+boogie2988 For the Horde, Death to the alliance! Especially now that Sylvanas is in charge ;D Edit: I wanted to add, we also have green jesus on our side!
There is a boogie under that Francis that feels exactly the same. I remember years ago he said it one of his rambling vids how even though Francis is a made up character, he uses him to express his real emotions from time to time. This is definitely one of those times.
lol, if you seriously think the cash shop is a negative, then you obviously have played very little of this game. Sure, you can get a couple of pets and mounts on the cash shop, but why do that when you can get them in game for free? The mounts you get on the cash shop offer no bonus to your play whatsoever. You can only buy pets and mounts on the cash shop, and NOTHING else. Secondly, Blizzard really overhauled the animations for Legion, and I have to say I would have agreed with you before, but now the animations are actually pretty damn good. The in game models are being updated, and WoW is meant to have that timeless cartoony graphics style instead of a realistic palette. Blizzard isn't going to give WoW a new combat system and engine, because why fix something that isn't broken in the first place? WoW has the best raiding scene of any MMO, the best questing by far, best endgame content other than raiding, and also has a pretty damn good combat system already. You have to learn combat rotations for each class you play, and it is fun to get into the habit of maximizing your dps output. It's completely fine the way it is, and a lot of other mmo's use the same combat system as WoW. I don't see why anybody wouldn't play WoW other than the subscription fee. Which, I don't really like either.
+TheBlinky81 are you fucking kidding me you can literally pay to get to level 100 and get mounts in shop with you cant get in game btw ( I will link my sources if you ask) the game is rubbish, but addictive, decent everything else, I can compare it to "clash of clans".
+TheBlinky81 are you fucking kidding me you can literally pay to get to level 100 and get mounts in shop with you cant get in game btw ( I will link my sources if you ask) the game is rubbish, but addictive, decent everything else, I can compare it to "clash of clans".
Blizz tells me you don't want Warcraft 4, you also do not want legacy servers and player housing either, oh and that you are quite happy to share a face with thousands of others when most mmo's have sliders and other things to let you create a unique character :)
Blizz died when it was bought by Activation, it's now Zombie blizz and half as good (Overwatch is only good because they took an entire failed mmo and condensed it into something good, all the rest they have to patch and addon it to death, Diablo 3 was a disaster for a long time and you had to pay more money before it's became OK, you have to pay more for less after activation took over.)
Its so bad right now... its only the biggest mmo and one of the most popular games in the world... Blizzard is crying in the corner right now for sure :(
It doesn't matter if its the best or not is the huge amount of subscribers they've lost and the other growing MMO's that will kill them in the long run
People have been talking about WoW's demise for going on thirteen years now. Keep it up, because the law of averages shows that you are bound to be right one of these days! And for the record, many people are coming back with Legion. It is by far the best new content they have released in many many years. No, they won't have numbers from a decade ago, but WoW is far from dead. It's funny. The longer WoW continues to be a success, the more and more frustrated the "WoW is Dead" haters get. Even if everyone who played thought the new content was great, these people have to stick to their BS or risk admitting they're wrong. You go right ahead and keep fighting the good fight, though! It's hilarious to see people wasting so much time and energy talking about how insignificant WoW is. If it were truly insignificant, you would not be talking about it right now. Please, insert your "WoW sucks!" "OMG Blizzard blows!" "Blizzard is getting bankrupted by WoW!" "WoW is dead, brah" comments below. Show us how much you don't care about WoW anymore by caring so much to respond all the time.
Bookem311 Great comment man. People will always hate those on top, and WoW made history(and is still making, its biggest success and phenomenon in gaming history). Ofc they made a tons of mistake on the way, WoD was pretty awful for casual player because the only amazing content was leveling and mythic raids.... they are going balls deep with Legion, even tho they will loose subs for sure it can still be remembered as the best expansion.
I level now in LFG when I hit 90 skip that garrison mission I hate them so much not worth the gold they gave. The sad truth is they are back in class hall you wait it will be another gate for us to pass..
I agree with stan, pretty much blizz won't release subscriber numbers anymore because they fell below 3 mil.... A lot of people have their hopes up for legion, and if legion does not meet their needs, then those players (myself included) will eventually quit playing wow. I hope the expansion does well, but I don't have my hopes up seeing it's blizzard, and look at the previous expansion, World of GarrisonCraft.... so yeah for blizzards sake they either got it right or watch world of warcraft crumble after 12+ years....
Cata was alright, most people are just mad because of the old zones and the dragon soul raid. MoP had an excellent patch cycle and great content, but some people were not on board with the theme. Warlords had so much potential but they decided to scrap it all in favour of a yearly expansion which tuned out awful because it took 2 years anyway. Legion looks like it is going to be like MoP with a more edgy theme, which puts it in a very good position. Wrath was where It began to modernize and fix the things that made it outdated. This is what should've come out after wrath, this is how cata should've been.
Because the old world used to be quite extensive and challenging and now it's not. Raiding used to be more extensive and challenging, and now it's not. In fact, the entire game just used to be bigger, but the more they've expanded it the more they've managed to shrink the game---it's like a magic trick.
Emidretrauqe the raids are still challenging ..... The reason why it was hard because you need gear score back then not its easy to get that with just one piece of gear instead full set to do the raid's. Plus its even hard since anyone could get the itemlvl with ease and jump in a raid when they clearly don't know it yet screws the raid over.
DrunkCrazyMonkey That's an explanation, not an excuse. Besides, the difficulty of raids isn't even a big deal to me, I'm more of a casual player myself, but the fact that the entire system of raiding has been streamlined down to Raids A, B, and C is just offensive in a game that's supposed to be immersive. It's just endlessly making itself smaller and easier, it's a shell of itself and it's just sad.
I know this is a francis video but hes right... ive been playing this game for half of my life and after WotLK it hasnt been the same or at least to me it hasnt been fun... please blizzard take me back to those good old days. Bring back memories. Please dont fuck this up.
