you are much appreciated, i logged in my youtube to get you clout bro, had to follow. im being mindcontrolled with directed energy weapons so im poor but knowledge helps entertain myself
One of you asked ""I have version 3.9.7 and i have something like this import pynput.keyboard ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pynput'"" Thats because you didnt install the module with pip. However i do recommend learning basic python before going into making keyloggers - since it will make things easier that way and you will have knowledge there too
I copied again the code, and it worked. Now I've got another problem. When I write the autorun command, and I save it, it doesn't work. I mean, when I put the USB in my computer, it doesn't autorun the keylogger. Can you help me? Thank you
@@isaiaslp12 I talked about this in the video, newer versions of windows are a bit more complex than that Just listen to that part of the vid it should help
@@deadly1075 Well i dont know maybe one day - but not any time soon since now im very busy so i try to make sure to upload a video - and if i did upload a full course id need a lot more time
Hi! I have a question, when I use the numeric pad the numbers are not printed in the log.txt, instead it shows "none" But if I use the above numbers it works great. Thanks for the video and all the information. 🙌
Oh this is interesting I havent heard about that and numeric pad worked fine for me Hm, try looking into the documentation of the module for interpreting keyboard (pynput.keyboard) Perhaps something like this could help: But there is always this saying that there is some issues with interpreting numpad input However i could also recommend using different modules similar to pynput instead - maybe they will do the trick for you
might be late to ask but, what is the point of those useless strings of code? is it to throw of the person viewing the code or is it there to somehow confuse the pc from thinking it is a virus?
im kind of confused on the part where you said that, you need to change it up since all code is unique. im very much a beginner in this, but an amazing video, hox!
That's okay bro, just take your time. Nothing in life works perfectly without some hard work, and even if it does you end up regretting it. Take your time, learn a little bit of python and everything will be more clear. Keylogger isnt an easy project for beginner programmers
Good video, do you have some idea to block keyboard from showing or affecting windows keystrokes but python could log the keystroke, keyboard will be blocked by vendor product id, this to use barcode scanner only with specific program and not actinc like keyboard for the system, any idea
@@HoxFramework what i have and what i want: First i have the main keyboard and i have bare code scanner that act like hid keyboard. What i want is to scan some product so the keystroke of an product will be saved on file or go into python file string value, so when sometime i make scan , the keystroke will go to the open window and it will type on any selected box or empty document. Any keybord have vendor and product id, i look on some google they was talking about using evdev, pyhook, pynput to do so but i could not find cloue so its like making scanner inside a box. I heard about low level hook also... Am lost bro
@@oussamathedjfreeman Im sorry to say but i dont know how to help you. Im assuming you'd need a python module that understands Scanners as well as some basic keylogging functions from python. Pynput for example uses keyboard input. If it really immitates the keyboard there should be no problems capturing keystrokes. Again - i dont think i was of much use. Im not an expert on code scanners, but i can help you with your python code errors. If you have any let me know. Im sure ill be of use there.
@@HoxFramework the scannet act 100% like keyboard so drivers it not montionned as scannet that may you use special hardware that select com port to get the serial input, so any barecode or qr code it will send keystrokes of the link of qrcode or numbers of code with enter button at the end , to fill case where i should put code is need to select with mouse and click on empty box then make the scan, if you dont select proper box it will tape in another one What i need really is to make like other usb perepheric that dont acfect windows, and when you want to get data you have to connect into com port. Expensive way is to use arduino with usb host sheild, so scanner is connecter into arduino and forward keystrokes to the usb of arduino, and when we need to get data from arduino we will select com port and baud rate then we will recive our data that it will be easy to react with python code. The same i want to do it in cheap is to block keystroke of scannet and forward it to virtual com port that it will play solution of arduino with usb sheild
Im not sure how you would do that. Perhaps you could disable the keyboard using python and leave the scanner only. Then make sure that python logs what scanner is saying. To disable the keyboard with python im assuming some system commands will have to be ran
Hello, I've got a problem. When I put the final command on powershell, it appeaers in my folder everything that should appear , except the folder "__pycache__", and also , when I enter to the new folder named "dist", there's nothing there. Why does it happen? I have followed every step.
pycache isnt really relevant it generates every time a script calls another script (imported) why you dont have anything in your dist folder is confusing tho - are you sure you typed in everything correctly? What does it say, is there an error? Did your defender/antivirus delete it?
