In a world where vaporwave and tile floors have taken over the planet, one man in a red jumpsuit with the world's deadliest foutain pen fights the evil 80's version of deviant art and LSD induced fever dreams to free all of jumsuited up humanity
I remember when a bunch of them showed up as enemies in Majora's Mask, easily one of the creepiest missions with that ambience that plays during when you're fighting them.
I don’t mind the boss themes, I really like some of them, Obviously tho, the biggest down sides to the soundtrack is most of the songs are literally like 10-20 seconds long but I imagine it had somthing to do with memory limitations or how many songs they wanted to make and how fast there are, or maybe they just knew people wouldn’t be fitting them for long .
In a world where vaporwave and tile floors have taken over the planet, one man in a red jumpsuit with the world's deadliest foutain pen fights the evil 80's version of deviant art and LSD induced fever dreams to free all of jumsuited up humanity
6:33 Dark Harrier Is Not Screaming!
More games need to feature the Flatwoods Monster!
I noticed that to and yes they do.
I remember when a bunch of them showed up as enemies in Majora's Mask, easily one of the creepiest missions with that ambience that plays during when you're fighting them.
I had this game back on Sega Genesis over 20 years ago plus I’ve played the first one back at the arcade back in the late 80’s.
Space Harrier 2: The Guy that goes 6:21 - 6:25
What? That's what I've remembered it off.
Stage 13 is the Boss Rush, it uses the names of the bosses.
Trimuller 🐢 Paranoia 👻 Brizard 🐉 🧊 Neo Dom 🤖 Mantichora 🐅 🪽 Wizard 💀 Medusa 🐍 Neo Tomos 🎱 Cragon (a.k.a Barinade)🪼 Bins Been ⚽️ Love Face 😀 Cthuga 🔥 🐉 and Dark Harrier 😈
Boss music was horrible in this game and sound fx what was going on sega other games was so much better
Go kick rocks
I don’t mind the boss themes, I really like some of them, Obviously tho, the biggest down sides to the soundtrack is most of the songs are literally like 10-20 seconds long but I imagine it had somthing to do with memory limitations or how many songs they wanted to make and how fast there are, or maybe they just knew people wouldn’t be fitting them for long .