR Last Crusade mini-series, where his style 'works' (but that could just be because both involve Frank Miller and at least he's not drawing them), but his run on Superman towards the end of the New 52 managed to ruin a series I was enjoying.
I'm here to tell you, who gets to pencil the "big name" books has a lot less to do with who's the most talented, skills-wise, and a whole lot more to do with who's at least "good enough" while also being able to consistently pump out pages on schedule. If the production levels are equal, then who's the "best" artist might factor into it, but otherwise productivity is one of the, if not THE, largest factors in these decisions. JRJR is likely always getting this work because he's dependable in this regard (and of course not everyone agrees that his work is bad).
The thing with comic book art is that sometimes you need to leave the pretty asside to serve stortelling, like Dark Knight Returns does. The art suits the dark storytelling and exagerated parts of the bodie serve the exoression of movement. Its not bad, it is just not "anime" (always trying to look pretty)
Are you fucking kidding me? Romita Jr is from the Jack Kirby school of storytelling. I'm not putting him on par with Kirby on the all time status, but you can easily see. The Kick Ass movie was basically his panels especially the Hit Girl action scene. Art is a bit subjective, but I do see the brilliance in JRJR. Sure there are some artists that do figures better, sure there are artists who have a cleaner style, no one tells a comic story like John Romita Jr, IMHO. His run on Thor, Spider-Man, Kick Ass, Daredevil and Punisher are still my faves.
I notice many non-artists who read comics have little to no interest in the artists that appeal to actual artists. It's really funny to me. He's one of my favorite mainstream comic artists working these days. Seeing his name on something makes me want to pick it up. His work combined with the excellent textured inks of Klaus Jansen evoke Kirby's blocky shape language and dynamic poses, combined with the solid foundations that his father clearly instilled in him. It loudly stands out from all the interchangeable cookie cutter stuff, and as an artist it always makes me smile when I see him.
Eh, at least JRJR's artwork isn't as bad as Rob Lifefeld, and don't you dare say to me Lifefeld's artwork is "okay",no it's not okay, it's garbage, ugly and abomination
His art is okay. Your definitely overreacting here. It's not the best art, but it's not god awful. Your acting like a douche here. Plus, the whole stumpy neck thing, look at your neck. I'm not a blind fan of JRJ, I never heard of this guy.
No, the dude's art really is not good. Especially when you look at how much work he's getting, his art does not warrant that kind of recognition at all, I swear it's just that name.
Hands down one of the best storytellers in comics. Pros tell kids who want to draw comics to study his work. I’ve heard more then one pro say that. I get that it’s not “pretty” enough for some people. But it’s phenomenal to the majority that get it.
There are SO many artists you could criticize, but you choose JRJR? Really. Okay you're not a fan of his Art style, but if he has a bunch of people that loves his work and has been a successful artist for years, he must be doing something right. If you actually understood art and knew it is subjective, and not based solely on "does this look like a photo realistic picture" you'd perhaps have a different opinion on JRJR. In the Cartoonistic perspective He has solid and consistent line work and pretty clean rendering, when to proportionate drawing, He is consistemy with his anatomy, and when it comes to story telling, He is great. To Me it is personal taste, but I love the confidence, and the Kirby influenced dynamic and forshortenend poses, and his rendering (hatching) is unique. And the rich colors that he has his colorist put in is beautiful. I respect most hot takes even if I don't agree with them, but this is a bad take imo.
Many people like a more stylized art form when reading comic books, not just photorealistic art. Look at Frank Miller's late 70's and 80's work as a perfect example...there is much more to sequential art than just pretty realistic pictures. John Romita Jr's early art looked much more like his father's...and he caught criticism for it so he wanted to form much more of his unique look.
haven't watched the video yet but have you thought about making a video about how John Romita, Jr overshines John Romita, Sr and is just generally a better artist
(I know this am old vid, but whatever) The only thing drawn by JRJR that I've read is his early 2000's Spider-man run (ASM #442-500, I believe), and his art is great in it. Little to none of the problems you bring up appear in that run, and he draws some really good action scenes. I'd assume the reason he still gets work is because of the quality of this and his Daredevil runs
From what I’ve seen from the Spidey run, I agree, it’s not the worst. I still don’t like the way he does line-shading, but it’s definitely not as bad. Thank you for being civil in your disagreement.
You americans are so used to the same comics drawing style that when you see somethig different, you hate it. I love his art, in part because it's inspiring as a comic artist to see someone who doesn't draw that same 'realistic' style. Cartoony styles are great, and JRJR's art is amazing to see. You seriously need to get out of your box and start reading different things. I respect your opinion and see your point, but why hate him so much? He wont quit comics because you hate him. Deal with it.
Rafael Sales I'm American, but I personally like JRJR. He has a unique style that works for characters like Spiderman and Daredevil, but he not my favorite artist that award goes to Tim Sale
Rafael Sales no it has nothing to do with that his art is legitimately bad when the proportions are wrong and a leg looks like an arm you know something is wrong with the picture.
JRJ's art is from a time past when artists had to work on multiple titles, and so simplified their style to suit this, to save time, i.e. No Late Books. I am not a huge fan of his art, BUT he is still better than some of the shit being put out now.
Objectively speaking, JRJR's artwork is stylistically recognizable and iconic, thats why he keeps getting work. JRJR's style is unmistakably his, and his particular artstyle draws a crowd. Whether or not the artwork is good or bad is Subjective.
I don't agree. I think Romita, Jr. is one of the few artists that understand storytelling and he has the amazing ability to illustrate movement on a completely still page. His depictions of combat is something modern artists need to learn. Blood spray, broken teeth and bone, you can really feel the impact of every punch and kick he illustrates in his Daredevil work especially. His anatomy is completely off, but so was Jack Kirby's, but that never stopped him from being one of the greatest storytellers in comics.
