Eurovision News Update: Dutch DRAMA, Historical Odds & The Netta Curse!

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 16 ก.ย. 2024

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  • @timoblok3136
    @timoblok3136 ปีที่แล้ว +66

    I am dutch and I dont watch a lot of dutch tv, but whenever i turned on the tv over the last few days, every program (especially comedy, discussion and news programms) was absolutely destroying them and their image in the netherlands, it was nothing less than bullying. I didnt even know it was possible to be bullied by an entire country, but I have been proven wrong.

    • @Elessar543
      @Elessar543 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      I feel bad for them. I noticed something like that in Germany in the last years, too. There's already a tendencie to mock whoever goes to eurovision, because we have not been doing well, but then when it actually doesn't go well the gloating is just disgusting. I didn't like a lot of our entries, but you don't have to be mean about it. And it's a bad habit, hard to get rid of, because this year, unlike other years, our national final was pretty good. Versatile and high quality entries. And still I saw some of the same mocking for absolutely no deserved reason at all. So I hope our neighbors don't get in on that same habit

  • @mrdarkmagic8437
    @mrdarkmagic8437 ปีที่แล้ว +139

    As a Dutch person the response from the Dutch people have been disgusting in general. Mia & Dion are being mocked, laughed at and overall they're seen as a failure. It's such a shame. Yes they didn't sing well in the pre parties and we all heard that, but there is just no support and it must be hard for them.

    • @ESCTom
      @ESCTom  ปีที่แล้ว +47

      i also think its really gonna turn off artists applying for next year. who's gonna wanna apply if they know so many people are gonna turn on them when something goes wrong?

    • @KylieWilson
      @KylieWilson ปีที่แล้ว +28

      @@ESCTom this is what scares me the most about this increase in online bullying from the fans, it’s gonna put off a lot of artists who don’t want to put up with that

    • @Andre_stats_0111
      @Andre_stats_0111 ปีที่แล้ว +22

      ​@@ESCTomthe negative comments also have a relation with Mia publicly stating that she doesn't like The Netherlands as a country (she lives in the USA). That, plus the fact that Duncan Laurence was nowhere to be seen or heard at first when the pre-parties went south for Dion & Mia, made them sitting ducks for very harsh criticism. And as a Dutchie I have to admit: I haven't seen them anywhere yet on Dutch tv, performing. And also on Eurovision socials they are almost invisible. I've always learnt that when you are criticized, you show those people what you're made of and reply to them in the best way you can. It's almost like they don't believe in their chances anymore and have given up. I sincerely hope not because as you said, it's a great song and when performed in a strong way, a definite contender to qualify.

    • @Rash23215
      @Rash23215 ปีที่แล้ว +18

      @@Andre_stats_0111 no amount of excuses can excuse bullying

    • @Andre_stats_0111
      @Andre_stats_0111 ปีที่แล้ว +10

      @@Rash23215 I absolutely agree. It's not that I'm trying to find excuses for the criticism. I'm just stating facts.

  • @BodyAndSol96
    @BodyAndSol96 ปีที่แล้ว +72

    If Finland wins, I think Tampere is a strong contender for the host city. We have a new big arena here, while Helsinki doesn't as the one where ESC 2007 was hosted is Russian-owned and thus out of use now. Tampere is just a 1,5 hour train ride from Helsinki and a (nearly) big enough city even on its own ;)

    • @patrickuotinen
      @patrickuotinen ปีที่แล้ว +15

      That's not all. Helsinki-halli (former Hariwall-areena) could change its ownership into Finnish hands quite soon, but I have read that it is in disrepair, and I'm not sure if they can fix it in time for next year (if Finland wins).
      Turku, with Turkuhalli, is of course a possible option, but I agree, that Tampere is in a stronger position with the bigger and brand new Nokia Arena.

    • @alex5623
      @alex5623 ปีที่แล้ว +9

      @@patrickuotinen If Finland were to win, it's definitely gonna be Tampere Nokia stadium as it stands, and the only chance it'd be in Helsinki would be if they figure out a way to get the new Olympic Stadium a full functioning roof in less than a years time.
      Which I'd love to see mind you, I'd want to be able to get to the ESC venue in 15 minute and watch it being built in live time haha

    • @theymerLoviatar
      @theymerLoviatar ปีที่แล้ว +8

      Yep, it'll most definitely be Nokia Arena in Tampere. It's brand new, couldn't be more centrally located (literally it is next to the railway station in central downtown), hugely pushes for all sorts of events...

    • @Leena79
      @Leena79 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Yes, Tampere is a strong contender, if Finland wins, and although I'm slightly biased living close by, it is a great city to visit. And with the ticket prices getting higher each year, Finland winning and Tampere hosting might be my only chance to ever see the show live, saving on hotel and travel fairs.

    • @giovannibienne4379
      @giovannibienne4379 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Are there enough beds?

  • @neconeconeco
    @neconeconeco ปีที่แล้ว +16

    moldova vs romania is pretty interesting. imo, Moldova has a few things going for it - when your country does well, it attracts talent both on stage and behind the scenes (even if it's return talent, wanting to return is a good sign!) and Moldova I think really understands that Eurovision is a great opportunity for positive PR for the wee country. Romania is funny because damn, they have so much going for them, a rich folk tradition of music, a legacy of pop music exports, a *beautiful* Romance language as their native tongue and plenty of talent. i think the broadcaster could use another sit down meeting to get a better perspective on what the contest could mean for them.

  • @eurovision_investor
    @eurovision_investor ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Love your updates and how you're always keeping it real! You help make the leadup to Eurovision a highlight every year... Thanks for all that u do Tom 👍

  • @DCrewJordy
    @DCrewJordy ปีที่แล้ว +30

    I am Dutch and I actually feel very sad for Mia and Dion. I think the song is beautiful. I also believe they can sing really well, especially when you listen to their solo performances. Yes the pre-parties were very bad, but they don’t deserve the hate they are getting now. I still hope they will kill it and surprise everybody in the semi-finals.❤️
    Also I don’t hope we will have the national final back again, they just need to fix the mistakes they made this year.

