Slight correction: It was the Thousand Sons without *sufficient* psychic abilities that turned to dust. Lesser psykers also turned. This was one of the most savage moves Black Library has ever pulled. To reunite Ahriman with his brothers only to immediately kill them. Any other strong contenders in your opinion?
Allow me to clarify I'm not saying she was wrong or incorrect for the actions. Just saying she now painted a target on their back that won't stop until he's gone
God I love this scene. It feels so in line with Ahriman’s quest for salvation, once again he sees his answer laid out before him, only to be snatched away and leave him even more crushed than he was before.
Eldar - & I cannot emphasise this enough - are dicks. Individually, they can be surprisingly benevolent, but collectively, they are _always_ dicks. And Yvraine was there with a posse, instinctively giving her Dick hindbrain dominance in controlling her personality.
@@mysterylovescompany2657 to be fair Ahriman has probably killed more eldar than almost anyone else I can think of. Yvraine is most certainly in the right to leave the legion cursed. It’s not exactly like she’s favorable to chaos.
@@nathanieleck1023 Absolutely, but giving him his heart's desire only to immediately yank it away again just as he happily reached for it was some schoolyard-bully level trolling. It was _written_ to be specifically cruel, & precisely what one would honestly expect of an ex-Corsair, erstwhile Drukhari currently traveling under a Harlequin guard. And tho exaggerated by the situation + personalities involved, it was perfectly representative of the vein of the trademark Mean Girl dickishness that runs thru the entire species. I love Eldar. I personally _play_ Eldar. But they're pricks, as a whole.
@@mysterylovescompany2657 oh yeah they’re absolutely dicks. No one’s ever gonna accuse them of being the pinnacle of goodness. They’re a good reminder that elegant does not mean noble. But if anyone in the setting deserves to get his spirit crushed by specifically the eldar, Ahriman is quite high on the list.
I like to think that Tzeench isn’t even being malicious here (he definitely interfered with the spell). He legit just thought that the best way to stop mutations was to get rid of the body. Can’t mutate if you’re just a soul.
This is perfectly in line with tzeench. Its so brilliant its stupid, or so stupid its brilliant. It makes no sense but it brings the board ever closer to a checkmate of sorts, that tzeench may or may not even know, but he does because its all going to plan.
Random chaos Marines: "If he didn't do nothing wrong why didn't he order the population of your homeworld to evacuate before the Spacewolves arrived? Ahriman: "Wait..WHAT! 😦
Magnus was retarded but Ahriman had literally never done anything except for his fellow thousand sons. It's unfortunate that he will do too far but he hates tzeentch so it's good with me
Thing is, al is, for the most part, completely aware of his surroundings, and in complete control of his own actions. The rubric marines aren’t. They cannot move or see without a decently powerful psycher semi controlling them.😊
"Ahriman's Blunders" Ahriman tried to solve the problem that Magnus caused, the only reason he did the Rubric was to try to save his legion from the flesh change, WHICH IN TURN only came back because of Magnus. Literally everything that's gone wrong with the Thousand Sons can be traced back to Magnus, unlike the other Chaos legions...
@@_easyconceptI feel bad for Magnus, yes he was an arrogant dick sometimes but most of the bad things happen because he had good intentions, but everything blowing up in his face, honestly it feels like magus is the gene father of the lamenters, because he’s the unluckiest primarch, everything he does blows up in his face, he’s luck is soo bad he ruin things just by existing there And he fell to tyznarch of all gods, at least the other chaos gods are simple and straightforward, serving tytsneach is to be doomed to never ending mind fuckery, at least with slaenysh or nurgal , you would have fun being a degenerate or having the grandfather’s love, you would eventually become mad With mr blues clues however, he keeps you sane just to fuck with you, that’s true torture right there, to be in hell and kept sane just to comprehend the suffering
@@kinman3051 It was great in concept, but the writer just kept kicking the Eldar down and wrote it that the Keeper of Secrets that was hounding their asses was stronger than the strongest Khorne Daemon because it was a shard that attacked them, not the true Daemon, even though that shard was pulling off Skarbrand level feats. That and one of the Crone Swords, the thing the series was based around, was in Slaanesh's palace so... you know.
@@starhammer5247 ohh this was from THAT storyline. Yeah ok that makes sense. I just finished watching the majorkill video where he writes a better version of it.
Oh cool so now Ahriman has a slightly more achievable goal to work towards than "break into the most heavily guarded book collection in the universe". I mean his new goal is basically to kidnap the Imperium's unofficial First Lady, but still, progress!
Is this the same one that ran to rowboat girlyman and is currently hiding behind him like the worlds oldest scared little toddler? Or is that a different eldar woman that has a name starting with Y?
To be fair, Ahriman has already probably been the cause of more eldar death than near any other character I can think of. The 1k sons attacks on ulthwe, their attempted invasion of the black library, and their war against the ynnari all happened before this. The eldar just finally clapped back in a way that mattered.
