This is great excercise for any horse. The people are professionals and they know a lot about horses, they praise them and take great care. This is not cruel! This is a lively excercise for two gorgeous Arabs!
On the contrary to most of these comments, I have found absolutely nothing wrong with the second horse's approach. The handlers were gentle, and very encouraging. The horse was treated very well, with a firm and guiding hand. Each horse is different, and the second didnt balk too much to be 'terrified'. The settings were safe, and the handling was wise. The horse was given treats after and loving pats and was not 'stressed out'. Very well handled.
to any one who says that the second one was afraid, the man in the video said that this is her first time, she is 3 years old only and she is scared, the owner knows his horse and knows she is afraid, she is like a young kid who is afraid of swimming in first time, but when the kid tries for the first time despite his fear he will know that it's ok and it's not that bad and actually it's fun, the first horse is 10 years old and his owner said that he likes to swim. And for those who say they are skinny, first of all the second horse is 3 years old only, and arabians are known to be thin as they have more muscles than fat, they always lived in warm climate, and they have more thin bones and in the same time higher density thats why they have stronger legs in general and thats what makes them so fast, no weight and stronger structure, dont compare different breeds, you will harm your horse if you dont know his ideal structure according to the breed he belongs to.
I own two Arabian horses myself and I must say that having them get used to water is much harder then other horses, Arabians are bred for the desert they don't take well to water. So yes they may of went a bit fast but it would of taken very very long for him to actually get in there, if at all without jumping. You can tell they've done this lots as well, they were concerned for him after he did that.
The horse was like Oh Hell No! You did a great job :) and to the people who say this is cruel.. I'm the wild any horse who will not go into water will get pushed in by other horses. So when she used a feather she created pressure from behind. She horse did not want the pressure so it went into the water. And when they gave it candy and hugs at the end, that was a reward and it will want to do it again for the reward. Good job guys!
So untrue that horse could be coaxed to go into the water by taking their time with her and using pressure and release instead of pulling and tapping her with a palm frong . No it isn't cruelty but it is giving that mare and unpleasent experience which she will remember next time. If they took there time qith her now and used pressure in release that could have been a whole lot more pleasant and would have made her next swim a whole lot easier for her and the grooms.
Another one who agrees with Kylie. Horse have very direct associations. One guy was relaxed on the line and the other was tugging, adding to horses fear. Like teaching a horse to load on a trailer. You don't yank on the chain or yell at it when it natural backs away> Put some grain on it and let horse get accustomed.
A horse licking his lips doesn’t mean that he stressed he doesn’t hesitate to go in and he’s 10 years old he’s probably gone in there a lot and he likes it
N1sse21 having her swim in the water is very good exercise for them and you can see that the second horse that went in they Praise her at the end for doing a good job if you think that this is cruel then you shouldn’t be allowed around horses
On the contrary, it's very good and healthy for the horse to swim, all horses can swim, no danger of them drowning as long as there is no rider on them :)
The second horse was fine. If people had listened, you would have heard the camera man say 'It's her first time doing this' That's the reason she hesitated and then cat leaped. It's not cruel, not atall. Horses are natural swimmers anyway. I swear, that on every horse video, there are equestrians that find a flaw in the tiniest details, it's ridiculous. You are not god. Foolish people..
Colleen Semple It is not cruel to make him swim, but I think the way the horse was forced to go in was a bit to violent in my opinion. I don't say that the horse is not well treated or anything like that but for me being pull and push like they did can't make him go in a cool and relax mind...
Mad Wasp might have worked better to (somehow...) introduce her with the other 'experienced' swimmer so she wasn't so much in a fight/flight mode at the start.
i have 4 horses and one is an arabian she does not like like water. yes they could have done it a lot smoother but at the end the went and gave her treats and praise. and when she firsts starts going they are talking to her. when first jumped in she was freaked out but as she kept going she sorta calmed down the snorting is from first jumping in.
What a great facility. I notice it is the Westerner who thinks it's a good idea to frighten the horse for its first time in the pool. Stick and carrot treatment. The men reward with touch and calmness.
