@ I know I jam to this with my bluetooth on full blast my neighbors love me Totally different day my neighbors called the cops my mom was extremely angry but shit happens
Back then it was even obvious that Dan Schneider might've been creepy with the young actresses at the time, that was the inspiration behind the song probably
Rage Against the Machine is even more monetized, lol. Black Sabbath has its own channel, full albums, no ads. Probably the only classic rock without ads.
i think he miss him too. But for health reasons he couldn't continue. I think it's for the better. I'd rather have this than Pink Guy fading into mediocrity
@@DivinityOfBLaze Yea, like all you need to do is watch a single one of his videos through an open lens, or even just read the fucking description of his channel
@@palerider3178nah he aint coming back with how strict youtube has become, and he's succesfull asf now. But it would be cool if he comesback for just one last video.
Brandon Brunson Parents should not let their kids on YT. There is no reason for that dumb ass censorship except to warn bad parents from making bad parenting desscions in which they should know better. If you don't like it there is a back and exit button.
@@imnotreal9554 exactly, kids already have their own fucking platform with curated content that suits the sensibilities of parents that can't even be bothered to raise their own kids. They need to leave the rest of the fucking site alone and let people be creative without worrying about a no-no word getting their entire career fucking destroyed
@@reikothereapette8231 yeah, until I listened those two songs separately, I didn't even think that they were separate. The same with 'Fuck young thug' and the one that was before it. Geez, the transitions in this masterpiece are smooth af.
Who knows? Would never happen in fiction, but in real life, it just might. Sounds less absurd than a radio guided glide bomb getting successfully jammed via a few dozen electric razors - and that actually happened.
In 2017 I was like ok this is funny meme music. Now its 2020 and I'm coming back and actually appreciating the production and effort that went into this masterpiece album.
@TOOEPICBOSS That feeling when someone doesn't realize that the whole conversation on originality is a huge waste of time and ruins the joke by taking them self too seriously. I'd tell you to go do some horrible shit to yourself for taking comments to seriously but at this point that would be hypocrisy... Fuck.
Ok. We can all agree. This entire album is amazing. For those of you looking for the tracks with sick flow and not just straight insanity. Here's a list. Are You Serious 2:19 Nickelodeon Girls 8:39 STFU 11:47 She's So Nice 22:52 Dumplings 30:25 Rice Balls 41:38 SMD 47:19 We Fall Again 51:49 Help 54:49 Pink Life 1:01:15 Furr 1:09:36 Fried Noodles 1:11:41
CharmanderMC 20 This is a perfectly crafted comment, I support it wholly as much as you sir. Please have my worthless internet points as a thank you for this chuckle you’ve provided me
I like coming back to this album being older and realizing that it is actually genius. I remember thinking it was funny and edgy album as a teen, and it is, but I can now understand its purpose.
And she's one hella weird mother when the first fucking track is named "Hot nickel ball on a pussy"@@Kaisersaurus I mean, it takes some curiosity to hear / see that and be like, "Aight, imma sit for a while and listen to that"
You have helped me start working out. Every day i go out for a run. I add a song from this album every day to a playlist and run until i finish it. Im currently adding goofys trial today.
He should try performing live one of these days, I would definitely buy tickets to see that. Just imagine Pink Guy on stage losing his shit and spittin' fire!
going from pink guy to pink season is pretty unreal. like one is experimental and light hearted with a bunch of covers. and pink season is him knowing filthy frank is coming to an end and he’s about to begin his music career. idk which album i like better but this is his magnum opus for sure the quality is off the charts on this
"I carly I carly. I dont care of you look like Michael Jackson, as long as im getting some action, and Freddys there to film the reaction!" I fuckin came.
Every time I listen to this album again, it always obliterates me in some new way. How he managed to be this consistently funny is nothing short of a mystery to me
Infact his music has a lot of anti racist commentary in it, commentary on crime culture, insecurity, depression, unrequited love, self improvement, politics, pedophilia in the media, and the state of rap music
Dog festival directions has got to be my favorite because it’s just so unexpected and so I hide it in a playlist of random, normal songs and let the chaos begin
I turned 25 today and it's 3 AM and I'm headbanging to "REPOPULATE MA HOOD" 💀 man.. getting old and all the other things aside, I still feel soo lucky to see all of this stuff at the old times.. such a great vibe and a whole culture in it. it gives me energy and will, remembering all these memories and old times.. I mean I'm sure I will visit here at 30 and more. thanks papa furanku.