Congratulations Yvraine, you've not only shown Ahriman you can bring back his brothers but you also killed them Infront of him. You've not only given a very desperate man hope but also most likely a very personal vendetta for you.
The Aeldari might have a laugh for the meantime, but I get the feeling they're certainly going to pay for it, afterall this could only drive Ahriman to further extremes now he knows his ultimate goal is quite possible and knows who he can squeeze it from
I would love to see Ahriman talking to Girlyman and maybe even going back to being a loyal legion to the Imperium. Maybe than could Yvraine tell Ahriman how he did that. But I guess that won't happen?
>Ahriman survives 10k years and 2 rubrics to try and save his brothers >some random space elf just magically does it for him >and then immediately kills them in front of him And he's supposed to be the bad guy?
Yeah, I really don’t like Yvraine as a character tbh. This was an evil and vindictive action. Short-sighted as well. She could’ve won the favor of one of the most powerful psykers in the galaxy and his marines. Possibly could have seen a return to the fold. Ahriman will be justified in everything he does after this event.
The Thousand Sons seem really their own corner of 40k. Kinda a story onto themselves. I wish Magnus had been more of a mentor to, or at least had a bond with his legion, but from the little I have read so far in Horus Heresy he seems kind of arrogant and withdrawn from them.
Well he had a relationship with the top brass. Most of those he knew before the Emporer found him, though. I think Ahriman was the only high-ranking Terran. I think a big part of his seclusion from his Legion had to do with his guilt towards making a deal to get rid of the Flesh Change. He didnt want to reveal that he had been lying about knowing about the demons. Another angle is that he was always obsessed with learning more, so he didnt spend much time thinking about the rank and file of his legion. I think it was similar to Fulgrim where he felt that the people below him werent useful for his own progression.
Kinda funny that a chaos legion would show mercy to the eldar, where the imperial guard or space marines would have screamed. ''BURN FILTHY ALIEN HERETIC!! FOR THE EMPEROR!!!''
Thousand Sons are the most redeemable Chaos Space Marine legion, the entire reason they fell to Chaos was because of sheer ignorance and stupidity by both Magnus and the Imperium (Mainly Leman Russ)
@@_easyconceptThey really only joined Chaos because they felt completely betrayed by the Imperium. They weren't (entirely) swayed by power or anything by a Chaos God, they were pushed into a corner. The ever loyal Space Wolves showed up, claimed the Thousand Sons were heretics and blasted their entire planet with fire. They really didn't have much choice in the matter.
@@KarpetBurnthey semi-retconned it into Magnus being a dumbass and basically causing the Burning by refusing to talk to Russ and letting things escalate until Russ ordered a full invasion of the planet to get to Magnus.
Just waiting for Ahriman to finally track down and pin the y'nnari before bawling his eyes out begging for their spells after actual too many years of searching Tbh i hope he quits being shafted so hard, while funny i think he deserves more character story with how he misses his brothers
He can and likely will literally rip apart their minds trying to find it. They should honestly be terrified cuz the guy is a cosmic cockroach. He won't stop coming.
@@TheAnimaAnimalThat’s because Ahriman is liked by the fanbase. This was a petty, evil and vindictive action by Yvraine. Many TS fans were hoping this would be the redemptive moment for Ahriman and his brothers. Possibly even Magnus. Instead, we got an elf Mary Sue on a short-sighted power trip.
@@x_Skeleton_x Elf Mary Sue? By the gods, going by those standards 99% of all main character space marines are Mary Sues. But you're right about one thing: he's liked by the fanbase. And that's where all of this comes from. If you actually read the stories you'll find that Ahriman never really set himself up for redemption in the first place. Yvraine tried to protect her people from the champion of the chaos god of deceit who himself was going to wring the answers he wanted from them. With all of this in mind Yvraines actions make complete sense. So to blame it all on Yvraines character who has acted logically while the writers have consistently portrayed Ahriman as horrible and irredeemable to anyone other than himself is complete bonkers. All in all it was an interesting victory for the Ynnari storyline and a continuation of the repeated failure of Ahriman. So the complaints here are freakin weird. I get wanting something better for Ahriman but to then turn around and whine about Yvraine is simply childish. Because Ahriman is popular people forget to put themselves in the shoes of other factions' characters. Advocate for better stories without cranking down on other factions, especially ones with far less exposure.
Despite that, I don't think they are a traitor legion. Technically they never betrayed the Emperor. A loyalist legion attacked them without a Casus Belli. Without a reason or justification for war. And the Wolfs had no justification, because it was not the Emperor's order they followed. Imprison Magnus, not burn Prospero.