She was in fight or flight mode, she couldn't go to right or left but also not back. The only way was forward, so she decided to flee, forward. So she jumped in, clearly very scared. This is abuse
What excellent facilities very well maintained and clean . The handlers who were leading the horses into the pool did a good job with the horses , although the 2nd horse ( The mare ) was clearly nervous because it was her first time and the idiot lady wearing the baseball cap was tapping the mare with a palm frong which infuriated me . If she calls herself a horse handler she is sadly mistaken the way she approached the situation of getting the mare to move forward was unprofessional and ignorant. With time and patience that mare could have been coaxed into the pool without causing her to panic by using the pressure and release method . Now that the mare has had an uncomfortable experience she is going to remain apprehensive for a while when taken to the pool because of the experience. If I was her employer I would put her on mucking out stables until she learned how to handle horses more professionally.
This isn't cruel at all lmao. Now if someone was on that horse's back while in the water I would agree otherwise y'all are precious flowers who only see animal abuse commercials and judge the people who actually know what they are doing.
Natürlich könnte man immer bei der vorgehens weise was verbessern aber am ende war es ganz entspannt und ist nicht panisch raus gesprungen oder hat geschäumt oder sonstiges
I wish we had this sort of set up available when my horse Erica was injured with soft tissue damage. It would have been great for her to stay in shape while it healed and not hurt her foot even worse
Man kann das letzte Pferd auch anders zum hineingegehen bewegen, so flüchtet es doch nur. Ich würde immer die Longe annehmen nachgeben und keinen dauerhaften Druck ausüben, dadurch drückt das Pferd nur noch mehr dagegen. Wenn das nicht funktioniert würde ich ein Kreis drehen und es einfach nochmal versuchen oder ein zweites Pferd dazuholen was zuerst durchgeht.
thats what i was thinking too! i totally agree it is no wonder why these horses just walk right in the water... theres obviously a huge trust bond between them
das Pferd hat Angst davor da muss man behutsam mit dem Pferd zusammen ins Wasser gehen und nicht an der longe ziehen wie ein verrückter und das Pferd mit einem Besen dadurch zu scheuchen!!!!!Das Pferd hätte ertrinken können!!!
Ziad this is the arrogance the west teaches their children. They all want to come out and give you a lesson on how to treat your horse or animal like if they know any better. That Godly attitude, that righteous me. It's truly an unfortunate sickness. These people know what their doing and they said it. The horse needs 3 rounds of swimming for a better blood circulation. They are actually paying lots of money to keep this horse healthy.
***** What is that suppose to mean? listen it is easy to call out to youngster but think that you have bin the samen when you were young. Why this way of responding everybody makes missakes including you.
I don't like all these ropes! They can get attached to all kinds of things! Other wise it's ok.. and on the 2nd one it gets stuck in its ropes! So is the point in well big ropes?
This is surprisingly good exercise for horses. In the hot summer in Dubai, my pony enjoys this as it cools her down as well as giving her a small workout.
Some ignorant people here in the comments do not know anything about what those people think and do and he build his view in his simple basic Superficial knowledge and small experience about Houses and dealing with its health and beauty. They have more knowledge about horses most their country do they understand horse and nature more. --
ja und es ist gut dass die leute das Pferd trotzdem zwingen noch paar mal und es wird nicht mehr wasserscheu sein und wahrscheinlich auch noch Spaß daran haben
f ito Das war das erste Mal für das Tier, natürlich ist es da panisch. Was willst du denn sonst machen als das Pferd voranzutreiben, wie soll es das Pferd denn sonst lernen? Bitte nächstes Mal besser informieren bevor du so einen Schwachsinn in den Kommentaren verbreitest...
Das Reinspringen war eine Notlösung des Pferdes. Es hatte Todesangst, doch die 2 Männer an den Seiten haben es vorwärts gezogen und die Frau hat es mit dem Ding von hinten eingegrenzt, sodass es nicht weggehen konnte bzw nicht das Wasser erforschen konnte wodurch es in das Wasser musste. Wenn ich das gemacht hätte würde ich das Pferd höchstens an einem Führstrick genommen und wäre vor ihm ins Wasser gegangen und hätte dem Pferd somit gezeigt, dass es nicht schlimm ist. Ich hätte das Pferd das Wasser ganz in Ruhe beschnüffeln und erforschen lassen. Ein Pferd braucht Vertrauen. Das ist das Wichtigste im Umgang mit Pferden. Wenn sie dir vertrauen folgen sie dir und tun alles für dich. Wenn Jemand, dem das Pferd 100% vertraut, vor dem Pferd ins Wasser geht, dann sieht es, dass es nicht schlimm ist und dann folgt es dir ins Wasser.