I love that spotify, apple, yt music all seem to have removed white is right and the dog festival directions but the two songs about pedophilia are totally ok
You made me check... 1 Various Artists - Moana (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) 2 Pink Guy - Pink Season 3 Various Artists - La La Land (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) 4 Various Artists - Sing (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack Deluxe) 5 Bruno Mars - 24K Magic 6 Twenty One Pilots - Blurryface 7 Drake - Views 8 Original Broadway Cast of Hamilton - Hamilton (Original Broadway Cast Recording) 9 The Weeknd - Starboy 10 J. Cole - 4 Your Eyez Only
I can't believe we're coming up on 7 years since this, I still remember the morning this dropped like it was yesterday Thankful it's still on TH-cam lmao
five years later this really got me through a lot of shit that happened over these last couple of years in particular. I'm going to be honest, I want another pink guy album, I crave it.
mainstream rappers cant handle these bars
fuck drake
Pink Guy b0ss? Is thaat yew b0ss?
Pink Guy Mainstream rappers wish they could communicate this well👅👨❤️💋👨
Pink Guy I don't think this is teh real b0ss.
Musical history restarts today.
Do a collab with Frank!
What does that mean?
Dan Bull really?
dankest memes
Dan Bull lol
This is amazing because advertisers refuse to put ads on this so you can listen without interruptions
I love it because they do still have options to put ads on it, it's not demonitized which is just great
BACONFLAKES_6 there is only 1 ad
@@dd555thai Thus making it still monetized
Please leave this comment at 666 likes please
5 years later it still bangs.
It's actually basically 6 years old.
@@Rancher.Rancher 2 adverbs to identify it?
Only god can save us
Imagine joji’s newer fans that never knew about him, finding this.
I found it
Lesley Mendoza what do you think?
@@giselle7963 I'll answer for him: it's amazing and he loves it
@ I know I jam to this with my bluetooth on full blast my neighbors love me
Totally different day my neighbors called the cops my mom was extremely angry but shit happens
traumatised for life
"I'm selling cocaine in the streets like its grocery, except its not grocery, its cocaine"
Lyrical genius.
he was ahead of his time
he's a lyrical spiritual individual
he was ahead of his time
Lyrical miracle miracle lyrical miracle lyrical lyrical
@@SempreQueVoceLerOsComentarium skippin it flippin it zippin it.
I was born in the right generation.
We all were.
I was born in the left gen pls help
Sasha Creighton L
Nickelodeon Girls hits different now. He was trying to warn us all these years!
lol fr
Well that scandal was already happening back then, just not that loud
Back then it was even obvious that Dan Schneider might've been creepy with the young actresses at the time, that was the inspiration behind the song probably
It's been a known thing for so many years, Jeanette mccurdys book talks about it in depth too
Dan Schneider!!!!!
This entire thing is monetized, holy shit
Just the way it should be
RETIRED CHANNEL perfectly balanced
What has gotten into this site/app!!
thats pretty good
Rage Against the Machine is even more monetized, lol. Black Sabbath has its own channel, full albums, no ads. Probably the only classic rock without ads.
1:12:59 "Do you miss me, anymore?"
Yes, Frank... We miss you... We always will...
i think he miss him too. But for health reasons he couldn't continue. I think it's for the better. I'd rather have this than Pink Guy fading into mediocrity
We miss him we must respect his decision though. He will always fill the hole in our hearts
dude no.... :c
@_Senritsu Wrld Private
_Senritsu Wrld not that bad. Hah.
Waiting for the Kids Bop version...
