Roman Palinski - B Peter Jackson - C David Fincher - A Kawchoski Brothers - B James Cameron - A Spike Lee - A Richard Linklater - A David Lynch - S Michael Mann - C Alfonso Cuaron - B George Lucas - B John Hughes - A Alfred Hitchcock - S Woody Allen - A Sidney Lumet - A Billy Wilder - A Steven Speilberg- S Robert Zemeckis - A Wes Anderson - A Zack Snyder - B Tim Burton - B Stanley Kubrick - S David Cronenberg - B M Night Shyamalan - C John Carpenter - B Giuremo Del Toro - A Martin Scorsese - S Francis Ford Coppola - A Sofia Coppola - A Paul Thomas Anderson - A Quentin Tarintino - S Darren Aronofsky - A Orson Wells - A Ridley Scott - B Coen Brothers - S Charlie Chaplin - B Spike Jones - B Christopher Nolan - S Steven Soderbergh - C
Really enjoyed this and the one that is on Jared's channel! Would totally look forward to more tier ranking compilations between the two of you in the future.
I can go on about how un-artistic this ranking seems. Terrence Malick at C was where I stopped but before that even, David Fincher was a S. Man I can name 30-40 filmmakers they didn't include in their list. And I can surely say there were many jacked rankings. Terrence Malick definitely an A or B for people who dislike Tree of Life. Badlands, Days of Heaven, Thin Red Line and a game changer with Tree of Life. Missing directors - Michelangelo Antonioni, Edward Yang, Bela Tarr, Pier Paolo Pasolini, Chris Marker, Jean-Luc Godard, Jean-Pierre Melville, Robert Bresson, François Truffaut, Jacques Tati, Jacques Demy, Agnes Varda, Claude Charbol, Chantal Akerman, Alain Resnais, Satyajit Ray, Wong Kar Wai, Tsai Ming-Liang, Hou Hsiao-Hsien, Dziga Vertov, Alejandro Jorodowsky, Majid Majidi, Abbas Kiarostami, Jafar Panahi, Apichatpong Weerasethakul, Lav Diaz, Theo Angelopolous, Krzysztof Kieslowski, Andrzej Wajda, Zhang Yimou, Chen Kaige, Rainer Werner Fassbinder and 10-20 more.
I like the consistency argument made in this one. How confident are you when sitting down to watch some of their movies ? What are you expecting ? How long do you have to consider spending money to watch their stuff in the theater ? How high are the chances that any given one of their films are a Masterpiece, great, good, trash, or a cinematic revolution ?!
18 S-level directors over the course of a century of filmmaking doesn't seem overly generous imo. Especially since this is a personal list of greatest directors, created by a film enthusiast. Really enjoyed the discussion, which is what matters. If everyone agreed on what makes a Masterpiece, the world of movies wouldn't be nearly as interesting. Lists like this also point to the difficulty of ranking art of different eras. So much about moviemaking - from technology (sound, lighting, special effects) and narrative editing styles to audiences and the entertainment industry itself - has changed completely for modern directors. In some ways it might be even harder to compare John Ford with James Cameron than it is to compare Michelangelo with Picasso.
I don't go by the many quality films they produced but also by their direction style. Kurosawa, Coppola, Scott, Jackson and Mann should be higher while Nolan, Tarantino, Fincher, Carpenter, Hughes, Zemeckis, Altman and Coens should be lower. Forgotten: Leone, Bergman, Lean, Wyler, Fellini, Kazan, Hawks, Villeneuve, Mendes
Interesting video! I can't see any justification for placing Coppola below at least A tier. He has 4 masterpieces that, in mine and man's opinion, exceed most other director's masterpieces. To me, he is not only S but easily top 5 best directors of all time just because of his work in the 70s.
Holy shit I haven't seen you two together in a video since you guys read fan mail on the old channel! Been a fan ever since you guys started "show me the meaning". Keep up the good work you two! Edit: Also yeah Speed Racer fucking RULES
These dudes are really underselling George Lucas, that man really pushed the medium in so many ways, in terms of special effects, film making techniques, sound design, visual artistic storytelling, film technology, i mean the first fully CGI character was in a Star Wars film and he directed the first full digital live action film. movies like Avatar and Endgame exists, because of what people like George Lucas and Steven Spielberg pioneered.