  • @patrickuotinen
    @patrickuotinen ปีที่แล้ว +16

    If Finland wins, I would assume that ESC 2024 will be either in Tampere or Turku, since ESC 2007 was in Helsinki. And because there are several issues with the biggest venue of Helsinki, Helsinki-halli (which was known as "Hartwall-Areena" during ESC 2007). Tampere has a brand new venue called Nokia Arena, where ESC could have place, since it can take 15 000 spectators. The biggest venue in Turku can take about 12 000 spectators, and it's a bit worn, but still a possibility.

    • @Shannis75
      @Shannis75 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      My money is on Tampere, too. It's been the coolest city in Finland for several years running, AND they have the brand new arena.
      Ofc, we'd have to win first, which is easier said than done. :D

    • @ESCTom
      @ESCTom  ปีที่แล้ว +9

      ah yes Tampere sounds the most realistic from what youve said. that would continue our streak of non capital cities!

    • @Sipu97
      @Sipu97 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Definitely Tampere. Nokia Arena is the only place to hold the competition at the moment.

    • @patrickuotinen
      @patrickuotinen ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@Sipu97 I assume, that the hosts would want to compete few possible places to get the best price, so that would make Turku another possible host city. But if there isn't much difference in the prices, I agree, that they would probably pick Tampere.
      But Shannis75 is right, we'll have to win first.

    • @Sipu97
      @Sipu97 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@patrickuotinen I don't think Turku has a place big enough to host it.

  • @DevPreston
    @DevPreston ปีที่แล้ว +10

    You deserve many more subscribers Tom

    • @ESCTom
      @ESCTom  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Thank you Dev 🙏🏻
      Quality not quantity though, the subscribers here are awesome 🤩

  • @florenna
    @florenna ปีที่แล้ว +5

    "If you don't like a previous winner, all you can do is abstain from voting" (slightly paraphrasing here) - well, not really: if you don't want a previous winner to win, the best thing you can do is vote for someone else, someone you think deserves the victory more!! ;D Also, interesting to see how wrong the odds have been in past few years! 😂 I never followed them so closely before, so that's good to know; I mainly remember how wrong they were in 2017, when the overwhelming nr 1 was 6th at the end... (And I really do hope they're wrong about the winner this year!! ;))

    • @ESCTom
      @ESCTom  ปีที่แล้ว +2

      haha yea i know what you mean, you could just switch your vote. i wonder how many people are going to think like that though. honestly i think most people wont remember her, but then maybe some commentators will mention that she won and some wont, so it could be so random

  • @SonjaAjar
    @SonjaAjar ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Hey, they're gonna perform this friday on a talkshow. This talkshow never paid attention to this drama, so I hope they will prove they can sing. I really hope so.

  • @TalloMiz
    @TalloMiz ปีที่แล้ว +14

    The Netta curse is my favorite Eurovision meme of all times

  • @irene6119
    @irene6119 ปีที่แล้ว +15

    As a non-dutch, I'm just speculating: maybe the people selecting the songs have got more and more arrogant due to the success and it has developed into this nepotist system so easily because of that. Sometimes doing "too well" can get you stuck if there is no push to change things up. I feel bad for Mia and Dion, but maybe the people in the committee learn something from this, because it's likely this will affect their performance too and therefore result in nonqualification. Maybe this is a similar moment to Netherlands as Darude was to Finland, and hey, look at us now. (well we weren't doing well before that but you get my point)

    • @florenna
      @florenna ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Yeah, and who ever would've thought Darude would be used as the "warning example" now, as after all he's made the internationally biggest Finnish hit in history... :/

  • @gwinonii
    @gwinonii ปีที่แล้ว +15

    I think Tampere would host if Finland wins; Tampere is lovely and the arena is really nice, too… though I do wish Vantaa had a big enough arena to host; would just be so poetic, “I am a boy from Vantaa.”

  • @Midnightsstan521
    @Midnightsstan521 ปีที่แล้ว +31

    The people calling for Netherlands to go back to National Final need to look at a Wikipedia page and see how many times they qualified before internal selection in 2013. Once. Once.
    Meanwhile with internal selection they went from nq to 9th to 2nd in three years. Why throw all that away cause one pre-party didn’t go to plan?
    Mia and Dion, you don’t deserve this

    • @johanleekens5734
      @johanleekens5734 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      I’ll explain why (and no, I don’t think Mia and Dion deserve all the hate they are getting, if people want to hate on something / someone it should be directed to the broadcaster):
      When the internal selections started, Eurovision had just left its dark years of political voting (let’s be real, the voting around 2008 was a joke) and combined with the mostly awful Dutch entries, the reputation of Eurovision in the Netherlands had reached a new low, meaning established artists wouldn’t do Eurovision. Anouk wanted to do it, but didn’t want to do a national final. Therefore, internal selections started as a way to get bigger names to go to Eurovision and this helped increase the reputation (in The Netherlands). However, every artist since 2019 (yes, even Duncan) was not established in any way, meaning that they should not feel ‘good enough’ to skip a national final. So, why should the broadcaster decide amongst 400 songs when we can have a national final in which we allow upcoming artists to show themselves to the Dutch audience (and even gain some international fans)? The ‘goal’ of the internal selections has been reached, so now it is time to let those who pay for the contest (everyone who pays taxes) be involved again.
      Side comment: the comment by Cornald Maas that internal selections are the only way to ensure quality songs has angered people a lot, especially since national finals are the only way to ensure quality vocals

    • @Midnightsstan521
      @Midnightsstan521 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      That’s actually a lot of good points . I guess there’s so many examples on national finals succeeding and failing it’s difficult to reach a clear verdict on them

    • @johanleekens5734
      @johanleekens5734 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I agree on that. Personally I’m convinced we should’ve had a National final the year we were hosting to see the appeal / results. Of course the contest was cancelled so we probably would have had an internal selection (for the winner of the National final) in the year we were actually hosting, but it’s very disappointing that we didn’t do it back then, it really seemed like the perfect opportunity

  • @pav_pab
    @pav_pab ปีที่แล้ว +4

    11:43 In regards to this, if Spain won it would probably be held in Valencia since it's where the future biggest arena in the country is being built and construction would speed up so that it could be held there. Also apparently it was booked for april/may this year in case Chanel won but that obviously didnt happen. Lastly, Benidorm Fest is already held in Valencian Community (province of Alicante, not Valencia itself tho) so maybe they would want to honor its success by making it happen close by.
    Thanks for the video as always! 💜

  • @simons4859
    @simons4859 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Thanks for the update ....I braved it on Monday and .I got a jury semi 1 excited

  • @RuddeyBoy90
    @RuddeyBoy90 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    I am dutch and I feel really bad for Mia and Dion. They don't deserve the way the media is treating them. And I have never seen so much news coverage on Eurovision. Not even when we won.
    I am also very disappointed in the committee. They really seem to distance themselves in every show they appear. They even laugh about all the jokes they make about the artists.
    If we don't get a national final, the full committee should be replaced to restore trust.