A thousand sons are traitors, they attacked the Wolves, betraying the Emperor. If they had not attacked the Wolves, no one would have burned Prospero. There is no excuse for a thousand sons, they just needed to not interfere with the Wolves
@@ksh2596 Yap. But Leman believed that a bit willingly. And they straight up attacked a planet worth of people because of it, without ever questioning it. While Propsero was also a center and an important planet. Magnus, also being very important to the Emperor, whether Leman knew it or not. He wouldn't attack other Primarchs out of "brotherhood", but straight up jumped onto this one. And yeah, this might be just a writing mistake, or they couldn't connect the points on old lore to book very well. Might be. Fair. Cause it's a bit stupid. In other lore, Leman is not stupid, and there are technopaths or whatnots to communicate with the Emperor. Also Magnus, just conveniently closed himself into his throne room or what, not giving himself up to Leman, to save the planet, the people or the Legion, but instead so they would burn everything till they reach him, because "he" need to be punished. Bit weird. But yeah. I won't pester it, foggy as is.
@@ВелиалВинчестер Cause the Wolfes would've just idly sit by. Why won't than Magnus walked out and allowed his sons to fight for him? When he already given it up and was willing to go with Leman? He would've just had to walk out to a transport, wave at the Thousand Sons "sorry guys, I very seriously messed up, see ya, probably never." And by. As much as I would love to discuss it, it's just a plothole and weirdness in the writing. Than Leman, who is portrayed as not stupid in the books, would've executed Magnus for a stupid reason, and the plot would've fallen off. Probs that's why. More sensible, than that Leman, who was very untrusting and easily seen through others, hates when people think him stupid, even says very smart things to Malcador seeing through big things, would just believe Horus. And the Custodes there. Who were there, cause Magnus is critical to the Emperor in fixing the Webway. Critical, and they know that. He cannot die.
I remember there's a story about some thousand sons who were trapped in the webway for ten thousand years. The moment they crossed the threshold out of that place between dimensions, the rubric took hold and all but one of them crumbled to dust
Why not give it to them? Aren't the Thousand sons the only legion who could feasibly turn back away from chaos? They don't exactly seem like willing servants of Tzeentch so much as Stuck working for him
Let's be honest if we get a traitor marine to become loyal again it has to be Ahriman man is ultra depressed and somewhat of a loyal goal even though he kills tortures and sends rubix cubes to countless living things. Though Vorx is a good second contender shoutouts to him he is a good lad a honourable lad.
Now that I think about it, Ahriman and the Silent King are in pretty similar situations. Both have unkillable automaton armies to fulfill their every whim, but don't really want that and are spending a majority of their time seeking a cure. And both are very Egyptian themed as well.
Ahriman is now fueled by vengeance and hope. Probably thr two strongest motivaters besides love and there even maybe some of that. That was a bad move on Yvraine.
That wasn’t the whole story. The Rubrics recognized Ahiriman and formed a defensive position around and addressed his as first captain. Confused as to why they were fighting the Eldar as they were just fighting other traitors (they had no memory of being rubrics). Ahiriman shuttered and began crying. He had his brothers back, and just then as he let his guard down the Eldar tricked him and his brothers fell into the warp. Ahiriman screamed “NOOOOOO” and chased after them. Not only does he know they have secret to reversing the ritual, but they also brought back his brothers only to kill them…. He’s pissed
I hope Ahriman can to some extent reverse the Rubric. Even if every Rubricae was restored, the burning of Propero and 10,000 years of Warfare without replenishment will mean that the vast majority of the Thousand Sons Legion is lost forever. I will be surprised if there is over a 1000 Rubricae left at this point, given the Thousand Sons were a small Legion even at their height and the past 10,000 years haven’t been kind to them. Whilst the thousand sons and it’s members are interesting, they simply do not play a major role in the overall setting due to their minuscule numbers. Given that we are seeing the return of Angron and his Legion, maybe the Thousand sons is given some love hopefully.
Something confuses me. It says that all thousand sons who didn't have psychic powers turned into dust. But, isn't it that all thousand sons must have psychic powers to withstand magnus's gene seed?
I want Magnus to invade the Realm of Slaanesh so Ahriman can take the Cronesword there. He could then trade it to Yvraine. The Sword for the End of the Rubrik. Just for Emperor's Children to get a new codex with Fulgrim duelling Magnus.
I wish we could get some elaboration on this plotline. it seems Ahriman has forgot about this development, and is now off chasing Necrons across the galaxy.
And sadly the entire Ynnari storyline seems to be basically dropped and forgotten about. I am still salty about their story not leading anywhere because they didnt sold well
"what do you mean primarch? WAIT MAGNUS THE FUCKING RED IS AT OUR DOOR?! WHAT DO YOU MEAN FULGRIM IS HERE TOO?! WHAT DID YOU DO?!" yvraine: "i made 4 rubrics human again and threw them into the void as a distrac-" Fulgrim: "oh so i did hear that right, this will be fun"
Take-away, The aeldari might just be the most arrogant race in sci-fi history, Like its insane how far they have come and how little they have learned and just how many times they write their own doom
@@humanity600 literally, a human has written everything in the Warhammer lore.... Unlessss, are you saying they used chatGPT? FYI I was just making a joke lol 😂
Slight correction: It was the Thousand Sons without *sufficient* psychic abilities that turned to dust. Lesser psykers also turned.
