Just because you stretch quickly and your ears seem fine now, doesn't mean that there isn't going to be built up scar tissue in the long run, or maybe your lobes are really thin. People rush things too much. And if it worked out for you, good! You're lucky! It doesn't mean that it's okay for everyone. People that call them "gauges" will be commenting about how they stretched from an 18g to an inch in a week and I'm just over here like CHILL TF OUT. ~rant over~
God damn. Can you help me i don't even know what I'm doing i want to eventually get to 2 guage but i haven't even got my ear done. What are the steps. Do i just get a regular piercing?
@@webzo4030 i streched before and let them get back to norm i had to take em out due to work but recently started again i found going from 10g to 00 was easier i na week but then one of my ears went to a 12mm in a week after but my other ear is still at 00 and that was i feel resistance so hes right if you feel any resistance dont do it it mean ur current size isnt healed yet or not ready for the next step thats all, one ear will always be a little harder to deal with i call it " the bitch ear" my left one streches easier than my right but as long as you listen to your body then youll be okay dont force it and take your time theirs really no rush especially when it comes to some form of body modification
It shouldn't hurt or need a lot of force. It's okay if it feels tight for a couple days but you shouldn't have pain. I don't get why people just keep going.
@@IcebulletZ yeah I rushed my stretch and I regret it so much I'm at a 6g now (my goal is 0g) and it hasn't even been a month since I started stretching 😓
Caitriona Bobb I didn't get to 00g '(when I was that small then) until almost a full year...... Damn. Lol....... But I am at a current 14mm (2months now) !!!
I always waited three months inbetween. It's good to wait for two reasons, #1 it's good for ur ears, #2 it helps you pick out the size you like the most, and #3 it helps you develop patience and ironically helps you mature a little bit more.
It took me less than a month to go from 14-8 and I never stretched if I felt any pain at all. Now that I'm at an 8 I'm waiting quite a while because 8-6 is a rough stretch and my ears aren't ready. I think it really varies.
I was stretching everyday from 14-8. Even stretched from 12 to 10 in one day. But when I tried stretching to 6g from to 8g the next day it wasn't happening. So, I waited a month and a half and it was fine. So try that, if not wait longer. That's just my personal experience though.
I've also noticed that when I genuinely put effort into my ear care (every day using a piercing cleaning solution followed by an oil blend meant for the ears) I can stretch faster without hurting myself. Yesterday I sized up for the first time in my life without so much as a pinch of pain. Felt like nothing. That's how it *should* feel. Additionally, if you're at those upper gauge levels before it goes by inches, pulls 2, 0, and 00, go by millimeters, not by gauge. I sized up from a 2g to a 7 mm (I think they're called 1g colloquially, but it's halfway between 2 and 0) and after that from a 7 mm to a 0g (8mm). Once I heal completely from 8mm, I'm not jumping to 00, I'm going to 9 mm. Don't be silly. Go up 1 mm at a time if you possibly can. Like he said, slow is better.
I’ve let my ears close back up from a 00 and it’s been probably 8-9 yrs. I’ve started stretching them out again and it’s been a quicker process. Started at 12g and progressed to a 2g within probably 1.5 months. But here is where I need to wait and chill cause it’s starting to be more resistant. “Listen to your ears” is solid advice.
I feel like the first few stretches were really easy for me and there was no resistance or pain at all (not even a slight pinch). On the first few stretches from 16g,14g,10g and 8g I only waited 2 weeks in between. But now I'm definitely going to be more cautious with the next ones and give my ears more time to heal
Makes sense. Didn't struggle at all until trying to go up from an 8g just now. Feel better knowing that my ear isn't ready and not that there's anything wrong.
I wish I would have looked this up a month ago...my ears haven't blown out from what I've seen, but everything seemed good after a week...week and a half to two even...I'm at zero now and after seeing this. I'm waiting for a while...Thank-you for this.
oh no! haha well I mean it's never too late for some good info right? glad this video was able to help ya out some! :) Good luck with your healing journey
I got from a 14g to 7/16" in about 3 months. my last stretch from 00g to 7/16" my left ear had some bleeding. That was the only time I had bleeding but I only had pain from 4g to a 2g. Use glass dead stretching plugs. They have some weight to them that help naturally stretch your ears faster.