  • @cinektokoks
    @cinektokoks ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Yes I love that they always set the ticket price so high and then we "surprisingly" see empty seats in the arena even in the final. Hopefully it won't be the case in Liverpool cause it doesn't look good in tv. I want atmosphere like in Stockholm not like in Tel Aviv or Turin.

  • @simonkarsten272
    @simonkarsten272 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    In previous years the Dutch entry would introduce itself with a live performance on Dutch television. This had the advantage of gaining control over the performance in the most optimal circumstances possible, both for the artist as well as the selection committee/support team etc. This is traditionally accompanied with a lukewarm response, but at the competition the Dutch tend to rally around the flag anyway. This year however there was no such performance and the two preparties were the first times we heard the song. So when it turned out as disastrous as it did, we can do nothing more than comparing it to Solo.
    Special thanks from me to the people who create the program 'Even tot hier' who sang it with lyrics adapted to current political events. The song was dubbed 'Vals', meaning both off-key as well as mean or unfair.
    All this talk about a national final is a huge risk because you rightly pointed out that the internal selection procedure has lead to great success, effectively turning the Netherlands in a Eurovision powerhouse. All will be forgiven if at least the vocals are great at Eurovision, then it doesn't really matter whether it qualifies or not. Then there are excuses possible such as staging, strength of the semifinal and anything else people can think of.

  • @raquelh7682
    @raquelh7682 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    Honestly, the thing with Mia and Dion can classify as bullying wtf. I was in the Madrid preparty and even though they weren't super excellent they sang well and it was a great time nonetheless. People just like to mock others and feel entitle enough to destroy singers when they can barely hit an easy note. I'm pissed as you can tell

  • @juuljansbeken
    @juuljansbeken ปีที่แล้ว +7

    i'm from the netherlands and i think a lot of dutch people, who i assume just watch eurovision on tv but who aren't really involved or care about it further than that, just like to hate on whatever the netherlands decides to send. i remember in 2019, when we won, beforehand there were so many negative comments towards duncan laurence because ''no one knows who he is''. i think that since his win the netherlands has taken the route of sending newer artists to give them a grand stage and further their career which i think is a pretty cool thing to do. i hated the behaviour of the dutch public towards jeangu in 2021, i thought it was such a good and powerful song which such a beautiful message and comments of the dutch people were just foul in my opinion, and media picking up on those comments and sharing it only makes it worse and i guess that is what happened to mia and dion. it's very unfortunate for them that dutch people just tend to say what they think and don't care about coming across as super mean. i hope they qualify, they deserve it after all they've been through

    • @ESCTom
      @ESCTom  ปีที่แล้ว +4

      It’s interesting cos obviously not speaking Dutch or living there, I just didn’t notice a lot of that. Like I didn’t know that jeangru had some bad reception.
      It’s a slippery slope because if you look at Ireland, we really struggle to attract good songs and songwriting - we have the worst record of everyone in the last 10 years. And part of that if because of reputation. Eurovision has an awful reputation here, largely due to the media and Terry wogan. So I’m worried that if Dutch media continue to shit on their artists, nobody will want to enter anymore.

  • @sonicsilver12
    @sonicsilver12 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    I'm honestly so tired of the media here in the Netherlands making things a bigger issue than it really is. Our song wan't in my top 10 or anything, it's okay but Mia and Dion don't deserve all this pointless hate for performing "bad" live a few times, it's just straight up bullying. I hate this typical Dutch pessimism. Worst thing is that the damage is already done and I feel bad for them. No artist deserves this.
    I hope the two can really improve and prove everyone that they can perform live, just to shut the media and haters up. I'll believe in them even if things go wrong, I just hope all this hate won't stop them from having fun.

  • @lezswing
    @lezswing ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Two cents from a Finn: If we win, I'm pretty sure Tampere would be the city hosting Eurovision 2024, because Tampere's new Nokia Arena is the biggest arena in the country right now!

  • @TheFloon
    @TheFloon ปีที่แล้ว +5

    My issue with Mia and Dion's performances in the pre-parties wasn't even the pitch issues, but their total lack of chemistry. They looked like 2 strangers who were told to sing a duet together up there, and I really hope they work on that. They've certainly been getting way too much flack for what are very fixable problems, and I hope they use their time wisely and show what they are capable of in the Semi. Also as you mentioned, the Netherlands has been doing consistently great and yet their media is treating this is if the sky is falling for some reason.
    Also, as a ROTW'er, I was kinda surprised by how expensive our votes will be! The cost was something I never paid much attention to since it had never been an option for me, so I was only used to hearing my British friends mentioning it. Was kind of a nasty surprise to see that it's going to be literally more than 6 times as expensive per vote for me!