This was one of the most savage moves Black Library has ever pulled. To reunite Ahriman with his brothers only to immediately kill them. Any other strong contenders in your opinion?
Damn bro, that's brutal as hell. And none in my opinion no, but that's because I am a lil lore noob.
erebus being born
erebus being born
Angron's entire primarch book, dude just being shit on from birth and the emperor chooses to continue that
Hello, wich Book IS it ?
Tzeench watching all of this knowing full well he could reverse it:
_"Let him cook"_ 🌚
And then, Ten Thousand year later, Ahriman watches Yvrain bring one of the Rubric Marines back to life, just to kill them
@@weldonwin **Tzeentch liked that**
“All according to plan”
The necrons liked that
They made a terrible mistake showing him they have the ability
I mean, they are all about rebirth. But damn, that was cold of her.
@@klony1280 he attacked them in his endless search dare i say she did what was right
@klony1280 He attacked them, that means he's free game. Fully deserved.
Allow me to clarify I'm not saying she was wrong or incorrect for the actions. Just saying she now painted a target on their back that won't stop until he's gone
@@jedediahcoulbourne1791 i don't think that kill ahriman or even escape is a chose at this point for them
God I love this scene. It feels so in line with Ahriman’s quest for salvation, once again he sees his answer laid out before him, only to be snatched away and leave him even more crushed than he was before.
Tzeentch giggles in the distance
Eldar - & I cannot emphasise this enough - are dicks.
Individually, they can be surprisingly benevolent, but collectively, they are _always_ dicks. And Yvraine was there with a posse, instinctively giving her Dick hindbrain dominance in controlling her personality.
@@mysterylovescompany2657 to be fair Ahriman has probably killed more eldar than almost anyone else I can think of. Yvraine is most certainly in the right to leave the legion cursed. It’s not exactly like she’s favorable to chaos.
@@nathanieleck1023 Absolutely, but giving him his heart's desire only to immediately yank it away again just as he happily reached for it was some schoolyard-bully level trolling. It was _written_ to be specifically cruel, & precisely what one would honestly expect of an ex-Corsair, erstwhile Drukhari currently traveling under a Harlequin guard.
And tho exaggerated by the situation + personalities involved, it was perfectly representative of the vein of the trademark Mean Girl dickishness that runs thru the entire species.
I love Eldar. I personally _play_ Eldar. But they're pricks, as a whole.
@@mysterylovescompany2657 oh yeah they’re absolutely dicks. No one’s ever gonna accuse them of being the pinnacle of goodness. They’re a good reminder that elegant does not mean noble.
But if anyone in the setting deserves to get his spirit crushed by specifically the eldar, Ahriman is quite high on the list.
I like to think that Tzeench isn’t even being malicious here (he definitely interfered with the spell). He legit just thought that the best way to stop mutations was to get rid of the body. Can’t mutate if you’re just a soul.
This is perfectly in line with tzeench. Its so brilliant its stupid, or so stupid its brilliant.
It makes no sense but it brings the board ever closer to a checkmate of sorts, that tzeench may or may not even know, but he does because its all going to plan.
@@dtly50 then when victory is in his grasp he throws it away because he doesn’t WANT to win.
Well, Seal... that confirms that Tit Snitch is an idiot.
@@Briselance max intelligence 0 wisdom builds be like.
Imagine the shock of being brought back to life
I didn't ask to be born the first time smh
After 10,000 years of unlife.
My boys all seriously living that Pushing Daisies minute.
And then immediately being killed again
I imagine it’d feel very disorienting.
Ahriman really learnt from his father:
He did nothing wrong, he just fucked up big time
Random chaos Marines: "If he didn't do nothing wrong why didn't he order the population of your homeworld to evacuate before the Spacewolves arrived?
Ahriman: "Wait..WHAT! 😦
@@evernight1405 They didn't know the Space Wolves were coming, because Magnus didn't let them. Magnus let the attack happen because he felt sorry.
@@Ray-yv7kn the Spacewolves were only there to deal with Magnus. He decides to drag them down with him. So that something he did wrong.
Magnus was retarded but Ahriman had literally never done anything except for his fellow thousand sons. It's unfortunate that he will do too far but he hates tzeentch so it's good with me
@@evernight1405 um no the ts fought because they wanted to not because "magnus drag them down with him"
"their spirit trapped in their armor"
*Al from FMA*
"You get used to it"
*distant susurrus of agreeing Wraith-construct noises*
"Ȋ̴̤ ̷̀͜K̸͕̚Ǹ̶̡Ȯ̵͙W̵̢̓,̷̾ͅ ̴̬͝R̸̙̂I̷͍͑G̷̻̕Ĥ̶̬T̵͖͝?̷͉̉?̸̻̅."
