Once a Jewish woman, now an Orthodox Catholic one. How glorious to know my Christ who shows me the way every day. The chant is beautiful Merry Christmas
Former Protestant (Church of England) Could not be happier having found the truth Church of Christ, once I lived in the dark now I am in the light of Christ
God bless you, I'm elated you escaped the Anglican church, they are increasingly heretical and degenerate with what they endorse....but what matters now is Orthodoxy! The full holy truth. Bless you and know I pray for you.
Welcome to the one true faith Dan. May the Lord continue to shower you with His blessings. One need not be Russian,Syrian,Egyptian,or other old country heritage to be an Orthodox Christian. One need only have a desire to love the Lord and He will do the rest. Let us all join together in spiritual fellowship and sing praises to our God. " Let us love one another that with one accord we may confess, Father ,Son,and Holy Sprit. The Trinty one in essence and undevided. ".
Christmas carols: 1) What a yarn 0:11 2) In the new city of Bethlehem 3:49 3) In Bethlehem joy became 8:02 4) In Bethlehem the star shines 11:56 1. What kind of yarn: What kind of yarn? World news: What a Virgin Mary She gave birth to a son, And how she gave birth, In the nursery put, Immaculate Virgin. And how she gave birth, In the nursery put, Immaculate Virgin. And Joseph is old Above the manger stands, Jesus Christ Spread diaper, And Mary wraps, He clings to his heart: "Jesus, my son!" And Mary wraps, He clings to his heart: "Jesus, my son!" And we are born Let's bow And a fun song Let's sing at once. To allow us to live And serve Him faithfully For ever and ever. To allow us to live And serve Him faithfully For ever and ever. 2. In the new city of Bethlehem 1. In the new city of Bethlehem It was a miracle all over the earth. Holy evening, good evening! 2. A miracle happened, there will also be news: She gave birth to the Virgin Son. Holy evening, good evening! 3. The Virgin gave birth to a Son And put in the nursery. Holy evening, good evening! 4. And in the field that evening Shepherds guarded the sheep. Holy evening, good evening! 5. As the clear world shone, An angel appeared to them from heaven. Holy evening, good evening! 6. And he told them this saying, That the Son of God was born. Holy evening, good evening! 7. Herod said to kill the children, All little ones up to two years old. Holy evening, good evening! 8. Ten thousand and four more Small children were killed. Holy evening, good evening! 9. Parents weep and weep, That their children are being killed. Holy evening, good evening! 10. Breaking the hands of the Mother of God: "Where can I hide you, Son?" Holy evening, good evening! 11. Joseph had a dream, That he moved away from there. Holy evening, good evening! 12. To go into that kingdom, Egyptian state. Holy evening, good evening! 13. And we will not be embarrassed by this, Let us worship the born. Holy evening, good evening! 14. We have come to tell you this, Merry Christmas. Holy evening, good evening! 3. In Bethlehem joy came 1. In Bethlehem joy became, The star shone from the sky, In Bethlehem the Son was born, He incarnate From the Blessed Virgin Mary. Chorus: Oh, Saint Mary the Mother, We have come to greet you, Christ is born! 2. He was born and already knows What the whole world is waiting for. Everyone sees God in him And with pleas fall To the patron - Jesus. Chorus: Oh, Holidays… 3. I pray at this moment, Save my family, Give us bread, give us freedom, A better fate for Ukraine, Oh, please, Jesus. Chorus: Oh, Holidays… 1st verse: 4. In Bethlehem the star shines 1. In Bethlehem the star shines, There play, play, Angels play on a sincere bandura. 2. The Immaculate Virgin gives birth to a Son, There play, play, Kings play on a genuine silver bandura. 3. She gave birth to a son, she named Christ, There play, play, Shepherds play the copper bandura. 