Once you got to the outskirts of the town (3:00 to 8:00) and you were driving on the riverside I was struck by how quiet it was. No traffic, no one walking on the lovely tree shaded side walks. Very unusual to see so few people and cars in the middle of the day in a place like this in China. Maybe it was a rest day? Once you left the city, the whole drive and scenery is very beautiful with the magnificent tree covered mountains and hills. Love all these videos that show me parts of China I didn't get to see. Thanks again.
@@桂旭暉 Since my visit for 6 weeks in 2015 I know that Chinese people work very hard. I often comment that that is why they deserve to lead the human race into the future. I love China. Just this segment from 3 minutes to 8 minutes into the video was the quietest I have seen in a place like this.
🎉That's because you used to go to big cities, which were very crowded and crowded with people. The truly beautiful place is not the big cities in China, but the poetic pastoral scenery. Rich people in China don't like big cities, they all prefer rural scenery.
When I saw the title, I thought you were driving along the Yangtze River from its source in Qinghai Province to its end in Shanghai😂. The scenery in the video is very good. Zigui County is the hometown of Qu Yuan and it seems to be a well-managed county.
Hahaha! From the source of the Yangtze River in Qinghai to Shanghai! What a big project! I think I can try it if I have a chance! These new counties along the Yangtze River Three Gorges are pretty good, clean, tidy and beautiful.
Chào bạn, tôi là người Việt Nam - hàng xóm của các bạn. Tôi rất ấn tượng và ngưỡng mộ hạ tầng giao thông cũng như sự tiến bộ về khoa học công nghệ của Trung Quốc.🥰
There are many scenic spots along the Yangtze River from Yichang City to Chongqing City where you can climb to the top of the mountain and overlook the beautiful scenery along the Yangtze River.
Yangtze river ... otra joya histórica de la gran China ... gracias hermano, en este recorrido, miraremos en el transcurso del video, los hermosos paisajes que adornan este río ... para mí es de trascendencia nostálgica tanto el Yellow River, como el Yangtze River; fueron conocimiento en la educación primaria ... no preguntes cómo se quedó en mi memoria, sin duda, es para rememorar en tus videos aquél conocimiento grabado en piedra en mi cabeza ... porqué China, dirás? ... ya la amaba en aquél tiempo ... I love China
@@中国街景 era geografía del mundo ... de Asia, Africa, América, Europa ... lo extraño hermano es que se me haya quedado en la cabeza la geografía de China ... tus videos me hacen recordar aquellos tiempos
@@globx The world is vast and boundless. Asia, Africa, America, Europe, each has its own unique charm. China, this ancient and vibrant land, is even more unforgettable. I am glad that my video can bring back your memories of those good times. Those memories about China's geography must be the most precious treasure in our hearts.
Great thanks for sharing this beautifull video !
This remember me my good times in China with friends .
You're welcome! You are welcome to visit China again at some time.
another beautiful and mesmerizing video, nice journey 🌹💐👌🤗🍁
Thanks sir and have a nice trip!❤️
Woww.... Jalan yang mulus,pemandangan yang indah, perjalanan yang mengasikan ❤️🇨🇳❤️
Thank you!
Beautiful China
Thank you!
Once you got to the outskirts of the town (3:00 to 8:00) and you were driving on the riverside I was struck by how quiet it was. No traffic, no one walking on the lovely tree shaded side walks. Very unusual to see so few people and cars in the middle of the day in a place like this in China. Maybe it was a rest day? Once you left the city, the whole drive and scenery is very beautiful with the magnificent tree covered mountains and hills. Love all these videos that show me parts of China I didn't get to see. Thanks again.
Thank you! I'm glad you like my video.
Because most people in China live in cities, there are fewer people in rural areas.
@@桂旭暉 Since my visit for 6 weeks in 2015 I know that Chinese people work very hard. I often comment that that is why they deserve to lead the human race into the future. I love China. Just this segment from 3 minutes to 8 minutes into the video was the quietest I have seen in a place like this.
🎉That's because you used to go to big cities, which were very crowded and crowded with people. The truly beautiful place is not the big cities in China, but the poetic pastoral scenery. Rich people in China don't like big cities, they all prefer rural scenery.