Where would you put Yorgos Lanthimos and Denis Villeneuve? Think Lanthimos is a S for me and Villeneuve is an A. I watched the whole thing to see where you'd put these two and they didn't come up lol but you did give me a whole bunch of movies to watch. Thanks!
Personally I’d put Dennis in C. I think all his films are Great and I’m psyched to see his news ones, but none transcend to Masterpiece for me. Yorgos to me is next level but I would probably put him in B with a leaning to one day get him to A. I think The Favourite is approaching Masterpiece, Dogtooth is pretty great if not a Masterpiece. I didn’t like The Lobster, but thought Killing Of A Sacred Deer was really cool & weird, but probably not a Masterpiece. Excited for both of them as emerging masters though, Yorgos moreso
@@RyansShorts Think you're right. Incendies, Enemy, Prisoners, Arrival, Blade Runner 2049 are all just great so C makes sense for Denis. As for Yorgos I agree on The Lobster but the rest of his catalog is just... so... Yorgos. Think I would give him an A just for style and vision. Anyway thanks for replying Ryan, was curious what you thought. Have a good one man! Edit: Additional I can't wait for Dune!
I agree with basically every S tier. Scorsese for me is definitely an S. Goodfellas, Taxi Driver, Wolf, The Departed, Raging Bull, and now The Irishman are some of his masterpieces. Easily an S for me. Charles Chaplin is definitely an S tier director. Great Dictator, Modern Times, City Lights, etc. are all masterpieces. He's amazing. As for Spielberg, I personally have him as an S. Jurassic Park, Schindler's List, Saving Private Ryan, etc. Coppola should have definitely been in S regardless of how hit-or-miss he is. He completely changed the game with The Godfather, Part 2, and Apocalypse Now at least.
Malick made three of the best films ever (Badlands, Days of Heaven, and The Thin Red Line) and he gets a C? That's ridiculous. Should be A tier (his recent meandering pointless films keep him out of S tier). Raimi is good, I'd put him in B tier. Spiderman trilogy is the best superhero movies ever. Peter Jackson deserves credit for making the best blockbuster trilogy ever, with FOTR being his clear best film, but King Kong is great too. Meet the Feebles is an underappreciated film. Great dark comedy, that one. So I'd put Peter Jackson in bottom of A tier for me. I loved American Graffiti too much to agree with you putting Lucas down in D tier; he should be C tier. Things you got right: Coen brothers in S, Fincher in S, Kubrick and Lynch in S.
For Michael Mann, I'd say Thief is excellent and in the running for masterpiece status, and Manhunter is also excellent. For me those two are enough to bump him up to B tier.
Very interesting video. But you left out directors like Luc Besson, Michael Bay, Roland Emmerich, Mel Gibson, Denis Villeneuve, Peter Weir and some more.
Hey just curious on why you both have such negative feelings towards "I'm thinking of ending thing" I'm not super in love with the movie myself but I didn't think it was that bad also btw loved the video would love to see more of you two
I’ve watched the whole thing, and the only serious disagreement I have is: Is Prisoner of Azkaban really the best Harry Potter movie? It killed the franchise for me
This was so much fun. Love ya bro
You guys totally forgot Tim Burton’s best film, Ed Wood. Absolute masterpiece in every way.
Best Current Directors, want to see opinions on Robert Eggers, Damien Chazelle, Denis Villeneuve, etc.
Jared and Ryan talking movies again?? YES!!!!
Roman Palinski - B
Peter Jackson - C
David Fincher - A
Kawchoski Brothers - B
James Cameron - A
Spike Lee - A
Richard Linklater - A
David Lynch - S
Michael Mann - C
Alfonso Cuaron - B
George Lucas - B
John Hughes - A
Alfred Hitchcock - S
Woody Allen - A
Sidney Lumet - A
Billy Wilder - A
Steven Speilberg- S
Robert Zemeckis - A
Wes Anderson - A
Zack Snyder - B
Tim Burton - B
Stanley Kubrick - S
David Cronenberg - B
M Night Shyamalan - C
John Carpenter - B
Giuremo Del Toro - A
Martin Scorsese - S
Francis Ford Coppola - A
Sofia Coppola - A
Paul Thomas Anderson - A
Quentin Tarintino - S
Darren Aronofsky - A
Orson Wells - A
Ridley Scott - B
Coen Brothers - S
Charlie Chaplin - B
Spike Jones - B
Christopher Nolan - S
Steven Soderbergh - C
I love that Ryan throws his marking criteria out the window right from the start 😂
I'll say this: Spielberg and Kurosawa out of S tier with Robert Altman in are snubs of the centuries.