4. She bore a son, put in a manger, There play, play, Kobzars play the ash bandura. 5. My dear son, this is your people, God, bless us God Happiness, health, faith and love. Orginal: Колядки: 1) Що то за предиво 0:11 2) В новім граді Вифлеємі 3:49 3) В Вифлеємі радість стала 8:02 4) Во Вифлеємі зоря сіяє 11:56 1. Що то за предиво: Що то за предиво? В світі новина: Що Марія Діва Сина родила, А як вона породила, У ясельця положила, Пречиста Діва. А як вона породила, У ясельця положила, Пречиста Діва. А Йосиф старенький Над яслами стоїть, Ісусові Христові Пелени стелить, А Марія сповиває, До серденька пригортає: “Йсусе, сину мій!” А Марія сповиває, До серденька пригортає: “Йсусе, сину мій!” І ми рожденому Поклін віддаймо І веселу пісню В раз заспіваймо. Щоб дозволив нам прожити І Йому вірно служити Во віки віків. Щоб дозволив нам прожити І Йому вірно служити Во віки віків. 2. В новім граді Вифлеємі 1. В новім граді Вифлеємі Стало чудо по всій землі. Святий вечір, добрий вечір! 2. Стало чудо, ще й новина: Породила Діва Сина. Святий вечір, добрий вечір! 3. Діва Сина породила І в ясельцях положила. Святий вечір, добрий вечір! 4. А у полі у той вечір Стерегли пастирі овечок. Святий вечір, добрий вечір! 5. Як світ ясний засвітився, Ангел з неба їм з’явився. Святий вечір, добрий вечір! 6. І сказав їм таку звістку, Що Син Божий народився. Святий вечір, добрий вечір! 7. Сказав Ірод вбити діток, Всіх маленьких до двох літок. Святий вечір, добрий вечір! 8. Десять тисяч ще й чотири Малих діток погубили. Святий вечір, добрий вечір! 9. Батьки плачуть ще й ридають, Що їх діток убивають. Святий вечір, добрий вечір! 10. Ломить руки Божа Мати: - Де Тебе, Сину, сховати? Святий вечір, добрий вечір! 11. Иосипові сон приснився, Щоб він звідти віддалився. Святий вечір, добрий вечір! 12. Щоб ішов у теє царство, Єгипетське государство. Святий вечір, добрий вечір! 13. А ми цьому не смутімся, Рожденому поклонімся. Святий вечір, добрий вечір! 14. Ми прийшли вам це сказати, З Рождеством поздоровляти. Святий вечір, добрий вечір! 3. В Вифлеємі радість стала 1. В Вифлеємі радість стала, Зірка з неба засіяла, В Вифлеємі Син родився, Він убого воплотився Від Пречистої Марії. Приспів: О, Свята Маріє Мати, Ми прийшли Тебе вітати, Христос родився! 2. Він родився і вже знає, Що весь світ Його чекає. В ньому Бога всі вбачають І з мольбами припадають До заступника - Ісуса. Приспів: О, Свята… 3. Я молюся в цю хвилину, Збережи мою родину, Дай нам хліба, дай нам волю, Для Вкраїни кращу долю, О, молю тебе, Ісусе. Приспів: О, Свята… 1-й куплет: Во Вифлеємі зоря сіяє 1. Во Вифлеємі зоря сіяє, Там грають, грають, Грають янголи на щирозлотій бандурі. 2. Пречиста Діва Сина рождає, Там грають, грають, Грають царіє на щиросрібній бандурі. 3. Сина зродила, Христом нарікла, Там грають, грають, Грають пастирі на мідній бандурі. 4. Сина зродила, в яслах вложила, Там грають, грають, Грають кобзарі на ясеновій бандурі. 5. Сину дорогий, та це ж народ Твій, Дай Боже, Боже, Щастя, здоров’я, віри й любові.
My father said that music's ability to uplift and inspire is something that crosses religious and cultural boundaries. He was right. It's telling that these beautiful hymns resonate with so many- not just Christians, but people of other faith traditions, or even none at all.
Beautiful. Mile buiochas. From Irish Catholic who prays for unity again. Orthodox church has so much to offer. This music is one of the aspects. Beautiful rich prayerful encouraging at a time when we all need hope in this weak world. A little virus has reduced the world to panic. Lord Jesus, have mercy on me, a sinner. This chant is lifting spirits to God, our Creator. Mile buiochas aris.
Christ is Amongst Us! The voices of the Holy Fathers, the blessed Angels and Archangels join this Choir! Truly the Beauty of Christ's Church is ever before us! May the Father be glorified in this music forever.