I thought the exact same thing when watching. I just sat there like "Damn.....I know this is a Francis video and he is acting and all, but he sure is just driving it home right now. So true..."
I'm not coming back, you're right after wrath it's steadily gotten worse. Some quality of life and gameplay elements have been improved but overall it's a mess. It's not worth a monthly sub. Buying a $50 expansion and a free yearly sub would make it more appealing.
francis is a character but hes sublty dropping truth on people when he brings out the character. and he is definitely right here. i stopped playing after wotlk (mainly cause i left for my freshman year of college) but i tried coming back many times and it just hasn't felt the same
Wow is one of those games you hate and quit but u cant help coming back to every god damn expansion. To be honest, im probably one of the few that actually liked MOP, i thought it was a good expansion, still had lots of fun in it and all but the game really died for me in Warlords. My friends all quit, my guild died, heck, my entire realm (dreadmaul/thaurissan) died. Really wished legion did it right and it kinda feels like it did...atleast alot better than wod but it still couldnt bring my friends, guild or realm back :'(
Aznromeo i liked mop... i came back every expansion except wod and now im back again. i left in mid wotlk and i miss bc so much... everything is so easy now its boring, all classes basically have a three or four button rotation, theres a bunch of lottle kids who never had to work for anything, even in a video game, so they expect everything. they dont want to practice until they are truly skilled. our generation, the generation who grew up playing wow after school and everyday in the summer, we truly know what it takes and how rewarding of an experience wow used to be. i hate these fucking pc kids nowadays... if you go on trade chate its fuck god this, trump that, such bullshit
dude wtf don't you know his channel man he is acting as a fictional person called "Francis" that is always angry and over reacts all the time so calm down man ;)
the ironic thing is with my friends I sometimes do characters on rare occasion lol. Whenever I play Warwick on League of Legends, I turn into "Derpwik"
I hope both you and Boogie are enjoying the expansion so far :) I'm glad they are no longer so scared of things being a grind. If you want to fill up your artifact weapon, well you better work for it. If you want to level your profession you better work for it. Hell, even cooking takes effort to level. The big difference for me about this expansion's grind appart from the facebook clicking and standing around in your garrison is that i'm actually enjoying it! The first thing i did in WoD when i hit lvl 100 was go do pvp because i already felt tired of the stuff the game felt like sharing with me. Now, while i was leveling i felt i had a thousond things to do, once i hit 110 i had a thousond things to do, i'm loving it!
Anyone that thinks Legion is going to recapture the glory days of WoW prior to Cataclysm is sorely mistaken. World PvP is dead, Barrens chat is dead. Crafting is dead. World bosses are either gone or trivial at best. Raids are merely a gauntlet of back to back bosses. Reminds me of that Ultracynic track, Nothing is forever.
Lol the new legion is already topping mojo rite of every game out there world wide just on preorders alone and it hasn't been live for more than a week lol your already an idiot for testing it!!!!
Move on mate, cata came out 5 or 6 years ago now. People love nostalgia but I honestly feel if blizz did restore a bunch of old content people would find a way to complain about it, IE: BLIZZ ARE JUST REUSING CONTENT. I start to feel nothing blizz does is going to please people
With that attitude you will never rekindle that old flame. I have played every expansion since WOTLK and each has gotten progressively worse. I buy each expac and resub just to down the last raid. Have downed every major boss in game since LK. I have not been this hyped to kill one more than I have Gul'dan. Join the fight. He needs to die. He is just running around killing off major characters. Resubbed a month ago. Calling all WOW vets. come back bc the Demon Hunter alone is worth a try. come to Hyjal. Anyone looking for a fresh start and need a guild of cool mature players that get shit done. hit me up.
So far Legion has been my favorite expansion of all time (I started playing in late 2010) and it looks like patch 7.3 is going to be what we've all been waiting for.
I know this was a parody but thank you. My boyfriend struggles with this irl. He wants to think wow doesn't mean anything to him, but it really does. Hearing him laugh watching this made me happy. He tries to compress his nerdy side and the truth his I love him for all his traits. Long story short, thank you. ❤️
Last time I really loved the game of World of Warcraft was during the Wrath of the Lich King era. Cataclysm fucked the whole game up and I ended up quitting and didn't return until Warlords came out, level capped my Druid, then quit again. I've only recently come back yet again maybe about a month ago to prepare for Legion. Which so far by the pre-expansion content like the Invasions are pretty badass.
I loved WoW, but they dropped the ball on it a long time a go. I blame the ego of Metzen, he should have given up the writing years ago, he's terrible. I also believe that the subscription just isn't worth it anymore, the value for money that WoW used to give has been severely degraded over the years. I'd be happier just paying for the expansion each year for $50 and play the game for 3 months until I got bored. But I can't justify a monthly charge on top on the expansion price, the content just isn't there.
When Activision aquired Blizzard it all started to go wrong, interesting that.. all the creative minds left one by one and where replaced by coders who make a game to make the most money and that's it.
Making money in WoW used to be allot of fun before Cata, since then it's a chore, not going to do a chore to play a 3 months and your bored mmo expansion.
+G1 Soundwave the real degenerates are those bunker-dwelling tech-stealing Brotherhood of Steel, just taking what everybody else has... Oh wait, isn't that what both of you are about too?
Don't give Blizz another chance. Stop going back over and over like an abused spouse, it's disgusting and one of the biggest problems in the industry. Make Nostalrius Great Again!
Every single class and spec has been utterly gutted. You're lucky to have 3 buttons and an ulti to press. Yes, you're lucky if your class is as complex as a MOBA character.
i feel your heartfelt pain Francis. I left wow in Cataclysm, tried pandas and didn't like it, warlords was ok but garrisons are hell. my friend got me to come back for legion and i hope its not another waste of time.