John romita jr is a legend. His best work was in the 80s spider man and x men. He is drawing so many books is because his art sells. Thats how marvel and dc choose artist for books best upon how many books that art style sells.
John Romita was Silver and Iron Age. John Romita Jr. Has Hit and Miss Art, with his earliest seeming to be better than his later. His art IS Stylized... but like Rob Liefeld, he got faster the longer he was out... which is something the Editors LOVE. ...but faster sometimes does not mean better... Not everyone is Jack Kirby... those two? Notsomuch.
On the subject of why he keeps getting work, he can meet deadlines and turn out high volumes of adequate art. Jim Lee is one of the greatest artists to have ever lived, he rarely does more than an arc anymore because his work takes time that he doesn’t have to dedicate to ongoing work. Most of the truly incredible artists typically only pencil an arc or so. Someone who can turn out even “just ok” art has a longevity factor that appeals to publishers, if JRJr can continually turn out “good enough” art on time over and over and over, it makes life easier on editors and publishers. Some 5 Star, AAA artists can turn out art on time every month and go on and on for long runs, like Capullo, but they’re far fewer in the industry.
JR Jr.'s art used to be really good. He got inspired by Frank Miller's style and now pencils it in. - What he's good at is drawing really fast. He's reliable to produce books.
tracing is perhaps my biggest peeve with comic art, tracing your own art, I will accept, but tracing somebody elses and then claiming the credit for it, thats the dickest of dick moves
theres an artist called greg land, whos had a lot of accusations around this area, I don't want to start a witch hunt, but if you look enough theres a lot of evidence to support that he may just trace or manipulate, his or others work, sometimes even photographs, and thats not cool
I feel like the worst part is that JR Jr enabled even worse artists to make it back in the 90s. I think Liefeld is Romita Jr's fault because the bar for art was set so low and comics are much worse for it today.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels this way. It's just plain ugly. I even had Scott Snyder message me saying his art is good after I tweeted about a specific drawing.
As a long time collector, I would say their are 3 phases to his career. Each phase brought a different style. The funny thing is towards the end of each phase he does the best work of his career then takes a "wow, my work is great now what can I do to fuck everything up" approach. The first would be his 80's/very early 90s work which includes his 1st mid-eighties run on Uncanny x-men, through to his Ann Nocenti Daredevil run and ending with Uncanny X-men 287 guest artist appearance. His art was the best during this phase. His 3 year Daredevil run from 88-90 was awesome, introducing Typhoid Mary and Mephisto's son, Blackheart. But the best art of Romita jr's career was Uncanny X-men 287. It was the culmination of everything he had learned and is stellar, focusing on Bishop's future-past, he was introduced 5 issues earlier, ending with him joining the X-men. The first page and 2nd-3rd two page spread are amazing. He would return to Uncanny X-men 12 issues later with the hideous art on Uncanny x-men 300 marking the 2nd phase of his career which continued through the 90s looking horrible. until again he had a 2nd renaissance again in the early to mid 00's with 2 great runs: Amazing Spider-man with J Michael Straczynski and Wolverine with Mark Millar. But then came Kick-ass and with it we entered the 3rd an current phase of his career. With Kick-ass, Romita simplified his style greatly which was already blocky and increased the line weight, it wasn't horrible but it wasn't great either and then you get to his recent Captain America and superman runs and its like that simplified style but with the horrible 90's crosshatching. I will say in his defense ... the reason he gets work is because he is a recognizable name and he is super fast, I mean like 2-3 pages a day fast. Anyway, checkout Uncanny X-men 287. Just a phenomenal issue all around.
Right. I own Uncanny X-Men 143-254 and man let me tell anyone JR Jr.'s early work on that run was astonishingly good. He does some double page spreads that I constantly look at and I'm just floored by. The creator seriously should have done way more research in my opinion
Sorry bro...I have always loved his work. I love the block style he uses. From his beginnings. I am an artist and think he is awesome. The fact that you feel this strong is hilarious to me...LOL!!
Nah sorry but I ain't up for this. Dissing one of the best batman books to come out in years (all star batman) and not understanding style. I think he's bad at superman, avengers, he's shit at a lot of stuff. But I love his style. It's solid, has structure. Especially in his batman titles. His costuming is great. His page layouts are great. Some of the scenes in All Star are breathtaking. Idk I like the guy to a degree. Rant about Liefeld or the guy working on the Rebirth Aquaman book because that's shit. That's actual shit.
Completely agree. His art just alienates me from titles that are otherwise alright, starting with his second run on Uncanny X-Men. And what's crazy is that I think his art is getting progressively worse as time goes on. It also baffles me how he gets high profile gigs when as far as I know there's a very vocal majority that dislike's his style.
stop watching this dumbass video yall jesus
Nah can you draw better?
Nah, I'm still John Romita Jr's biggest hater and I still respect you for speaking the truth.
@Justice254-v7t I don't play music but I know that Yoko Ono sucks at singing because I have ears. The same way I know John Romita Jr's art is bad because I have eyes.
TLDW: "I personally don't like this style of art, therefor it must be objectively bad."
This is the WORST kind of art criticism. Examples are cherry-picked, minor details are targeted for hate while avoiding the over all composition, the entire body of work is pissed on--or worse, not even looked at--so the reviewer can personally rant because the artist doesn't certain draw things exactly the way the reviewer thinks they should be drawn.
I am not a fan of everything JRjr has done, but he's done enough good runs on enough good comics to earn a lot of my respect. He's had runs on Spider-man, the Punisher, Thor, and others which were stellar.
This isn't insightful criticism, this is a narcisstic fanboy whining.
>"when his art, *objectively*, is subpar."..."(in my opinion)"...."(in my opinion)"
You understand how words work, right?
The only thing that can OBJECTIVELY be stated here is that you seem to have the SUBJECTIVE OPINION of disliking JRjr's art.