I'm Native American (Pueblo)I Got Ordained to Marry Couples but God had a different plan for me. Orthodox goes back about 20 years before I got ordained. Friends of the Family are Serbian. They took us to there church and right then and there is no words to describe the beauty I saw. Fast forward to being ordained..I decided I wanted to learn the Serbian language for one reason only..to hear services and pray in Serbian language. Blessings to all who read my story from a Native Minister 🙏🏼☦️❤️🔥🌹
Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy on me, Amen. O Lord, You who steadied the hand of Peter as he began to sink on the stormy sea, if you are with me, no one is against me. Grant to me the shield of faith and the mighty armour of the Holy Spirit to protect me and guide me to do Your will. The future I put into Your hands, O Lord, and I follow You to a life in Christ. Amen. Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost, now and forever and unto the ages of ages, Amen.
God bless these monks and the canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church, Father Ornufru and the Ukrainian faithful, and please protect them, Lord. In Christ's name, amen.
Einfach wundervoll es erfüllt das Herz mit Wärme und man spürt die Anwesenheit Gottes ich wünsche allen gesegnete Weihnachten und Gott schütze alle in diesen schweren Zeiten
Now this is what a Christmas carol should sound like. Not I saw mommy kissing Santa Claus. Bless the Orthodox Church and the faithful. They could solve the world problems, the satanic problems we have been witnessing for a long time.
On pilgrimage to Jerusalem a few years ago, I was privileged, to happen to be standing next to the altar on Cavalry, when the Orthodox priests and bishop came for vespers. Thats when this Roman Rite Catholic fell in love with Orthodox chant. This is heavenly. Thank you for sharing.
Today is December 5, 2021. These beautiful voices singing the birth of Christ brings tears to my eyes. Truly angelic voices singing with hearts and their souls. God bless these monks. And the wonderful people of the Ukraine. Merry Christmas to all !!
As a child sleeping on the porch in the Detroit summer swelter I was transported by a black choir practicing across the street. This is how it feels to listen to these monks. The love of Christ has many voices. Hallelujah.
我正在学习教理,希望可以早日加入,也希望这是我最后的归宿。来自中国河南。 I am studying catechesis and hope to join in as soon as possible. I also hope this is my final destination.From henan, China.
Irish Atheist Here… The Orthodox Church Has Some Of The Most Incredibly Beautiful Chanting And Icons I've Ever Heard And Seen!… Merry Christmas Ans A Happy And Healthy New Year To All Regardless Of Religion Or Language! May We Finally Combat This Dreadful Virus In 2021!
I am sure God was sad seeing his children planting hatred in their hearts because of their different belief. We are one in God brothers. Please for me as I pray for all of you too. Let us pray each other that someday we will all meet in the place where our church fathers are now happily dwelling. Big respect and love from your Roman Catholic brother from Philippines 🇵🇭 Alleluia Alleluia Alleluia
When you know you have found the true faith... the church of the apostles of Christ, Himself.... Many blessings to everyone who reads, most especially those in war torn Ukraine. We pray for you daily in the USA.
Christ is Born! Glorify Him! I love you and pray for you my brothers in Christ Jesus. Love from Anna at Saint Andrew Christen Orthodox Church in Riverside,California USA
Dear Brothers and Sisters, these are Ukranian Christmas carols, chanted in the vernacular Ukranian (not liturgical Church Slavonic). They are not liturgical hymns, either. Mostly anonymous folk songs. Lyrics are traditional, celebrating the Incarnation of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
Merry Christmas 🎄🎁!! Such beautiful singing! My Grandfather (RIP) was a Romanian Orthodox immigrant to America and I myself will be in northern Greece in January. God willing, inspite of covid restrictions I may be able to visit Meteora or one of the other Orthodox monasteries! Δοξα το Θεό!!
I'm a Methodist, but I love this and would love to be part of a worship like this. Merry Christmas to my brothers and sisters from the Orthodox churches. ❤️✝️🙏🎄
Merry Christmas to all my Christian brothers and sisters. May we all be thankful for our Redeemer and Savior Jesus Christ who gave his life for us all. May we always count our blessings in the face of all worldly challenges before us. God bless you all.
It's beyond beauty, the sound puts you in Trance and you're cradled in Bliss. Thank you! Love and blessings to you at the monastery and all the listeners. Peace!
