It seems like Shaco mains tend to resemble the champion they play.. Be careful in your gameplay :) 〃
One small trick that wasn't mentioned. When you are walking back from base and have boots, you can ult around your 2nd tower and it will be ready to explode once you get back to lane. So if the enemy is taking tower you can get it ontop of them to explode, killing the wave while also fearing them. Placing a box refears them after R fear falls off, and usually by then creeps are cleared and they'll take 1-2 tower shots. Similar to 7:00 Q over and tether clone ontop of them when it's about to explode. This works in 2 ways, 1 sometimes gets you a kill and 2 it will scare them from pushing onto your tower denying plates or allowing you to roam more.
Oh I can't believe it, legend. Thank you for the thoughtful tips. The players in Korea have been admiring your play ! Especially against BoxBox, and everyone knows it.
Pink Ward has said before that lower elo is actually harder, because he plays for the team. He expects his team to capitalize on the amount of disruption he causes, but struggles because sometimes the team kinda just ignores what he's doing or doesn't take advantage by taking objectives, pushing lanes, or engaging. A fight can look completely lost, but a well placed box and a shaco ult can do an entire team in. It takes someone to know what Shaco can do to know that you can turn the fight instead of running. Some people will see Shaco at 10 hp in the enemy base, and think that he's trolling, but knowing what Shaco can do at that health with clone is the difference. People tend to trust what Pink Ward is doing too at higher elo, but people see Shaco top in Diamond and think it's grief or don't know how to play around it.
I agree with your take and PW's. But the reality is, the majority of those shaco in high elo are garbage. They try to mimic the good Shaco and fail miserably, then they become toxic and flame the team. Whe you have one good Shaco in your team, you really feel it !
pinkward is a diamond/master player, bro is not high elo. This Korean player right here in this loldobby video is literally astro gapping pinkwards LP right now this very moment and he came out of nowhere lol. ofc pinkward is gonna say lower elo is harder, he cant get out of it. I know it doesn't mean much but the opgg website ranks how impactful you are per game out of all 10 players and pinkward gets 10th often which means worst in the entire match lol he just plays in like diamond/platnum and you see him outplay lowbobs on synapse. Not hating just saying 👍
This guy’s a pretty famous in Korea. He’s name is ShacoTime and he’s streamed as shaco one trick for 4-5 year now. I’m sure he’s taken inspiration from PinkWard but he’s invented a lot of cool tricks on his own as well.
on one hand, shaco is a disgusting and infuriating champion that arguably needs to be deleted from the game, but on the other hand, it’s impressive to watch someone with this level of mastery be able to manipulate the game and control his champion so fluently.
Holy, casting the box between the clone and real is actually nuts tech wtf. Also, I think there was a very cool trick that you missed: using Q right as recall animation finishes so it makes it look like Shaco went back
Its amazing how hard shaco gets countered by staying calm and farming up. You can just tell how they get increasingly desperate trying to bait You. I usually just buy a sustain item first and never click on them at all.
I got only one trick from PinkWard which I use on all my engaging support games, often top. By standing edges from entering a bush and recalling, before you're about to finish the recall, cancel it by entering the bush and it will look like you just recalled to base for them, the enemy will either engage your adc or play more aggressively, setting them up for kills. Of course it works only once ;p but it's neat, got that from PinkWard doing the fake-recall bush trick before.
Monkey brain of ADC: I see enemy, i shoot and kite, i see damage, HP bar goes down fast, dopamine high, kills clone, sees support die, blame support for letting himself get killed by Shaco.
This channel is where i discover beifeng and qiyana, learned qiyana mechanics at that time i was only silver now im almost diamond using Qiyana. Thanks Doby 🤣
@@8TDKnah. It's channels like this that gives me freelo with how many defective copycats running around. It's like the Sion strat. Once you know how it works all you need to do is respond accordingly.
@@8TDKLlegué al club con el combo Rápido la vi lejos Se pintaba los labios Y la copa como espejo Se acercó poco a poco Y yo queriendo que me baile Luego me dijo "Vamos, que te enseño Buenos Aire'" Y nos fuimos en una Empezamo' a la una
crazy how i learned more from a 12 min video than i have from countless years of watching pink ward. shows the power of explaining your thought processes instead of just whining and raging the whole time lol
I played Split push AP bruiser top with Shaco for 5 years. Hardest aspect of that game style is most often to get your team to actually capitalize from the fact I'm pulling 2 to 3 people to top all the time while managing to waste easily a minute of their time in their own top side jungle without gaining anything. Lately I've just gone to jungle so I can order the pace for the team and not having to rely on them actually capitalizing the win cons.