Your opinions, your experiences, your tastes, are not universal constants. In fact, they don't exist anywhere in any form outside your own head. You'd think a critic would start out understanding this, but apparently not.
JRjr follows very strongly in the artistic tradition of Jack Kirby, who also received many of the criticisms in his careers that you now hurl against Romita.. While his character work can vary wildly from project to project, with some great and some meh, his real strength lies in dynamic composition and narrative flow. The action flows smoothly and dynamically from panel to panel in a way many artists can't match, and even within panels a lot of the time. He's an action-storyteller's artist, much like Kirby was, and what (you mistakenly think, imho) he may lack in polish he more than makes up in creating and telling stories in visually dynamic ways. That's why he gets all the work he does, and he deserves it.
Romita is great, he is a master of narrative and drawns brawls like no one in industry these days. Somtimes he screws up, sometimes he just doesn't care for what he is doing, since he had so much work for his last years, but saying he's objectively BAD is objectively dumb and proves you just don't understand anithing about art in general. Even worst is the acusations of nepotism. A tip: control you're tongue and learn that not liking the aesthetics of someone's art does not makes it objectively bad.
JR Jr's art is objectively bad based on the fact that everything he draws is made out of blocks and no one even looks human. His shading is also a terrible mess. He used to be good. Up until about the mid 90s he was fine. And he can still pull off select titles that are meant to be gritty like Punisher and Batman. He is certainly not versatile by any means.
@@plucas1 i know this is years old but i just wanna say i don't think his art is great nor do i think he's great at action scenes (this is MY opinion tho). What i look at is how dynamic his poses are, it's not dynamic and most of his poses are stiff af (ex is superman) his hatchings and shadings are waaaayyyy off. Shadows aren't meant to be there sometimes his proportions are distorted but not in a good way atleast i don't think so.... Just look at his action scenes it doesn't flow atleast i don't think so. I will admit his work on daredevil is alright tho
@Dan S Thats not a valid argument.
He keeps getting work because he's one of the best storytellers with a pencil. What he lacks in beautiful curves and grace, he makes up for it with page layout and powerful action.
He’s also a workhorse. He’s never late on a book. If a publisher has a project, he delivers with bells on.
@matthewturley3472 Both Romitas are legends
Dude, those Eternals 2-page setups... Epic.
"he drew neck wide and stumpy. Does he not know what neck looked like?"
*Looking at your neck* ........ ......... ........ .......
If you can call that a neck
He not know what neck looky like??..Try saying your "L"s dipshit
"John Romita JR's art is terrible!"
Says the guy who thought the Suicide Squad movie was good...
My thoughts exactly lol
The second one was!
Romita Jr. is an awesome artist. There is veteran experience in a lot of what he does that comes through. There is a lot a non comic artist (like this guy talking) will never understand, which is the interpretation of the written word. There is a brilliance in that which he does, by turning a written plot (often rife with complications) into clear storytelling, with maximum"Kirby-esque" impact. He utilizes a deadline style, and draws in the traditional American comic way, which utilizes the Inker as a strong collaborator. In addition, he is fast! This in very important in the business aspect of producing comics. He is a work-horse that is reliable. I think JR JR could improve on bringing each character to life a bit more, but what do I know? I have always liked his work, and some particular projects the Dare Devil he did with Miller are just top shelf.
"Romita Jr. is an awesome artist." HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Hilarious joke!
@@seandavis908 yeah he is a good artist
@@avmxl2479 Romita Jr is literally one of the worst artists in the industry.
His art style is very unique and differs from standard comic art. The most prominent visual standout is the way he draws the faces and jaws of his characters - it's a very distinct way of doing so and serves as an identifying signature. I like his art, to be honest. It's very different.
EDIT: also look at his shading and line techniques. Very recognizable. They're pretty cool.
His art definitely isn't for everyone. I really liked what he did on Daredevil "Man Without Fear" with Frank Miller. I also liked him on Iron Man. That being said, I haven't really liked any of his modern work. Just not my cup of tea.
Daredevil: Man Without Fear was really good, maybe thanks to Al Williamson's inks, or due to the fact that the book publishing schedule allowed John Romita Jr. to spend more time on the art, or whatever else reason. Keep in mind though that the guy is shameless about focusing more on deadlines than on artistry; in an interview back in 2003 (DVD extras from that god awful DD movie): "I call my style the deadline style. Whatever comes out on time, that's my style."
a0me thats the thing JrJr is fantastic when he haves time.I love his art but Superman didnt look really good IMO
@RACCOON JOE'S DRAWING CHANNEL Hs not great or good artist..
This is good criticism. This guy making the video does not know how to criticize anything
The reason he keeps getting work, is that most people disagree with you. You're just restating your opinion over and over without a critical point of view. I was interested in hearing one, but you spent 12 minutes not expressing one, so you've wasted all our time.
Nagnullat yup
"If you're still not convinced-" He said after ranting about Romita's family being at a signing as if it were at all relevant.
I do think there IS an argument to be made that the quality of his work has been dropping in recent time, but yes, almost the entire video is just "It's not good. It's just bad. It's so bad." There's no actual critical analysis as to *why* he thinks it's bad.
John Romita Jnr's art is pristine goodness. There, I said it. I will gladly pick up stuff just because his name on it. His success has absolutely nothing to do with nepotism. It might have gotten him in the door, but it hasn't kept him in the business for this long. His own hard work has.
What would you say is a good example of his 'pristine goodness' work? I'm curious, I'm not familiar with his art and would like to see some stuff people who like his style enjoy.
Nagnullat His art is trash.
*John Romita's artwork > Your script writing*
This video has 30 seconds worth of content.
Is your dad some big youtuber or something?