They would have to change almost every word slightly, making it a completely different song.
the only kids bop i would buy XD
kids bop would ruin this like how they fucked up trap queen
Artbug it would be like this beep beep let me beep
Artbug it's gonna be so awesome
Just a reminder, this album peaked at #70 on the Billboard Top 200 ( 2017/01/28 )
Also, it wasn't a friday release. It could have got higher if he wanted it to.
certificate jammer
I love that, the album was a literal joke and made it to that spot 😂😂
your joking😭
We humans have reached a new step in our evolution
this is the new anime style
victor whatupp. say hi to yuri lol
Homo Ludens
thank you, donald trump. very cool!
I wish him the best in his serious career but this album will always have a special place in my heart
Mace same here. Just hysterical
Papa is in our hearts
A very special place I hope
And a special place in hell too smh
@@ajynapy5607 heaven* this glorious music plays when you enter heaven
Why is this actually a banger lmao
quadecaX8 ikr it actually sounds decent
quadecaX8 why wouldnt it be
?? why would you expect anything different, frank has been making music before he started all this youtube stuff
quadecaX8 That's the beauty of pink guy
Club Banger 3000?
"I don't have sex with a condom on because I wanna repopulate the city" Truly amazing
This is my platform for family planning when I become mayor
one of the most powerful line ever
literally me omg
I do it for my cat! I do it for my dog! I do it for my hamster! I do it for my fish!
spoken like true japanese
This should be in youtube rewind 2017
I Doubt youtube will do that
It won't :(
JellyOsaurus yep
JellyOsaurus yesss
TH-cam rewind just cares about stupid ass trends other then ACTUAL content.
K-pop Twitter is going crazy over "White is Right" rn
did they find Gays 4 Donald yet?
Lmao, bitchasses can't handle mildly offensive music
@@idunnodo1142 Or insanely obvious satire. It's like they didn't even listen to the song.
Yeah he is literally making fun of those stereotypes
@@DivinityOfBLaze Yea, like all you need to do is watch a single one of his videos through an open lens, or even just read the fucking description of his channel
0% Swearing
0% nudity
0% toxicity
0% racism
Definitely child family friendly music &
100% talent
12:52 -
@@conorhoade8793 this is the only one you could find?
@@filipkaczynski3467 12:52 -
@@conorhoade8793 lol no one cares
100% swearing
Miss you frank
is he dead?
@@CynthiaOrtega-zq8fu Yes
FRANK shall return when we need him most.
@@palerider3178nah he aint coming back with how strict youtube has become, and he's succesfull asf now.
But it would be cool if he comesback for just one last video.
Better than J. Cole's last two albums COMBINED.
Hazel Ninja but has he gone double platinum with no features?
2014 forest hills drive went double platinum with no features!!!!!
iEggSavior as not a real rap artist he has the 35th best selling album im the country
Also you dont need to have an average iq to understand pink guy because we all know how complex jcoles lyrics are
unironically enjoying this
Ikr. It's all memes and shit but he's seriously good.
Hell yes!
Yeah, you better
The 2nd to last song aka Goofy's Trial is hella funny!
Oh my virgin ears
Far Asap not for long
profile pic matches comment
It says you have 4 replies but you only have 2. 3 now because of this comment.
Far Asap I used to listen to the first Pink Guy Album near daily, so, my ears were prepared XD
I would say sorry, but it's still undeniably good
Love the break of character around 17:28, it adds to the vibe
My shits hard
its my fave part of the song
He does it around 45:53 when he says “halls”
it's honestly fucking hilarious how this isn't age restricted
didnt even notice hahahahahah wtf
Brandon Brunson I don't think audio can get a video age restricted.
Brandon Brunson Parents should not let their kids on YT. There is no reason for that dumb ass censorship except to warn bad parents from making bad parenting desscions in which they should know better. If you don't like it there is a back and exit button.
Eric Hamm they make an app called TH-camkids
@@imnotreal9554 exactly, kids already have their own fucking platform with curated content that suits the sensibilities of parents that can't even be bothered to raise their own kids. They need to leave the rest of the fucking site alone and let people be creative without worrying about a no-no word getting their entire career fucking destroyed
Frank straight up murdered the music industry then headed out
Luis Martinez to do more music
@@PURGRuthlessYT1 more bonk ass music...
