Also bonus tip for anyone who has a hard time differentiating the colors of the cards- Melee cards have two little plus signs on the left and the right of the cards, while ranged/caster cards have circles with little spikes coming out of the top and bottom!
Thanks for the tip.. i always thought that there must be a sign to know if the card is for melee or range without looking at the tooltips every damn time...
Just wanted to say, thanks Mega. I play effectively every single job because I love them all, and your videos while aimed at a introduction, is great for reminding me how a job works when I've not played it for a hot while; thanks for the recaps!
Loving the guides - definitely my go-to resource! I’d love a 30 second video that shows you keybinds for all classes as I’m a big fan of how you lay things out and want a head start prior to the final few guides for 6.xx
Oh wow it’s kinda like WHM then and that’s what I leveled to 50 to get to Ishgard in the first place. Malefic - Stone Gravity - Holy Combust - Aero Benefic - Cure Helios - Medica And then you got Regen and the other one. Eventually I want to spec as all 4 healing classes to have Uber flexibility lol
Not going to lie.. even with your guide Astro looks rather complicated but I think i'll jump into the deep end and try Astro as my first healer XD Love all your guides btw they are GREAT!
i main astro and must have forgotten some of the minor details in the tool tips so this was actually really helpful even for me. it would be a great resource for a beginner too
Best tip I can give u...redraw and only Bole...Bole the tank...Bole the melee...everyone needs mana mahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahhahaaha ... Sorry
Not really for me... I never played Astro and trying to learn but he's going way too fast and info dumping. It starts to all blend together and get confusing for me at 1:57 because I'm still trying to remember ( with video pausing ) what was said at 1:00. This guide may work for others, though.
@@SeanTheShinigami I ended up learning AST by just simply playing it. It's not at all difficult as people sometimes make it seem. It's now my second Main! A lot of fun.
These videos have been way more helpful than others like them Iv found love how they’re barebones basics and I don’t need to know any other previous info
I came for an explanation for use cases of horoscope as it's pretty weak in pulls and I got it, nice! I'm leveling all healers right now and maybe it's because I'm a WHM main but... Please remove some of the AST buttons, fuse draw and redraw, put astrodyne as a pasive,... You have to weave way to many cooldowns and selecting players to buff with your cards it's pretty hard in itself (I have keybinds for targeting party members but clicking on the list is easier for me but still hard to weave without clipping...)
fun fact; if you have action tips on hover over the 'play' action that has your pulled card and it will show the information of that card and who you can give it to
me suddenly realizing ive been playing ast wrong since it came out like somehow my brain thought divination was astrodyne and i never had astrodyne on my hotbar
Seeing this after your Dawntrail version, since I'm planning to pick it up soon, omg why was this the old card system lol thr New system is so much better and fun
After the recent patch and the impact lore wise towards The Twelve. I wanna overcome my heal anxiety and learn from the Stars.... I may need to reference this video multiple times
been so scared of playing astro because it's the one healer ive caused the most wipes on... i just cannot wrap my head around its kit even if it's similar to whm, if i run out of essential dignity, what then? start to cast gcd healing? im just so used to just throwing lilies/tetra on whm and go back to attacking and it's often enough with the help of my other overtime abilities. but as astro, i find myself not able to really attack on trash pulls, i feel like resorting to being a healbot and the worst part is that tanks tend to panic when they drop below 50% when im just waiting to pop off my essential dignity... (this is talking pre lvl 60)
Hey I know how you feel, I caused a wipe twice today playing AST in the big spicy trash pulls in Mt. Gulg. I ended up running it again and found that stacking spells or abilities with regen is really helpful (stack Aspected Benefic on tank + Aspected Helios, or also combining AB with Celestial Opposition or Collective Unconscious, which both have regen effects). Synasty (you get this at level 50) is also a wonderful tool if the tank is taking a ton of damage really fast, it essentially heals them 40% more than usual. It’s a hard class to learn and I’m still learning myself, but I think it just takes a lot of practice.
I like ast in concept but actually playing it is a nightmare due to the card system. Lots of extra actions and target swapping for a pretty small gain tbh. Might not even BE a gain over playing a different healer unless you execute ast perfectly and the people you buff are also performing very well. I think this is why the job is less played.
idk if this is good per se, but i kinda completely ignore the card system and focus on healing/dmg spells itself. im only around 65 so i doubt i HAVE to use the cards that much but ive found them to be a lot of uneeded info when im trying to heal the party, avoid AOEs, check the recast timer, etc.