When I started I was stretch happy and impatient, I started at 14 and it was like nothing and since my ears didn’t react to it I went to 12 about two days, then a week later I went to 10 and a week later to 8, but then again 14-8 is about half a mm, now going to 6 I am waiting a month to try because they’re a full mm, my ears aren’t sore, or bleeding, they’re healthy and happy so I’m not only lucky for the fact I’m a teen that went stretch happy I’m the beginning 😅
I stretch every 3 days and it goes right in no pain or resistance I had 00g they went to a 6g Right Side 10g now there both 6g and I stretched every 3 days no lube
I put vitamin E oil on my lobes twice a day and i size up every month. I’m at 1/2 inch and i wear heavy plugs instead of using tapers to stretch. NEVER EVER SKIP SIZES EVER and wait for your ears to be ready. Good things always take time and you don’t wanna rip your ear cause that just means scar tissue which equals more time for healing and unwanted scar tissue. ALWAYS KEEP YOUR LOBES HYDRATED AND THEY WILL BE HAPPY. Good luck stretching ☺️
I started at a 8g in February 2021, bc i used to wear heavy earrings (it slid right in without a taper) and now April 2021 im at a 2g. I listened to my ears and massaged them everyday but when i stretched to 2g i didn’t listen and it hurt but luckily it didn’t get infected. But now i plan on waiting at least two months till i stretch to a 0g because i really don’t wanna damage my ears. Also I’ve been helping my dad stretch his and he is at a 6g but it was recently stretched, thought it wasn’t ready, and got infected, but we are caring for it now. I didn’t think it would of happed because we did it in a clean space with clean tools but he did yard work the next day, so please be careful and do it safely. Edit: My dads ears have healed, and he’s at his goal size. Im at a 0g (may 2021) and it didn’t hurt this time. I don’t plan on stretching anytime soon because i got some cool plugs but i still wanna go to 00g
Dude i don’t know about this, went from a 16 to a 12 in a little over a week and felt NOTHING, they all just slipped right in, no stretch feeling no pain, nothing
I had the gaps hes talking about every 2 weeks until I got to a 2g going to 0g I had to wait about a month and I had the gap and my ears are not scared or saggy or anything
Jesus once a month UP TO 6 MONTHS? I went from 14g all the way to 2g in one month. It definitely hurt, but they weren't sore the day after every time. I plan on stopping at 2g so hopefully they heal well if I keep taking good care of them ....I had zero knowledge and just did it because i was impatient and ignorant :/
I’ve just started to stretch my other ear, I stretched my first about 10 years ago and I definitely didn’t do it correctly but I got very lucky, had no blowouts but it was often irritated. I first used a spiral made of plastic and then a taper I made myself out of some hobby clay for kids 😅 I was young, impatient and very stupid. This time I’m doing it the correct way. I’m glad to have youtube now (and more patience lol).
I stretched from a 16g to a 6g in 5 weeks and I felt pain with every single stretch I did. I'm so lucky I didn't get any blowouts but my ears did bleed and leak white and clear liquid the day after I stretched to a 6g. The most frustrating thing about stretching my ears is that after a week or so I can wiggle my plugs twist them pull on them no pain but as soon as I go to stretch they start resisting before I even get half the taper in my ear.
I found that the best way to know that your ears are ready is if you can easily, and painlessly pull the flair of the plug/tunnel back and forth through the hole. like the plug/tunnel is a bit too small for the ear to hold it in properly. BUT it should do this naturally, wait until you wake up and find the plug/tunnel is pushed in rather than sitting outside of the ear. it should be easy to push in and out and not hurt at all, then wait another week. as for the stretching, if it does hurt wait a little bit like 1-2 minutes and then try again but it has to be at least part way onto the new size. when i mean hurt i mean like a little bit of pain that is semi uncomfortable (like your ear is a bit too hot and a sharp pain but not tear worthy) not full blown pain. just wait then try again and if it still hurts then wait another week then try again but this is only if it's been over a month or two. if it always hurts maybe see if you're pulling it straight through rather than at an angle as that sometimes is the reason it hurts as you are dragging it through rather than pulling. also, it's ok if you have to wait a bit longer than most people. Sometimes i am able to go up a size in under a month and others it took me a couple of months to be able to go up. stretching isn't a race. stretching before you're ready is like taking out a freshly done piercing and expecting it to stay open and being able to put in a new piercing after a couple of days. you're going to end up hurting yourself and only have yourself to blame. it's going to be awhile before you get to the size you want, it's more of a waiting game than anything else. and you're only going to be waiting longer if you break the skin and that is more trouble than it's worth as you will have to throw out anything that is bloody or has touched blood in any way if it is acrylic and buy stainless steel since you will get an infection if you don't. trust your body not your feelings. one is lying to you and i think you know which one i'm talking about. your body will never lie to you, it wants you to be safe and healthy. and if you have any questions ask a piercer or someone with stretched ears.
When I was in high school I stretched my ears from a normal post all the way to 6 without using lubricant and using those CRESCENT earrings. Luckily I didn’t do damage. I ended up taking them out for no particular reason and I’m stretching again PROPERLY. I’m currently at a 10g
I just started stretching and I've had my 1st lobes for five years now. Really helps with the first few stretches if you've had them in for a long time.
Dope vid. I’m using the plumbers tape method rn to go from 0g to 00g, currently probably a 1/2 up from 0. it’s been painless and super comfortable. but I’m going to wait a good month before putting in my 00g tunnels.
@@lillyluv19 even if your using tapers at 0g to 00 then to 12 and higher just use a lot of jojoba oil daily itll toughen the skin and moisturize the lobes and it helps with scarring and such
I've gone from a 14G to 8G with less than a month. If not a full month. Now I'm stretching every Thursday-Friday because mine actually heal extremely fast. Not sure why but they do. And haven't had any signs of blowouts. Just keep stretching weekly and so far so good. For me anyways. As for anyone else. Happy stretching!
I wish I had known this when I was younger and first started stretching, but I was dumb, didn't do my research. Now I try to wait as long as I possibly can for my ears.
My gauges just kept falling out for over 2 weeks didn’t think nothing of it. I got pierced at an 6 waited for almost a year to start and stretch to a 7/16 now I’m at a 0. I found a 1g and stayed there just put in the 0g I was excited because I just said let’s put this in and it went right in. I love their products and they are very helpful
glad to know we could be of service and that you enjoy our products! :) thanks for the loyal support and good luck on your stretching journey! We are updating all of these older videos so we'll have even more info for you sooner than later! :)
Case in point: I sat at 8mm (0g) for a good six months or so before I decided I wanted to go up to 00g (10mm). I went to 9mm first, and the plugs went in effortlessly. Three weeks later I got impatient and tried to go to 10mm, and even though I somehow got the plugs in, my ears were definitely not happy. Thankfully I took heed of the pain after an hour or so and went back down to 9mm, and I'm going to wait another couple of weeks and try 9.5mm first.