That is so disgusting. Bro looking at this makes me thing you literally have to read Shaco's mind in order to have a chance in beating him compared to other champs. Other champs it's just out-hands'ing them.
Just pick a champ with decent lane sustain (item/kit) and dont interact. You will see pinkward literally gets his mind imploded when he faces these players
@@highnoon2844 This ^ No matter the game the right play to do against these type of players that try to make their enemy rage is just ignoring them. This kind of gameplay actually makes them rage instead because you are not falling for their stuff. When you ppay like that they will most likely accuse you of being "boring" lmao
Nah Shaco gets countered by marks. It’s kinda ridiculous. Volibear W, Wukong Q, Kalista W, Twitch/Vayne passive, Ekko Passive, Akshan Passive/W Passive, and the whole of the PTA rune just to name a few. Oh yeah and the target ping too lol. As long as you do any that before he ults, which isn’t hard, you crumble shaco’s goals.
you should add pink ward live stream into this, hes emotionless when he makes these types of play, like hes trying to make fun of the enemy, but he just not getting enough pleasure to laugh out of the suffering of the enemy,
i don't know what they did to shaco lately, but i'm loving him as he is... i'm able to use him in much more matchups, he often can stand his ground against very aggressive tanks, assassins and bursters... i finally can say shaco is a safe pick in most of my matchups !
Watching Shaco plays Pink Ward style is so engrossing but also so damn infuriating. Seeing a Shaco player 200IQ outplay an opponent into a master trap that used his ult, E, and a W box to deal ~350 damage when one of the four horsewomen can just mash buttons for 500 damage makes me seethe. You have to work so damn hard to kill somebody as Shaco. You basically have to play poker mind games and League at the same time. His entire kit is finicky and nerfed into the ground, and they just won't stop nerfing it.
Well, Shaco was never meant to be a top laner. That's why high elo Shaco top players are so impressive, they're squeezing water from a stone. But no matter how well they play it, it'll never be as good as meta top lane champion in the hands on an equally skilled player.
@@WhateverYouLove It's not just top Shaco is just trash in general. Go look at his WRs. Edit: Keep in mine that WR is also coming from him only being played by his mains. If others played him it would be even lower.
Shaco top relies on knowledge checks. Knowledge Check one is you shouldn't try to kill someone who can blink into an unknown amount of back-to-back 2 second fears, a point and click slow, a blink with a vanish attached to it, and a potentially heavily skewed (in shaco's favor) 50/50 which if you guess wrong you get feared and nuked. There's tons of tricks that no one knows but shaco mains. Best to just play it safe, doubly so if shaco is at low hp. The motto for going against shaco top for non-shaco mains: if you think you are doing the right thing, and that thing includes moving your character, then you are actually doing a very wrong thing and also you are walking into a chain CC which will last for your entire health bar.
Making enemies go mental boom is the best way to win, although it will sometimes always end up in a surrender vote and its not fun to not be able to break enemy nexus.
One thing I like to do against Shaco top mains - don`t interact with him at all. Destroy the boxes he places in waves with your skills and proceed to farm up. Buy sustain item first so you don`t bleed out with his daggers and see him desperately trying to bait you, while you are scaling to infinity.
Riot needs to fix the Shaco clone always has more mana than the real one. So weird that they updated the animation for the clone but forgot about this issue.