I have a problem i made the .py file with the code but when I click on it nothing happens just a cmd opens for a short time. I also don't have any python knowledge I hope you could help me to get it running :)
Well listen bro if u want to program a python virus you gotta know python hahaha It could depend on a lot of things - do you have python installed on your PC? have you tried running it from CMD - it could display you the error right there in the console? Did you install all the modules?
@@HoxFramework Yes I installed Python but I have no idea what other things I have to install for it to work Have you thought about making this video but for beginners like what to install and hot to get it to work?
@@dominic_onexero You can try following the video and the website ( since i covered everything you need there This video isnt hard to follow at all if you know basic python so i recommend trying to follow some tutorials on it I even have one that i did on my channel You have to understand that making programs that will work in somewhat complex scenarios requires programming knowledge - you cant just copy/paste it and expect it to work (the code isnt complicated much but hacking as a field is and you probably know that) so i hope that helped
When I run the file on my computer a notice appears saying "Operation did not complete successfully because the file contains a virus or potentially unwanted software." How do I fix this?
It's a part of Wallpaper Engine - on it it's called something like "Sakura Tree of life". Closest to the image-version (non animated) i got is this: browsecat[.]net/sites/default/files/tree-of-life-wallpapers-123067-1006367-4711085[.]png Remove both [ ] to get the link (yt takes them down)
It runs once account runs it - but it has nothing to do with account switching, if you switch an account then a bunch of other programs get stopped too - so even tho i havent tried i assume it will get stopped. If not - let me know, thats awesome
If you are talking about the code the link is in the description (my site) If you are talking about a finished .exe file then i dont recommend trying to download that since i havent uploaded it anywhere (virustotal just checks for viruses, you cant download the file back) - i recommend compiling python code to exe just like i did in the video Also make some changes and ideally use py2exe or anything else since after this video most of antiviruses quickly put pyinstaller's programs under malicious (which they arent, but it was an easier fix for them that way - laziness) so to avoid AV detection you could use the other compilers (or if you dont like py2exe myb u can use Nuitka)
Add the no console parameter to pyisntaller when converting to exe - just like i did in the vid. If it still shows a cmd then either you did something with the code or pyinstaller messed something up (in this case you can use py2exe, or Nuitka)
Because this vid was a while ago - AV softwares made a simple solution for blocking these kinds of scripts : Blocking the converter/compiler This is a horrible and lazy idea since compilers can be used (and mostly are) for legitimate stuff - thats what they are made for Yet antivirus companies just went: Eh, we dont feel like searching for patterns so lets just block all of pyinstaller stuff (most of them did this) So what i recommend is just changing up the code a bit so it generates a different hash, using a different compiler/converter (py2exe or Nuitka or similar) and that should make it less detectable Let me know if it works
@@sithumgimhan7650 well im not sure, maybe not with python - try other programming languages with python its like anything compiled by pyinstaller, py2exe or nuitka gets flagged
@@HoxFramework but end point security have behavioral analysis. So it can detect the key logger behaviour. What about a hardware keylogger, do you know how to make one
@@sithumgimhan7650 i havent tried making a hardware keylogger, but there are some hardware keyloggers - you can buy them online, but they can be a bit pricy You plug them into the PC and you plug the keyboard in them
Oh nvm i see the comment you deleted if your pc cant find pyinstaller it means you didnt install it well / or you did something and it isnt in your PATH (google : how to add a program to PATH ) But i recommend advanced python knowledge before making this kinda stuff tho
Its entirely possible that that's true now - as i said in the video : it really depends, always try changing up the hash by modifying the code, binding the exe or using py2exe instead of pyinstaller In cybersecurity world the "Fully undetectable" idea only lasts for a short time until someone uploads the malware to virustotal or similar services - then those services send the hash or origin of the program to antiviruses
It's a part of Wallpaper Engine (software on steam that allows you to use animated wallpapers) - on it it's called something like "Sakura Tree of life". Closest to the image-version (non animated) i got is this: browsecat[.]net/sites/default/files/tree-of-life-wallpapers-123067-1006367-4711085[.]png Remove both [ ] to get the link (yt takes them down)
oh you mean to hide the exe on the USB? maybe something changed since i made the video, just google how to hide exe on usb with autorun It shouldnt be too hard probably one command
I saw the comments you deleted from my notification - i recommend getting more familiar with python and pip before getting into the video It is a beginner oriented video but learning the basics of python in the video too would be a bit much that said the commands were pretty straight forward - only thing you needed was python and pip If i remember correctly
@@ThatGeometryDude You can easily solve that dude, check out my code - also idk if you know but you can fit all (or most) of those lines into one line using ;
@@asakuma780 Hhahahah yes i am but i prefer talking in english since more people can understand and i love english as a language Anyway its nice to see ppl from balkan area be interested in cybersec, its a pretty unpopular thing in balkans sadly, but we are getting there!