@@comradeq2493 Just because it's not anime or video game music doesn't mean its trash plebeian
@@de_gree What? your comment holds no relevance, tf does anime or videogame music have to do with anything? im just sayin joji's music is lame
@Niitami it's pretty bad
Doctor: You have 1 hour and 19 minutes to live
Jennifurr Great way to spend your last moments
Spend the last 30 seconds saying "I have the cancer"
Then you get a 5 minute unskippable ad.
Nobody ever comments in how hard the bass goes in on damn near every song on the album. Bangers truly
I've been listening to this for a few months for this very reason. Bangers
"Take these fucking spanks you dumbass kid" lyrical genius
other youtuber: censor every bad words
filthy frank: *spit 1hr of fire
nanami what are you doing here didn't you die in DR 3
and he still gets monetized
Anime opinions don't matter
@@fionntanmacgiollacheara788 But this opinion is true
It brings a tear to my eye seeing ads still running on this video, only Frank could do it.
I miss franku ☹️
i think TH-cam forgot he exists
@Samo Sabina but his content is like God like 💯
The royalties on all his content must be *i n s a n e*
@Samo Sabina what makes something a god? Pink Guy is as good of a God as "Jesus"
the transition from "White Is Right" to "I Have A Gun" is perfect holy shit
@@reikothereapette8231 yeah, until I listened those two songs separately, I didn't even think that they were separate. The same with 'Fuck young thug' and the one that was before it. Geez, the transitions in this masterpiece are smooth af.
i wonder why...
until it was taken off spotify... still pissed about that
Frank is a genius
I was thinking that.
Legally? It's questionable
Morally? It's disgusting
Personally? I like it
If you don't have good then you can't have bad.
Hotel? Trivago
@@TheSadSmile Stfu cringe ass meme from 2013
why is it morally disgusting? i mean the incest yes everything else pretty good
@@Aercryptic racism pedophelia, just obscene in general
imagine trying to make a clean version of this album
filthy frank kidz bop confirmed?
Psyclonic Nickelodeon Girls and STFU censored would be hilarious
Psyclonic. The editor would kill himself.
hey Psyclonic I will take on that challenge
Psyclonic silence isn't fun
35 songs. That's a huge album considering it was from a TH-camr
Yeah noons seems to talk about it
he got the talent
What’s funny is he probably made around 100 or so songs altogether while on yt
Its franku watchu expect
Lol and his album Balads 1 is only 12 song so my guess hes preping for a mega album like 50 songs
One of the only rappers eminem is too afraid to diss
Eminem wont fuck with this legends they far far far far far crazy mfs
I say its a stalemate
One of the many comments that are fucking stupid
The only actually
Album is still solid even now. These days will never happen again but glad I got to see it happen.
Who knows? Would never happen in fiction, but in real life, it just might.
Sounds less absurd than a radio guided glide bomb getting successfully jammed via a few dozen electric razors - and that actually happened.
Teens in 2050:
/cries and puts on Pink Guy suit and blasts out Pink Season/
Jenna Marb no some gay shit twerk music
Woah 666 likes, spooky
salamander man Holy shit I read this while listening to that part.
honestly they probably will pull out some Kendrick aka the goat
Frank: “I just shot 3 children”
*Still monotized
@@CoDMunichTV stfu i fixed it
@@Mxrioshima1.0 hmm, interesting
Cringey 9 year old not eny more it was when I was listening to it a while ago now it’s not
1. who gives a shit
2. its still monotized
3. i am pretty sure you that's NOT a typo
4. what's the point of your comment tho
In 2017 I was like ok this is funny meme music.
Now its 2020 and I'm coming back and actually appreciating the production and effort that went into this masterpiece album.
Masterpiece ?
@@adambateman6716 godlike
@@adambateman6716 sorry we mean, priceless art which God himself created
He’s the next Madlib, putting out beats like club banger 3000
420th like. Noice.
I wish more people from my generation could appreciate this kind of music
born in the wrong generation
You literally sound like one of the people he talked shit about 😂😂
I think that's the joke bud... @@Maciwan_Windobi
"What type of music do you like?"
Me: it's complicated
Unoriginal comment like this should stop..