-Forerunner Promethean
Nahh, Al experience as a living armor only last a few years, while the thousand sons have thousand years under their belts
Thing is, al is, for the most part, completely aware of his surroundings, and in complete control of his own actions.
The rubric marines aren’t. They cannot move or see without a decently powerful psycher semi controlling them.😊
Still find it funny how Magnus at one point had to unfuck Ahriman’s blunders.
He had his very own Big E moment.
Like father like son
"Ahriman's Blunders" Ahriman tried to solve the problem that Magnus caused, the only reason he did the Rubric was to try to save his legion from the flesh change, WHICH IN TURN only came back because of Magnus.
Literally everything that's gone wrong with the Thousand Sons can be traced back to Magnus, unlike the other Chaos legions...
@@_easyconceptI feel bad for Magnus, yes he was an arrogant dick sometimes but most of the bad things happen because he had good intentions, but everything blowing up in his face, honestly it feels like magus is the gene father of the lamenters, because he’s the unluckiest primarch, everything he does blows up in his face, he’s luck is soo bad he ruin things just by existing there
And he fell to tyznarch of all gods, at least the other chaos gods are simple and straightforward, serving tytsneach is to be doomed to never ending mind fuckery, at least with slaenysh or nurgal , you would have fun being a degenerate or having the grandfather’s love, you would eventually become mad
With mr blues clues however, he keeps you sane just to fuck with you, that’s true torture right there, to be in hell and kept sane just to comprehend the suffering
The fact that they showed him it was possible only renewed his vigor and will justify his coming actions
Then GW abandoned the plot line for some necron fun then it became a chaos thing again
They abandoned it because the novels weren't selling well. Considering the writing was shit, I'm not surprised.
@@starhammer5247damn that's unfortunate. Sounds like I good story line
@@kinman3051 It was great in concept, but the writer just kept kicking the Eldar down and wrote it that the Keeper of Secrets that was hounding their asses was stronger than the strongest Khorne Daemon because it was a shard that attacked them, not the true Daemon, even though that shard was pulling off Skarbrand level feats. That and one of the Crone Swords, the thing the series was based around, was in Slaanesh's palace so... you know.
@@starhammer5247 ohh this was from THAT storyline. Yeah ok that makes sense. I just finished watching the majorkill video where he writes a better version of it.
@@kinman3051 He did that? Must've missed that one.
Oh cool so now Ahriman has a slightly more achievable goal to work towards than "break into the most heavily guarded book collection in the universe". I mean his new goal is basically to kidnap the Imperium's unofficial First Lady, but still, progress!
*The cure found in front of his eyes *
Ahriman : Can I hav-
Ahriman may be one of my favourite 40K character so far, I'm not gonna lie.
He's an interesting character for sure
Same here. N honestly, I think he's the strongest chaos champion of all four
Ahriman will find the black library one day, only to forget his library card. Poor guy.
Vengeance and Need are two powerful motivators, and big-brain Yvraine decided to give the Thousand Sons both reasons to hunt her people.
well if they weren't always on the receiving end never getting a single w and constantly losing maybe they wouldn't need to
Thousands Sons - Emperor's Children alliance.
Is this the same one that ran to rowboat girlyman and is currently hiding behind him like the worlds oldest scared little toddler?
Or is that a different eldar woman that has a name starting with Y?
To be fair, Ahriman has already probably been the cause of more eldar death than near any other character I can think of. The 1k sons attacks on ulthwe, their attempted invasion of the black library, and their war against the ynnari all happened before this. The eldar just finally clapped back in a way that mattered.
yes that is her god i hate their brain dead writing for the eldar
Congratulations Yvraine, you've not only shown Ahriman you can bring back his brothers but you also killed them Infront of him. You've not only given a very desperate man hope but also most likely a very personal vendetta for you.
tbf it's Ahriman sooner or later he's going to fuck something major up
@@dean_l33"like father like son"
I didn't know the Egyptian looking space marines are so cool and powerful!
They're awesome!
Ahriman is persian tho
Lol the necrons presently have an ongoing legal battle about the Egyptian aesthetic.
Now that he knows it’s possible he will never stop hunting them.
Bringing the boys back to life only to banish them is what is known in bird culture as a dick move.
Yvraine only made ahriman even more determined to " UPGRADE THE PIMP GAME!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!"
Ahriman: "I was this 🤏 close... THIS 🤏🤏🤏FHACKIN' CLOSE!"
The Aeldari might have a laugh for the meantime, but I get the feeling they're certainly going to pay for it, afterall this could only drive Ahriman to further extremes now he knows his ultimate goal is quite possible and knows who he can squeeze it from
The Rubric reminds me of a malicious DM reacting to a carefully worded Wish.
I would love to see Ahriman talking to Girlyman and maybe even going back to being a loyal legion to the Imperium. Maybe than could Yvraine tell Ahriman how he did that. But I guess that won't happen?
Ahriman at the start: "Ima try a God-level spell"
Ahriman after: "I suck. I'm nothing. I suck."