World of warcraft died with the LK... Now its too casual.. I basically leveled a character from 1-100 in 1 day by afk in inn and doing stage 1-3 and relog in legion invasion. LFR is a joke too and so are 100 other casual-friendly features
I have a strong feeling that legion will be a good expansion idky. It has lore, shit tone of lore. It has quests, like holy fuck. It has new mounts, about 50. Raids, i mean nythendra seems fun to play, same as xavius, and i'm excited already. They have demon hunters, i couldn't find a spot in my guild with dh tho but is there. They have fckin khadgar who is a wannabe-a-guardian-but-is-such-a-pussy-to-accept-his-destiny. They have the garrison 2.0, i mean, thats boring but is there. There is also an old god, who is gonna be the last boss (i believe, if not then fck). But after all that, deep in my heart, i know legion will be an awesome expantion for the first three months or so. The same how WoD did at the beginning. Anyway, i'v already paid for the fckin expansion and cant wait to do the world quests thingy and get my fckin VULPIX DUDE.
N'zoth isn't going to be the final boss it's going to be Kil'jaeden. There's no question about it. Archimonde sent Gul'dan to Azeroth through the portal to contact Kil'jaeden and let him know that he failed. "KJ" was the one that told him to go to the Tomb. You also see KJ pop up a few times iirc while questing in Broken Isles. I know if you're a DH he's mentioned once during the artifact quest line for Havoc and you actually see him like physically later on in your class hall campaign or whatever. It's even mentioned that before fighting Sargeras we have to kill Tichondrius, Gul'dan and KJ. He's definitely going to be the final boss of Legion no doubt about it. Or if they do a middle patch he'll be the final boss there while having the Avatar of Sargeras be the final boss of Legion since I mean that's what actually is inside of the Tomb. There isn't any Old God influence at all in Legion it's literally all the Burning Legion. Even Xavius corrupting the Dream he's alive because Sargeras brought him back, not the Old Gods. We see Azshara a few times but then we don't really hear from her again after the Wrath of Azshara dungeon. Leads me to believe that we'll get a south seas expansion with N'zoth involved later on and that's where you'll get the old gods. I'm 100% sure that the last boss of Legion is either KJ or the Avatar though
Andrew Rose Kill or defeat?, because when was the last time we actually kill something lol. Everything keeps coming back, such Tichondrius. Fckin demons never die dude, and those man'ari are on the same boat. Hopefully next expansion we won't see another demon that weve already killed. Either way, we have to see what will happen with Illidan first, I'm also interested on that demon too. These days feel like an eternity snlkansdk
all this guy want is to get that feeling he once had. not only him but many of us... we literally commited our lives to this game when we started... and just thinking how it changed and that it might never be the same, and that we might never experience that same feeling which actually blizzard own us is fucking scary
It's going to end up the same way every expansion has been so far. Everyone likes it when it starts, then it spikes super hard because people do a majority of the content the first week it's out. After the first couple of weeks people look for the things to bitch about and quit for a year come back for the last raid tier and then leave after a month.
Most colleges (for most people) today are a waste of time, and money... sadly. And they are only getting worse. Get some WoW in while dodging the indoctrination factory's less-than-subtle attempts to fill your mind with the insidious insights of a miscreated version of reality, and the perpetual proselytizing of the ever-present PC-police, ready at a moments notice to decry any and all dissenting opinions. Because, in the end, "all work and no play, makes for psychopaths and zombies..." ~Also, play Miscreated! Such a fun game.
That only really applies to Humanities & Liberal Arts. He could be in hard science/engineering. But yes, if you aren't pursuing science or engineering, and you're not doing college wrong, you ought to have ample to time to play WoW.
This is GOLD and you're right, I've played for 12 years left and come many times but this is it.. Last chance Blizzard. The Garrison, Apex Crystals Taanan this list is long and all a fail.. Glad I somehow got brought to your channel..
my heart sank when you said "free food". Man you are worth more than that, you are a great guy. now part of me is wondering if you put this on. oh well thumbs up for you my man.
While they were developing Legion and all the additions it has, they were churning out other expansions just so we wouldn't have to wait lmao j/k I fucking love you Blizzard! "No king lives forever my son", which is true about your reputation. You can't always be on top, but goddammit if anyone is gonna even get close to gaming perfection in all accounts, it's fucking BLIZZARD. So get a coat because it's gonna get fucking cooooold.
I don't see the reference point as to why I'm a muppet, but uh...thanks for the interesting insult lmao Are you saying some dude has his hand up my ass? :(
remember when they started making the classes more and more alike with every damn expansion. remember back in vanilla or bc or even wotlk when your class had something that was totally unique to it. remember back in the day when it actually ment something if you killed a boss. remember when people were fighting over loot and legendary ment so much some of the best guilds broke apart because of them. good times... long gone
I'm wondering if it met his exceptions, I quit after Legion dropped wanting to go back once i get the time but don't wanna waste my time and money if it sucks..
Sooo... been following this channel for a year now, but I never did get it. Francis is the slightly cartman and, sometimes sad before bursting with rage, side of this guy and boogie is the more calm and reasonable persona?
Well done that was a great one to watch! I'd love to see more of Francis' trek through the expansion as he sees if Blizzard has made it feel like home or if it's just another free food call! haha
Nelf Feral Druid for life bro :D
Isn't it about banding together to defeat the legion? O_o
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO @@ I thought you were a true Hordian
+boogie2988 For the Horde, Death to the alliance! Especially now that Sylvanas is in charge ;D
Edit: I wanted to add, we also have green jesus on our side!
There is a boogie under that Francis that feels exactly the same. I remember years ago he said it one of his rambling vids how even though Francis is a made up character, he uses him to express his real emotions from time to time. This is definitely one of those times.
WoD was bad. But WoW is still the best MMO out there. And I happily pay every single cent to play it.
really? Plz list them for me cuz i still havnt found an MMO as good as WoW.
lol, if you seriously think the cash shop is a negative, then you obviously have played very little of this game. Sure, you can get a couple of pets and mounts on the cash shop, but why do that when you can get them in game for free? The mounts you get on the cash shop offer no bonus to your play whatsoever. You can only buy pets and mounts on the cash shop, and NOTHING else.
Secondly, Blizzard really overhauled the animations for Legion, and I have to say I would have agreed with you before, but now the animations are actually pretty damn good.