No matter what religion you follow or whether you're even not religious at all, beautiful music is beautiful music. This is uplifting no matter what your thoughts on religion are. If everyone could just respect another humans wish to follow or believe in whoever they want then the world would be a little less crazy.
14:25 Wow! Such singing talent. God bless these monks in their journey to heaven, and may they use every talent God has given them to teach and bring people to the faith.
Nothing could have been more heartwarming than to see my favorite monastery appear as a recommendation video. I so miss being there. May God continue to bless all our brothers, sisters, all the priests and pilgrims at Svyatogorsk. ☦️
I am Muslim but I've been considering converting to orthodox Christianity. This type of music definitely helps your case. Mashallah, it's beautiful
Once a Jewish woman, now an Orthodox Catholic one. How glorious to know my Christ who shows me the way every day. The chant is beautiful
Merry Christmas
Bless you Randi - from a Greek Orthodox Christian. 🙏🏻
Former Protestant (Church of England) Could not be happier having found the truth Church of Christ, once I lived in the dark now I am in the light of Christ
God bless you, I'm elated you escaped the Anglican church, they are increasingly heretical and degenerate with what they endorse....but what matters now is Orthodoxy! The full holy truth. Bless you and know I pray for you.
Welcome to the one true faith Dan. May the Lord continue to shower you with His blessings. One need not be Russian,Syrian,Egyptian,or other old country heritage to be an Orthodox Christian. One need only have a desire to love the Lord and He will do the rest. Let us all join together in spiritual fellowship and sing praises to our God. " Let us love one another that with one accord we may confess, Father ,Son,and Holy Sprit. The Trinty one in essence and undevided. ".
Dan Marsden what does John 14v6 say?
Sad!! Wish you could know the truth of the Gospel
datchet11 No one knows why you cited that. Obviously Orthodox believe that. We gave you the Bible.
From your Greek Orthodox brothers.Just beautiful how we praise the one and only Lord Jesus Christ. Peace be with you all. Amen
I salute my orthodox brothers, from a Swiss orthodox convert.
Christmas carols:
1) What a yarn 0:11
2) In the new city of Bethlehem 3:49
3) In Bethlehem joy became 8:02
4) In Bethlehem the star shines 11:56
1. What kind of yarn:
What kind of yarn?
World news:
What a Virgin Mary
She gave birth to a son,
And how she gave birth,
In the nursery put,
Immaculate Virgin.
And how she gave birth,
In the nursery put,
Immaculate Virgin.
And Joseph is old
Above the manger stands,
Jesus Christ
Spread diaper,
And Mary wraps,
He clings to his heart:
"Jesus, my son!"
And Mary wraps,
He clings to his heart:
"Jesus, my son!"
And we are born
Let's bow
And a fun song
Let's sing at once.
To allow us to live
And serve Him faithfully
For ever and ever.
To allow us to live
And serve Him faithfully
For ever and ever.
2. In the new city of Bethlehem
1. In the new city of Bethlehem
It was a miracle all over the earth.
Holy evening, good evening!
2. A miracle happened, there will also be news:
She gave birth to the Virgin Son.
Holy evening, good evening!
3. The Virgin gave birth to a Son
And put in the nursery.
Holy evening, good evening!
4. And in the field that evening
Shepherds guarded the sheep.
Holy evening, good evening!
5. As the clear world shone,
An angel appeared to them from heaven.
Holy evening, good evening!
6. And he told them this saying,
That the Son of God was born.
Holy evening, good evening!
7. Herod said to kill the children,
All little ones up to two years old.
Holy evening, good evening!
8. Ten thousand and four more
Small children were killed.
Holy evening, good evening!
9. Parents weep and weep,
That their children are being killed.
Holy evening, good evening!
10. Breaking the hands of the Mother of God:
"Where can I hide you, Son?"
Holy evening, good evening!
11. Joseph had a dream,
That he moved away from there.
Holy evening, good evening!
12. To go into that kingdom,
Egyptian state.
Holy evening, good evening!
13. And we will not be embarrassed by this,
Let us worship the born.
Holy evening, good evening!
14. We have come to tell you this,
Merry Christmas.
Holy evening, good evening!
3. In Bethlehem joy came
1. In Bethlehem joy became,
The star shone from the sky,
In Bethlehem the Son was born,
He incarnate
From the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Chorus: Oh, Saint Mary the Mother,
We have come to greet you,
Christ is born!