I can second this, any .py to .exe converter instead pyinstaller also does the magic - if they dont try spoofing, binding, changing up the code and more Also keep everything legal ofc
you are much appreciated, i logged in my youtube to get you clout bro, had to follow. im being mindcontrolled with directed energy weapons so im poor but knowledge helps entertain myself
Sorry to hear about your mind control bro
hope you recover
Stay badass
One of you asked ""I have version 3.9.7 and i have something like this import pynput.keyboard ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pynput'""
Thats because you didnt install the module with pip.
However i do recommend learning basic python before going into making keyloggers - since it will make things easier that way and you will have knowledge there too
I copied again the code, and it worked. Now I've got another problem. When I write the autorun command, and I save it, it doesn't work. I mean, when I put the USB in my computer, it doesn't autorun the keylogger. Can you help me? Thank you
@@isaiaslp12 I talked about this in the video, newer versions of windows are a bit more complex than that
Just listen to that part of the vid it should help
@@HoxFramework Where do i download it?
@@OfficialByteChaser all of it is on my website lemme know if u cant find
Thanks for sharing your knowledge ❤️
I learned a lot while making this. Amazing video!
school boutta get devious
dont do anything illegal.
@HoxFramework im going to use this to keylog to gey my home computer administrator password because my dad has administrator account and i dont
Any chance of you putting out a complete course?
What do you mean complete course? On this subject - Like a keylogger thing ?
Or do you mean how to get it undetectable
@@HoxFramework No I mean like an ethical hacking course covering all the important tool, techniques and attacks.
@@deadly1075 Well i dont know maybe one day - but not any time soon since now im very busy so i try to make sure to upload a video - and if i did upload a full course id need a lot more time
like the thumbnail
nice and too much helpful video ur my favorite youtuber now
Thanks man! I really hope i helped and that you learned something new!
Hi! I have a question, when I use the numeric pad the numbers are not printed in the log.txt, instead it shows "none"
But if I use the above numbers it works great.
Thanks for the video and all the information. 🙌
Oh this is interesting
I havent heard about that and numeric pad worked fine for me
Hm, try looking into the documentation of the module for interpreting keyboard (pynput.keyboard)
Perhaps something like this could help:
But there is always this
saying that there is some issues with interpreting numpad input
However i could also recommend using different modules similar to pynput instead - maybe they will do the trick for you
neznam dali pricas srpski ili ne ali sam vido imena files na srpskom. Hvala puno sto si me naucio i zelim ti sve najbolje!
hvala brate
Great video, earned a sub
might be late to ask but, what is the point of those useless strings of code? is it to throw of the person viewing the code or is it there to somehow confuse the pc from thinking it is a virus?
im kind of confused on the part where you said that, you need to change it up since all code is unique. im very much a beginner in this, but an amazing video, hox!
Well changing it up rn isnt enough (detections are now way more efficient) but yeah
Thanks dude
i know nothing about programing, tried everything, downloaded a bunch of stuff but it didint work, some day will be back. thanks for the video bro
That's okay bro, just take your time. Nothing in life works perfectly without some hard work, and even if it does you end up regretting it.
Take your time, learn a little bit of python and everything will be more clear.
Keylogger isnt an easy project for beginner programmers
@@HoxFramework thanks for the support!
What are you using to run this code bro?