666th like
@TOOEPICBOSS That feeling when someone doesn't realize that the whole conversation on originality is a huge waste of time and ruins the joke by taking them self too seriously. I'd tell you to go do some horrible shit to yourself for taking comments to seriously but at this point that would be hypocrisy... Fuck.
I literally cum on my phone screen guys aaaaaa
Good way to describe my situation
"Okay fine, Ill let you play one song at the party"
@@onton8364 it's worth it
Onton the contacts u lost prolly werent real “friends” or whatever its called
One year later... Rest in peace Francis of the Filth.
*in the arms of the angels! FLY AWAY*
grimm reapergaming58 You're looking for the Francis of the Filth?
Gregg Seamon he didn’t die he just quit yt
Even though I binged wached most of his videos he is my role model and I won't take that back no matter what
In pussy*
Ok. We can all agree. This entire album is amazing. For those of you looking for the tracks with sick flow and not just straight insanity. Here's a list.
Are You Serious 2:19
Nickelodeon Girls 8:39
STFU 11:47
She's So Nice 22:52
Dumplings 30:25
Rice Balls 41:38
SMD 47:19
We Fall Again 51:49
Help 54:49
Pink Life 1:01:15
Furr 1:09:36
Fried Noodles 1:11:41
Himanos everyone like this so it gets to the top, for commodity at least
Himanos "Gays 4 Donald" 15:33 also has a heavy beat and nice lines. Also he slips and laughs at his own Bullshit in the 2nd verse
Himanos white is right has some good beats with that banjo imo
green eagle yeah I like that one buts it's a little out there haha
vincent prado yeah definitely
this whole album is being played at my funeral while my coffin slowly enters the grave
vanillasplash shut the fuck up, nobody even wants you here.
vanillasplash lol, he was referring to STFU in the album
vanillasplash I had a profile pic idk where it went.
* slowly lowering *
This is the last surviving official upload of white is right
Old ass comment IK but th-cam.com/video/lIeE_270J4U/w-d-xo.html
@@jamcal8086 holy shit ur a god
TH-cam Recap declared THIS my most listened album of 2024. 😅 I’m so proud.
Finally a perfectly family friendly, monetized video. I can finally send my children to bed knowing they're watching a nice video.
CharmanderMC 20 This is a perfectly crafted comment, I support it wholly as much as you sir. Please have my worthless internet points as a thank you for this chuckle you’ve provided me
i agree good sir.
@Marvel rules 9918 DC is better lmao
That was a hysterical comment because my son showed me this lol
i successfully protected my virginity 4 times with this album
+Noah cross nice profile pic
How so?
Noah cross
KrASsKAH Speedkiller he got top 10 on hip hop billboards lol
i deadass fucked to this album
"I'm selling the cocaine in the streets like groceries
Except it's not groceries
It's cocaine"
plot twist
Top ten anime plot twists
I mean he isn't lying
I never have sex with a condom on
+Backward Arse straight up tho
I like coming back to this album being older and realizing that it is actually genius. I remember thinking it was funny and edgy album as a teen, and it is, but I can now understand its purpose.
What is it purpose?
Grow up and you'll figure it out.
@@evvt7326the album is a masterfully done piece of satire
@@feenickstv4209 this album aged so well too
I slightly teared up when I went on Spotify, typed "pink season" and it was actually there
Meme Machine fuckin babes
i was actually surprised too....and it was actually uploaded the day it was released
Meme Machine it was like 1st or 2nd on downloads on itunes i believe
siracha shrimp
“White is Right” got removed from almost every version of the album but “Gays 4 Donald” didn’t 🤔
What versions have it?
Why is Dog Festival Directions also removed from Spotify?
Neroforte666 TH-cam and Soundcloud
@@neroforte6663 Amazon music still has it
Whites truly are the most oppressed minority.
If this debuts at number 1 on the Billboard 200 charts, the music industry is gonna go apeshit.
Nick Diachenko lmao he obviously hasn't
Take the Cannoli Hahah multiple iTunes #1 charts must have created some waves!
Amar Jafri Look at the itunes reviews
Take the Cannoli wouldn't be surprised but the beats are fire so it would make sense
a record company has to sign him if he ever wants to see any promotion. if not, radio dj's won't be bothered to play this.