Ahriman after that: "God-level all day every day."
Chad Ahriman
Thousand Sons lore: “I’m helping!”
“Oh no!”
A man with nothing to lose has nothing to fear
Not even an hour ago I found this out and now you've made a short of it
Ah, it was your shoulder I was spying over then
@@SandmanofTerra I didn't know I had a night lord watching me
>Ahriman survives 10k years and 2 rubrics to try and save his brothers
>some random space elf just magically does it for him
>and then immediately kills them in front of him
And he's supposed to be the bad guy?
Yeah, I really don’t like Yvraine as a character tbh. This was an evil and vindictive action. Short-sighted as well. She could’ve won the favor of one of the most powerful psykers in the galaxy and his marines. Possibly could have seen a return to the fold.
Ahriman will be justified in everything he does after this event.
The Thousand Sons seem really their own corner of 40k. Kinda a story onto themselves. I wish Magnus had been more of a mentor to, or at least had a bond with his legion, but from the little I have read so far in Horus Heresy he seems kind of arrogant and withdrawn from them.
Well he had a relationship with the top brass. Most of those he knew before the Emporer found him, though. I think Ahriman was the only high-ranking Terran.
I think a big part of his seclusion from his Legion had to do with his guilt towards making a deal to get rid of the Flesh Change. He didnt want to reveal that he had been lying about knowing about the demons.
Another angle is that he was always obsessed with learning more, so he didnt spend much time thinking about the rank and file of his legion. I think it was similar to Fulgrim where he felt that the people below him werent useful for his own progression.
@@lovebus00 Good info.
Would you say Ahriman then has better synergy or camaraderie with his Prodigal Sons by comparison?
In Magnus's defense, he was born with an eldritch groomer in his brain.
This is my answer for everything, always, & I'm not sorry.🙂
Kinda funny that a chaos legion would show mercy to the eldar, where the imperial guard or space marines would have screamed. ''BURN FILTHY ALIEN HERETIC!! FOR THE EMPEROR!!!''
I love Ahriman. Now, he has his answer.
Just catch Guilliman and tell Yvraine "I got your boyfriend, if you want him back in one piece give me back my brothers!"
Every failure strengthens his resolve
he just wanted to see his homies again 😭😭
These Once Noble Chads Deserve Better.
Thousand Sons are the most redeemable Chaos Space Marine legion, the entire reason they fell to Chaos was because of sheer ignorance and stupidity by both Magnus and the Imperium (Mainly Leman Russ)
@@_easyconceptThey really only joined Chaos because they felt completely betrayed by the Imperium. They weren't (entirely) swayed by power or anything by a Chaos God, they were pushed into a corner. The ever loyal Space Wolves showed up, claimed the Thousand Sons were heretics and blasted their entire planet with fire. They really didn't have much choice in the matter.
@@KarpetBurnthey semi-retconned it into Magnus being a dumbass and basically causing the Burning by refusing to talk to Russ and letting things escalate until Russ ordered a full invasion of the planet to get to Magnus.
I find this absolutely hilarious for some reason
Username checks out 😂
Just saying, if Yvraine restored the entire Thousand Sons to flesh, I think the Ynnari could find a powerful ally in Ahriman...
Thatd be a cool team up!
Just waiting for Ahriman to finally track down and pin the y'nnari before bawling his eyes out begging for their spells after actual too many years of searching
Tbh i hope he quits being shafted so hard, while funny i think he deserves more character story with how he misses his brothers
He can and likely will literally rip apart their minds trying to find it. They should honestly be terrified cuz the guy is a cosmic cockroach. He won't stop coming.
Dude, with how hard the Aeldari has been buttfucked in the lore so far, they deserved this semi-w.
Ahriman already got so many books too.
@@TheAnimaAnimalThat’s because Ahriman is liked by the fanbase. This was a petty, evil and vindictive action by Yvraine. Many TS fans were hoping this would be the redemptive moment for Ahriman and his brothers. Possibly even Magnus. Instead, we got an elf Mary Sue on a short-sighted power trip.
@@x_Skeleton_x Elf Mary Sue? By the gods, going by those standards 99% of all main character space marines are Mary Sues.
But you're right about one thing: he's liked by the fanbase. And that's where all of this comes from. If you actually read the stories you'll find that Ahriman never really set himself up for redemption in the first place.
Yvraine tried to protect her people from the champion of the chaos god of deceit who himself was going to wring the answers he wanted from them.
With all of this in mind Yvraines actions make complete sense. So to blame it all on Yvraines character who has acted logically while the writers have consistently portrayed Ahriman as horrible and irredeemable to anyone other than himself is complete bonkers.
All in all it was an interesting victory for the Ynnari storyline and a continuation of the repeated failure of Ahriman. So the complaints here are freakin weird. I get wanting something better for Ahriman but to then turn around and whine about Yvraine is simply childish.
Because Ahriman is popular people forget to put themselves in the shoes of other factions' characters. Advocate for better stories without cranking down on other factions, especially ones with far less exposure.