now im no Pink Ward, but as someone whos played hundreds of ap Shaco top games since season 6 (before i even knew who PW was) theres a few things i wanna point out. this is arguably the most HIGH RISK low reward pick in all of top lane. and to boot, one of the worst for Solo queue. you are not a tank. you have no sustain. you are a terrible splitpusher. you have no engage without sacrificing your ult and your q which is your only way to survive. you have no guaranteed, reliable cc. you will be flamed from champ select. theres a reason you only see PW and fanboys pick this. the reason these clips in top lane look so godly is because they're vs his best matchups. champs who are usually played by cocky players that all in or nothing, like fiora, irelia, riven, aatrox etc (albeit the Jayce kill was super clean). the roam clips he one shots because he got fed and had a gold lead. anyone who sees a shaco top should immediately know to never interact with him, tell your jungler to stay away, always assume theres another box, if he places a box and you have an AA reset just kill it, if he ults literally just walk away and sit under tower if you have to. simply wait till you outscale him, because you will, every single time. you will always have better CS, and kill towers faster. or if youre like riven or darius just flash on him at level 1 because he probably started W and Shaco never takes flash and force him to back, miss waves and burn TP or just freeze then the lane is over for Shaco. AP shaco is at his strongest in the mid to late game, but basically every other top laner will always just be stronger. unless your top laner completely runs it down vs Shaco, it's essentially a 4v5 if they just never interact with him. it's a paradoxical pick, your best lane success will be in low elo vs cocky all in champs who underestimate you, but your team will never know how to play around you, whereas in high elo you will probably have a terrible time in lane but your team might actually bait enemies into your boxes and play around your set up. even then, unless you're fed and can just spam E's and have successfully tilted your enemies, you are just a funny control mage and second support clown that needs to be carried by your team. Riot destroyed this pick by fixing the W mana cost to be so high early on that i just stopped playing it, especially as i got older and play in a much higher MMR than i did back in S6-S8.
D1 AP SHACO support and coach here. He uses all same tricks as I do. Things not mentoined here. Attack move with your clone. Aka after each clone auto move the clone into enemy champ or infront of their path. This way the clone stick to the enemy like they are connected with a rubberband. If you don't do this the clone will stand still for too long and lose the ability to apply the slow. Right before the clone dies stop attacking and move to the center. You hit way WAY more center ults this way. Also use clone as a aoe silence for your own safety. If you get good at controlling the clone and yourself at the same time and be very aware of where the enemy damage NEEDS to go i always place my clone there. Players always get suprised and panick when they realize too late they cant do the combo they wantes to when clone suddenly starts walking to this position.
welp Shaco top works everywhere but in Eune I guess XD im an a Old AP Shaco main from S10 after S11 i play AD most of time cause AP is of course way harder I HAD multiple games where i was the carry and was the only fed one while going full AP of course current items are 10x better than the ones from S10 but still since S10 i played around 180 AP Shaco games (in S10 i was still learning champions and found Shaco to be one of the more Fun ones after his rework) I was learning it trough Pinkwards videos and while currently Pinkward isnt on the same lvl as back then (getting older can do a lot) I played AP Shaco Top around 45 times im playing on Eune and whenever i play it I somehow end up playing vs People WHO EITHER must watch Pinkward or the Ones who know what Shaco does cause they never follow me and even if I manage to get good bait with ult on them im still somehow in disadvantage.While yes i have 110 fps and usualy 80 ping the game does feel slower to me (League Servers at their peak cause i have 80 ping only here even worse on EUW for some reason).So yea it all plays around until people know what champion does or just watch someone with certain playstyle I found Shaco mid to be a easier one than Top but still prefers him supp or JG I have currently around possibly 1200 games on Shaco and only a little with AP but I know how to play around both AD and AP and yea while AD is the easier one i still find AP a lot more of a Fun so im gonna say I respect this guy for pulling this out in Korea! Anyway if I had to put any tricks for the Clone control since i have some experience with it People usualy gonna know that the Clone is the Aggresive one while but this can be avoided by Simply R during Qs invis also small trick with Shacos Invis It does not break when u ignite someone for some reason Ignite does not count as damage source until second tick! this lets u ignite them while invis and before u ult so yea this can help bait some people in and yes People will turn to u after your invis runs out thats why it`s good only when u have a lot of bonus MS (I used to play Aproach Velocity for example on AD Shaco with Lethal Tempo) that way u can avoid most CCs that could counter u of course if they are skillshots xd The more efficient ways to use the Clone is to Walk in with it people expect Shaco to Q out when they attack so once he is CCed people will think they can actualy get him down this especialy is good for AP Shaco Shaco is also one of the best Utility champions in the game (even if he is still top 1 hardest champion within the game due to him being just old and having really weak skillset) due to him being able to just use W as wards (the time of them placed scales with AP so it goes from 45 to over a minute at some point) also using R as an a Ability Waster cause he can dodge everything WITH EXCEPTION TO YASUOS TORNADO AND HIS R for unknown reasons to me even if I timed it perfectly ;) Over all Dobby Love your vids! tho I wish u could find some high elo Corki Player :D!