I'm forty five and my daughter introduced me to this and I cannot stop laughing.. This is the best thing i've heard in such a long time
you must have one cool daughter lmao
And she's one hella weird mother when the first fucking track is named "Hot nickel ball on a pussy"@@Kaisersaurus
I mean, it takes some curiosity to hear / see that and be like, "Aight, imma sit for a while and listen to that"
imagine joji's fans listening to gimme love and then coming over and listening to goofy's trial.
i listen to Slow Dancing In The Dark sometimes but i listen to Gays 4 Donald more.
Not crazy. I do.
me irl
I came here straight from Slow Dancing In The Dark to listen to STFU
*Hyuuuck* Guilty!
What a time to be alive.
Dana Renae too true
Dana Renae Ikr
People have always said that
what a sad time to be alive
2017 is off with a good start guys.
MattCS this immediately made this year worth it.
Its the best start it could have.
+Kagamine Rin this is going to be the greatest year ever.
Lebron James That's what she Said.
MattCS 2017 is going to be the year of dick because 2016 was the year of pussys
You have helped me start working out. Every day i go out for a run. I add a song from this album every day to a playlist and run until i finish it. Im currently adding goofys trial today.
Your best work, papa... RIP...
fucking hell stop with this he isnt a memer anymore he is a songwriter now
Calm down Radek. LMAO Papa franku
Alexander Guest I would trade all my chromosomes for another pink guy album or a filthy frank movie
F to pay respects
Mystery773 F
He should try performing live one of these days, I would definitely buy
tickets to see that. Just imagine Pink Guy on stage losing his shit and spittin' fire!
xXDeathMetalThrasherXx he confirmed he's going on tour this year
That would be great live
i think he would die laughing trying to sing Dora or nickel ball.
Wylder Weston m.soundcloud.com/kaan-zden/lowass-musicians-are-rude-to-people at the 1:16:20 mark
I want to hear a pink guy song on the radio
Luca Maxwell Even if they did there wouldn't be any lyrics because they would have to censor all of it.
Like... All of it.
GRiMOSAUR maybe not Help? That one seems radio worthy
Not on dutch radio
Fall again maybe
Luca Maxwell I'd love to hear ramen king on the radio ahaba
going from pink guy to pink season is pretty unreal. like one is experimental and light hearted with a bunch of covers. and pink season is him knowing filthy frank is coming to an end and he’s about to begin his music career. idk which album i like better but this is his magnum opus for sure the quality is off the charts on this
This is so family friendly that it isn't age restricted
Solar Price WAIT IT ISNT?
Solar Price OH MY GOD
Oh shit
Being an E D G Y 14 year old, I appreciate that fact
Music has diff rules
im not even joking this will probably be in the top 5 albums of 2017 already
who else agrees?
Childish Froakie me
Daniel Chew same shit is lit
Childish Froakie it is
Number 2 on itunes
2 year anniversary and it's still ahead of its time
@Kelsey Hamann I've never clicked anything faster than when I saw the like count hit 421.
Fuck I mean it’s still better than a lot of stuff today
Spotify removed like 45% of the songs from this masterpiece
Spotify shook. I gotta download this masterpiece now.
They only removed White is Right which is the best song
@@ZacTheFirstThey removed a lot I believe goofy's trial too
Nah dog festival directions @@Kxvito
They didn’t, yall slow
Yall think Dan Schneider ever listened to Nickelodeon Girlz?
Yeah man
Nyes he did
I'm sure he agreed 100%
Yall think Donald Trump ever listened to Gays 4 Donald?
ᶦ ˢᵐᵉˡˡ ᵃ ᵍʳᵃᵐᵐʸ
I smell pussy
I eat ass
I smell a granny
MEJIbHNK you dont understand
MEJIbHNK I eat a lot of ass
Why does Nickelodeon Girls go so fucking hard? This shit is heat
It's the beat
Nautilus i fucking know right
true dat
this shit is so damn lit🔥🔥🔥
"I carly I carly. I dont care of you look like Michael Jackson, as long as im getting some action, and Freddys there to film the reaction!"