Somebody asked for the code - its on my website (link in desc)
Part two and an in-depth guide. This works but haha since i saved it to my desktop the logger pops up right on the desktop.
dont save it to your desktop. Save it to the usb
Good video, do you have some idea to block keyboard from showing or affecting windows keystrokes but python could log the keystroke, keyboard will be blocked by vendor product id, this to use barcode scanner only with specific program and not actinc like keyboard for the system, any idea
Im not exactly sure what you want
if you block the keyboard from working there is no point on keylogging cause your victim will give up
Im confused
@@HoxFramework what i have and what i want:
First i have the main keyboard and i have bare code scanner that act like hid keyboard.
What i want is to scan some product so the keystroke of an product will be saved on file or go into python file string value, so when sometime i make scan , the keystroke will go to the open window and it will type on any selected box or empty document.
Any keybord have vendor and product id, i look on some google they was talking about using evdev, pyhook, pynput to do so but i could not find cloue so its like making scanner inside a box.
I heard about low level hook also... Am lost bro
@@oussamathedjfreeman Im sorry to say but i dont know how to help you. Im assuming you'd need a python module that understands Scanners as well as some basic keylogging functions from python.
Pynput for example uses keyboard input.
If it really immitates the keyboard there should be no problems capturing keystrokes.
Again - i dont think i was of much use. Im not an expert on code scanners, but i can help you with your python code errors. If you have any let me know. Im sure ill be of use there.
@@HoxFramework the scannet act 100% like keyboard so drivers it not montionned as scannet that may you use special hardware that select com port to get the serial input, so any barecode or qr code it will send keystrokes of the link of qrcode or numbers of code with enter button at the end , to fill case where i should put code is need to select with mouse and click on empty box then make the scan, if you dont select proper box it will tape in another one
What i need really is to make like other usb perepheric that dont acfect windows, and when you want to get data you have to connect into com port.
Expensive way is to use arduino with usb host sheild, so scanner is connecter into arduino and forward keystrokes to the usb of arduino, and when we need to get data from arduino we will select com port and baud rate then we will recive our data that it will be easy to react with python code.
The same i want to do it in cheap is to block keystroke of scannet and forward it to virtual com port that it will play solution of arduino with usb sheild
Im not sure how you would do that. Perhaps you could disable the keyboard using python and leave the scanner only. Then make sure that python logs what scanner is saying.
To disable the keyboard with python im assuming some system commands will have to be ran
Hello, I've got a problem. When I put the final command on powershell, it appeaers in my folder everything that should appear , except the folder "__pycache__", and also , when I enter to the new folder named "dist", there's nothing there. Why does it happen? I have followed every step.
pycache isnt really relevant it generates every time a script calls another script (imported)
why you dont have anything in your dist folder is confusing tho - are you sure you typed in everything correctly? What does it say, is there an error?
Did your defender/antivirus delete it?
I have a problem i made the .py file with the code but when I click on it nothing happens just a cmd opens for a short time. I also don't have any python knowledge I hope you could help me to get it running :)
Well listen bro if u want to program a python virus you gotta know python hahaha
It could depend on a lot of things - do you have python installed on your PC?
have you tried running it from CMD - it could display you the error right there in the console?
Did you install all the modules?
@@HoxFramework Yes I installed Python but I have no idea what other things I have to install for it to work
Have you thought about making this video but for beginners like what to install and hot to get it to work?
@@dominic_onexero You can try following the video and the website ( since i covered everything you need there
This video isnt hard to follow at all if you know basic python so i recommend trying to follow some tutorials on it
I even have one that i did on my channel
You have to understand that making programs that will work in somewhat complex scenarios requires programming knowledge - you cant just copy/paste it and expect it to work (the code isnt complicated much but hacking as a field is and you probably know that)
so i hope that helped
When I run the file on my computer a notice appears saying "Operation did not complete successfully because the file contains a virus or potentially unwanted software."
How do I fix this?
You didnt turn off your antivirus :D
useful with social engineering
Hey @Hox whenever the Target starts their computer will it auto start up the keylogger
no that depends on the system i mentioned in the video
but even if u have to manually run it it isnt bad
plus there are ways to make it more automatic
@@HoxFramework THANK YOU srry i made that comment at the start of the vid should of waited lmao
@@cutiebabytron9900 No problem man! Hope the video helped :)
Is that croatian or something similar? Was really surprised when I saw a language I understand other than english on a video like this. (Im slovenian)
It is Croatian, yes
I was born there :)
Nice to see a neighbour here
@@HoxFramework that’s so sick. do you still live there because your english is phenomenal
@@vidsuhadolc7661 I don't, but i've lived most of my life there.
