Deep within the woods, a young boy named Wake and his friend Kirby encounter a new world of fauna that is under threat by an evil force known as, "The Never". Join Xander Morningstar as he takes a look at this adventure in the forest on the Nintendo Switch. Written Review:
Love the vibes of this game! Really cool to see the Pikmin style of gameplay in an indie, you don't see that very often. Sad to hear about the strange difficulty levels and load times, but I'll definitely stick this onto my wishlist. Great review!
Deep within the woods, a young boy named Wake and his friend Kirby encounter a new world of fauna that is under threat by an evil force known as, "The Never". Join Xander Morningstar as he takes a look at this adventure in the forest on the Nintendo Switch.
Written Review:
One of my favorite games of 2021!!! Loved it!
Just came across this channel tonight. Love the content so far. Subscribed!
Excellent review. Loved this game so much.
Love the vibes of this game! Really cool to see the Pikmin style of gameplay in an indie, you don't see that very often. Sad to hear about the strange difficulty levels and load times, but I'll definitely stick this onto my wishlist. Great review!
The Wild things are The Video game
I really like this game but stopped playing because the loading times are awful.
This game really is such a lil gem 🥰