seh ich genauso, das bisschen zu Gerede hat dem Pferd null geholfen, ich habe selbst ein pferd das nie in Pfützen ging und sich aber im Sommer sehr gern abduschen ließ, seit dem wir das in Ruhe Stück für Stück und vorallem mit zeit geübt haben hat er gelernt es ist nichts schlimmes und geht ohne Probleme ins Wasser aber dieses eingrenzen und reinzerren geht gar nicht finde ich! Man sieht dem armen Tier an das es angst hat und nur noch gestresst ist und nur reinspringt um weg zukommen
sie haben es vllt nicht ganz richtig gemacht aber sie haben es nicht geschlagen und im Nachhinein wenigstens gelobt, aber es gibt viel schlimmere Sachen, also wenn ihr euch gerne über etwas aufregt dann gebt Rollkur, Pferderennen oder mächtigkeitsspringen in TH-cam ein da könnt ich dann verstehen wenn ihr euch aufregt, aber nicht bei sowas...
I'm not going to say it wasn't cruel, it wasn't. I'm going to say that it wasn't how I would have approached the situation. First they shouldn't have been annoying her with whatever they were using to tap her on the butt and second they shouldn't have been pulling on her. Let her see that the water is fine and it's not going to kill her. 'It was her first time' Great! That's even more of a reason to not rush her. If she had done this many times before then I would say, try to get her in. She's just putting up a fuss for no reason. The first time a horse does something you should never force them into it.
Vielleicht wäre es besser gewesen die Stute hinter dem anderen schwimmen zu lassen. Dann hätte sie gesehen, dass nichts böses daran ist und man hätte zusätzlich den Herdentrieb nutzen können. Nur so eine Idee.
omg das tut mir so leid... Das Pferd hat Angst vor Wasser. Seht ihr das nicht?? Das arme Ding legt richtig die Ohren an beim schwimmen und hat keine Chance sich zu wehren... Mensch das ist ein Lebewesen und kein Spielzeug!
Are you people trying to give that horse a heart attack you do not put a giant feather behind a horse for a new thing you introdouse things slowely next to you do that do is a lot slow like first time use a bucket of water to let them step in
Ich glaub bei denen hacks es kann doch nicht sein dass die das arme Pferd dazu zwingen zu schwimmen???!!! Würde ich mal gerne sehen wie die es finden würden wenn man sie ins Wasser zwingt vor dem sie sichtlich angst haben!!!😠😠 Ich verstehe solche Menschen einfach nicht, das ist doch armselig......😧
Ein HORN (ich weiß nicht genau welches land das ist) aber es ist sehr heiss da, deshalb gibt es da so ein becken damit die pferde abkühlen können. Noch dazu dient es dem muskelaufbau ohne das das pferd sehr großen belastungen ausgesetzt ist (ähnlich wie bei uns). Ich meine ich hab auch nicht verstanden warum man nicht einfach mit dem pferd reingeht oder ein anderes pferd dazu holt, das ihm sozusagen zeigt, dass das wasser nichts schlimmes ist. Aber allem in allem haben sie das tier sehr gut behandelt, allein schon wie sie es dannach ausgiebig gelobt haben und falls du genau hinhörst redet die eine frau mit dem pferd.
man muss wenn man möchte das es ins Wasser geht dan muss man sich zum Ziel arbeiten schritt für schritt dann würde das Pferd auch eher ins Wasser gehen als wenn man keine Geduld hat und das Tier zwingt
Let a different horse ( higher in range ) who loves to swim go first and let the unwilling horse watch, I bet it will follow the second time. Also you could jump in the water yourself instead and show the horse it's treat and it comes following you. Also you could sit on the back of the horse to make it at ease and then direct it gently with your legs into the water, bearly holding the bridle. Look at what it needs to feel secure I would say..but hey: who am I to say, cause they know this horse and know probably what works for it..good luck with the horses, bye.
I would have let the second horse have a look first, just let the horse stand there and take it all in first then ask very gently, adding more pressure but it’s just giving the horse time and patience. That second horse was rushed in my opinion, that’s why it jumped in.
