It looks like a nice bike overall but the price tag of a 10 year car is just not acceptable. I get it that the lads who make these bikes have that as their sole employment but come on, that's just crazy.
Have heard it said, some surgeons look at a cyclist and see an organ donor. Rather harsh, but if we could all afford these products to enhance our lives by investing in them, they won't extend your life much, if at all. Instead of hearing money jangling in your pockets, you can spend it on things like this and hear the jangling in another's pockets @@rickhoran
Thank you for the presentation, but I wish you had employed a professional cameraman who does not keep jerking the camera around. Forgive my less than complementary comment. Everything else is fine.
Iksr Alquyuud Appreciate your comment Iksr. A good friend of mine did me a favor and I thought that he did a pretty good job. We'll try better the next time!
I am disgusted that the name is flevobike this is not the method of steering demonstrated on this bike. I am not disputing that it is an excellent bike a serious improvement on current recumbent bikes.
Es ist wirklich das beste Liegerad am Markt. Ich habe eine von 2009 mit 112000km . Das ist wirklich erstaunlich. Die fährt sich so gut ausbalanciert. Jetzt habe ich noch eine Greenmachine in der Pedelec Version mit dem Daumantrieb. Auch super. Leider hat Flevobike die Produktion eingestellt.
The name of the company is Flevobike. The full name of their first front wheel drive bike was simply the "Flevobike Bike", the trike was the "Flevobike Trike" and the race wheel version "Flevobike Racer."
Bravo! Best bike on the market. A great value for any athlete or bike enthusiast
I realize I am kinda off topic but do anybody know of a good site to stream newly released movies online?
It looks like a nice bike overall but the price tag of a 10 year car is just not acceptable. I get it that the lads who make these bikes have that as their sole employment but come on, that's just crazy.
Value is certainly in the mind of the beholder, for me, the GreenMachine is an investment of a lifetime and as such is a bargain!
Have heard it said, some surgeons look at a cyclist and see an organ donor. Rather harsh, but if we could all afford these products to enhance our lives by investing in them, they won't extend your life much, if at all. Instead of hearing money jangling in your pockets, you can spend it on things like this and hear the jangling in another's pockets @@rickhoran
Thank you for the presentation, but I wish you had employed a professional cameraman who does not keep jerking the camera around. Forgive my less than complementary comment. Everything else is fine.
Iksr Alquyuud Appreciate your comment Iksr. A good friend of mine did me a favor and I thought that he did a pretty good job. We'll try better the next time!
I am disgusted that the name is flevobike this is not the method of steering demonstrated on this bike. I am not disputing that it is an excellent bike a serious improvement on current recumbent bikes.
Es ist wirklich das beste Liegerad am Markt. Ich habe eine von 2009 mit 112000km . Das ist wirklich erstaunlich. Die fährt sich so gut ausbalanciert. Jetzt habe ich noch eine Greenmachine in der Pedelec Version mit dem Daumantrieb. Auch super. Leider hat Flevobike die Produktion eingestellt.
The name of the company is Flevobike. The full name of their first front wheel drive bike was simply the "Flevobike Bike", the trike was the "Flevobike Trike" and the race wheel version "Flevobike Racer."