Mecha: “you know I have a anti virus installed right?” Fatal error: “ok tin can” mecha: “WHAT DID YOU JUST CALL ME YOU STUPID BIT OF CODE?!” Fatal: “oh crap”
The robot thought that he had a chance. He thought no "fatal error" could defeat him. He was wrong. Fight it. Run from it. Fatal Error is the Blue Shell of the Fatal Error Universe
Mecha: “you know I have a anti virus installed right?” Fatal error: “ok tin can” mecha: “WHAT DID YOU JUST CALL ME YOU STUPID BIT OF CODE?!” Fatal: “oh crap”
0:00 fatal error vs mecha sonic
1:38 puppet tails?
1:54 puppet knuckles?
2:10 fatal error act 2
2:42 fake form
3:21 puppet eggman?
3:37 fatal error act 3
4:30 the end
I love mech sonic's artwork sprite looks cool
The robot thought that he had a chance. He thought no "fatal error" could defeat him. He was wrong. Fight it. Run from it. Fatal Error is the Blue Shell of the Fatal Error Universe
oh my god wow
Nice cover 👍
I remember eggmans scream from sonic.eyx