Naja wenn man hier schreibt: Die zwingen das Pferd ja total! Wenn man euch nicht 'gezwungen' hätte mal Fahrrad zu fahren, dann hättet Ohr es warscheinlich nie getan, und hinterher hattet ihr doch Spaß am Fahrradfahren. ..
Da sie das pferd nicht schlagen und sie nicht irgendeine kette oder ein gebiss hatten mit dem sie dem pferd im maul rum ziehen ist alles in ordnung schließlich müsst ihr euch über legen das anreiten nicht ohne zwang ist und ohne treiben würde euer pferd auch nicht antraben ider angaloppieren
This is great excercise for any horse. The people are professionals and they know a lot about horses, they praise them and take great care. This is not cruel! This is a lively excercise for two gorgeous Arabs!
On the contrary to most of these comments, I have found absolutely nothing wrong with the second horse's approach. The handlers were gentle, and very encouraging. The horse was treated very well, with a firm and guiding hand. Each horse is different, and the second didnt balk too much to be 'terrified'. The settings were safe, and the handling was wise. The horse was given treats after and loving pats and was not 'stressed out'. Very well handled.
Kristina Stelter You are so right there are a lot of idiots in the comments
its soo cute to see when the first horse goes in for a second time he almost goes in by himself. hes really enyoing it ❤
to any one who says that the second one was afraid, the man in the video said that this is her first time, she is 3 years old only and she is scared, the owner knows his horse and knows she is afraid, she is like a young kid who is afraid of swimming in first time, but when the kid tries for the first time despite his fear he will know that it's ok and it's not that bad and actually it's fun, the first horse is 10 years old and his owner said that he likes to swim.
And for those who say they are skinny, first of all the second horse is 3 years old only, and arabians are known to be thin as they have more muscles than fat, they always lived in warm climate, and they have more thin bones and in the same time higher density thats why they have stronger legs in general and thats what makes them so fast, no weight and stronger structure, dont compare different breeds, you will harm your horse if you dont know his ideal structure according to the breed he belongs to.
I own two Arabian horses myself and I must say that having them get used to water is much harder then other horses, Arabians are bred for the desert they don't take well to water. So yes they may of went a bit fast but it would of taken very very long for him to actually get in there, if at all without jumping. You can tell they've done this lots as well, they were concerned for him after he did that.
I wanna have the second horse😍 It's the perfect and most beautiful horse I've ever seen 😍😍😍😍
this is awesome the second horse seemed scared at first but then seemed to like it once they got into the water
It was her first.
Здесь с лошадками умеют обращаться!Шикарные лошади,уход на высоте.Я бы хотела очень посмотреть в живую .
I used to do this in Scottsdale daily for the halter horses exercises. Great results w no injury to their legs
Back in the eighties Lasma Arabian horses in Scottsdale Arizona had a nice swimming pool for their horses.
The horse was like Oh Hell No! You did a great job :) and to the people who say this is cruel.. I'm the wild any horse who will not go into water will get pushed in by other horses. So when she used a feather she created pressure from behind. She horse did not want the pressure so it went into the water. And when they gave it candy and hugs at the end, that was a reward and it will want to do it again for the reward. Good job guys!
So untrue that horse could be coaxed to go into the water by taking their time with her and using pressure and release instead of pulling and tapping her with a palm frong . No it isn't cruelty but it is giving that mare and unpleasent experience which she will remember next time. If they took there time qith her now and used pressure in release that could have been a whole lot more pleasant and would have made her next swim a whole lot easier for her and the grooms.
+Kylie Wilson I agree
Another one who agrees with Kylie. Horse have very direct associations. One guy was relaxed on the line and the other was tugging, adding to horses fear. Like teaching a horse to load on a trailer. You don't yank on the chain or yell at it when it natural backs away> Put some grain on it and let horse get accustomed.
They have to take their time! Would you liked to be forced into a ball of lava no so why does the have to be forced into the water!phapnui
Karoline Arnii my question is do u know a damn thing about horses?
Beautiful animals you have there :)
wonderful looking 10 year old! he's in great shape!!
the horse loves it! he's licking his lips and doesn't hesitate!
Raven licking lips is a form of stress bro.
