no ive seen it done in the past few months u just need to be more precise with the timing as the gap of the detanator blowing up and getting onto the select hero screen is much smaller, so likely thing is that it's take more tries. Give it a go
TheShinyPolitoed Gaming&TCG no it's just a lot harder because the timing of the thermal detonator was increased a little but. But no, it's not patched, just really hard
ZookerMan you purposefully acted in a way to trigger a glitch. That is hacking. Hacking is not going on a computer and writing lines of esoteric code. Most hacking is done in much more straightforward ways. And yes, they are still considered hacking. Only ignorant people think otherwise.
@@kencur9690 just came to this reply and it's still not hacking. You need to learn the difference. Glitching is something that happens in game without messing with the game files, network packets etc. Hacking you do change the files, and have to download software in order to do it. For hacking a game like this, you can't do it on Xbox. Not possible, only a PC thing
ZookerMan I don’t need to learn any difference, you on the other hand need to learn that rhetorical manipulation of arguments doesn’t make what is factually incorrect magically correct. Hacking describes a number of ways how to gain unauthorized access or override normal functioning of a software: it has been done since the birth of computers in a million ways and do not need to download anything. Hacking was done before the Internet was even a thing. Spying behind a colleague to learn his password is considered hacking. Now you didn’t glitch, you purposely sought how to exploit a known glitch. That is hacking, regardless of your bs explanations.
I mean let’s be clear here: this guy called you a hacker, I assume to criticize your exploitation (so basically the negative connotation of the word). If you want to be a purist and say that, technically, this is glitching not hacking then fine, but if you are trying to absolve yourself because “you just glitched” then nope: seeking a glitch to exploit the game is just as bad as hacking the game files in my book.
Wow! 25K views guys! Thanks so much! And 200 likes! Easily 2 months ago this only has about 2K views... holy crap. THANKS SO MUCH :D
And I love the at ats walkers they look so cool
No one gonna talk about how he had multi hero glitch to
Wow you had the multi-hero glitch too!
Battlefront_playz I know I had to set that up in order to do the glitch cos the first thermal failed I did it too early
Why did they not put this map in battlefront 2
Axe Ako I know right!
Axe Ako how about you just sign into your EA account
R0YA1 GUARD it still works lol
What really I want to do it but it doesn't work for me maybe I need to tone it right LOL
when i throw the detonator it stops charging the sec fire
dimitriszah 999 make sure toggle is turned on on zoom mode on your settings, that should do it
Best glitch buts its hard to time I only get it 1 out of 4 times
I can throw the Thermal detonator when I have my gun charge it up
Would this work on skirmish cuz I want to see if i can nail it before going onto multiplayer.
FunTimesWithUncleLiam doesn't work on skirmish, only online. Here's a link how to do it on skirmish though:
Go onto private matches
Impressive...Most Impressive. gg man
CommanderCodyHD rfgghgvbcvbbbvouhhjhhhhhhhjjjj
CommanderCodyHD hh
How long do you have to do it
I saw someone do this on HvV. Is it still possible?
does this glitch still work in 2018???
istalkSwags 123 yes but it’s a lot harder to do
oh, how much harder is it?
ZookerMan i don’t think it works i think they patched it. but if it does can it post s follow up video on how to do it in 2018
Have you done this with the Bryar?
Andrew Richardson what’s that?
The K-16 Bryar Pistol
"Meeting God kinda hurts, huh?"
Tomas Gonzales what do you mean?
Tomas Gonzales lil
ZookerMan han said: blaster fire kinda hurts, huh?
And he made a joke about the secondary fire being godlikely op
so how exactly get this glitch to work
follow what i did in the video but the timing is different now u gotta be more precise
Is this glitch patched now?
no ive seen it done in the past few months u just need to be more precise with the timing as the gap of the detanator blowing up and getting onto the select hero screen is much smaller, so likely thing is that it's take more tries. Give it a go
@@zookerman Thanks.
Doom plasma rifle
did it work on pc?
Chrimey yes any platform
ZookerMan i will try it
Ai like this
What is your name?
Alexander Karibian real name or Xbox name?
Xbox name is Zokkerman06
Hello. Would like to play with me? I see you have a xbox.
I'm Diamondsnjv from xbox
Plz subscribe
Am I late?
This guys good
Nathan Andrew well I thank you
is this patched?
TheShinyPolitoed Gaming&TCG no it's just a lot harder because the timing of the thermal detonator was increased a little but. But no, it's not patched, just really hard
Taking advantage of a glitch is real low
this is over a year old now lol don't worry i've learnt
Kill the game
yup . i cant beleive this guy either .
Second fire is so noobish
Eithan Leek there’s a difference between hacking and glitching ;)
I glitched, I didn’t hack
ZookerMan you purposefully acted in a way to trigger a glitch. That is hacking. Hacking is not going on a computer and writing lines of esoteric code. Most hacking is done in much more straightforward ways. And yes, they are still considered hacking. Only ignorant people think otherwise.
@@kencur9690 just came to this reply and it's still not hacking. You need to learn the difference. Glitching is something that happens in game without messing with the game files, network packets etc. Hacking you do change the files, and have to download software in order to do it. For hacking a game like this, you can't do it on Xbox. Not possible, only a PC thing
ZookerMan I don’t need to learn any difference, you on the other hand need to learn that rhetorical manipulation of arguments doesn’t make what is factually incorrect magically correct. Hacking describes a number of ways how to gain unauthorized access or override normal functioning of a software: it has been done since the birth of computers in a million ways and do not need to download anything. Hacking was done before the Internet was even a thing. Spying behind a colleague to learn his password is considered hacking.
Now you didn’t glitch, you purposely sought how to exploit a known glitch. That is hacking, regardless of your bs explanations.
I mean let’s be clear here: this guy called you a hacker, I assume to criticize your exploitation (so basically the negative connotation of the word). If you want to be a purist and say that, technically, this is glitching not hacking then fine, but if you are trying to absolve yourself because “you just glitched” then nope: seeking a glitch to exploit the game is just as bad as hacking the game files in my book.