2. He was born and already knows
What the whole world is waiting for.
Everyone sees God in him
And with pleas fall
To the patron - Jesus.
Chorus: Oh, Holidays…
3. I pray at this moment,
Save my family,
Give us bread, give us freedom,
A better fate for Ukraine,
Oh, please, Jesus.
Chorus: Oh, Holidays…
1st verse:
4. In Bethlehem the star shines
1. In Bethlehem the star shines,
There play, play,
Angels play on a sincere bandura.
2. The Immaculate Virgin gives birth to a Son,
There play, play,
Kings play on a genuine silver bandura.
3. She gave birth to a son, she named Christ,
There play, play,
Shepherds play the copper bandura.
4. She bore a son, put in a manger,
There play, play,
Kobzars play the ash bandura.
5. My dear son, this is your people,
God, bless us God
Happiness, health, faith and love.
1) Що то за предиво 0:11
2) В новім граді Вифлеємі 3:49
3) В Вифлеємі радість стала 8:02 4) Во Вифлеємі зоря сіяє 11:56
1. Що то за предиво:
Що то за предиво?
В світі новина:
Що Марія Діва
Сина родила,
А як вона породила,
У ясельця положила,
Пречиста Діва.
А як вона породила,
У ясельця положила,
Пречиста Діва.
А Йосиф старенький
Над яслами стоїть,
Ісусові Христові
Пелени стелить,
А Марія сповиває,
До серденька пригортає:
“Йсусе, сину мій!”
А Марія сповиває,
До серденька пригортає:
“Йсусе, сину мій!”
І ми рожденому
Поклін віддаймо
І веселу пісню
В раз заспіваймо.
Щоб дозволив нам прожити
І Йому вірно служити
Во віки віків.
Щоб дозволив нам прожити
І Йому вірно служити
Во віки віків.
2. В новім граді Вифлеємі
1. В новім граді Вифлеємі
Стало чудо по всій землі.
Святий вечір, добрий вечір!
2. Стало чудо, ще й новина:
Породила Діва Сина.
Святий вечір, добрий вечір!
3. Діва Сина породила
І в ясельцях положила.
Святий вечір, добрий вечір!
4. А у полі у той вечір
Стерегли пастирі овечок.
Святий вечір, добрий вечір!
5. Як світ ясний засвітився,
Ангел з неба їм з’явився.
Святий вечір, добрий вечір!
6. І сказав їм таку звістку,
Що Син Божий народився.
Святий вечір, добрий вечір!
7. Сказав Ірод вбити діток,
Всіх маленьких до двох літок.
Святий вечір, добрий вечір!
8. Десять тисяч ще й чотири
Малих діток погубили.
Святий вечір, добрий вечір!
9. Батьки плачуть ще й ридають,
Що їх діток убивають.
Святий вечір, добрий вечір!
10. Ломить руки Божа Мати:
- Де Тебе, Сину, сховати?
Святий вечір, добрий вечір!
11. Иосипові сон приснився,
Щоб він звідти віддалився.
Святий вечір, добрий вечір!
12. Щоб ішов у теє царство,
Єгипетське государство.
Святий вечір, добрий вечір!
13. А ми цьому не смутімся,
Рожденому поклонімся.
Святий вечір, добрий вечір!
14. Ми прийшли вам це сказати,
З Рождеством поздоровляти.
Святий вечір, добрий вечір!
3. В Вифлеємі радість стала
1. В Вифлеємі радість стала,
Зірка з неба засіяла,
В Вифлеємі Син родився,
Він убого воплотився
Від Пречистої Марії.
Приспів: О, Свята Маріє Мати,
Ми прийшли Тебе вітати,
Христос родився!
2. Він родився і вже знає,
Що весь світ Його чекає.
В ньому Бога всі вбачають
І з мольбами припадають
До заступника - Ісуса.
Приспів: О, Свята…
3. Я молюся в цю хвилину,
Збережи мою родину,
Дай нам хліба, дай нам волю,
Для Вкраїни кращу долю,
О, молю тебе, Ісусе.
Приспів: О, Свята…
1-й куплет:
Во Вифлеємі зоря сіяє
1. Во Вифлеємі зоря сіяє,
Там грають, грають,
Грають янголи на щирозлотій бандурі.