    • @ESCTom
      @ESCTom  ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Yea the variance in cost is kind of wild and actually could totally affect votes. I would associate mass voting with younger generations, so I could totally see that in more expensive countries, that older generations (who I am just guessing) might vote less, would have more of a say. Interesting that it’s such a non homogenous system

  • @davidhleeds
    @davidhleeds ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Loving the videos Tom. As a betting man I agree that the rehearsals quickly generate changes to the odds. Ill never forget Jamala (Ukraine) She was no where in the betting then she performed amongst the most striking set and her odds tumbled! The country I think could surprise and tumble in the odds although it is quietly fancied by some (Me included) is Austria. Im unsure where there going with their published outfits but it would appear black/red (reality) white (ghostlike) and maybe theyre moving away from the retro film which I liked to more of a dark effect with possibly Edgars face/movement in the background.To me its going to either be an absolute belter with their revisions or a bomber - I hope the former. The girls are very charming and likeable to! All that said Ill be rooting for Kaarija and wearing neon green/pink to Semi Final 1 Live Show. Might see you there and say hello. Kind regards David (Leeds/UK)

  • @Tomy_Yon
    @Tomy_Yon ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I'v been a ESC fan sinds the early 80s. Drama has always been there. But not as vicious as now.
    If you go on the ESC platforms, almost all comments are just insults thrown at each other. About the songs, performances, historical events and oh my, I don't even try to communicate anymore. I Just keep it in the small community of our national ESC club.
    And I have my favorites, but they almost always end up second or at the bottom. 😅
    But I just think live shows are still but a moment in time and anything can go wrong... I cherish the studio versions, without the drama on my playlists. 😊
    Greetings from Belgium 🇧🇪.

  • @rumenok
    @rumenok ปีที่แล้ว +19

    After hearing about the dutch scandal just out of curiosity watched a few stories on dutch tv about it and was amazed at the cynicism and level of mockery, i understand they didn't sing well but this is outright bullying, i have never come across anything like this before in eurovision-bubble, i would have expected similar from Russia (something similar but not so large-scale happened when Samoilova represented Russia) but not the Netherlands, on the other hand, there was information that Merol took 2nd place in the closed selection - her song (Applaus) is really a hit, and what's more - in the Dutch language, S10, Froukje, Merol are the biggest young female singers of the Netherlands, why was it necessary to invent the bicycle? Duncan has already felt sorry for his protégés 100 times and about decision at all

    • @dasmysteryman12
      @dasmysteryman12 ปีที่แล้ว

      Regarding Merol, I just listened to the song. If the rumours are true, that would have been a missed opportunity for the Netherlands. Would have been a contender for winning the first semi.

    • @simonkarsten272
      @simonkarsten272 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Merol would have been an artist that could generate some hype within the Netherlands for sure

    • @in_wino_veritas
      @in_wino_veritas ปีที่แล้ว +3

      ​@@dasmysteryman12 yes, and probably not only this song, but a couple of others in this selection could at least have qualified. But unfortunately, they chose people with money and much name recognition, such as Duncan, over a the best song and the best vocalists.

  • @Marc-is5zz
    @Marc-is5zz ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I managed to get a ticket to the SF1 Live show and I had to close my eyes when I hit the purchase button and kept saying to myself "It's only money. You can't take it with you." And then stocked up on rice & beans!

    • @nian60
      @nian60 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Congrats! Semi 1 is the best, you will have a great time. 🙂 And I agree, I have passed up on concerts that I should have gone to. And always regretted it. Better to go, and not regret not going.

  • @Werderina
    @Werderina ปีที่แล้ว +7

    It’s really a drama with the Netherlands… and I do not quite understand. I mean, there must have been some live rehearsals before the pre-parties… why did nobody tell them they had to fix their vocal problems first bevor they perform in front of an audience? Pre-parties are not as important as doing the work that has to be done. Now everybody is upset and I can imagine how Mia and Dion must feel. I hope, they have support and don’t lose faith in their abilities. It’s vocally not the easiest song, maybe they can change a bit to make it sound better. I‘ve always liked the Netherlands at Eurovision and I still do. ❤ from 🇩🇪

  • @fannishfanning160
    @fannishfanning160 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Obsessed with the random fork on the vanity desk (I dunno what to call that kind of cabinet :/ ) at the back.

    • @ESCTom
      @ESCTom  ปีที่แล้ว +2

      oh lol yea someone mentioned the fork in the last video too. i feel like i cant move it now

    • @laurasecco-nl5vs
      @laurasecco-nl5vs ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I am also drawn to that wedding picture with that impressive veil.

  • @e.o.9094
    @e.o.9094 ปีที่แล้ว +15

    I'm not a fan of the Dutch song but I truly hope they finally do great in their semi and make it to the final. That's the least they deserve after such a public humiliation... very sad. If they read this, big hug from Spain. I saw them in Madrid and it didn't sound that bad live.

    • @Penguins_umbrella
      @Penguins_umbrella ปีที่แล้ว

      Im dutch and when I watched television the other day and I felt so bad :( it was straight up bullying

  • @damirdominkovic
    @damirdominkovic ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I live in Göteborg so I really hope it will be here. I've only been once, in Lisbon 2018 and I've been a fan since 1990 😂

  • @KylieWilson
    @KylieWilson ปีที่แล้ว +10

    I feel like people are massively overreacting to the pre parties, the UK has been getting hate for not being vocally perfect as well. Look, I’ve seen acts bomb in the pre parties and then knock it out of the park on the ESC stage, chill your beans people!

  • @jstan626
    @jstan626 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    the best news of the week is that in the monday sale i snagged a semi 1 family show ticket!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🤩🤩🤩🎉🎉🎉🎉😭😭💃💃💃💃🎊🎊🎊🎊 i could not be more excited!!!!!
    and i hope that whoever netta wrongly predicts for next year is the hosts country's most expensive city 🙏🙏🙏

  • @MsMeyara
    @MsMeyara ปีที่แล้ว +7

    It's not fair how much hate they've gotten, even they weren't that good. But I was surprised at the lack of support they got from their own team and the organisers. I dislike Duncan's lack of care. There has always been some chance for the artists to perform on live television to let the country hear how good they are, but they even hadn't done that... which says alot about their supportystem. Also, the way they were selected was a bit strange and announced rather early in the season (usually the Dutch artist for Eurovision is announced around January, but now it was somewhere in October or November if I remember correctly. So it was already a bit sus. I feel sorry for them and I hope they are going to prove everyone wrong

    • @ESCTom
      @ESCTom  ปีที่แล้ว

      yea it would be awesome if they could turn it around and qualify as a big F U to all the critics

    • @MsMeyara
      @MsMeyara ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@ESCTom right! Even alot of critics are saying that we need to bring the Dutch National Contest best, because we have not being doing so great internally.... like, wait... what? We have done so much better in the past 10 years then in the 35 years before, because Duncan brought it home and Common Linnets came very close!