When I started stretching, I skipped the first two tapers completely. Not to try and speed it up, but my piercer put the first one in and she said it literally just flew through the hole. So we tried the next one and there was no resistance whatsoever, so it wasn’t going to have any stretch effect. So we went from taking my studs out straight to 2.4mm.
I usually wait around 4-5 weeks to stretch. When I do stretch, it does kinda sting for a couple hours afterwards, and that is only my left ear, but it has never really been an unbearable pain. It's usually fine the next day. Do you think that's normal? Or should I start waiting a little longer?
KingKhronic I was receiving the same thing with my left ear the most n after a couple of hours to a day it went away n now I can't even feel the tappers in my ears
I was sitting at a 6g for about 5-6 months. I figured “it’s time to stretch”. Blew out my left ear anyways. I threw out the tapers that day and got single flared glass plugs after that. It’s been smooth sailing ever since.
Had my piercings reopened in late May with 16 gauge tapers at a body piercing place. Have slowly moved up to 10 gauge. I love taking out my tunnels and being able to see light through my ear lobe. Not sure if i will go to 8 gauge but who knows.
I went from a 16-10 guage in like two months. I just listen to my ears and my body. If the pain was anywhere above a 2/10 I stopped immediately. I think everyone's body is different to suggesting a specific time limit is not more effective than teaching when the ears are healed and ready to be stretched again. Personally the most difficult stretch was from 16-14. This is also my second time stretching my ears
Ooops. I went from 20g to 00g in 5 weeks. I didn't know I wasn't supposed to, and I guess my ears must be really stretchy because I never had any pain or trouble moving up to the next size.
Im working on my 4th stretch to 0 gauge. It can grow back with surgical intervention. I tried to go to 00 once, but I felt that was too much for me. Zero is my safe place and I can get there in 4/5 days from a completely healed lobe. I'm on 2g right now and went from nothing to 6g overnight, but if I go too fast, my ears will react and get infected.
In September of 2015 when stretching my left ear to a 0g I had a blow out, and ever since then I’ve been nervous to stretch my ears anymore. What are easier ways to stretch my ears bigger so it doesn’t happen again? I usually used Vaseline on a taper at first, then I tried the taping method after the blow out to get my left ear to a 0g and that worked pretty good.
How do you know when you lobe is too thin to stretch anymore? I'm at 14mm and one side is looking much thinner than the other. I'm worried to go further although I really want to
I stretched from 00 to 3\4 within a few months from using taping method every 2 weeks I'd go to the next size wirh tape method the next size would go through extremely easily.
Do any of you have any advice on not being able to size up to 6G? All of my other stretches didn't even pinch and 6G won't even go half way in my lobe without resistance. Is anyone else having issues with 6G? I've tried twice.
I got pierced at an 18g and wore heavy earrings after it healed. I inadvertently sized up to a 12g without even realizing it so when I started stretching, the 12 g fit with little resistance so I'm just waiting for my ears to heal to move on up.
Just did my first stretch to a 14g. Dont know what size my ears were at bc I got them pierced when I was 8 and havent worn jewelry since like 2015. Planning to wait a month and then see if I could stretch up.
kushclouds21 omg HOW?? I started in July of 2017 and I just put my 8g in my left today!! (Yesterday in my right, which experienced a blowout at 10g). I kinda forced it in whoops I'm impatient. You're "supposed" to start at 16g or so, because 20g is a standard piercing, but everyone's different I guess. I'm amazed you got it in though lmao
Nah ur good. A pro piercer started me at 6g from regular piercings. He told me to wait several months before going up tho. That was years ago and I've only gone up to a 4 lol
I did the mistake of skipping the first gauge when I first started 10 years ago. I went straight to a 12 and tore the tissue, still remember that infection.. so yeah, don't skip gauges!
I was able to size up every month without issue. maybe they aren't as beautiful as they could be if i had waited say 2 months, but I've made it from 8g initial piercing to 3/4 inch in 12 months. my lobes are fat and happy!
I've been at a 00 for literal months. Massaging them and changing to heavier ones, taking care of them as I should. At this point my 00 will not stay in, 11mm are too big. What can I do? It's been well over 6 months. Lol, I am dramatically losing hope.
Why when I’m stretching mines…they have flacky skin around my earring hole? Am I not using enough balm or butter or cream what have you And how can I fix this 🙈
Just went from 8 to 6 and it was hardest one yet. I started at 14 probably 5 weeks ago im at 6 now very excited how it's been going. Just using bactine and aquafor for lubrication
I've followed this by. And my ears will be ready but I'm finding my ears gets so dry after a week I clean them twice a day and I put oils on them. Anyone else have the same problem?
Not gonna lie.. I know it’s not the right way of doing it, but I went from piercing my ears to 00 gauges in like 3 weeks when I was younger. Still got em, everything went good except for pain at the time
@urbanbodyjewelry How does a professional piercer no if you're ready to size up? Even if it's the right amount of time they can't really feel the resistance the way the person getting it done can. How will they know for sure as oppose to just say hey it's 6wks so you're ready? My 12g to 10g (only my 2nd stretch) was 6wks before the previous stretch. At the time no more than the initial pinch and tiniest bit of stinging which went away within a couple of hours....that sounds about normal correct? A week later I somehow bumped the right ear with my hand (doing my hair or something) and it hurt!! I cleaned the crap out it and put some vitamin e oil on it. It's still a little tender but not like that first bumping into. Did I or am I experiencing my first blow out at a 10g??? I think the skin was dry and I maybe wasn't putting enough oil on it caused some dryness therefore causing pain when I bumped it. I don't know!!! Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.