The in game models are being updated, and WoW is meant to have that timeless cartoony graphics style instead of a realistic palette.
Blizzard isn't going to give WoW a new combat system and engine, because why fix something that isn't broken in the first place? WoW has the best raiding scene of any MMO, the best questing by far, best endgame content other than raiding, and also has a pretty damn good combat system already. You have to learn combat rotations for each class you play, and it is fun to get into the habit of maximizing your dps output. It's completely fine the way it is, and a lot of other mmo's use the same combat system as WoW. I don't see why anybody wouldn't play WoW other than the subscription fee. Which, I don't really like either.
We got Diablo 2, still one of the best rpgs.
+TheBlinky81 are you fucking kidding me you can literally pay to get to level 100 and get mounts in shop with you cant get in game btw ( I will link my sources if you ask) the game is rubbish, but addictive, decent everything else, I can compare it to "clash of clans".
+TheBlinky81 are you fucking kidding me you can literally pay to get to level 100 and get mounts in shop with you cant get in game btw ( I will link my sources if you ask) the game is rubbish, but addictive, decent everything else, I can compare it to "clash of clans".
I'm just wondering where the hell Warcraft 4 is
In the dreams of the fallen.
over there!
"Right next to Half-Life 3 and Kingdom Hearts 3"
and the sequel to diablo 2 LOD
Blizz tells me you don't want Warcraft 4, you also do not want legacy servers and player housing either, oh and that you are quite happy to share a face with thousands of others when most mmo's have sliders and other things to let you create a unique character :)
Blizz died when it was bought by Activation, it's now Zombie blizz and half as good (Overwatch is only good because they took an entire failed mmo and condensed it into something good, all the rest they have to patch and addon it to death, Diablo 3 was a disaster for a long time and you had to pay more money before it's became OK, you have to pay more for less after activation took over.)
This guy is speaking for many people here. I know its a joke but there is real truth here lol
Its so bad right now... its only the biggest mmo and one of the most popular games in the world... Blizzard is crying in the corner right now for sure :(
It doesn't matter if its the best or not is the huge amount of subscribers they've lost and the other growing MMO's that will kill them in the long run
Pls staph....
People have been talking about WoW's demise for going on thirteen years now. Keep it up, because the law of averages shows that you are bound to be right one of these days! And for the record, many people are coming back with Legion. It is by far the best new content they have released in many many years. No, they won't have numbers from a decade ago, but WoW is far from dead.
It's funny. The longer WoW continues to be a success, the more and more frustrated the "WoW is Dead" haters get. Even if everyone who played thought the new content was great, these people have to stick to their BS or risk admitting they're wrong.
You go right ahead and keep fighting the good fight, though! It's hilarious to see people wasting so much time and energy talking about how insignificant WoW is. If it were truly insignificant, you would not be talking about it right now. Please, insert your "WoW sucks!" "OMG Blizzard blows!" "Blizzard is getting bankrupted by WoW!" "WoW is dead, brah" comments below. Show us how much you don't care about WoW anymore by caring so much to respond all the time.
Bookem311 Great comment man. People will always hate those on top, and WoW made history(and is still making, its biggest success and phenomenon in gaming history). Ofc they made a tons of mistake on the way, WoD was pretty awful for casual player because the only amazing content was leveling and mythic raids.... they are going balls deep with Legion, even tho they will loose subs for sure it can still be remembered as the best expansion.
"I'm giving you another chance blizzard!....but you better put out this time!" ~ Free Food
I agree with francis here, WOW has defintly gotten...weird, that whole garrison thing is weird in my book.
at least it was easy gold. probably would've been better as a guild thing.
I level now in LFG when I hit 90 skip that garrison mission I hate them so much not worth the gold they gave. The sad truth is they are back in class hall you wait it will be another gate for us to pass..
If it's easy gold then the gold you get is worth nothing.
+Hahahahaaahaahaa other than buying new items, mounts, equipment, of course.
NEG SAPCEMAN so a tiny bit of work wasn't worth paying for subs for 6 months with another 700k on top of that? ok.
poor francis, this made me kind of sad. wow means so much to him and I hope legion meets his expectations
If this new expansion fails, then it's the end of WoW
Don't think so, pretty sure there are a lot of people who would keep playing all the expansions, since they are really fun to do for at least 1 month.
+stan “gAme0nn3wb” man wow haven't heard that one before.
+jelmer van der meulen people have been saying wow will die for 12 years now.
I agree with stan, pretty much blizz won't release subscriber numbers anymore because they fell below 3 mil.... A lot of people have their hopes up for legion, and if legion does not meet their needs, then those players (myself included) will eventually quit playing wow. I hope the expansion does well, but I don't have my hopes up seeing it's blizzard, and look at the previous expansion, World of GarrisonCraft.... so yeah for blizzards sake they either got it right or watch world of warcraft crumble after 12+ years....
So far legion is pretty dope.
its been out for 3 days
ez ma Hence, "so far".
wod was fun for the first 3 days as well :)
ez ma
wod was fun for longer than 3 days. It's just that the garrison was pointless.
No, 3 days was about right
Someday I honestly hope Francis gets to be as happy as Boogie. Like when or if he retires the character, he makes him happy.
He would no longer be Francis.
+Julie Ann Francis and Boogie merge into one. :0
If Boogie's happy I'm happy.
Mr Gaudy Never.
Francis is happiest when he's got something to be upset about.
if he replies I will make a vid of me screaming out my window saying boogie2988
+boogie2988 ok I will do it tomorrow
+boogie2988 and hey I like the TH-camr s that actually reply just like you your to cool man
lol =P
Cata was alright, most people are just mad because of the old zones and the dragon soul raid. MoP had an excellent patch cycle and great content, but some people were not on board with the theme. Warlords had so much potential but they decided to scrap it all in favour of a yearly expansion which tuned out awful because it took 2 years anyway. Legion looks like it is going to be like MoP with a more edgy theme, which puts it in a very good position. Wrath was where It began to modernize and fix the things that made it outdated. This is what should've come out after wrath, this is how cata should've been.