  • @cal_esc
    @cal_esc ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Two thousand and twenty ten is my favourite Eurovision year

    • @ESCTom
      @ESCTom  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Oh lol did I say that 😂 these updates are making me crazy

  • @CoxaBranca
    @CoxaBranca ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Honestly, I just went through the list trying to remember the lyrics and melody of each song, and by far the most memorable is We Are One. There is a secret sauce in that song, I am very curious to see if casual cling to it.

    • @jstan626
      @jstan626 ปีที่แล้ว

      i really think it could sneak through. its got immediate appeal and pops in the running order

  • @ssanti66
    @ssanti66 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    About the mess happening in the Netherlands, I thought Eurovision was supposed to be a party, people united by music. This year it seems that winning is the priority for many of the fans. Competition is nice, but there's only going to be one winner. Are the remaining countries not supposed to have fun and enjoy? I really hope the majority of people will have a different mindset.

    • @ESCTom
      @ESCTom  ปีที่แล้ว +7

      100% agree. the football hooligan mentality with some fans is very offputting. also eurovision is meant to be focused on giving other countries points, not just abusively supporting your own country

    • @persberg7245
      @persberg7245 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@ESCTom I think it's because many of the favorite countries to win this year, have not won in a while. Spain and France for example both have a big eurovision fandom and have not won in a long time.

  • @yepitsthatguy5278
    @yepitsthatguy5278 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    The crazy thing about all this is that the Dutch live was not that bad... at all. After all the noise online, I was expecting a trainwreck but I can literally name 10 other countries this year who have sounded just as bad if not worse as the Dutch entry so I just don't understand where the hate is coming from? And the Dutch song is ACTUALLY hard to sing, on top of all the difficulties with trying to perform at poorly planned and poorly resources pre-parties.

  • @byankachan
    @byankachan ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Today on a Dutch talk show they went with 'Yeah our song is bad, but so are Poland Ireland and Azerbaijan so maybe there's hope' 😂😂 I've never seen so much Eurovision news here :))

  • @Q-Iwi
    @Q-Iwi ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Last year Mika made a mistake and said "Holand" instead of "Poland". Prophetic. This year, both of these countries are suffering from the same cause. A joke, of course, but a bit bitter.

  • @esclad
    @esclad ปีที่แล้ว +1

    It's unbelievably expensive this year! Just need 2 live Final tickets now; I'm on the hunt ;)
    Managed to get 2x Semi #1 tickets the other week when they went on sale for seating in the block next to stage for £290.
    I then managed on Monday to get 2x Semi #2 tickets but only VIP were available for £410. I grabbed them without trying regular seating. I feared I could lose them to go and check regular seating.

    • @ESCTom
      @ESCTom  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Yea I was thinking of going for semi final 2 tickets but I didn’t want to put myself in the situation that I might have gotten them and having to choose to blow another £340 or not

    • @esclad
      @esclad ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@ESCTom Whatever the cost I had to pay it. There may not be another Contest in my country (UK) again in my lifetime. If it takes another 25 years to win/host, I'd be 73-years old! And that's if I get to that age. So had to do it.

  • @eurovision_investor
    @eurovision_investor ปีที่แล้ว +1


    • @ESCTom
      @ESCTom  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Thank you so much Gibson for the lovely comment. Your support is hugely appreciated 🙏🏻🥰

  • @vitalz91
    @vitalz91 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I love that intro soundtrack 😂🥰

  • @irene6119
    @irene6119 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Helsinki isn't an option since there isn't a suitable place right now. It would be Tampere!

  • @michaelaamii
    @michaelaamii ปีที่แล้ว +1

    In 2019, Mahmood came in second place with the song Soldi. So, the predictions were not accurate. Mahmood was my favourite that year.

  • @lucyloving1Direction
    @lucyloving1Direction ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Valencia has an agreement with Benidorm Fest, since they're the main investors and promoters of BF, to be the first city to be considered for Eurovision if Spain wins.

    • @ESCTom
      @ESCTom  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      ahhh thats interesting, i didnt know that

  • @Momo-rv6en
    @Momo-rv6en ปีที่แล้ว +2

    As a Dutch person I feel like the eurofans in my country dont necessarely want a national selection show. Its more the common people who are always commenting my favorite artist should go to eurovision, not Mia and Dion! (But they do not realize their favorite artist probably didnt sent a song). I do think the comission should be more transparent. S10 and Jeangu were also chooses that fit in the like the AVROTROS sound and artists they put in their TV shows.

  • @MadameChristie
    @MadameChristie ปีที่แล้ว +1

    The thing with France is that they'd be hosting Eurovision just a couole months before they host the Olympics🤯

  • @andcar2544
    @andcar2544 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I thought that rehearsal schedule was not confirmed? It seemed odd to me that it doesn't line up with the halves as drawn in the allocation draw, which was originally the whole point, so that every country knows when they must arrive in the host city.
    And I also thought press were not able to watch any rehearsal footage at all until the dress rehearsals, but I may have misunderstood that.

    • @ESCTom
      @ESCTom  ปีที่แล้ว

      yea im not sure if that is official, but it has the exact same structure as previous rehearsal schedules from the look of things

  • @OliverLewis-h9t
    @OliverLewis-h9t ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I love your videos Tom ❤️

    • @ESCTom
      @ESCTom  ปีที่แล้ว

      Thank you 😊🥰

  • @idogonen3075
    @idogonen3075 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I wouldn't hold my hopes up for the Eurovision tickets to be cheaper in upcoming years, especially with the costs rarely making any real returns...

  • @dv2483
    @dv2483 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Mia and Dion even made it into the Flemish late evening news... Maybe a revenge for their 'Barbara Dex award' ;-). There is always a bit of rivalry going on
    But it seems that the pre-parties were their first live performances before a big audience. I think they get it together. If the tradition sets on, they'd be doing a live performance on dutch tv this week. I am keeping my eye out for that!