I fuckin came.
Every time I listen to this album again, it always obliterates me in some new way. How he managed to be this consistently funny is nothing short of a mystery to me
How is this not 1# trending on TH-cam?
The Homie Yosh Because TH-cam would never promote something that is so blatantly not family-friendly!!
dude he said him self that it is family friendly so it has to be.... right?
Because 10 seconds in and it's obvious it sucks
He hasn't paid TH-cam for it
The Homie Yosh it's #2 on iTunes
*when kpop stans calling him racist for the song white is right but the song is him literally making fun of racists*
Infact his music has a lot of anti racist commentary in it, commentary on crime culture, insecurity, depression, unrequited love, self improvement, politics, pedophilia in the media, and the state of rap music
I don't have a problem with it, but I'm sure it's because he said the n word. He's obviously not black.
@@CH-hn2rj dude who cares, it’s a word he’s a comic he’s meant to offend
@@jeanmichellelaurent Learn how to read. I said that I personally didn't care. But that's why other people did
@@jeanmichellelaurent If anyone wants to say it, that's fine by me. Get over yourself
Wolfwaysinbed It's because it's Toshiba
My Toshiba is 4 years old and i'm still alive. :D
+Edwin Guerrero I am 4 years old.
Edd Andrew Here, have a toshiba
IzzyIsFandoms He's a final fantasy fan
Dog festival directions has got to be my favorite because it’s just so unexpected and so I hide it in a playlist of random, normal songs and let the chaos begin
Just in case your on your phone and you can't access the "menu". Don't worry I got you covered!
1. 0:00
2. 2:19
3. 4:48
4. 6:49
5. 8:39
6. 11:47
7. 15:32
8. 18:36
9. 20:33
10. 22:51
11. 25:35
12. 26:05
13. 28:03
14. 30:25
15. 32:44
16. 34:55
17. 36:26
18. 37:19
19. 40:00
20. 41:38
21. 44:55
22. 47:19
23. 49:07
24. 51:49
25. 53:31
26. 54:49
27. 57:34
28. 59:03
29. 1:01:15
30. 1:04:29
31. 1:06:39
32. 1:09:36
33. 1:11:41
34. 1:14:32
35. 1:17:19
Keemosaurus Newsdino thanks b
No titles? Triggered
I would figure if you had the songs memorized like I do . then you wouldn't need titles... I have been brainwashed...
Thanks bruh
Keemosaurus Newsdino you da real MVP fam 💯💯👏👏
The only "joke" music I actually listen to unironically.
same, b0ss
This and ninja sex party.
Weird al is better
@@goodman9321 no
Same I-
Please play this album at my funeral in it's entirety, the confusion and disgust should add to the overall mourning experience
Yes, play the *_E N T I R E_* album. All of it.
Just remember you asked for this.
@Jhaps yes
I'll pay you for the rights to this idea
Dog Festival Directions is a hidden trip for the whole family to enjoy
I turned 25 today and it's 3 AM
and I'm headbanging to "REPOPULATE MA HOOD" 💀
man.. getting old and all the other things aside, I still feel soo lucky to see all of this stuff at the old times.. such a great vibe and a whole culture in it.
it gives me energy and will, remembering all these memories and old times..
I mean I'm sure I will visit here at 30 and more.
thanks papa furanku.
31 here, see you in a few years bud
Yeah this was the perfect content to have as a dumb teen, and we get to reminice fondly about it😊
Till youtube deletes it someday lol
Almost 32 and still here vibing, nostalgia of my weird depressing twenties kicks in hard.. see ya sir.
Frank's dropping bomb tracks, fucking lit🔥
Ahmed Ismail papa bless ❤
Ahmed Ismail he nailed it 💯
Made a remix of help if anyone's interested soundcloud.com/lopyz-1/distractions_pink-guy_help_remix
"white is right" has the most powerful lyrics
Ya that one is in the top 5 on here easily
Yooooo, glory to 4th International
Why was it removed from Spotify when it was obviously a parody...???
@@CAL1MBO Cause twitter doesn't have the ability to think to know that white is right is actually about white racists and not because he said n.
didnt even know the song existed til now cause it wasnt on spotify years ago
too much fire my house burnt down...