So if it slides through with little effort and lube then it’s ok? I just went from a 12 to a 10 after I had the 12 in for 2 weeks, no pain at all, and they don’t feel that tight. I am constantly rubbing ear ointment on them throughout the day everyday as well, also have healthy lobes. I did gauge a few years ago but can’t remember what I had gone to, so maybe that has something to do with it, I usually put the tapers in every now and again covered in ointment and let them sit when they get to a point I feel might sting if I pushed. Idk I just know I’m not in a hurry, just was putting the 10g taper in and it went all the way through. Hoping I’m not messing up, just not experiencing any pain or even the slightest discomfort. I also move them around alot during the day, kinda my fidget spinner so to speak
I have a question for anyone with gauges. I recently went up in size from 14mm to 16mm using the tape method. How long should I wait to wear silicone tunnels? When will I know they’re healed and stretched enough to wear the 16mm silicone tunnels? Thanks for the help
Yeah don’t put a new size into your earlobes when they’re dry as well they need to be moist with something it can be use with what you disinfected with when you start to pull new holes to heal. That help me out with putting on a new size.
@ yea before it was fine putting it in dry like a couple gauges but when I wanted to go bigger size it needs to be moist like a zero gauge when it started
Going based off Matt's advice here, stretching is best done slowly and gently. A year might be good might not be what your lobes want 🫠 the best we can say is to massage the lobes and maybe you can check out tips from this video th-cam.com/video/Kkcyaj_bfwc/w-d-xo.html
"listen to your ears" mindblown
Clarence Laboranti 🤯
Clarence Laboranti 😂
would that mean your ears would listen to themselves?
Just because you stretch quickly and your ears seem fine now, doesn't mean that there isn't going to be built up scar tissue in the long run, or maybe your lobes are really thin. People rush things too much. And if it worked out for you, good! You're lucky! It doesn't mean that it's okay for everyone. People that call them "gauges" will be commenting about how they stretched from an 18g to an inch in a week and I'm just over here like CHILL TF OUT.
~rant over~
God damn. Can you help me i don't even know what I'm doing i want to eventually get to 2 guage but i haven't even got my ear done. What are the steps. Do i just get a regular piercing?
METalGod66 yeah
And lol I went from 14g to 0g in a week
@@webzo4030 i streched before and let them get back to norm i had to take em out due to work but recently started again i found going from 10g to 00 was easier i na week but then one of my ears went to a 12mm in a week after but my other ear is still at 00 and that was i feel resistance so hes right if you feel any resistance dont do it it mean ur current size isnt healed yet or not ready for the next step thats all, one ear will always be a little harder to deal with i call it " the bitch ear" my left one streches easier than my right but as long as you listen to your body then youll be okay dont force it and take your time theirs really no rush especially when it comes to some form of body modification
METalGod66. i guess so. I got a regular piercing and I just started stretching the hole out
There is a very simple rule you should follow
if it hurts, you stop!
Yep.. didn't listen to it
Nate fletcher a forum I read said if you feel like you have to force it, STOP! These are both super good points.
It shouldn't hurt or need a lot of force. It's okay if it feels tight for a couple days but you shouldn't have pain. I don't get why people just keep going.
@@IcebulletZ yeah I rushed my stretch and I regret it so much I'm at a 6g now (my goal is 0g) and it hasn't even been a month since I started stretching 😓
I put in my first 14 gauge taper in today, can I take them out and put 14 gauge plugs in?
Everyone needs to see this, I've seen people go from 18g to 00g in a week...
How is that possible?
+Lytashia Keith idk but it was scary
Caitriona Bobb I didn't get to 00g '(when I was that small then) until almost a full year...... Damn. Lol....... But I am at a current 14mm
(2months now) !!!
+Lytashia Keith in about a year I got to 5/8 (16mm)
Caitriona Bobb yeah . I wait at least three months with all my stretches.... 3-4 months ..... I won't be stretching to 16mm until August 2016!
I always waited three months inbetween. It's good to wait for two reasons, #1 it's good for ur ears, #2 it helps you pick out the size you like the most, and #3 it helps you develop patience and ironically helps you mature a little bit more.
I've had my ears pierced since childhood. Just ordered a steel stretching kit and some jewelry!! Very excited ^_^
how's it lookin?
drink every time he says "okay"
Victor Vixious challenge accepted
Lemon Ade did you die? Lol
Started 6 months ago only just sobered up to type this.
not drunk yet tf :/
in every video he’s ever made
Me: * waits 4 days* yes perfect
Same 🤣🥲
Same as well
Same lol
That was me during the small sizes. I did not like my first blow out lollll
It took me less than a month to go from 14-8 and I never stretched if I felt any pain at all. Now that I'm at an 8 I'm waiting quite a while because 8-6 is a rough stretch and my ears aren't ready. I think it really varies.
I've been waiting AGES for 6g. Definitely feel you, there.
I was stretching everyday from 14-8. Even stretched from 12 to 10 in one day. But when I tried stretching to 6g from to 8g the next day it wasn't happening. So, I waited a month and a half and it was fine. So try that, if not wait longer. That's just my personal experience though.