>Excellent patch cycle
>13 month content drought
Wasn't that like... at the end of the patch cycle though? Before it moved into the next xpacs patch cycle?
InTact01 Name one expansion without a content drought. FoS = 8 months, ICC = 12 months, HoT = 12 months, SoO = 14 months.
Peopre hate the Chinese apparentry
Cata killed world PvP, the only good thing WoW had going for it.
1:25 You killed me xD thank you for making my day Boogie ^^
same :')
+Ella Havia iiiiiiiiiiiiii
I try my best, thank you
*Francis ;-)
Damn man I know this is a satire charecter, but I honestly feel bad for this guy. I know that feel, Metroid man, been waiting 10 years now.
Didn't prime 3 come out in 09 or something? I feel like I'm mistaken .
+OstrichesAndGin hes probably talkin bout a 2d game
OstrichesAndGin Prime 3 came out around 2006 2007 with the release of the Wii
+ProtoMario Hey proto
+Kevin The Skeleton He's just relating himself to the Francis character chill
I'd be upset too if I went back to WOWI think we all love WOW because of all the memories, and OLD RAIDING and the fun times. But now it's a joke.
how is it a joke?
Its not....
Because the old world used to be quite extensive and challenging and now it's not. Raiding used to be more extensive and challenging, and now it's not. In fact, the entire game just used to be bigger, but the more they've expanded it the more they've managed to shrink the game---it's like a magic trick.
Emidretrauqe the raids are still challenging ..... The reason why it was hard because you need gear score back then not its easy to get that with just one piece of gear instead full set to do the raid's. Plus its even hard since anyone could get the itemlvl with ease and jump in a raid when they clearly don't know it yet screws the raid over.
That's an explanation, not an excuse. Besides, the difficulty of raids isn't even a big deal to me, I'm more of a casual player myself, but the fact that the entire system of raiding has been streamlined down to Raids A, B, and C is just offensive in a game that's supposed to be immersive. It's just endlessly making itself smaller and easier, it's a shell of itself and it's just sad.
I know this is a francis video but hes right... ive been playing this game for half of my life and after WotLK it hasnt been the same or at least to me it hasnt been fun... please blizzard take me back to those good old days. Bring back memories. Please dont fuck this up.
I thought the exact same thing when watching. I just sat there like "Damn.....I know this is a Francis video and he is acting and all, but he sure is just driving it home right now. So true..."
I'm not coming back, you're right after wrath it's steadily gotten worse. Some quality of life and gameplay elements have been improved but overall it's a mess. It's not worth a monthly sub. Buying a $50 expansion and a free yearly sub would make it more appealing.
francis is a character but hes sublty dropping truth on people when he brings out the character. and he is definitely right here. i stopped playing after wotlk (mainly cause i left for my freshman year of college) but i tried coming back many times and it just hasn't felt the same
Sad, sad truth. I've given up on hoping it will ever be what it was when I enjoyed it ...
god my phone has lagged 3 times in one minute
This should be top comment
my phone did the same thing
3 times?
Half-Life 3 Confirmed.
mine did the same thing on this video
+The awesome guy a Bad ass you made me wipe my screen lol
Wow is one of those games you hate and quit but u cant help coming back to every god damn expansion.
To be honest, im probably one of the few that actually liked MOP, i thought it was a good expansion, still had lots of fun in it and all but the game really died for me in Warlords. My friends all quit, my guild died, heck, my entire realm (dreadmaul/thaurissan) died.
Really wished legion did it right and it kinda feels like it did...atleast alot better than wod but it still couldnt bring my friends, guild or realm back :'(
Aznromeo i liked mop... i came back every expansion except wod and now im back again. i left in mid wotlk and i miss bc so much... everything is so easy now its boring, all classes basically have a three or four button rotation, theres a bunch of lottle kids who never had to work for anything, even in a video game, so they expect everything. they dont want to practice until they are truly skilled. our generation, the generation who grew up playing wow after school and everyday in the summer, we truly know what it takes and how rewarding of an experience wow used to be. i hate these fucking pc kids nowadays... if you go on trade chate its fuck god this, trump that, such bullshit
Francis had a girlfriend at one point?! What is this madness?!
so unrealistic
+Bear ikr
And he also said fancy word renaissance. So unrealistic!
His hand
Her name was Sharlene
Hi *money* it's nice to see you *money*. Did you have a *money* nice sleep. Are you going to *money* take me out *money*. Shopping baby shopping.
dude your like the beaten wife, you say he'll change, so you stay, but the truth is he'll never change.......
+Royston Joseph how are you speaking!?
Couldn't agree more, all the good creative people are gone, all that is left is gimmicks and skinner boxes.
lol that's the best description for people like me who check wow every 2 year :'(
dude wtf
don't you know his channel man
he is acting as a fictional person called "Francis" that is always angry and over reacts all the time
so calm down man ;)
bro Legion is fucking Awesome i play beta and this is the best addon ever!
Clearly best addon.
addon lol
You're 12 , a troll, or pure moron.
So I'm not really a fan of character skits on youtube, but dammit boogie, do you hit the fucking nail on the head with this video. 10/10
the ironic thing is with my friends I sometimes do characters on rare occasion lol. Whenever I play Warwick on League of Legends, I turn into "Derpwik"
Well you're such a great role model I might just go back to smoking crack, thanks Boogie! :D
dude what
+Frost Angel it's an inside joke from his streams
+dYrOiUs aha. thanks
darn I always miss his streams .,OoO,.
do it! one less troll around ;)
I hope both you and Boogie are enjoying the expansion so far :)
I'm glad they are no longer so scared of things being a grind. If you want to fill up your artifact weapon, well you better work for it. If you want to level your profession you better work for it. Hell, even cooking takes effort to level. The big difference for me about this expansion's grind appart from the facebook clicking and standing around in your garrison is that i'm actually enjoying it!