I once was against a really good ap shaco and he literally almost carried his team he was 1vs5 us and we were very far ahead, this was at masters mmr lmao. He ended at like 25 kills and nearly solo won the game against us. I will always remember how fucking annoying this guy was holy fk.
@@DaemonLasherafter playing many champs vs Shaco top, the best ones are Sion, Ornn, Aatrox (don't ask why, it just works), Garen (become speed racer), and Zed
Pw has some hard times against Singed, Akshan, Olaf, GP but seeing it from other perspective is also crazy how some players understand shaco pretty well and the positioning of the clone to counter PW.
Ap shaco especially toplane isnt good once toplaners learn that u autowin vs shaco on 95% of toplane champs if u just chunk him for free and then never try to kill him unless its absolutely free. The only strategy that shaco players can do is to bait you in to try and kill them, if u dont fall for it they go -80 cs plus towerplates in lane and cant sidelane vs actual toplane champions.
It seems like Shaco mains tend to resemble the champion they play.. Be careful in your gameplay :)
*cringe champ
@@illuminated1158 it require brain ya know
@@illuminated1158 yep, you definitely got outplayed by a shaco
that's guy looks like keisha of shaco from KR
One small trick that wasn't mentioned. When you are walking back from base and have boots, you can ult around your 2nd tower and it will be ready to explode once you get back to lane. So if the enemy is taking tower you can get it ontop of them to explode, killing the wave while also fearing them. Placing a box refears them after R fear falls off, and usually by then creeps are cleared and they'll take 1-2 tower shots. Similar to 7:00 Q over and tether clone ontop of them when it's about to explode. This works in 2 ways, 1 sometimes gets you a kill and 2 it will scare them from pushing onto your tower denying plates or allowing you to roam more.
Its him, the legend
the messiah has appeared!
thats digusting lol i love it
Oh I can't believe it, legend.
Thank you for the thoughtful tips. The players in Korea have been admiring your play !
Especially against BoxBox, and everyone knows it.
The gay himself
Pink Ward has said before that lower elo is actually harder, because he plays for the team. He expects his team to capitalize on the amount of disruption he causes, but struggles because sometimes the team kinda just ignores what he's doing or doesn't take advantage by taking objectives, pushing lanes, or engaging. A fight can look completely lost, but a well placed box and a shaco ult can do an entire team in. It takes someone to know what Shaco can do to know that you can turn the fight instead of running. Some people will see Shaco at 10 hp in the enemy base, and think that he's trolling, but knowing what Shaco can do at that health with clone is the difference. People tend to trust what Pink Ward is doing too at higher elo, but people see Shaco top in Diamond and think it's grief or don't know how to play around it.
I agree with your take and PW's. But the reality is, the majority of those shaco in high elo are garbage. They try to mimic the good Shaco and fail miserably, then they become toxic and flame the team. Whe you have one good Shaco in your team, you really feel it !
that's the same pain playing support on low elo.
pinkward is a diamond/master player, bro is not high elo. This Korean player right here in this loldobby video is literally astro gapping pinkwards LP right now this very moment and he came out of nowhere lol. ofc pinkward is gonna say lower elo is harder, he cant get out of it. I know it doesn't mean much but the opgg website ranks how impactful you are per game out of all 10 players and pinkward gets 10th often which means worst in the entire match lol he just plays in like diamond/platnum and you see him outplay lowbobs on synapse. Not hating just saying 👍
@@HungrySmileDog me too, I think faker is just a low elo player
Mind status: Controlled
Mind = Controlled
Hotel = Trivago
You now see Pink Ward laughing in Shaco in your mind.
Polska 🇵🇱 Gurom 💪
This guy’s a pretty famous in Korea. He’s name is ShacoTime and he’s streamed as shaco one trick for 4-5 year now. I’m sure he’s taken inspiration from PinkWard but he’s invented a lot of cool tricks on his own as well.
may i ask where he stream? any link please.
I saw him before. Hard to forget that video.
on one hand, shaco is a disgusting and infuriating champion that arguably needs to be deleted from the game, but on the other hand, it’s impressive to watch someone with this level of mastery be able to manipulate the game and control his champion so fluently.