Ironic considering romita jr’s trash art wouldn’t have made it without his father being as prolific as he was…
I was enjoying John Romita Jr's art before I even knew who John Romita senior even was... He was one of the first artists I ever had the pleasure of being able to see in action during the early 2000's, sure there are artists who are technically better than him and many others from that era, but damn does his style have such a sweet and visceral aspect to it. When his characters get beat up, they get soaked in blood like there's no tomorrow, their clothes tear apart, the environment is ripped apart like paper in a cartoony, sketchy style, that''s why his stuff rules so much, not because he is jr sr's son! hell no!
Yeah, I mean, in a lot of ways I actually prefer John Romita jr.'s Spiderman, actually. Romita jr.'s really defined the look of adult Peter Parker, I guess in the same way that Romita sr. gave us the look of early college Peter. But I never found Romita sr's action scenes as striking as Romita jr. Mileage may vary for this, but so many panels that Romita jr. drew during his classic Amazing Spiderman run are just burned into my memory. When he sent Hobgoblin flying with a punch, when Kingpin loomed over Hobgoblin after rescuing Spiderman...Spiderman desperately clinging to the Juggernaut as they sunk into concrete...unforgettable stuff...
@@kforcer Spiderman was the best thing he ever did. But his art is really, really bad in general.
His spider-man and daredevil art is great!
Jack Verey agreeed
Hell yeah. His Daredevil art is visceral.
Agreed. I started reading comics when he was on Iron Man, Spider-man, and X-men. And then later on Daredevil. He was great.
No way his art is not as good as Todd McFarlane, Erik Larsen, and mark bagely's spiderman. His daredevil is fine
The thing is that he HAS made for panels but in a whole.... it sucks
I find it difficult, that you seem to confuse drawing a comic book and having a realistic representation of the world and how it looks. I know his faces don't look like any face you'll see in the street, but that's not the point at least for me to like or dislike an artist. His style is intense and for me he shows a world which believably has superheroes or characters like in Kick-Ass in it. So as some have said before I like his art. He's helping to tell stories in a compelling way that to me is visually satisfying.
You really don't get why JRJR is "Legendary"??
He has a carreer that spawns at least 3 decades.
He worked on Spider-man, X-men, Punisher, Batman. etc.
Heck he worked on X-men when it was the BEST selling comics in the industry.
And you wonder why he is "Legendary"?? really??
And the family things... he seems to do that.
When he came here in 98.... he was there with his family.
And as any decent man would.... when you got your comics signed he would introduce you to his family and you could even chat with them for a bit.
JRJR and a good decent man. He does not deserve all the trash talk he gets in this video.
Multiverse I love your DCUO channel. You’re great
This proves nothing.
A good decent man and an AWESOME artist. This kid doesn't even mention his Spiderman or X-Men run, which just establishes that he knows nothing about the legend he's chosen to spit on. His X-Men run was amazing, for instance, the two issues featuring Kulan Gath's return and all the Marvel heroes reimagined as Hyborian Age characters but his run with Roger Stern on Amazing Spiderman can't be forgotten either. So many people hold that run up as one Spiderman's greatest. And Romita Jr.'s artwork was no small part of that.
This is my first and last vid from your channel, and already I need an "opposite of subscribe" button. It took me awhile to appreciate JRJ's style, & like any artist, not all of his work is good. But some of his work has been amazing. There is more to producing art than just simply being amazing; you have to be reliable & get work done on a strict time-frame. That is one of the reasons JRJ gets constant work. Also, inkers & colorists have a lot to do with the finished product. Some may just not be compatible with his style.
While I don't believe you need to be an artist to critique art; as an artist with a degree in fine art, a comix reader of over 30 years, and a person who has helped produce comix; I can tell you know jack shit about comix and what it takes to illustrate them. This video has little critique, and more an opinion regarding style. Worse, you come out of the gate try-harding edgy, calling nepotism on an artist who has paid his dues. You come off as just another hipster conflating sarcasm for wisdom.
Well said.
"..This is my first and last vid from your channel, and already I need an "opposite of subscribe" button.." agreed 100% .. this is the worst video I have ever seen
Thumbs up! you said what i wanted to and way better than i ever could. good clean comment. cheers!
His run on X-Men in the 80s was decent. And the fact you liked the Suicide Squad movie tells me you're taste in everything sucks.
Nick Bartolo I know right
But his x men run also had a bit of his own fathers style
His X-men run was the worst. Check out the cover art on X-men annual 7 , Uncanny X-men #'s 189,193 and 196. Its god awful.
Probably likes Rob Liefeld
Most comic artists today will literally trace photographs, call it their art, and get paid. Tracing a Victoria's Secret model or a bodybuilder in a vapid pose and putting a costume on them is as shitty as it gets. The late, great John Buscema said 'If it looks like a photograph, I do not want to see it. Anyone can copy a fucking photograph.' JRJR's stuff is pure hand skill and imagination and the essence of what comic art is. Yeah, they don't look like photographs, but you know it's made from his heart and his hands, not photoshop.
Dude I know I'm 4 years late but you literally spoke the truth. Thats why I hate when people praise "realistic" art work in comics because most of it is traced and put down talented artists that are unique and use their imagination. I love sam Kieth's art because of the fact it's not "realistic".
WOW.........I don't know what to say......I would put jrjr on my top ten in the business today. he is not trying to be a realistic artist, nor a pristine polished style. mostly because he's fast. also if you look at the movement in his art it's almost KIRBY level. and that's what he's great at. I'll also say this. I LOVE his sketchy line work....I respect your opinion but I have to defend an artist I respect quite a lot.
There are only 1 or two artists that I refuse to buy or even look at a comic if they drew it. Romita Jr is one of them. It's shockingly bad. I can't understand how he gets work.
John Romita jr. is one of the best of all-time. Have you read his Amazing Spiderman run? Absolutely incredible. I mean, he's indisputably a huge part of why the Hobgoblin went on to be an iconic Spiderman villain. Spiderman 250, Spiderman against the Juggernaut...he illustrated so many classic Spiderman episodes. His depiction of action, his ability to create a brooding, almost noir-like atmosphere at times...he's exactly what a great superhero comic artist ought to be in my book.