The first thing i did in WoD when i hit lvl 100 was go do pvp because i already felt tired of the stuff the game felt like sharing with me. Now, while i was leveling i felt i had a thousond things to do, once i hit 110 i had a thousond things to do, i'm loving it!
Anyone that thinks Legion is going to recapture the glory days of WoW prior to Cataclysm is sorely mistaken. World PvP is dead, Barrens chat is dead. Crafting is dead. World bosses are either gone or trivial at best. Raids are merely a gauntlet of back to back bosses. Reminds me of that Ultracynic track, Nothing is forever.
Cry more bitch baby.
fuck off troll
Lol the new legion is already topping mojo rite of every game out there world wide just on preorders alone and it hasn't been live for more than a week lol your already an idiot for testing it!!!!
If you think World PvP is dead then you haven't been playing legion.
Move on mate, cata came out 5 or 6 years ago now. People love nostalgia but I honestly feel if blizz did restore a bunch of old content people would find a way to complain about it, IE: BLIZZ ARE JUST REUSING CONTENT. I start to feel nothing blizz does is going to please people
We all need it, Francis. We all need it.
I would totally buy it if it wasn't 50$ for the expansion, 20$ for the main game and 15$ a month just to play the game
Yea save your money.. it's the same old boring grind as always.. If you don't have friends then it might be for you.
ur just tooooo pussseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee go grow some balsies
The Wargoat Oh yeah thats gotta be what it is
+The Wargoat wow what an idiot
The Wargoat The cringe
"You sons of bitches" LMFAO I DIED , LITERALLY.
MaxamillionGrey Fuck yourself MaxGay
MaxamillionGrey you're trying so hard to look smart, that's just pathetic.
you're on youtube bitch, relax.
i literally cant even.
No it's not. You used the word incorrectly. Fucking moron.
idc what anyboody says i laughed at this comment chain
I actually really like this more mellow Francis. Lol Never stop doing the Francis rage vids of course. Periodically do something like this, please.
i don't know about you guys but i personnaly think it is not the same after BC .. Just saying
With that attitude you will never rekindle that old flame. I have played every expansion since WOTLK and each has gotten progressively worse. I buy each expac and resub just to down the last raid. Have downed every major boss in game since LK. I have not been this hyped to kill one more than I have Gul'dan. Join the fight. He needs to die. He is just running around killing off major characters. Resubbed a month ago. Calling all WOW vets. come back bc the Demon Hunter alone is worth a try. come to Hyjal. Anyone looking for a fresh start and need a guild of cool mature players that get shit done. hit me up.
Oh God, BC was shit lore wise. There were no stories in there. Yes, Raids were top notch, but God it was cringe worthy from a story point of view.
Game is not hard anymore it's a joke. But meh, they had to appeal to all the trollotic retardoes out there. Beeeeeeeeeee Booop!
You were like 6 years old when TBC game out, what the fuck would you know.
AnteroX1234 Your comment proves my point, otherwise you wouldn't get so buthurt when talking about BC.
So far Legion has been my favorite expansion of all time (I started playing in late 2010) and it looks like patch 7.3 is going to be what we've all been waiting for.
I kind of liked Cataclysm. Better than Mist of Pandaria and Warlods of Draenor.
nah MoP was the best, tons of end game content!
Grau Larr I liked the raids better in Cata.
Yeah cata was decent... Still tbc > vanilla > wotlk > cata > mop > wod
+Grau Larr I agree with you, but I wasn't a big fan of Pandaland.
The first half of Cata was fantastic... and then Dragon Soul and LFR came out in the same patch.
I know this was a parody but thank you. My boyfriend struggles with this irl. He wants to think wow doesn't mean anything to him, but it really does. Hearing him laugh watching this made me happy. He tries to compress his nerdy side and the truth his I love him for all his traits. Long story short, thank you. ❤️
legend says that boogie replies to early comments but what about francis?
+boogie2988 HOLY SHET
+boogie2988 aww, so sad
+boogie2988 0 seconds ago. Lel
+boogie2988 Caesar's Legion confirmed
Legion made WoW the game I only play anymore. Welcome back to Azeroth, Francis. We've missed you man. :)
Last time I really loved the game of World of Warcraft was during the Wrath of the Lich King era. Cataclysm fucked the whole game up and I ended up quitting and didn't return until Warlords came out, level capped my Druid, then quit again. I've only recently come back yet again maybe about a month ago to prepare for Legion. Which so far by the pre-expansion content like the Invasions are pretty badass.
hey boogie ! can you add english subtitles please ?
lol why?
it is hard for people who don't speak english very well to understand every word he speaks
black math
well i speak spanish but i can understand him.
arent you cool. Hes not asking for you hes asking for himself.
yup, my bad sorry
I love how Francis uses his obesity as a means to get more subs.
Francis is a character.
No he just dislikes his obesity over all and he's a character
+Ya dead nan no boogie is the character of Francis' channel
Nah, Francis is totally real, haven't you seen thei rap battle? Two people can't have a rap battle against each other without being real.
Seems Legit...
Im back too :3 i missed the horde so much T.T
Victory or retreat!
+Andreas von Friedland aka victory or not-victory
***** ... im a dude....you idiot....
***** ...
Horde leaders are weak
Legend has it is you comment early enough Francis comments...
I heard he sleeps in an oxygen tent nude because it gives him sexual powers...
Ha, You Fail!
I loved WoW, but they dropped the ball on it a long time a go. I blame the ego of Metzen, he should have given up the writing years ago, he's terrible. I also believe that the subscription just isn't worth it anymore, the value for money that WoW used to give has been severely degraded over the years. I'd be happier just paying for the expansion each year for $50 and play the game for 3 months until I got bored. But I can't justify a monthly charge on top on the expansion price, the content just isn't there.
Well if you don't find any content worth your time then unsub and resub when you do. Simple as that..
+Nazem Traboulsi Well no shit, that obviously goes without mentioning.
wow fanboys and their oversensitiveness..
When Activision aquired Blizzard it all started to go wrong, interesting that.. all the creative minds left one by one and where replaced by coders who make a game to make the most money and that's it.