Its an art
Is he really worse than yummi? Cmon man leave the clown alone
it is but hes down cs in every lane by 30-40 cs. so they're just ending up about even into mid game despite the kills
well said
Its okay, nongshim showed that you can be down 50 cs and three waves of exp and still carry the game with smolder@@kavinh10
I wanted to thank you again for the videos. The quality is so good and you are always up to date!
Holy, casting the box between the clone and real is actually nuts tech wtf. Also, I think there was a very cool trick that you missed: using Q right as recall animation finishes so it makes it look like Shaco went back
happened to me the other day and I was wondering wtf happened, cool to see it explained here.
Its amazing how hard shaco gets countered by staying calm and farming up. You can just tell how they get increasingly desperate trying to bait You. I usually just buy a sustain item first and never click on them at all.
I got only one trick from PinkWard which I use on all my engaging support games, often top.
By standing edges from entering a bush and recalling, before you're about to finish the recall, cancel it by entering the bush and it will look like you just recalled to base for them, the enemy will either engage your adc or play more aggressively, setting them up for kills.
Of course it works only once ;p but it's neat, got that from PinkWard doing the fake-recall bush trick before.
Pink ward sometimes use his clone as a time bomb . Casts his ult after base then immediately runs to bot lane for instand explosion
11:55 This twitch lmao
Monkey brain of ADC: I see enemy, i shoot and kite, i see damage, HP bar goes down fast, dopamine high, kills clone, sees support die, blame support for letting himself get killed by Shaco.
This channel is where i discover beifeng and qiyana, learned qiyana mechanics at that time i was only silver now im almost diamond using Qiyana. Thanks Doby 🤣
That's so nice !!
The counterplay is to forget everything you've been doing, ignore Shaco and focus on scaling and if your champ can go lifesteal, go for it.
quality as always,
keep up man!
This guy be showing everyone who the real clown is
12:23 Shen has a beef with Shaco xD
Im going to lose so many games trying this it's unreal, can't wait
thats why this channel needs to be deleted, people like you trying to be different in ranked
i don't even play ranked lmao@@8TDK
@@8TDKnah. It's channels like this that gives me freelo with how many defective copycats running around. It's like the Sion strat. Once you know how it works all you need to do is respond accordingly.
@@8TDKLlegué al club con el combo
Rápido la vi lejos
Se pintaba los labios
Y la copa como espejo
Se acercó poco a poco
Y yo queriendo que me baile
Luego me dijo
"Vamos, que te enseño Buenos Aire'"
Y nos fuimos en una
Empezamo' a la una
ay ay hariba tapas tacos@@valeris993
Thank you for adding the music in the description !
The feeling of being controlled and playing into the Shaco's game must be pressuring and terrifying.. i love it.
crazy how i learned more from a 12 min video than i have from countless years of watching pink ward. shows the power of explaining your thought processes instead of just whining and raging the whole time lol
wow i never been so early to a video, good stuff man
i’m always early to his videos because i stay up until 6am for no reason lol
ahh yess the most powerful weapon in the game.
I love AP Shaco content, we need a deep guide
I played Split push AP bruiser top with Shaco for 5 years.
Hardest aspect of that game style is most often to get your team to actually capitalize from the fact I'm pulling 2 to 3 people to top all the time while managing to waste easily a minute of their time in their own top side jungle without gaining anything.
Lately I've just gone to jungle so I can order the pace for the team and not having to rely on them actually capitalizing the win cons.
thank you for this good video
That is so disgusting. Bro looking at this makes me thing you literally have to read Shaco's mind in order to have a chance in beating him compared to other champs. Other champs it's just out-hands'ing them.
yes, mind games, planning setup and execution or learn combo macro to be able to delete something in a blink of an eye
Just pick a champ with decent lane sustain (item/kit) and dont interact. You will see pinkward literally gets his mind imploded when he faces these players
This ^
No matter the game the right play to do against these type of players that try to make their enemy rage is just ignoring them.
This kind of gameplay actually makes them rage instead because you are not falling for their stuff.