2. Пречиста Діва Сина рождає,
Там грають, грають,
Грають царіє на щиросрібній бандурі.
3. Сина зродила, Христом нарікла,
Там грають, грають,
Грають пастирі на мідній бандурі.
4. Сина зродила, в яслах вложила,
Там грають, грають,
Грають кобзарі на ясеновій бандурі.
5. Сину дорогий, та це ж народ Твій,
Дай Боже, Боже,
Щастя, здоров’я, віри й любові.
Our beautiful Orthodox heritage❤☦ across countries and languages. Love from Syria🇸🇾🙏..
I guess this is the closest humans will come to sounding like what I imagine an angelic choir would sound like. Beautiful.
As a Catholic man from Indonesia, I do enjoy listening to these Christmas carols
by Orthodox Christian Monks
Merry Christmas from Indonesia .
Merry Christmas to you too, Beautiful listening at the Orthodox Brothers few hours until Christmas!!! GOD Bless you
Fraternal greetings from a roman catholic in Argentina. Thank God for the immense treasure of Orthodox faith!
So wonderfull.. Shalom Aleichem b’Shem Ha Mashiach.. Peace from Coptic orthodox egypt
Kids listen to All I Want For Christmas. Men listen to Orthodox Christmas Carols.
I could listen to Russian orthodox chants all day long. Such beautiful voices! Praise God for this beautiful gift!
This is my first Orthodox Christmas ☦️☦️☦️☦️
The simple beauty of those songs is in itself a proof to me that God exists...
This human work is so beautiful. My brothers and sisters then how wonderful can God be..
UKRAINIAN orthodox singing! Solemn music, beautiful voices, respectful rendering of the great religious celebration.
My father said that music's ability to uplift and inspire is something that crosses religious and cultural boundaries. He was right. It's telling that these beautiful hymns resonate with so many- not just Christians, but people of other faith traditions, or even none at all.
Beautiful. Mile buiochas. From Irish Catholic who prays for unity again. Orthodox church has so much to offer. This music is one of the aspects. Beautiful rich prayerful encouraging at a time when we all need hope in this weak world. A little virus has reduced the world to panic. Lord Jesus, have mercy on me, a sinner. This chant is lifting spirits to God, our Creator. Mile buiochas aris.
Christ is Amongst Us! The voices of the Holy Fathers, the blessed Angels and Archangels join this Choir! Truly the Beauty of Christ's Church is ever before us! May the Father be glorified in this music forever.
Beautiful, love my orthodox brothers! May Christ reunite the churches and Saint Michael drive out the corruption of satan.
That can unfortunately never happen as long as Protestantism still exists.
I'm Native American (Pueblo)I Got Ordained to Marry Couples but God had a different plan for me. Orthodox goes back about 20 years before I got ordained. Friends of the Family are Serbian. They took us to there church and right then and there is no words to describe the beauty I saw. Fast forward to being ordained..I decided I wanted to learn the Serbian language for one reason only..to hear services and pray in Serbian language. Blessings to all who read my story from a Native Minister
So angelic, just beautiful! Blessings from a Greek Orthodox Christian. 🙏🏻
im catholic and i really love this
I personally think Catholic is the modern westernized form of Orthodox.
Sorry, if I hurt you.
Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy on me, Amen. O Lord, You who steadied the hand of Peter as he began to sink on the stormy sea, if you are with me, no one is against me. Grant to me the shield of faith and the mighty armour of the Holy Spirit to protect me and guide me to do Your will. The future I put into Your hands, O Lord, and I follow You to a life in Christ. Amen. Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost, now and forever and unto the ages of ages, Amen.
Merry Christmas, I am orothodox from Ethiopia I love my orothodox Church God bless you sisters and brothers, pray for us thank you for sharing💒🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄❤
From Dubai Antioc Orthodox Church...Peace to you and Merry Christ Mass.
I don't cry that often, but this truly bought tears of joy to my eyes.
God bless these monks and the canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church, Father Ornufru and the Ukrainian faithful, and please protect them, Lord. In Christ's name, amen.
Прекрасные песнопения, душу тронуло. Да спасет Господь всех поющих и всех, которые слышат эту музыку! Привет из Болгарии!