Making money in WoW used to be allot of fun before Cata, since then it's a chore, not going to do a chore to play a 3 months and your bored mmo expansion.
Agree with u a 100%.. Its metzen and his bad decision to drive WoW towards the terrible imagination of christie golden...
props on these vids for not using the cut scene technique. one straight monologue
For the Alliance zug zug
+XxScaryxHarryxX jobs done
en taro Adun
+gibdi0n Adun Toridas
For the Cringe!!!
normally francis videos are all exaggerated and jokes, but this one is just genuinely true. i feel the same way about wow.
when francis intro with a sad moochy face ... you know the video was gonna be good XD
No Francis! Join the NCR instead!
I'm with Yes Man, too many taxes
True to Caesar!!
Degenerates like you,Belong on a cross
+G1 Soundwave
Wait! Let me talk to this guy first. He seems to take an interest in disarming land mines!
+G1 Soundwave the real degenerates are those bunker-dwelling tech-stealing Brotherhood of Steel, just taking what everybody else has... Oh wait, isn't that what both of you are about too?
+G1 Soundwave You can't do shit, you couldn't even take Hoover Dam from a couple of rookie soldiers.
came back for legion after a year break hoping it will be better than all past WOTLK
Hope you enjoy it then :)
it is released on tuesday but atm the prelaunch is lotsa fun
this is basically every veteran who left back in wrath and kept coming back
Hey boogie. I didn't know you played Heroes. If you would ever like to do some duo queue with me that would be awesome. :3
this guy is acting this right?
Yea this is his "alter ego". He has a deprecate channel that's the real him.
+Matthew Trier It's not a separate channel, it's all on the same channel.
Yeah. Francis is just a character he plays as.
he's in character
Don't give Blizz another chance. Stop going back over and over like an abused spouse, it's disgusting and one of the biggest problems in the industry.
Make Nostalrius Great Again!
anyone else trying to come up with an original clever comment??
If only boogies reply to me , but I don't believe in miracles
hello carlos. you are great :)
miracles happen to those that least expect it xD
My dream came true 😏😏😊😭
+Trogunzo My long lost bruddeh :D
Idk , but at least I can die happily now hahah
Francis you took the words, thoughts and emotions out of my head man. Moving video man thank you.
If he replies ill eat my hat
+boogie2988 am i shadow banned
+boogie2988 fi a rant of you r religion
dude he replied eat the hats
Want some salt with that?
At 1:25 Francis breaks.... lmao
'Panda Land' was actually really fun..
Dont do it francis... you will waste your time.
Like he has anything better to do lol. Can't be any worse then paying tons of money towards Pokemon merchandise and Pokemon Go taxi rides xD
No mans lie aint gonna keep him busy
+Steve Curly Fries that hit me in the feels. I shelled out the $60 for no man's lie and played it all the way through. what a waste
Wait, $60 for what game?
you are such a good actor boogie!
classic ending..you need an Oscar Francis! "you guys need this" ..."I need this" hahaha
legion is a good expansion
Every single class and spec has been utterly gutted. You're lucky to have 3 buttons and an ulti to press. Yes, you're lucky if your class is as complex as a MOBA character.
Monks and DKs would like to have a word with you.
my beastmaster hunter has like 10...
AlosBoy Yeah that too. In fact Shamans are better than they have ever been I think.
A lie, we have like 5.... 10 is way more than what I even know of anymore..... but doing better than dk, DK has like 3 buttons maybe 4....
dallas smith cobra shot, concussion, misdirection, crows, dire, kill command, turtle, tiger, disengage, beastial, and more
i feel your heartfelt pain Francis. I left wow in Cataclysm, tried pandas and didn't like it, warlords was ok but garrisons are hell. my friend got me to come back for legion and i hope its not another waste of time.
World of warcraft died with the LK... Now its too casual.. I basically leveled a character from 1-100 in 1 day by afk in inn and doing stage 1-3 and relog in legion invasion. LFR is a joke too and so are 100 other casual-friendly features
Calling the game too Casual after WotLK, hahahahahaha.
To true, that's when it started going down its shitty slope, still the best expansion they ever did though.
i know it was casual way before then, i played since vanilla, but it was wotlk lfr and lfg was added, and epics became meh etc etc
yeah who cares it was after lk either way
It's good they made it more casual. Some of us have lives and can't be bothered to do all the shit you used to have to do
I just got back to WoW, im loving Legion! What an improvement from WoD
I have a strong feeling that legion will be a good expansion idky. It has lore, shit tone of lore. It has quests, like holy fuck. It has new mounts, about 50. Raids, i mean nythendra seems fun to play, same as xavius, and i'm excited already. They have demon hunters, i couldn't find a spot in my guild with dh tho but is there. They have fckin khadgar who is a wannabe-a-guardian-but-is-such-a-pussy-to-accept-his-destiny. They have the garrison 2.0, i mean, thats boring but is there. There is also an old god, who is gonna be the last boss (i believe, if not then fck). But after all that, deep in my heart, i know legion will be an awesome expantion for the first three months or so. The same how WoD did at the beginning. Anyway, i'v already paid for the fckin expansion and cant wait to do the world quests thingy and get my fckin VULPIX DUDE.
whats your thoughts
Are you on crack?!