When you ppay like that they will most likely accuse you of being "boring" lmao
Buy sustain, get a trinket and don't interact with the Shaco
Nah Shaco gets countered by marks. It’s kinda ridiculous. Volibear W, Wukong Q, Kalista W, Twitch/Vayne passive, Ekko Passive, Akshan Passive/W Passive, and the whole of the PTA rune just to name a few. Oh yeah and the target ping too lol. As long as you do any that before he ults, which isn’t hard, you crumble shaco’s goals.
he actually reached grand master, and he has youtube channel shacotime
absolute hilarioius dude
you should add pink ward live stream into this,
hes emotionless when he makes these types of play, like hes trying to make fun of the enemy, but he just not getting enough pleasure to laugh out of the suffering of the enemy,
i don't know what they did to shaco lately, but i'm loving him as he is... i'm able to use him in much more matchups, he often can stand his ground against very aggressive tanks, assassins and bursters... i finally can say shaco is a safe pick in most of my matchups !
As a shaco mid enjoyer I enjoyed this video.
for a second i thought it was really Pinkward lol
the first clip was insane !
12:29, it actually only works in high elo, when ur plwced in lower brackets, its best to stick to ad jg Shaco
Korea was playing shaco top, shaco mid and shaco support like 6 years ago. People still play Shaco support because it's the actually good version.
lmao people forget the ancient advice of ''dont chase shaco''
Huh? That was never a thing.
Singed on the other hand
it's don't chase the singed
I remember watching trick2g playing against pink ward and won by just ignoring him all game and getting tanky
8:08 i love this part
High barrier of entry and high skill ceiling. A very good Shaco lives rent free in his enemy's mind
6:54 why is riven Q3 not dealing damage?
my wild guess is shaco is BRIEFLY invulnerable as he enters ultimate state. similar to Kayle's ultimate: immune to damage, but can be CC'ed.
I would despise playing against a competent Shaco, but I have to admit watching master is fascinating.
Watching the first play, it would be interesting to compile from the perspective of their victims.
I saw the korean version of this video in class ty for the english ver.
my god i been playing lol for about 10 years and i didn't know about that lvl5 trick, it's terrifying
that’s because the clone has lvl6 in the video
Watching Shaco plays Pink Ward style is so engrossing but also so damn infuriating. Seeing a Shaco player 200IQ outplay an opponent into a master trap that used his ult, E, and a W box to deal ~350 damage when one of the four horsewomen can just mash buttons for 500 damage makes me seethe.
You have to work so damn hard to kill somebody as Shaco. You basically have to play poker mind games and League at the same time. His entire kit is finicky and nerfed into the ground, and they just won't stop nerfing it.
Well, Shaco was never meant to be a top laner. That's why high elo Shaco top players are so impressive, they're squeezing water from a stone. But no matter how well they play it, it'll never be as good as meta top lane champion in the hands on an equally skilled player.
It's not just top Shaco is just trash in general. Go look at his WRs.
Edit: Keep in mine that WR is also coming from him only being played by his mains. If others played him it would be even lower.
4:56 I'd be triggered beyond all hell
Shaco top relies on knowledge checks. Knowledge Check one is you shouldn't try to kill someone who can blink into an unknown amount of back-to-back 2 second fears, a point and click slow, a blink with a vanish attached to it, and a potentially heavily skewed (in shaco's favor) 50/50 which if you guess wrong you get feared and nuked.
There's tons of tricks that no one knows but shaco mains. Best to just play it safe, doubly so if shaco is at low hp. The motto for going against shaco top for non-shaco mains: if you think you are doing the right thing, and that thing includes moving your character, then you are actually doing a very wrong thing and also you are walking into a chain CC which will last for your entire health bar.
First play was sick
Making enemies go mental boom is the best way to win, although it will sometimes always end up in a surrender vote and its not fun to not be able to break enemy nexus.
we need more of these build. i hope devs wont nerf it, so people can actually play the game, not farm like its pve
What a psychopathic playstyle. I'm in.
What champion would you delete from LOL and why is it Shaco?
Best shaco video
One thing I like to do against Shaco top mains - don`t interact with him at all. Destroy the boxes he places in waves with your skills and proceed to farm up. Buy sustain item first so you don`t bleed out with his daggers and see him desperately trying to bait you, while you are scaling to infinity.
Rip my soloQ, thx a lot Dobby...
Sorry a lot...😂
But the "lv5 clone out of the bush" has lv6, is it just because of the replay?
Ngl that box trick with the clone is peak shaco gameplay. Shaco just inflicts too much mental damage
He reappears as level 5 if that’s the last the enemy saw him as?! That’s insane!!!