A horse licking his lips doesn’t mean that he stressed he doesn’t hesitate to go in and he’s 10 years old he’s probably gone in there a lot and he likes it
Abuse ? Yah, because they have a pool and I don't !! ahahahhah
***** You haven't understood my comment. Where are you from, never heard the word ironic ?
+iTube22100 *heard, ironic. learn to spell
Kristie Anderson Oooops, I switched the h. I correct, thanks :)
iTube22100 its not abuse your teaching the horse something but in a wrong g way
One_girl_with_One_horse Read the comment closer you fool.
شكرا للدكتور نورمان على الفيديو الجميل thanks Dr norman for that beautiful video 👍
What a great idea, builds strength and will help heal a horse. I see those horses are so abused hahaha, they are spoiled.
I just watched a video on how they train the horses it was great I want a job there. Any job!
This is straight up abuse, if you think this is fine than you shouldn't be anywhere near horses
N1sse21 having her swim in the water is very good exercise for them and you can see that the second horse that went in they Praise her at the end for doing a good job if you think that this is cruel then you shouldn’t be allowed around horses
It must be such a relief for the horses in such a hot climate to take a swim. Also for exercise i realise that too.
On the contrary, it's very good and healthy for the horse to swim, all horses can swim, no danger of them drowning as long as there is no rider on them :)
at 2:40 it looks like the horse is smiling
The second horse was fine. If people had listened, you would have heard the camera man say 'It's her first time doing this' That's the reason she hesitated and then cat leaped. It's not cruel, not atall. Horses are natural swimmers anyway. I swear, that on every horse video, there are equestrians that find a flaw in the tiniest details, it's ridiculous. You are not god. Foolish people..
Colleen Semple It is not cruel to make him swim, but I think the way the horse was forced to go in was a bit to violent in my opinion. I don't say that the horse is not well treated or anything like that but for me being pull and push like they did can't make him go in a cool and relax mind...
Mad Wasp might have worked better to (somehow...) introduce her with the other 'experienced' swimmer so she wasn't so much in a fight/flight mode at the start.
Colleen Semple its kinda crul but not because your teaching the horse something but in a way that a non equestrian would do but on a dumb ass way
Colleen Semple it's the humans who forced the horse who was obviously frightened to swim
Colleen Semple I'm not foolish I understand that it's exercise but not when the horse is terrified
The horses are great swimmers
Where are the red dead comments?
Your place is like heaven
i have 4 horses and one is an arabian she does not like like water. yes they could have done it a lot smoother but at the end the went and gave her treats and praise. and when she firsts starts going they are talking to her. when first jumped in she was freaked out but as she kept going she sorta calmed down the snorting is from first jumping in.
It was her first time too.
تسلم على الفيديو يا دكتور
You're the Idiot!
bgreen0115 :-! But why ?
+bgreen0115 fuck u
+Adam cesrai stupid guy he is
What a great facility. I notice it is the Westerner who thinks it's a good idea to frighten the horse for its first time in the pool. Stick and carrot treatment. The men reward with touch and calmness.
Great 👍🏻
i am arab the pepole hoo said we dont have to push him if we didnt push he well not enter and make them swim for butter mucels
He just jumps in "FUCK IT! IM GOING IN"
She was in fight or flight mode, she couldn't go to right or left but also not back. The only way was forward, so she decided to flee, forward. So she jumped in, clearly very scared. This is abuse
+LoveCats it's not horse abuse. Swimming is a good thing for horses to learn. It is quite valuable for a horses training.
Is this the stables that essiesgun91 goes to?
Oh ok thanks
yes it is
Stripeyhorse studios smsdnsfzfdfhfdo
Best way to get a horse in shape 👏
What excellent facilities very well maintained and clean . The handlers who were leading the horses into the pool did a good job with the horses , although the 2nd horse ( The mare ) was clearly nervous because it was her first time and the idiot lady wearing the baseball cap was tapping the mare with a palm frong which infuriated me . If she calls herself a horse handler she is sadly mistaken the way she approached the situation of getting the mare to move forward was unprofessional and ignorant. With time and patience that mare could have been coaxed into the pool without causing her to panic by using the pressure and release method . Now that the mare has had an uncomfortable experience she is going to remain apprehensive for a while when taken to the pool because of the experience. If I was her employer I would put her on mucking out stables until she learned how to handle horses more professionally.