I live in a very populated orphanage....
soo many casualties...
thanks frank
Very funny comment, props.
who called?.
^ claps ^ that is how you make a 'this was so fire my house burnt down'-joke.
Nice one, props
I love that spotify, apple, yt music all seem to have removed white is right and the dog festival directions but the two songs about pedophilia are totally ok
Dora is pretty cute, ngl.
@@Phryguye wholesome 100
Came back here after he got "cancelled" to relive the good days lmao
pink guy will never die
I dont think he got canceled per se just very close to doing so
that kpop stan destroyed the career they never had
ey b0ss
Thee Trashman k pop more like k poop
51:49 the most ordinary song on this album
The pfp and the name match up so well.
What about 54:49?
l_Eat_Children420 x and 30:25 at second
Honestly sounds pretty nice
My English teacher: "You need to have a rich vocabulary"
My vocabulary: 1:05:04
@@acrab8066 or that one bit in shes so nice lol
15:32 I'm both horrified and elated that this song is relevant again.
I was born in the correct generation
Only 2010's and 2020's kids will remember this!
+Manuel Lopez hell yeah we are probably the luckiest humans to ever be alive! We were born in the age of FilthyFrank
AwesomeSheep777 u took my top comment from his last video
Dank-E-Kang then I guess I love aids
Dank-E-Kang well my mistake
"Mom, what music did you listen back then?'
Me: "Well you see here.."
wait are you a woman
Whadda ya think -_-
what did you music did you listen back then
wait lemme read that again
STFU really goes hard tho
Its a perfect message to kpop Twitter
Whole album slaps dude
Are You Serious is unironically tits
Fuck yea
I hum that shit when people piss me off at work. Instant good mood.
Após 5 anos, o álbum continua incrível.
For mobile users.
Joshua King god bless
Joshua King ^^^
Joshua King thank you!!
Joshua King it's in the discretion you tards
Ma Ma discretion? mobile users can't click on the time to play certain songs that are listed in the DESCRIPTION. fuck ass
#2 on the US itunes album chart... yo
You made me check...
1 Various Artists - Moana (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
2 Pink Guy - Pink Season
3 Various Artists - La La Land (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
4 Various Artists - Sing (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack Deluxe)
5 Bruno Mars - 24K Magic
6 Twenty One Pilots - Blurryface
7 Drake - Views
8 Original Broadway Cast of Hamilton - Hamilton (Original Broadway Cast Recording)
9 The Weeknd - Starboy
10 J. Cole - 4 Your Eyez Only
elgalas it's number 1 now
Jesus Christ
lo hamlin #1
lo hamlin it is number one in canada
Gemma well yeah this shit has more lyrics than they do.
its fuckin lit famalam
I can't believe we're coming up on 7 years since this, I still remember the morning this dropped like it was yesterday
Thankful it's still on TH-cam lmao
it's been nearly seven years already??????? fuck
2017 started the best way possoble
Guy that lives a quiet life fuck you
Guy that lives a quiet life get run over by a ambulance
Guy that lives a quiet life what a bealtiful dwang
I guess another BITES ZA DUSTO!!!!.................
Guy that lives a quiet life 2016 began and ended with David Bowie dying.
The translation to the Japanese song is some of the most filthiest lyrics I've ever heard. 10 points
Best part is that not only is it hella sexual, but some Japanese people would get hella fucking surprised and maybe mad.
@@cherrybansx7398 Bro what the fuck
@@TTTTTTLOL they just arent ready for internet
All I understood was manko which means pusst lol
leftbackgeorge of course you would know what that means
legend has it that since pink guy stopped watching Nickelodeon their profit went down by 90%
Fuck Nickelodeon, bring papa frank back instead
five years later this really got me through a lot of shit that happened over these last couple of years in particular.
I'm going to be honest, I want another pink guy album, I crave it.
"Please stop calling me gay" is the best track Frank made, ever. It touched the feelings of my willy so so much.
John Heror “Please stop touching my willy, it really really hurts”
That's gay
Hol up
My name Jeff.
@@Richo_Vee that's cringy