FurubaFangirl98 I had 8 for bout a month n I just stretched them yesterday to 6g but took a day
I've stretched 12g to 8g from April to June. And just yesterday. I've stretched to 6g it hurts a bit because I purchased a taper I wasn't used to
At at the exact spot your in lol, all in one week I’m at an 8 and it didn’t hurt one bit, now going to a 6 feels impossible lol
I've also noticed that when I genuinely put effort into my ear care (every day using a piercing cleaning solution followed by an oil blend meant for the ears) I can stretch faster without hurting myself. Yesterday I sized up for the first time in my life without so much as a pinch of pain. Felt like nothing. That's how it *should* feel.
Additionally, if you're at those upper gauge levels before it goes by inches, pulls 2, 0, and 00, go by millimeters, not by gauge. I sized up from a 2g to a 7 mm (I think they're called 1g colloquially, but it's halfway between 2 and 0) and after that from a 7 mm to a 0g (8mm). Once I heal completely from 8mm, I'm not jumping to 00, I'm going to 9 mm. Don't be silly. Go up 1 mm at a time if you possibly can. Like he said, slow is better.
Do you have any recommendations on jewelry? I can only do glass as metal irritates me. I’m at a 6 right now.
It's like my ears are virgins, there not ready lmao
definitely would have blown out my ear if I never watched this. thank you so much dude. (:
I’ve let my ears close back up from a 00 and it’s been probably 8-9 yrs. I’ve started stretching them out again and it’s been a quicker process. Started at 12g and progressed to a 2g within probably 1.5 months. But here is where I need to wait and chill cause it’s starting to be more resistant. “Listen to your ears” is solid advice.
I feel like the first few stretches were really easy for me and there was no resistance or pain at all (not even a slight pinch). On the first few stretches from 16g,14g,10g and 8g I only waited 2 weeks in between. But now I'm definitely going to be more cautious with the next ones and give my ears more time to heal
Makes sense. Didn't struggle at all until trying to go up from an 8g just now. Feel better knowing that my ear isn't ready and not that there's anything wrong.
I wish I would have looked this up a month ago...my ears haven't blown out from what I've seen, but everything seemed good after a week...week and a half to two even...I'm at zero now and after seeing this. I'm waiting for a while...Thank-you for this.
oh no! haha well I mean it's never too late for some good info right? glad this video was able to help ya out some! :) Good luck with your healing journey
I’ve had my ears pierced since I was four and am about to start stretching (just waiting on the kit to be delivered).
Same here
What size are you guys at now? 🙂
I'm still at 2g
I stretched my left 15 yrs ago & I'm waiting for my kit to finally finish the job on the other side. Been too long lol
In 3.5 years I got to 2 inches , bit my right ear is thinning out. So it's only a matter of time before it splits in half
This man is very informative, and gives very good clear and easy instructions!
It took me...... No word of lie.... 2 months to go from 00 to an inch... No pain no blow outs cleaned and healed properly.
I am so fully prepared to wait at least 2 months that sounds so much better than ripping my earlobe
I got from a 14g to 7/16" in about 3 months. my last stretch from 00g to 7/16" my left ear had some bleeding. That was the only time I had bleeding but I only had pain from 4g to a 2g. Use glass dead stretching plugs. They have some weight to them that help naturally stretch your ears faster.
Blood and pain means you stretched to fast
When I started I was stretch happy and impatient, I started at 14 and it was like nothing and since my ears didn’t react to it I went to 12 about two days, then a week later I went to 10 and a week later to 8, but then again 14-8 is about half a mm, now going to 6 I am waiting a month to try because they’re a full mm, my ears aren’t sore, or bleeding, they’re healthy and happy so I’m not only lucky for the fact I’m a teen that went stretch happy I’m the beginning 😅
I stretch every 3 days and it goes right in no pain or resistance I had 00g they went to a 6g Right Side 10g now there both 6g and I stretched every 3 days no lube
I put vitamin E oil on my lobes twice a day and i size up every month. I’m at 1/2 inch and i wear heavy plugs instead of using tapers to stretch. NEVER EVER SKIP SIZES EVER and wait for your ears to be ready. Good things always take time and you don’t wanna rip your ear cause that just means scar tissue which equals more time for healing and unwanted scar tissue. ALWAYS KEEP YOUR LOBES HYDRATED AND THEY WILL BE HAPPY. Good luck stretching ☺️
I’m averaging 2-3 weeks. I’m very inpatient it’s bad. Luckily only had to downsize once for a bit.
I started at a 8g in February 2021, bc i used to wear heavy earrings (it slid right in without a taper) and now April 2021 im at a 2g. I listened to my ears and massaged them everyday but when i stretched to 2g i didn’t listen and it hurt but luckily it didn’t get infected. But now i plan on waiting at least two months till i stretch to a 0g because i really don’t wanna damage my ears.
Also I’ve been helping my dad stretch his and he is at a 6g but it was recently stretched, thought it wasn’t ready, and got infected, but we are caring for it now. I didn’t think it would of happed because we did it in a clean space with clean tools but he did yard work the next day, so please be careful and do it safely.
