@lettieandsam sam wants to go to Scotland,have you guys been to Vancouver?,so pretty.paris,haven't been,would like to,have a French background,European countries is a must.got to do your big oe.would it just be the two of you or a group?safety in numbers guys.meditaranian,would love to try the recipes,think you guys would love them as well,so healthy.when would you be going?another question.try to find a country that's not too hot,I'm the same,temperature has to be in the middle for me,not always possible. So exciting.
@lettieandsam do your homework,see when the best time weather wise and what going on,I'm sure you will,spread those wings guys,enjoy,please share,look forward to it.
Boots,your own pillow,lip gloss,lotion,drinks,snacks,try international guys. 😊
We would love to sometime! Where would you suggest?
@lettieandsam sam wants to go to Scotland,have you guys been to Vancouver?,so pretty.paris,haven't been,would like to,have a French background,European countries is a must.got to do your big oe.would it just be the two of you or a group?safety in numbers guys.meditaranian,would love to try the recipes,think you guys would love them as well,so healthy.when would you be going?another question.try to find a country that's not too hot,I'm the same,temperature has to be in the middle for me,not always possible. So exciting.
Thanks so much for the information! It would probably sometime between spring/summer we would be going:)
@lettieandsam do your homework,see when the best time weather wise and what going on,I'm sure you will,spread those wings guys,enjoy,please share,look forward to it.