Agent Smith says "How can you be a neckbeard, when you have no neck?"
So, you spent 12 minutes of your life repeating that you hate the guy's art... Man, get a life !
F. T. He is now the worst you tuber ever, I liked him and now I hate him
Same xD
He's an illustrator, and has a style.
I used to hate him. Thought his stuff was too sketchy and blocky. But then I learned to appreciate it. And theres probably enough of us to keep getting him hired.
I can see you posting a similar video about Mike Mignola and not getting why people like him.
TwEE-N-Toast I agree with your first statement but I haven’t grown to appreciate his style Mike Mignola’s style lends more to his story telling while Romita Jr’s struggles at times to covey the story convincingly..just my opinion ...I can understand why some people might like it tho and think the video is a bit overboard
Tell me you don't know anything about art, without telling me you don't know anything about art. Jr Jr keeps getting work because he's got a great style that resonates with a lot of people. Simple as that. Just because it's not your cup of tea doesn't mean its objectively bad. The guys pencils and character design are personally some of my favorites of all the comic artists out there. Plus his use of texture and body structure is just phenomenal in my opinion. Basically what I'll end with is this, I guarantee you even if you spent 10 years working on making your own art, you won't even come close to matching his quality or stylization. The guys a legend and this video just sounds like the whining of a child who didn't get what he wanted at walmart
I know a lot about art and lemme tell you theres a fine line between body hair and hatch shading and romita jr lives right between that line. Every single character he draws looks like they have whiskers and sideburns. Not to mention having swollen misshapen faces and forearms that are as thick as the thighs on top of overall terrible anatomy
Have you seen JRJR's early art? Check out his first Iron Man run in the late 70's (which includes the classic Demon in a Bottle story). He can draw like his dad if he wants to. He adopted his current style in the 80's and people liked it because it worked in certain contexts and he just kept doing it. It only really worked for me in Daredevil.
In all honesty, he only did the breakdowns and Bob Layton did the finishes. Bob Layton i was under rated
I liked his early 80s xmen. He had help tho, but still he's an excellent artist
I like his art :(
Lemme make a video for you, explaining why it's at least 'okay'!
Did you end up making such video? Doesn't seem so.
That is good man but I believe it's the minority who does
I kinda like it but I think its because he drew one Spiderman's serie which is the first comic I ever read.
NerdZone it honestly grew on me as I got older.
I suppose nobody on here read the Ann Nocenti Daredevil.
I googled the artwork, and I tried to emulate it
You have seem to forgotten that capulo said he is mildly inspired by Johns work
And that means it's good? Capullo is one of the best. Romita Jr is literally one of the worst.
You don't read the classics do you? Read some of his EARLY work, Daredevil, Punisher,,,
Then go to straczynski and his run on spiderman.
its an acquired taste for sure, HOWEVER, are you really saying that the most STYLISTIC comic boom ARTIST EVER has no style? thats weird
You really don't understand. John Romita Jr is an AMAZING storyteller. There isn't only art in comicbook. So next time do your research correctly
Right but he was specifically talking about the art. Reading a comic book is also about visuals, if they're unappealing why would I want to keep reading? Next time listen.
@@mikerotch6068 then dont read them...whos forcing you to? Your just one of the few tasteless morons and we dont need you litering around good art....you like immature rob liefeld art shit
@@arjayfritzponcardasart I'm not saying I agree with the guy that jr. is a bad artist (I like his style usually) but the whole "dont interact with it if you dont like it" is a load of crap. Negative opinions have just as much potential merit as positive. Its up to the individual to then justify it in an argument.
I could be wrong but I heard in an interview of his father that his father wouldn't even hire him to work in marvel so didn't he make it into the industry on his own? Thanks
He did. He commented on the kids of so many others just hopping on because of their parents and then failing because their art didn't sell, so he flat out refused to hire him. JrJr got where he did on his own.
One of my biggest influences in my own art career. Love his fast passed style and his storytelling is second to none.
oh thank god, i thought i was the only one who hated his art, i keep hearing people praise it and all i can think was "Really?" i mean sometimes they look good but alot of them was just ugly
look at his 80's art, i guess this is where the praise comes from, it dpesnt explain why he get a job now, or maybe it does, maybe no one questions such a veteran artist and people are afraid to say he is bad because he is a veteran and has a concensus as a good artist
His run on the X-Books in the 90's was almost as bad as Quesada's.
Waldrich Lee His shit in the dark days lead up to metal is trash. Look at that one panel of his Superman.
whiterabbit75 Andy Kubert had a better run on X-Men in the 90s. (X-Men #25, for example.)
That's because Kubert is a decent artist.
why does every single persons look like they were punched in the face repeatedly
It's those caterpillar lips.
i mean, most of them are superheroes, they get punched in the face a lot
It doesn’t
lol its those box hands faces and lips
I think his art worked pretty well for Kick-Ass at least. Everywhere else it kinda sucks.
I disagree with some points you made in your video.
First off, Romita JR was well known for his Daredevil run with Frank Miller, and was known for stuff like Kick-Ass and the JMS Spider-Man run ( which you forgot to mention, but maybe it was because you didn't read them). I believe this is why he ends up getting work.
I will give you some things that I felt you missed that could have given better support to your criticism.
The lines issue is something that is annoying. However, The Real issue with his work is not that its horrible, its just that his work is too simple. Take for example his posing. He doesn't really give complex posing, and most of his characters are drawn standing up or just too basic. The common complaint is that his art work is too squared, but then again look at Humberto Ramos who is also said to be one of the worst artist. I think this stuff would have been good things to add to the video.
Otherwise I think your video was ok, though I dont agree.