    • @ESCTom
      @ESCTom  ปีที่แล้ว

      Yea it seems there will be a lot of pressure with that performance! I hope they can ace it

    • @dv2483
      @dv2483 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@ESCTom it'll be on Friday, fingers crossed

  • @AmaanStorm
    @AmaanStorm ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Mia & Dion are still in my top 10. I love their song and I hope they can go out there and do this for themselves.......f**k their country of origin if they're not getting behind their own act.
    All they need to do is focus on the next few weeks post-eurovison parties to work on their connection together. They can easily turn things around....People need to remember that this is just a feel good fun contest.....its not that heavy. Boggles the mind!

    • @ESCTom
      @ESCTom  ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Yea I just hope that it doesn’t break them. You need to be glowing on that stage and it’s hard to feel free when you’re that beaten up. I hope they can turn all this into motivation somehow and be an underdog instead of letting the Dutch media’s stories become a self fulfilling prophecy

    • @AmaanStorm
      @AmaanStorm ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@ESCTom I hope it doesn't too. I know that the road to Eurovision is an exhausting one, and to add to the countless press junkets, performances, flights, tiredness and sleeplessness, the extra pressure of your own country turning on you.....its got to be an incredible amount of pressure.

    • @sonicsilver12
      @sonicsilver12 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Honestly I hate the media here in the NL heavily blowing stuff out of proportion all the time. Glancing over the good things but as soon as something bad happens they zoom in and point fingers.
      Mia and Dion aren't exactly my fave act but I choose to believe in them. I want this to be a fun experience for them, I'm honestly so disgusted by all the negativity...

  • @nsomandin5342
    @nsomandin5342 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I'm Dutch myself, and evryone is overreacting so much this year. 90% of the people who are hating on them have maybe heard about 5 songs, don't even know what a Pre-Party is and just heard a snippet of the performance. The Netherlands is always really critical on their entries but this year it's just so much worse. I have a lot of sympathy for Mia and Dion and I still believe that they will sing well in Liverpool

  • @idomaghic
    @idomaghic ปีที่แล้ว

    Regarding the odds @ 7:44 .. that's actually not really how it works unless you're using a pure betting market; in most cases (overwhelming majority) the bookmaker sets the odds, and while they do look at the betting done, they also factor in other data, for e.g. likely streaming numbers, mentions in social media, reviews, other bookmakers, etc.

  • @oonanas6507
    @oonanas6507 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    When Finland wins (😉) it’ll be in Helsinki. There’s a punch of ppl pulling for Tampere, but they forget that there isn’t enough commendations there for all the ppl. Next option is like Oulu or Rovaniemi. Which is too way up north for logistically working (small airports, smal boutique hotels ect) and also nothing to do outside of Christmas season 🤷🏻‍♀️

    • @ESCTom
      @ESCTom  ปีที่แล้ว

      apparently Helsinki doesnt work because the main stadium is owned by russians and theres sanctions

    • @oonanas6507
      @oonanas6507 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@ESCTom that was thankfully resolved about 2weeks ago 👍🏼 it isn’t on paper yet, because the logistics of buying it back is hard cause of the sanctions and war. And it was owned by a stakeholders company, but the majority of the stakes were owned by Russian oligarchs. Now there’s a group of Finnish investors buying the whole thing together

  • @CorinMusic2012
    @CorinMusic2012 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I don't get it, my only eurovision experience was standing tickets for the 2018 semifinals. I think it cost me €100 for them both...and that was from a third party website!
    What gives?

    • @ESCTom
      @ESCTom  ปีที่แล้ว +2

      I can’t remember how much I paid for Lisbon but it was way cheaper too. Prices have just shot up in recent years

  • @noem.7430
    @noem.7430 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    my opinion on the dutch singers: there are people that work hard, train years and sacrifice everything. there are people that were born to sing. and thouse people maybe won´t get a chance ever to be a star, while today people that doesn´t know how to sing, get famous thanks to autotune and relationships with powerful people. it happended publicly with poland with blanka and jann. now it happended in secret in the netherlands. they might get better, whatever, we will never know what others singers were rejected, and they might have been better. In conclusion: im perfectly okey with judging a singer by their hability to sing

  • @beandrag9019
    @beandrag9019 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Eesti has the biggest inflation in Europe rn and also there’s a corporation who’s buying out everything and makes it expensive asf

  • @Dashew
    @Dashew ปีที่แล้ว

    Love the new segment :)

  • @jtb357
    @jtb357 ปีที่แล้ว +3 This is a link to the new Dutch live version. They have added backing vocals and made ajustments to the song.

    • @ESCTom
      @ESCTom  ปีที่แล้ว +2

      yea i tweeted about it, its much better, i like it a lot

    • @jtb357
      @jtb357 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@ESCTom Sorry, I don't have Twitter

  • @treverthetree
    @treverthetree ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Comment for engagement!

  • @cathalsheehan9596
    @cathalsheehan9596 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    Should have recorded this a day later after what happened yesterday :O

    • @persberg7245
      @persberg7245 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      What happened?

    • @ESCTom
      @ESCTom  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      you dont wanna know

    • @persberg7245
      @persberg7245 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@ESCTom Haha, It must be something really really bad then😂

    • @ESCTom
      @ESCTom  ปีที่แล้ว +6

      They came for me and some other Eurovision content creators. I literally had to block around 100 people 🤦🏻‍♂️

    • @tomyam211
      @tomyam211 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@persberg7245 ooo I do wanna know 💅💅

  • @zwelfbungt
    @zwelfbungt ปีที่แล้ว +1

    About Sweden as potential host: The Scandinavium in Gothenbourg is really old. I don't know if it would be well-investet money if the revamp it just for Eurovision. For me it's Malmö or Stockholm again. Why not Eskilstuna or Kristianstad ;-)
    About Finland as potential host: Helsinki seems a bit unlikely because their venue from 2007 belongs to russian investors and since March 2022, there wasn't a single event happening in it as part of sanctions. I would bet my money on Tampere because they have an impressive venue with the Nokia-Arena.
    About France as potential host: France will be bancrupt at the autumn 2024. They host JESC in November this year, they would host ESC in May 2024 and then they still have the Olympics in Summer 2024.

    • @nian60
      @nian60 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Why not Eskilstuna or Kristianstad? Because not enough hotel rooms. The issue in Sweden is less about arenas, and more about whether there are enough hotel rooms nearby.