Thanks bro!
@@HoxFramework nice i am from macedonia
What's the name of the wallpaper on wallpaper engine? If you remember
It's a part of Wallpaper Engine - on it it's called something like "Sakura Tree
of life". Closest to the image-version (non animated) i got is this:
Remove both [ ] to get the link (yt takes them down)
Good Evening Sir!
How do I turn the pynput to an exe. I downloaded pyinstaller.
I've shown how to compile scripts
Can you please upload the code file in the description?
You can get the code from my website this should be the URL for it
hey. if i put it a pc that has multiple users. does it pop up as a usb every time someone logs in into their microsoft account
It runs once account runs it - but it has nothing to do with account switching, if you switch an account then a bunch of other programs get stopped too - so even tho i havent tried i assume it will get stopped. If not - let me know, thats awesome
not working anymore latest verison of pyinstaller does not include modules by default
I mentioned that - and ofcourse it doesnt you install your own modules. Pyinstaller gets detected now.
is there anyway possible that you can make a dropbox with all of these python code files please?
I usually leave code on my website
Question: Could you please provide the download to the python link you used, because I keep going to virus sites
If you are talking about the code the link is in the description (my site)
If you are talking about a finished .exe file then i dont recommend trying to download that since i havent uploaded it anywhere (virustotal just checks for viruses, you cant download the file back) - i recommend compiling python code to exe just like i did in the video
Also make some changes and ideally use py2exe or anything else since after this video most of antiviruses quickly put pyinstaller's programs under malicious (which they arent, but it was an easier fix for them that way - laziness) so to avoid AV detection you could use the other compilers (or if you dont like py2exe myb u can use Nuitka)
it works but when i remove the usb the log file disperse plz help
im not sure how
Maybe you are overwriting it every time?
Use a+ when opening not w or w+
For me it's not working on Windows 11. It's not write text file on my USB.
Im not sure what that could be
try changing up the code - or maybe your AV is picking it all up
What is the function of instructions.txt?
I dont recall exactly but i think thats just a txt file for me to paste on my website - nothing relevant to the execution :)
when i open my exe file a cmd opens how can i hide it ? because it doesnt work with out it?
Add the no console parameter to pyisntaller when converting to exe - just like i did in the vid. If it still shows a cmd then either you did something with the code or pyinstaller messed something up (in this case you can use py2exe, or Nuitka)
now my issue is that... why does windows detectit? i tried testing it on my VMware but it says virus detected
Because this vid was a while ago - AV softwares made a simple solution for blocking these kinds of scripts : Blocking the converter/compiler
This is a horrible and lazy idea since compilers can be used (and mostly are) for legitimate stuff - thats what they are made for
Yet antivirus companies just went: Eh, we dont feel like searching for patterns so lets just block all of pyinstaller stuff
(most of them did this)
So what i recommend is just changing up the code a bit so it generates a different hash, using a different compiler/converter (py2exe or Nuitka or similar) and that should make it less detectable
Let me know if it works
Can you post changed hash version?
Well there is no purpose since as soon as i post it someone will add it to virustotal, so thats why every code has to be unique - just change it up
kaj si ti sa balkana?
Somewhere out there, yes.
Is this detectable by a end point mcAfee security
today yes
@@HoxFramework is there a new way
@@sithumgimhan7650 well im not sure, maybe not with python - try other programming languages
with python its like
anything compiled by pyinstaller, py2exe or nuitka gets flagged
@@HoxFramework but end point security have behavioral analysis. So it can detect the key logger behaviour. What about a hardware keylogger, do you know how to make one
@@sithumgimhan7650 i havent tried making a hardware keylogger, but there are some
hardware keyloggers - you can buy them online, but they can be a bit pricy
You plug them into the PC and you plug the keyboard in them
Hey can i get a download like for it because i cant install python on my laptop
you need python for this
What do you mean you cant install python
@@HoxFramework lol
Najjači brat
Help I really want this to work but I keep seeing Indentation errors
maybe you copied the code weirdly or something - indentation errors are ones caused by spaces or tabs, python's syntax takes that into consideration
earned a sub :)
can u help me to make dis script work?
sure whats the problem
It's not working when i run the I need your help!!!
