00:00 オープニング / Opening Introduction and general overview of the channel focusing on gadgets. 01:04 スマートウォッチの夏場の使用 / Summer Usage of Smartwatches Discussing the challenges of wearing smartwatches in summer due to sweat. 02:09 FYリングの紹介 / Introduction to FY Ring Introduction to the FY Ring, a ring-shaped health management device. 03:13 FYリングの内容物 / FY Ring Contents Unboxing the FY Ring and detailing its contents and setup. 04:16 指輪の適切な着用指 / Proper Finger for Wearing the Ring Recommendations on which finger to wear the ring for optimal use. 05:22 FYリングの健康管理機能 / Health Management Features of FY Ring Detailed explanation of the health monitoring capabilities of the FY Ring. 06:25 FYリングアプリとデータ同期 / FY Ring App and Data Synchronization How to pair the ring with its app and the types of data it collects. 07:30 FYリングのバッテリーとデザイン / FY Ring Battery and Design Discussion on the battery life and design features of the FY Ring. 08:34 FYリングの日常使用 / Daily Use of FY Ring Practical insights into using the FY Ring daily, including its waterproof features. 09:34 FYリングの快適性と機能性 / Comfort and Functionality of FY Ring Personal experiences and recommendations for using the FY Ring in various settings.
00:00 オープニング / Opening
Introduction and general overview of the channel focusing on gadgets.
01:04 スマートウォッチの夏場の使用 / Summer Usage of Smartwatches
Discussing the challenges of wearing smartwatches in summer due to sweat.
02:09 FYリングの紹介 / Introduction to FY Ring
Introduction to the FY Ring, a ring-shaped health management device.
03:13 FYリングの内容物 / FY Ring Contents
Unboxing the FY Ring and detailing its contents and setup.
04:16 指輪の適切な着用指 / Proper Finger for Wearing the Ring
Recommendations on which finger to wear the ring for optimal use.
05:22 FYリングの健康管理機能 / Health Management Features of FY Ring
Detailed explanation of the health monitoring capabilities of the FY Ring.
06:25 FYリングアプリとデータ同期 / FY Ring App and Data Synchronization
How to pair the ring with its app and the types of data it collects.
07:30 FYリングのバッテリーとデザイン / FY Ring Battery and Design
Discussion on the battery life and design features of the FY Ring.
08:34 FYリングの日常使用 / Daily Use of FY Ring
Practical insights into using the FY Ring daily, including its waterproof features.
09:34 FYリングの快適性と機能性 / Comfort and Functionality of FY Ring
Personal experiences and recommendations for using the FY Ring in various settings.
MedVigilance株式会社様の方で製造設計されてます。JCリングは確か株式会社 三幸製作所が制作していた思います。スマートウォッチ同様に似た製品が増えてるのでおそらく部材の販売会社とかは同じなんでしょうね💦💦私は外部の人でスノで内部事情は知りませんのであくまで推測です