  • @ZLProductions
    @ZLProductions ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Neta is probably gonna say Stockholm so it's gonna be in Gothenburg. But gothenburg don't have any good arenas

    • @ESCTom
      @ESCTom  ปีที่แล้ว +2

      She'll say Stockholm and it'll be Malmo

  • @alexhodder4129
    @alexhodder4129 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Ik cause I remember in 2021 my mum paid my phone bill so I said any extras on this months bill tell me and I'll send you the money over the 2 shows that I could vote it cost me like £2.50 in total which is so fucking cheap its unbelievable 🤣

  • @eurovisionhasmyheart
    @eurovisionhasmyheart ปีที่แล้ว

    mia and dion’s case with hate reminds me of blanka a bit, i mean they are hated by the whole country just like her HOWEVER the main difference is that blanka actually won in a very suspicious way meanwhile dion and mia did nothing wrong. i feel so bad for them because even though theyre not perfect, they just don’t deserve the amount of hate they get. their song is nice, i really enjoy it in a studio version! i hope they can work on their chemistry and harmonization and deliver an amazing performance. crossing my fingers for them

  • @freshlypainted
    @freshlypainted ปีที่แล้ว +5

    for the netherlands to go back to a nf would be the most stupid decision ever.

  • @debsiduracel
    @debsiduracel ปีที่แล้ว +5

    If ESC fans want something original, not made in high tech music Labs, please wote for originality! That is the way to show that country, your own language, story really matters to be heard and voted in the future. Go Spain, Finland, France!!!!

    • @persberg7245
      @persberg7245 ปีที่แล้ว

      Well orginality is not everything, the song has to be good enough as well.

    • @florenna
      @florenna ปีที่แล้ว

      @@persberg7245 Well all of the above are, esp. Spain & Finland.

  • @Rafael-br9dd
    @Rafael-br9dd ปีที่แล้ว

    Another thing you should mention, as i've heard, is that EBU dont allow any more the Media to do livestreams and recording sound at the press center. EBU should be worring about other things than restricting the job of the media in Liverpool

  • @el0leo
    @el0leo ปีที่แล้ว

    Hi Tom have you heard noa kirel live of unicorn? yesterday she sang an acapella with the crowd from the song after she performed for Israel's 75 Independence day

  • @ESC_Mike
    @ESC_Mike ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I’m curious to know what your thoughts are here. If Australia was to ever win, which country do you think we should co-host with? Apparently it would be with one of the big five. Personally I think it should be with whoever came second.

    • @rumenok
      @rumenok ปีที่แล้ว

      Actually there is an agreement with Iceland if Australia wins so...

  • @cameronclarkhull
    @cameronclarkhull ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Netta said Manchester for the UK... It was Liverpool 😂

    • @ESCTom
      @ESCTom  ปีที่แล้ว

      omg did she say manchester? what a random guess 😂

    • @cameronclarkhull
      @cameronclarkhull ปีที่แล้ว

      @@ESCTom yep. Think she posted something either in a local paper in Israel or her social media. Literally knew Manchester was off the cards when she said it 🤣

  • @milanmcmillan6203
    @milanmcmillan6203 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    How to reach U? In The Capital on Saturday, just any chance to meet over a coffee?

  • @Doodforsoreeyespnd
    @Doodforsoreeyespnd ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Cannot wait to slack off work with some Tommy boi

    • @ESCTom
      @ESCTom  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      please dont get fired 😅

    • @Doodforsoreeyespnd
      @Doodforsoreeyespnd ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@ESCTom (in secret)

  • @leendertjanw7540
    @leendertjanw7540 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Sadly, the Dutch are always ready to complain and cut people's heads off when they stick it above the parapet. The Common Linnets got a bit of slack because they were already well-known; Mia and Dion aren't and because apparently people think they were only chosen because they're "friends of Duncan", the response has been lukewarm to the song and downright vicious after their first live performances. And yeah, maybe the support they've received isn't the best, but I must say I wouldn't expect Duncan to be such a strong factor as Ilse was in 2019. He's simply not as experienced and respected as she is.
    I think this talk about transparency is a bit nonsensical; it's not like this should be a democratic decision or something. People were all gushing over the decision to send Trijntje, as if she were the best singer in the world, and we all know what happened. We should remember as well that Avrotros had absolutely no clue how to organise a national final, and that respected artists and songwriters weren't willing to participate in one. So I for one think that it would be very unwise to go back to a national final.

    • @ESCTom
      @ESCTom  ปีที่แล้ว +2

      You make a lot of sense. You’d always be one of my go tos to get the actual situation of what’s happening in Netherlands 👍🏻

    • @ESCTom
      @ESCTom  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Also didn’t realise that Dutch got excited for Trintje - that song was 🤐

    • @leendertjanw7540
      @leendertjanw7540 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@ESCTom well people were less enthusiastic about the song than about her: everybody was raving about her as a singer, "one of the best in NL". So there was absolutely no debate about her being chosen, while in fact people were forgetting that while she is a good singer, she has zero charisma and no clue about Eurovision.

  • @zoetenhartighaarlemmerdijk7677
    @zoetenhartighaarlemmerdijk7677 ปีที่แล้ว

    now we should definitely vote for this song after all the negative stuff and of course it wasn't all clean but now it's broken enough and wonderful is wonderful after all the violence of songs hear this song in the final in my opinion so we'll just nice and contrary and everyone votes for the netherlands ;-)

  • @iandh1869
    @iandh1869 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    You don’t have to wait. After all the negativity this is how you turn things round. Shot up from 32 to 6 for me. Another Common Linnets moment. So much better than the video and as for the pre party, well… Just beautiful,

  • @JamesNewham
    @JamesNewham ปีที่แล้ว

    "AVROTROS" would be pronounced /ˌaːvroːˈtrɔs/.
    P.S. My own IPA (which is terrible) is /avrotrɔs/. There is a lot of variation in the pronunciation of the vowels and the r in all dialects and accents of Dutch. Heck, this changes from family to family.

  • @xenia7283
    @xenia7283 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    More than 3000e?😮 I will never see Eurovision live.