So my platinum playstyle of permapushing and avoid taking damage counters this?
Riot needs to fix the Shaco clone always has more mana than the real one. So weird that they updated the animation for the clone but forgot about this issue.
The clones copy the animation of placing boxes? Man Riot really put such a high level of detail into Shaco I never knew.
Il actually enjoy facing shaco top as a proxy / push player i most of the time end laning phase in 0/0 juste enjoy farm and plates
Cool stuff
now im no Pink Ward, but as someone whos played hundreds of ap Shaco top games since season 6 (before i even knew who PW was) theres a few things i wanna point out. this is arguably the most HIGH RISK low reward pick in all of top lane. and to boot, one of the worst for Solo queue. you are not a tank. you have no sustain. you are a terrible splitpusher. you have no engage without sacrificing your ult and your q which is your only way to survive. you have no guaranteed, reliable cc. you will be flamed from champ select. theres a reason you only see PW and fanboys pick this. the reason these clips in top lane look so godly is because they're vs his best matchups. champs who are usually played by cocky players that all in or nothing, like fiora, irelia, riven, aatrox etc (albeit the Jayce kill was super clean). the roam clips he one shots because he got fed and had a gold lead. anyone who sees a shaco top should immediately know to never interact with him, tell your jungler to stay away, always assume theres another box, if he places a box and you have an AA reset just kill it, if he ults literally just walk away and sit under tower if you have to. simply wait till you outscale him, because you will, every single time. you will always have better CS, and kill towers faster. or if youre like riven or darius just flash on him at level 1 because he probably started W and Shaco never takes flash and force him to back, miss waves and burn TP or just freeze then the lane is over for Shaco. AP shaco is at his strongest in the mid to late game, but basically every other top laner will always just be stronger. unless your top laner completely runs it down vs Shaco, it's essentially a 4v5 if they just never interact with him. it's a paradoxical pick, your best lane success will be in low elo vs cocky all in champs who underestimate you, but your team will never know how to play around you, whereas in high elo you will probably have a terrible time in lane but your team might actually bait enemies into your boxes and play around your set up. even then, unless you're fed and can just spam E's and have successfully tilted your enemies, you are just a funny control mage and second support clown that needs to be carried by your team. Riot destroyed this pick by fixing the W mana cost to be so high early on that i just stopped playing it, especially as i got older and play in a much higher MMR than i did back in S6-S8.
D1 AP SHACO support and coach here. He uses all same tricks as I do. Things not mentoined here.
Attack move with your clone. Aka after each clone auto move the clone into enemy champ or infront of their path. This way the clone stick to the enemy like they are connected with a rubberband. If you don't do this the clone will stand still for too long and lose the ability to apply the slow. Right before the clone dies stop attacking and move to the center. You hit way WAY more center ults this way.
Also use clone as a aoe silence for your own safety. If you get good at controlling the clone and yourself at the same time and be very aware of where the enemy damage NEEDS to go i always place my clone there. Players always get suprised and panick when they realize too late they cant do the combo they wantes to when clone suddenly starts walking to this position.
This guy is the goddamn joker
The first music is so good. I checked the description but none of them are correct, please tell me the name 😢
The word is out - PHI NIX
Oh sorry I forgot to write down the first song, that's the right one.
Fourteen Words "mind: controlled"
11:59 nidalee flashes in the boxes
welp Shaco top works everywhere but in Eune I guess XD
im an a Old AP Shaco main from S10 after S11 i play AD most of time cause AP is of course way harder
I HAD multiple games where i was the carry and was the only fed one while going full AP of course current items are 10x better than the ones from S10 but still since S10 i played around 180 AP Shaco games (in S10 i was still learning champions and found Shaco to be one of the more Fun ones after his rework) I was learning it trough Pinkwards videos and while currently Pinkward isnt on the same lvl as back then (getting older can do a lot) I played AP Shaco Top around 45 times im playing on Eune and whenever i play it I somehow end up playing vs People WHO EITHER must watch Pinkward or the Ones who know what Shaco does cause they never follow me and even if I manage to get good bait with ult on them im still somehow in disadvantage.While yes i have 110 fps and usualy 80 ping the game does feel slower to me (League Servers at their peak cause i have 80 ping only here even worse on EUW for some reason).So yea it all plays around until people know what champion does or just watch someone with certain playstyle I found Shaco mid to be a easier one than Top but still prefers him supp or JG I have currently around possibly 1200 games on Shaco and only a little with AP but I know how to play around both AD and AP and yea while AD is the easier one i still find AP a lot more of a Fun so im gonna say I respect this guy for pulling this out in Korea!