Wish to see this when I get back to Sharjah. 😂😲😄😆
Why is the skin on his shoulder wrinkled?
Love it. Good for the horses legs
وين الجه خَيل في الكويت
How warm is the water????
very nice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Great horse swimming
great pool
beautiful video never did i see horses so pieceful together. what is the bedding shaving?
paardje 9uur
What is the length and width of the pool? Does anyone know?
Camera wiggles to much couldn't really see
Beautiful red horse.
Tres beau¡¡Felicitations¡¡
This isn't cruel at all lmao. Now if someone was on that horse's back while in the water I would agree otherwise y'all are precious flowers who only see animal abuse commercials and judge the people who actually know what they are doing.
Are you series!
to the 2nd horse,
that sure made a splash!
that's one way to get in!
Was a nice splash too.
Natürlich könnte man immer bei der vorgehens weise was verbessern aber am ende war es ganz entspannt und ist nicht panisch raus gesprungen oder hat geschäumt oder sonstiges
4:18 Der könnte auch ne größere Portion Futter vertragen ...
Good girl - she leapt into it - wanted to please her owners. Very lovely
good way to cool a horse off wish I had a pool for mine.
The camera was to bumpy
يااخي الفاضل... جاني صداع وانت تهز الكاميرا اثناء التصوير...نصيحة لك صور وانت واقف مب وانت ماشي
HELLO!!! I'm glad you are doing this in ENGLISH can you get any pictures sent to me
I wish we had this sort of set up available when my horse Erica was injured with soft tissue damage. It would have been great for her to stay in shape while it healed and not hurt her foot even worse
Man kann das letzte Pferd auch anders zum hineingegehen bewegen, so flüchtet es doch nur. Ich würde immer die Longe annehmen nachgeben und keinen dauerhaften Druck ausüben, dadurch drückt das Pferd nur noch mehr dagegen. Wenn das nicht funktioniert würde ich ein Kreis drehen und es einfach nochmal versuchen oder ein zweites Pferd dazuholen was zuerst durchgeht.
If protesting. Water dirty, or pain,,,,, if love it..... Perfect cool, clean relaxing
no Water in your country but ....
thats what i was thinking too! i totally agree it is no wonder why these horses just walk right in the water... theres obviously a huge trust bond between them
Thanks Stamper.
das Pferd hat Angst davor da muss man behutsam mit dem Pferd zusammen ins Wasser gehen und nicht an der longe ziehen wie ein verrückter und das Pferd mit einem Besen dadurch zu scheuchen!!!!!Das Pferd hätte ertrinken können!!!
laralou grashalm
genau deiner Meinung :/
laralou grashalm Pferde können von Natur aus schwimmen😒
Das stimmt zwar aber man muss sie nicht dazu zwingen ?!😐
laralou grashalm ich bin ganz deiner Meinung
laralou grashalm
bitte Sie !!!
es ist ihre erste mal wir wissen was wir machen
that horse at the end didn't want go in the water and I'm 13 and i know that seriously have some respect !!
maybe becuse she did not swim before
but the first horse was used to swim
thats what the camera man said
Ziad this is the arrogance the west teaches their children. They all want to come out and give you a lesson on how to treat your horse or animal like if they know any better. That Godly attitude, that righteous me. It's truly an unfortunate sickness. These people know what their doing and they said it. The horse needs 3 rounds of swimming for a better blood circulation. They are actually paying lots of money to keep this horse healthy.
metal9023 thanks ^ ^
Go back to school hater
***** What is that suppose to mean? listen it is easy to call out to youngster but think that you have bin the samen when you were young. Why this way of responding everybody makes missakes including you.
تقصد عربي
Really beautiful horse❤❤
I don't like all these ropes! They can get attached to all kinds of things! Other wise it's ok.. and on the 2nd one it gets stuck in its ropes! So is the point in well big ropes?
This is surprisingly good exercise for horses. In the hot summer in Dubai, my pony enjoys this as it cools her down as well as giving her a small workout.
Some ignorant people here in the comments do not know anything about what those people think and do and he build his view in his simple basic Superficial knowledge and small experience about Houses and dealing with its health and beauty.