.........it *is* and opinion video my fren. sometimes people just want to scream about people whose work they hate for fifteen minutes and if you have a decently popular youtube channel it just gives you a better platform for it than a random forum post (......or youtube comment. cough cough)
ShadowProductionsXD He drew Kick-Ass??
He also has bad proportions which work sometimes in some poses but he's no good with static poses
this comment discusses this topic better than the video
I want to be a comic writer. But I would rather have someone else be an artist. I just don't know HOW to find a freelance artist.
I think his stuff looks like Jack Kirby‘ start from the 1960s. It feels like a good modernisation of this art style. But hey, opinions or whatever.
He’s definitely better than Liefeld. Loved his runs on Spider-Man, Thor, and actually first really got into him with Captain America. Now Greg Land I cannot stand.
I agree that MOST of his art is baaad. BUT! I do REALLY like his art in the Strazynski Spider-man.
Jakov Popović yeah I just happened to be getting into comics while he was drawing for Spider-Man. my first comic was on of their issues actually, so I guess I have a certain nostalgia for it.
I disagree. He is a great artist and many of his artwork also depends on the inker he is working with. You mention that nobody likes his style but notice in your comment section how many disagree with you.
"Its just not good".
Best argument ever.
I’ll allow it.
His art in Man Without Fear was amazing
This is a question of taste. I happen to love Romita's style & his early Spiderman/ Hobgoblin stuff is worth checking out!
I'm all for differing opinions, but this opinion piece is just toxic and seems borderline narcissistic. A bit of constructive criticism, if you ever see this comment: it would be good to look up how to have a negative opinion toward something in a healthy way. It would be both helpful to others and help you seem less... entitled might be the best word.
He's a got VERY specific style. You know something's drawn by him immediately, but i wouldn't say it's bad. I actually really love the motion and power he is able to convey in action scenes. His daredevil work was really great. Some newer stuff, eh not so much....
It's okay to like it or not, but by no means he is so famous thanks to his father. He earned his place working in Iron Man with Michelinie and Layton and Uncanny X-Men with Chris Claremont. I recomend you to check those titles, his style has changed since then (As any artist changes through time). Today he isn't as good as before, but accusing him of nepotism is highly unfair
His work has been great, phenomenal even on some of his Spiderman, Wolverine and Daredevil work (Kiss-Ass was great as well).
I'll give you that some of the work is here and there, even was back in the day. As an artist in a cut throat buisness that basically churns out monthly issues in 2 weeks effort. If you give someone the likes of batman or superman you take it. Passion or Money, whatever the motivation you get to put your stamp on it for a couple of months or pay your bills. who would give a $#&% other than you? the buisnessman certainly wouldnt give two @#$&'s about art as long as sales keep high.
To call him a bad artist im gonna disagree. I think he's perfected a style enough to pave his own way, regardless of his family connections. Created a niche enough that people do like his style enough to regard him (and ill also agree to understand the backlash from some of the recent DC work, yet i love all star batman). If you dont like him thats fine, we all have our own opinions of course. But to constanly refer to it as not good. when there have certainly been worse artists attached to a book i can happily name a few...
But to constantly swear and act like theres not one redeeming quality or he's "shit" overall. i think is a little disrespectful. Thats why trying to get anything out of your opinion is a little hard to take, and why the hateful backlash from commenters is strong as well.
Throwing myself into the furnace here. I havent really enjoyed any of Frank Millers recent art in a long time yet it gets put out. The man Can draw so damn well. yet his been trying to break "conventions" and i feel its getting sloppier everytime.
i like whenever he draws punisher tbh
I think his art looks better on the old newsprint. The modern coloring doesn’t suit his style. Haven’t read too much of his All-Star Batman but it looked pretty good to me in the first photo shown.
Also I think he had a pretty well acclaimed Daredevil collab with Frank Miller
Furthermore, his work on Dark Days: The Casting and The Forge was pretty good.
I'm really not a fan of Romita Jr either. There's some instances, such as his run on Daredevil and the DKR Last Crusade mini-series, where his style 'works' (but that could just be because both involve Frank Miller and at least he's not drawing them), but his run on Superman towards the end of the New 52 managed to ruin a series I was enjoying.
My bad, that was a typo error. I was referring to Romita Jr., but Sr's Spider-Man is pretty iconic in itself
I'm here to tell you, who gets to pencil the "big name" books has a lot less to do with who's the most talented, skills-wise, and a whole lot more to do with who's at least "good enough" while also being able to consistently pump out pages on schedule. If the production levels are equal, then who's the "best" artist might factor into it, but otherwise productivity is one of the, if not THE, largest factors in these decisions. JRJR is likely always getting this work because he's dependable in this regard (and of course not everyone agrees that his work is bad).
The thing with comic book art is that sometimes you need to leave the pretty asside to serve stortelling, like Dark Knight Returns does. The art suits the dark storytelling and exagerated parts of the bodie serve the exoression of movement.
Its not bad, it is just not "anime" (always trying to look pretty)
Are you fucking kidding me? Romita Jr is from the Jack Kirby school of storytelling. I'm not putting him on par with Kirby on the all time status, but you can easily see. The Kick Ass movie was basically his panels especially the Hit Girl action scene. Art is a bit subjective, but I do see the brilliance in JRJR. Sure there are some artists that do figures better, sure there are artists who have a cleaner style, no one tells a comic story like John Romita Jr, IMHO. His run on Thor, Spider-Man, Kick Ass, Daredevil and Punisher are still my faves.
I love his work. One of my top three favorite artists.
His new Spider-Man run has cemented that for me.
I notice many non-artists who read comics have little to no interest in the artists that appeal to actual artists. It's really funny to me.
He's one of my favorite mainstream comic artists working these days. Seeing his name on something makes me want to pick it up.