I agree. I was looking at the people he put in S - him not adding Kurosawa to that is baffling to me.
I was honeslty shocked🤣🤣
Even Terrence Malick deserved more.
Kurosawa > Altman > Spielberg
@@ignatiusjackson235 👍👍👍. You just spoke my mind.
Jared! The legend lives!
Drink everytime Ryan says "masterpiece"
Kurosawa in A Tier and Cameron in S? Insanity..
Really enjoyed this and the one that is on Jared's channel! Would totally look forward to more tier ranking compilations between the two of you in the future.
55 filmmakers??? Jeez. I’m here for the longer videos
edit. After watching it I wish there were more :(
This ranking is a joke lmao. And so many omissions: Federico Fellini, Ingmar Bergman, Yasujiro Ozu, Luis Bunuel, Jean Renoir, etc
I can go on about how un-artistic this ranking seems. Terrence Malick at C was where I stopped but before that even, David Fincher was a S. Man I can name 30-40 filmmakers they didn't include in their list. And I can surely say there were many jacked rankings. Terrence Malick definitely an A or B for people who dislike Tree of Life. Badlands, Days of Heaven, Thin Red Line and a game changer with Tree of Life.
Missing directors - Michelangelo Antonioni, Edward Yang, Bela Tarr, Pier Paolo Pasolini, Chris Marker, Jean-Luc Godard, Jean-Pierre Melville, Robert Bresson, François Truffaut, Jacques Tati, Jacques Demy, Agnes Varda, Claude Charbol, Chantal Akerman, Alain Resnais, Satyajit Ray, Wong Kar Wai, Tsai Ming-Liang, Hou Hsiao-Hsien, Dziga Vertov, Alejandro Jorodowsky, Majid Majidi, Abbas Kiarostami, Jafar Panahi, Apichatpong Weerasethakul, Lav Diaz, Theo Angelopolous, Krzysztof Kieslowski, Andrzej Wajda, Zhang Yimou, Chen Kaige, Rainer Werner Fassbinder and 10-20 more.
I like the consistency argument made in this one.
How confident are you when sitting down to watch some of their movies ?
What are you expecting ?
How long do you have to consider spending money to watch their stuff in the theater ?
How high are the chances that any given one of their films are a Masterpiece, great, good, trash, or a cinematic revolution ?!
This was an interesting academic ranking/discussion of films!
Agree with most of these rankings. Especially S and A tier but not having any Herzog is a tragedy!
You didn’t even mention 12 Angry Men while talking about Sidney Lumet 😢
18 S-level directors over the course of a century of filmmaking doesn't seem overly generous imo. Especially since this is a personal list of greatest directors, created by a film enthusiast. Really enjoyed the discussion, which is what matters. If everyone agreed on what makes a Masterpiece, the world of movies wouldn't be nearly as interesting.
Lists like this also point to the difficulty of ranking art of different eras. So much about moviemaking - from technology (sound, lighting, special effects) and narrative editing styles to audiences and the entertainment industry itself - has changed completely for modern directors. In some ways it might be even harder to compare John Ford with James Cameron than it is to compare Michelangelo with Picasso.
Burton invented his own style. Gotta be worth something.
Can we acknowledge that the man started the video while opening a string cheese? it seems so appropriate hahaha
I don't go by the many quality films they produced but also by their direction style.
Kurosawa, Coppola, Scott, Jackson and Mann should be higher while Nolan, Tarantino, Fincher, Carpenter, Hughes, Zemeckis, Altman and Coens should be lower.
Forgotten: Leone, Bergman, Lean, Wyler, Fellini, Kazan, Hawks, Villeneuve, Mendes
This is great. Would love to see another film related tier list with Jared. Maybe films?