Edit: My dads ears have healed, and he’s at his goal size. Im at a 0g (may 2021) and it didn’t hurt this time. I don’t plan on stretching anytime soon because i got some cool plugs but i still wanna go to 00g
Dude i don’t know about this, went from a 16 to a 12 in a little over a week and felt NOTHING, they all just slipped right in, no stretch feeling no pain, nothing
I had the gaps hes talking about every 2 weeks until I got to a 2g going to 0g I had to wait about a month and I had the gap and my ears are not scared or saggy or anything
Jesus once a month UP TO 6 MONTHS? I went from 14g all the way to 2g in one month. It definitely hurt, but they weren't sore the day after every time. I plan on stopping at 2g so hopefully they heal well if I keep taking good care of them
....I had zero knowledge and just did it because i was impatient and ignorant :/
I’ve just started to stretch my other ear, I stretched my first about 10 years ago and I definitely didn’t do it correctly but I got very lucky, had no blowouts but it was often irritated. I first used a spiral made of plastic and then a taper I made myself out of some hobby clay for kids 😅 I was young, impatient and very stupid. This time I’m doing it the correct way. I’m glad to have youtube now (and more patience lol).
I stretched from a 16g to a 6g in 5 weeks and I felt pain with every single stretch I did. I'm so lucky I didn't get any blowouts but my ears did bleed and leak white and clear liquid the day after I stretched to a 6g. The most frustrating thing about stretching my ears is that after a week or so I can wiggle my plugs twist them pull on them no pain but as soon as I go to stretch they start resisting before I even get half the taper in my ear.
How are they now?
@@phlegm5596 I’m at a 20mm finally at my goal size. My ears look really healthy so now I’m good
I found that the best way to know that your ears are ready is if you can easily, and painlessly pull the flair of the plug/tunnel back and forth through the hole. like the plug/tunnel is a bit too small for the ear to hold it in properly. BUT it should do this naturally, wait until you wake up and find the plug/tunnel is pushed in rather than sitting outside of the ear. it should be easy to push in and out and not hurt at all, then wait another week.
as for the stretching, if it does hurt wait a little bit like 1-2 minutes and then try again but it has to be at least part way onto the new size. when i mean hurt i mean like a little bit of pain that is semi uncomfortable (like your ear is a bit too hot and a sharp pain but not tear worthy) not full blown pain. just wait then try again and if it still hurts then wait another week then try again but this is only if it's been over a month or two. if it always hurts maybe see if you're pulling it straight through rather than at an angle as that sometimes is the reason it hurts as you are dragging it through rather than pulling.
also, it's ok if you have to wait a bit longer than most people. Sometimes i am able to go up a size in under a month and others it took me a couple of months to be able to go up. stretching isn't a race. stretching before you're ready is like taking out a freshly done piercing and expecting it to stay open and being able to put in a new piercing after a couple of days. you're going to end up hurting yourself and only have yourself to blame. it's going to be awhile before you get to the size you want, it's more of a waiting game than anything else. and you're only going to be waiting longer if you break the skin and that is more trouble than it's worth as you will have to throw out anything that is bloody or has touched blood in any way if it is acrylic and buy stainless steel since you will get an infection if you don't.
trust your body not your feelings. one is lying to you and i think you know which one i'm talking about. your body will never lie to you, it wants you to be safe and healthy. and if you have any questions ask a piercer or someone with stretched ears.
When I was in high school I stretched my ears from a normal post all the way to 6 without using lubricant and using those CRESCENT earrings. Luckily I didn’t do damage. I ended up taking them out for no particular reason and I’m stretching again PROPERLY. I’m currently at a 10g
After watchting this video I realize, the sooner you get your ears pirced, the better. O.O
I just started stretching and I've had my 1st lobes for five years now. Really helps with the first few stretches if you've had them in for a long time.
@@littleoak5 same here, i've had my lobes pierced for almost 8 years, makes the process a lot easier
@@littleoak5 agreed. i have had mine for 13 years and I could easily start with 12g tunnels
Dope vid. I’m using the plumbers tape method rn to go from 0g to 00g, currently probably a 1/2 up from 0. it’s been painless and super comfortable. but I’m going to wait a good month before putting in my 00g tunnels.
I only waited a couple weeks between stretches and didn't have any issues at all, I'm currently at 0g. I think I heal really quick tho
Tj W sadly I'm at 0g but I've had them in for a year and half and still can't get 00g tapers in :(((
lilly heatherly you really shouldn't be using tapers at 0g. You should be using the taping method.
sadie2melw yeah that's what I'm currently doing now
@@lillyluv19 even if your using tapers at 0g to 00 then to 12 and higher just use a lot of jojoba oil daily itll toughen the skin and moisturize the lobes and it helps with scarring and such
also be patient
I've gone from a 14G to 8G with less than a month. If not a full month. Now I'm stretching every Thursday-Friday because mine actually heal extremely fast. Not sure why but they do. And haven't had any signs of blowouts. Just keep stretching weekly and so far so good. For me anyways. As for anyone else. Happy stretching!
Im now at a 4G but gonna wait a month and try to go up
I wish I had known this when I was younger and first started stretching, but I was dumb, didn't do my research. Now I try to wait as long as I possibly can for my ears.
My gauges just kept falling out for over 2 weeks didn’t think nothing of it. I got pierced at an 6 waited for almost a year to start and stretch to a 7/16 now I’m at a 0. I found a 1g and stayed there just put in the 0g I was excited because I just said let’s put this in and it went right in. I love their products and they are very helpful
glad to know we could be of service and that you enjoy our products! :) thanks for the loyal support and good luck on your stretching journey! We are updating all of these older videos so we'll have even more info for you sooner than later! :)
Case in point: I sat at 8mm (0g) for a good six months or so before I decided I wanted to go up to 00g (10mm). I went to 9mm first, and the plugs went in effortlessly. Three weeks later I got impatient and tried to go to 10mm, and even though I somehow got the plugs in, my ears were definitely not happy. Thankfully I took heed of the pain after an hour or so and went back down to 9mm, and I'm going to wait another couple of weeks and try 9.5mm first.