His work combined with the excellent textured inks of Klaus Jansen evoke Kirby's blocky shape language and dynamic poses, combined with the solid foundations that his father clearly instilled in him. It loudly stands out from all the interchangeable cookie cutter stuff, and as an artist it always makes me smile when I see him.
Eh, at least JRJR's artwork isn't as bad as Rob Lifefeld, and don't you dare say to me Lifefeld's artwork is "okay",no it's not okay, it's garbage, ugly and abomination
I love Liefeld's art from the 90's. It was an interesting style. But he changed it with time, and completely lost it.
Rob has this thing with small heads and he can't do feet. And the waist line of his female characters is just absurd....
Just say you don’t like his art you don’t have to be rude to him and his family
His art is okay. Your definitely overreacting here. It's not the best art, but it's not god awful. Your acting like a douche here. Plus, the whole stumpy neck thing, look at your neck. I'm not a blind fan of JRJ, I never heard of this guy.
No, the dude's art really is not good. Especially when you look at how much work he's getting, his art does not warrant that kind of recognition at all, I swear it's just that name.
blubastud I see, but he isn't god awful.
John Brett his neck looks normal to me
filozof I know it does, I'm just saying that it's hypocritical when he mocks how he draws necks. Even though the drawn neck look just like his own.
No it doesn't. Are you blind?
He's fast and delivers on datelines. Besides he's not as bad as you say.
Hands down one of the best storytellers in comics. Pros tell kids who want to draw comics to study his work. I’ve heard more then one pro say that. I get that it’s not “pretty” enough for some people. But it’s phenomenal to the majority that get it.
I agree man I got clickbaited with world war hulk seeing David finch cover art and the next thing I see was jrjr
A lot of the people who complain about "how bad art is" can't draw themselves.
Not all the time. But, it's mostly true.
When people say he sucks (which he does) they're comparing to his peers, not to themselves.
It’s a shame cuz his father was talented
His art is so beast... I idol his drawing skills, lets see you draw a better comic
There are SO many artists you could criticize, but you choose JRJR? Really. Okay you're not a fan of his Art style, but if he has a bunch of people that loves his work and has been a successful artist for years, he must be doing something right. If you actually understood art and knew it is subjective, and not based solely on "does this look like a photo realistic picture" you'd perhaps have a different opinion on JRJR. In the Cartoonistic perspective He has solid and consistent line work and pretty clean rendering, when to proportionate drawing, He is consistemy with his anatomy, and when it comes to story telling, He is great. To Me it is personal taste, but I love the confidence, and the Kirby influenced dynamic and forshortenend poses, and his rendering (hatching) is unique. And the rich colors that he has his colorist put in is beautiful.
I respect most hot takes even if I don't agree with them, but this is a bad take imo.
he is garbage and his daddy paved his way through the industry
i agree one hundred percent John Romeita Jr artwork is really not that good
Many people like a more stylized art form when reading comic books, not just photorealistic art. Look at Frank Miller's late 70's and 80's work as a perfect example...there is much more to sequential art than just pretty realistic pictures. John Romita Jr's early art looked much more like his father's...and he caught criticism for it so he wanted to form much more of his unique look.
haven't watched the video yet but have you thought about making a video about how John Romita, Jr overshines
John Romita, Sr and is just generally a better artist
don't worry daddy dylan, it's just a joke *smoosh*
(I know this am old vid, but whatever) The only thing drawn by JRJR that I've read is his early 2000's Spider-man run (ASM #442-500, I believe), and his art is great in it. Little to none of the problems you bring up appear in that run, and he draws some really good action scenes. I'd assume the reason he still gets work is because of the quality of this and his Daredevil runs
From what I’ve seen from the Spidey run, I agree, it’s not the worst. I still don’t like the way he does line-shading, but it’s definitely not as bad. Thank you for being civil in your disagreement.
You americans are so used to the same comics drawing style that when you see somethig different, you hate it. I love his art, in part because it's inspiring as a comic artist to see someone who doesn't draw that same 'realistic' style. Cartoony styles are great, and JRJR's art is amazing to see. You seriously need to get out of your box and start reading different things. I respect your opinion and see your point, but why hate him so much? He wont quit comics because you hate him. Deal with it.
Seems to me you need to deal with the fact that people have different art tastes than you.
Rafael Sales I'm American, but I personally like JRJR. He has a unique style that works for characters like Spiderman and Daredevil, but he not my favorite artist that award goes to Tim Sale
Rafael Sales no it has nothing to do with that his art is legitimately bad when the proportions are wrong and a leg looks like an arm you know something is wrong with the picture.
No he's art is super shitty.
No we hate it because it sucks.
JRJ's art is from a time past when artists had to work on multiple titles, and so simplified their style to suit this, to save time, i.e. No Late Books. I am not a huge fan of his art, BUT he is still better than some of the shit being put out now.
Objectively speaking, JRJR's artwork is stylistically recognizable and iconic, thats why he keeps getting work. JRJR's style is unmistakably his, and his particular artstyle draws a crowd. Whether or not the artwork is good or bad is Subjective.
I don't agree. I think Romita, Jr. is one of the few artists that understand storytelling and he has the amazing ability to illustrate movement on a completely still page. His depictions of combat is something modern artists need to learn. Blood spray, broken teeth and bone, you can really feel the impact of every punch and kick he illustrates in his Daredevil work especially. His anatomy is completely off, but so was Jack Kirby's, but that never stopped him from being one of the greatest storytellers in comics.
John romita jr is a legend. His best work was in the 80s spider man and x men. He is drawing so many books is because his art sells. Thats how marvel and dc choose artist for books best upon how many books that art style sells.
John Romita was Silver and Iron Age.
John Romita Jr. Has Hit and Miss Art, with his earliest seeming to be better than his later.
His art IS Stylized... but like Rob Liefeld, he got faster the longer he was out... which is something the Editors LOVE.