I thought this said dictators at first. Wasn't sure how to react to a ryan ranking of dictators
Possibly my favorite TH-cam video of all time
Interesting video! I can't see any justification for placing Coppola below at least A tier. He has 4 masterpieces that, in mine and man's opinion, exceed most other director's masterpieces. To me, he is not only S but easily top 5 best directors of all time just because of his work in the 70s.
Kurosawa and Ford out of S Tier is crazy. Still loved the video though.
Holy shit I haven't seen you two together in a video since you guys read fan mail on the old channel! Been a fan ever since you guys started "show me the meaning". Keep up the good work you two!
Edit: Also yeah Speed Racer fucking RULES
19:30 I watched both videos praying for recommendations to know which of his films are the best
Visitor Q
Ichi The Killer
The Happiness Of The Katakaras
13 Assassins
Dead or Alive
Ninja Kids
Yakuza Apocalypse
Three Extremes
@@RyansShorts You're a life saver. Thanks Ryan :)
Did you guys talk about wes anderson? Also Jared Hess
This was good :D
No joke, I misread and thought it said dictators.
These dudes are really underselling George Lucas, that man really pushed the medium in so many ways, in terms of special effects, film making techniques, sound design, visual artistic storytelling, film technology, i mean the first fully CGI character was in a Star Wars film and he directed the first full digital live action film.
movies like Avatar and Endgame exists, because of what people like George Lucas and Steven Spielberg pioneered.
Where would you put Yorgos Lanthimos and Denis Villeneuve? Think Lanthimos is a S for me and Villeneuve is an A. I watched the whole thing to see where you'd put these two and they didn't come up lol but you did give me a whole bunch of movies to watch. Thanks!
Personally I’d put Dennis in C. I think all his films are Great and I’m psyched to see his news ones, but none transcend to Masterpiece for me. Yorgos to me is next level but I would probably put him in B with a leaning to one day get him to A. I think The Favourite is approaching Masterpiece, Dogtooth is pretty great if not a Masterpiece. I didn’t like The Lobster, but thought Killing Of A Sacred Deer was really cool & weird, but probably not a Masterpiece. Excited for both of them as emerging masters though, Yorgos moreso
@@RyansShorts Think you're right. Incendies, Enemy, Prisoners, Arrival, Blade Runner 2049 are all just great so C makes sense for Denis. As for Yorgos I agree on The Lobster but the rest of his catalog is just... so... Yorgos. Think I would give him an A just for style and vision. Anyway thanks for replying Ryan, was curious what you thought. Have a good one man!
Edit: Additional I can't wait for Dune!
looky there, it's ol' ryan stringcheese!
I agree with basically every S tier. Scorsese for me is definitely an S. Goodfellas, Taxi Driver, Wolf, The Departed, Raging Bull, and now The Irishman are some of his masterpieces. Easily an S for me. Charles Chaplin is definitely an S tier director. Great Dictator, Modern Times, City Lights, etc. are all masterpieces. He's amazing.
As for Spielberg, I personally have him as an S. Jurassic Park, Schindler's List, Saving Private Ryan, etc.
Coppola should have definitely been in S regardless of how hit-or-miss he is. He completely changed the game with The Godfather, Part 2, and Apocalypse Now at least.
wow! our opinions are SOOOOO different
Yoooo… no Clint Eastwood?? I don’t think he was in Jared’s video either. Unforgiven, American Sniper, J. Edgar, Mystic River?
Honestly you’re right. I love Clint, would probably put in A Tier
Disappointing there's no mention of Robert Wise. He may have been a studio man, but he executed to the nth degree.
No Sergio Leone, No De Sica, No Fellini. Congratulations!
Sergio Leone would be S tier for me.
De Sica would get a C, and I haven’t seen enough Fellini to properly rate
Sidney Lumet is defo god tier -The Verdict, Network, 12 Angry Men, Dog Day Afternoon, Serpico...5 master pieces. Billy Wilder is also god tier.
All Presidents Favourite Food?
Also top notch list.