Dude this help me a lot as I had a 6g tapers in my ears trying to get them in
When I started stretching, I skipped the first two tapers completely. Not to try and speed it up, but my piercer put the first one in and she said it literally just flew through the hole. So we tried the next one and there was no resistance whatsoever, so it wasn’t going to have any stretch effect. So we went from taking my studs out straight to 2.4mm.
I stretched mine from 14 to 2 in a week went in so easy no pain whatsoever
I haven't seen one video that says when you can stretch after a new piercing.
I usually wait around 4-5 weeks to stretch. When I do stretch, it does kinda sting for a couple hours afterwards, and that is only my left ear, but it has never really been an unbearable pain. It's usually fine the next day. Do you think that's normal? Or should I start waiting a little longer?
KingKhronic I was receiving the same thing with my left ear the most n after a couple of hours to a day it went away n now I can't even feel the tappers in my ears
same for me, except its my right ear
Same left ear
I just stretched from 12 to 10 yesterday and my ears stung and throbbed a little for a couple hours and now they’re fine
How long after initial 8g piercing.
Hello. What size do I start with. No holes yet. Thank you. May whatever Creator you believe in bless you.
I was sitting at a 6g for about 5-6 months. I figured “it’s time to stretch”. Blew out my left ear anyways. I threw out the tapers that day and got single flared glass plugs after that. It’s been smooth sailing ever since.
Had my piercings reopened in late May with 16 gauge tapers at a body piercing place. Have slowly moved up to 10 gauge. I love taking out my tunnels and being able to see light through my ear lobe. Not sure if i will go to 8 gauge but who knows.
I went from a 16-10 guage in like two months. I just listen to my ears and my body. If the pain was anywhere above a 2/10 I stopped immediately. I think everyone's body is different to suggesting a specific time limit is not more effective than teaching when the ears are healed and ready to be stretched again. Personally the most difficult stretch was from 16-14.
This is also my second time stretching my ears
Just went from 16 to 14 gauge, am waiting on my equipment and I'm really looking forward to my ears being ready for a size-up in a few months!
Normally I'd say dont, but 14-12 is less than half a millimeter, it is one of the few stretches you can do in about 2 weeks
howd ur stretching journey go?
Normally when my single flared pieces start slipping out in my sleep from the flared side is when I go up
How long should I wait to stretch my ears after I get my ears pierced?
Ooops. I went from 20g to 00g in 5 weeks. I didn't know I wasn't supposed to, and I guess my ears must be really stretchy because I never had any pain or trouble moving up to the next size.
everyones different
What happens if you oops? Like they popped in fine but somehow ripped at the same time?!?
Im working on my 4th stretch to 0 gauge. It can grow back with surgical intervention. I tried to go to 00 once, but I felt that was too much for me. Zero is my safe place and I can get there in 4/5 days from a completely healed lobe. I'm on 2g right now and went from nothing to 6g overnight, but if I go too fast, my ears will react and get infected.
I went to 4 in 2021 Hope it’ll work. I also got glass between size 3 to help- wear those for a few months before I try the 2. Is this a good idea?
In September of 2015 when stretching my left ear to a 0g I had a blow out, and ever since then I’ve been nervous to stretch my ears anymore. What are easier ways to stretch my ears bigger so it doesn’t happen again? I usually used Vaseline on a taper at first, then I tried the taping method after the blow out to get my left ear to a 0g and that worked pretty good.
How do you know when you lobe is too thin to stretch anymore? I'm at 14mm and one side is looking much thinner than the other. I'm worried to go further although I really want to
Love the way u describe things the way u say OK cracks me up
For sizes 14-8 They absolutely slid in every two weeks, and since all my stretches have taken a month or two, and now 2-0 is taking nearly 3.
My right ear has been 00 for about a year now what is the longest wait time you’ve seen
i moved from 16 to 6 in two days.... i wont say you should but i used the cheapest strechers and i had no complications and not much pain
Is it better to do 1G before going to 0G?
I stretched from 00 to 3\4 within a few months from using taping method every 2 weeks I'd go to the next size wirh tape method the next size would go through extremely easily.
Do any of you have any advice on not being able to size up to 6G? All of my other stretches didn't even pinch and 6G won't even go half way in my lobe without resistance. Is anyone else having issues with 6G? I've tried twice.
I got pierced at an 18g and wore heavy earrings after it healed. I inadvertently sized up to a 12g without even realizing it so when I started stretching, the 12 g fit with little resistance so I'm just waiting for my ears to heal to move on up.
the piercing shop i went to stretched me from start to 8. they recommend stretching up a size every 2 weeks
I used to stretch my ear every week from 0 - 2g no looking to 0g so i stretxh over a month its amazing
How come it is so hard to find 15mm plugs?? Yours is the only place I’ve found them…. And only in single flare.
Just did my first stretch to a 14g. Dont know what size my ears were at bc I got them pierced when I was 8 and havent worn jewelry since like 2015. Planning to wait a month and then see if I could stretch up.
my right ear lobe can stretch every month but my left lobe needs 2-3 months, why’s that??