...but faster sometimes does not mean better... Not everyone is Jack Kirby... those two? Notsomuch.
i think romita is one of the best.
100% agreed! He is one of my favourites.
If you're talking about John Romita Senior then I agree. :) Pure great and classic art.
יקיר קרו yes he is the best
On the subject of why he keeps getting work, he can meet deadlines and turn out high volumes of adequate art. Jim Lee is one of the greatest artists to have ever lived, he rarely does more than an arc anymore because his work takes time that he doesn’t have to dedicate to ongoing work. Most of the truly incredible artists typically only pencil an arc or so. Someone who can turn out even “just ok” art has a longevity factor that appeals to publishers, if JRJr can continually turn out “good enough” art on time over and over and over, it makes life easier on editors and publishers. Some 5 Star, AAA artists can turn out art on time every month and go on and on for long runs, like Capullo, but they’re far fewer in the industry.
"I hate his art!"
One of my best friends said he couldn't stand John Romita Jr.'s art. He said he loved John Romita Sr.'s, work, but said his son's art was horrible.
took me a yr but i finally started to like his art
The punisher war zone series is stupid dope and I wish he would've stayed in that vein.
I mean we have seen this before minus the nepotisum; Rob Liefeld
Thinks suicide squad was "fine" but thinks jr jr is a bad artist.
I wish I had Romita's talent. Love his renditions of Punisher.
JR Jr.'s art used to be really good. He got inspired by Frank Miller's style and now pencils it in. - What he's good at is drawing really fast. He's reliable to produce books.
tracing is perhaps my biggest peeve with comic art, tracing your own art, I will accept, but tracing somebody elses and then claiming the credit for it, thats the dickest of dick moves
who did this?
theres an artist called greg land, whos had a lot of accusations around this area, I don't want to start a witch hunt, but if you look enough theres a lot of evidence to support that he may just trace or manipulate, his or others work, sometimes even photographs, and thats not cool
I feel like the worst part is that JR Jr enabled even worse artists to make it back in the 90s. I think Liefeld is Romita Jr's fault because the bar for art was set so low and comics are much worse for it today.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels this way. It's just plain ugly. I even had Scott Snyder message me saying his art is good after I tweeted about a specific drawing.
As a long time collector, I would say their are 3 phases to his career. Each phase brought a different style. The funny thing is towards the end of each phase he does the best work of his career then takes a "wow, my work is great now what can I do to fuck everything up" approach. The first would be his 80's/very early 90s work which includes his 1st mid-eighties run on Uncanny x-men, through to his Ann Nocenti Daredevil run and ending with Uncanny X-men 287 guest artist appearance. His art was the best during this phase. His 3 year Daredevil run from 88-90 was awesome, introducing Typhoid Mary and Mephisto's son, Blackheart. But the best art of Romita jr's career was Uncanny X-men 287. It was the culmination of everything he had learned and is stellar, focusing on Bishop's future-past, he was introduced 5 issues earlier, ending with him joining the X-men. The first page and 2nd-3rd two page spread are amazing. He would return to Uncanny X-men 12 issues later with the hideous art on Uncanny x-men 300 marking the 2nd phase of his career which continued through the 90s looking horrible. until again he had a 2nd renaissance again in the early to mid 00's with 2 great runs: Amazing Spider-man with J Michael Straczynski and Wolverine with Mark Millar. But then came Kick-ass and with it we entered the 3rd an current phase of his career. With Kick-ass, Romita simplified his style greatly which was already blocky and increased the line weight, it wasn't horrible but it wasn't great either and then you get to his recent Captain America and superman runs and its like that simplified style but with the horrible 90's crosshatching. I will say in his defense ... the reason he gets work is because he is a recognizable name and he is super fast, I mean like 2-3 pages a day fast. Anyway, checkout Uncanny X-men 287. Just a phenomenal issue all around.
Right. I own Uncanny X-Men 143-254 and man let me tell anyone JR Jr.'s early work on that run was astonishingly good. He does some double page spreads that I constantly look at and I'm just floored by. The creator seriously should have done way more research in my opinion
Of this video*
Sorry bro...I have always loved his work. I love the block style he uses. From his beginnings. I am an artist and think he is awesome. The fact that you feel this strong is hilarious to me...LOL!!
I was actually going along and giving your opinion a fair listen, until you said Suicide Squad was a "fine movie".
Opinion instantly discarded.
JRJ must have looked at the example of Liefeld and said: "I can do better!" but meant: "I can do worse but make it quicker, thus it's better!".
I like how he made the neck comment and you could see him saying to himself "Hey, I don't really have a neck...do I know what necks look like?"
I kinda liked his art in Kick-ass ,it felt unique, but then i saw it later in other title i was like 'oh.. no, this is bad !
Nah sorry but I ain't up for this. Dissing one of the best batman books to come out in years (all star batman) and not understanding style. I think he's bad at superman, avengers, he's shit at a lot of stuff. But I love his style. It's solid, has structure. Especially in his batman titles. His costuming is great. His page layouts are great. Some of the scenes in All Star are breathtaking. Idk I like the guy to a degree. Rant about Liefeld or the guy working on the Rebirth Aquaman book because that's shit. That's actual shit.
Your wrong. He is one of the greats. Think graphic designer meets Picasso. You need to study art to appreciate his style.
Fun drinking game, take a shot every time he says "John Romita Jr."
Well you have bad taste
Completely agree. His art just alienates me from titles that are otherwise alright, starting with his second run on Uncanny X-Men. And what's crazy is that I think his art is getting progressively worse as time goes on. It also baffles me how he gets high profile gigs when as far as I know there's a very vocal majority that dislike's his style.
I like John Romita Jr. work way better than his dad!
So I don't agree with you at all, in fact you're totally exaggerating!
In fact you're just wrong!
I'm with you, son has a much more exciting style than his father.