Malick made three of the best films ever (Badlands, Days of Heaven, and The Thin Red Line) and he gets a C? That's ridiculous. Should be A tier (his recent meandering pointless films keep him out of S tier). Raimi is good, I'd put him in B tier. Spiderman trilogy is the best superhero movies ever. Peter Jackson deserves credit for making the best blockbuster trilogy ever, with FOTR being his clear best film, but King Kong is great too. Meet the Feebles is an underappreciated film. Great dark comedy, that one. So I'd put Peter Jackson in bottom of A tier for me. I loved American Graffiti too much to agree with you putting Lucas down in D tier; he should be C tier. Things you got right: Coen brothers in S, Fincher in S, Kubrick and Lynch in S.
Snyder deserved a F
Shyamalan above Del Toro. What a sin.
That shirt is sick
I think his channel name should name “Ryan’s Long”
I'm so glad I watched this. I always thought Ryan and I didn't see eye-to-eye, but we agree on more than I thought.
For Michael Mann, I'd say Thief is excellent and in the running for masterpiece status, and Manhunter is also excellent. For me those two are enough to bump him up to B tier.
I'll die on that hill. It's his best film.
"Fuck you guys." - Denis Villeneuve
JK , really enjoyed the video.
Cheers 👍
Ryan do you prefer hydro or earth fed?
i want to kno the ryan lore behind the casting couch in the background
Surely the string cheese is a metaphor for something
It's Pure Ideology String Cheese
only ryan would record into a microphone and still use the computer audio
No Bergman?
Denis Villeneuve, Alejandro González Iñárritu, Roger Stone a few more notable directors.
del toro and ridley scott on c and d is an offense
The kingdom of Rygon is so noble
Very interesting video. But you left out directors like Luc Besson, Michael Bay, Roland Emmerich, Mel Gibson, Denis Villeneuve, Peter Weir and some more.
Speed racer was great. It gets no love but did you see those car fights?
timestamps, anyone?
Dude, I think you should have a podcast for any topic whatsoever. Mostly music!
I’m definitely not a Welles nerd but if he didn’t change cinema, no one did
Y'all trippin on Michael Mann
How did he forget Ingmar Bergman ??
Can we get this as a text list? I want to make sure to add these all to my watchlist.
I would probably say Beetlejuice and Ed Wood are other Burton masterpieces
where is the food-feature-cut Ryan? ;-)
Where's Taika?
M Knight better than Del Toro... my heart bleeds 😂😭😭😭
Hey just curious on why you both have such negative feelings towards "I'm thinking of ending thing" I'm not super in love with the movie myself but I didn't think it was that bad also btw loved the video would love to see more of you two
both vidoes I loved both
I think I heard Jared once say that the depressing solipsism is just too much. He's not wrong but I still like Kauffman as a director lol.
@@adamgates1142 yeah I found a podcast he did on it.He really goes on it hard lol
You guys rock
Good Will Hunting is a masterpiece
Where the fuck did Lana Wachowski come from
You literally put the Wachowskis over Polanski? 😮 Dude... the fuck? Rookie move, son.
Then Cameron gets S-tier?! 😩
I’ve watched the whole thing, and the only serious disagreement I have is:
Is Prisoner of Azkaban really the best Harry Potter movie? It killed the franchise for me
Why? I mean, I don't like the series at all, but I'm curious.
Better have Jodorowsky in S tier!!!!
29:56 how dare you sir???
How did Jodorowsky not change the cinematic language? Asking for a friend…
Ridley Scott C tier but John Wu S tier lmfao
I thought the title said dictators.
I want more. Please.
Cameron???? Arrrgh! Jeez, Ryan!
Gaspar noe in s teir? Embarassing
This was an awesome video, and I love you Ryan. However, I gotta say I think you’re playing fast and loose with what a “masterpiece” is haha
i'm surprised georgia luas got a low rating
To me Woody Allen doesn't even belong on this list. Annie Hall is pretty great but everything else in his filmography is pretty mediocre.
Powerful Chomo director right off the rip
who disliked this??
Release the Ryan Cut!
My own private Idaho isn’t a masterpiece ?
Aronofsky should be at the F tier he is a terrible director Noah is one of the worst movies ever made
With all due respect to Ryan, I don't feel like I could ever watch a movie with him.
When can Ryan start watching all of Chaplin's movies?