@@DrawCast1 6% damage buff adds up to a lot over time. Also, the fact astros can buff dps is probably the defining trait of the job. Hopefully you've now been practicing them because I'm level 70 now and it's still occasionally quite tricky to buff a party member while ensuring you don't clip your gcds, at least it is to me and I've been practicing drawing and casting cards from the beginning.
I always come here when I need to just know what a button does without all the specific optimization tidbits. Horoscope is terribly confusing. I thought it had something to do with your cards from how the tooltip is phrased.
Also bonus tip for anyone who has a hard time differentiating the colors of the cards- Melee cards have two little plus signs on the left and the right of the cards, while ranged/caster cards have circles with little spikes coming out of the top and bottom!
Thanks for the tip.. i always thought that there must be a sign to know if the card is for melee or range without looking at the tooltips every damn time...
Oh my god this helps so much Thankyou
@@Ace_CentriC what?
It's even simpler than that...
Pink range
Blue melee
That's it
@@TheSometimeAfter yeah that was before and i didnt payed attention that time, i just play the game lol but now its easier now thanks to this video
@@TheSometimeAfter he clearly said "for anyone who has a hard time differentiating the colors of the cards"
This guide strikes a perfect balance between informative enough to be useful and short enough to be succinct and hold my attention. Thank you!
Just wanted to say, thanks Mega. I play effectively every single job because I love them all, and your videos while aimed at a introduction, is great for reminding me how a job works when I've not played it for a hot while; thanks for the recaps!
Loving the guides - definitely my go-to resource! I’d love a 30 second video that shows you keybinds for all classes as I’m a big fan of how you lay things out and want a head start prior to the final few guides for 6.xx
Im planning on going this class for endwalker and it was much needed for a refresher~ Thank you!
Oh wow it’s kinda like WHM then and that’s what I leveled to 50 to get to Ishgard in the first place.
Malefic - Stone
Gravity - Holy
Combust - Aero
Benefic - Cure
Helios - Medica
And then you got Regen and the other one.
Eventually I want to spec as all 4 healing classes to have Uber flexibility lol
Not going to lie.. even with your guide Astro looks rather complicated but I think i'll jump into the deep end and try Astro as my first healer XD
Love all your guides btw they are GREAT!
it doesn't have all that complexity at the low levels so you'll pick it up as it develops :)
Since it starts off at LV30, you'll learn the basics before the higher level skills pops in.
I've been loving ast lately. I just got to lvl 70 and so far my favorite heal class. It's so fun and such a busy class. The chaos is beautiful 😂
i main astro and must have forgotten some of the minor details in the tool tips so this was actually really helpful even for me. it would be a great resource for a beginner too
Best tip I can give u...redraw and only Bole...Bole the tank...Bole the melee...everyone needs mana mahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahhahaaha
Not really for me... I never played Astro and trying to learn but he's going way too fast and info dumping. It starts to all blend together and get confusing for me at 1:57 because I'm still trying to remember ( with video pausing ) what was said at 1:00. This guide may work for others, though.
@@jimmorrison4ever529 There are longer form videos up on Astro.
@@SeanTheShinigami I ended up learning AST by just simply playing it. It's not at all difficult as people sometimes make it seem. It's now my second Main! A lot of fun.
These videos have been way more helpful than others like them Iv found love how they’re barebones basics and I don’t need to know any other previous info
thank you bro!!!!! im very glad to see the new guide!!
I’ve been away from FF for two years 😭 all my characters to level 80 but I just logged on and didn’t know how to do much haha thanks for the vid!
Thanks for the guide! I recently picked AST and its pretty fun so far
Awesome guide, and you even sound like a lalafell. I love my lalafell too which is a healer and one day a Astrologian
this was clear and concise and helpful. thank you!
Oh my god thanks for this. I was an AST main before EW and have barely touched it since I’m not used to it being a pure healer 😂
Have been waiting for this for a while. Thank you so much!!!
omg thanks so much ive been starting ast recently and kinda felt overwhelmed at lvl 50
What do you know, even a veteran astrological can learn more. Thank you
I came for an explanation for use cases of horoscope as it's pretty weak in pulls and I got it, nice!
I'm leveling all healers right now and maybe it's because I'm a WHM main but... Please remove some of the AST buttons, fuse draw and redraw, put astrodyne as a pasive,... You have to weave way to many cooldowns and selecting players to buff with your cards it's pretty hard in itself (I have keybinds for targeting party members but clicking on the list is easier for me but still hard to weave without clipping...)