They have more knowledge about horses most their country do they understand horse and nature more.
Die ziehen das Pferd ja richtig ins Wasser das arme pferd sieht man nicht das es Wasser scheu ist
ja und es ist gut dass die leute das Pferd trotzdem zwingen noch paar mal und es wird nicht mehr wasserscheu sein und wahrscheinlich auch noch Spaß daran haben
f ito unmöglich!
es ist nicht wasserscheu, es hatte nur keine chance sich das alles genauer anzuschauen
f ito Das war das erste Mal für das Tier, natürlich ist es da panisch. Was willst du denn sonst machen als das Pferd voranzutreiben, wie soll es das Pferd denn sonst lernen? Bitte nächstes Mal besser informieren bevor du so einen Schwachsinn in den Kommentaren verbreitest...
6:57 obviously the horse does not want to go in
but maybe it's good for it's health
+ich # it is not because I am a trained vet and teacher
then you are a Bad one.
Swimming is exercise for Horses but they don't know that it is for their good
really what do u know and no a professional has to do it actually
lunar eclipse how do you know that those Mens arent professionals?
The last horse does not like to swim.
All the jealous who disliked the vid : i spit on you.
Read dead 2?
Yep. We have been watching too many rdr2 videos.
Das Reinspringen war eine Notlösung des Pferdes. Es hatte Todesangst, doch die 2 Männer an den Seiten haben es vorwärts gezogen und die Frau hat es mit dem Ding von hinten eingegrenzt, sodass es nicht weggehen konnte bzw nicht das Wasser erforschen konnte wodurch es in das Wasser musste. Wenn ich das gemacht hätte würde ich das Pferd höchstens an einem Führstrick genommen und wäre vor ihm ins Wasser gegangen und hätte dem Pferd somit gezeigt, dass es nicht schlimm ist. Ich hätte das Pferd das Wasser ganz in Ruhe beschnüffeln und erforschen lassen. Ein Pferd braucht Vertrauen. Das ist das Wichtigste im Umgang mit Pferden. Wenn sie dir vertrauen folgen sie dir und tun alles für dich. Wenn Jemand, dem das Pferd 100% vertraut, vor dem Pferd ins Wasser geht, dann sieht es, dass es nicht schlimm ist und dann folgt es dir ins Wasser.
seh ich genauso, das bisschen zu Gerede hat dem Pferd null geholfen, ich habe selbst ein pferd das nie in Pfützen ging und sich aber im Sommer sehr gern abduschen ließ, seit dem wir das in Ruhe Stück für Stück und vorallem mit zeit geübt haben hat er gelernt es ist nichts schlimmes und geht ohne Probleme ins Wasser aber dieses eingrenzen und reinzerren geht gar nicht finde ich! Man sieht dem armen Tier an das es angst hat und nur noch gestresst ist und nur reinspringt um weg zukommen
Leute bitte haltet doch eure klappen wenn ihr keine Ahnung habt . Danke.
+Shadow Edits Sie haben nur ihre eigene Meinung vertreten!
Und MEINER Meinung nach haben sie vollkommen recht.
sie haben es vllt nicht ganz richtig gemacht aber sie haben es nicht geschlagen und im Nachhinein wenigstens gelobt, aber es gibt viel schlimmere Sachen, also wenn ihr euch gerne über etwas aufregt dann gebt Rollkur, Pferderennen oder mächtigkeitsspringen in TH-cam ein da könnt ich dann verstehen wenn ihr euch aufregt, aber nicht bei sowas...
I'm not going to say it wasn't cruel, it wasn't. I'm going to say that it wasn't how I would have approached the situation. First they shouldn't have been annoying her with whatever they were using to tap her on the butt and second they shouldn't have been pulling on her. Let her see that the water is fine and it's not going to kill her. 'It was her first time' Great! That's even more of a reason to not rush her. If she had done this many times before then I would say, try to get her in. She's just putting up a fuss for no reason. The first time a horse does something you should never force them into it.
مشاء الله عليه
That's because he got water in his nose, you would be coughing and sneezing too if you did.
في جدة
Vielleicht wäre es besser gewesen die Stute hinter dem anderen schwimmen zu lassen. Dann hätte sie gesehen, dass nichts böses daran ist und man hätte zusätzlich den Herdentrieb nutzen können. Nur so eine Idee.
