Mr Kim Sok is the best person to talk about his analysis of democracy on this topic at This Point of View in the leadership debate in Cambodia published by prime minister MrHun sen dictator of Cambodia today. I think Mr Kim Sok has a bright idea of democracy and Human Rights and justice for all of the people in this country who have been affected by history of Cambodia. Good talk show from Mr Kim Sok. Thanks for sharing your knowledge with me. Good questions and good answers for you too as well.
Mr Kim Sok is the best person to talk about his analysis of democracy on this topic at This Point of View in the leadership debate in Cambodia published by prime minister MrHun sen dictator of Cambodia today. I think Mr Kim Sok has a bright idea of democracy and Human Rights and justice for all of the people in this country who have been affected by history of Cambodia. Good talk show from Mr Kim Sok. Thanks for sharing your knowledge with me. Good questions and good answers for you too as well.
លោកគឹម សុខ និយាយត្រូវណាស់
លោកគឹម សុខ រហ្ស័សនាមលោកឥសីដំបងទិព្វ
រឿងកោះគុជជារឿងជាតិដ៏ធំ មិនរវល់បែជាខ្វល់យកទ័ពព័ទភូមិ ឲ្យពលរដ្ឋយំ នេះចំជាមហាពាល!