Hi, Does converting date field to floor/num helps in improving the chart performance when we have 30M+ records(complex measures). And it is converted to monthyear at chart dimension.
Hey there, glad to meet again. I learned about timestamp as a date data type. My question is, if i where to record timestamps of every record entered into the database. Would the sql server generate two identical timestamps given the records where run simultaneously..is that case a hypothetical one or would it happen? Thanks for taking care of this.
Hi Manish can you do a video on rollingsum and and rolling averages
Does converting date field to floor/num helps in improving the chart performance when we have 30M+ records(complex measures). And it is converted to monthyear at chart dimension.
If you have datetime and if you don't need time portion then using floor and date will reduce the app size and can help to improve performance.
Hey there, glad to meet again.
I learned about timestamp as a date data type.
My question is, if i where to record timestamps of every record entered into the database. Would the sql server generate two identical timestamps given the records where run simultaneously..is that case a hypothetical one or would it happen?
Thanks for taking care of this.
Didn't understand your question.