+TheMeslava lol
N'zoth isn't going to be the final boss it's going to be Kil'jaeden. There's no question about it. Archimonde sent Gul'dan to Azeroth through the portal to contact Kil'jaeden and let him know that he failed. "KJ" was the one that told him to go to the Tomb. You also see KJ pop up a few times iirc while questing in Broken Isles. I know if you're a DH he's mentioned once during the artifact quest line for Havoc and you actually see him like physically later on in your class hall campaign or whatever. It's even mentioned that before fighting Sargeras we have to kill Tichondrius, Gul'dan and KJ. He's definitely going to be the final boss of Legion no doubt about it. Or if they do a middle patch he'll be the final boss there while having the Avatar of Sargeras be the final boss of Legion since I mean that's what actually is inside of the Tomb. There isn't any Old God influence at all in Legion it's literally all the Burning Legion. Even Xavius corrupting the Dream he's alive because Sargeras brought him back, not the Old Gods. We see Azshara a few times but then we don't really hear from her again after the Wrath of Azshara dungeon. Leads me to believe that we'll get a south seas expansion with N'zoth involved later on and that's where you'll get the old gods. I'm 100% sure that the last boss of Legion is either KJ or the Avatar though
Andrew Rose Kill or defeat?, because when was the last time we actually kill something lol. Everything keeps coming back, such Tichondrius. Fckin demons never die dude, and those man'ari are on the same boat. Hopefully next expansion we won't see another demon that weve already killed. Either way, we have to see what will happen with Illidan first, I'm also interested on that demon too. These days feel like an eternity snlkansdk
Watch this video and guess what ad I get.
dota? >.> :O :P
+JMM2301 no
Legion ad :p
+Timelost ding ding ding. You got it right.
Ad's?! You don't have TH-camRed?!
Francis's next video "They Dun Fucked it UP!"
Overwatch is great
no its overhyped
+Donald Trumpet no one likes you trunp
So was Team Fortress 2, but that wasn't $60
Yea but tf2 is alot more boring than overwatch
fuck this world man everything is a copy world war 1 copy of world war 2 obama copy of a black man youre mom copy of shit
Your acting is actually very good, the Francis character is one of my favorites 👌
" you better not fuck this up" sums up all old schools players thoughts.
how about nostalrius? Are you continuing when it comes back?
Anyone know where boogie got his big painting behind him or when I can get one like it?
1:26 is that an old car trying to get it work again?
Any idea why the newer Francis videos have a different voice than old Francis? It's like a little deeper or something
Incredibly, depressingly, accurate and so sad. I want to go home...
all this guy want is to get that feeling he once had. not only him but many of us... we literally commited our lives to this game when we started... and just thinking how it changed and that it might never be the same, and that we might never experience that same feeling which actually blizzard own us is fucking scary
I'll never stop watching this until boogie or Francis is happy
I love the part about the "I changed."
It's going to end up the same way every expansion has been so far. Everyone likes it when it starts, then it spikes super hard because people do a majority of the content the first week it's out. After the first couple of weeks people look for the things to bitch about and quit for a year come back for the last raid tier and then leave after a month.
I can't wait till Francis makes a reaction to the Broken Shores scenario Cinematics!
"please don't fuck this up".............HAHA, I was on the floor! Good shit man, you gained a new subscriber.
I feel like many many many former players feel like this.
I want to come back, but studies come first. I dont have time for WoW...
tough luck, surely best xpac since wtlk...
they litteraly said the same about wod lol
Most colleges (for most people) today are a waste of time, and money... sadly. And they are only getting worse. Get some WoW in while dodging the indoctrination factory's less-than-subtle attempts to fill your mind with the insidious insights of a miscreated version of reality, and the perpetual proselytizing of the ever-present PC-police, ready at a moments notice to decry any and all dissenting opinions. Because, in the end, "all work and no play, makes for psychopaths and zombies..."
~Also, play Miscreated! Such a fun game.
That only really applies to Humanities & Liberal Arts. He could be in hard science/engineering.
But yes, if you aren't pursuing science or engineering, and you're not doing college wrong, you ought to have ample to time to play WoW.
1:25 You see Tarzan from the Jungle peek from a corner, 1:28 He retreats to his safety.
This is GOLD and you're right, I've played for 12 years left and come many times but this is it.. Last chance Blizzard. The Garrison, Apex Crystals Taanan this list is long and all a fail.. Glad I somehow got brought to your channel..
Your'e a legend dude! - Cracked me up with the "Free Food" - Girlfriend bit!
my heart sank when you said "free food".
Man you are worth more than that, you are a great guy.
now part of me is wondering if you put this on.
oh well thumbs up for you my man.
While they were developing Legion and all the additions it has, they were churning out other expansions just so we wouldn't have to wait lmao j/k I fucking love you Blizzard! "No king lives forever my son", which is true about your reputation. You can't always be on top, but goddammit if anyone is gonna even get close to gaming perfection in all accounts, it's fucking BLIZZARD. So get a coat because it's gonna get fucking cooooold.
But you don't need a coat Francis. You have blubber.
he may have blubber. but your a muppet.
I don't see the reference point as to why I'm a muppet, but uh...thanks for the interesting insult lmao Are you saying some dude has his hand up my ass? :(
He was calling you an idiot... But he doesn't know how to use the apostrophe, so ha!
you are a great representaion of a mindlesss blizzard fanboy
I feel this was actually more Boogie than Francis
good luck for tommorow bud, Legion launches and i really hope you enjoy it
remember when they started making the classes more and more alike with every damn expansion.
remember back in vanilla or bc or even wotlk when your class had something that was totally unique to it.
remember back in the day when it actually ment something if you killed a boss.
remember when people were fighting over loot and legendary ment so much some of the best guilds broke apart because of them.
good times... long gone
"Im gonna tell you one thing! I've said it before! Im gonna give you one more chance, and that is your last chance!".. pure gold
i needed a good laugh after surgery tonight, thank you
This seems to sum up what some have been feeling about LaTale lately, sorta.
I'm wondering if it met his exceptions, I quit after Legion dropped wanting to go back once i get the time but don't wanna waste my time and money if it sucks..
Should I go Arms Warrior or feral Druid? Which are good at PVPN/PVE?
Both? You can level from 100 to 110 in under 12 hours. Literally 2 hours a day all week and you're max level.
IVAO04ify which one should i boost to 100?
i would change specs to prot for warrior or go fury for dps. otherwise pick feral druid.
Sooo... been following this channel for a year now, but I never did get it. Francis is the slightly cartman and, sometimes sad before bursting with rage, side of this guy and boogie is the more calm and reasonable persona?
Well done that was a great one to watch! I'd love to see more of Francis' trek through the expansion as he sees if Blizzard has made it feel like home or if it's just another free food call! haha