    • @ESCTom
      @ESCTom  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Haha no I paid 350 euro for my ticket for semi final 1. And my ticket in Ukraine in 2017 for both semis and the final was 300

    • @xenia7283
      @xenia7283 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@ESCTom Ahhhhh, ok, huh.
      I heard wrong hahaha. Now everything is cheap for me after I was initially afraid that the ticket was 3000.

  • @petterberglind4225
    @petterberglind4225 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    When is your dark horse video coming?😀

    • @ESCTom
      @ESCTom  ปีที่แล้ว +3

      its filmed and im currently editing it. fingers crossed ill have it out for 6pm CET tomorrow 🤞🏻

    • @petterberglind4225
      @petterberglind4225 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@ESCTom YES! Looking forward to it

  • @Skypost4ever
    @Skypost4ever ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I absolutely love burning daylight. People just love to hate.

  • @Jeffreypennings8
    @Jeffreypennings8 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Well Netherlands is completely broke this year, next year better they are under so much pressure of negativity also it seems that Mia doesn't like Netherlands and prefer to live in USA. That is also not great way to support your own country. If they get into the final that would be a wonder this year.

    • @ESCTom
      @ESCTom  ปีที่แล้ว +3

      i feel like even if they do reach the final, a lot of the damage is done already. maybe many dutch acts wont want to risk this level of criticism by entering next year

    • @Widdekuu91
      @Widdekuu91 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@ESCTom Nah, I don't think that they will be scared off like that.
      S10 was quite new to 'the big stage' and quite a new name in the Netherlands and she was welcomed with open arms.
      The horrors of Sjalalie Sjalala are still echo-ing in our heads, that was awful. And then this..well..I don't know, I don't feel any connection to either one of them, they have never properly "introduced" themselves and their song feels a lot less personal than S10's did.

    • @Jeffreypennings8
      @Jeffreypennings8 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@ESCTom It is good to have new talent but a National Songfestival would be new warm welcome atleast people can then hear if they actually can sing under pressure. And then a selection still can select song that are high on their list. People can decide at the end. The quality should now also higher since NL took it more seriously over the last 10 years

  • @andrijacerinikolic7063
    @andrijacerinikolic7063 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    ESC TOM, are you going to interview some of participants, if yes, who?

    • @ESCTom
      @ESCTom  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      No I don’t think too many because there are already 100 people doing interviews asking the same questions. I might try and interview one or two specific acts if you guys want. Or I might try to interview some of the support staff like head of delegations etc?

    • @theresaalbert3915
      @theresaalbert3915 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@ESCTom Interviews with the staff would be amazing! I'm always wondering what people backstage are doing to make sure everything works smoothly. If someone likes to give you some insight it would be great for you to show us!

  • @JOHNJOHN-cg1oj
    @JOHNJOHN-cg1oj ปีที่แล้ว

    See you next year in Cádiz. 🤪

  • @Adrian-S.
    @Adrian-S. ปีที่แล้ว

    Netta. hillerious.

  • @tanktheplayer4275
    @tanktheplayer4275 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I think it would be Malmö if Sweden wins. I hope so anyway, because Stockholm almost always gets the big stuff while the other big cities get left out lol. Gothenburg, I think it won't be, because they said they won't be able to have Eurovision there again due to some reason. So either Malmö or Stockholm

    • @ESCTom
      @ESCTom  ปีที่แล้ว

      ah ok i just read an article about it. so yea looks like it would be Malmö or Stockholm again

  • @robtoole2337
    @robtoole2337 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I saw Noa singing today on a leaked video. Her voice live plus the staging is going to be the dark horse to win.
    You really have an incredible Eurovision brain. Good talker and great knowledge as usual.
    Kaarija 4/9 to win the semi
    Loreen 9/4
    Says a lot. The odds probably have it right for loreen to win overall but Noa is going to ruin it all I feel. That voice and staging look out.
    Leaked rehearsal I hope we see come may time.

    • @ESCTom
      @ESCTom  ปีที่แล้ว

      Thank you Rob 🥰

  • @picspics6574
    @picspics6574 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    The whole eurovision world now takes distance from the Dutch song because of two bad live performances. When i listen to the studio version of burning daylight i think this is quality and the best song this year. Netherlands deserves to shine in the final. Lots of succes from Belgium❤

  • @thomaskatje14
    @thomaskatje14 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I'm dutch and I honestly have enjoyed the mocking of the bad singing by them. A programme called Even tot Hier made lyrics about a different national problem and sang those on the instrumental track of Burning Daylight. And they sang extremely off key on purpose the whole time. It was very funny to watch. And if Mia & Dion sing on key in Eurovision, they won't be made fun of anymore. It might be hard for mia & dion, all the negative media attention, but if they know they can sing and have faith in their own abilities, I feel like they shouldn't have to worry too much.

  • @annakobuk3618
    @annakobuk3618 ปีที่แล้ว

    I 'predict' Netta 'predicting' Rovaniemi 2024, Kiruna 2024 or Pampeluna 2024 or maybe Graz 2024 🤣

    • @Rash23215
      @Rash23215 ปีที่แล้ว

      u r just inventing words now...

    • @annakobuk3618
      @annakobuk3618 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@Rash23215 🤣

    • @RockiesCanada
      @RockiesCanada ปีที่แล้ว

      It's funny when she guesses the wrong city, but making outlandish, obviously impossible guesses like Rovaniemi or Kiruna would kill the humor.

    • @annakobuk3618
      @annakobuk3618 ปีที่แล้ว

      ​@@RockiesCanada yeah, that was a bit exaggerated joke

  • @mayamills5174
    @mayamills5174 ปีที่แล้ว

    In Netta defense, when she said "Next time in Jerusalem" I believe she was quoting to the sentence "L'Shana Haba'ah B'Yerushalayim" which is sung in several Jewish prayers and services, rather than predicting the contest would take place in Jerusalem the following year.'Shana_Haba'ah
    No such excuse for "We're coming to Amsterdam", but it seems that after that she embraced the joke and played along, which only made the curse stronger as she kept making wrong guesses. I bet the curse will be lifted only when she'll finally make the right prediction.

  • @nathanhubball
    @nathanhubball ปีที่แล้ว

    I'd gotten through straight away for tickets and put my card details in, accepted in the banking app, then it said there'd been an error🙃🥲