Anyway if I had to put any tricks for the Clone control since i have some experience with it People usualy gonna know that the Clone is the Aggresive one while but this can be avoided by Simply R during Qs invis also small trick with Shacos Invis
It does not break when u ignite someone for some reason Ignite does not count as damage source until second tick! this lets u ignite them while invis and before u ult so yea this can help bait some people in
and yes People will turn to u after your invis runs out thats why it`s good only when u have a lot of bonus MS (I used to play Aproach Velocity for example on AD Shaco with Lethal Tempo) that way u can avoid most CCs that could counter u of course if they are skillshots xd
The more efficient ways to use the Clone is to Walk in with it people expect Shaco to Q out when they attack so once he is CCed people will think they can actualy get him down this especialy is good for AP Shaco
Shaco is also one of the best Utility champions in the game (even if he is still top 1 hardest champion within the game due to him being just old and having really weak skillset) due to him being able to just use W as wards (the time of them placed scales with AP so it goes from 45 to over a minute at some point) also using R as an a Ability Waster cause he can dodge everything WITH EXCEPTION TO YASUOS TORNADO AND HIS R for unknown reasons to me even if I timed it perfectly ;)
Over all Dobby Love your vids! tho I wish u could find some high elo Corki Player :D!
I've been maining this badboy for the past 20 minutes and my team is not amused...
Hahaha good one
Pinkward's Shaco literally takes advantage of the top laner mindset to win games.
At 1:05 what is ToB-Ultimate?
taste of blood & ultimate hunter
Gotta feed the family this month huh
8:25 that is the biggest bs Darius E i've ever seen! Lmao!
the very first song is not credited. wtf?? it's so good !! T^T
it's been a while since i commented on dobby's video but i doubt this will work because of world atlas change in 14.6
i love playing shaco
Sometimes I feel like the arcane comet nerf was specifically to nerf Pink Ward.
노령진이 여기왔구나
how do you control shaco's clone?
"Max jungler rizz" lmaooooo
13 minutes ago is crazy
Pinkward's playstyle + korean player's mindset = double trouble
Sometimes, I killed the clone for 50 gold, but it turned out to be the real one.
I once was against a really good ap shaco and he literally almost carried his team he was 1vs5 us and we were very far ahead, this was at masters mmr lmao. He ended at like 25 kills and nearly solo won the game against us. I will always remember how fucking annoying this guy was holy fk.
best shaco counter i ever played was ornn
what does shaco do vs ornn
nothing, the pick only works against people who have egos. You just don't interact and scale and the pick is useless
@@DaemonLasherafter playing many champs vs Shaco top, the best ones are Sion, Ornn, Aatrox (don't ask why, it just works), Garen (become speed racer), and Zed
Forget true dmg. Shaco be out here doing mental dmg to his enemies
I started this 15 years ago.
Lol I did not know Pink Ward is a well-known player, have been playing with the guy for months
Just play it like you are facing singed and no worries
I feel like thebauss style of gameplay would counter this hard.
Pw has some hard times against Singed, Akshan, Olaf, GP but seeing it from other perspective is also crazy how some players understand shaco pretty well and the positioning of the clone to counter PW.
12:15 the sanchovies technique
I am going to play this. If you meet me in your games, I am not sorry.
well, he is a korean LOL streamer, "Shacotime"
and I know that he became challenger now.
whats the first song?
the ultimate definitely said level 6
Shaco is easy to counter : just ignore him and farm 😂 A control ward is good too in middle of the lane
Ap shaco especially toplane isnt good once toplaners learn that u autowin vs shaco on 95% of toplane champs if u just chunk him for free and then never try to kill him unless its absolutely free. The only strategy that shaco players can do is to bait you in to try and kill them, if u dont fall for it they go -80 cs plus towerplates in lane and cant sidelane vs actual toplane champions.
Yeah it's just a cheese strat, like doing a weird unknown gambit in chess.
The problem with this pick is just enemies having IQ or not. An AP shaco will e.g. not popout off invis when your halflife meleeing you...