Thank you for your support! May your days be filled with sunshine and warmth.❤️
Wow! How very scenic! Thanks for sharing! [Greetings from Tucson]
You’re welcome, thank you American friend.
When I saw the title, I thought you were driving along the Yangtze River from its source in Qinghai Province to its end in Shanghai😂. The scenery in the video is very good. Zigui County is the hometown of Qu Yuan and it seems to be a well-managed county.
Hahaha! From the source of the Yangtze River in Qinghai to Shanghai! What a big project! I think I can try it if I have a chance!
These new counties along the Yangtze River Three Gorges are pretty good, clean, tidy and beautiful.
what a gorgeous country ... ( from a humble and impressed american ... )
Thank you!🍺
Thank you very much for your support! I wish you and your family good health and happiness.❤️
nice to get an odd glimps of a bee farm by the side of the road, as you drove by
Maybe I was so focused on driving that I didn’t notice the apiary!😂
@@中国街景 21.52 to the right side of the road
Absolutely beautiful ❤❤❤
Thank you!🤝
Beautiful drive! 😊
Thank you!❤️
@中国街景 your welcome! ❤️
I’ve always wondered how impressive your long-distance driving skills are! 🚗💨 It must be quite an experience!
Thank you!
Awesome view. ❤ from Korea.
Thank you!
Chào bạn, tôi là người Việt Nam - hàng xóm của các bạn. Tôi rất ấn tượng và ngưỡng mộ hạ tầng giao thông cũng như sự tiến bộ về khoa học công nghệ của Trung Quốc.🥰
Hello, neighbor, welcome to visit China when you have time.
@@中国街景 三峡之巅俯视身下的峡谷和周围崇山峻岭的确颇感震撼,从白帝城乘船从下往上看夔门两侧的悬崖峭壁也是令人叹为观止
@@zhangliang6705 我也是第一次领略当地壮丽的山川美景,去三峡之巅之前我还游了三峡人家,都是难忘的旅游经历。为了避开节日人流,到了奉节后就转道恩施回宜昌了,中间顺便上下恩施大峡谷转了下。下次有机会还要继续往西去重庆附近的很多景点游玩
I’d love to trek those mountains 💯
There are many scenic spots along the Yangtze River from Yichang City to Chongqing City where you can climb to the top of the mountain and overlook the beautiful scenery along the Yangtze River.
Beautiful as always! How old is this footage?
Thank you! Photographed in October this year.
@@中国街景 有具体的地名吗 比如哪一段到哪一段
Bom dia eu so do Brasil 🇧🇷você e de que país?❤
Hello, Brazilian friend, I am from China.
Yangtze river ... otra joya histórica de la gran China ... gracias hermano, en este recorrido, miraremos en el transcurso del video, los hermosos paisajes que adornan este río ... para mí es de trascendencia nostálgica tanto el Yellow River, como el Yangtze River; fueron conocimiento en la educación primaria ... no preguntes cómo se quedó en mi memoria, sin duda, es para rememorar en tus videos aquél conocimiento grabado en piedra en mi cabeza ... porqué China, dirás? ... ya la amaba en aquél tiempo ... I love China
Thank you, my brother! I was surprised that your primary school textbook actually has content about the Yangtze River in China.👍
@@中国街景 era geografía del mundo ... de Asia, Africa, América, Europa ... lo extraño hermano es que se me haya quedado en la cabeza la geografía de China ... tus videos me hacen recordar aquellos tiempos
@@globx The world is vast and boundless. Asia, Africa, America, Europe, each has its own unique charm. China, this ancient and vibrant land, is even more unforgettable. I am glad that my video can bring back your memories of those good times. Those memories about China's geography must be the most precious treasure in our hearts.
Can you do night time china expressway drive please :)
No, because can’t see the scenery at night!
秭归县城, 依行车所见判断,规模相当于现代江南中等城市,繁华程度一样;不会比欧美差。 了不起呵。而且江山秀美。❤❤❤
Meili de fengjing
Thank you!
Jangtze …heißt gelber fluß? …nw
brave of the an exsklusive ruote
你是S B 吗?
@ 抱歉,我换个说法:不算最垃圾,但是是最垃圾的那一堆国家里最大的