Despite that, I don't think they are a traitor legion. Technically they never betrayed the Emperor. A loyalist legion attacked them without a Casus Belli. Without a reason or justification for war.
And the Wolfs had no justification, because it was not the Emperor's order they followed. Imprison Magnus, not burn Prospero.
Except the Wolves do have justification: they were lied to by Horus and made to believe that their new order was to destroy the Thousand Sons
A thousand sons are traitors, they attacked the Wolves, betraying the Emperor. If they had not attacked the Wolves, no one would have burned Prospero. There is no excuse for a thousand sons, they just needed to not interfere with the Wolves
@@ksh2596 Yap. But Leman believed that a bit willingly. And they straight up attacked a planet worth of people because of it, without ever questioning it. While Propsero was also a center and an important planet. Magnus, also being very important to the Emperor, whether Leman knew it or not. He wouldn't attack other Primarchs out of "brotherhood", but straight up jumped onto this one.
And yeah, this might be just a writing mistake, or they couldn't connect the points on old lore to book very well. Might be. Fair. Cause it's a bit stupid. In other lore, Leman is not stupid, and there are technopaths or whatnots to communicate with the Emperor. Also Magnus, just conveniently closed himself into his throne room or what, not giving himself up to Leman, to save the planet, the people or the Legion, but instead so they would burn everything till they reach him, because "he" need to be punished. Bit weird. But yeah. I won't pester it, foggy as is.
@@ВелиалВинчестер Cause the Wolfes would've just idly sit by. Why won't than Magnus walked out and allowed his sons to fight for him? When he already given it up and was willing to go with Leman? He would've just had to walk out to a transport, wave at the Thousand Sons "sorry guys, I very seriously messed up, see ya, probably never." And by.
As much as I would love to discuss it, it's just a plothole and weirdness in the writing. Than Leman, who is portrayed as not stupid in the books, would've executed Magnus for a stupid reason, and the plot would've fallen off. Probs that's why.
More sensible, than that Leman, who was very untrusting and easily seen through others, hates when people think him stupid, even says very smart things to Malcador seeing through big things, would just believe Horus. And the Custodes there. Who were there, cause Magnus is critical to the Emperor in fixing the Webway. Critical, and they know that. He cannot die.
We could have a decent redemption arc for Ahriman out of this.
I remember there's a story about some thousand sons who were trapped in the webway for ten thousand years. The moment they crossed the threshold out of that place between dimensions, the rubric took hold and all but one of them crumbled to dust
Why not give it to them?
Aren't the Thousand sons the only legion who could feasibly turn back away from chaos?
They don't exactly seem like willing servants of Tzeentch so much as
Stuck working for him
I believe this is the reason they'll fail to obtain the fifth cronesword. Ahriman is gonna turn up and cave her skull in for what she did.
Pharoah's curse in warhammer 40k💀
I mean the thpusand suns are literally just Egyptian space marines
Let's be honest if we get a traitor marine to become loyal again it has to be Ahriman man is ultra depressed and somewhat of a loyal goal even though he kills tortures and sends rubix cubes to countless living things. Though Vorx is a good second contender shoutouts to him he is a good lad a honourable lad.
Vorx is great.
I don't see him becoming loyal again though
@@ksh2596 Yeah I guess too, we need more likeable chaos space marines. Not a lot exists.
Ahriman : I am sorry my Lord I have failed...
Tzeench : failed spectacularly according to plans!!
Ahriman : wait what??!!
Magnus : first time?
He now KNOWS he can succeed. Typical Aeldari short-sightedness(?) giving a deadly enemy cause to pursue you.
"We want to stop the change."
Tzeench: "Not very cash money of you."
Necrons to thousand sons
wild how the eldar can just do anything they want... except get an actual lore win on screen.
Ahriman should talk to the Silent King...
Now that I think about it, Ahriman and the Silent King are in pretty similar situations. Both have unkillable automaton armies to fulfill their every whim, but don't really want that and are spending a majority of their time seeking a cure. And both are very Egyptian themed as well.
EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW about Warhammer 40K lore in this ONE video!
Ahriman is now fueled by vengeance and hope. Probably thr two strongest motivaters besides love and there even maybe some of that. That was a bad move on Yvraine.
“So, what did it feel like getting shown up by Bobby’s elf girlfriend?”
Dang this is almost as savage as angron with his librarians
I am a loyalist to the core but
Alpha legion and Thousands sons are kinda awesome.