If pressure. They jump or fall back over
Use time,,,,,
geht auch deutsch
omg das tut mir so leid... Das Pferd hat Angst vor Wasser. Seht ihr das nicht?? Das arme Ding legt richtig die Ohren an beim schwimmen und hat keine Chance sich zu wehren... Mensch das ist ein Lebewesen und kein Spielzeug!
Ich spreche vom letzten Pferd.
Die hatte keine angst sondern war noch nie in diesem becken und war halt etwas scheu. Angst ist was anderes
The more you pull the more u make her scared
Are you people trying to give that horse a heart attack you do not put a giant feather behind a horse for a new thing you introdouse things slowely next to you do that do is a lot slow like first time use a bucket of water to let them step in
Ich glaub bei denen hacks es kann doch nicht sein dass die das arme Pferd dazu zwingen zu schwimmen???!!! Würde ich mal gerne sehen wie die es finden würden wenn man sie ins Wasser zwingt vor dem sie sichtlich angst haben!!!😠😠 Ich verstehe solche Menschen einfach nicht, das ist doch armselig......😧
Ein HORN (ich weiß nicht genau welches land das ist) aber es ist sehr heiss da, deshalb gibt es da so ein becken damit die pferde abkühlen können. Noch dazu dient es dem muskelaufbau ohne das das pferd sehr großen belastungen ausgesetzt ist (ähnlich wie bei uns). Ich meine ich hab auch nicht verstanden warum man nicht einfach mit dem pferd reingeht oder ein anderes pferd dazu holt, das ihm sozusagen zeigt, dass das wasser nichts schlimmes ist. Aber allem in allem haben sie das tier sehr gut behandelt, allein schon wie sie es dannach ausgiebig gelobt haben und falls du genau hinhörst redet die eine frau mit dem pferd.
Das finde ich auch!Wenn sie ein Pferd wären fänden sie das sicher auch nicht gut!
Crappy camera work
I think they need more sympathy for the animals, but it isn’t extreme abuse as some are saying.
I would've just let her follow the older horse but for most part turned out ok.
the horse on 2:25
ثبت الكميرا صدعت راسنا
man muss wenn man möchte das es ins Wasser geht dan muss man sich zum Ziel arbeiten schritt für schritt dann würde das Pferd auch eher ins Wasser gehen als wenn man keine Geduld hat und das Tier zwingt
Let a different horse ( higher in range ) who loves to swim go first and let the unwilling horse watch, I bet it will follow the second time. Also you could jump in the water yourself instead and show the horse it's treat and it comes following you. Also you could sit on the back of the horse to make it at ease and then direct it gently with your legs into the water, bearly holding the bridle. Look at what it needs to feel secure I would say..but hey: who am I to say, cause they know this horse and know probably what works for it..good luck with the horses, bye.
monique van vlerken if you sat on top of the horse well it was swimming it would drown and that would be Abuse
The second one wouldve done alot better with pressure and release...
Mikayla Wensel that’s what they did they put the whip behind and tapped the horse did not like it so it jumped in
I would have let the second horse have a look first, just let the horse stand there and take it all in first then ask very gently, adding more pressure but it’s just giving the horse time and patience. That second horse was rushed in my opinion, that’s why it jumped in.
no Water in your country but make many thinks?
I cannot watch. Hold the camera still PLEASE!
what if the horse drownded,see that is
That's why they have those lead ropes so there head can't go under water and no horse will let its self drown
Let the horse learn to swim naturally
Becky Edmonds Yeah like that will work
Naja wenn man hier schreibt: Die zwingen das Pferd ja total!
Wenn man euch nicht 'gezwungen' hätte mal Fahrrad zu fahren, dann hättet Ohr es warscheinlich nie getan, und hinterher hattet ihr doch Spaß am Fahrradfahren. ..
Da sie das pferd nicht schlagen und sie nicht irgendeine kette oder ein gebiss hatten mit dem sie dem pferd im maul rum ziehen ist alles in ordnung schließlich müsst ihr euch über legen das anreiten nicht ohne zwang ist und ohne treiben würde euer pferd auch nicht antraben ider angaloppieren
Hab ich auch schon mal geschrieben ich geb dir recht
Who's here from think like a horse?