Well whats not working?
I need the error information
Oh nvm i see the comment you deleted
if your pc cant find pyinstaller it means you didnt install it well / or you did something and it isnt in your PATH (google : how to add a program to PATH )
But i recommend advanced python knowledge before making this kinda stuff tho
I only know java and html css. But i want to learn python not now but soon.
@@HoxFramework Okay i will try that Mr.Hox
@@The_Adversity. Thats a good start man, Java is harder to learn than python syntax-wise
so just take your time
Code please?
If anti-virus/Windows Defender is on, it'll quarantine it though.
Its entirely possible that that's true now - as i said in the video : it really depends, always try changing up the hash by modifying the code, binding the exe or using py2exe instead of pyinstaller
In cybersecurity world the "Fully undetectable" idea only lasts for a short time until someone uploads the malware to virustotal or similar services - then those services send the hash or origin of the program to antiviruses
wallpaper link pls
It's a part of Wallpaper Engine (software on steam that allows you to
use animated wallpapers) - on it it's called something like "Sakura Tree
of life". Closest to the image-version (non animated) i got is this:
Remove both [ ] to get the link (yt takes them down)
Fixed up the link
@@HoxFramework thank you! :))
@@mangoclient No problem bro
The hide command didn't work can anyone help me ?
which "hide" command ?
oh you mean to hide the exe on the USB?
maybe something changed since i made the video, just google how to hide exe on usb with autorun
It shouldnt be too hard
probably one command
@@HoxFramework noconsole
@@dmondsk1355 noconsole doesnt hide the .exe file, it hides the console when exe runs
10m AH UH youtube says smth else
are you from balkan?
yes i was born there
me too where you live now?@@HoxFramework
@@lolexXD. Slovenia, moved there for a short time.
when people do things local and look smart lol
Well i cant hack someone IRL
From what i remember thats illegal
What are your suggestions
Error : No module named 'pynput'
use your cmd/terminal to install the module:
pip install pynput
can anti-virus detect this
now yes
before no
Dobro pricas engleski za jednog balkanca
Thank you, I lived outside balkan area too in English speaking countries
Hahahah pa ti si nas brate
Bro , step by step vid plz, i dont know python
Sorry bro but you cant make a malware in python if you dont know python xD
You gotta learn it first
so after watching the vid multiple times i have concluded that it just doesnt work so ill try it on my other windows 10 pc full box 200
I saw the comments you deleted from my notification - i recommend getting more familiar with python and pip before getting into the video
It is a beginner oriented video but learning the basics of python in the video too would be a bit much
that said the commands were pretty straight forward - only thing you needed was python and pip
If i remember correctly
I have a 9-line keylogger...
Awesome! Good job man
@@HoxFramework Thanks! Its not as fancy though, it has all of the letters/keys on seperate lines
@@ThatGeometryDude You can easily solve that dude, check out my code - also idk if you know but you can fit all (or most) of those lines into one line using ;
@@HoxFramework True, i can make some lines shorter, and Ya, ill make it look better tmr
vidi brata mog pa djesi ti
I dont know any Milan "asakuma" so Im not sure we've met, but hey to you too! :)
@@HoxFramework nit nismo nego si nas pa ono
@@asakuma780 Hhahahah yes i am but i prefer talking in english since more people can understand and i love english as a language
its nice to see ppl from balkan area be interested in cybersec, its a pretty unpopular thing in balkans sadly, but we are getting there!
a si slovenec
ne, sem iz Hrvaške, vendar ne živim tam
Thats alot of code can you just copy it so I can skip through it quicker
Hahhahah I think the code is on my website
What dont you understand
aha znaci da si iz srbije,bosne,crne gore,hrvatske ili iz slovenije je sam pogodio
yeah you can tell since my windows language is set up like that :)
Hi, can you please send a link to the code
This should be it
btw, if you have probs with detection, USE NUITKA!!!! ITS 0/0 FOR ME IN VIRUSTOTAL !!!
use nutika, pyisntaller is shit in 2022
I can second this,
any .py to .exe converter instead pyinstaller also does the magic - if they dont try spoofing, binding, changing up the code and more
Also keep everything legal ofc