But if you'll ressurect them they will loose their inv and special bolter :(
😂 that's a good point
That wasn’t the whole story. The Rubrics recognized Ahiriman and formed a defensive position around and addressed his as first captain. Confused as to why they were fighting the Eldar as they were just fighting other traitors (they had no memory of being rubrics). Ahiriman shuttered and began crying. He had his brothers back, and just then as he let his guard down the Eldar tricked him and his brothers fell into the warp. Ahiriman screamed “NOOOOOO” and chased after them. Not only does he know they have secret to reversing the ritual, but they also brought back his brothers only to kill them…. He’s pissed
Can't he just say "please" and "thank you" or that's off the table to get to his goal?
well, he tried to be nice at the end.
it was yvraine the one who fucked up
@@Bass-ef3drivraine is a dick, poor ahriman
I hope Ahriman can to some extent reverse the Rubric. Even if every Rubricae was restored, the burning of Propero and 10,000 years of Warfare without replenishment will mean that the vast majority of the Thousand Sons Legion is lost forever. I will be surprised if there is over a 1000 Rubricae left at this point, given the Thousand Sons were a small Legion even at their height and the past 10,000 years haven’t been kind to them. Whilst the thousand sons and it’s members are interesting, they simply do not play a major role in the overall setting due to their minuscule numbers. Given that we are seeing the return of Angron and his Legion, maybe the Thousand sons is given some love hopefully.
well he is the only one who actually ever breaks in to the black library, he didn't lie when he writes "librarian" in his resume.😂
Hope everyone had a nice orktober
The second guilliman is teaming a break and is on date night Ahriman is going to kick down the door wanting his friends back
Now imagine Ahriman facing down an angry Rowboat Gorillaman for messing with his elf wife
If you dare to move against the Ynnari, beware the wrath of Ultramar.
Tbh, the awesome description of Yvraine yeeting the Thousand Sons out of the Webway remains to this day one of the greatest power moves in all of 40K.
Something confuses me. It says that all thousand sons who didn't have psychic powers turned into dust. But, isn't it that all thousand sons must have psychic powers to withstand magnus's gene seed?
Man i fking hate elves. Imagine having your bros finally come back for a moment and then js disappear
Just wait the Necrons hear of this. Yvraine will be in deep shit.
The thousand sons truly are one of the most tragic legions in 40K
I want Magnus to invade the Realm of Slaanesh so Ahriman can take the Cronesword there. He could then trade it to Yvraine. The Sword for the End of the Rubrik. Just for Emperor's Children to get a new codex with Fulgrim duelling Magnus.
I wish we could get some elaboration on this plotline. it seems Ahriman has forgot about this development, and is now off chasing Necrons across the galaxy.
Hopefully one day!
And sadly the entire Ynnari storyline seems to be basically dropped and forgotten about. I am still salty about their story not leading anywhere because they didnt sold well
You could have just let the guy get his gene family back. The Thousand Sons are probably the least evil of the CSMs.
Why betray them just transform them back for a price
Because Eldar.
Because fuck them, that's why
Eldar vs biggest Eldar slayer
yvraine: "i made 4 rubrics human again and threw them into the void as a distrac-"
Fulgrim: "oh so i did hear that right, this will be fun"
I don't understand why yvraine betrayed Ahirman. He could be a useful ally against Slaanesh.
Servants of Tzeentch being tricked, oh, the irony!
Ahriman also hunts the coolest inquisitor, Czevak.
So Ahriman made chaos necrons?
Complete with the Egyptian motif
Lol nearly succeeded before he was hit with a wild SYKE
Well ahe got guilliman as body gaurd now 😂
Tzeench and aizen would be besties lmao *all according to plan ah* 😂😂😂
His heart is in the right place but his actions are not
My favourite fallen Chapter
Supposedly when he fails for the last time ahriman will also become dust.
Ahriman is going after Gman Girlfriend?
GOODLUCK with a PISS off Gman
Can we not do that to Yvraine, she is powerful in her own right and hopefully on her way to get stronger.
They are not together
Yvraine is the best troll.
So, when it says they "recognized Ahriman", do you mean in the "Oh, Super Heavy Imperial Taxation" way?
😂 they just said his name
@@SandmanofTerra "AHRIMANN!!!"
Well, I guess now that the Necrons are Tomb Kings in Space, the W40k won't need the original ones...
"Uncle Bobby's GF is a troll!"
I also wanna make chapter named the sandman marines is that taken by you sandman?
Haha! It's not! Would love to see it
Sweet I’ll get on it right away lol
He knows its atleast possible now
Dosnt it seem like ahri's seems to only discover cures for uncureable afflictions these days
All is dust
From dust to dust
Take-away, The aeldari might just be the most arrogant race in sci-fi history, Like its insane how far they have come and how little they have learned and just how many times they write their own doom
Evidently it's humans that wrote their doom
@@originalusernameoftheyear6500 immensely incorrect. 🤨😂
@@humanity600 literally, a human has written everything in the Warhammer lore.... Unlessss, are you saying they used chatGPT?
FYI I was just making a joke lol 😂
@@originalusernameoftheyear6500 chatGPT lmfao. 😂🥂
ChatGPT would probably write more cohesive narratives than GW.
Guillimans girlfriend sure is harsh.
I wonder what would happen if Ahriman switched worship to Ynnead. What has Tzeentch really done for him?