Does your VC-backed startup need help to manage your books, burn, and projections? Kruze’s clients have raised over $5.5 billion in venture funding - find out how we help companies fly through diligence and raise the next round:
Does your VC-backed startup need help to manage your books, burn, and projections? Kruze’s clients have raised over $5.5 billion in venture funding - find out how we help companies fly through diligence and raise the next round:
Is the music in the background really helpful for a person trying to listen to and understand what you’re saying?
My apologies. We will get this Re-edited for you.
Work for me cause I was high I guess
Are warrants typically followed by an R/S in small cap biotechs?
What if it’s a cashless warrant and it expires below the strike price? Does the VC investor still have to pay?
Helpful. Well explained. TY👍
If I understand your question correctly, you would never exercise a warrant / option that is out of the money. So it’s a non issue.