The world is sad and broken this Christmas. Bethlehem is under rubble. Pray for peace.
Merry Christmas, from a convert to Orthodox Christianity!🎄🎄🎄🎁🎁🎁
No one can sing more beautiful than the Orthodox. Just got tears in the eye listening. Thank you.
Κύριε Ιησού Χριστε υιέ του Θεού ελέησον ημάς. Αμην. Greetings from GREECE. 💖🇬🇷
When I hear this I imagine that the Lord is also listening. God be with you❤️
Господи Исусе Христе, Cыне Божий, помилуй мя грешнаго, Аминь
Einfach wundervoll es erfüllt das Herz mit Wärme und man spürt die Anwesenheit Gottes ich wünsche allen gesegnete Weihnachten und Gott schütze alle in diesen schweren Zeiten
Now this is what a Christmas carol should sound like. Not I saw mommy kissing Santa Claus. Bless the Orthodox Church and the faithful. They could solve the world problems, the satanic problems we have been witnessing for a long time.
On pilgrimage to Jerusalem a few years ago, I was privileged, to happen to be standing next to the altar on Cavalry, when the Orthodox priests and bishop came for vespers. Thats when this Roman Rite Catholic fell in love with Orthodox chant. This is heavenly. Thank you for sharing.
Today is December 5, 2021. These beautiful voices singing the birth of Christ brings tears to my eyes. Truly angelic voices singing with hearts and their souls. God bless these monks. And the wonderful people of the Ukraine. Merry Christmas to all !!
Greetings from a new catechumin. God bless the Orthodox church.
As a child sleeping on the porch in the Detroit summer swelter I was transported by a black choir practicing across the street. This is how it feels to listen to these monks. The love of Christ has many voices. Hallelujah.
Wow so beautiful ❤🙏. May God bless you all. Sending love and prayers from a Syrian Lebanese Orthodox, Sydney Australia ☦️☦️☦️
I am studying catechesis and hope to join in as soon as possible. I also hope this is my final destination.From henan, China.
Hoping on converting from Catholicism to Orthodoxy soon! Blessing my siblings in Christ!
Irish Atheist Here… The Orthodox Church Has Some Of The Most Incredibly Beautiful Chanting And Icons I've Ever Heard And Seen!… Merry Christmas Ans A Happy And Healthy New Year To All Regardless Of Religion Or Language! May We Finally Combat This Dreadful Virus In 2021!
Lyrics please, this is so beautiful, I need to follow along. The fervor with which these monks sing is just beyond words.
Angelic voices!!! Love from Greece 💝💝
I do not understand a word, but it is uplifting, full of love and warms my heart. Thank you.
Dans quelques jours ce sera Noël.
Ces belles voix, comme une benediction, flotteront dans ma maison.
Beautiful, I’m so glad I am a Christian.🥰
Song and the depth and discipline of singing together, the great healer, the great communion of human life and human hearts. How beautiful. Thank you.
I am sure God was sad seeing his children planting hatred in their hearts because of their different belief.
We are one in God brothers.
Please for me as I pray for all of you too.
Let us pray each other that someday we will all meet in the place where our church fathers are now happily dwelling.
Big respect and love from your Roman Catholic brother from Philippines 🇵🇭
Alleluia Alleluia Alleluia
not religious at all, but religious people can create some great spirit. i love it
When you know you have found the true faith... the church of the apostles of Christ, Himself.... Many blessings to everyone who reads, most especially those in war torn Ukraine. We pray for you daily in the USA.
Christ is Born! Glorify Him! I love you and pray for you my brothers in Christ Jesus. Love from Anna at Saint Andrew Christen Orthodox Church in Riverside,California USA
I enjoy the song, the voice, the melody. It kind of bringing a transendental moment.
Greetings from a muslim in Indonesia.
i’m Serbian Orthodox and this chanting moves me beyond words.God Bless You and God Bless your Country
Dear Brothers and Sisters, these are Ukranian Christmas carols, chanted in the vernacular Ukranian (not liturgical Church Slavonic). They are not liturgical hymns, either. Mostly anonymous folk songs. Lyrics are traditional, celebrating the Incarnation of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
So wonderful... It's ukrainian carols!