I stretched up to 0 in 3 weeks should I remove them
So did I fuck up by starting at 8g ? I literally just put them in like 1hr ago
kushclouds21 yes
kushclouds21 omg HOW?? I started in July of 2017 and I just put my 8g in my left today!! (Yesterday in my right, which experienced a blowout at 10g). I kinda forced it in whoops I'm impatient. You're "supposed" to start at 16g or so, because 20g is a standard piercing, but everyone's different I guess. I'm amazed you got it in though lmao
Nah ur good. A pro piercer started me at 6g from regular piercings. He told me to wait several months before going up tho. That was years ago and I've only gone up to a 4 lol
My ears are fine after 3-4 days.
I like your videos there very helpful I'm new at stretching and I'm getting all info I can get 😊
I did the mistake of skipping the first gauge when I first started 10 years ago. I went straight to a 12 and tore the tissue, still remember that infection.. so yeah, don't skip gauges!
I was able to size up every month without issue. maybe they aren't as beautiful as they could be if i had waited say 2 months, but I've made it from 8g initial piercing to 3/4 inch in 12 months. my lobes are fat and happy!
I've been at a 00 for literal months. Massaging them and changing to heavier ones, taking care of them as I should. At this point my 00 will not stay in, 11mm are too big. What can I do? It's been well over 6 months. Lol, I am dramatically losing hope.
Why when I’m stretching mines…they have flacky skin around my earring hole?
Am I not using enough balm or butter or cream what have you
And how can I fix this 🙈
Just went from 8 to 6 and it was hardest one yet. I started at 14 probably 5 weeks ago im at 6 now very excited how it's been going. Just using bactine and aquafor for lubrication
saline solution is about the same price and is much better for your healing with this, but we wish you the best on your stretching journey! :)
Solid advice, thanks
I've been stuck at an 8g for 3 months because going to a 6g hurts and I'm a sensible human so I'm going to wait longer.
Odd Berry Good call. That one hurts.
I don’t got plugs yet I got tunnels how do I know
I had 16g rings in my ears and the first stretch i did was a 12g and they went in perfect with no lubrication
I've followed this by. And my ears will be ready but I'm finding my ears gets so dry after a week I clean them twice a day and I put oils on them. Anyone else have the same problem?
I got from the regular ear peirceing size to size 6 in about 8 days and it's about 2 days later and my ears are still inflamed and super sore
Not gonna lie.. I know it’s not the right way of doing it, but I went from piercing my ears to 00 gauges in like 3 weeks when I was younger. Still got em, everything went good except for pain at the time
@urbanbodyjewelry How does a professional piercer no if you're ready to size up? Even if it's the right amount of time they can't really feel the resistance the way the person getting it done can. How will they know for sure as oppose to just say hey it's 6wks so you're ready? My 12g to 10g (only my 2nd stretch) was 6wks before the previous stretch. At the time no more than the initial pinch and tiniest bit of stinging which went away within a couple of hours....that sounds about normal correct? A week later I somehow bumped the right ear with my hand (doing my hair or something) and it hurt!! I cleaned the crap out it and put some vitamin e oil on it. It's still a little tender but not like that first bumping into. Did I or am I experiencing my first blow out at a 10g??? I think the skin was dry and I maybe wasn't putting enough oil on it caused some dryness therefore causing pain when I bumped it. I don't know!!! Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.
I've had 4g in for nearly a year and still can't go up to 2! I can usually get the taper in fine but the tunnels just refuse to go.
So if it slides through with little effort and lube then it’s ok? I just went from a 12 to a 10 after I had the 12 in for 2 weeks, no pain at all, and they don’t feel that tight. I am constantly rubbing ear ointment on them throughout the day everyday as well, also have healthy lobes. I did gauge a few years ago but can’t remember what I had gone to, so maybe that has something to do with it, I usually put the tapers in every now and again covered in ointment and let them sit when they get to a point I feel might sting if I pushed. Idk I just know I’m not in a hurry, just was putting the 10g taper in and it went all the way through. Hoping I’m not messing up, just not experiencing any pain or even the slightest discomfort. I also move them around alot during the day, kinda my fidget spinner so to speak
I was wondering how can I get rid of a bump I have in front of my ear I rub them not to much I try to do it when I get the chance too
jacob carroll tea tree oil
is that weights in his ears ?
I had to go from 12g to 8g cause the set I bought didn't have 10g. Is that ok? It didn't hurt like alot when I did it.
Would you say this goes for septum stretching as well??
I have a question for anyone with gauges. I recently went up in size from 14mm to 16mm using the tape method. How long should I wait to wear silicone tunnels? When will I know they’re healed and stretched enough to wear the 16mm silicone tunnels?
Thanks for the help
I stretch at least 3-4 times a month so far. I'm already at a four and started late last month.
Yeah don’t put a new size into your earlobes when they’re dry as well they need to be moist with something it can be use with what you disinfected with when you start to pull new holes to heal. That help me out with putting on a new size.
ouch ! yes never go in dry...anywhere
@ yea before it was fine putting it in dry like a couple gauges but when I wanted to go bigger size it needs to be moist like a zero gauge when it started
@@gonzabesade4717 it's always nice to have a little help so holy butter or jojoba oil can be used! :)
Hmm I went from 14g to 0g in about 2 months and I don’t feel any pain or discomfort and they’re healing nicely
I've literally been waiting for a full year to go up from my 6 to 4 oil every day. Any advice?
Going based off Matt's advice here, stretching is best done slowly and gently. A year might be good might not be what your lobes want 🫠 the best we can say is to massage the lobes and maybe you can check out tips from this video th-cam.com/video/Kkcyaj_bfwc/w-d-xo.html