Tbh AST is the only healer that really clicked with me. Ppl always tell me WHM is the easiest healer but I found it pretty hard
this is a lot to remember.. i think im just going to play it and figure out a strategy that works best for me. im used to whm which is a lot simpler
Just give it a shot. It starts at lvl 30 anyway so you'll naturally grow with it.
fun fact; if you have action tips on hover over the 'play' action that has your pulled card and it will show the information of that card and who you can give it to
me suddenly realizing ive been playing ast wrong since it came out like somehow my brain thought divination was astrodyne and i never had astrodyne on my hotbar
Wow, I feel overwhelmed and I haven't even logged in yet. 😂 but I want to play this class...
oh right I can use lightspeed for weaving purposes not just for moving
Seeing this after your Dawntrail version, since I'm planning to pick it up soon, omg why was this the old card system lol thr New system is so much better and fun
After the recent patch and the impact lore wise towards The Twelve. I wanna overcome my heal anxiety and learn from the Stars....
I may need to reference this video multiple times
Astro - Lohjan
been so scared of playing astro because it's the one healer ive caused the most wipes on... i just cannot wrap my head around its kit even if it's similar to whm, if i run out of essential dignity, what then? start to cast gcd healing? im just so used to just throwing lilies/tetra on whm and go back to attacking and it's often enough with the help of my other overtime abilities. but as astro, i find myself not able to really attack on trash pulls, i feel like resorting to being a healbot and the worst part is that tanks tend to panic when they drop below 50% when im just waiting to pop off my essential dignity... (this is talking pre lvl 60)
Hey I know how you feel, I caused a wipe twice today playing AST in the big spicy trash pulls in Mt. Gulg. I ended up running it again and found that stacking spells or abilities with regen is really helpful (stack Aspected Benefic on tank + Aspected Helios, or also combining AB with Celestial Opposition or Collective Unconscious, which both have regen effects). Synasty (you get this at level 50) is also a wonderful tool if the tank is taking a ton of damage really fast, it essentially heals them 40% more than usual.
It’s a hard class to learn and I’m still learning myself, but I think it just takes a lot of practice.
What glam is the sweater he's wearing?
Oh, you use the same white dyed sweater top and casual shoes that I do when I play Astro, haha
I like ast in concept but actually playing it is a nightmare due to the card system. Lots of extra actions and target swapping for a pretty small gain tbh. Might not even BE a gain over playing a different healer unless you execute ast perfectly and the people you buff are also performing very well. I think this is why the job is less played.
idk if this is good per se, but i kinda completely ignore the card system and focus on healing/dmg spells itself. im only around 65 so i doubt i HAVE to use the cards that much but ive found them to be a lot of uneeded info when im trying to heal the party, avoid AOEs, check the recast timer, etc.
@@DrawCast1 6% damage buff adds up to a lot over time. Also, the fact astros can buff dps is probably the defining trait of the job. Hopefully you've now been practicing them because I'm level 70 now and it's still occasionally quite tricky to buff a party member while ensuring you don't clip your gcds, at least it is to me and I've been practicing drawing and casting cards from the beginning.
I wish collective unconscious didn't require you to stay absolutely still, I always accidentally dispel it by accidentally turning my character.
Good tutorial.. thanks
you sound exactly like the overwatch yter brouwhack xd
Oh, I'm disappointed that the card sigils contribute to a self-buff only. I miss pre-ShB card system.
Not sure what it is, but AST feels.. clunkier to me since EW, but this makes me willing to try it again lol.
I always come here when I need to just know what a button does without all the specific optimization tidbits.
Horoscope is terribly confusing. I thought it had something to do with your cards from how the tooltip is phrased.
Astro-low-gen? Well I low key hate that’s cannon 😂😂
Think you forgot to mention “Undraw”…
I dint understand 1 thing lol, imma stick to my WHM shes much easier to play xD
"Boku no tān, dorō!!" Macro that to Draw
"Monsutā Cardo!!!" Macro this to Play
You are now a Savage raiding Ast :)
This guy's voice sounds like a cartoon voice actor. Really interesting how varied voices can be in other countries. So very unique.
It's time for a duel 🤭
Dang, that’s complicated…
i enter sheeshgard youknwowhatimsayin
This doesn't feel as complicated as I used to think, I'm a white mage main.
Healing popoto
This class has way too much button bloat
Still way too complicated...
Why do you tubers not know how to pronounce this job??? It bothers me…
I’m dum dum so ima be watching this ALOT but I really wanna be an AST healer because tarot cards *~* thank you!