From Ukraine with love ♡
Спаси Вас Бог!!! Столько отдачи, молитвы и любви в этом пении!!!
Goosebumpingly RICH CANVAS of VOCAL TONES. LOVED it. Thanku
This is truly beautiful - I have no idea what they are saying but it is incredibly peaceful.
Merry Christmas 🎄🎁!! Such beautiful singing! My Grandfather (RIP) was a Romanian Orthodox immigrant to America and I myself will be in northern Greece in January. God willing, inspite of covid restrictions I may be able to visit Meteora or one of the other Orthodox monasteries! Δοξα το Θεό!!
I'm a Methodist, but I love this and would love to be part of a worship like this. Merry Christmas to my brothers and sisters from the Orthodox churches. ❤️✝️🙏🎄
Merry Christmas to all my Christian brothers and sisters. May we all be thankful for our Redeemer and Savior Jesus Christ who gave his life for us all. May we always count our blessings in the face of all worldly challenges before us. God bless you all.
С Праздником Рождества Христова! Светлой Тихой Радости в этот замечательный Праздник! Аминь!
It's beyond beauty, the sound puts you in Trance and you're cradled in Bliss. Thank you! Love and blessings to you at the monastery and all the listeners. Peace!
Stunning Beauty.
Christ is Born!
Glorify Him!
Greetings from St Michael's Orthodox Church
Pueblo Colorado
Красивий. Дякую.
Beautiful Orthodox Christian music. A blessed Christmas season and peaceful new year.
Wow, I love it! There’s not even that many of them and their voices have such great resonance!
Good bless you from Polish Catolic
Such exquisite voices confirm and attest to the Heavenly Host and God's divine presence. Amen. Merry Christmas fr. USA.
Merry Christmas from Romania, my dear Orthodox brothers! (we use the gregorian calendar)
👍 Greetings from Romania! 🇷🇴
As a Roman Catholic brother in Christ, I so admire the Orthodox Christians! Such a rich heritage full of beauty!
This is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever heard
No matter what religion you follow or whether you're even not religious at all, beautiful music is beautiful music. This is uplifting no matter what your thoughts on religion are. If everyone could just respect another humans wish to follow or believe in whoever they want then the world would be a little less crazy.
You ever want to be a part of something that praises the lord so much as this???
Sława Bogu !!! Czekamy na twoje przyjście Panie !!!
14:25 Wow! Such singing talent. God bless these monks in their journey to heaven, and may they use every talent God has given them to teach and bring people to the faith.
Спасибо за чудное Ангельское пение!!! С Рождеством Христовым вас!
Merry Christmas from this Roman Catholic May we all pray that one day our mother church can be united once again
Love this...........used to listen to the people singing in the Russian Orthodox Church at Christmas time
Magnificent. Just utterly magnificent. Magnificent music, and execution. IMHO, it just doesn't get in better than this.
What a beautiful blessing. Well done, brothers.
Un immense bravo du Canada !!! Que c'est beau !!! Harmonie des voix, paix .... bref. nous vous souhaitons de joyeuses fêtes en ces temps troublés.
Beautiful to hear, healing for the heart, and mellowing for the soul. Thank you.
Greetings from your Traditional Catholic brother in the USA. Slava Isusu Christu.
The last song makes me cry. Love to all my brother's and sister's listening to this over Xmas
This is so beautiful ! ! ! It makes my eyes well up with tears of wonder, joy, and gratitude! THANK YOU, THANK YOU! ! ! ! ! Breath taking!
God bless you my friends 🤲 with love sr.Anna, Coptic Catholic Church
Thank you! A wonderful Christmas gift to listen to these Holy men.
Glory to God in the Highest and on earth peace to men of good will☦️☦️☦️
Very beautiful songs. Happy Christmas and Bright New Year. Best regards to all the whole world, from Malta.
Thank you and bless you this Christmas
That first hymn/song is incredibly beautiful. I have no idea what they're singing but I find it deeply touching.
Greetings from your Roman Catholic brother in the USA
Absolutely beautiful.....thank you for this wonderful blessing. Merry Christmas!
Nothing could have been more heartwarming than to see my favorite monastery appear as a recommendation video.
I so miss being there. May God continue to bless all our brothers, sisters, all the priests and pilgrims at Svyatogorsk. ☦️